changeset 19 43824b19ee35
child 31 a0ea99b6fa53
equal deleted inserted replaced
17:f05641c183ff 19:43824b19ee35
     1 /*
     2 * ============================================================================
     3 *  Name        : btnotifconnectiontracker.cpp
     4 *  Part of     : bluetoothengine / btnotif
     5 *  Description : Bluetooth connection tracker and manager.
     6 *
     7 *  Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     8 *  All rights reserved.
     9 *  This component and the accompanying materials are made available
    10 *  under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
    11 *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    12 *  at the URL "".
    13 *
    14 *  Initial Contributors:
    15 *  Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    16 *
    17 *  Contributors:
    18 *  Nokia Corporation
    19 * ============================================================================
    20 * Template version: 4.1
    21 */
    23 #include "btnotifconnectiontracker.h"
    24 #include <btextnotifiers.h>
    26 #include <btextnotifierspartner.h>
    27 #endif
    29 #include "btnotifconnection.h"
    30 #include "btnotifsession.h"
    31 #include "btnotifclientserver.h"
    32 #include "bluetoothtrace.h"
    34 /**  Id for the link key watcher active object. */
    35 const TInt KLinkCountWatcher = 30;
    36 /**  Id for the pairing result watcher active object. */
    37 const TInt KSspResultWatcher = 31;
    38 /**  Id for the registry watcher active object (TEMP!). */
    39 const TInt KRegistryWatcher = 41;
    40 /**  Time window for determining if there are too many requests. */
    41 #ifndef __WINS__
    42 #define KDENYTHRESHOLD TTimeIntervalSeconds(3)
    43 #else   //__WINS__
    44 #define KDENYTHRESHOLD TTimeIntervalSeconds(5)
    45 #endif  //__WINS__
    48 // ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // Checks if the notifier is one launched by the security manager of the
    52 // protocol stack. These notifiers need to be served unless really not possible.
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 TBool IsStackSecmanNotifier( TInt aUid )
    56     {
    57     TBool result = EFalse;
    58     if( aUid == KBTManAuthNotifierUid.iUid || aUid == KBTManPinNotifierUid.iUid ||
    59         aUid == KBTPinCodeEntryNotifierUid.iUid || aUid == KBTNumericComparisonNotifierUid.iUid ||
    60         aUid == KBTPasskeyDisplayNotifierUid.iUid )
    61         {
    62         result = ETrue;
    63         }
    64     return result;
    65     }
    68 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // C++ default constructor
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 //
    74 CBTNotifConnectionTracker::CBTNotifConnectionTracker( CBTNotifServer* aServer )
    75 :   iServer( aServer )
    76     {
    77     }
    80 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    81 // Symbian 2nd-phase constructor
    82 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    83 //
    84 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::ConstructL()
    85     {
    86     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
    87     // Start watching the number of baseband links.
    88     TInt err = iLinkCount.Attach( KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory,
    89                 KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetPHYCount );
    90     // There is not much point to continue if we can't attach to
    91     // the link count key.
    92     User::LeaveIfError( err );
    93     iLinkCountActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, KLinkCountWatcher );
    94     iLinkCount.Subscribe( iLinkCountActive->RequestStatus() );
    95     iLinkCountActive->GoActive();
    96     // Open a handle to the registry server
    97     User::LeaveIfError( iBTRegistrySession.Connect() );
    98     // Open a handle to the socket server
    99     User::LeaveIfError( iSockServ.Connect() );
   100     iPairingServ = new( ELeave ) RBluetoothPairingServer();
   101     if( iPairingServ->Connect() )
   102         {
   103         // Delete in case of error - there is no good other way to keep track.
   104         delete iPairingServ;
   105         iPairingServ = NULL;
   106         }
   107     else
   108         {
   109         iSspResultActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, KSspResultWatcher );
   110         User::LeaveIfError( iSspResultSession.Open( *iPairingServ ) );
   111         iSspResultSession.SimplePairingResult( iSspResultAddr, iSspResultActive->RequestStatus() );
   112         iSspResultActive->GoActive();
   113         }
   114     iConnMan = CBTEngConnMan::NewL( this );
   115     iPhyLinks = CBluetoothPhysicalLinks::NewL( *this, iSockServ );
   116 // ToDo: remove this when registry notifications API is available!!
