changeset 29 48ae3789ce00
equal deleted inserted replaced
28:7e2761e776bd 29:48ae3789ce00
     1 /*
     2 * ============================================================================
     3 *  Name        : btnotifconnection.cpp
     4 *  Part of     : bluetoothengine / btnotif
     5 *  Description : Class for observing events of a single connection, and for 
     6 *                managing any user notifications related to the connection.
     7 *
     8 *  Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     9 *  All rights reserved.
    10 *  This component and the accompanying materials are made available
    11 *  under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
    12 *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    13 *  at the URL "".
    14 *
    15 *  Initial Contributors:
    16 *  Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    17 *
    18 *  Contributors:
    19 *  Nokia Corporation
    20 * ============================================================================
    21 * Template version: 4.1
    22 */
    24 #include "btnotifconnection.h"
    25 #include <btextnotifiers.h>
    27 #include <btextnotifierspartner.h>
    28 #endif
    30 #include "btnotifconnectiontracker.h"
    31 #include "btnotifpairinghelper.h"
    32 #include "btnotificationmanager.h"
    33 #include "btnotifclientserver.h"
    34 #include "bluetoothtrace.h"
    36 /**  Id for the baseband connection watcher active object. */
    37 const TInt KConnectionWatcher = 40;
    38 /**  Id for the registry watcher active object. */
    39 const TInt KRegistryWatcher = 41;
    40 /**  Id for the active object for updating the registry. */
    41 const TInt KRegistryRetriever = 42;
    42 /**  Event mask for subscribing to baseband connection events  
    43  * (need to check if these are appropriate). */
    44 const TInt KBbEventMask = ENotifyAnyRole | ENotifyAuthenticationComplete |
    45     ENotifyPhysicalLinkUp | ENotifyPhysicalLinkDown | ENotifyPhysicalLinkError;
    48 // ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // Decide the device name to display from the device information, and 
    52 // converts the name if necessary.
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 void GetDeviceNameL( TBTDeviceName& aName, const CBTDevice& aDevice )
    56     {
    57     if( aDevice.IsValidFriendlyName() )
    58         {
    59         aName.Copy( aDevice.FriendlyName() );
    60         }
    61     else
    62         {
    63         aName.Zero();
    64         if( aDevice.IsValidDeviceName() )
    65             {
    66             aName = BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUnicodeL( aDevice.DeviceName() );
    67             }
    68         }
    69     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // Compare 2 device records device pairing has succeeded.
    74 // aDev2 is the updated device record, aDev1 is the previous record.
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 TBool CheckRegistryPairedStatus( const CBTDevice* aOrig, const CBTDevice* aNew )
    78     {
    79     TBool result = EFalse;
    80     // Use the device class to check that this has any valid information.
    81     if( aOrig->AsNamelessDevice().IsValidDeviceClass() &&
    82         !( aOrig->IsValidPaired() && aOrig->IsPaired() ) ||
    83         aOrig->LinkKeyType() == ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable )
    84         {
    85         // Only consider the result if the original device is not marked as paired.
    86         if( aNew->IsValidPaired() && aNew->IsPaired() && aNew->IsValidLinkKey() && 
    87             aNew->LinkKeyType() != ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable )
    88             {
    89             // The new device record has valid pairing information, so
    90             // this device is now paired.
    91             result = ETrue;
    92             }
    93         }
    94     return result;
    95     }
    98 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
   100 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   101 // C++ default constructor
   102 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 //
   104 CBTNotifConnection::CBTNotifConnection(  const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   105     CBTNotifConnectionTracker* aTracker )
   106 :   iAddr( aAddr ),
   107     iTracker( aTracker )
   108     {
   109     }
   112 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // Symbian 2nd-phase constructor
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 //
   116 void CBTNotifConnection::ConstructL()
   117     {
   118     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   119     iDevice = CBTDevice::NewL( iAddr );
   120     iPhyActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL(*this, KConnectionWatcher );
   121     iRegActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, KRegistryRetriever );
   122     // ToDo: need to check if this succeeds if a connection is 
   123     // being created, in case of outgoing pairing.
   124     User::LeaveIfError( iPhyLink.Open( iTracker->SocketServerSession(), iAddr ) );
   125     // Subscribe to events.
