Rework addition of Symbian splash screen to reduce the source impact (uses SVG from Bug 2414)
Notes: by using the OPTION SOURCEDIR parameter in the mifconv extension instructions, I can
arrange to use the same source file name in sfimage, without having to export over the original
Nokia file. This means that the name inside splashscreen.mbg is the same, which removes the need
for the conditional compilation in SplashScreen.cpp, and gets rid of sf_splashscreen.mmp.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32uid.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include "B64CONV.H"
#include "TXCONV.H"
#include "QPCONV.H"
#include "coninternal.h"
#include "CONLIST.H"
#include "CONSTD.H"
const TInt KConverterListGranularity=5;
// class CCnaConverterList
EXPORT_C CCnaConverterList* CCnaConverterList::NewL()
/** Allocates and constructs a CCnaConverterList.
@return New converter list */
CCnaConverterList* self=CCnaConverterList::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
EXPORT_C CCnaConverterList* CCnaConverterList::NewLC()
/** Allocates and constructs a CCnaConverterList, leaving the object on the cleanup
@return New converter list */
CCnaConverterList* self=new(ELeave) CCnaConverterList();
return self;
void CCnaConverterList::ConstructL()
iConverters=new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CCnaConverter>(KConverterListGranularity);
EXPORT_C CCnaConverterList::~CCnaConverterList()
/** Destructor.
This releases all loaded converter DLLs. */
if (iConverters)
delete iConverters;
EXPORT_C void CCnaConverterList::Release()
/** Legacy function, do not use. */
EXPORT_C TInt CCnaConverterList::CountL()
/** Gets the total number of converters.
It can leave because it needs to rescan the disk to refresh
the list of converters.
@return Total number of converters */
if (!iDoneScan)
TInt count=0;
return count+iImplementationArray.Count();
EXPORT_C CConverterBase* CCnaConverterList::NewConverterL(TUid aUid)
/** Locates the converter with the specified UID, loads its associated DLL
and returns a pointer to it.
@param aUid Converter UID
@return Converter with the specified UID, or NULL if there is no suitable converter */
CConverterBase* base=ConverterListUtil::UtilityConverterL(aUid);
if (base)
return base;
if (!iDoneScan)
TInt i;
TInt count;
count = iImplementationArray.Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (iImplementationArray[i]->ImplementationUid()==aUid)
return LoadConverterL(iImplementationArray[i]->ImplementationUid());
return NULL;
EXPORT_C void CCnaConverterList::UpdateL()
/** Requests a rescan of the disk to refresh the list of converters. */
// delete old array and populate it with new values
for (TInt i=0; i<iImplementationArray.Count(); i++)
{// load the conarc-plugin resource file. This should be set to 1 in
// the ecom resource file to show there is extra file to load
if (iImplementationArray[i]->OpaqueData().Length()!=0 )
TFileName resourceFile;
resourceFile.AppendNum((TInt)iImplementationArray[i]->ImplementationUid().iUid, EHex);
CCnaConvInfoFileReader2* readConverter=CCnaConvInfoFileReader2::NewL(resourceFile);
const TInt converterCount = readConverter->Count();
for (TInt j = 0 ; j < converterCount ; j++ )
CCnaConverter* tempConv= readConverter->AtL(j);
EXPORT_C TUid CCnaConverterList::ConvFromL(const TDataType& aMimeType)
// searches for a particular converter that converts from the specified Mime Type
// To be called iteratively to find all available converters
// for the specified mime type
// returns the Uid of the converter or NULL when no converters remain
/** Gets the UID of the converter that converts from the specified data type.
@param aMimeType Source data type
@return Converter UID */
TInt i;
TInt count=iConverters->Count();
for (i=0; i < count; i++)
CCnaConverter* converter = iConverters->At(i);
if (converter->MimeFrom(aMimeType))
return converter->Uid();
return KNullUid;
EXPORT_C TUid CCnaConverterList::ConvToL(const TDataType& aMimeType)
// searches for a particular converter that converts to the specified Mime Type
// as for GetConvFromL() but specifing a target mime type
/** Gets the UID of the converter that converts to a specified data type.
