author William Roberts <>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:37:17 +0100
changeset 22 c82a39b81a38
parent 0 2e3d3ce01487
permissions -rw-r--r--
Rework addition of Symbian splash screen to reduce the source impact (uses SVG from Bug 2414) Notes: by using the OPTION SOURCEDIR parameter in the mifconv extension instructions, I can arrange to use the same source file name in sfimage, without having to export over the original Nokia file. This means that the name inside splashscreen.mbg is the same, which removes the need for the conditional compilation in SplashScreen.cpp, and gets rid of sf_splashscreen.mmp.

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
*       Animation plugin implementation file

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <mediakeysinternalpskeys.h>
#include <mmkeybearerscancodes.h>
#include <remconcoreapi.h>
#include <uikon.hrh>

#include "KeyPublisher.h"


const TInt KScanCodeMask = 0xFFFF;

#if defined(__WINS__)
const TInt KVolumeUpKeyEmulator   = 0xAC;
const TInt KVolumeDownKeyEmulator = 0xAD;
// Change these values once peoblem with keys is fixed
const TInt KVolumeUpKeyHardware   = EStdKeyIncVolume;   //0xa3; 
const TInt KVolumeDownKeyHardware = EStdKeyDecVolume;  //0xa2; 

const TInt KMusicPlayHarware     = EStdKeyApplication2;
const TInt KMusicStopHarware     = EStdKeyApplication3;
const TInt KMusicForwardHardware = EStdKeyApplication4;
const TInt KMusicRewindHardware  = EStdKeyApplication5;

// Scan codes in this table are blocked by the Key Publisher Anim plugin
// Table KBlockedKeyCodes[] and KBlockedKeyCodesEvents[][3] must have same 
// number of rows and match correspondingly
const TInt KBlockedKeyCodes[]=
#if defined(__WINS__)    

    /*4*/ KMusicPlayHarware,    
    /*5*/ KMusicStopHarware,    
    /*6*/ KMusicForwardHardware,
    /*7*/ KMusicRewindHardware 

const TInt KBlockedKeyCodesEvents[][3]=
    {     /* Press - 0 */       /* Release - 1 */      /* Click - 2 */
#if defined(__WINS__)    
    /*0*/{KPSVolumeUpPressed,   KPSVolumeUpReleased,   KPSVolumeUpClicked },
    /*1*/{KPSVolumeDownPressed, KPSVolumeDownReleased, KPSVolumeDownClicked },
    /*2*/{KPSVolumeUpPressed,   KPSVolumeUpReleased,   KPSVolumeUpClicked },
    /*3*/{KPSVolumeDownPressed, KPSVolumeDownReleased, KPSVolumeDownClicked }, 

    /*4*/{EPlayPressed,         EPlayReleased,         EPlayClicked },
    /*5*/{EStopPressed,         EStopReleased,         EStopClicked },
    /*6*/{EFastForwardPressed,  EFastForwardReleased,  EForwardClicked },
    /*7*/{ERewindPressed,       ERewindReleased,       EBackwardClicked }


const TInt KBlockedKeyCodeTableSize = sizeof(KBlockedKeyCodes) / sizeof(TInt);

const TInt KTimerMilliSecond = 1000; // in micro seconds

_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KKeyPublisherReadPolicy,  ECapability_None);
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KKeyPublisherWritePolicy, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);

// Following constants can subject change if duration is not suitable

const TInt KFirstTimerExpiryInterval = 600 * KTimerMilliSecond; // 600mSec
// For second time onwards ,the duration of the time interval, is below
// Should not be grater than 1 Minute
const TInt KTimerExpiryInterval      = 500 * KTimerMilliSecond; // 500mSec

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::CKeyPublisher
// Description: Constuctor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
: iTimerStarted (EFalse) ,iPressEventSent(EFalse) ,iReleaseEventSent(ETrue),
  iTimerCount(0), iConnected(EFalse)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::~CKeyPublisher
// Description: Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (iFunctions)
        //switch OFF the animation raw event receiving 
        delete iTimer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::ConstructL   (part of CWindowAnim)
// Description: Enable the Raw Event handling from Win server. and 
//              create timer (not starting)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::ConstructL(TAny* /*aArgs*/, TBool /*aHasFocus*/)
    /* iFunction: protected member of CAnim /CWindowAnim
     * Pointer to a class containing functions implemented by the window 
     * server. These are available to any CAnim derived class. Note that 
     * this value is automatically set for you by the animation framework. 
     * we do not need to assign a value to this pointer.
    /* This function switches animation raw event handling on and off. If 
     * raw event handling is switched on(ETrue), then raw events, 
     * e.g. pen events, key presses, power events etc., are all offered 
     * to the animation event handling code - MEventHandler::OfferRawEventL().
    TInt error = iSoundSession.Connect();
    if (error == KErrNone)
        iConnected = ETrue;
    // Timer for implementing Pressed/Released/Clicked feature.
    iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
    //Define the P&S for Volume keys and Media Keys
    RProperty::Define(KPSUidMediaKeysEventNotifier, KMediaKeysVolumeKeyEvent, 
           RProperty::EInt, KKeyPublisherReadPolicy, KKeyPublisherWritePolicy);
    RProperty::Define(KPSUidMediaKeysEventNotifier, KMediaKeysControlKeyEvent,
           RProperty::EInt, KKeyPublisherReadPolicy, KKeyPublisherWritePolicy);
    // Define Vol Sync Notifier in P & S
           RProperty::EInt, KKeyPublisherReadPolicy, KKeyPublisherWritePolicy);
    // Define P&S Key for Volume keys from Accessory device
           RProperty::EInt, KKeyPublisherReadPolicy, KKeyPublisherWritePolicy);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::IsBlockedKeyCode 
// Description: Search the list of blocked keys by comparing scan codes
// return : ETrue if key is blocked, else EFalse
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CKeyPublisher::IsBlockedKeyCode(TInt aScanCode)
    for (TInt index=0; index < KBlockedKeyCodeTableSize; index++)
        if (aScanCode == KBlockedKeyCodes[index])
            // Found the Key 
            return ETrue;
    // Not found
    return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::GetEnumVal
// Description: Based on the scancode and event, find the Enum value(which
//              are declared in the TRemConCoreApiButtonAction).
//              MMBearerPlugin will decript this enum value.
// return : 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CKeyPublisher::GetEnumVal(TInt aScanCode, 
                               TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aEvent)
    TInt result = KPSVolumeNoKey;
    TInt index;

