changeset 33 837dcc42fd6a
parent 19 43824b19ee35
child 40 997690c3397a
child 42 b72428996822
--- a/bluetoothengine/btui/btcpplugin/btcpuisearchview.cpp	Fri May 14 16:01:46 2010 +0300
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btui/btcpplugin/btcpuisearchview.cpp	Thu May 27 13:01:44 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
  * All rights reserved.
  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0""
@@ -16,55 +16,36 @@
 #include "btcpuisearchview.h"
+#include "btuiviewutil.h"
 #include <QtGui/QGraphicsLinearLayout>
 #include <HbInstance>
-#include <hbdocumentloader.h>
-#include <hbdataform.h>
-#include <hbpushbutton.h>
-#include <hblabel.h>
-#include <hblistview.h>
-#include <hbmenu.h>
-#include <qstringlist>
-#include <qdebug>
+#include <HbDocumentLoader>
+#include <HbDataForm>
+#include <HbPushButton>
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include <HbListView>
+#include <HbMenu>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QDebug>
 #include <bluetoothuitrace.h>
 #include "btcpuimainview.h"
+#include "btdelegatefactory.h"
+#include "btabstractdelegate.h"
 // docml to load
 const char* BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML = ":/docml/bt-search-view.docml";
-BtCpUiSearchView::BtCpUiSearchView(BtuiModel &model, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
-    BtCpUiBaseView(model,parent)
-    mSoftKeyBackAction = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, this);
-    BTUI_ASSERT_X(mSoftKeyBackAction, "BtCpUiBaseView::BtCpUiBaseView", "can't create back action");
-    QGraphicsLinearLayout *mainLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout( Qt::Vertical, this );
-    // create button
-    HbPushButton *button = new HbPushButton(this);
-    button->setText("Press Me");
-    button->setMaximumSize(150,50);
-    mainLayout->addItem(button);  
-//    (void) connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changePowerState()));  
+        BtSettingModel &settingModel, 
+        BtDeviceModel &deviceModel, 
+        QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    BtCpUiBaseView(settingModel,deviceModel, parent), mAbstractDelegate(0), mBtuiModelSortFilter(0)
+    bool ret(false);
-    setLayout(mainLayout);
-    // create dummy options menu
-    HbMenu *optionsMenu = new HbMenu();
-    HbAction *openGadgetGallery = optionsMenu->addAction("Open Device Gallery");
-//    connect(openGadgetGallery, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openGadgetGalleryView()));
-    HbAction *openNewMainView = optionsMenu->addAction("Open new Main View");   
-//    connect(openNewMainView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openNewMainView()));   
-    setMenu(optionsMenu);
-    //bool ret(false);
-    mSearchView = this;
     mMainView = (BtCpUiMainView *) parent;
     mMainWindow = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first();
@@ -72,10 +53,6 @@
     mSoftKeyBackAction = new HbAction(Hb::BackNaviAction, this);
     BTUI_ASSERT_X(mSoftKeyBackAction, "BtCpUiBaseView::BtCpUiBaseView", "can't create back action");
-    // read view info from docml file
     // Create view for the application.
     // Set the name for the view. The name should be same as the view's
     // name in docml.
@@ -87,7 +64,8 @@
     // when docml is parsed, instead of creating new view.
