changeset 40 997690c3397a
child 47 9e2a905b887f
equal deleted inserted replaced
37:91746b151f97 40:997690c3397a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "btnotifsecuritymanager.h"
    19 #include "btnotifoutgoingpairinghandler.h"
    20 #include "btnotifincomingpairinghandler.h"
    21 #include "btnotifpairnotifier.h"
    22 #include "btnotifclientserver.h"
    23 #include <e32property.h>
    24 #include "btnotifconnectiontracker.h"
    25 #include "btnotifserviceauthorizer.h"
    27 /**  Identification for active object */
    28 enum TPairManActiveRequestId
    29     {
    30     ESimplePairingResult,
    31     EAuthenticationResult,
    32     ERegistryGetLocalAddress,
    33     };
    35 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    36 // Tells if two TBTNamelessDevice instances are for the same remote device
    37 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 //
    39 TBool CompareDeviceByAddress( const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevA, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDevB )
    40     {
    41     return aDevA.Address() == aDevB.Address();
    42     }
    44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // Tells if these two instances are for the same remote device
    46 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 TBool MatchDeviceAddress(const TBTDevAddr* aAddr, const TBTNamelessDevice& aDev)
    49     {
    50     return *aAddr == aDev.Address();
    51     }
    53 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    55 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // C++ default constructor
    57 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 CBTNotifSecurityManager::CBTNotifSecurityManager(
    60         CBTNotifConnectionTracker& aParent,
    61         CBtDevRepository& aDevRepository)
    62     : iParent( aParent ), iDevRepository( aDevRepository )
    63     {
    64     }
    66 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    67 // Symbian 2nd-phase constructor
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 //
    70 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::ConstructL()
    71     {
    72     // Connect to pairing server for authentication & simple pairing 
    73     // results directly from the BT stack.
    74     // Pairing server doesn't exist if we run BT 2.0 stack:
    75     iPairingServ = new (ELeave) RBluetoothPairingServer;
    76     TInt err = iPairingServ->Connect();
    77     if ( err)
    78         {
    79         delete iPairingServ;
    80         iPairingServ = NULL;
    81         }
    82     else
    83         {
    84         User::LeaveIfError( iPairingResult.Open( *iPairingServ ) );
    85         User::LeaveIfError( iAuthenResult.Open( *iPairingServ ) );
    86         iSSPResultActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, ESimplePairingResult );
    87         iAuthenResultActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, EAuthenticationResult );
    88         SubscribeSspPairingResult();
    89         SubscribeAuthenticateResult();
    90         }
    91     User::LeaveIfError( iRegistry.Open( iParent.RegistryServerSession() ) );
    92     // RProperty for accessing the local device address
    93     User::LeaveIfError( iPropertyLocalAddr.Attach(
    94             KPropertyUidBluetoothCategory, KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress) );
    95     // Initialise paired devices list
    96     iLocalAddrActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, ERegistryGetLocalAddress );
    97     SubscribeLocalAddress();
    98     iPairNotifier = CBTNotifPairNotifier::NewL( *this );
    99     iDevRepository.AddObserverL( this );
   100     iServiceAuthorizer = CBTNotifServiceAuthorizer::NewL(*this);
   101     }
   103 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   104 // NewL
   105 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 //
   107 CBTNotifSecurityManager* CBTNotifSecurityManager::NewL(
   108         CBTNotifConnectionTracker& aParent,
   109         CBtDevRepository& aDevRepository )
   110     {
   111     CBTNotifSecurityManager* self = NULL;
   112     self = new  CBTNotifSecurityManager( aParent, aDevRepository );
   113     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   114     self->ConstructL();
   115     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   116     return self;
   117     }
   119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 // Destructor
   121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 //
   123 CBTNotifSecurityManager::~CBTNotifSecurityManager()
   124     {
   125     delete iSSPResultActive;
   126     delete iAuthenResultActive;
   127     delete iPairNotifier;
   128     delete iPairingHandler;
   129     iPairedDevices.Close();
   130     iPairingResult.Close();
   131     iAuthenResult.Close();
   132     if ( iPairingServ )
   133         {
   134         iPairingServ->Close();
   135         delete iPairingServ;
   136         }
   137     iRegistry.Close();
   138     delete iLocalAddrActive;
   139     iPropertyLocalAddr.Close();
   140     if ( !iMessage.IsNull() )
   141         {
   142         iMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
   143         }
   144     delete iServiceAuthorizer;
   145     }
   147 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // Initialises the paired devices list.