   117     err = iRegistryChange.Attach( KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory, KPropertyKeyBluetoothRegistryTableChange );
   118     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   119     iRegistryActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, KRegistryWatcher );
   120     iRegistryChange.Subscribe( iRegistryActive->RequestStatus() );
   121     iRegistryActive->GoActive();
   122 // End ToDo
   123     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   124     }
   127 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   128 // NewL.
   129 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //
   131 CBTNotifConnectionTracker* CBTNotifConnectionTracker::NewL( CBTNotifServer* aServer )
   132     {
   133     CBTNotifConnectionTracker* self = new( ELeave ) CBTNotifConnectionTracker( aServer );
   134     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   135     self->ConstructL();
   136     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   137     return self;
   138     }
   141 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   142 // Destructor
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 //
   145 CBTNotifConnectionTracker::~CBTNotifConnectionTracker()
   146     {
   147     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   148     iConnArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   149     iConnArray.Close();
   150     iDeniedRequests.Close();
   151     delete iLinkCountActive;
   152     iLinkCount.Close();
   154     delete iConnMan;
   155     delete iPhyLinks;
   156     iSockServ.Close();
   157     delete iSspResultActive;
   158     iSspResultSession.Close();
   159     if( iPairingServ )
   160         {
   161         iPairingServ->Close();
   162         delete iPairingServ;
   163         }
   164     delete iRegistryActive;
   165     iRegistryChange.Close();
   166     iBTRegistrySession.Close();
   167     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   168     }
   170 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   171 // Process a client message related to notifiers.
   172 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 //
   174 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::DispatchNotifierMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   175     {
   176     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt ( DUMMY_LIST, this, aMessage.Function() );
   177     TInt opcode = aMessage.Function();
   178     TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
   179     const RMessage2* message = &aMessage;
   180     // Use a pointer to the original message, so that we don't duplicate it.
   181     // Then we avoid any bookkeeping for keeping them in sync.
   182     if( opcode == EBTNotifCancelNotifier )
   183         {
   184         // We only accept a cancel message from the same session as the original
   185         // request (this is enforced by the RNotifier backend). So we use the
   186         // session of the cancel request (if this would change, the same way as
   187         // for updates can be followed).
   188         // We need to find the original request to identify the handler of the 
   189         // connection; the uid points to the original request.
   190         message = ( (CBTNotifSession *) aMessage.Session() )->FindMessageFromUid( uid );
   191         }
   192     else if( opcode == EBTNotifUpdateNotifier )
   193         {
   194         // We accept a update messages from any client, although in practice,
   195         // they will all come from the same session (through RNotifier).
   196         // We need to find the original request to identify the handler of the 
   197         // connection (the uid points to the original request). Through the 
   198         // server, we get it from any session.
   199         message = iServer->FindMessageFromUid( uid );
   200         }
   201     if( !message )
   202         {
   203         // It's hard to continue if we don't know where to route the message.
   204         User::Leave( KErrDisconnected );
   205         }
   206     TBuf8<0x250> paramsBuf;    // Size needs to be long enough to read all possible parameter sizes.
   207     CBTNotifConnection* connection = FindConnectionFromMessageL( opcode, *message, paramsBuf );
   208     if( !connection )
   209         {
   210         User::Leave( KErrDisconnected );
   211         }
   212     switch( opcode )
   213         {
   214         case EBTNotifStartSyncNotifier:
   215         case EBTNotifStartAsyncNotifier:
   216             connection->HandleNotifierRequestL( paramsBuf, aMessage );
   217             break;
   218         case EBTNotifUpdateNotifier:
   219             connection->HandleNotifierUpdateL( paramsBuf, aMessage );
   220             break;
   221         case EBTNotifCancelNotifier:
   222             // Complete the cancel message already here, so that the caller can
   223             // continue, and the next operation can close sessions with the caller.
   224             aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
   225             connection->CancelNotifierRequestL( *message );
   226             break;
   227         default:
   228             break;
   229         }
   230     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   231     }
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   235 // Handle a request related to pairing.
