changeset 55 613943a21004
parent 54 0ba996a9b75d
child 56 9386f31cc85b
equal deleted inserted replaced
54:0ba996a9b75d 55:613943a21004
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Bluetooth visibility timeout notifier class.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <StringLoader.h>       // Localisation stringloader
    22 #include <SecondaryDisplay/BTnotifSecondaryDisplayAPI.h>
    23 #include <e32cmn.h>
    24 #include <BTNotif.rsg>          // Own resources
    25 #include <btengsettings.h>
    26 #include <bluetoothuiutil.h>
    27 #include "BTNGenericQueryNotifier.h"      // Own class definition
    28 #include "btNotifDebug.h"       // Debugging macros
    29 #include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h>
    31 #ifdef __SERIES60_HELP
    32 #include <hlplch.h>
    33 #include <csxhelp/bt.hlp.hrh> // The bt hrh info is needed, for help launching
    34 #endif
    36 const TInt KBTNotifPhonePowerKeyWatcher = 30;
    38 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    40 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    41 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::NewL
    42 // Two-phased constructor.
    43 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    44 //
    45 CBTGenericQueryNotifier* CBTGenericQueryNotifier::NewL()
    46     {
    47     CBTGenericQueryNotifier* self=new (ELeave) CBTGenericQueryNotifier();
    48     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    49     self->ConstructL();
    50     CleanupStack::Pop();
    51     return self;
    52     }
    54 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    55 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::CBTGenericQueryNotifier
    56 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    57 // might leave.
    58 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    59 //
    60 CBTGenericQueryNotifier::CBTGenericQueryNotifier()
    61     {
    62     }
    64 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    65 // Destructor
    66 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    67 //
    68 CBTGenericQueryNotifier::~CBTGenericQueryNotifier()
    69     {
    70     Cancel();   // Free own resources
    71     delete iName;
    72     iQueryMessage.Close();
    73 	delete iQueryHeader;
    74 	if (iPhonePowerKey.Handle())
    75 		{
    76 		iPhonePowerKey.Cancel();
    77 		}
    78 	delete iPhonePowerKeyWatcher;
    79 	iPhonePowerKey.Close();
    80 	}
    82 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    83 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ConstructL
    84 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    85 // Attach to the P&S property and create
    86 // ----------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ConstructL()
    89 	{
    90 	CBTNotifierBase::ConstructL();
    92 	/**
    93 	 * SysAp notifies Alarm UI to hide alarm when powerkey is pressed.
    94 	 * This is called from CSysApAppUi::HandleShortPowerKeyPressedL(),
    95 	 * so it seems to be a better choice than the following keys:
    96 	 * 	KPSUidAvkonDomain/KAknPowerMenuStatus
    97 	 * 	KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs/KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus
    98 	 * KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus  would be ideal, but it comes too late.
    99 	 */
   100 	User::LeaveIfError(iPhonePowerKey.Attach(KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs,
   101 			KCoreAppUIsHideAlarm));
   102 	iPhonePowerKeyWatcher = CBTNotifActive::NewL(this,
   103 			KBTNotifPhonePowerKeyWatcher, CActive::EPriorityStandard);
   104 	iPhonePowerKey.Subscribe(iPhonePowerKeyWatcher->RequestStatus());
   105 	iPhonePowerKeyWatcher->GoActive();
   106 	}
   108 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::RegisterL
   110 // Register notifier.
   111 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 CBTGenericQueryNotifier::TNotifierInfo CBTGenericQueryNotifier::RegisterL()
   114     {
   115     iInfo.iUid=KBTGenericQueryNotifierUid;
   116     iInfo.iChannel=KBTGenericQueryNotifierUid;
   117     iInfo.iPriority=ENotifierPriorityHigh;
   118     return iInfo;
   119     }
   122 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   123 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::StartL
   124 // Synchronic notifier launch. Contructs and shows a global
   125 // note, no parameters need here.