   126     iBasebandEvent.FillZ(); // To be sure that we are not reading false events.
   127     iPhyLink.NotifyNextBasebandChangeEvent( iBasebandEvent,
   128                 iPhyActive->RequestStatus(), KBbEventMask );
   129     iPhyActive->GoActive();
   130     // Get the details from BT registry
   131     TBTRegistrySearch pattern;
   132     pattern.FindAddress( iAddr );
   133     User::LeaveIfError( iRegistry.Open( iTracker->RegistryServerSession() ) );
   134     iRegistry.CreateView( pattern, iRegActive->RequestStatus() );
   135     iRegActive->GoActive();
   136     iCurrentOp = EReadingRegistry;
   137     iRegDevArray  = new CBTDeviceArray(1);  // only 1 entry ever used
   138     // ToDo: more initialization needed?
   139     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   140     }
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // NewLC.
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 CBTNotifConnection* CBTNotifConnection::NewLC( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr,
   148     CBTNotifConnectionTracker* aTracker )
   149     {
   150     CBTNotifConnection* self = new( ELeave ) CBTNotifConnection( aAddr, aTracker );
   151     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   152     self->ConstructL();
   153     return self;
   154     }
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 // Destructor
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 //
   161 CBTNotifConnection::~CBTNotifConnection()
   162     {
   163     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   164     if( iNotification )
   165         {
   166         // Clear the notification callback, we cannot receive them anymore.
   167         iNotification->RemoveObserver();
   168         iNotification->Close(); // Also dequeues the notification from the queue.
   169         iNotification = NULL;
   170         }
   171     delete iRegActive;
   172     delete iRegistryResponse;
   173     iRegistry.Close();
   174     delete iDevMan;
   176     delete iPhyActive;
   177     iPhyLink.Close();
   178     delete iDevice;
   179     delete iPairingHelper;
   181     while( iMsgHandleQ.Count() )
   182         {
   183         CompleteClientRequest( KErrDisconnected, KNullDesC8 );
   184         }
   185     iMsgHandleQ.Close();
   186     iAcceptedConnections.Close();
   187     iDeniedConnections.Close();
   188     iRegDevArray->ResetAndDestroy(); 
   189     delete iRegDevArray;
   190     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   191     }
   194 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // Check what to do next.
   196 // This function should be called whenever we may be ready for the next
   197 // request/action, which is from any callback function i.e. 
   198 // MBAORequestCompletedL, MBRNotificationClosed, HandleNotifierRequestL and
   199 // CancelNotifierRequestL.
   200 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 //
   202 void CBTNotifConnection::CheckNextOperationL()
   203     {
   204     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   205     if( iCurrentOp == EIdle )
   206         {
   207         // Check the link state, to see if it has gone down already.
   208         TUint32 linkState = 0;
   209         TInt err = iPhyLink.PhysicalLinkState( linkState );
   210         TBool linkDown = linkState & ENotifyPhysicalLinkDown;
   211         if( ( !err && linkDown ) || err == KErrDisconnected )
   212             {
   213             // The link state tells us that the link is down,
   214             // inform the connection tracker the we are done.
   215             iTracker->HandleLinkCountChangeL();
   216             // Note that we may be deleted now!
   217             }
   218         else if( iMsgHandleQ.Count() )
   219             {
   220             // Get the next request and handle it.
   221             // ToDo: differentiate between notifier and pairing message!
   222             const RMessage2* message = iTracker->Server()->FindMessageFromHandle( iMsgHandleQ[0] );
   223             NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( message )
   224             TInt opcode = message->Function();
   225             if( opcode <= EBTNotifUpdateNotifier )
   226                 {
   227                 TBuf8<0x250> paramsBuf;    // Size needs to be long enough to read all possible parameter sizes.
   228                 message->ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, paramsBuf );
   229                 HandleNotifierRequestL( paramsBuf, *message );
   230                 }
   231             else
   232                 {
   233                 iMsgHandleQ.Remove( 0 );
   234                 StartBondingL( *message );
   235                 }
   236             }
   237         }
   238     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   239     }
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 // Complete the first outstanding client request and removes it from the queue.
