changeset 0 f63038272f30
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f63038272f30
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *	  This class is for security checking of key length of both encryption and pass keys
    16 *
    17 */
    22 #include <btdevice.h>
    23 #include <btextnotifiers.h> // Needed to check the NOTIFIERS_SUPPORT_PASSKEY_MIN_LENGTH flag
    24 #include <hciproxy.h>
    25 #include <btengdomainpskeys.h>
    27 #include "BTSapSecurityHandler.h"
    28 #include "BTSapHciExtensionMan.h"
    29 #include "debug.h"
    31 const TInt KRequiredEncryptionKeyLen = 128;
    33 CBTSapSecurityHandler::CBTSapSecurityHandler()
    34 	: CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard)
    35 	{
    36 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    37 	}
    39 CBTSapSecurityHandler::~CBTSapSecurityHandler()
    40 	{
    41 	BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  ~CBTSapSecurityHandler")));
    42 	Cancel();
    43 	delete iBtHci;
    44 	if(iBtDeviceArray)
    45 	    {
    46         iBtDeviceArray->ResetAndDestroy();
    47         delete iBtDeviceArray;
    48 	    }
    49 	delete iBtDevMan;
    50 	}
    52 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    53 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::NewL()
    54 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 CBTSapSecurityHandler* CBTSapSecurityHandler::NewL()
    57 	{
    58 	CBTSapSecurityHandler* self = new (ELeave) CBTSapSecurityHandler();
    59 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    60 	self->ConstructL();
    61 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    62 	return self;
    63 	}
    65 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    66 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::ConstructL
    67 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    68 //
    69 void CBTSapSecurityHandler::ConstructL()
    70 	{
    71 	BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: ConstructL")));
    72 	iBtDevMan = CBTEngDevMan::NewL(this);
    73 	iBtDeviceArray = new (ELeave) CBTDeviceArray(1);
    74 	iBtHci = CBTHciExtensionMan::NewL();
    75 	}
    77 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    78 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::DoCancel
    79 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    80 //
    81 void CBTSapSecurityHandler::DoCancel()
    82 	{
    83 	BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: DoCancel")));
    84 	if (iSecurityStatus && iSecurityStatus->Int() == KRequestPending)
    85 	    {
    86 	    User::RequestComplete(iSecurityStatus, KErrCancel);
    87 	    }
    88 	}
    90 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    91 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::RunL
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 TInt CBTSapSecurityHandler::RunError(TInt aError)
    95     {
    96 	BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: RunError: %d"), aError));    
    98     switch(iState)
    99         {
   100         case EEncryptionKeyLength:
   101             {
   102             BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_ERROR, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: RunError: Couldn't get EncryptionKeyLength: %d"), aError));
   103             User::RequestComplete(iSecurityStatus, static_cast <TInt> (EGetEncryptionKeyFail));
   104             }
   105             break;
   106         case EPassKeyLength:
   107             {
   108             User::RequestComplete(iSecurityStatus, static_cast <TInt> (EPassKeyTooShort));
   109             }
   110             break;
   111         default:
   112             {
   113             User::RequestComplete(iSecurityStatus, aError);
   114             }
   115         }
   116     return KErrNone;
   117     }
   120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   121 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::RunL
   122 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   123 //
   124 void CBTSapSecurityHandler::RunL()
   125 	{
   126 	BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: RunL: %d"), iStatus.Int()));
   127     TBTSapSecurityCheckResult result = ESecurityOK;
   128     TBool complete = EFalse;
   130     User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int()); // handle errors in RunError
   132     switch(iState)
   133         {
   134         case EEncryptionKeyLength:
   135             {
   136             iBtHci->GetResultL(iEncryptionKeyLength);
   137             BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_INFO, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: RunL: EncryptionKeyLength: %d"), iEncryptionKeyLength));
   139             if (iEncryptionKeyLength < KRequiredEncryptionKeyLen)
   140                 {
   141                 result = EEncryptionKeyTooShort;
   142                 complete = ETrue;
   143                 }
   144             else
   145                 {
   146                 ASSERT(iBtDeviceArray);
   147                 TBTSockAddr sockAddr;
   148                 iSocket->RemoteName(sockAddr);
   149                 TBTRegistrySearch criteria;
   150                 criteria.FindAddress(sockAddr.BTAddr());
   151                 iBtDeviceArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   152                 iBtDevMan->GetDevices(criteria, iBtDeviceArray);
   153                 iState = EPassKeyLength;
   154                 iStatus = KRequestPending;
   155                 SetActive();
   156                 }
   157             }
   158             break;
   159         case EPassKeyLength:
   160             {
   161             if (!iBtDeviceArray || !iBtDeviceArray->Count())
   162                 {
   163                 User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   164                 }
   166             CBTDevice* device = iBtDeviceArray->At( 0 );
   167             // When SSP is used, the link key needs to be authenticated,
   168             // otherwise, the passkey needs to be 16 digits.
