changeset 56 9386f31cc85b
parent 55 613943a21004
child 61 269724087bed
equal deleted inserted replaced
55:613943a21004 56:9386f31cc85b
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: class for prompting user to authorize a service
    15 *              connection request.
    16 *
    17 */
    19 #include <hb/hbcore/hbsymbianvariant.h>
    20 #include <btengconnman.h>
    21 #include "btnotifserviceauthorizer.h"
    22 #include "btnotifsecuritymanager.h"
    23 #include "bluetoothtrace.h"
    24 #include "btnotifclientserver.h"
    25 #include "bluetoothnotification.h"
    26 #include "btnotifconnectiontracker.h"
    27 #include "btnotificationmanager.h"
    28 #include "btnotifserver.h"
    29 #include "btnotifutil.h"
    31 //
    32 // SDP UUID Constants - Short form
    33 // Taken from Bluetooth Profile specification v1.1
    34 // These are used when registering the service to
    35 // local SDP database and when searching the service
    36 // information from remote device.
    37 const TUint KBTSdpDun                   = 0x1103;
    38 const TUint KBTSdpGenericTelephony      = 0x1204;
    39 const TUint KBTSdpFax                   = 0x1111;
    40 const TUint KBTSdpObjectPush            = 0x1105;
    41 const TUint KBTSdpFileTransfer          = 0x1106;
    42 const TUint KBTSdpHeadSet               = 0x1108;
    43 const TUint KBTSdpGenericNetworking     = 0x1201;
    44 const TUint KBTSdpBasicImaging          = 0x111b;
    47 CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer* CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::NewL(
    48                                         CBTNotifSecurityManager& aParent)
    49     {
    50     CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer* me = new (ELeave) CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer(aParent);
    51     CleanupStack::PushL(me);
    52     me->ConstructL();
    53     CleanupStack::Pop(me);
    54     return me;
    55     }
    57 CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::~CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer()
    58     {
    59     iParams.Close();
    60     if( iNotification )
    61         {
    62         // Clear the notification callback, we cannot receive them anymore.
    63         iNotification->RemoveObserver();
    64         iNotification->Close(); // Also dequeues the notification from the queue.
    65         iNotification = NULL;
    66         }
    67     if ( !iNotifierMessage.IsNull() )
    68         {
    69         iNotifierMessage.Complete( KErrServerTerminated );
    70         }
    71     }
    73 CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer(
    74                                         CBTNotifSecurityManager& aParent)
    75 :iParent(aParent)
    76     {
    77     }
    79 void CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::ConstructL()
    80     {
    81     }
    83 void CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::StartNotifierL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
    84     {
    85     if (!iNotifierMessage.IsNull())
    86         {
    87         if(aMessage.Function() == EBTNotifCancelNotifier)
    88             {
    89             TInt err = iNotification->Close();
    90             iNotifierMessage.Complete(KErrCancel);
    91             aMessage.Complete(err);
    92             return;
    93             }
    94         BOstrace0(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"[BTNotif]:We are busy");
    95         User::Leave(KErrServerBusy );
    96         }
    98     iParams.ReAllocL( aMessage.GetDesLengthL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot ) );
    99     aMessage.ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, iParams );
   101     TBTAuthorisationParams params;
   102     TPckgC<TBTAuthorisationParams> paramsPckg( params );
   103     paramsPckg.Set( iParams );
   105     iServiceId = paramsPckg().iUid.iUid;
   107     const CBtDevExtension* dev = NULL;
   108     dev = iParent.BTDevRepository().Device(paramsPckg().iBDAddr);
   110     if(dev && dev->Device().GlobalSecurity().Banned() )
   111         {
   112         // If the device is banned, service connection from
   113         // this device is not allowed:
   114         BOstrace0(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"[BTNotif]:Device is banned");
   115         aMessage.Complete( KErrCancel);
   116         return;    
   117         }
   119     if(dev && dev->Device().GlobalSecurity().NoAuthorise())
   120         {
   121         // If the device is a trusted one, no need to pop up query messages.
   122         TPckgBuf<TBool> answer;
   123         answer() = ETrue;
   124         aMessage.Write(EBTNotifSrvReplySlot, answer);
   125         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   126         return;
   127         }
   129     // User must namually authorize this request. 
   130     // Get needed info for the dialog:
   131     iPairedDevice = (dev == NULL ) ? EFalse : dev->IsUserAwareBonded();
   132     iDeviceClass = (dev == NULL ) ? 0 : dev->Device().DeviceClass().DeviceClass();
   133     TBTNotifUtil::GetDeviceUiNameL(iCurrentDeviceName, 
   134             dev, paramsPckg().iName, paramsPckg().iBDAddr );
   136     TBool autoAuthorize;
   137     PrepareNotificationL(autoAuthorize,
   138             TBluetoothDialogParams::EUserAuthorization, 
   139             EAuthorization, iPairedDevice);
   140     if ( autoAuthorize ) 
   141         {
   142         TPckgBuf<TBool> answer; 
   143         answer() = ETrue;
   144         aMessage.Write(EBTNotifSrvReplySlot, answer);
   145         aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   146         }
   147     else 
   148         {
   149         iNotification->ShowL();
   150         // we do not save the message until all leavable functions have executed successfully.
   151         // This makes sure the iNotifierMessage has a valid handle.
   152         iNotifierMessage = aMessage;
   153         }
   154     }
   156 void CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::MBRDataReceived( CHbSymbianVariantMap& aData )
   157     {
   158     // "actionResult" will be true if the user clicks 'Yes' on the dialog and false, if he/she clicks 'No'
   159     // "iCheckBoxState" will be set to true of the checkbox is checked, else false.