   126 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   127 //
   128 TPtrC8 CBTGenericQueryNotifier::StartL( const TDesC8& /*aBuffer*/ )
   129     {
   130     FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::StartL()"));
   132     TPtrC8 ret(KNullDesC8);
   133     return (ret);
   135     }
   137 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   138 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::GetParamsL
   139 // Mandatory for BT Notifiers when using asynchronous launch.
   140 // This notifier is synchronous so no implementation is needed.
   141 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   142 //
   143 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::GetParamsL(const TDesC8& aBuffer,
   144                                      TInt aReplySlot,
   145                                      const RMessagePtr2& aMessage)
   146     {
   147    	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::GetParamsL"));
   149    	if (iMessage.Handle())
   150    	    {
   151    	    aMessage.Complete(KErrInUse);
   152    	    return;
   153    	    }
   155 	ProcessParamBufferL(aBuffer);
   157     iMessage = aMessage;
   158     iReplySlot = aReplySlot;
   160     ShowQueryAndCompleteL();
   162    	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::GetParamsL Complete"));
   163     }
   165 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   166 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ProcessParamBufferL
   167 // Parse the data out of the message that is sent by the
   168 // client of the notifier.
   169 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   170 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ProcessParamBufferL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
   171 	{
   173 	TBTGenericQueryNotifierParams bParams;
   174 	TPckgC<TBTGenericQueryNotifierParams> bPckg(bParams);
   175 	bPckg.Set( aBuffer );
   177 	if( bPckg().iMessageType == EBTNameQuery )
   178 	    {
   179 	    iIsNameQuery = ETrue;
   180 	    return;
   181 	    }
   182 	iSecondaryDisplayCommand = ECmdBTnotifUnavailable;
   183 	switch (bPckg().iMessageType)
   184 		{
   185 		case EBTReceiveMessageQuery:
   186 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   187 			iMessageResourceId=R_BT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE	;
   188 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowReceiveMessageFromDeviceDlg;
   189 			break;
   190 		case EBTReceiveMessagePairedQuery:
   191 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   192 			iMessageResourceId=R_BT_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_PAIRED;
   193 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand= ECmdShowReceiveMessageFromPairedDeviceDlg;
   194 			break;
   195 		case EBTIsOffQuery:
   196 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   197     		iMessageResourceId=R_BT_POWER_IS_OFF ;
   198 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtIsOffDlg;
   199 			break;
   200 		case EBTActivateOffLineQuery:
   201 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   202     		iMessageResourceId=R_BT_ACTIVATE_IN_OFFLINE;
   203 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtActivateInOfflineDlg;
   204 			break;
   205 		case EBTNoDevicesFoundQuery:
   206 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   207 			iMessageResourceId=R_BT_NO_DEVICES_FOUND;
   208 			break;
   209 		case EBTAcceptRequestQuery:
   210 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   211 			iMessageResourceId=R_BT_AUTHORISATION_NAME ;
   212 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowAcceptConnRequestDlg;
   213 			break;
   215 		case EBTIsOffJavaQuery:
   216 			iIsMessageQuery=ETrue;
   217 			if( bPckg().iNameExists )
   218 				{
   219 				iMessageResourceId=R_BT_IS_OFF_JAVA_APPNAME; // when caller provide Java application name.
   220 				}
   221 			else
   222 				{
   223 				iMessageResourceId=R_BT_IS_OFF_JAVA; //r_bt_is_hidden_java
   224 				}
   225 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtBtIsOffJavaDlg;
   226 			iQueryHeader=StringLoader::LoadL( R_BT_IS_OFF_JAVA_HEADER);
   227 			break;
   229 		case EBTIsNotShownQuery:
   230 			iIsMessageQuery=ETrue;
   231 			if( bPckg().iNameExists )
   232 				{
   233 				iMessageResourceId=R_BT_IS_HIDDEN_JAVA_APPNAME; // when caller provide Java application name.