     mLoader = new HbDocumentLoader();
+    // read view info from docml file
     bool ok = false;
     mLoader->load( BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML, &ok );
     // Exit if the file format is invalid
@@ -104,80 +82,133 @@
     mDeviceIcon = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>( mLoader->findWidget( "icon" ) );  
     BTUI_ASSERT_X( mDeviceIcon != 0, "bt-search-view", "Device Icon not found" );
-    mDeviceName=0;
-    mDeviceName = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>( mLoader->findWidget( "label_found_devices" ) );
-    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mDeviceName != 0, "bt-search-view", "Device Name not found" );
+    mLabelFoundDevices=0;
+    mLabelFoundDevices = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>( mLoader->findWidget( "label_found_devices" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mLabelFoundDevices != 0, "bt-search-view", "Found Devices not found" );
+    mLabelFoundDevices->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_bt_subhead_bluetooth_found_devices"));
+    mLabelSearching=0;
+    mLabelSearching = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>( mLoader->findWidget( "label_searching" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mLabelSearching != 0, "bt-search-view", "Searching not found" );
+    mLabelSearching->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_bt_subhead_searching"));
     mDeviceList = qobject_cast<HbListView *>( mLoader->findWidget( "deviceList" ) );
     BTUI_ASSERT_X( mDeviceList != 0, "bt-search-view", "Device List not found" );   
-//    // set model to list view
-//    mDeviceList->setModel( mFilterProxy );
-//    // define settings for list view
-//    mDeviceList->setSelectionMode(HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
-//    // set prototype item for list view
-//    BtUiDevListGridItem *item = new BtUiDevListGridItem( mDeviceList ); 
-//    mDeviceList->setItemPrototype(item);
-//    // connect to list view pressed signal
-//    ret = connect( mDeviceList, SIGNAL(pressed(QModelIndex)),this, SLOT(itemActivated(QModelIndex)) );
-//    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "device list can't connect" ); 
+    mDeviceList->setSelectionMode( HbAbstractItemView::SingleSelection );
     // read landscape orientation section from docml file if needed
-//    mOrientation = ((BTUIViewManager*)parent)->orientation();
-    mOrientation = Qt::Vertical;
+    mOrientation = mMainWindow->orientation();
     if (mOrientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
-        mLoader->load(BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML, "landscape", &ok);
+        mLoader->load(BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML, "landscape_ui", &ok);
         BTUI_ASSERT_X( ok, "bt-search-view", "Invalid docml file: landscape section problem" );
+    } else {
+        mLoader->load(BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML, "portrait_ui", &ok);
+        BTUI_ASSERT_X( ok, "bt-search-view", "Invalid docml file: portrait section problem" );        
+    // listen for orientation changes
+    ret = connect(mMainWindow, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
+            this, SLOT(changeOrientation(Qt::Orientation)));
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "BtCpUiSearchView::BtCpUiSearchView()", "connect orientationChanged() failed");
     // load tool bar actions
-    HbAction *viewByAction = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "viewByAction" ) );
-    BTUI_ASSERT_X( viewByAction, "bt-search-view", "view by action missing" ); 
+    mViewBy = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "viewByAction" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mViewBy, "bt-search-view", "view by action missing" ); 
+//    TODO - Need to implement the View by
 //    ret = connect(viewByAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(noOp()));
 //    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "viewByAction can't connect" ); 
-    HbAction *stopAction = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "stopAction" ) );
-    BTUI_ASSERT_X( stopAction, "bt-search-view", "view by action missing" ); 
-//    ret = connect(stopAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(noOp()));
-//    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "stopAction can't connect" ); 
-    HbAction *retryAction = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "retryAction" ) );
-    BTUI_ASSERT_X( retryAction, "bt-search-view", "view by action missing" ); 
-//    ret = connect(retryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(noOp()));
-//    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "retryAction can't connect" ); 
+    mStop = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "stopAction" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mStop, "bt-search-view", "stopAction missing" ); 
+    ret = connect(mStop, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stopSearching()));
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "stopAction can't connect" ); 
+    mStop->setEnabled(true);
+    mRetry = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "retryAction" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mRetry, "bt-search-view", "retryAction missing" ); 
+    ret = connect(mRetry, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(retrySearch()));
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "retryAction can't connect" ); 
+    // Disable for initial search
+    mRetry->setEnabled(false);
     // load menu
     HbMenu *optionsMenu = qobject_cast<HbMenu *>(mLoader->findWidget("viewMenu"));
