changeset 19 43824b19ee35
child 31 a0ea99b6fa53
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btnotif/btnotifsrv/inc/btnotifconnectiontracker.h	Fri May 14 16:01:46 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+* ============================================================================
+*  Name        : btnotifconnectiontracker.h
+*  Part of     : bluetoothengine / btnotif
+*  Description : Bluetooth connection tracker and manager.
+*  Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+*  All rights reserved.
+*  This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+*  under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+*  which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+*  at the URL "".
+*  Initial Contributors:
+*  Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+*  Contributors:
+*  Nokia Corporation
+* ============================================================================
+* Template version: 4.2
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include <btmanclient.h>
+#include <bluetooth/pairing.h>
+#include <btengconnman.h>
+#include <btservices/btsimpleactive.h>
+#include "btnotifserver.h"
+class CBTNotifConnection;
+class CBTNotificationManager;
+class CbtnotifConnectionTrackerTest;
+ *  CBTNotifConnectionTracker keeps track of remote device connections
+ *  
+ *  @since Symbian^4
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CBTNotifConnectionTracker ) : public CBase,
+                                                 public MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier,
+                                                 public MBTEngConnObserver,
+                                                 public MBtSimpleActiveObserver
+    {
+    /**
+     * Two-phased constructor.
+     * @param aServer Pointer to our parent
+     */
+    static CBTNotifConnectionTracker* NewL( CBTNotifServer* aServer );
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~CBTNotifConnectionTracker();
+    /**
+     * Get a pointer to the btnotif server object.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @return The server.
+     */
+    inline CBTNotifServer* Server() const
+        { return iServer; }
+    /**
+     * Get a pointer to the notification manager.
+     * This handle can be used for queueing notifications.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @return The notification manager.
+     */
+    inline CBTNotificationManager* NotificationManager() const
+        { return iServer->NotificationManager(); }
+    /**
+     * Get the shared handle to BT registry server.
+     * This handle can be used for creating subsessions.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @return Session with BT registry server.
+     */
+    inline RBTRegServ& RegistryServerSession()
+        { return iBTRegistrySession; }
+    /**
+     * Get the handle to the socket server.
+     * This handle can be used for creating subsessions.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @return Session with the socket server.
+     */
+    inline RSocketServ& SocketServerSession()
+        { return iSockServ; }
+    /**
+     * Get the handle to the Bluetooth pairing server.
+     * This handle can be used for creating subsessions.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @return Session with the socket server or NULL.
+     */
+    inline RBluetoothPairingServer* PairingServerSession()
+        { return iPairingServ; }
+    /**
+     * Processes a message from a notifier client related to connections.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aMessage The message containing the details of the client request.
+     */
+    void DispatchNotifierMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
+    /**
+     * Handle a request related to pairing.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aUid The UID of the notification request.
+     */
+    void HandleBondingRequestL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
+    /**
+     * Handle a change in the number of physical connections.
+     * This also handles the case where a connection monitor has finished
+     * its processing, and is now ready for removal.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     */
+    void HandleLinkCountChangeL();
+    /**
+     * Check repeated connection attempts, and record rejected/accepted queries.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aDevice The details of the remote device for this query.
+     * @param aAccepted ETrue if the user accepted the request, EFalse if rejected.
+     * @return ETrue if the user should be queried for blocking this device,
+     *         EFalse if no query should be launched by the caller.
+     */
+    TBool UpdateBlockingHistoryL( const CBTDevice* aDevice, TBool aAccepted );
+// from base class MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier
+    /** Notification of a requested connection coming up.
+     * If no error is reported, then that connection is ready for use.
+     * 
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aErr the returned error
+    */
+    virtual void HandleCreateConnectionCompleteL( TInt aErr );
+    /** Notification of a requested disconnection having taken place.
+     * If no error is reported, then that connection has been closed.
+     * 
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aErr the returned error
+    */
+    virtual void HandleDisconnectCompleteL( TInt aErr );
+    /** Notification that all existing connections have been torn down.
+     * If no error is reported, then there are no Bluetooth connections existing.
+     * 
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aErr the returned error
+    */
+    virtual void HandleDisconnectAllCompleteL( TInt aErr );
+// from base class MBTEngConnObserver
+    /**
+     * From MBTEngConnObserver.
+     * Indicates to the caller that a service-level connection has completed.
+     * This function is called for both incoming and outgoing connections. 
+     * This function is also called when an outgoing connection request fails, 
+     * e.g. with error code KErrCouldNotConnect.
+     * When this function is called, new commands can be issued to the 
+     * CBTEngConnMan API immediately.
+     *
+     * @since  S60 v3.2
+     * @param  aAddr The address of the remote device.
+     * @param  aErr Status information of the connection. KErrNone if the
+     *              connection succeeded, otherwise the error code with 
+     *              which the outgoing connection failed. KErrAlreadyExists 
+     *              is returned if there already is an existing connection 
+     *              for the selected profile(s), or otherwise e.g. 
+     *              KErrCouldNotConnect or KErrDisconnected for indicating 
+     *              connection problems.
+     * @param  aConflicts If there already is a connection for the selected 
+     *                    profile(s) of an outgoing connection request (the 
+     *                    selection is performed by BTEng), then this array 
+     *                    contains the bluetooth device addresses of the 
+     *                    remote devices for those connections.
