--- a/bluetoothengine/btui/btcpplugin/btcpuibaseview.cpp Fri Aug 06 16:43:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btui/btcpplugin/btcpuibaseview.cpp Fri Sep 03 16:17:59 2010 +0300
@@ -17,39 +17,281 @@
#include "btcpuibaseview.h"
#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <HbInstance>
+#include <bluetoothuitrace.h>
+#include "btcpuiviewmgr.h"
+#include <HbSelectionDialog>
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include "btuidevtypemap.h"
+#include <btabstractdelegate.h>
+#include <btdelegatefactory.h>
This constructor constructs new setting and device models.
-BtCpUiBaseView::BtCpUiBaseView(QGraphicsItem *parent )
- :CpBaseSettingView( 0 , parent )
+BtcpuiBaseView::BtcpuiBaseView(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+ CpBaseSettingView(0, parent), mViewMgr(0), mDelegate(0), mPreviousView(0),
+ mBack(0), mQuery(0), mContextMenu(0), mBtuiModelSortFilter(0)
mSettingModel = new BtSettingModel(this);
mDeviceModel = new BtDeviceModel(this);
+ initialise();
This constructor constructs models from the given setting and device models.
- This implies the model impl and data structure is shared.
+ This implies the model impl and data structure are shared.
- BtSettingModel &settingModel,
- BtDeviceModel &deviceModel,
- QGraphicsItem *parent )
- :CpBaseSettingView( 0 , parent )
+BtcpuiBaseView::BtcpuiBaseView(BtSettingModel &settingModel,
+ BtDeviceModel &deviceModel,
+ QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+ CpBaseSettingView(0, parent), mViewMgr(0), mDelegate(0), mPreviousView(0),
+ mBack(0), mQuery(0), mContextMenu(0), mBtuiModelSortFilter(0)
mSettingModel = new BtSettingModel(settingModel, this);
- mDeviceModel = new BtDeviceModel(deviceModel, this);
+ mDeviceModel = new BtDeviceModel(deviceModel, this);
+ initialise();
+ BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
+ delete mDelegate;
+ delete mQuery;
+ if(mContextMenu) {
+ mContextMenu->clearActions();
+ delete mContextMenu;
+ }
+ BOstraceFunctionExit0(DUMMY_DEVLIST);
+void BtcpuiBaseView::initialise()
+ bool ret(false);
+ mMainWindow = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first();
+ mContextMenu = new HbMenu();
+ ret = connect(mContextMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(HbAction *)), this, SLOT(contextMenuTriggered(HbAction *)));
+ BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-main-view", "Context Menu can't connect" );
+void BtcpuiBaseView::setPreviousView(BtcpuiBaseView *view)
+ BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
+ mPreviousView = view;
+ // when a non-null previous view is set, it means this view is navigated from an existing
+ // view. And the back-action should navigate to the previous view.
+ if (mPreviousView) {
+ // Back action is created on demand.
+ if (!mBack) {
+ mBack = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, this);
+ BTUI_ASSERT_X(mBack, "BtcpuiBaseView::setPreviousView", "can't create back action");
+ connect(mBack, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(backToPreviousView()));
+ }
+ if (navigationAction() != mBack) {
+ setNavigationAction(mBack);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ setNavigationAction(0);
+ }
+ BOstraceFunctionExit0(DUMMY_DEVLIST);
+void BtcpuiBaseView::setViewMgr(BtcpuiViewMgr *mgr)
+ mViewMgr = mgr;
+void BtcpuiBaseView::backToPreviousView()
+ BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
+ if ( mPreviousView ) {
+ viewMgr()->switchView(this, mPreviousView, QVariant(), true);
+ }
+ BOstraceFunctionExit0(DUMMY_DEVLIST);
+BtSettingModel *BtcpuiBaseView::settingModel()
+ return mSettingModel;
+BtDeviceModel *BtcpuiBaseView::deviceModel()
+ return mDeviceModel;
+BtcpuiViewMgr *BtcpuiBaseView::viewMgr()
+ return mViewMgr;
+bool BtcpuiBaseView::createDelegate(BtDelegate::EditorType type,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *member)
+ bool ok(false);
+ if(!mDelegate) {
+ mDelegate = BtDelegateFactory::newDelegate(type, mSettingModel, mDeviceModel);
+ ok = connect(mDelegate, SIGNAL(delegateCompleted(int,BtAbstractDelegate*)),
+ receiver, member);
+ BOstraceExt1(TRACE_DEBUG, DUMMY_DEVLIST, "BtcpuiBaseView::createDelegate signal connect %d", ok);
+ if (!ok) {
+ delete mDelegate;
+ mDelegate = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ BOstraceExt2(TRACE_DEBUG, DUMMY_DEVLIST, "BtcpuiBaseView::createDelegate: mDe: 0x%08X, ret %d", mDelegate, ok);
+ return ok;
+bool BtcpuiBaseView::createExecuteDelegate(BtDelegate::EditorType type,
+ QObject *receiver, const char *member, const QVariant ¶m)
+ bool ok = createDelegate(type, receiver, member);
+ if (ok) {
+ mDelegate->exec(param);
+ }
+ return ok;
+void BtcpuiBaseView::viewByDeviceTypeDialog()
+ if ( !mQuery ) {
+ mQuery = new HbSelectionDialog();
+ QStringList devTypeList;
+ devTypeList << hbTrId("txt_bt_list_audio_devices")
+ << hbTrId("txt_bt_list_computers")
+ << hbTrId("txt_bt_list_input_devices")
+ << hbTrId("txt_bt_list_phones")
+ << hbTrId("txt_bt_list_other_devices");
+ mQuery->setStringItems(devTypeList, 0);
+ mQuery->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::MultiSelection);
+ QList<QVariant> current;
+ current.append(QVariant(0));
+ mQuery->setSelectedItems(current);
+ // Set the heading for the dialog.