     BTUI_ASSERT_X( optionsMenu != 0, "bt-search-view", "Options menu not found" );   
-    this->setMenu(optionsMenu);
+    this->setMenu(optionsMenu);      
+    mExit = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "exitAction" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mExit, "bt-search-view", "exitAction missing" ); 
+    mExit->setText(hbTrId("txt_common_opt_exit"));
-    // update display when setting data changed
-//    ret = connect(mModel, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), 
-//            this, SLOT(updateSettingItems(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)));
-//    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "BtCpUiSearchView::BtCpUiSearchView", "can't connect dataChanged" );
+    mConnect = static_cast<HbAction*>( mLoader->findObject( "connectAction" ) );
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( mConnect, "bt-search-view", "connectAction missing" ); 
+    mConnect->setText(hbTrId("txt_bt_menu_connect"));
-//    QModelIndex top = mModel->index( Btuim::LocalDeviceName, KDefaultColumn );
-//    QModelIndex bottom = mModel->index( Btuim::Visibility, KDefaultColumn );
-//    // update name, power and visibility rows
-//    updateSettingItems( top, bottom );
+    ret = connect(mDeviceList, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(deviceSelected(QModelIndex)));
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "deviceSelected can't connect" ); 
     delete mSoftKeyBackAction;
+    if(mAbstractDelegate) {
+        delete mAbstractDelegate;
+        mAbstractDelegate = 0;
+    }
+    if(mBtuiModelSortFilter) {
+        delete mBtuiModelSortFilter;
+        mBtuiModelSortFilter = 0; 
+    }
+void BtCpUiSearchView::changeOrientation( Qt::Orientation orientation )
+    bool ok = false;
+    mOrientation = orientation;
+    if( orientation == Qt::Vertical ) {
+        // load "portrait" section
+        mLoader->load( BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML, "portrait_ui", &ok );
+        BTUI_ASSERT_X( ok, "bt-search-view", "Invalid docml file: portrait section problem" );
+    } else {
+        // load "landscape" section
+        mLoader->load( BTUI_SEARCHVIEW_DOCML, "landscape_ui", &ok );
+        BTUI_ASSERT_X( ok, "bt-search-view", "Invalid docml file: landscape section problem" );
+    }
-void BtCpUiSearchView::deviceSelected(const QModelIndex& modelIndex)
+void BtCpUiSearchView::stopSearching()
-    int row = modelIndex.row();
+    // Stop delegate
+    // Change label and buttons to reflect status
+    mLabelSearching->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_bt_subhead_search_done"));
+    mRetry->setEnabled(true);
+    mStop->setEnabled(false);    
+    // Stop delegate
+    mAbstractDelegate->cancel();
+void BtCpUiSearchView::retrySearch()
+    // Retry delegate
+    // Change label and buttons to reflect status
+    mLabelSearching->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_bt_subhead_searching"));
+    mRetry->setEnabled(false);
+    mStop->setEnabled(true);
+    // Make use of the delegate and start the search.
+    mAbstractDelegate->cancel();
+    mDeviceList->setModel(mBtuiModelSortFilter);
+    mAbstractDelegate->exec(QVariant());
 void BtCpUiSearchView::setSoftkeyBack()
@@ -191,15 +222,7 @@
 void BtCpUiSearchView::switchToPreviousView()
     BTUI_ASSERT_X(mMainView, "BtCpUiSearchView::switchToPreviousView", "invalid mMainView");
-    // jump to previous view of current view.
-    mSearchView->deactivateView();
-    // set the new current view 
-    mMainWindow->setCurrentView( mMainView );
-    // do preparation or some actions when new view is activated 
-    mMainView->activateView( 0, 0 );
+    mMainView->switchToPreviousView();
 void BtCpUiSearchView::activateView( const QVariant& value, int cmdId )
@@ -208,8 +231,55 @@
+    bool ret(false);
+    if(!mAbstractDelegate) {
+        // Create the inquiry delegate.
+        mAbstractDelegate = BtDelegateFactory::newDelegate(
+                BtDelegate::Inquiry, mSettingModel, mDeviceModel );
+    }
+    // Connect to the signal from the BtDelegateInquiry for completion of the search request
+    ret = connect(mAbstractDelegate, SIGNAL(commandCompleted(int)), this, SLOT(searchDelegateCompleted(int)));
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "searchDelegateCompleted can't connect" );
+    // Connect to the signal from the BtuiModel when the search has been completed.
+    ret = connect(mDeviceModel, SIGNAL(deviceSearchCompleted(int)), this, SLOT(deviceSearchCompleted(int)));
+    BTUI_ASSERT_X( ret, "bt-search-view", "deviceSearchCompleted can't connect" ); 
+    if(!mBtuiModelSortFilter) {
+        mBtuiModelSortFilter = new BtuiModelSortFilter(this);
+    }
+    mBtuiModelSortFilter->setSourceModel(mDeviceModel);
+    mBtuiModelSortFilter->addDeviceMajorFilter(BtDeviceModel::InRange, BtuiModelSortFilter::AtLeastMatch);
+    mDeviceList->setModel(mBtuiModelSortFilter);
+    // Make use of the delegate and start the search.
+    mAbstractDelegate->exec(QVariant());
 void BtCpUiSearchView::deactivateView()
+void BtCpUiSearchView::searchDelegateCompleted(int error)
+    //TODO - handle error.
+    Q_UNUSED(error);
+void BtCpUiSearchView::deviceSearchCompleted(int error)
+    //TODO - handle error.
+    Q_UNUSED(error);
+    mLabelSearching->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_bt_subhead_search_done"));
+    mRetry->setEnabled(true);
+    mStop->setEnabled(false);    
+void BtCpUiSearchView::deviceSelected(const QModelIndex& modelIndex)
+    QModelIndex index = mBtuiModelSortFilter->mapToSource(modelIndex);
+    static_cast<BtCpUiMainView*>(mMainView)->goToDeviceView(index);