Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// aplapplist.h
#ifndef __APLAPPLIST_H__
#define __APLAPPLIST_H__
#include <apmfndr.h>
#include <apmstd.h>
#include <apaid.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <s32file.h>
// classes defined:
class CApaAppList;
class CApaAppViewData;
// classes referenced:
class CApaMaskedBitmap;
class TEntry;
class RFs;
class CApaAppRegFinder;
class CApaAppIconArray;
class CApaIconLoader;
class TApaAppEntry;
class CApaAppData;
class CApaIconCaptionOverrides;
class CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver;
const TInt KIgnoreScreenMode=-1;
The MApaAppListObserver interface allows a class to be informed when a CApaAppList is
class MApaAppListObserver
virtual void NotifyUpdate(TInt aReason)=0;
virtual void InitialListPopulationComplete()=0;
virtual void NotifyScanComplete()=0;
The CApaAppList class provides a list of all available applications present on a device.
Its functionality should be accessed through the Apparc Server.
class CApaAppList : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CApaAppList* NewL(RFs& aFs, TBool aLoadMbmIconsOnDemand, TInt aTimeoutDelay = 50000); // takes ownership of aAppRegFinder
IMPORT_C void PurgeL();
IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* FirstApp() const;
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* FirstApp(TInt aScreenMode) const;
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* NextApp(const CApaAppData* aApp) const;
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* NextApp(const CApaAppData* aApp, TInt aScreenMode) const;
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* AppDataByUid(TUid aAppUid) const;
IMPORT_C void StopScan(TBool aNNAInstall = EFalse);
IMPORT_C void RestartScanL();
IMPORT_C TBool AppListUpdatePending();
// ER5
IMPORT_C TUid PreferredDataHandlerL(const TDataType& aDataType) const;
IMPORT_C void StartIdleUpdateL();
IMPORT_C void StartIdleUpdateL(MApaAppListObserver* aObserver);
IMPORT_C void InitListL(MApaAppListObserver* aObserver);
IMPORT_C TBool IsIdleUpdateComplete() const;
IMPORT_C TBool IsFirstScanComplete() const;
IMPORT_C TBool AppScanInProgress() const;
IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceArrayBufferL(TUid aAppUid) const;
IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceImplArrayBufferL(TUid aServiceUid) const;
IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceImplArrayBufferL(TUid aServiceUid, const TDataType& aDataType) const;
IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceUidBufferL(TUid aAppUid) const;
IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceOpaqueDataBufferL(TUid aAppUid, TUid aServiceUid) const;
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* FindAndAddSpecificAppL(CApaAppRegFinder* aFinder, TUid aAppUid);
IMPORT_C TUid PreferredDataHandlerL(const TDataType& aDataType, const TUid* aServiceUid,
TInt& aPriority) const;
IMPORT_C ~CApaAppList();
// 9.1
IMPORT_C CApaAppData* AppDataByFileName(const TDesC& aFullFileName) const;
/*IMPORT_C*/ RFs& ShareProtectedFileServer();
IMPORT_C void AddForcedRegistrationL(const TDesC& aRegistrationFile);
IMPORT_C void ResetForcedRegistrations();
IMPORT_C TBool IsLanguageChangePending() const;
IMPORT_C static CApaAppList* Self();
IMPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* UninstalledAppArray();
void AcquireDefaultIconArrayL() const;
const CApaAppIconArray& DefaultIconArray() const;
void ReleaseDefaultIconArray() const;
void StoreL();
void NotifyObserver();
void DeleteAppListStorer();
void DeleteAppIconLoader();
void InitiateStoringOfAppList();
IMPORT_C void AddCustomAppInfoInListL(TUid aAppUid, TLanguage aLanguage, const TDesC& aShortCaption);
IMPORT_C void UpdateAppListByShortCaptionL();
IMPORT_C void UpdateAppListByIconCaptionOverridesL();
EFirstScanComplete = 0x01,
EAppListHasChanged = 0x02, // This flag is used to check if the applist has really changed after a re-scan/update scan.
ENotifyUpdateOnFirstScanComplete = 0x04,// This flag is used to notify clients for applist update on first boot when AppsList.Bin is used.