   149 // If the local address is not available from the P&S key 
   150 // KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress, then the list may need to be 
   151 // updated once the H/W is switched on. This is so that any registry update 
   152 // from a restore operation can be included in the list, without mistaking the 
   153 // new devices for new pairings.
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 //
   156 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::SubscribeLocalAddress()
   157     {
   158     // Check that we have the Bluetooth local address. If we don't then initialise anyway, but subscribe for an update.
   159     // This allows us to refresh our paired devices list to include updates made to the remote devices table of the 
   160     // Bluetooth registry from a restore operation. We need to include these devices without mistaking them for new 
   161     // pairings. We look solely at the P&S key for the address to avoid the condition whereby the address has been
   162     // entered into the reigstry but the Bluetooth Manager server has not begun the restore process yet. The signalling
   163     // of the P&S key will cause Bluetooth Manager to update the registry with any restored devices before fulfilling
   164     // any further requests.
   166     // Subscribe to local address property in case we need an update.
   167     iPropertyLocalAddr.Subscribe( iLocalAddrActive->iStatus );
   168     iLocalAddrActive->SetRequestId( ERegistryGetLocalAddress );
   169     iLocalAddrActive->GoActive();
   170     }
   172 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // Tells whether the local address is available from the P&S key 
   174 // KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetLocalDeviceAddress.
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 //
   177 TBool CBTNotifSecurityManager::IsLocalAddressAvailable()
   178     {
   179     // Attempt to read address from P&S key.
   180     TBuf8<KBTDevAddrSize> btAddrDes;
   181     TInt err = iPropertyLocalAddr.Get( btAddrDes );
   183     // Is the P&S key defined yet? (if not, stack not up yet)
   184     if ( err == KErrNone )
   185         {
   186         // P&S key defined, is local address set? (if not, H/W not initialised yet)
   187         if ( btAddrDes.Length() == KBTDevAddrSize )
   188             {
   189             TBTDevAddr btAddr = btAddrDes;
   190             if ( btAddr != TBTDevAddr() )
   191                 {
   192                 return ETrue;
   193                 }
   194             }
   195         }
   196     return EFalse;
   197     }
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 // Handles pairing related requests from BTNotif clients.
   201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 //
   203 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::HandleBondingRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   204     {
   205     TInt opcode = aMessage.Function();
   206     TBTDevAddrPckgBuf addrPkg;
   207     switch( opcode )
   208         {
   209         case EBTNotifPairDevice:
   210             {
   211             if ( !iMessage.IsNull() )
   212                 {
   213                 User::Leave( KErrServerBusy );
   214                 }
   215             TBTDevAddrPckgBuf addrPkg;
   216             aMessage.ReadL( EBTNotifSrvParamSlot, addrPkg );
   217             BlockDevice(addrPkg(),EFalse);
   218             UnpairDevice( addrPkg() );
   219             PairDeviceL( addrPkg(), aMessage.Int2() );
   220             iMessage = RMessage2( aMessage );
   221             break;
   222             }
   223         case EBTNotifCancelPairDevice:
   224             {
   225             // Only the client who requested pairing can cancel it:
   226             if ( !iMessage.IsNull() && aMessage.Session() == iMessage.Session() )
   227                 {
   228                 iPairingHandler->CancelOutgoingPair();
   229                 iMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
   230                 }
   231             aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
   232             break;
   233             }
   234         default:
   235             {
   236             User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   237             }
   238         }
   239     }
   241 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 // Process a client message related to notifiers.