   234 				}
   235 			else
   236 				{
   237 				iMessageResourceId=R_BT_IS_HIDDEN_JAVA; //r_bt_is_hidden_java
   238 				}
   239 			iSecondaryDisplayCommand=ECmdShowBtIsNotVisibleDlg;
   240 			iQueryHeader=StringLoader::LoadL( R_BT_IS_HIDDEN_JAVA_HEADER);
   241 			break;
   243 		case EBTBlockConnectionQuery:
   244 		case EBTBlockPairedConnectionQuery:
   245 			iIsMessageQuery=ETrue;
   246 			if( bPckg().iMessageType == EBTBlockConnectionQuery )
   247 				iMessageResourceId = R_BT_BLOCK_DEVICE_NOHELP;
   248 			else
   249 				iMessageResourceId = R_BT_BLOCK_PAIRED_DEVICE_NOHELP ;
   251 			iQueryHeader= StringLoader::LoadL( R_BT_BLOCK_DEVICE_HEADER );
   252 			break;
   254 		case EBTSwitchOffAnyway:
   255 			iIsMessageQuery=EFalse;
   256 			iMessageResourceId=R_BT_SWITCH_OFF_ANYWAY;
   257 			break;
   259 		default:
   260 			FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier:: Unkown messageType! "));
   261  			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   262 		}
   264 	// if the logic string contains substitute indicator "%U", replace it with device name:
   265 	//
   266 	HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadL( iMessageResourceId);
   267 	iQueryMessage.Assign( buf );
   269 	TInt keyLen;
   270 	TInt pos = BluetoothUiUtil::GetStringSubstringKeyPos(
   271 	        iQueryMessage, 0, keyLen );
   272 	if( pos > KErrNotFound)
   273 		{
   274 		//if no device name provided, default name will be used:
   275 		if( !bPckg().iNameExists )
   276 			iName=StringLoader::LoadL(R_BT_DIALOG_DEF_NAME);
   277 		else
   278 			{
   279 			iName=HBufC::NewL(bPckg().iName.Length() );
   280 			iName->Des().Copy(bPckg().iName);
   281 			}
   282 		BluetoothUiUtil::LoadResourceAndSubstringL(
   283 		        iQueryMessage, iMessageResourceId, *iName, 0);
   284 		}
   285 	else
   286 		{
   287 		iName=NULL;
   288 		}
   289 	}
   291 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   292 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::UpdateL
   293 // Update notifier according to new data
   294 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   295 //
   296 TPtrC8 CBTGenericQueryNotifier::UpdateL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
   297 	{
   298    	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::UpdateL"));
   299 	ProcessParamBufferL(aBuffer);
   300 	if( !iNotifUiUtil->IsQueryReleased() )
   301 		{
   302 		if(iIsMessageQuery )
   303 		    {
   304 		    iNotifUiUtil->UpdateMessageQueryDlgL(iQueryMessage);
   305 		    }
   306 		else
   307 		    {
   308 		    iNotifUiUtil->UpdateQueryDlgL(iQueryMessage);
   309 		    }
   310 		}
   311    	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::UpdateL complete"));
   313     TPtrC8 ret(KNullDesC8);
   314     return (ret);
   315 	}
   317 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   318 // CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ShowQueryAndCompleteL
   319 // Shows the notifier in backround and complete message
   320 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   321 //
   322 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ShowQueryAndCompleteL()
   323 	{
   324    	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ShowQueryAndCompleteL"));
   326 	// Turn lights on and deactivate apps -key
   327 	//
   328    	iNotifUiUtil->TurnLightsOn();
   329 	if( iIsNameQuery )
   330 	    {
   331 	    TBool nameStatus = IsLocalNameModifiedL();
   332 	    if( !nameStatus )
   333 	        {
   334 	        (void) AskLocalBTNameQueryL();
   335 	        }
   336         // Check if Local name is set again before turn BT on.