   244 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 //
   246 void CBTNotifConnection::CompleteClientRequest( TInt aReason, const TDesC8& aReply )
   247     {
   248     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   249     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( iMsgHandleQ.Count() )
   250     TInt err = iTracker->Server()->CompleteMessage( iMsgHandleQ[0], aReason, aReply );
   251     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !err )
   252     iMsgHandleQ.Remove( 0 );
   253     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   254     }
   257 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // Distinguish a request and pass to corresponding handle.
   259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 //
   261 void CBTNotifConnection::HandleNotifierRequestL( const TDesC8& aParams,
   262     const RMessage2& aMessage )
   263     {
   264     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, aMessage.Int0() );
   265     if( !iMsgHandleQ.Count() || iMsgHandleQ[0] != aMessage.Handle() )
   266         {
   267         // If we are processing a queued request, we of course don't queue 
   268         // it again. In that case we are handling the first request from the queue.
   269         iMsgHandleQ.AppendL( aMessage.Handle() );
   270         }
   271     if( iCurrentOp == EIdle || iCurrentOp == EBonding )
   272         {
   273         // ToDo: check non-pairing operation when bonding
   274         TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
   275         if( uid == KBTManAuthNotifierUid.iUid )
   276             {
   277             HandleAuthorizationReqL( aParams );
   278             }
   279         else if( uid == KBTManPinNotifierUid.iUid ||
   280                  uid == KBTPinCodeEntryNotifierUid.iUid ||
   281                  uid == KBTNumericComparisonNotifierUid.iUid ||
   282                  uid == KBTPasskeyDisplayNotifierUid.iUid )
   283             {
   284             if( !iPairingHelper )
   285                 {
   286                 BOstrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUMMY_DEVLIST, 
   287                         "[BTNOTIF]\t CBTNotifConnection::HandleNotifierRequestL: creating CBTNotifPairingHelper");
   288                 iPairingHelper = CBTNotifPairingHelper::NewL( this, iTracker );
   289                 }
   290             if( iCurrentOp != EBonding  )
   291                 {
   292                 iCurrentOp = EPairing;
   293                 }
   294             iPairingHelper->StartPairingNotifierL( uid, aParams );
   295             }
   296         // We may be done with the current request, proceed to the next one
   297         CheckNextOperationL();
   298         }
   299     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   300     }
   303 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 // Update a notifier, update the outstanding dialog if the notifier request 
   305 // is currently being served.
   306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 //
   308 void CBTNotifConnection::HandleNotifierUpdateL( const TDesC8& aParams,
   309     const RMessage2& aMessage )
   310     {
   311     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   312     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( iCurrentOp != EIdle )
   313     (void) aParams;
   314     TBuf8<0x250> paramsBuf;    // Size needs to be long enough to read all possible sizes.
   315     aMessage.ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, paramsBuf );
   316     TInt uid = aMessage.Int0();
   317     if( uid == KBTManAuthNotifierUid.iUid )
   318         {
   319         TBTNotifierUpdateParams params;
   320         TPckgC<TBTNotifierUpdateParams> paramsPckg( params );
   321         paramsPckg.Set( paramsBuf );
   322         // The result means result of conversion to unicode
   323         if( !paramsPckg().iResult )
   324             {
   325             // Only update locally, registry will update us with the same info later on.
   326             iDevice->SetDeviceNameL( BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUTF8L( paramsPckg().iName ) );
   327             if( iNotification )
   328                 {
   329                 // Update the dialog with the new name. It is up to the dialog to 
   330                 // determine the validity (in case another dialog is shown).
   331                 //iNotification->Update(  )
   332                 }
   333             }
   334         }
   335     else if( iPairingHelper && ( uid == KBTPinCodeEntryNotifierUid.iUid ||
   336              uid == KBTNumericComparisonNotifierUid.iUid ||
   337              uid == KBTPasskeyDisplayNotifierUid.iUid ) )
   338         {
   339         // Just forward to pairing helper
   340         iPairingHelper->UpdatePairingNotifierL( uid, paramsBuf );
   341         }
   342     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   343     }
   346 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 // Cancel a request, dismiss the outstanding dialog if the notifier request 
   348 // is currently being served.
   349 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 //
   351 void CBTNotifConnection::CancelNotifierRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   352     {
   353     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   354     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( iCurrentOp != EIdle )
   355     TInt pos = iMsgHandleQ.Find( aMessage.Handle() );
   356     if( pos > KErrNotFound )
   357         {
   358         // We have queued the message, remove it from the queue.