   169             if( device->LinkKeyType() != ELinkKeyAuthenticated )
   170                 {
   171                 BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: unauthenticated link key")));
   172                 if( !( device->LinkKeyType() == ELinkKeyCombination &&
   173                        device->PassKeyLength() >= KRequiredPassKeyLen ) )
   174                     {
   175                     BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: unacceptable link key")));
   176                     result = EPassKeyTooShort;
   177                     }
   178                 else if( device->LinkKeyType() == ELinkKeyDebug )
   179                     {
   180                     // For SAP, we do an extra check for debug mode, to be really sure.
   181                     BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: Debug link key, checking debug mode")));
   182                     TBTSspDebugModeValue debugMode = EBTSspDebugModeOff;
   183                     TInt err = RProperty::Get( KPSUidBluetoothTestingMode, KBTSspDebugmode, (TInt&) debugMode );
   184                     if( err || debugMode == EBTSspDebugModeOff )
   185                         {
   186                         BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler: debug key not allowed")));
   187                         result = EPassKeyTooShort;
   188                         }
   189                     }
   190                 }
   191             complete = ETrue;
   192             }
   193             break;
   194         default:
   195             {
   196             User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   197             }
   198         }
   199     if (complete)
   200         {
   201         User::RequestComplete(iSecurityStatus, static_cast <TInt> (result));
   202         }
   203 	}
   205 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   206 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::CheckSapSecurity
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   208 void CBTSapSecurityHandler::CheckSapSecurity(RSocket& aSocket, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   209 	{
   210 	BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler::CheckSapSecurity")));
   212 	iSocket = &aSocket;
   213 	iSecurityStatus = &aStatus;
   214 	aStatus = KRequestPending;
   216     TBTSockAddr sockAddr;
   217     aSocket.RemoteName(sockAddr);
   219     TBTDevAddr btAddr = sockAddr.BTAddr();
   220     TRAPD(err, iBtHci->GetEncryptionKeyLengthL(btAddr, iStatus));
   221     if (err)
   222         {
   223         User::RequestComplete(iSecurityStatus, err);
   224         }
   225     else
   226         {
   227         iState = EEncryptionKeyLength;
   228         SetActive();
   229         }
   230 	}
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CBTSapSecurityHandler::HandleGetDevicesComplete, from MBTEngDevManObserver
   235 // ---------------------------------------------------------	
   236 void CBTSapSecurityHandler::HandleGetDevicesComplete( TInt aErr, CBTDeviceArray* /*aDeviceArray*/ )
   237     {
   238     BTSAP_TRACE_OPT(KBTSAP_TRACE_FUNCTIONS, BTSapPrintTrace(_L("[BTSap]  CBTSapSecurityHandler::HandleGetDevicesComplete")));
   239     // Complete our own request -> RunL
   240     TRequestStatus* ownStatus = &iStatus;
   241     User::RequestComplete(ownStatus, aErr);
   242     }
   244 //	End of File