   236 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   237 //
   238 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleBondingRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   239     {
   240     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt ( DUMMY_LIST, this, aMessage.Function() );
   241     // Bonding is an infrequently occurring operation, so we don't waste memory
   242     // to keep a copy of the parameters. Instead we read them again when needed.
   243     TPckgBuf<TBTDevAddr> addrBuf;
   244     TInt opcode = aMessage.Function();
   245     if( opcode == EBTEngPairDevice )
   246         {
   247         aMessage.ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, addrBuf );
   248         }
   249     else if( opcode == EBTEngCancelPairDevice )
   250         {
   251         const RMessage2* message =
   252                 ( (CBTNotifSession *) aMessage.Session() )->FindMessageFromUid( EBTEngPairDevice );
   253         message->ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, addrBuf );
   254         }
   255     BtTraceBtAddr1( TRACE_DEBUG, DUMMY_LIST, "CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleBondingRequestL() addr=", addrBuf() );
   256 	TInt err = KErrNotFound;
   257 	CBTNotifConnection* connection = FindConnectionHandler( addrBuf() );
   258     if( opcode == EBTEngPairDevice )
   259         {
   260         if( !connection )
   261             {
   262             // Create a connection first, then tell it to bond.
   263             err = iPhyLinks->CreateConnection( addrBuf() );
   264             connection = CBTNotifConnection::NewLC( addrBuf(), this );
   265             iConnArray.AppendL( connection );
   266             CleanupStack::Pop( connection );
   267             }
   268         else
   269             {
   270             // There is an existing connection. Care must be taken, the connection
   271             // _should_ be disconnect first if this device is already paired, so that
   272             // we are sure that we don't mix up the state of the connection.
   273             RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter link;
   274             err = link.Open( iSockServ, addrBuf() );
   275             TUint32 linkState = 0;
   276             if( !err )
   277                 {
   278                 err = link.PhysicalLinkState( linkState );
   279                 }
   280             if( !err && linkState & ( ENotifyAuthenticationComplete | ENotifyEncryptionChangeOn ) )
   281                 {
   282                 // For now, we just reject the request.
   283                 err = KErrAlreadyExists;
   284                 }
   285             link.Close();
   286             }
   287         if( !err )
   288             {
   289             // Start bonding immediately so that the connection object is in the right state.
   290             connection->StartBondingL( aMessage );
   291             }
   292         }
   293     else if( opcode == EBTEngCancelPairDevice && connection )
   294         {
   295         connection->CancelBondingL();
   296         err = KErrNone;
   297         aMessage.Complete( err );
   298         }
   299 	// KErrNotFound is returned for a request to cancel pairing that has no connection.
   300     if( err )
   301         {
   302         aMessage.Complete( err );
   303         }
   304     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   305     }
   308 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 // Handle a change in the number of connections.
   310 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   311 //
   312 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleLinkCountChangeL()
   313     {
   314     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   315     TInt linkCount = 0;
   316     User::LeaveIfError( iLinkCount.Get( linkCount ) );
   317     if( linkCount )
   318         {
   319         RBTDevAddrArray links;
   320         CleanupClosePushL( links );
   321         User::LeaveIfError( iPhyLinks->Enumerate( links, 10 ) );
   322         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( links.Count(), PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState ) );
   323         for( TInt i = iConnArray.Count() -1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
   324             {
   325             // Loop backwards, as we may remove entries from the array.
   327             // First check the existing connections, and 
   328             // remove disconnected links
   329             TBTDevAddr addr = iConnArray[i]->Address();
   330             TInt pos = links.Find( addr );
   331             if( pos > KErrNotFound )
   332                 {
   333                 // The link we know is still connected,
   334                 // remove the watceher from the array.
   335                 links.Remove( pos );
   336                 // ToDo: see comment below!
   337                 }
   338             else if( iConnArray[i]->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifConnection::EIdle )
   339                 {
   340                 // This link is no more connected and idle, remove.
   341                 CBTNotifConnection* connection = iConnArray[i];
   342                 iConnArray.Remove( i ); // Does not delete the object.
   343                 delete connection;
   344                 }
   345             // else we wait for the link to complete its operations.
