changeset 72 4b59561a31c0
parent 64 1934667b0e2b
equal deleted inserted replaced
64:1934667b0e2b 72:4b59561a31c0
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  * Initial Contributors:
     9  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10  *
    11  * Contributors:
    12  * Description :
    13  *
    14  */
    16 #include "scpbwcommandhandler.h"
    17 #include <mpbutil.h> 
    18 #include <exterror.h>
    19 #include <etelmmerr.h>
    21 #include "atmisccmdpluginconsts.h"
    22 #include "debug.h"
    24 const TInt KMaxContactEntrySize = 512;
    25 const TInt KMaxTextLength = 64;
    26 const TInt KMaxNumberLength = 64;
    27 const TInt KMaxEmailLength = 64;
    29 CSCPBWCommandHandler* CSCPBWCommandHandler::NewL(MATMiscCmdPlugin* aCallback, TAtCommandParser& aATCmdParser, RMobilePhone& aPhone)
    30     {
    32     CSCPBWCommandHandler* self = new (ELeave) CSCPBWCommandHandler(aCallback, aATCmdParser, aPhone);
    33     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    34     self->ConstructL();
    35     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    36     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    37     return self;
    38     }
    40 CSCPBWCommandHandler::CSCPBWCommandHandler(MATMiscCmdPlugin* aCallback, TAtCommandParser& aATCmdParser, RMobilePhone& aPhone) :
    41     CATCmdAsyncBase(aCallback, aATCmdParser, aPhone)
    42     {
    44     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    45     }
    47 void CSCPBWCommandHandler::ConstructL()
    48     {
    51     TInt err = iPhoneBookStore.Open(iPhone, KETelIccAdnPhoneBook);
    52     if (err != KErrNone)
    53         {
    54         iState = ESCPBWStateSimStoreNotSupported;
    55         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    56         return;
    57         }
    58     err = iMmCustomAPI.Open(iPhone);
    59     if (err != KErrNone)
    60         {
    61         iPhoneBookStore.Close();
    62         iState = ESCPBWStateSimStoreNotSupported;
    63         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    64         return;
    65         }
    66     iPhoneBookBuffer = new (ELeave) CPhoneBookBuffer;
    68     iReply.CreateL(KDefaultCmdBufLength);
    69     iNum1.CreateL(KMaxNumberLength);
    70     iNum2.CreateL(KMaxNumberLength);
    71     iNum3.CreateL(KMaxNumberLength);
    72     iNum4.CreateL(KMaxNumberLength);
    73     iText.CreateL(KMaxTextLength);
    74     iEmail.CreateL(KMaxEmailLength);
    75     iPbData.CreateL(KMaxContactEntrySize);
    77     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    78     }
    80 CSCPBWCommandHandler::~CSCPBWCommandHandler()
    81     {
    83     Cancel();
    84     delete iPhoneBookBuffer;
    85     iPhoneBookStore.Close();
    86     iMmCustomAPI.Close();
    87     iPbData.Close();
    88     iReply.Close();
    89     iNum1.Close();
    90     iNum2.Close();
    91     iNum3.Close();
    92     iNum4.Close();
    93     iText.Close();
    94     iEmail.Close();
    95     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
    96     }
    98 void CSCPBWCommandHandler::HandleCommand(const TDesC8& /*aCmd*/, RBuf8& /*aReply*/, TBool /*aReplyNeeded*/)
    99     {
   102     if (iState != ESCPBWStateIdle)
   103         {
   104         // Reply "ERROR" if handler is not in idle
   105         iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete(EReplyTypeError);
   106         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   107         return;
   108         }
   109     TInt err = KErrNone;
   111     TAtCommandParser::TCommandHandlerType cmdHandlerType = iATCmdParser.CommandHandlerType();
   113     switch (cmdHandlerType)
   114         {
   115         case (TAtCommandParser::ECmdHandlerTypeTest):
   116             {
   117             if (iMaxEntries == 0)
   118                 {
   119                 RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1Pckg pckg(iPhoneBookStoreInfo);
   120                 iPhoneBookStore.GetInfo(iStatus, pckg);
   121                 iState = ESCPBWStateGetPhonebookInfo;
   122                 SetActive();
   123                 }
   124             else if (iEmailLength == 0)
   125                 {
   126                 iState = ESCPBWStateGet3GPBInfo;
   127                 iMmCustomAPI.Get3GPBInfo(iStatus, i3GPBInfo);
   128                 SetActive();
   129                 }
   130             else
   131                 {
   132                 // Phonebook info has been obtained
   133                 iReply.Zero();
   134                 iReply.Format(KSCPBWSupportedCmdsList, iMaxEntries, iNumLength, iTextLength, iEmailLength);
   135                 iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete( EReplyTypeOk, iReply );
   136                 }
   137             }
   138             break;
   139         case (TAtCommandParser::ECmdHandlerTypeSet): 
   140             {
   141             ResetParameters();
   142             TBool isDeleteRequest = EFalse;
   143             err = ParseParameters(isDeleteRequest);
   144             Trace(_L("Parse completed, err = %d"), err);
   145             if (isDeleteRequest)
   146                 {
   147                 // Delete entry at iIndex
   148                 iState = ESCPBWStateDelete;
   149                 iPhoneBookStore.Delete(iStatus, iIndex);
   150                 SetActive();
   151                 }