   359         iMsgHandleQ.Remove( pos );
   360         // We use the supplied handle to remove it, as it may not be
   361         // the first in the queue.
   362         TInt err = iTracker->Server()->CompleteMessage( aMessage.Handle(), KErrCancel, KNullDesC8 );
   363         NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !err )
   364         if( pos == 0 )
   365             {
   366             // There could be the case that we are still post-processing
   367             // the previous request (e.g. blocking query), then the next
   368             // notification is not yet started but the first in the queue.
   369             // We can see that from the current operation type.
   370             if( iNotification && iCurrentOp < EAdditionalNotes )
   371                 {
   372                 // Cancel the user query
   373                 // This will also unregister us from the notification.
   374                 TInt err = iNotification->Close();
   375                 NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !err )
   376                 iNotification = NULL;
   377                 iCurrentOp = EIdle;
   378                 }
   379             if( iPairingHelper )
   380                 {
   381                 // The pairing helper calls back PairingCompleted and sets state.
   382                 iPairingHelper->CancelPairingNotifierL( aMessage.Int0() );
   383                 // The pairing helper may have now been deleted.
   384                 }
   385             }
   386         }
   387     // We may be done with the current request, proceed to the next one
   388     CheckNextOperationL();
   389     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   390     }
   393 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 // Start a bonding operation with the remote device.
   395 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 //
   397 void CBTNotifConnection::StartBondingL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   398     {
   399     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, aMessage.Function() );
   400     if( iCurrentOp == EIdle || iCurrentOp > EInternalOperations )
   401         {
   402         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iPairingHelper, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState ) );
   403         iPairingHelper = CBTNotifPairingHelper::NewL( this, iTracker );
   404         // The pairingg helper stored the handle, not in our queue here.
   405         // This is because bonding will generate a pairing notifier request, which 
   406         // will be completed first. The bookkeeping gets complicated if we have to
   407         // re-order the queue here.
   408         iPairingHelper->StartBondingL( aMessage.Handle() );
   409         iCurrentOp = EBonding;
   410         }
   411     else if( iCurrentOp == EPairing || iCurrentOp == EBonding )
   412         {
   413         // We only do one pairing at the time.
   414         User::Leave( KErrInUse );
   415         }
   416     else
   417         {
   418         // We only store it here if it is not handled immediately.
   419         iMsgHandleQ.AppendL( aMessage.Handle() );
   420         }
   421     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   422     }
   425 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   426 // Cancel an ongoing bonding operation with the remote device.
   427 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 //
   429 void CBTNotifConnection::CancelBondingL()
   430     {
   431     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   432     if( iPairingHelper )
   433         {
   434         iPairingHelper->CancelBondingL();
   435         }
   436     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   437     }
   440 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   441 // The pairing handler has completed a pairing operation.
   442 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   443 //
   444 void CBTNotifConnection::PairingCompleted()
   445     {
   446     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   447     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iPairingHelper, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicNullMember ) );
   448     if( iPairingHelper->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifPairingHelper::EIdle )
   449         {
   450         // We are still idle. Remove the pairing helper
   451         delete iPairingHelper;
   452         iPairingHelper = NULL;
   453         }
   454     if( iCurrentOp == EPairing || iCurrentOp == EBonding )
   455         {
   456         iCurrentOp = EIdle;
   457         TRAP_IGNORE( CheckNextOperationL() );
   458         }
   459     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   460     }
   463 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   464 // Process a new pairing result, and determine if we need to show 
   465 // anything to the user.
   466 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 //
   468 void CBTNotifConnection::PairingResult( TInt aError )
   469     {
   470     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   471     if( !iPairingHelper )
   472         {
   473         TRAP_IGNORE( iPairingHelper = CBTNotifPairingHelper::NewL( this, iTracker ) );
   474         }
   475     if( iPairingHelper )
   476         {
   477         iPairingHelper->HandleAuthenticationCompleteL( aError );
   478         }
   479     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   480     }
   483 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 // Process the new service-level connection, and determine if we need to
   485 // show anything to the user.
   486 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   487 //
   488 void CBTNotifConnection::ServiceConnectedL( TBTProfile aProfile )
   489     {
   490     (void) aProfile;
   491     }
   494 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   495 // Process the new service-level disconnection, and determine if we need to
   496 // show anything to the user.