   346             }
   347         // Now we have an array with only the new connections.
   348         // Add new watchers.
   349         for( TInt i = 0; i < links.Count(); i++ )
   350             {
   351             CBTNotifConnection* connection = CBTNotifConnection::NewLC( links[i], this );
   352             iConnArray.AppendL( connection );
   353             CleanupStack::Pop( connection );
   354             }
   355         // Close the links RBTDevAddrArray, needed before going out of scope.
   356         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   357         }
   358     else
   359         {
   360         for( TInt i = iConnArray.Count() -1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
   361             {
   362             if( iConnArray[i]->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifConnection::EIdle )
   363                 {
   364                 // This link is now idle, so we can remove it safely.
   365                 CBTNotifConnection* connection = iConnArray[i];
   366                 iConnArray.Remove( i ); // Does not delete the object.
   367                 delete connection;
   368                 }
   369             }
   370         if( !iConnArray.Count() )
   371             {
   372             // The array is idle, clean up the array resources.
   373             iConnArray.Reset();
   374             }
   375         }
   376     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   377     }
   380 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   381 // Check if this device has been denied a connection already before.
   382 // Also check if a previous connection attempt has just been rejected.
   383 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   384 //
   385 TBool CBTNotifConnectionTracker::UpdateBlockingHistoryL( const CBTDevice* aDevice, 
   386     TBool aAccepted )
   387     {
   388     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   389     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aDevice, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadArgument ) );
   390     // Check the time since the previous event.
   391     TBool result = RecordConnectionAttempts( aAccepted );
   392     TInt pos = iDeniedRequests.Find( aDevice->BDAddr() );
   393     if( !aAccepted )
   394         {
   395         if( pos == KErrNotFound )
   396             {
   397             // The user denied the request from a new device, record the device address.
   398             if( aDevice->IsValidPaired() && aDevice->IsPaired() )
   399                 //[MCL]: && iDevice->LinkKeyType() != ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable )
   400                 {
   401                 // Paired devices are allowed one time rejection without a prompt for blocking.
   402                 result = EFalse;
   403                 }
   404             iDeniedRequests.AppendL( aDevice->BDAddr() );
   405             }
   406         // Nothing needed here if the address is already in the array.
   407         }
   408     else if( pos > KErrNotFound )
   409         {
   410         // The user accepted a request, and it was from a device he/she 
   411         // previously rejected. Clear the history for this device from the array.
   412         iDeniedRequests.Remove( pos );
   413         }
   414     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   415     return result;
   416     }
   419 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 // From class MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier.
   421 // Handle baseband connection completion.
   422 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 //
   424 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleCreateConnectionCompleteL( TInt aErr )
   425     {
   426     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt ( DUMMY_LIST, this, aErr );
   427 	// We only connect links for starting outgoing bonding.
   428 	const RMessage2* message = iServer->FindMessageFromUid( (TInt) EBTEngPairDevice );
   429 	if( message )
   430 		{
   431         TPckgBuf<TBTDevAddr> addrBuf;
   432         message->ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, addrBuf );
   433         CBTNotifConnection* connection = FindConnectionHandler( addrBuf() );
   434         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( connection, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState ) );
   435         if( !aErr && connection->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifConnection::EIdle )
   436             {
   437 			TRAP( aErr, connection->StartBondingL( *message ) );
   438 			}
   439         if( aErr && connection->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifConnection::EBonding )
   440             {
   441             connection->PairingResult( aErr );  // Launch error note
   442             }
   443 		}
   444 	BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   445     }
   448 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 // From class MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier.
   450 // Handle baseband disconnection.
   451 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   452 //
   453 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleDisconnectCompleteL( TInt aErr )
   454     {
   455     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   456 	// We only disconnect links for starting outgoing bonding.