ELangChangePending = 0x08 // This flag is used to check if applist update is in progress on language change event.
CApaAppList(RFs& aFs, TBool aLoadMbmIconsOnDemand, TInt aIdlePeriodicDelay);
void UpdateNextAppL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry,TBool& aHasChanged);
void AddToList( CApaAppData* aAppData );
static void SetPending(CApaAppData* aAppData);
static void SetNotFound(CApaAppData* aAppData, TBool& aHasChanged);
static TInt IdleUpdateCallbackL(TAny* aObject);
TInt IdleUpdateL();
void ScanComplete();
void UndoSetPending(CApaAppData* aAppData);
void StopIdler();
void DeleteAppData();
CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>* DataTypeArrayDeepCopyLC(const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& aOriginal) const;
CApaAppIconArray* LoadDefaultIconsL() const;
void UpdateDefaultIconsL();
void StartIconLoadingL();
void DeleteAppsListBackUpAndTempFiles();
void ScanRemovableDrivesAndUpdateL();
void CreateDefaultAppIconFileNameL();
// Persistence Layer
void RestoreL();
void ConstructL();
Utility class used to Load Icons once applist is populated
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CApaIdleIconLoader) : public CActive
CApaIdleIconLoader(CApaAppData* aFirstAppData, RFs& aFs, CApaAppList& aAppList);
void Start();
private: // from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
CApaAppData* iCurrentAppData;
RFs& iFs;
CApaAppList& iAppList;
Utility class used to externalize applist to file
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CApaAppListStorer) : public CActive
static CApaAppListStorer* NewL(CApaAppData* aFirstAppData, RFs& aFs, CApaAppList& aAppList);
void StartL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDelay);
CApaAppListStorer(CApaAppData* aFirstAppData, RFs& aFs, CApaAppList& aAppList);
static void StoreEntryL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, const CApaAppData& aApp);
void ConstructL();
private: // from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
CApaAppData* iCurrentAppData;
TFileName iTempFilename;
RFileWriteStream iWriteStream;
RTimer iTimer;
RFs& iFs;
CApaAppList& iAppList;
The CCustomAppInfoData class encapsulate the attributes of customised application information
which will be used to modify short caption dynamically.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCustomAppInfoData) : public CBase
static CCustomAppInfoData* NewL(TUid aAppUid, TLanguage aLanguage, const TDesC& aShortCaption);
inline TUid Uid() const;
inline TLanguage Language() const;
inline HBufC* ShortCaption() const;
CCustomAppInfoData(TUid aAppUid, TLanguage aLanguage);
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aShortCaption);
TUid iUid;
TLanguage iLanguage;
HBufC* iShortCaption;
RFs& iFs;
CApaAppData* iAppData; // linked list of apps
CPeriodic* iAppIdler;
MApaAppListObserver* iObserver;
CApaAppData* iValidFirstAppData; //First valid app data in linked list!
TInt iFlags;
CApaAppRegFinder* iAppRegFinder;
TInt iIdlePeriodicDelay; // idle timeout periodic delay
RFs iFsShareProtected;
mutable CApaAppIconArray* iDefaultIconArray;
mutable TInt iDefaultIconUsageCount;
CDesCArray* iForcedRegistrations;
class CApaLangChangeMonitor; //inner class of CApaAppList.
CApaLangChangeMonitor* iAppLangMonitor; // Active Object used for language change monitoring.
RBuf iAppsListCacheFileName;
RBuf iAppsListCacheBackUpFileName;
RBuf iAppsListCachePath;
HBufC* iDefaultAppIconMbmFileName; // This member data lives only during the scan
CApaAppListStorer* iAppListStorer; //Active Object used for writing applist to file.
CApaIdleIconLoader* iAppIconLoader; //Active Object used for icon handling
TBool iLoadMbmIconsOnDemand;
RPointerArray<CCustomAppInfoData> iCustomAppList;
CApaIconCaptionOverrides* iIconCaptionOverrides;
CApaIconCaptionCenrepObserver* iIconCaptionObserver;
TBool iNNAInstallation;
CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* iUninstalledApps;
friend class CApaLangChangeMonitor;
#endif //__APLAPPLIST_H__