   497 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 //
   499 void CBTNotifConnection::ServiceDisconnectedL( TBTProfile aProfile )
   500     {
   501     (void) aProfile;
   502     }
   505 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 // Ask the user if he/she wants to block future connection requests. 
   507 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 //
   509 void CBTNotifConnection::LaunchBlockingQueryL()
   510     {
   511     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   512     iCurrentOp = EBlocking;
   513     TBTDialogResourceId resourceId = EBlockUnpairedDevice;
   514     if( iDevice->IsValidPaired() && iDevice->IsPaired() &&
   515         iDevice->LinkKeyType() != ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable )
   516         {
   517         resourceId = EBlockPairedDevice;
   518         }
   519     PrepareNotificationL( TBluetoothDialogParams::EQuery, resourceId );
   520     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   521     }
   524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   525 // Modify the record for the remote device in BTRegistry, with the changes 
   526 // already made in the local record.
   527 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //
   529 void CBTNotifConnection::UpdateRegistryEntryL()
   530     {
   531     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   532     // We use CBTEngDevMan here. We could use the registry API directly, however,
   533     // using this convenience API makes the registry processing much simpler.
   534     if( !iDevMan )
   535         {
   536         iDevMan = CBTEngDevMan::NewL( this );
   537         }
   538     iDevMan->ModifyDevice( *iDevice );
   539     if( iCurrentOp == EIdle ||
   540         ( ( iCurrentOp == EPairing || iCurrentOp == EBonding ) &&
   541           iPairingHelper->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifPairingHelper::EIdle ) )
   542         {
   543         // To make sure that we don't get deleted while updating.
   544         iCurrentOp = EUpdatingRegistry;
   545         }
   546     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   547     }
   549 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   550 // Modify the record for the remote device in BTRegistry, if aTrusted == true, then
   551 // update trusted status after reading device info from registry
   552 //
   553 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   555 void CBTNotifConnection::UpdateRegistryEntryL( TBool aTrusted )
   556     {
   557     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, aTrusted );
   558     if (!aTrusted) {
   559         UpdateRegistryEntryL();
   560         return;
   561         }
   562     // We use CBTEngDevMan here. We could use the registry API directly, however,
   563     // using this convenience API makes the registry processing much simpler.
   564     if( !iDevMan )
   565         {
   566         iDevMan = CBTEngDevMan::NewL( this );
   567         }
   568     // first read device info from registry, to make sure we have up-to-date local info
   569     iCurrentOp = EReadingRegistry;
   570     GetDeviceFromRegistry( iDevice->BDAddr() );
   571     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   572     }
   574 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   575 // From class MBTNotificationResult.
   576 // Handle a result from a user query.
   577 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 //
   579 void CBTNotifConnection::MBRDataReceived( CHbSymbianVariantMap & aData )
   580     {
   581     (void) aData;
   582     NOTIF_NOTIMPL
   583     }
   586 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   587 // From class MBTNotificationResult.
   588 // The notification is finished.
   589 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   590 //
   591 void CBTNotifConnection::MBRNotificationClosed( TInt aError, const TDesC8& aData )
   592     {
   593     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   594     // ToDo: call leaving function from here!
   595     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCurrentOp != EIdle, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState ) );
   596     // First unregister from the notification, so we can already get the next one.
   597     iNotification->RemoveObserver();
   598     iNotification = NULL;
   599     TRAP_IGNORE( NotificationClosedL( aError, aData ) );
   600     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   601     }
   604 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   605 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   606 // Handle the active object completion.
   607 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   608 //
   609 void CBTNotifConnection::RequestCompletedL( CBtSimpleActive* aActive,
   610     TInt aStatus )
   611     {
   612     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, aActive->RequestId() );
   613     switch( aActive->RequestId() )
   614         {
   615         case KRegistryRetriever:
   616             {
   617             BOstrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUMMY_DEVLIST,  
   618                     "[BTNOTIF]\t CBTNotifConnection::MBAORequestCompletedL: KRegistryRetriever" );
   619             if( !iRegistryResponse )
   620                 {
   621                 // We have just created the view, now get the results.
   622                 // There can only be one result, as the address is unique.
   623                 // (note: how about LE random addresses?)