   457 	const RMessage2* message = iServer->FindMessageFromUid( (TInt) EBTEngPairDevice );
   458 	if( message )
   459 		{
   460         TPckgBuf<TBTDevAddr> addrBuf;
   461         message->ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, addrBuf );
   462 		if( !aErr )
   463 			{
   464 			aErr = iPhyLinks->CreateConnection( addrBuf() );
   465 			}
   466 		if( aErr )
   467 			{
   468 			iServer->CompleteMessage( message->Handle(), aErr, KNullDesC8 );
   469             CBTNotifConnection* connection = FindConnectionHandler( addrBuf() );
   470             __ASSERT_ALWAYS( connection, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState ) );
   471             connection->PairingResult( aErr );  // Launch error note
   472 			}
   473     	}
   474 	BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   475     }
   478 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 // From class MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier.
   480 // Handle disconnection of all links.
   481 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 //
   483 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleDisconnectAllCompleteL( TInt aErr )
   484     {
   485     (void) aErr;
   486     }
   489 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   490 // From class MBTEngConnObserver.
   491 // Handle service-level connection completion.
   492 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   493 //
   494 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::ConnectComplete( TBTDevAddr& aAddr, 
   495     TInt aErr, RBTDevAddrArray* aConflicts )
   496     {
   497     (void) aAddr;
   498     (void) aErr;
   499     (void) aConflicts;
   500     }
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 // From class MBTEngConnObserver.
   505 // Handle service-level disconnection.
   506 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 //
   508 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::DisconnectComplete( TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aErr )
   509     {
   510     (void) aAddr;
   511     (void) aErr;
   512     }
   515 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   517 // Handle the active object completion.
   518 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   519 //
   520 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::RequestCompletedL( CBtSimpleActive* aActive,
   521     TInt aStatus )
   522     {
   523     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt ( DUMMY_LIST, this, aActive->RequestId() );
   524     BOstraceExt2( TRACE_DEBUG, DUMMY_DEVLIST, 
   525             "CBTNotifConnectionTracker::MBAORequestCompletedL() requestid=%d status=%d", 
   526             aActive->RequestId(), aStatus);
   527     if( aActive->RequestId() == KLinkCountWatcher )
   528         {
   529         iLinkCount.Subscribe( aActive->RequestStatus() );
   530         aActive->GoActive();
   531         if( !aStatus )
   532             {
   533             // HandleLinkCountChangeL();
   534             }
   535         }
   536 // ToDo: remove this when registry notifications API is available!!
   537     else if( aActive->RequestId() == KRegistryWatcher )
   538         {
   539         // BTRegistry notifies of a change. Check which one.
   540         iRegistryChange.Subscribe( aActive->RequestStatus() );
   541         aActive->GoActive();
   542         TInt tableChanged = 0;
   543         if( !aStatus && !iRegistryChange.Get( tableChanged ) &&
   544             tableChanged == KRegistryChangeRemoteTable )
   545             {
   546             // A record for a remote device has changed. Tell all 
   547             // connections to update their record.
   548             for( TInt i = 0; i < iConnArray.Count(); i++ )
   549                 {
   550                 // Reuse the functionality in the connection
   551                 if( iConnArray[i]->CurrentOperation() < CBTNotifConnection::EReadingRegistry )
   552                     {
   553                     iConnArray[i]->RequestCompletedL( aActive, aStatus );
   554                     }
   555                 }
   556             }
   557         }
   558 // End ToDo
   559     else if( aActive->RequestId() == KSspResultWatcher )
   560         {
   561         iSspResultSession.SimplePairingResult( iSspResultAddr, iSspResultActive->RequestStatus() );
   562         iSspResultActive->GoActive();
   563         CBTNotifConnection* connection = FindConnectionHandler( iSspResultAddr );
   564         // ToDo: how to handle a result of a link that already disconnected? 
   565         if( connection )
   566             {
   567             connection->PairingResult( aStatus );
   568             }
   569         }
   570     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   571     }
   574 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   575 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   576 // Cancel and clean up all requests related to the active object.
   577 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 //
   579 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::CancelRequest( TInt aRequestId )
   580     {
   581     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   582     if( aRequestId == KLinkCountWatcher )
   583         {
   584         iLinkCount.Cancel();
   585         }
   586     else if( aRequestId == KSspResultWatcher )
   587         {
   588         iSspResultSession.CancelSimplePairingResult();
   589         }
   590     else if ( aRequestId == KRegistryWatcher )
   591         {
   592         iRegistryChange.Cancel();
   593         }
   594     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   595     }
   597 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   598 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   599 // 
   600 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 //
   602 void CBTNotifConnectionTracker::HandleError( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, 
   603         TInt aError )
   604     {
   605     (void) aActive;
   606     (void) aError;
   607     }
   609 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   610 // Parse the details from a client message and find the associated handler.