   152             else if (err == KErrNone)
   153                 {
   154                 // Create an entry
   155                 err = CreateContactEntry();
   156                 if (err == KErrNone)
   157                     {
   158                     iPhoneBookStore.Write(iStatus, iPbData, iIndex);
   159                     iState = ESCPBWStateWrite;
   160                     SetActive();
   161                     }
   162                 else
   163                     {
   164                     iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete( EReplyTypeError );
   165                     }
   166                 }
   167             else
   168                 {
   169                 iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete( EReplyTypeError );
   170                 }
   171             break;
   172             }
   173         default:
   174             {
   175             iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete( EReplyTypeError );
   176             break;
   177             }
   178         }
   180     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   181     }
   183 void CSCPBWCommandHandler::RunL()
   184     {
   187     iReply.Zero();
   188     TInt err = iStatus.Int();
   189     Trace(_L("State = %d, err = %d"), iState, err);
   191     if (err == KErrNone)
   192         {
   193         switch (iState)
   194             {
   195             case ESCPBWStateGetPhonebookInfo:
   196                 {
   197                 Trace(_L("Get info successful."));
   198                 iNumLength = iPhoneBookStoreInfo.iMaxNumLength;
   199                 iTextLength = iPhoneBookStoreInfo.iMaxTextLength;
   200                 iMaxEntries = iPhoneBookStoreInfo.iTotalEntries;
   201                 if (iEmailLength == 0)
   202                     {
   203                     iMmCustomAPI.Get3GPBInfo(iStatus, i3GPBInfo);
   204                     iState = ESCPBWStateGet3GPBInfo;
   205                     SetActive();
   206                     }
   207                 else
   208                     {
   209                     iReply.Format(KSCPBWSupportedCmdsList, iMaxEntries, iNumLength, iTextLength, iEmailLength);
   210                     iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete(EReplyTypeOk, iReply);
   211                     iState = ESCPBWStateIdle;
   212                     }
   213                 }
   214                 break;
   215             case ESCPBWStateGet3GPBInfo:
   216                 {
   217                 Trace(_L("Get 3GPB info successful."));
   218                 iEmailLength = i3GPBInfo.iMaxLenEmail;
   219                 iReply.Format(KSCPBWSupportedCmdsList, iMaxEntries, iNumLength, iTextLength, iEmailLength);
   220                 iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete(EReplyTypeOk, iReply);
   221                 iState = ESCPBWStateIdle;
   222                 }
   223                 break;
   224             case ESCPBWStateWrite:
   225                 {
   226                 Trace(_L("Write successful. Index = %d"), iIndex);
   227                 iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete(EReplyTypeOk);
   228                 iState = ESCPBWStateIdle;
   229                 }
   230                 break;
   231             case ESCPBWStateDelete:
   232                 {
   233                 Trace(_L("Delete successful."));
   234                 iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete(EReplyTypeOk);
   235                 iState = ESCPBWStateIdle;
   236                 }
   237                 break;
   238             default:
   239                 {
   240                 iState = ESCPBWStateIdle;
   241                 iCallback->CreateReplyAndComplete(EReplyTypeError);
   242                 break;
   243                 }
   244             }
   245         }
   246     else
   247         {
   248         iState = ESCPBWStateIdle; 
   249         iCallback->CreateCMEReplyAndComplete(err);
   250         }
   252     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   253     }
   255 void CSCPBWCommandHandler::DoCancel() 
   256     {
   259     switch (iState)
   260         {
   261         case ESCPBWStateGetPhonebookInfo:
   262             {
   263             iPhoneBookStore.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo);
   264             }
   265             break;
   266         case ESCPBWStateGet3GPBInfo:
   267             {
   268             iMmCustomAPI.CancelAsyncRequest(EGet3GPBInfoIPC);
   269             }
   270             break;
   271         case ESCPBWStateDelete:
   272             {
   273             iPhoneBookStore.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreDelete);
   274             }
   275             break;
   276         case ESCPBWStateWrite:
   277             {
   278             iPhoneBookStore.CancelAsyncRequest(EMobilePhoneStoreWrite);
   279             }
   280             break;
   281         }
   282     iState = ESCPBWStateIdle;
   284     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   285     }
   287 TInt CSCPBWCommandHandler::ParseParameters( TBool& aIsDeleteRequest )
   288     {
   291     TInt ret = KErrNone;
   292     // Paese index
   293     ret = iATCmdParser.NextIntParam(iIndex); 
   294     Trace(_L("Parse index err: %d"), ret);
   295     Trace(_L("index: %d"), iIndex);