   624                 // Or then we have tried to re-open an existing view, so we get KErrInuse.
   625                 // We anyway just get the results.
   626                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aStatus < 2, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicCorrupt ) );
   627                 iRegistryResponse = CBTRegistryResponse::NewL( iRegistry );
   628                 iRegistryResponse->Start( iRegActive->RequestStatus() );
   629                 iRegActive->GoActive();
   630                 }
   631             else
   632                 {
   633                 if( !aStatus )
   634                     {
   635                     // There can be only one result.
   636                     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iRegistryResponse->Results().Count() == 1, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicCorrupt ) );
   637                     CBTDevice* regDevice = iRegistryResponse->Results()[0];
   638                     TBool paired = CheckRegistryPairedStatus( iDevice, regDevice );
   639                     iDevice->UpdateL( *regDevice );
   640                     if( paired )
   641                         {
   642                         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iPairingHelper, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicNullMember ) );
   643                         iPairingHelper->HandleAuthenticationCompleteL( KErrNone );
   644                         }
   645                     }
   646                 // ToDo: error handling of registry response result?
   647                 delete iRegistryResponse;
   648                 iRegistryResponse = NULL;
   649                 }
   650             if( iCurrentOp == EReadingRegistry && !iRegActive->IsActive() )
   651                 {
   652                 // If this is part of the sequence of operations, we are done.
   653                 // Otherwise we just update with the latest info from registry,
   654                 // and then we don't interrupt or change the state.
   655                 iCurrentOp = EIdle;
   656                 }
   657             }
   658             // ToDo: start registry watching (preferably using registry API when this is available)
   659            break;
   660        case KRegistryWatcher:
   661            {
   662            BOstrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUMMY_DEVLIST,  
   663                    "[BTNOTIF]\t CBTNotifConnection::MBAORequestCompletedL: KRegistryWatcher" );
   664            NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !aStatus )
   665            // Ignore updates while we are already retrieving.
   666            if( !iRegActive->IsActive() )
   667                {
   668                // Refresh our information with the latest from registry
   669                iRegActive->SetRequestId( KRegistryRetriever );
   670                TBTRegistrySearch pattern;
   671                pattern.FindAddress( iAddr );
   672                iRegistry.CreateView( pattern, iRegActive->RequestStatus() );
   673                iRegActive->GoActive();
   674                }
   675            }
   676            break;
   677         case KConnectionWatcher:
   678             {
   679             BOstrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, DUMMY_DEVLIST, 
   680                     "[BTNOTIF]\t CBTNotifConnection::MBAORequestCompletedL: KConnectionWatcher" );
   681             TUint32 event = iBasebandEvent().EventType();
   682             // First subscribe to the next event notification.
   683             // This will overwrite iBasebandEvent().EventType() with KBbEventMask
   684             iPhyLink.NotifyNextBasebandChangeEvent( iBasebandEvent,
   685                         iPhyActive->RequestStatus(), KBbEventMask );
   686             iPhyActive->GoActive();
   687             // Link down and link error are handled in CheckNextOperationL below.
   688             // ToDo: handle events!
   689             if( event & ( ENotifyPhysicalLinkDown | ENotifyPhysicalLinkError ) )
   690                 {
   691                 // We re-use the error code to store the indication that the 
   692                 // link has disconnected. This will only be overridden by next 
   693                 // event, which can only be a connection up event.
   694                 iBasebandEvent().SetErrorCode( KErrDisconnected );
   695                 }
   696             if( iPairingHelper )
   697                 {
   698                 if( event & ( ENotifyPhysicalLinkDown | ENotifyPhysicalLinkError |
   699                     ENotifyAuthenticationComplete ) )
   700                     {
   701                     // Results interesting for pairing result processing.
   702                     iPairingHelper->HandleAuthenticationCompleteL( iBasebandEvent().SymbianErrorCode() );
   703                     }
   704                 else if( event & ENotifyPhysicalLinkUp &&
   705                         iPairingHelper->CurrentOperation() == CBTNotifPairingHelper::EDedicatedBonding )
   706                     {
   707                     iPairingHelper->StartBondingL( 0 );
   708                     }
   709                 }
   710             }
   711             break;
   712         default:
   713             PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState );
   714             break;
   715         }
   716     // We may be done with the current request, proceed to the next one
   717     CheckNextOperationL();
   718     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   719     }
   722 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   723 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   724 // Cancel and clean up all requests related to the active object.