@param aMimeType Target data type
@return Converter UID */
TInt i;
TInt count=iConverters->Count();
for (i=0; i < count; i++)
CCnaConverter* converter = iConverters->At(i);
if (converter->MimeTo(aMimeType))
return converter->Uid();
return KNullUid;
EXPORT_C TUid CCnaConverterList::ConverterL(const TDataType& aFrom,const TDataType& aTo)
/** Gets the UID of the converter that converts to and from the specified data types.
@param aFrom Source data type
@param aTo Target data type
@return Converter UID */
if (!iDoneScan)
TInt ii;
TInt count=iConverters->Count();
for (ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
const CCnaConverter* conv=iConverters->At(ii);
if (conv->MimeFrom(aFrom) && conv->MimeTo(aTo))
return conv->Uid();
return KNullUid;
// Compiles a list of converters that convert FROM a mime type.
// Produces an array of the translations of the types they convert FROM
// and a corresponding array of uids.
// The data type to convert TO is supplied
EXPORT_C void CCnaConverterList::ConvFromListL(const TDataType& aMimeType,CArrayFix<SConverterInfo>* aSConverterInfoArray)
/** Gets a list of converters that convert from a specified data type.
@param aMimeType Source data type
@param aSConverterInfoArray On return, array of converter information objects
for all suitable converters */
if (!iDoneScan)
TInt i;
TInt count = iConverters->Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
CCnaConverter* conv = iConverters->At(i);
//does converter support this type
if (conv->MimeFrom(aMimeType) )
const TInt countTo = conv->CountTo();
//add the types that it converts to
for( TInt j=0;j<countTo;j++)
SConverterInfo info;
// Compiles a list of converters that convert TO a mime type.
// Produces an array of the translations of the types they convert TO
// and a corresponding array of uids.
// The data type to convert FROM is supplied
EXPORT_C void CCnaConverterList::ConvToListL(const TDataType& aMimeType,CArrayFix<SConverterInfo>* aSConverterInfoArray)
/** Gets a list of converters that convert to a specified data type.
@param aMimeType Target data type
@param aSConverterInfoArray On return, an array of converter information objects
for all suitable converters */
if (!iDoneScan)
TInt i;
TInt count = iConverters->Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
CCnaConverter* conv = iConverters->At(i);
//does converter support this type
if (conv->MimeTo(aMimeType) )
const TInt countFrom=conv->CountFrom();
for( TInt j=0;j<countFrom;j++)
SConverterInfo info;
EXPORT_C TInt CCnaConverterList::MimeTypeFrom(TDataType& aDataType,const SConverterInfo& aInfo) const
/** Gets converter information for a specified source data type.
@param aDataType Source data type
@param aConverterInfo On return, converter information for a suitable converter
@return KErrNone if a suitable converter was found, else KErrNotFound */
TInt i;
TInt count = iConverters->Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
const CCnaConverter* conv = iConverters->At(i);
if (conv->Uid()==aInfo.iUid)
if((aInfo.iIndex>=0) && (aInfo.iIndex<conv->CountFrom()))
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
EXPORT_C TInt CCnaConverterList::MimeTypeTo(TDataType& aDataType,const SConverterInfo& aInfo) const
/** Gets converter information for a specified target data type.
@param aDataType Target data type
@param aConverterInfo On return, converter information for a suitable converter
@return KErrNone if a suitable converter was found, else KErrNotFound */
TInt i;
TInt count = iConverters->Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
const CCnaConverter* conv = iConverters->At(i);
if (conv->Uid()==aInfo.iUid)
if(aInfo.iIndex>=0 && aInfo.iIndex<conv->CountTo())
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
CConverterBase* CCnaConverterList::LoadConverterL(TUid aImplUid)
return CConverterBase2::CreateConverterL(aImplUid);
CConverterBase* ConverterListUtil::UtilityConverterL(TUid aUid)
switch (aUid.iUid)
case KBase64Decoder:
return new(ELeave) CBase64Decoder();
case KBase64Encoder:
return new(ELeave) CBase64Encoder();
case KQuotedPrintableToText:
return new(ELeave) CQpToTxtCnv();
case KTextToQuotedPrintable:
return new(ELeave) CTxtToQpCnv();
case KEtextToText:
return new(ELeave) CEtToTxtCnv();
case KTextToEtext:
return new(ELeave) CTxtToEtCnv();
case KTextToEtextNoTrim:
return new(ELeave) CTxtToEtCnv(ETrue);
return NULL;
TInt ConverterListUtil::CountUtilityConverters()
return 6;