   611 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   612 //
   613 CBTNotifConnection* CBTNotifConnectionTracker::FindConnectionFromMessageL(
   614     TInt aOpcode, const RMessage2& aMessage, TDes8& aBuffer )
   615     {
   616     BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   617     TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
   618     aMessage.ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, aBuffer );
   619     TBTDevAddr addr = ParseAddressL( uid, aBuffer );
   620     // If this is a 
   621     CBTNotifConnection* connection = FindConnectionHandler( addr );
   622     if( !connection && IsStackSecmanNotifier( uid ) &&
   623         ( aOpcode == EBTNotifStartAsyncNotifier || aOpcode == EBTNotifStartSyncNotifier ) )
   624         {
   625         // A notifier from stack. This happens if e.g. the pairing
   626         // request comes in before the link count changes (like security
   627         // mode 3). Create the handler and queue the request.
   628         // And note that 
   629         connection = CBTNotifConnection::NewLC( addr, this );
   630         iConnArray.AppendL( connection );
   631         CleanupStack::Pop( connection );
   632         }
   633     BOstraceFunctionExitExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, connection );
   634     return connection;
   635     }
   638 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   639 // read the address from a client message.
   640 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   641 //
   642 TBTDevAddr CBTNotifConnectionTracker::ParseAddressL( TInt aUid,
   643     const TDesC8& aParamsBuf ) const
   644     {
   645     BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   646     TBTDevAddr addr;
   647     if( IsStackSecmanNotifier( aUid ) )
   648         {
   649         // For all these, the address is the first data member,
   650         // so can be read using the TBTNotifierParams data structure.
   651         TBTNotifierParams params;
   652         TPckgC<TBTNotifierParams> paramsPckg( params );
   653         paramsPckg.Set( aParamsBuf );
   654         addr = paramsPckg().iBDAddr;
   655         }
   656     //else if(  ) other notifier types
   657     BOstraceFunctionExitExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, &addr );  
   658     return addr;
   659     }
   662 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   663 // Find a specific connection.
   664 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   665 //
   666 CBTNotifConnection* CBTNotifConnectionTracker::FindConnectionHandler(
   667     const TBTDevAddr& aAddr ) const
   668     {
   669     BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   670     CBTNotifConnection* conn = NULL;
   671     if( aAddr != TBTDevAddr() )
   672         {
   673         // This may be replaced by RArray::Find with appropriate key
   674         for( TInt i = 0; i < iConnArray.Count(); i++ )
   675             {
   676             if( iConnArray[i]->Address() == aAddr )
   677                 {
   678                 conn = iConnArray[i];
   679                 break;
   680                 }
   681             }
   682         }
   683     BOstraceFunctionExitExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, conn );
   684     return conn;
   685     }
   688 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   689 // Record and check the time between connection attempts.
   690 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   691 //
   692 TBool CBTNotifConnectionTracker::RecordConnectionAttempts( TBool aAccepted )
   693     {
   694     BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   695     TBool result = ETrue;
   696     TTime now( 0 );
   697     if( !aAccepted )
   698         {
   699         now.UniversalTime();
   700         if( iLastReject )
   701             {
   702             // Check the time between denied connections, that it does not go too fast.
   703             TTimeIntervalSeconds prev( 0 );
   704             if( !now.SecondsFrom( TTime( iLastReject ), prev ) )
   705                 {
   706                 if( prev <= KDENYTHRESHOLD )
   707                     {
   708                     // We are getting the requests too fast. Present the user with
   709                     // an option to turn BT off.
   710                     //iServer->SettingsTracker()->SetPower( EFalse );
   711                     result = EFalse;
   712                     }
   713                 }
   714             }
   715         }
   716     // Record the current timestamp.
   717     // It is reset in case the user accepted the request.
   718     iLastReject = now.Int64();
   719     BOstraceFunctionExitExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, result );
   720     return result;
   721     }