   725 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   726 //
   727 void CBTNotifConnection::CancelRequest( TInt aRequestId )
   728     {
   729     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   730     if ( aRequestId == KConnectionWatcher )
   731         {
   732         iPhyLink.CancelNextBasebandChangeEventNotifier();
   733         }
   734     else if ( aRequestId == KRegistryWatcher && iRegistryResponse )
   735         {
   736         iRegistryResponse->Cancel();
   737         }
   738     else if ( aRequestId == KRegistryRetriever )
   739         {
   740         iRegistry.CancelRequest( iRegActive->RequestStatus());
   741         }    
   742     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   743     }
   745 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   746 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   747 // 
   748 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   749 //
   750 void CBTNotifConnection::HandleError( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, 
   751         TInt aError )
   752     {
   753     (void) aActive;
   754     (void) aError;
   755     }
   757 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   758 // From class MBTEngDevmanObserver.
   759 // Registry modification has completed.
   760 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   761 //
   762 void CBTNotifConnection::HandleDevManComplete( TInt aErr )
   763     {
   764     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   765     (void) aErr;
   766     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !aErr )
   767     if( iCurrentOp == EUpdatingRegistry )
   768         {
   769         // To make sure that we don't get deleted while updating.
   770         iCurrentOp = EIdle;
   771         }
   772     // Refresh is done separately, we will get notified through 
   773     // the registry watcher of the change.
   774     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   775     }
   778 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   779 // From class MBTEngDevmanObserver.
   780 // Callback for getting a device from the registry
   781 //
   782 // Currently only used in context of setting device to trusted
   783 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   784 //
   785 void CBTNotifConnection::HandleGetDevicesComplete( 
   786         TInt err, CBTDeviceArray* deviceArray ) 
   787     {
   788     BOstraceFunctionEntryExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, err );
   789     // err is not used here very much, -1 could be returned if there is no device in registry,
   790     // but this case is covered by examing mRegDevArray.
   791     if (!err && (iCurrentOp == EReadingRegistry) ) {
   792         CBTDevice* dev (0);
   793         if ( deviceArray->Count() ) {
   794             dev = deviceArray->At( 0 );
   795             }
   796         if ( dev ) {
   797             iDevice = dev->CopyL();
   798             }
   799         // Set device to trusted
   800         // Copy the existing security settings.
   801         TBTDeviceSecurity sec( iDevice->GlobalSecurity().SecurityValue(),
   802                       iDevice->GlobalSecurity().PasskeyMinLength() );
   803         sec.SetNoAuthorise( ETrue );  // new value:  set device as trusted
   804         iDevice->SetGlobalSecurity( sec );
   805         iDevMan->ModifyDevice( *iDevice );   // write trusted (& paired) status to registry
   806         // To make sure that we don't get deleted while updating.
   807         iCurrentOp = EUpdatingRegistry;
   808         }
   809     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   810     }
   812 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   813 // Retrieves device from registry based on BT address parameter
   814 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   815 //
   816 void CBTNotifConnection::GetDeviceFromRegistry( const TBTDevAddr &addr )
   817 {
   818     BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   819     TBTRegistrySearch searchPattern;
   820     searchPattern.FindAddress( addr );
   821     // and get this device from registry
   822     iRegDevArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   823     iDevMan->GetDevices(searchPattern, iRegDevArray);
   824     BOstraceFunctionExit1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
   825 }
   827 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   828 // Get and configure a notification.
   829 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   830 //
   831 void CBTNotifConnection::PrepareNotificationL( TBluetoothDialogParams::TBTDialogType aType,
   832     TBTDialogResourceId aResourceId )
   833     {
   834     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   835     iNotification = iTracker->NotificationManager()->GetNotification();
   836     User::LeaveIfNull( iNotification ); // For OOM exception, leaves with KErrNoMemory
   837     iNotification->SetObserver( this );
   838     iNotification->SetNotificationType( aType, aResourceId );
   839     // Set the address of the remote device
   840     TBuf<KBTDevAddrSize> addr;
   841     addr.Copy( iAddr.Des() );
   842     TInt err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDialogParams::EAddress, addr );
   843     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !err )
   844     // Set the name of the remote device
   845     TBTDeviceName name;
   846     GetDeviceNameL( name, *iDevice );
   847     // ToDo: handle leave in name conversion!
