Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// aplapplistitem.cpp
#include "aplapplistitem.h"
#include "APGAPLST.H" // KApaIconIndexSmall, KApaIconIndexMedium, KApaIconIndexLarge
#include "../apgrfx/APGSTD.H"
#include "APFDEF.H" // KAppResourceFileExtension
#include "../apparc/TRACE.H"
#include <bautils.h>
#include "../apgrfx/APGPRIV.H" // KLitPathForNonNativeResourceAndIconFiles
#include "../apgrfx/apprivate.h" // KLitPathForNonNativeResourceAndIconFiles
#include "aplappinforeader.h"
#include <e32uid.h>
// Delays in the pseudo idle object that builds the application list
// Local functions
extern void CleanupServiceArray(TAny* aServiceArray); // Implemented in AplAppList.cpp
// class TApaAppEntry
/** Constructs an empty application entry object.
The full path name is empty, and the triplet of UIDs forming the UID type
are set to null UIDs. */
EXPORT_C TApaAppEntry::TApaAppEntry()
: iUidType(TUidType()),
/** Constructs an application entry object from the specified application
DLL full path name and UID type.
@param aAppUidType UID type.
@param aDllName Application DLL full path name. */
TApaAppEntry::TApaAppEntry(const TUidType& aAppUidType,const TFileName& aDllName)
: iUidType(aAppUidType),
/** Externalises the application entry to a write stream.
@param aStream The write stream. */
void TApaAppEntry::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const
aStream<< iUidType[0];
aStream<< iUidType[1];
aStream<< iUidType[2];
aStream<< iFullName;
/** Internalises the application entry from a read stream.
@param aStream The read stream. */
void TApaAppEntry::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
TUid uid1;
TUid uid2;
TUid uid3;
aStream>> uid1;
aStream>> uid2;
aStream>> uid3;
iUidType = TUidType(uid1,uid2,uid3);
aStream>> iFullName;
// Class CApaAppViewData
delete iIcons;
delete iCaption;
delete iIconFileName;
: iNonMbmIconFile(EFalse)
void CApaAppViewData::ConstructL()
CApaAppViewData* CApaAppViewData::NewLC()
CApaAppViewData* self=new(ELeave) CApaAppViewData();
return self;
void CApaAppViewData::SetUid(TUid aUid)
void CApaAppViewData::SetScreenMode(TInt aScreenMode)
EXPORT_C TInt CApaAppViewData::ScreenMode() const
return iScreenMode;
void CApaAppViewData::SetCaptionL(const TDesC& aCaption)
HBufC* newCaption=aCaption.AllocL();
delete(iCaption); // after the AllocL succeeds
void CApaAppViewData::SetIconArray(CApaAppIconArray* aIcons)
delete iIcons;
iIcons = aIcons;
void CApaAppViewData::SetIconFileNameL(const TDesC& aFileName)
HBufC* fileName = aFileName.AllocL();
delete iIconFileName; // after the AllocL succeeds
iIconFileName = fileName;
void CApaAppViewData::SetNumOfViewIcons(TInt aNumOfViewIcons)
iNumOfViewIcons = aNumOfViewIcons;
void CApaAppViewData::SetNonMbmIconFile(TBool aNonMbmIconFile)
iNonMbmIconFile = aNonMbmIconFile;
EXPORT_C TUid CApaAppViewData::Uid() const
return iUid;
EXPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* CApaAppViewData::Icon(const TSize& aSize) const
return iIcons->IconBySize(aSize);
EXPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TSize>* CApaAppViewData::IconSizesL() const
return iIcons->IconSizesL();
EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaAppViewData::IconFileName() const
if (iIconFileName)
return *iIconFileName;
return TPtrC(KNullDesC);
EXPORT_C TBool CApaAppViewData::NonMbmIconFile() const
return iNonMbmIconFile;
// class CApaAppEntry
CApaAppEntry* CApaAppEntry::NewL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry)
{ // static
CApaAppEntry* self=new(ELeave) CApaAppEntry(aAppEntry.iUidType);
return self;
delete iFullName;
void CApaAppEntry::Get(TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry) const
CApaAppEntry::CApaAppEntry(const TUidType& aUidType)
: iUidType(aUidType)
void CApaAppEntry::ConstructL(const TDesC& aFileName)
// Class CApaAppData
