author William Roberts <>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:37:17 +0100
changeset 22 c82a39b81a38
parent 0 2e3d3ce01487
permissions -rw-r--r--
Rework addition of Symbian splash screen to reduce the source impact (uses SVG from Bug 2414) Notes: by using the OPTION SOURCEDIR parameter in the mifconv extension instructions, I can arrange to use the same source file name in sfimage, without having to export over the original Nokia file. This means that the name inside splashscreen.mbg is the same, which removes the need for the conditional compilation in SplashScreen.cpp, and gets rid of sf_splashscreen.mmp.

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Tracing macros.

#ifndef TRACE_H
#define TRACE_H

#include "traceconfiguration.hrh"
#include "tracedefs.h"

#include <flogger.h> // RFileLogger
#include <e32debug.h> // RDebug

// Constants

* Prefix error trace
#define _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ) _PREFIX_TRACE( "[ERROR: %d]: " L##aMsg )

* Prefix info trace.
#define _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) _PREFIX_TRACE( "[INFO]: " L##aMsg )

* Define needed directories if TRACE_INTO_FILE macro in use

    _LIT( KDir, "mediakeys" );
    _LIT( KFile, "mediakeys_log.txt" );
    _LIT( KFullPath, "c:\\logs\\mediakeys\\" );


// Error trace macros

    * Error trace definitions.
    #ifdef TRACE_INTO_FILE

        #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                    _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr );\
        #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                    _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1 );\
        #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                    _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2 );\
        #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                    _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2, aP3 );\

    #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined

        #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr );\
        #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1 );\
        #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2 );\
        #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
            if( aErr < KErrNone )\
                RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_ERROR( aMsg ), aErr, aP1, aP2, aP3 );\


    #define ERROR_GEN( aMsg ) ERROR( KErrGeneral, aMsg )
    #define ERROR_GEN_1( aMsg, aP1 ) ERROR_1( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1 )
    #define ERROR_GEN_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 ) ERROR_2( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
    #define ERROR_GEN_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 ) ERROR_3( KErrGeneral, aMsg, aP1, aP3 )

    #define ERROR_PARAM(_p) _p

    #define TRAPD_ERR( aErr, aStmt ) TRAPD( aErr, aStmt )
    #define TRAP_ERR( aErr, aStmt ) TRAP( aErr, aStmt )

    #define TRAP_AND_LEAVE(_s,_t) \
        { TRAPD(_e,_s); ERROR(_e,_t); User::LeaveIfError(_e); }

#else//ERROR_TRACE not defined

    #define ERROR( aErr, aMsg )
    #define ERROR_1( aErr, aMsg, aP1 )
    #define ERROR_2( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
    #define ERROR_3( aErr, aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
    #define ERROR_GEN( aMsg )
    #define ERROR_GEN_1( aMsg, aP1 )
    #define ERROR_GEN_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
    #define ERROR_GEN_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )

    #define ERROR_PARAM(_p)

    #define TRAPD_ERR( aErr, aStmt ) TRAP_IGNORE( aStmt )
    #define TRAP_ERR( aErr, aStmt )  TRAP_IGNORE( aStmt )

    #define TRAP_AND_LEAVE(_s,_t) { _s; }


// Info trace macros

    * Info log message definitions.
    #ifdef TRACE_INTO_FILE

        #define INFO( aMsg )\
            RFileLogger::Write( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) );\
        #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1 );\
        #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2 );\
        #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, \
                _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3 );\

    #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined

        #define INFO( aMsg )\
            RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ) );\
        #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )\
            RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1 );\
        #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )\
            RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2 );\
        #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
            RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3 );\
        #define INFO_4( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3, aP4 )\
            RDebug::Print( _PREFIX_INFO( aMsg ), aP1, aP2, aP3, aP4 );\


    #define INFO_PARAM( aParam ) aParam

#else//INFO_TRACE not defined

    #define INFO( aMsg )
    #define INFO_1( aMsg, aP1 )
    #define INFO_2( aMsg, aP1, aP2 )
    #define INFO_3( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3 )
    #define INFO_4( aMsg, aP1, aP2, aP3, aP4 )
    #define INFO_PARAM( aParam )


// Trace current client thread name and process id

    #define CLIENT( aMessage )\
        RThread thread;\
        TInt err = aMessage.Client( thread );\
        if( err == KErrNone )\
            RProcess process;\
            err = thread.Process( process );\
            if( err == KErrNone )\
                TPtrC thredName( thread.Name() );\
                TUid processUid( process.SecureId() );\
                INFO_2( "Current client process UID: [%x], thread name: [%S]",\
                    &thredName );\


    #define CLIENT( aMessage )