   848     err = iNotification->SetData( (TInt) TBluetoothDeviceDialog::EDeviceName, name );
   849     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !err )
   850     // Queue the notification for displaying to the user
   851     err = iTracker->NotificationManager()->QueueNotification( iNotification );
   852     NOTIF_NOTHANDLED( !err )
   853     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   854     }
   857 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   858 // The notification is finished, handle the result.
   859 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   860 //
   861 void CBTNotifConnection::NotificationClosedL( TInt aError, const TDesC8& aData )
   862     {
   863     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   864     switch( iCurrentOp )
   865         {
   866         case EAuthorizing:
   867             CompleteAuthorizationReqL( aError, aData );
   868             break;
   869         case EBlocking:
   870             CompleteBlockingReqL( aError, aData );
   871             break;
   872         default:
   873             NOTIF_NOTIMPL
   874             break;
   875         }
   876     // We may be done with the current request, proceed to the next one
   877     CheckNextOperationL();
   878     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   879     }
   882 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   883 // Handle a request for authorization of this connection.
   884 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   885 //
   886 void CBTNotifConnection::HandleAuthorizationReqL( const TDesC8& aParams )
   887     {
   888     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   889     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iCurrentOp == EIdle, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicBadState ) );
   890     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( !iNotification, PanicServer( EBTNotifPanicCorrupt ) );
   891     TBTAuthorisationParams params;
   892     TPckgC<TBTAuthorisationParams> paramsPckg( params );
   893     paramsPckg.Set( aParams );
   894     iCurrentOp = EAuthorizing;
   895     // The name in the parameter package is the latest one, retrieved from 
   896     // the remote device during this connection.
   897     if( paramsPckg().iName.Length() )
   898         {
   899         // Update the local device record. No need to update the registry,
   900         // that will be done by the stack, and we will receive the update 
   901         // information when that has completed.
   902         iDevice->SetDeviceNameL( BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUTF8L( paramsPckg().iName ) );
   903         }
   904     PrepareNotificationL( TBluetoothDialogParams::EQuery, EAuthorization );
   905     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   906     }
   909 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   910 // Process the user input and complete the outstanding authorization request. 
   911 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   912 //
   913 void CBTNotifConnection::CompleteAuthorizationReqL( TInt aError, const TDesC8& aData )
   914     {
   915     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   916     // Set our state to idle for now. This may get changed if the user just chose 
   917     // to block, or if we have a pending request.
   918     iCurrentOp = EIdle;
   919     if( !aError )
   920         {
   921         TPckgC<TBool> result( EFalse );
   922         result.Set( aData );
   923         TBool proceed = iTracker->UpdateBlockingHistoryL( iDevice, result() );
   924         if( result() == EFalse && proceed )
   925             {
   926             // The user denied the connection, ask to block the device.
   927             LaunchBlockingQueryL();
   928             }
   929         CompleteClientRequest( KErrNone, aData );
   930         }
   931     else
   932         {
   933         CompleteClientRequest( aError, KNullDesC8 );
   934         }
   935     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   936     }
   939 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   940 // Process the user input for blocking a device.
   941 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   942 //
   943 void CBTNotifConnection::CompleteBlockingReqL( TInt aError, const TDesC8& aData )
   944     {
   945     BOstraceFunctionEntry0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   946     TPckgC<TBool> result( EFalse );
   947     result.Set( KNullDesC8 );    // to test!
   948     result.Set( aData );
   949     iCurrentOp = EIdle; // May get changed if we have a pending request.
   950     if( !aError && result() )
   951         {
   952         // The user accepted to block this device.
   953         TBTDeviceSecurity sec;  // use default values when setting as banned.
   954         sec.SetBanned( ETrue );
   955         iDevice->SetGlobalSecurity( sec );
   956         if( iDevice->IsValidPaired() && iDevice->IsPaired() )
   957             {
   958             // Deleting the link key will also set the device as unpaired.
   959             iDevice->DeleteLinkKey();
   960             }
   961         UpdateRegistryEntryL();
   962         }
   963     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST );
   964     }