   243 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 //
   245 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::HandleNotifierRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
   246     {
   247     if(aMessage.Int0() == KBTManAuthNotifierUid.iUid)
   248         {
   249         iServiceAuthorizer->StartNotifierL( aMessage );
   250         }
   251     else
   252         {
   253         iPairNotifier->StartPairingNotifierL( aMessage );
   254         }
   256     BOstraceFunctionExit0( DUMMY_DEVLIST);
   257     }
   259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   260 // Returns the RBluetoothPairingServer instance.
   261 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 //
   263 RBluetoothPairingServer* CBTNotifSecurityManager::PairingServer()
   264     {
   265     return iPairingServ;
   266     }
   268 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // Access the reference of RSockServ
   270 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //
   272 RSocketServ& CBTNotifSecurityManager::SocketServ()
   273     {
   274     return iParent.SocketServerSession();
   275     }
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 // Access the reference of RBTRegSrv
   279 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 //
   281 CBtDevRepository& CBTNotifSecurityManager::BTDevRepository()
   282     {
   283     return iDevRepository;
   284     }
   286 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // Access the reference of CBTNotifConnectionTracker
   288 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 //
   290 CBTNotifConnectionTracker& CBTNotifSecurityManager::ConnectionTracker()
   291     {
   292     return iParent;
   293     }
   295 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   296 // Deletes the current pairing handler and transfer the responsibility
   297 // to the specified.
   298 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 //
   300 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::RenewPairingHandler( 
   301         CBTNotifBasePairingHandler* aPairingHandler )
   302     {
   303     delete iPairingHandler;
   304     iPairingHandler = aPairingHandler;
   305     }
   307 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   308 // Find the session who requested this and completes its request.
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 //
   311 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::OutgoingPairCompleted( TInt aErr )
   312     {
   313     // the meaning of KHCIErrorBase equals KErrNone. Hide this specific BT stack
   314 	// detail from clients:
   315     if ( !iMessage.IsNull()  )
   316         {
   317         iMessage.Complete( (aErr == KHCIErrorBase) ? KErrNone : aErr );
   318         }
   319     }
   321 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 // A session will be ended, completes the pending request for this session.
   323 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 //
   325 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::SessionClosed( CSession2* aSession )
   326     {
   327     BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST," session %x", aSession);
   328     if ( !iMessage.IsNull() && iMessage.Session() == aSession )
   329         {
   330         iMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
   331         }
   332     }
   334 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   335 // Unpair the device from registry
   336 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 //
   338 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::UnpairDevice( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr )
   339     {
   340     TIdentityRelation<TBTNamelessDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress );
   341     TBTNamelessDevice dev;
   342     dev.SetAddress( aAddr );
   343     // only do unpairing if the we have a link key with it.
   344     TInt index = iPairedDevices.Find( dev, addrComp );
   345     if ( index > KErrNotFound )
   346         {
   347         dev = iPairedDevices[index];
   348         TRequestStatus status( KRequestPending );
   349         // Unpair the device in registry (synchronously)
   350         iRegistry.UnpairDevice( dev.Address(), status );
   351         User::WaitForRequest( status );
   352         BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"Delete link key, res %d", status.Int());
   353         if ( status == KErrNone )
   354             {
   355             TBTDeviceSecurity security = dev.GlobalSecurity();
   356             // Clear trust setting so that correct icon will be shown in ui applications.
   357             security.SetNoAuthenticate(EFalse );
   358             security.SetNoAuthorise(EFalse );
   359             dev.SetGlobalSecurity(security);
   360             dev.DeleteLinkKey();
   361             if ( dev.IsValidUiCookie() && 
   362                  ( dev.UiCookie() & EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired ) )
   363                 {
   364                 // Remove the UI cookie bit for Just Works pairing.
   365                 TInt32 cookie = dev.UiCookie() & ~EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired;
   366                 dev.SetUiCookie( cookie );
   367                 BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"UI cookie %x cleared", EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired );
   368                 }
   369             // modify the device in registry synchronously
   370             // status.Int() could be -1 if the device is not in registry 
   371             // which is totally fine for us.