// Function trace macros

    #include <e32base.h> // TCleanupItem

    * Function logging definitions.
    #ifdef TRACE_INTO_FILE

        #define FUNC( aMsg, aP1 )\
            TPtrC8 trace( _S8( aMsg ) );\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, trace, aP1 );\

    #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined

        #define FUNC( aMsg, aP1 )\
            RDebug::Printf( aMsg, aP1 );\


    * Function trace helper class.
    * NOTE:
    * LC -methods cannot be trapped. Therefore if LC -method leaves
    * END trace is used instead of LEAVE trace.
    * If you have an idea how to round this problem please tell.
    _LIT8( KFuncNameTerminator, "(" );
    _LIT8( KFuncLeavePatternL, "L" );
    class TFuncLog
            static void Cleanup( TAny* aPtr )
                TFuncLog* self = static_cast< TFuncLog* >( aPtr );
                self->iLeft = ETrue;
                FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-LEAVE"), &self->iFunc ); // Leave detected
            inline TFuncLog( const char* aFunc ) :
                    iFunc( aFunc ? _S8( aFunc ) : _S8("") ),
                    iLeft( EFalse ),
                    iCleanupItem( Cleanup, this ),
                    iCanLeave( EFalse )
                TInt pos( iFunc.Find( KFuncNameTerminator ) );
                if( pos != KErrNotFound )
                    iFunc.Set( iFunc.Left( pos ) );
                    iCanLeave = !iFunc.Right(
                        KFuncLeavePatternL().Length() ).Compare( KFuncLeavePatternL );
                    if ( iCanLeave )
                        CleanupStack::PushL( iCleanupItem ); // Ignore warnings
                FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-START"), &iFunc );

            inline ~TFuncLog()
                if ( !iLeft )
                    if ( iCanLeave )
                        CleanupStack::Pop( this ); // Pop the cleanup item
                    FUNC( _PREFIX_CHAR("%S-END"), &iFunc ); // Normally finished

        private: // Data
            TPtrC8 iFunc;
            TBool iLeft;
            TCleanupItem iCleanupItem;
            TBool iCanLeave;
    #define FUNC_LOG TFuncLog _fl( __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ );

#else//FUNC_TRACE not defined

    #define FUNC_LOG


// Timestamp trace macros

    #define PREFIX_TIMESTAMP( aCaption ) _PREFIX_TRACE_2("[TIMESTAMP] (%d:%02d:%02d.%06d us) ",aCaption)
    #define CURRENT_TIME( aDt ) TDateTime aDt; { TTime t; t.HomeTime(); aDt = t.DateTime(); }
    #define EXTRACT_TIME( aDt ) aDt.Hour(), aDt.Minute(), aDt.Second(), aDt.MicroSecond()

    #ifdef TRACE_INTO_FILE

        #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend,\
                PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ) );\

        #define TIMESTAMP_1( aCaption, aP1 )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend,\
                PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ),aP1 );\

        #define TIMESTAMP_2( aCaption, aP1, aP2 )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend,\
                PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ),aP1,aP2 );\

        #define TIMESTAMP_3( aCaption, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RFileLogger::WriteFormat( KDir, KFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend,\
                PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ),aP1,aP2,aP3 );\

    #else//TRACE_INTO_FILE not defined

        #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RDebug::Print( PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ) );\

        #define TIMESTAMP_1( aCaption, aP1 )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RDebug::Print( PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ),aP1 );\

        #define TIMESTAMP_2( aCaption, aP1, aP2 )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RDebug::Print( PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ),aP1,aP2 );\

        #define TIMESTAMP_3( aCaption, aP1, aP2, aP3 )\
            CURRENT_TIME( dt );\
            RDebug::Print( PREFIX_TIMESTAMP(aCaption),EXTRACT_TIME( dt ),aP1,aP2,aP3 );\


#else//TIMESTAMP_TRACE not defined

    #define TIMESTAMP( aCaption )
    #define TIMESTAMP_1( aCaption, aP1 )
    #define TIMESTAMP_2( aCaption, aP1, aP2 )
    #define TIMESTAMP_3( aCaption, aP1, aP2, aP3 )


#ifdef _DEBUG

    #include <e32debug.h> // RDebug

    static void Panic( const TDesC8& aFileName, const TInt aLineNum )
        TPath name;
        name.Copy( aFileName );
        RDebug::Print( _L( "Assertion failed in file=%S, line=%d" ), &name, aLineNum );

    #define ASSERT_ALWAYS_TRACE Panic( _L8(__FILE__), __LINE__ );
    #define ASSERT_TRACE( _s ) if ( !( _s ) ) { ASSERT_ALWAYS_TRACE; }

#else // _DEBUG

    #define ASSERT_TRACE( _s )

#endif // _DEBUG

#endif // TRACE_H