   296     if (ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrNotFound)
   297         {
   298         // Bad index
   299         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   300         return KErrArgument;
   301         }
   303     TPtrC8 ptrc;
   304     // Parse num1
   305     ptrc.Set(iATCmdParser.NextParam());
   306     if (ptrc.Length() != 0)
   307         {
   308         Trace(_L("Parse num1 OK: %S"), &ptrc);
   309         SetBuffer(iNum1, ptrc);
   310         }
   311     else if (ret == KErrNone )
   312         {
   313         // Only index given
   314         Trace(_L("Only index given."));
   315         aIsDeleteRequest = ETrue;
   316         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   317         return KErrNone;
   318         }
   319     else 
   320         {
   321         // no num1 found
   322         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   323         return KErrArgument;
   324         }
   325     ret = iATCmdParser.NextIntParam(iType1);
   326     if (ret == KErrNotFound)
   327         {
   328         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   329         return KErrNone;
   330         }
   331     else if (ret != KErrNone)
   332         {
   333         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   334         return KErrArgument;
   335         }
   337     // Parse num2
   338     ptrc.Set(iATCmdParser.NextParam());
   339     if (ptrc.Length() != 0)
   340         {
   341         Trace(_L("Parse num2 OK: %S"), &ptrc);
   342         SetBuffer(iNum2, ptrc);
   343         }
   344     else 
   345         {
   346         // no num2 found
   347         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   348         return KErrNone;
   349         }
   350     ret = iATCmdParser.NextIntParam(iType2);
   351     if (ret == KErrNotFound)
   352         {
   353         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   354         return KErrNone;
   355         }
   356     else if (ret != KErrNone)
   357         {
   358         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   359         return KErrArgument;
   360         }
   362     // Parse num3
   363     ptrc.Set(iATCmdParser.NextParam());
   364     if (ptrc.Length() != 0)
   365         {
   366         Trace(_L("Parse num3 OK: %S"), &ptrc);
   367         SetBuffer(iNum3, ptrc);
   368         }
   369     else
   370         {
   371         // no num3 found
   372         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   373         return KErrNone;
   374         }
   375     ret = iATCmdParser.NextIntParam(iType3);
   376     if (ret == KErrNotFound)
   377         {
   378         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   379         return KErrNone;
   380         }
   381     else if (ret != KErrNone)
   382         {
   383         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   384         return KErrArgument;
   385         }
   387     // Parse num4
   388     ptrc.Set(iATCmdParser.NextParam());
   389     if (ptrc.Length() != 0)
   390         {
   391         Trace(_L("Parse num4 OK: %S"), &ptrc);
   392         SetBuffer(iNum4, ptrc);
   393         }
   394     else
   395         {
   396         // no num4 found
   397         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   398         return KErrNone;
   399         }
   400     ret = iATCmdParser.NextIntParam(iType4);
   401     if (ret == KErrNotFound)
   402         {
   403         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   404         return KErrNone;
   405         }
   406     else if (ret != KErrNone)
   407         {
   408         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   409         return KErrArgument;
   410         }
   412     // Parse text
   413     ptrc.Set(iATCmdParser.NextParam());
   414     if (ptrc.Length() != 0)
   415         {
   416         Trace(_L("Parse text OK: %S"), &ptrc);
   417         SetBuffer(iText, ptrc);
   418         }
   419     else
   420         {
   421         // no text found
   422         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   423         return KErrNone;
   424         }
   425     ret = iATCmdParser.NextIntParam(iCoding);
   426     if (ret == KErrNotFound)
   427         {
   428         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   429         return KErrNone;
   430         }
   431     else if (ret != KErrNone)
   432         {
   433         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   434         return KErrArgument;
   435         }
   437     // Parse email
   438     ptrc.Set(iATCmdParser.NextParam());
   439     if (ptrc.Length() != 0)
   440         {
   441         Trace(_L("Parse email OK: %S"), &ptrc);
   442         SetBuffer(iEmail, ptrc);
   443         }
   444     else
   445         {
   446         // no email found
   447         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   448         return KErrNone;
   449         }
   451     if (iATCmdParser.NextParam().Length() != 0)
   452         {
   453         // too many parameters
   454         Trace(_L("Too many parameters."));
   455         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   456         return KErrArgument;
   457         }
   459     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   460     return KErrNone;
   461     }
   463 TInt CSCPBWCommandHandler::CreateContactEntry()
