Rework addition of Symbian splash screen to reduce the source impact (uses SVG from Bug 2414)
Notes: by using the OPTION SOURCEDIR parameter in the mifconv extension instructions, I can
arrange to use the same source file name in sfimage, without having to export over the original
Nokia file. This means that the name inside splashscreen.mbg is the same, which removes the need
for the conditional compilation in SplashScreen.cpp, and gets rid of sf_splashscreen.mmp.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __PRNINF_H__
#define __PRNINF_H__
#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
#include <e32std.h>
#if !defined(__GDI_H__)
#include <gdi.h>
#if !defined(__FLDBASE_H__)
#include <fldbase.h>
// Classes defined
//class TPageNumbers;
class CHeaderFooter;
class TPrintParameters;
class TPageMargins;
class MPrintProcessObserver;
// classes referenced
class RReadStream;
class RWriteStream;
class CRichText;
class CParaFormatLayer;
class CCharFormatLayer;
class MFieldFileNameInfo;
class MFieldPageNumInfo;
class MFieldNumPagesInfo;
class TPrintParameters
/** Print parameters.
This data is associated with a particular print request, not with the document
to be printed, so is separate from the print setup information.
An object of this class is passed to CPrintSetup::StartPrintL() and to CPrintSetup::StartPreviewPrintL().
@see CPrintSetup
@released */
IMPORT_C TPrintParameters(); // sets to 1,0,0
/** The number of copies to print. */
TInt iNumCopies;
/** The first page to be printed.
This value should be less than or equal to iLastPage. Zero indicates the first page
in the document. */
TInt iFirstPage;
/** The last page to be printed.
This value should be greater than or equal to iFirstPage. Zero indicates the first
page in the document. */
TInt iLastPage;
class TPageMargins
/** Page margins.
Page margins are accessed via the public iPageMarginsInTwips member of class
CPrintSetup. A single margin settings object applies throughout a document,
so that gutter margins are not supported.
If the document contains headers and footers, they are located within the
top and bottom margins respectively.
@released */
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
/** The distance between the top of the header and the top of the page in twips
or pixels.
This must be less than the height of the top margin to ensure that the header
is visible. */
TInt iHeaderOffset;
/** The distance between the top of the footer and the top of the bottom margin
in twips or pixels.
This must be less than the height of the bottom margin to ensure that the
footer is visible. */
TInt iFooterOffset;
/** The widths of each of the four margins in twips or pixels.
@see TMargins */
TMargins iMargins;
class CHeaderFooter : public CBase, private MTextFieldFactory
/** A document header or footer.
The header is located in the top page margin and the footer in the
bottom page margin. No more than one header or footer can exist in a document.
CHeaderFooter derives from MTextFieldFactory. This allows the insertion of
various fields, including page number, current date or time and filename.
Rich text manipulation and formatting functions can be accessed through
the rich text object which is owned by the header/footer.
The header and footer are retrieved using the CPrintSetup::Header() and Footer()
functions and they are stored and restored together with the rest of the print
setup information.
@released */
IMPORT_C static CHeaderFooter* NewL();
IMPORT_C virtual ~CHeaderFooter();
IMPORT_C void CreateTextL();
IMPORT_C void SetFirstPageToPrintTo(TInt aPageNum); // allows the first few pages of a doc not to have a header on them
inline TInt FirstPageToPrintTo()const; // relative to the first page being numbered 0
// persistence
IMPORT_C TStreamId StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore)const;
IMPORT_C void RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aStreamId,MPictureFactory* aFactory);
IMPORT_C void StoreComponentsL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStoreMap& aMap)const;
IMPORT_C void RestoreComponentsL(const CStreamStore& aStore,MPictureFactory* aFactory);
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
// text bits
IMPORT_C CRichText* Text()const;
IMPORT_C CParaFormatLayer* ParaFormat()const;
IMPORT_C CCharFormatLayer* CharFormat()const;
IMPORT_C void SetText(CRichText* aText); // takes ownership
IMPORT_C void SetParaFormat(CParaFormatLayer* aParaFormat); // takes ownership
IMPORT_C void SetCharFormat(CCharFormatLayer* aCharFormat); // takes ownership
// field bits
IMPORT_C void SetFileNameInfo(const MFieldFileNameInfo& aFileNameInfo); // call if you want headers/footers to support filename fields
IMPORT_C void SetNumPagesInfo(const MFieldNumPagesInfo& aNumPagesInfo); // call if you want headers/footers to support "total number of pages" fields
inline MFieldFileNameInfo* FileNameFieldInfo()const;
inline MFieldNumPagesInfo* NumPagesFieldInfo()const;
void SetPageNumInfo(const MFieldPageNumInfo& aPageNumInfo); // called by CPrintSetup
void CreateFormatLayersL();
// from MTextFieldFactory
CTextField* NewFieldL(TUid aFieldType);
TInt iFirstPageToPrintTo; // relative to the first page being numbered 0
MFieldFileNameInfo* iFileNameInfo;
MFieldPageNumInfo* iPageNumInfo;
MFieldNumPagesInfo* iNumPagesInfo;
CRichText* iText; // RichText Doc Handle
CParaFormatLayer* iParaLayer;
CCharFormatLayer* iCharLayer;
enum { ETextExists = 0x0001 };
class MPrintProcessObserver
/** Print progress and status notification interface class.
The notification functions are called before, during and after a print or
print preview operation, to give notification of its progress.
The print process observer will often be the GUI's standard print progress
or print preview dialog.
An object of a class which implements this interface may be passed as a parameter
to CPrintSetup::StartPrintL(), or to CPrintSetup::StartPreviewPrintL().
@released */
/** Notifies that a print or print preview operation is about to begin.
It may be used to display information about the document to be printed. It
is called once, immediately before printing or print previewing begins.
When subclassing, add variables to store initialisation information as required.
@param aPrintParams The parameters for the print job. */
virtual void NotifyPrintStarted(TPrintParameters aPrintParams)=0;
/** Notifies that a band is about to be printed.
It may be used to display print progress information, including the current
page number. It is called immediately before each band is printed.
@param aPercentageOfPagePrinted The percentage of the page that has been printed.
@param aCurrentPageNum The number of the page currently being printed.
@param aCurrentCopyNum The number of the copy currently being printed (if multiple
copies are being printed). */
virtual void NotifyBandPrinted(TInt aPercentageOfPagePrinted, TInt aCurrentPageNum, TInt aCurrentCopyNum)=0;
/** Notifies that the print or print preview operation has completed.
It may be used to display information about how the operation completed, for
example any errors that occurred. It is called once, immediately after the
print job terminates.
@param anErrorCode KErrNone if the print job completed successfully, otherwise
another of the system-wide error codes. */
virtual void NotifyPrintEnded(TInt anErrorCode)=0;
// inlines
inline TInt CHeaderFooter::FirstPageToPrintTo()const
/** Gets the first page on which the header or footer is to be printed.
Page numbering begins at zero.
@return The number of the first page on which the header or footer is to be
printed. */
{ return iFirstPageToPrintTo; }
inline MFieldFileNameInfo* CHeaderFooter::FileNameFieldInfo()const
/** Gets the object which implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface, as set by
@return The object which implements the MFieldFileNameInfo interface. */
{ return iFileNameInfo; }
inline MFieldNumPagesInfo* CHeaderFooter::NumPagesFieldInfo()const
/** Gets the object which implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface, as set by
@return The object which implements the MFieldNumPagesInfo interface. */
{ return iNumPagesInfo; }