EXPORT_C CApaAppData* CApaAppData::NewL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry, RFs& aFs)
CApaAppData* self=new(ELeave) CApaAppData(aFs);
CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
return self;
CApaAppData::CApaAppData(RFs& aFs)
:iCaption(NULL), iShortCaption(NULL),
iIsPresent(CApaAppData::EIsPresent), iFs(aFs),
iApplicationLanguage(ELangNone), iIndexOfFirstOpenService(-1),
void CApaAppData::ConstructL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry)
iUidType = aAppEntry.iUidType; // if the 2nd UID is KUidAppRegistrationFile, iUidType will be updated in ReadApplicationInformationFromResourceFiles() to reflect the TUidType for the application binary
if (ApaUtils::TypeUidIsForRegistrationFile(aAppEntry.iUidType))
iRegistrationFile = aAppEntry.iFullName.AllocL();
iFullName = aAppEntry.iFullName.AllocL();
iIcons = CApaAppIconArray::NewL();
iViewDataArray=new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CApaAppViewData>(1);
iOwnedFileArray=new(ELeave) CDesCArraySeg(1);
// Return a standard error code
// The value returned only reflect the caption status
// If there is errors setting up captions the old values are retained
// All other errors are silently ignored
// General notes:
// 1. This method is deliberately very similar to the old CApaAppData::GetAifData
// in order to maintain behavioural compatibility for V1 apps
// 2. Be very careful in this method, because it can be called on a newly constructed object,
// or on an existing object, so don't assume member data pointers will be NULL
TInt CApaAppData::ReadApplicationInformationFromResourceFiles()
HBufC* caption = NULL;
HBufC* shortCaption = NULL;
iTimeStamp = TTime(0); // cannot init in constructor because this function can be called on an existing CApaAppData object
CApaAppInfoReader* appInfoReader = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE(appInfoReader = CApaAppInfoReader::NewL(iFs, *iRegistrationFile, iUidType[2]));
if (!appInfoReader)
if (!iFullName)
// assume that if iFullName is NULL, this method has been called as part
// of constructing a new app data object. The CApaAppInfoReader derived object
// could not be created, therefore we have no way to determine the full filename
// of the app binary, so give up
return KErrNoMemory;
TBool readSuccessful=EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE(readSuccessful= appInfoReader->ReadL());
HBufC* const appBinaryFullName = appInfoReader->AppBinaryFullName();
if (appBinaryFullName)
delete iFullName;
iFullName = appBinaryFullName;
if (!iFullName)
delete appInfoReader;
return KErrNoMemory;
// if this object has just been constructed, iUidType is currently the TUidType
// of the registration file, it should be the TUidType of the app binary file
TUidType uidType = appInfoReader->AppBinaryUidType();
if (uidType[1].iUid != KNullUid.iUid)
iUidType = uidType;
// must get captions regardless of value of readSuccessful,
// because the V1 reader might have read captions
// this is done to maintain behavioural compatibility with V1
caption = appInfoReader->Caption();
shortCaption = appInfoReader->ShortCaption();
CApaAppIconArray* icons = appInfoReader->Icons();
delete iIcons;
iIcons = icons;
iIconLoader = appInfoReader->IconLoader();
TRAPD(err, icons = CApaAppIconArray::NewL());
if(err == KErrNone)
delete iIcons;
iIcons = icons;
iTimeStamp = appInfoReader->TimeStamp();
delete iLocalisableResourceFileName;
iLocalisableResourceFileName = appInfoReader->LocalisableResourceFileName();
iLocalisableResourceFileTimeStamp = appInfoReader->LocalisableResourceFileTimeStamp();
const TBool isNonNativeApp =
(TParsePtrC(*iRegistrationFile).Path().CompareF(KLitPathForNonNativeResourceAndIconFiles) == 0);
if (isNonNativeApp)
// In the case of a non-native app, the resource file has been prefixed with a
// TCheckedUid, the second of whose UIDs is the non-native application type uid.