   464     {
   467     TInt err = KErrNone;
   468     iPhoneBookBuffer->Set(&iPbData);
   469     // Add new entry tag
   470     err = iPhoneBookBuffer->AddNewEntryTag();
   471     Trace(_L("New entry tag added, err = %d"), err);
   472     if (err != KErrNone)
   473         {
   474         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   475         return err;
   476         }
   477     // Put index into the entry
   478     err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex, (TUint16)iIndex);
   479     Trace(_L("Index added, err = %d"), err);
   480     if (err != KErrNone)
   481         {
   482         TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   483         return err;
   484         }
   485     // Put text into the entry
   486     if (iText.Length() != 0)
   487         {
   488         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, iText);
   489         Trace(_L("Text added, err = %d"), err);
   490         if (err != KErrNone)
   491             {
   492             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   493             return err;
   494             }
   495         }
   496     // Put num1 into the entry
   497     if (iNum1.Length() != 0)
   498         {
   499         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, iNum1);
   500         Trace(_L("Number 1 added, err = %d"), err);
   501         if (err != KErrNone)
   502             {
   503             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   504             return err;
   505             }
   506         }
   507     // Put num2 into the entry
   508     if (iNum2.Length() != 0)
   509         {
   510         // Add anr tag 
   511         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->AddNewNumberTag();
   512         Trace(_L("New number tag added, err = %d"), err);
   513         if (err != KErrNone)
   514             {
   515             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   516             return err;
   517             }
   518         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, iNum2);
   519         Trace(_L("Number 2 added, err = %d"), err);
   520         if (err != KErrNone)
   521             {
   522             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   523             return err;
   524             }
   525         }
   526     // Put num3 into the entry
   527     if (iNum3.Length() != 0)
   528         {
   529         // Add anr tag 
   530         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->AddNewNumberTag();
   531         Trace(_L("New number tag added, err = %d"), err);
   532         if (err != KErrNone)
   533             {
   534             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   535             return err;
   536             }
   537         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, iNum3);
   538         Trace(_L("Number 3 added, err = %d"), err);
   539         if (err != KErrNone)
   540             {
   541             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   542             return err;
   543             }
   544         }
   545     // Put num4 into the entry
   546     if (iNum4.Length() != 0)
   547         {
   548         // Add anr tag 
   549         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->AddNewNumberTag();
   550         Trace(_L("New number tag added, err = %d"), err);
   551         if (err != KErrNone)
   552             {
   553             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   554             return err;
   555             }
   556         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, iNum4);
   557         Trace(_L("Number 4 added, err = %d"), err);
   558         if (err != KErrNone)
   559             {
   560             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   561             return err;
   562             }
   563         }    
   564     // Put email address into the entry
   565     if (iEmail.Length() != 0)
   566         {
   567         err = iPhoneBookBuffer->PutTagAndValue(RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBEmailAddress, iEmail);
   568         Trace(_L("Email added, err = %d"), err);
   569         if (err != KErrNone)
   570             {
   571             TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   572             return err;
   573             }
   574         }
   576     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   577     return KErrNone;
   578     }
   580 void CSCPBWCommandHandler::ResetParameters()
   581     {
   584     iPbData.Zero();
   585     iIndex = -1;
   586     iNum1.Zero();
   587     iType1 = 0x91; // International & ISDN
   588     iNum2.Zero();
   589     iType2 = 0x91;
   590     iNum3.Zero();
   591     iType3 = 0x91;
   592     iNum4.Zero();
   593     iType4 = 0x91;
   594     iText.Zero();
   595     iCoding = 0; // GSM 7 bit
   596     iEmail.Zero();
   598     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   599     }
   601 void CSCPBWCommandHandler::SetBuffer(TDes& aDest, const TDesC8& aSource)
   602     {
   604     TInt maxLength = aDest.MaxLength();
   605     if (aSource.Length() <= maxLength)
   606         {
   607         aDest.Copy(aSource);
   608         }
   609     else
   610         {
   611         aDest.Copy(aSource.Left(maxLength));
   612         }
   613     TRACE_FUNC_EXIT
   614     }