   372             (void) UpdateRegDevice( dev );
   373             }
   374         }
   375     }
   377 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::BlockDevice( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr , TBool aBanned)
   378     {
   379     TIdentityRelation<TBTNamelessDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress );
   380     TBTNamelessDevice dev;
   381     dev.SetAddress( aAddr );
   382     TRequestStatus status( KRequestPending );
   383     // Unpair the device in registry (synchronously)
   384     iRegistry.GetDevice(dev,status);
   385     User::WaitForRequest( status ); 
   386     if(status == KErrNone)
   387         {
   388         TBTDeviceSecurity security = dev.GlobalSecurity();
   389         security.SetBanned(aBanned);
   390         if ( aBanned )
   391             {
   392             security.SetNoAuthorise(EFalse);
   393             }
   394         dev.SetGlobalSecurity(security);
   395         (void)UpdateRegDevice(dev);
   396         }
   397     }
   399 TInt CBTNotifSecurityManager::AddUiCookieJustWorksPaired( const TBTNamelessDevice& aDev )
   400     {
   401     TInt err( KErrNone );
   402     // There might be UI cookies used by other applications,
   403     // we should not overwrite them. 
   404     TInt32 cookie = aDev.IsValidUiCookie() ? aDev.UiCookie() : EBTUiCookieUndefined;
   405     if ( !( cookie & EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired ) )
   406         {
   407         // Only update the cookie if the wanted one is not in registry yet
   408         // to keep minimal operations with registry.
   409         TBTNamelessDevice dev = aDev;		
   410         cookie |= EBTUiCookieJustWorksPaired;
   411         dev.SetUiCookie( cookie );
   412         err = UpdateRegDevice( dev );
   413         BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"Outgoing Pairing write Ui cookie ret %d", err );
   414         }
   415     return err;
   416     }
   418 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   419 // update a nameless device in registry
   420 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   421 //
   422 TInt CBTNotifSecurityManager::UpdateRegDevice( const TBTNamelessDevice& aDev )
   423     {
   424     TRequestStatus status( KRequestPending );
   425     // update the device in registry synchronously
   426     iRegistry.ModifyDevice( aDev, status );
   427     User::WaitForRequest( status );
   428     BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"UpdateRegDevice, ret %d", status.Int());
   429     return status.Int();
   430     }
   432 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   433 // 0000 for outgoing pairing with a headset.
   434 // The placeholder for future extension (pin code passed in for pairing)
   435 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   436 //
   437 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::GetPinCode(
   438         TBTPinCode& aPin, const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aMinPinLength )
   439     {
   440     if ( iPairingHandler )
   441         {
   442         iPairingHandler->GetPinCode( aPin, aAddr, aMinPinLength );
   443         }
   444     else
   445         {
   446         // make sure not to leave any text as PIN.
   447         aPin.Zero();
   448         }
   449     }
   451 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   452 // Ask server class the connection status of the specified device
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 //
   455 TBTEngConnectionStatus CBTNotifSecurityManager::ConnectStatus( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr )
   456     {
   457     const CBtDevExtension* devExt = iDevRepository.Device(aAddr);
   458     TBTEngConnectionStatus status = EBTEngNotConnected;
   459     if ( devExt ) 
   460         {
   461         status = devExt->ServiceConnectionStatus();
   462         }
   463     return status;
   464     }
   466 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 // From class MBTNotifPairingAOObserver.
   468 // Checks if there is an authentication result.
   469 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 //
   471 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::RequestCompletedL( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, TInt aStatus )
   472     {
   473     BOstraceExt2(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"aId: %d, aStatus: %d", aActive->RequestId(), aStatus);
   474     // Check which request is completed.
   475     switch( aActive->RequestId() )
   476         {
   477         case ESimplePairingResult:
   478             {
   479             TBTDevAddr tmpAddr = iSimplePairingRemote;
   480             if (aStatus != KErrServerTerminated)
   481                 {
   482                 SubscribeSspPairingResult();
   483                 }
   484             HandlePairingResultL( tmpAddr, aStatus );
   485             break;
   486             }
   487         case EAuthenticationResult:
   488             {
   489             TBTDevAddr tmpAddr = iAuthenticateRemote;
   490             if (aStatus != KErrServerTerminated)
   491                 {
   492                 SubscribeAuthenticateResult();
   493                 }
   494             HandlePairingResultL( tmpAddr, aStatus );
   495             break;
   496             }
   497         case ERegistryGetLocalAddress:
   498             {
   499             TBool value = IsLocalAddressAvailable();
   500             SubscribeLocalAddress();
   501             if ( value ) 
   502                 {
   503                 // Refresh paired devices list to include any restored devices.