TEntry entry;
const TInt error=iFs.Entry(*iRegistrationFile, entry);
if (error!=KErrNone)
delete appInfoReader;
return error;
__ASSERT_DEBUG(entry.iType[0].iUid==KUidPrefixedNonNativeRegistrationResourceFile, Panic(EPanicUnexpectedUid));
delete iOpaqueData;
iOpaqueData = appInfoReader->OpaqueData();
if (readSuccessful)
iDefaultScreenNumber = appInfoReader->DefaultScreenNumber();
delete iIconFileName;
iIconFileName = appInfoReader->IconFileName();
iIconFileTimeStamp = appInfoReader->IconFileTimeStamp();
iNonMbmIconFile = appInfoReader->NonMbmIconFile();
iNumOfAppIcons = appInfoReader->NumOfAppIcons();
iApplicationLanguage = appInfoReader->AppLanguage();
// views
CArrayPtrFlat<CApaAppViewData>* viewDataArray = appInfoReader->Views();
if (viewDataArray)
delete iViewDataArray;
iViewDataArray = viewDataArray;
if(!iIconLoader && ViewMbmIconsRequireLoading())
//if VIEW_DATA contains a MBM icon we need to initialize iIconLoader
iIconLoader = appInfoReader->IconLoader();
// owned files
CDesCArray* const ownedFileArray = appInfoReader->OwnedFiles();
if (ownedFileArray)
delete iOwnedFileArray;
iOwnedFileArray = ownedFileArray;
delete appInfoReader;
if (!caption)
TParsePtrC parse (*iFullName);
caption = parse.Name().Alloc();
// Put the captions into place
if (caption)
if (!shortCaption)
shortCaption = caption->Alloc();
if (!shortCaption)
delete caption;
caption = NULL;
delete iCaption;
iCaption = caption;
delete iShortCaption;
iShortCaption = shortCaption;
return caption ? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
EXPORT_C CApaAppData::~CApaAppData()
// Just delete components, NOT iNext (next CApaAppData in the list).
delete iSuccessor;
delete iCaption;
delete iShortCaption;
delete iFullName;
delete iShortCaptionFromResourceFile;
delete iIcons;
delete iIconLoader;
delete iViewDataArray;
delete iOwnedFileArray;
delete iIconFileName;
delete iLocalisableResourceFileName;
if (iServiceArray)
iServiceArray = NULL;
delete iOpaqueData;
delete iRegistrationFile;
iNext = NULL;
void CApaAppData::UpdateServiceArray(CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* aNewServiceArray)
// clear out any existing service info
if (iServiceArray)
iServiceArray = NULL;
// store new service array
iServiceArray = aNewServiceArray;
TDataTypePriority CApaAppData::DataType(const TDataType& aDataType, const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& aDataTypeArray) const
TInt count=aDataTypeArray.Count();
for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
const TDataTypeWithPriority& type=aDataTypeArray[ii];
if (type.iDataType==aDataType)
return type.iPriority;
TPtrC8 src=type.iDataType.Des8();
TPtrC8 trg=aDataType.Des8();
if (src.Match(trg)==0 || trg.Match(src)==0)
if (type.iPriority == KDataTypePrioritySystem)
// This is more or less a magic number so don't decrement
return KDataTypePrioritySystem;
return (TInt16)(type.iPriority-1);
return KDataTypePriorityNotSupported;
* Returns the CApaMaskedBitmap of size aSize for the application associated
* with this CApaAppData. If the icons for the application are not yet loaded then it would be loaded first.
* If there is not a bitmap of exact size aSize then
* the icon closest to but smaller than the one asked for is returned, or NULL if
* none is smaller.
* @since Uikon1.2
EXPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* CApaAppData::Icon(TSize aSize) const
return iIcons->IconBySize(aSize);
* Returns a pointer to the small, medium or large application icon for aIconIndex equal to 0, 1 or 2 respectively.
* Panics if aIconIndex is not one of these three values.
* This method is superseded by an overload which returns the icon by finding the closest match to a specified size.
* @deprecated
EXPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* CApaAppData::Icon(TInt aIconIndex) const
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aIconIndex>-1 && aIconIndex<3, Panic(EDPanicBadIconSize)); //only support old behaviour
TSize sizeExpected;
case KApaIconIndexSmall:
case KApaIconIndexMedium:
case KApaIconIndexLarge:
return Icon(sizeExpected);
void CApaAppData::LoadIconsL()
EXPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TSize>* CApaAppData::IconSizesL()const
/** Gets the sizes of icons available for the application.
* If the icons for the application are not yet loaded then it would be loaded first.
@return A pointer to an array of the icon sizes. The caller takes ownership. */
return iIcons->IconSizesL();
EXPORT_C TApaAppEntry CApaAppData::AppEntry() const
/** Constructs an application entry based on this object.