    // Find the Index of the Scan code in the KBlockedKeyCodes[] 
    // and use the same index in KBlockedKeyCodesEvents[][] 
    // for getting enum values
    for (index=0; index < KBlockedKeyCodeTableSize; index++)
        if (aScanCode == KBlockedKeyCodes[index])

    if (index == KBlockedKeyCodeTableSize)
        // Not found 
        return result;

    result = KBlockedKeyCodesEvents[index][aEvent];
    return result;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::PublishEvent
// Description: Publish the event to P&S based on the Scancode, event
// return : 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::PublishEvent(TInt aScanCode, 
                                 TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aEvent)
    TInt uidMMKey;
    if ( 
#if defined(__WINS__)        
         (aScanCode == KVolumeUpKeyEmulator)   ||
         (aScanCode == KVolumeDownKeyEmulator) ||
         (aScanCode == KVolumeUpKeyHardware)   ||
         (aScanCode == KVolumeDownKeyHardware)  
        uidMMKey = KMediaKeysVolumeKeyEvent; // Volume Keys - Up / down
        uidMMKey = KMediaKeysControlKeyEvent; //Media Keys - play ,stop ,etc

                  GetEnumVal(aScanCode, aEvent));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::OfferRawEvent
// Description: This function starts getting called when animation raw 
//              event is switched on by calling GetRawEvents(ETrue)
// return : ETrue  - if key is handled and blocks it to applications
//          EFalse - if not handled here, Apps/other anim plugins will 
//               receive this key event.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CKeyPublisher::OfferRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent)
    TBool returnValue = EFalse;        // Key not blocked
    TInt scan;
    switch (aRawEvent.Type())
        case TRawEvent::EKeyDown:
            scan = aRawEvent.ScanCode() & KScanCodeMask;
            if (IsBlockedKeyCode(scan))
                if (iConnected)
                if ((! iTimerStarted) && (iReleaseEventSent))
                    if ((scan != KMusicForwardHardware) && (scan != KMusicRewindHardware))
	                    // Send Clicked Event

                    //Start Timer
                                  TCallBack(TimerCallback, this));
                    iTimerStarted  = ETrue;
                    iPrevScanCode    = scan;
                    iPressEventSent = EFalse;
                    returnValue     = ETrue; // Block   
                    iReleaseEventSent = EFalse; // For blocking multiple key
                                                // presses
        case TRawEvent::EKeyUp:
            scan = aRawEvent.ScanCode() & KScanCodeMask;

            if ((iPrevScanCode == scan) && IsBlockedKeyCode(scan))
                // Clicked Scenario
                if ( iPressEventSent == EFalse ) 
                    if ((iPrevScanCode == KMusicForwardHardware) ||  
                        (iPrevScanCode == KMusicRewindHardware))
	                    // Send Clicked Event
	                    PublishEvent(iPrevScanCode, ERemConCoreApiButtonClick);
                    // Since Click event has been sent when pressed down,
                    // (except Frwd & Rewind)
                    // Just stop the timer
                    if (iTimerStarted)
                        iTimerStarted  = EFalse;
                    iReleaseEventSent = ETrue;
                    iPrevScanCode     = 0;
                    returnValue       = ETrue; //Block it
                else  // Released Scenario

                    iPrevScanCode   = 0;
                    iPressEventSent = EFalse;
                    returnValue     = ETrue; //Block it
                    iReleaseEventSent = ETrue;

                } // end of if ((iPrevScanCode == scan) && IsBlockedK...
    return returnValue; // to allow the event to be passed back to app
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::HandleTimerEvent
// Description: When Timer is expired, this function is called from 
//              callback function. If the timer is expired for the first
//              time then KeyPressed event is published to P&S. And 
//              second and further expires, only count is incremented.
//              Once the count reaches some predefined value, Released 
//              Key event is posted to P&S. and timer is switched off.
// return : 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::HandleTimerEvent()
    // Send Pressed Key Event
    iPressEventSent = ETrue;
    iTimerStarted  = EFalse;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::TimerCallback
// Description: When Timer is expired, this function is called 
// return : 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CKeyPublisher::TimerCallback(TAny* aThis)
    return 0;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::Redraw   (part of CWindowAnim - pure virtual function) 
// Description: 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::Redraw()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::FocusChanged   (part of CWindowAnim - pure virtual function)
// Description: 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::FocusChanged(TBool /*aState*/)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::CommandReplyL  (part of CAnim - pure virtual function)
// Description: 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CKeyPublisher::CommandReplyL(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aArgs*/)
    return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::Command  (part of CAnim - pure virtual function)
// Description: 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::Command(TInt /*aOpcode*/, TAny* /*aArgs*/)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CKeyPublisher::Animate  (part of CAnim - pure virtual function)
// Description: 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void CKeyPublisher::Animate(TDateTime* /*aDateTime*/)

// End of File