   337         // Turn BT on only when there is local name, since user still has chance
   338         // to ignore the asking name query - like pressing End-key
   339         //
   340         TBTDeviceName localName;
   341         localName.Zero();
   342         TInt err = iBTEngSettings->GetLocalName(localName);
   344         if (localName.Length() <= 0)
   345             {
   346             err = KErrCancel;
   347             }
   349 	    CompleteMessage( (!err) ? ETrue : EFalse, KErrNone );
   351 	    FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ShowQueryAndCompleteL iIsNameQuery complete"));
   352 	    return;
   353 	    }
   355 	TInt keypress;
   356     TBTDeviceName name(KNullDesC);
   357     if( iName )
   358 	    {
   359 	    name.Copy( *iName );
   360 	    }
   361     if( iIsMessageQuery	)
   362 		{
   364         keypress = iNotifUiUtil->ShowMessageQueryL(iQueryMessage, *iQueryHeader,
   365                         R_BT_GENERIC_MESSAGE_QUERY, CAknQueryDialog::EConfirmationTone );
   366 		}
   367 	else
   368     	{
   369     	keypress = iNotifUiUtil->ShowQueryL( iQueryMessage, R_BT_GENERIC_QUERY,
   370     	        iSecondaryDisplayCommand, name, CAknQueryDialog::EConfirmationTone );
   371     	}
   373    	CompleteMessage( (keypress) ? ETrue: EFalse, KErrNone );
   375    	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::ShowQueryAndCompleteL complete"));
   376 	}
   378 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   379 // CBTAuthNotifier::RequestCompletedL
   380 // Gets called when P&S key notifies the change
   381 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   382 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::RequestCompletedL(CBTNotifActive* aActive,
   383 		TInt aId, TInt aStatus)
   384 	{
   385 	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::RequestCompletedL()"));
   386 	switch (aId)
   387 		{
   388 	case KBTNotifPhonePowerKeyWatcher:
   389 		{
   390 		iPhonePowerKey.Subscribe(aActive->RequestStatus());
   391 		aActive->GoActive();
   392 		TInt val = 0;
   393 		// If the Power key is pressed it is likely that he user does not
   394 		// want to continue with existing query, so we dismiss it to avoid
   395 		// any clashes with subsequent popups (ie for setting Lock code).
   396 		// This is probably just a temporary solution to resolve immediate problem,
   397 		// and the issue is raised with UI Framework team.
   398 		if (!aStatus && !iPhonePowerKey.Get(val) && val == ECoreAppUIsHideAlarm)
   399 			{
   400 			// DismissDialog() internally checks that actual query dialog is NOT NULL,
   401 			// so it is safe to call it here.
   402 			iNotifUiUtil->DismissDialog();
   403 			}
   404 		}
   405 		break;
   406 		}
   408 	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::RequestCompletedL() completed"));
   409 	}
   411 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   412 // CBTAuthNotifier::HandleError
   413 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   414 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::HandleError(CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId,
   415 		TInt aError)
   416 	{
   417 	FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::HandleError() error = %d"), aError ));
   418 	(void) aActive;
   419 	(void) aId;
   420 	(void) aError;
   421 	}
   423 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   424 // CBTAuthNotifier::DoCancelRequest
   425 // Root caller is CBTNotifActive::CancelRequest(), which calls
   426 // CActive::Cancel that calls DoCancel() if request is active.
   427 // ----------------------------------------------------------
   428 void CBTGenericQueryNotifier::DoCancelRequest(CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId)
   429 	{
   430 	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::DoCancel() >>"));
   431 	(void) aActive;
   432 	(void) aId;
   434 	iPhonePowerKey.Cancel();
   436 	FLOG(_L("[BTNOTIF]\t CBTGenericQueryNotifier::DoCancel() <<"));
   437 	}
   439 // End of File