@return The application entry. */
return TApaAppEntry(iUidType,*iFullName);
EXPORT_C void CApaAppData::Capability(TDes8& aCapabilityBuf)const
/** Gets the application's capabilities.
@param aCapabilityBuf On return, contains the application's capabilities,
specified as a TApaAppCapabilityBuf object. */
* Returns a pointer to the array of view data objects current for this application. Does not imply transfer of ownership.
* @since App-Framework_6.1
EXPORT_C CArrayPtrFlat<CApaAppViewData>* CApaAppData::Views() const
return iViewDataArray;
* Returns a pointer to the array of files for which this application claims ownership. Does not imply transfer of ownership.
* @since App-Framework_6.1
EXPORT_C CDesCArray* CApaAppData::OwnedFiles() const
return iOwnedFileArray;
TBool CApaAppData::Update()
// returns true if changes were made to the cached data
TBool changed=EFalse;
// Get app info file entry
TEntry entry;
TInt ret;
if (iRegistrationFile != NULL)
ret = iFs.Entry(*iRegistrationFile, entry);
if (ret==KErrNone && entry.iModified!=iTimeStamp)
// assume registration file may have changed
changed = ETrue;
if (iLocalisableResourceFileName)
// see if localisable resource information might have changed
TParse parse;
ret = parse.SetNoWild(KAppResourceFileExtension, iLocalisableResourceFileName, NULL);
if (ret == KErrNone)
TFileName resourceFileName(parse.FullName());
TLanguage language;
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFileV2(iFs, resourceFileName, language);
if (resourceFileName.CompareF(*iLocalisableResourceFileName)!=0)
changed = ETrue;
ret = iFs.Entry(*iLocalisableResourceFileName, entry);
if ((ret==KErrNotFound && iLocalisableResourceFileTimeStamp!=TTime(0)) ||
(ret==KErrNone && entry.iModified!=iLocalisableResourceFileTimeStamp))
changed = ETrue;
if (changed)
// re-read data
// Ignore result, nothing we can do in case failure
// and the old values should be preserved
const TInt ignore = ReadApplicationInformationFromResourceFiles();
} //lint !e529 Symbol 'ignore' not subsequently referenced
if (iIconFileName)
ret = iFs.Entry(*iIconFileName, entry);
// See if the icon file has been "modified"
// It could have been replaced with a differnt version, deleted or added
// if the icon file specified in the resource was missing
if ((ret==KErrNotFound && iIconFileTimeStamp!=TTime(0)) ||
(ret==KErrNone && entry.iModified!=iIconFileTimeStamp))
// Assume the icon file has changed
iIconFileTimeStamp = entry.iModified;
changed = ETrue;
return changed;
EXPORT_C TDataTypePriority CApaAppData::DataType(const TDataType& aDataType) const
// returns the priority of the data type
/** If the application supports the specified data type, the function returns
the priority with which it should be selected for handling it.
If the application does not support the specified data type,
KDataTypePriorityNotSupported is returned.
Note that the function supports wildcard matching, using "*" and "?". In the case
of a wildcard match, the priority value returned is reduced by 1, so that in this
case, the application could never have the maximum priority
@param aDataType The data type of interest.
@return The priority with which the application should be selected for handling
the specified data type, or KDataTypePriorityNotSupported if the data type is
not supported. */
if (iIndexOfFirstOpenService >= 0)
const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& dataTypeArray =
return DataType(aDataType, dataTypeArray);
return KDataTypePriorityNotSupported;
EXPORT_C TBool CApaAppData::IsPending() const
/* Returns true if the app info is not yet updated by the current scan. */
return (iIsPresent==CApaAppData::EPresentPendingUpdate
|| iIsPresent==CApaAppData::ENotPresentPendingUpdate);
EXPORT_C TBool CApaAppData::CanUseScreenMode(TInt aScreenMode)
/** Tests whether the specified screen mode is valid for any of
this application's views. If the app has no views, the function
assumes that only the default screen mode (at screen mode index
zero) is allowed. This function is used by CApaAppList to create
a list of valid applications.
@param aScreenMode The index of the screen mode.
@return True if screen mode is valid, otherwise false. */
const TInt count=iViewDataArray->Count();
// If there are no views, assume only the default screen mode is allowed
TBool ret=(count==0 && aScreenMode==0);
for(TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
const CApaAppViewData* data=(*iViewDataArray)[ii];
return ret;
EXPORT_C void CApaAppData::GetIconInfo(TInt& aIconCount, TInt& aDefaultIconsUsed) const
/** Gets icon information for the app. If the icons for the application are not yet loaded then it would be loaded first.