+ HbLabel *headingLabel = new HbLabel(hbTrId("txt_bt_title_show"), mQuery);
+ mQuery->setHeadingWidget(headingLabel);
+ }
+ mQuery->open(this,SLOT(viewByDialogClosed(HbAction*)));
+void BtcpuiBaseView::viewByDialogClosed(HbAction* action)
+ Q_UNUSED(action)
+ //ReImpemented in derived classes.
+int BtcpuiBaseView::selectedDeviceTypes(HbAction* action)
+ int devTypesWanted = 0;
+ disconnect( mQuery, 0, this, 0); // remove signal
+ if (action == mQuery->actions().first()) { // user pressed "Ok"
+ // Get selected items.
+ QList<QVariant> selections;
+ selections = mQuery->selectedItems();
+ for (int i=0; i < selections.count(); i++) {
+ switch (selections.at(i).toInt()) {
+ case BtUiDevAudioDevice:
+ devTypesWanted |= BtuiDevProperty::AVDev;
+ break;
+ case BtUiDevComputer:
+ devTypesWanted |= BtuiDevProperty::Computer;
+ break;
+ case BtUiDevInputDevice:
+ devTypesWanted |= BtuiDevProperty::Peripheral;
+ break;
+ case BtUiDevPhone:
+ devTypesWanted |= BtuiDevProperty::Phone;
+ break;
+ case BtUiDevOtherDevice:
+ devTypesWanted |= (BtuiDevProperty::LANAccessDev |
+ BtuiDevProperty::Toy |
+ BtuiDevProperty::WearableDev |
+ BtuiDevProperty::ImagingDev |
+ BtuiDevProperty::HealthDev |
+ BtuiDevProperty::UncategorizedDev);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // should never get here
+ BTUI_ASSERT_X(false, "BtcpuiSearchView::viewByDialogClosed()",
+ "wrong device type in viewBy dialog!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return devTypesWanted;
+void BtcpuiBaseView::deviceSelected(const QModelIndex& modelIndex)
+ BOstraceFunctionEntry1( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this );
+ BtcpuiBaseView *devView = viewMgr()->deviceView();
+ // For navigating back to this view:
+ devView->setPreviousView( this );
+ QModelIndex index = mBtuiModelSortFilter->mapToSource(modelIndex);
+ QVariant params;
+ params.setValue(index);
+ viewMgr()->switchView(this, devView, params, false);
+ BOstraceFunctionExit0(DUMMY_DEVLIST);
+void BtcpuiBaseView::createContextMenuActions(int majorRole)
+ //Re-Implemented in derived classes.
+ Q_UNUSED(majorRole)
+void BtcpuiBaseView::take(BtAbstractDelegate *delegate)
+ mDelegate = delegate;
+ if (mDelegate) {
+ disconnect(mDelegate, 0, 0, 0);
+ connect(mDelegate, SIGNAL(delegateCompleted(int,BtAbstractDelegate*)),
+ this, SLOT(handleDelegateCompleted(int)));
+ }
+void BtcpuiBaseView::contextMenuTriggered(HbAction *action)
+ if(!(action->text().compare(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_open")))) {
+ deviceSelected(mLongPressedItem->modelIndex());
+ }
+void BtcpuiBaseView::showContextMenu(HbAbstractViewItem *item, const QPointF &coords)
+ mLongPressedItem = item;
+ mContextMenu->clearActions();
+ mContextMenu->addAction(hbTrId("txt_common_menu_open"));
+ QModelIndex index = mBtuiModelSortFilter->mapToSource(mLongPressedItem->modelIndex());
+ int majorPropRole = (mDeviceModel->data(index,BtDeviceModel::MajorPropertyRole)).toInt();
+ if (majorPropRole & BtuiDevProperty::Connectable ) {
+ createContextMenuActions(majorPropRole);
+ }
+ mContextMenu->setPreferredPos(coords);
+ mContextMenu->open();
+void BtcpuiBaseView::handleDelegateCompleted(int error, BtAbstractDelegate* delegate)
+ BOstraceFunctionEntryExt( DUMMY_DEVLIST, this, error );
+ Q_UNUSED(error);
+ delete mDelegate;
+ mDelegate = 0;
+ BOstraceFunctionExit0(DUMMY_DEVLIST);