   504                 iDevRepository.ReInitialize();
   505                 }
   506             break;
   507             }
   508         default:
   509             // Should not be possible, but no need for handling.
   510             break;
   511         }
   512     }
   514 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   515 // From class MBTEngActiveObserver.
   516 // cancels an outstanding request according to the given id.
   517 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   518 //
   519 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::CancelRequest( TInt aRequestId )
   520     {
   521     switch ( aRequestId )
   522         {
   523         case ESimplePairingResult:
   524             {
   525             // Cancel listening Simple pairing result
   526             iPairingResult.CancelSimplePairingResult();
   527             break;
   528             }
   529         case EAuthenticationResult:
   530             {
   531             // Cancel listening authentication result
   532             iAuthenResult.CancelAuthenticationResult();
   533             break;
   534             }
   535         case ERegistryGetLocalAddress:
   536             {
   537             // cancel listening local address status change
   538             iPropertyLocalAddr.Cancel();
   539             break;
   540             }
   541         }
   542     }
   544 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   545 // From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
   546 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 //
   548 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::HandleError( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, TInt aError )
   549     {
   550     BOstraceExt2(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"request id: %d, error: %d", aActive->RequestId(), aError);
   551     (void) aActive;
   552     (void) aError;
   553     }
   555 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 // From class MBtDevRepositoryObserver.
   557 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 //
   559 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::RepositoryInitialized()
   560     {
   561     TRAPD(err, UpdatePairedDeviceListL() );
   562     if ( !err && iPairingHandler )
   563         {
   564         // non-null pairing handler means we are involved in a
   565         // pairing operation already.
   566         // todo: is some handling for above case needed?
   567         }
   568     }
   570 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 // From class MBtDevRepositoryObserver.
   572 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   573 //
   574 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::DeletedFromRegistry( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr )
   575     {
   576     // We are only interested in the removal of a paired device.
   577     // thus check whether it is in our local paired list:
   578     TInt i = iPairedDevices.Find( aAddr, MatchDeviceAddress);
   579     if ( i > KErrNotFound )
   580         {
   581         iPairedDevices.Remove( i );
   582         }
   583     }
   585 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 // From class MBtDevRepositoryObserver.
   587 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   588 //
   589 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::AddedToRegistry( const CBtDevExtension& aDevice )
   590     {
   591     // We are only interested in paired device.
   592     if ( CBtDevExtension::IsBonded( aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice() ) )
   593         {
   594         TRAP_IGNORE( 
   595                 HandleRegistryBondingL( aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice() ) );
   596         }
   597     }
   600 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   601 // From class MBtDevRepositoryObserver.
   602 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 //
   604 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::ChangedInRegistry(
   605         const CBtDevExtension& aDevice, TUint aSimilarity )
   606     {
   607     // We are only interested in paired device.
   608     // thus check whether it is in our local paired list:
   609     TInt i = iPairedDevices.Find( aDevice.Addr(), MatchDeviceAddress);
   610     TBool bonded = CBtDevExtension::IsBonded( aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice() );
   611     if ( i == KErrNotFound )
   612         {
   613         if ( bonded ) 
   614             {
   615             TRAP_IGNORE(
   616                     HandleRegistryBondingL( 
   617                             aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice() ) );                
   618             }
   619         return;
   620         }
   621     // Device was inregistry before, but we need to evaluate its bonding
   622     // status.
   623     // The given similarity will tell if the linkkey and paired is changed
   624     // or not.
   625     TInt pairingProperty = TBTNamelessDevice::EIsPaired 
   626             | TBTNamelessDevice::ELinkKey;
   627     if ( ( pairingProperty & aSimilarity) == pairingProperty )
   628         {
   629         // no pairing or linkkey change. Nothing to do for pairing handling.