+     */
+    virtual void ConnectComplete( TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aErr, 
+                                   RBTDevAddrArray* aConflicts = NULL );
+    /**
+     * From MBTEngConnObserver.
+     * Indicates to the caller that a service-level connection has disconnected.
+     * When this function is called, new commands can be issued to the 
+     * CBTEngConnMan API immediately.
+     *
+     * @since  S60 v3.2
+     * @param  aAddr The address of the remote device.
+     * @param  aErr The error code with which the disconnection occured. 
+     *              KErrNone for a normal disconnection, 
+     *              or e.g. KErrDisconnected if the connection was lost.
+     */
+    virtual void DisconnectComplete( TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aErr );
+// from base class MBtSimpleActiveObserver
+    /**
+     * From MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
+     * Callback to notify that an outstanding request has completed.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aActive The active object helper that completed this request.
+     * @param aStatus The status of the completed request.
+     */
+    virtual void RequestCompletedL( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, TInt aStatus );
+    /**
+     * From MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
+     * Callback for handling cancelation of an outstanding request.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aId The ID that identifies the outstanding request.
+     */
+    virtual void CancelRequest( TInt aRequestId );
+    /**
+     * Callback to notify that an error has occurred in RunL.
+     *
+     * @param aActive Pointer to the active object that completed.
+     * @param sError The error occured in RunL
+     */
+    virtual void HandleError( CBtSimpleActive* aActive,
+                                        TInt aError );
+    CBTNotifConnectionTracker( CBTNotifServer* aServer );
+    void ConstructL();
+    /**
+     * Parse a client message and find the correct connection handler
+     * for  dispatching a request.
+     * The parsed client message may be a request that is being served,
+     * in case a cancel request has come in. The opcode identifies the
+     * client message that is currently being dispatched.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aOpcode The opcode of the original request.
+     * @param aMessage The client message to parse.
+     * @param aBuffer On return this contains the parameters read from the message.
+     * @return The connection that is identified by the address in the
+     *         message, or NULL if none found.
+     */
+    CBTNotifConnection* FindConnectionFromMessageL( TInt aOpcode, 
+                const RMessage2& aMessage, TDes8& aBuffer );
+    /**
+     * Parse the Bluetooth address from a request for some notification.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aUid The UID of the notification request.
+     * @param aParamsBuf Descriptor containing the parameter read from the
+     *        client message.
+     * @return Bluetooth address parsed from the descriptor.
+     */
+    TBTDevAddr ParseAddressL( TInt aUid, const TDesC8& aParamsBuf ) const;
+    /**
+     * Find the handler of a specific connection.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aAddr The remote device address identifying the connection.
+     * @return Connnection handler or NULL;
+     */
+    CBTNotifConnection* FindConnectionHandler( const TBTDevAddr& aAddr ) const;
+    /**
+     * Record and check the time between connection attempts.
+     *
+     * @since Symbian^4
+     * @param aAccepted ETrue if the user accepted the request, EFalse if rejected.
+     * @return EFalse if the attempt followed the previous attempt too fast,
+     *         otherwise ETrue.
+     */
+    TBool RecordConnectionAttempts( TBool aAccepted );
+private: // data
+    /**
+     * PubSub key for tracking the number of connections.
+     */
+    RProperty iLinkCount;
+// ToDo: remove this when registry notifications API is available!!
+    /**
+     * PubSub key for tracking registry changes.
+     */
+    RProperty iRegistryChange;
+    /**
+     * Helper active object for observing the link count.
+     * Own.
+     */
+    CBtSimpleActive* iRegistryActive;
+// End ToDo
+    /**
+     * Array of pointers to observers of individual connections.
+     */
+    RPointerArray<CBTNotifConnection> iConnArray;
+//    RHashMap<TBTDevAddr,CBTNotifConnection*> iConnArray;
+    /**
+     * Time of the last denied connection attempt.
+     */
+    TInt64 iLastReject;
+    /**
+     * Array of device addresses that the user has denied access.
+     */
+    RArray<TBTDevAddr> iDeniedRequests;
+    /**
+     * Single session with BTRegistry, to be used for subsessions.
+     */
+    RBTRegServ iBTRegistrySession;
+    /**
+     * Single session with the socket server, to be used for subsessions.
+     */
+    RSocketServ iSockServ;
+    /**
+     * Address placeholder for receiving secure simple pairing results.
+     */
+    TBTDevAddr iSspResultAddr;
+    /**
+     * Session with pairing server for receiving secure simple pairing results.
+     */
+    RBluetoothPairingResult iSspResultSession;
+    /**
+     * Single session with the pairing server, to be used for subsessions.
+     * Own.
+     */
+    RBluetoothPairingServer* iPairingServ;
+    /**
+     * Object for managing the piconet.
+     * Own.
+     */
+    CBTEngConnMan* iConnMan;
+    /**
+     * Object for managing the piconet.
+     * Own.
+     */
+    CBluetoothPhysicalLinks* iPhyLinks;
+    /**
+     * Helper active object for observing the link count.
+     * Own.
+     */
+    CBtSimpleActive* iLinkCountActive;
+    /**
+     * Helper active object for receiving secure simple pairing results.
+     * Own.
+     */
+    CBtSimpleActive* iSspResultActive;
+    /**
+     * Reference to our parent the server class.
+     * Not own.
+     */
+    CBTNotifServer* iServer;
+    };