@param aIconCount On return, this contains the number of app icons
@param aDefaultIconsUsed On return, this indicates whether the default icons have been used
aIconCount = iIcons->Count();
aDefaultIconsUsed = iIcons->DefaultIconsUsed();
/** Gets the default screen number used by the application.
A device may have more than once screen. This function
returns the number associated with the screen which will
be the default screen used by the application.
@return The default screen number
EXPORT_C TUint CApaAppData::DefaultScreenNumber() const
return iDefaultScreenNumber;
/** Returns true if app info was provided by a registration file
@return true if app info was provided by a registration file
EXPORT_C TBool CApaAppData::RegistrationFileUsed() const
return iRegistrationFile != NULL;
/** Returns the full filename of the registration resource file
@return The full path and filename of the registration resource file.
EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaAppData::RegistrationFileName() const
if (iRegistrationFile)
return *iRegistrationFile;
return TPtrC(KNullDesC);
/** Returns the full filename of the localisable resource file
@return The full path and filename of the localisable resource file.
EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaAppData::LocalisableResourceFileName() const
if (iLocalisableResourceFileName)
return *iLocalisableResourceFileName;
return TPtrC(KNullDesC);
/** Returns the non-native application opaque data
@return The non-native application opaque data.
EXPORT_C TPtrC8 CApaAppData::OpaqueData() const
if (iOpaqueData)
return *iOpaqueData;
return TPtrC8(KNullDesC8);
EXPORT_C TUid CApaAppData::NonNativeApplicationType() const
/** @internalComponent */
return iNonNativeApplicationType;
/** Returns the full filename of the file containing application icons
@return The full path and filename of the icon file.
EXPORT_C TPtrC CApaAppData::IconFileName() const
if (iIconFileName)
return *iIconFileName;
return TPtrC(KNullDesC);
/** Returns true if the application provides a non-MBM icon filename.
If this function returns false, this does not necessarily mean
an MBM icon filename is provided.
@return true if the application provides a non-MBM icon filename.
EXPORT_C TBool CApaAppData::NonMbmIconFile() const
return iNonMbmIconFile;
/** Determines the current language the application is using to display its
user interface.
@return The current language.
EXPORT_C TLanguage CApaAppData::ApplicationLanguage() const
return iApplicationLanguage;
/** Returns true if the application implements the specified service.
@param aServiceUid The service UID.
@return true if the application implements the specified service.
EXPORT_C TBool CApaAppData::ImplementsService(TUid aServiceUid) const
if (iServiceArray)
TInt count = iServiceArray->Count();
for (TInt i = count-1; i >= 0; i--)
if ((*iServiceArray)[i].Uid() == aServiceUid)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
/** Checks if the application implements the specified service and if the
service explicitly supports the datatype. Explicitly means that the datatype is
listed in the service's list of datatype in the registration file and is
not the general datatype associated with the application (aka the Open service).
@param aServiceUid The service UID.
@param aDataType The datattype
@return The priority. KDataTypePriorityNotSupported if the app doesn't support
this service with this datatype.
TInt CApaAppData::ImplementsServiceWithDataType(TUid aServiceUid, const TDataType& aDataType) const
TInt result = KDataTypePriorityNotSupported;
if (iServiceArray)
TInt count = iServiceArray->Count();
for (TInt i = count-1; i >= 0; i--)
// There can be more than one instance of a given service so we iterate
// through the whole service list even if we have already found a suitable
// service.
if ((*iServiceArray)[i].Uid() == aServiceUid)
const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& datatypes =
TInt priority = DataType(aDataType, datatypes);
if (priority > result)
result = priority;
return result;
EXPORT_C void CApaAppData::SetShortCaptionL(const TDesC& aShortCaption)
if(iShortCaption->Compare(aShortCaption) != 0)
HBufC* newShortCaption=aShortCaption.AllocL();
if (!iShortCaptionFromResourceFile)
{ // store the rsc file caption into iShortCaptionFromResourceFile so that it can be externalized.
iShortCaptionFromResourceFile = iShortCaption;
delete iShortCaption;
iShortCaption = newShortCaption;
/** Sets the caption of the application. If the caption is from central repository,
it overrides tha value from the resource file.