   630         // but we'd better update local copy just in case other data
   631         // of this device is needed by someone:
   632         iPairedDevices[i] = aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice();
   633         return;
   634         }
   635     if ( !CBtDevExtension::IsBonded( aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice() ) )
   636         {
   637         // device is not user-bonded.
   638         iPairedDevices.Remove( i );
   639         return;
   640         }
   641     // it is a new paired device if its link-key has been upgraded
   642     if ( aDevice.Device().LinkKeyType() != ELinkKeyUnauthenticatedUpgradable )
   643         {
   644         iPairedDevices.Remove( i );
   645         TRAP_IGNORE(
   646                 HandleRegistryBondingL( 
   647                         aDevice.Device().AsNamelessDevice() ) );                
   648         }
   649     }
   651 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   652 // From class MBtDevRepositoryObserver.
   653 // This class is not interested in such events.
   654 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   655 //
   656 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::ServiceConnectionChanged(
   657         const CBtDevExtension& aDevice, TBool aConnected )
   658     {
   659     (void) aDevice;
   660     (void) aConnected;
   661     }
   663 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   664 // Activate or deactivate a pairing handler
   665 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   666 //
   667 TInt CBTNotifSecurityManager::SetPairObserver(const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TBool aActivate)
   668     {
   669     BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"%d", aActivate);
   670     BtTraceBtAddr0(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST, aAddr );
   671     TInt err( KErrNone );
   672     if ( !aActivate )
   673         {
   674         if ( iPairingHandler )
   675             {
   676             iPairingHandler->StopPairHandling( aAddr );
   677             }
   678         return err;
   679         }
   681     if ( !iPairingHandler)
   682         {
   683         // This is an incoming pair, unpair it from registry and 
   684         // create the handler:
   685         UnpairDevice( aAddr );
   686         TRAP( err, iPairingHandler = CBTNotifIncomingPairingHandler::NewL( *this, aAddr ));     
   687         }
   688     if ( iPairingHandler)
   689         {
   690         // let the handler decide what to do:
   691         err = iPairingHandler->ObserveIncomingPair( aAddr );
   692         }
   693     return err;
   694     }
   696 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   697 // Delegates the request to current pair handler
   698 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   699 //
   700 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::PairDeviceL( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TUint32 aCod )
   701     {
   702     if ( !iPairingHandler)
   703         {
   704         // no existing pair handling, create one:
   705         iPairingHandler = CBTNotifOutgoingPairingHandler::NewL( *this, aAddr );
   706         }
   707     // let pair handler decide what to do:
   708     iPairingHandler->HandleOutgoingPairL( aAddr, aCod );
   709     }
   711 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   712 // cancel Subscribings to simple pairing result and authentication result from
   713 // Pairing Server
   714 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   715 //
   716 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::CancelSubscribePairingAuthenticate()
   717     {
   718     if( iSSPResultActive )
   719         {
   720         // Cancel listening Simple pairing result
   721         iSSPResultActive->Cancel();
   722         }
   723     if( iAuthenResultActive )
   724         {
   725         iAuthenResultActive->Cancel();
   726         }
   727     }
   729 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   730 // Subscribes to simple pairing result from Pairing Server (if not already 
   731 // subscribed).
   732 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   733 //
   734 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::SubscribeSspPairingResult()
   735     {
   736     if ( !iSSPResultActive->IsActive() )
   737         {
   738         iPairingResult.SimplePairingResult( iSimplePairingRemote, iSSPResultActive->RequestStatus() );
   739         iSSPResultActive->GoActive();
   740         }
   741     }
   743 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   744 // Subscribes to authentication result from Pairing Server (if not already
   745 // subscribed).
   746 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   747 //
   748 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::SubscribeAuthenticateResult()
   749     {
   750     if ( !iAuthenResultActive->IsActive() )
   751         {
   752         // Subscribe authentication result (which requires pairing for unpaired devices)
   753         iAuthenResult.AuthenticationResult( iAuthenticateRemote, iAuthenResultActive->RequestStatus() );
   754         iAuthenResultActive->GoActive();
   755         }
   756     }
   758 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   759 // Handle a pairing result from the pairing server.
