Rework addition of Symbian splash screen to reduce the source impact (uses SVG from Bug 2414)
Notes: by using the OPTION SOURCEDIR parameter in the mifconv extension instructions, I can
arrange to use the same source file name in sfimage, without having to export over the original
Nokia file. This means that the name inside splashscreen.mbg is the same, which removes the need
for the conditional compilation in SplashScreen.cpp, and gets rid of sf_splashscreen.mmp.
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#if !defined (__PRNPREV_H__)
#define __PRNPREV_H__
#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
#include <e32std.h>
#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
#include <e32base.h>
#if !defined(__PRNSETUP_H__)
#include <prnsetup.h>
// classes defined:
class TPrintPreviewFormat;
class TPreviewPanel;
class CPrintPreviewImage;
// forward references:
class RWsSession;
class RWindow;
class CPrintPreviewDevice;
class TPrintPreviewFormat
/** Print preview format information.
The print preview format information is accessed via its public data members.
Typically there is a system wide TPrintPreviewFormat supplied by the GUI framework.
Preview information includes:
- panel settings: multiple pages can be previewed at once; the display area
for each page is termed a panel.
- label settings: each panel can have an associated label, which specifies the
corresponding document page number
@released */
/** The minimum panel gutter size, in pixels. */
TSize iMinPanelGutterInPixels;
/** The width of the panel shadow, in pixels. */
TInt iPanelShadowWidthInPixels;
/** The colour of the panel shadow. */
TRgb iPanelShadowColor;
/** The panel margin colour. */
TRgb iPanelMarginColor;
/** The color of both the paper and the window background. */
TRgb iPreviewBackgroundColor;
/** X pixel offset of the label text from the panel edge. */
TInt iLabelOffsetInPixels;
/** Font specification for the label text. */
TFontSpec iLabelFontSpecInPixels;
class CPrintPreviewImage : public CBase, private MPrintProcessObserver, private MPageRegionPrinter
/** Print preview image.
This class provides a standard print preview image. An object of this type
should be owned by a control, which is in turn owned by the print preview
dialog. The control's window provides the region into which this object draws
the preview image.
The class provides a callback to the application code that draws the preview
@released */
/** Margin display state flags. */
enum TMarginState {
/** Show margins in print preview image. */
/** Hide margins in print preview image. */
IMPORT_C static CPrintPreviewImage* NewL(CPrintSetup& aPrintSetup,MPageRegionPrinter& aBodyPrinter,
RWsSession& aWsSession,RWindow& aWindow,const TSize& aMaxWindowSize,
const TPrintPreviewFormat& aStaticFormat);
IMPORT_C virtual ~CPrintPreviewImage();
IMPORT_C void SetMargins(TMarginState aState); // whether or not to show margins
IMPORT_C void SetObserver(MPrintProcessObserver& aObserver);
IMPORT_C void SetNumBands(TInt aNum);
IMPORT_C void FormatL(TInt aNumPagesInDoc,TInt aFirstPageToDisplay,TInt aNumPagesToView); // call when scrolling or changing num pages to view
IMPORT_C void DrawL(const TPoint& aOrigin,const TRect& aInvalidRegion); // aOrigin is the point in the window I will treat as the origin (ie offset)
class TPreviewPanel;
class TRange
TInt iFrom;
TInt iTo;
CPrintPreviewImage(CPrintSetup& aPrintSetup,MPageRegionPrinter& aBodyPrinter,RWsSession& aWsSession,
RWindow& aWindow,const TSize& aMaxWindowSize,const TPrintPreviewFormat& aStaticFormat);
void ConstructL();
void CalculateHeaderFooterRects(TRect& aHeaderRectInPixels,TRect& aFooterRectInPixels);
TInt SetPanelArrayL(const TInt aFirstPage,const TInt aNumPagesToView);
void SetLabelWidth();
void ScrollPanels();
void DrawBorder(CGraphicsContext* aGc); // and shadow
void DrawMargins(CGraphicsContext* aGc); // including header/footer lines
void DrawLabel(CGraphicsContext* aGc,TInt aPageNo);
void DrawToGutter(CGraphicsContext* aGc,TInt aPageNo); // blanks all the gutter areas associated to a particular panel
void DrawExtremities(CGraphicsContext* aGc); // blanks very left and right of the window
inline TBool IsFirstPanel(TInt aPageNum);
inline TBool IsLastPanel(TInt aPageNum);
// from MPrintProcessObserver
virtual void NotifyPrintStarted(TPrintParameters aPrintParams);
virtual void NotifyBandPrinted(TInt aPercentageOfPagePrinted, TInt aCurrentPageNum, TInt aCurrentCopyNum);
virtual void NotifyPrintEnded(TInt anErrorCode);
// from MPageRegionPrinter
virtual void PrintBandL(CGraphicsDevice* aDevice,TInt aPageNo,const TBandAttributes& aBand);
CPrintPreviewDevice* iDevice;
CPrintSetup* iPrintSetup;
MPageRegionPrinter* iAppBodyPrinter;
MPrintProcessObserver* iObserver; // may be null
RWsSession* iWsSession;
RWindow* iWindow;
CFont* iLabelFont;
CArrayFix<TPreviewPanel>* iPanelArray;
TPrintPreviewFormat iFormat;
TPrintParameters iPrintParams; // current preview range
TMarginState iMarginState; // whether the margins are on or not
TSize iPanelSizeInPixels;
TSize iWinSize; // size of the window (for layout purposes)
TPoint iOrigin; // origin in the window to use for drawing
TSize iLabelSize;
TSize iActualGutter; // gap from the edge of the panel to either screen edge or adjacent panel
TInt iNumPagesInDoc;
TInt iNumBands;
TSize iRndError; // rounding error from calculation of iActualGutter
TRange iDrawRange; // the pages that actually require drawing - ie have not been scrolled
/** Internalises the margin state from a read stream.
@param aThing The margin state to be internalised - on or off.
@param aStream The read stream from which the margin state is to be internalised.
@released */
IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(CPrintPreviewImage::TMarginState& aThing,RReadStream& aStream);
inline RWriteStream& operator<<(RWriteStream& aStream,const CPrintPreviewImage::TMarginState& aThing)
{aStream.WriteUint8L(aThing);return aStream;}
inline RReadStream& operator>>(RReadStream& aStream,CPrintPreviewImage::TMarginState& aThing)
{InternalizeL(aThing,aStream);return aStream;}
// inlines
// move to private source...
inline TBool CPrintPreviewImage::IsFirstPanel(TInt aPageNum)
{ return aPageNum==iPrintParams.iFirstPage; }
inline TBool CPrintPreviewImage::IsLastPanel(TInt aPageNum)
{ return aPageNum==iPrintParams.iLastPage; }