EXPORT_C void CApaAppData::SetCaptionL(const TDesC& aCaption)
if(iCaption->Compare(aCaption) != 0)
HBufC* newCaption=aCaption.AllocL();
if (!iCaptionFromResourceFile)
{ // store the rsc file caption into iCaptionFromResourceFile so that it can be externalized.
iCaptionFromResourceFile = iCaption;
delete iCaption;
iCaption = newCaption;
/** Sets the icon details of an application. If these details are from the central repository,
it overrides the value in the resource file and loads it.
EXPORT_C void CApaAppData::SetIconsL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aNumIcons)
if (iIconFileName &&
iIconFileName->Compare(aFileName) == 0 &&
iNumOfAppIcons == aNumIcons)
if (!iIconFileNameFromResourceFile)
iNumOfAppIconsFromResourceFile = iNumOfAppIcons;
iIconFileNameFromResourceFile = iIconFileName;
iIconFileName = NULL;
iNonMbmIconFileFromResourceFile = iNonMbmIconFile;
iIconFileTimeStampFromResourceFile = iIconFileTimeStamp;
iNonMbmIconFile = !CApaAppInfoReader::FileIsMbmWithGenericExtensionL(aFileName);
iNumOfAppIcons = aNumIcons;
if (aFileName != KNullDesC)
iIconFileName = aFileName.AllocL();
if (!iNonMbmIconFile)
if (iNumOfAppIcons > 0)
// Creates an Application Icon Array
CApaAppIconArray* icons = CApaAppIconArray::NewAppIconsL(iNumOfAppIcons, *iIconFileName, *iIconLoader);
delete iIcons;
iIcons = icons;
{ // Creates an Empty Icon Array if application has Non-Mbm Icons
CApaAppIconArray* icons = CApaAppIconArray::NewL();
delete iIcons;
iIcons = icons;
CApaAppIconArray* icons = CApaAppIconArray::NewDefaultIconsL();
delete iIcons;
iIcons = icons;
void CApaAppData::SetAppPending()
if (iIsPresent == CApaAppData::ENotPresent
|| iIsPresent == CApaAppData::ENotPresentPendingUpdate)
iIsPresent = CApaAppData::ENotPresentPendingUpdate;
iIsPresent = CApaAppData::EPresentPendingUpdate;
void CApaAppData::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream)
/** Internalizes the appdata from the AppsList.bin file */
TUint highTime = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
TUint lowTime = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iTimeStamp = TTime(MAKE_TINT64(highTime, lowTime));
highTime = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
lowTime = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iIconFileTimeStamp = TTime(MAKE_TINT64(highTime, lowTime));
iCaption = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Caption
iShortCaption = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Shortcaption
iFullName = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Filename of application binary
TUid uid1;
uid1.iUid = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
TUid uid2;
uid2.iUid = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
TUid uid3;
uid3.iUid = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iUidType = TUidType(uid1, uid2, uid3); // Application UID
aReadStream >> iCapabilityBuf;
iRegistrationFile = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Registration Filename
iDefaultScreenNumber = aReadStream.ReadUint32L(); // Default Screen number
iNumOfAppIcons = aReadStream.ReadInt32L(); // No. of icons
iNonMbmIconFile = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
HBufC* iconFileName = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Icon Filename
if (*iconFileName != KNullDesC)
iIconFileName = iconFileName;
if (!iNonMbmIconFile)
if (iNumOfAppIcons > 0)
{ // Create IconLoader to load icons
iIconLoader = CApaIconLoader::NewL(iFs);
// Creates an Application Icon Array
iIcons = CApaAppIconArray::NewAppIconsL(iNumOfAppIcons, *iIconFileName, *iIconLoader);
TRAP_IGNORE(iIcons = CApaAppIconArray::NewDefaultIconsL()); // Creates and Loads Default Icons.
{ // Creates an Empty Icon Array if application has Non-Mbm Icons
iIcons = CApaAppIconArray::NewL();
delete iconFileName;
TRAP_IGNORE(iIcons = CApaAppIconArray::NewDefaultIconsL()); // Creates and Loads Default Icons.