   760 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   761 //
   762 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::HandlePairingResultL( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aResult )
   763     {
   764     BOstrace1(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST,"result %d", aResult);
   765     BtTraceBtAddr0(TRACE_DEBUG,DUMMY_DEVLIST, aAddr );
   767     if ( !iPairingHandler && ( aResult == KErrNone || aResult == KHCIErrorBase ) )
   768         {
   769         // we only create new handler if incoming pairing succeeds.
   770         // Pairing failure could be caused by user local cancellation, as the  
   771         // result, the handler was destroyed by notifier. We shall not
   772         // instantiate the handler again.
   773         // If a pairing failed due to other reasons than user local cancelling,
   774         // it will be catched by the already started handler 
   775         // (except Just Works pairing - no handler for it at all until we receive
   776         // registry change event. Thus if incoming JWs pairing failed, no user
   777         // notification will be shown.)
   778         iPairedDevices.Find( aAddr, MatchDeviceAddress);
   779         TInt index = iPairedDevices.Find( aAddr, MatchDeviceAddress);
   780         // If the device is not found in the old paired device list, it is a new
   781         // paired device:
   782         if ( index == KErrNotFound)
   783             {
   784             // No handler yet, create incoming pairing handler:
   785             iPairingHandler = CBTNotifIncomingPairingHandler::NewL( *this, aAddr );
   786             }
   787         }
   788     if ( iPairingHandler )
   789         {
   790         iPairingHandler->HandlePairServerResult( aAddr, aResult );
   791         }
   792     }
   794 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   795 // copy the nameless devices to local array
   796 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   797 //
   798 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::UpdatePairedDeviceListL()
   799     {
   800     iPairedDevices.Reset();
   801     const RDevExtensionArray& alldevs = iDevRepository.AllDevices();
   802     for ( TInt i = 0; i < alldevs.Count(); i++ )
   803         {
   804         if ( CBtDevExtension::IsBonded( alldevs[i]->Device().AsNamelessDevice() ) )
   805             {
   806             iPairedDevices.AppendL( alldevs[i]->Device().AsNamelessDevice() );
   807             }
   808         }
   809     }
   811 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   812 // Create incoming pairing handler if no one exists yet.
   813 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   814 //
   815 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::HandleRegistryBondingL(
   816         const TBTNamelessDevice& aNameless)
   817     {
   818     TInt err = iPairedDevices.Append( aNameless );
   819     if ( !err && !iPairingHandler)
   820         {
   821         // New paired device, but no pairing handler yet.
   822         // this means an incoming pairing has occured:
   823         TRAP( err, iPairingHandler = 
   824                 CBTNotifIncomingPairingHandler::NewL( *this, aNameless.Address() ) );
   825         }
   826     if ( !err )
   827         {
   828         // We have a pairing handler now.
   829         // Ask pair handler to decide what to do:
   830         iPairingHandler->HandleRegistryNewPairedEvent( 
   831                 aNameless );
   832         }
   833     else if ( iPairingHandler )
   834         {
   835         // error could occur due to no memory, 
   836         // let us try aborting pairing handling
   837         iPairingHandler->StopPairHandling( aNameless.Address() );
   838         }
   839     }
   841 void CBTNotifSecurityManager::TrustDevice( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr )
   842     {
   843     TIdentityRelation<TBTNamelessDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress );
   844     TBTNamelessDevice dev;
   845     dev.SetAddress( aAddr );
   846     TRequestStatus status( KRequestPending );
   848     iRegistry.GetDevice(dev,status);
   849     User::WaitForRequest( status ); 
   850     if(status == KErrNone)
   851         {
   852         TBTDeviceSecurity security = dev.GlobalSecurity();
   853         security.SetNoAuthorise(ETrue);
   854         security.SetBanned(EFalse);
   855         dev.SetGlobalSecurity(security);
   856         (void)UpdateRegDevice(dev);
   857         }
   858     }