   160     if(aData.Keys().MdcaPoint(0).Compare(_L("actionResult")) == 0)
   161         {
   162         TBTAuthorisationParams params;
   163         TPckgC<TBTAuthorisationParams> paramsPckg(params);
   164         paramsPckg.Set(iParams);
   166         TPckgBuf<TBool> answer;
   167         TInt val = *(static_cast<TInt*>(aData.Get(_L("actionResult"))->Data()));
   168         if(val)
   169             {
   170             answer() = ETrue;
   171             if(iCheckBoxState)
   172                 {
   173                 // Set the device "Trusted" property
   174                 iParent.TrustDevice(paramsPckg().iBDAddr);
   175                 }
   176              }
   177         else
   178             {
   179             answer() = EFalse;
   180             if(iCheckBoxState)
   181                 {
   182                 // If the device is paried, unpair it as well.
   183                 if(iPairedDevice)
   184                     {
   185                     iParent.UnpairDevice(paramsPckg().iBDAddr);
   186                     }
   188                 //Set the device "Blocked" property
   189                 iParent.BlockDevice(paramsPckg().iBDAddr,ETrue);
   190                 }
   191             }
   192         if ( !iNotifierMessage.IsNull() )
   193             {
   194             iNotifierMessage.Write(EBTNotifSrvReplySlot, answer);
   195             iNotifierMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
   196             }
   197         }
   198     else if(aData.Keys().MdcaPoint(0).Compare(_L("checkBoxState")) == 0)
   199         {
   200         iCheckBoxState = *(static_cast<TInt*>(aData.Get(_L("checkBoxState"))->Data()));
   201         }
   202     }
   204 void CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::MBRNotificationClosed( TInt aError, const TDesC8& aData )
   205     {
   206     (void) aError;
   207     (void) aData;
   208     iNotification->RemoveObserver();
   209     iNotification = NULL;
   210     }
   212 void CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::PrepareNotificationL(TBool& aAutoAuthorize,
   213         TBluetoothDialogParams::TBTDialogType aType,
   214     TBTDialogResourceId aResourceId, TBool aPaired)
   215     {
   216     iNotification = iParent.ConnectionTracker().NotificationManager()->GetNotification();
   217     User::LeaveIfNull( iNotification ); // For OOM exception, leaves with KErrNoMemory
   218     iNotification->SetObserver( this );
   219     iNotification->SetNotificationType( aType, aResourceId );
   220     TInt err = KErrNone;
   221     aAutoAuthorize = EFalse;
   223     //Set the dialog title based on the service IDs
   224     switch(iServiceId)
   225         {
   226         case KBTSdpObjectPush:
   227         case KBTSdpBasicImaging:
   228             {
   229             if(aPaired)
   230                 {
   231                 err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDialogParams::EDialogTitle, TBluetoothDialogParams::EReceiveFromPairedDevice);
   232                 // In case of receiving a msg from a paired deivce, the checkbox is checked by default.
   233                 iCheckBoxState = ETrue;
   234                 User::LeaveIfError(err);
   235                 }
   236             else
   237                 {
   238                 err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDialogParams::EDialogTitle, TBluetoothDialogParams::EReceive);
   239                 iCheckBoxState = EFalse;
   240                 User::LeaveIfError(err);
   241                 }
   242             }
   243             break;
   245         case KBTSdpFax:
   246         case KBTSdpDun:
   247         case KBTSdpFileTransfer:
   248         case KBTSdpHeadSet:
   249         case KBTSdpGenericTelephony:
   250         case KBTSdpGenericNetworking:
   251             {
   252             err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDialogParams::EDialogTitle, TBluetoothDialogParams::EConnect);
   253             // In case of an incoming connection, the checkbox is checked by default.
   254             iCheckBoxState = ETrue;
   255             User::LeaveIfError(err);
   256             }
   257             break;
   259         default:
   260             {
   261             TBTAuthorisationParams params;
   262             TPckgC<TBTAuthorisationParams> paramsPckg(params);
   263             paramsPckg.Set(iParams);
   265             // In this case, if there already exists a connection to an audio device, then we simply accept
   266             // the incoming connection without querying the user.
   267             // If there is no existing connection, then we pop up a query message.
   268             if(IsExistingConnectionToAudioL(paramsPckg().iBDAddr))
   269                 {
   270                 aAutoAuthorize = ETrue;
   271                 return;
   272                 }
   273             else
   274                 {
   275                 err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDialogParams::EDialogTitle, TBluetoothDialogParams::EConnect);
   276                 // In case of an incoming connection, the checkbox is checked by default.
   277                 iCheckBoxState = ETrue;
   278                 User::LeaveIfError(err);
   279                 }
   280             }
   281             break;
   282         }
   284     //Add the device name 
   285     err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDeviceDialog::EDeviceName, iCurrentDeviceName );
   286     User::LeaveIfError(err);
   287     //Add the device class
   288     err = iNotification->SetData( TBluetoothDeviceDialog::EDeviceClass, iDeviceClass );
   289     User::LeaveIfError(err);
   291     }
   293 TBool CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::IsExistingConnectionToAudioL(const TBTDevAddr& aDevAddr)
   294     {
   295     CBTEngConnMan* connMan = CBTEngConnMan::NewL();
   296     TBTEngConnectionStatus conntatus(EBTEngNotConnected);
   297     (void) connMan->IsConnected(aDevAddr,conntatus);      
   298     delete connMan;
   299     return (conntatus==EBTEngConnected || conntatus==EBTEngConnecting);
   300     }