HBufC* localisableResourceFileName = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Registration Filename
if (*localisableResourceFileName != KNullDesC)
iLocalisableResourceFileName = localisableResourceFileName;
delete localisableResourceFileName;
highTime = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
lowTime = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iLocalisableResourceFileTimeStamp = TTime(MAKE_TINT64(highTime, lowTime)); // Localisable file timestamp
iApplicationLanguage = (TLanguage)aReadStream.ReadInt32L(); // Application Language
iIndexOfFirstOpenService = aReadStream.ReadUint32L(); // Index of first open service
iNonNativeApplicationType.iUid = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
HBufC8* opaqueData = HBufC8::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Opaque Data
if (*opaqueData != KNullDesC8)
iOpaqueData = opaqueData;
delete opaqueData;
iViewDataArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CApaAppViewData>(1); // ViewDataArray
const TInt viewCount = aReadStream.ReadInt32L();
TInt i;
for (i = 0; i < viewCount; ++i)
CApaAppViewData* pView = CApaAppViewData::NewLC();
pView->iCaption = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName);
pView->iNumOfViewIcons = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
pView->iNonMbmIconFile = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
HBufC* iconFileName = HBufC::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxFileName); // Icon Filename
if (*iconFileName != KNullDesC)
pView->iIconFileName = iconFileName;
if (!pView->iNonMbmIconFile)
if (pView->iNumOfViewIcons > 0)
if (!iIconLoader)
{ // Create Icon Loader if it was not done for App or any of the previous views for the App.
iIconLoader = CApaIconLoader::NewL(iFs);
// Creates an Application View Icon Array
CApaAppIconArray* iconViewArray = CApaAppIconArray::NewViewIconsL(pView->iNumOfViewIcons, *pView->iIconFileName, *iIconLoader);
delete iconFileName;
pView->iScreenMode = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
pView->iUid.iUid = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
iServiceArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>(1);
const TInt serviceCount = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
for (i = 0; i < serviceCount; ++i)
TApaAppServiceInfo serviceInfo ;
aReadStream >> serviceInfo;
iOwnedFileArray = new(ELeave) CDesCArraySeg(1);
const TInt fileCount = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
for (i = 0; i < fileCount; ++i)
TFileName ownedFile;
aReadStream >> ownedFile;
TBool CApaAppData::ViewMbmIconsRequireLoading() const
const TInt count = iViewDataArray->Count();
for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
const CApaAppViewData* const viewData = iViewDataArray->At(i);
if ((!viewData->iNonMbmIconFile) && (!viewData->iIcons->AreViewIconsLoaded()))
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
TBool CApaAppData::MbmIconsRequireLoading() const
if (!iNonMbmIconFile)
if (!iIcons->AreAppIconsLoaded())
return ETrue;
if (ViewMbmIconsRequireLoading())
{// if a view has mbm icons, and its not yet loaded we should load its icons.
return ETrue;
return EFalse; // icons were loaded already so no need to load them again.
void CApaAppData::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
aWriteStream << *iCaption; // Caption
if (iIconFileNameFromResourceFile)
if (iCaptionFromResourceFile) // Caption present in the resource file would be externalized if the one in applist has dynamically changed
aWriteStream << *iCaptionFromResourceFile;
aWriteStream << *iCaption; // Caption
if (iShortCaptionFromResourceFile) // Short caption present in the resource file would be externalized if the one in applist has dynamically changed
aWriteStream << *iShortCaptionFromResourceFile;
aWriteStream << *iShortCaption;
aWriteStream << *iFullName; // FullName
TInt i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
aWriteStream << iUidType[i]; // Uid Type
aWriteStream << iCapabilityBuf;
aWriteStream << RegistrationFileName(); // Registration filename
aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDefaultScreenNumber); // Default screen number
if (iIconFileNameFromResourceFile)
aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iNumOfAppIconsFromResourceFile); // number of icons
aWriteStream << *iIconFileNameFromResourceFile;
aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iNumOfAppIcons); // number of icons
aWriteStream << IconFileName();
aWriteStream << LocalisableResourceFileName();
aWriteStream << OpaqueData();
TInt count = iViewDataArray->Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
const CApaAppViewData* const viewData = iViewDataArray->At(i);
aWriteStream << *(viewData->iCaption);
aWriteStream << viewData->IconFileName();
// TApaAppServiceInfo service array
if (iServiceArray)
count = iServiceArray->Count();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
aWriteStream << iServiceArray->At(i);
if (iOwnedFileArray)
count = iOwnedFileArray->MdcaCount();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
aWriteStream << (*iOwnedFileArray)[i];