changeset 37 91746b151f97
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/btobexprofiles/obexsendservices/obexservicesendutils/src/BTSBPPObjectRequest.cpp	Fri Jun 11 13:48:51 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  GetReferencedObjects -operation implementation
+#include "BTServiceUtils.h"
+#include "BTSBPPObjectRequest.h"
+#include "BTSUDataConverter.h"
+#include "BTSUImageConverter.h"
+#include "BTSUDebug.h"
+#include <f32file.h>    // RFile
+#include <s32mem.h>     // RBufWriteStream
+#include <s32file.h>    // RFileReadStream
+const TInt KBTSBPPFileSizeNotSet         = 0;
+const TInt KBTSBPPFileSizeRequested      = 1;
+const TInt KBTSBPPFileSizeUnknown        = -1;
+const TInt KBTSBPPRestOfTheFileRequested = -1;
+// The field lengths of Application Parameters -header in bytes
+const TInt KBTSBPPFieldTag       = 1;
+const TInt KBTSBPPFieldLength    = 1;
+const TInt KBTSBPPValue          = 4;
+const TInt KBTSBPPAppParamLength = KBTSBPPFieldTag + KBTSBPPFieldLength + KBTSBPPValue;
+_LIT8(KBTSBPPRefObjectOper, "x-obex/referencedobject\0");
+static const TUint8 KBTSBPPFileSizeTag = 0x04;
+static const TUint8 KBTSBPPFileSizeLength = 0x04;
+enum KBTSBPPAppParamTags
+    {
+    KBTSBPPTagOffset = 1,
+    KBTSBPPTagCount,
+    KBTSBPPTagJobId, // used only in JobBased-printing
+    KBTSBPPTagFileSize
+    };
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CBTSBPPObjectRequest
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CBTSBPPObjectRequest( CObexBaseObject* aGetOperation,
+    const CDesCArray* aRefObjectList ) : iRequest( aGetOperation ), 
+                                         iObjectList( aRefObjectList )
+    {
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ConstructL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ConstructL()"));
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFileSession.Connect() );
+    // Check the validity of the operation and it's paramters.
+    //
+    CheckGetRequestL();
+    // Execute any tasks needed and create the requested object.
+    //
+    ExecuteGetRequestL();
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ConstructL() completed"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CBTSBPPObjectRequest* CBTSBPPObjectRequest::NewL( CObexBaseObject* aGetOperation,
+                                              const CDesCArray* aRefObjectList )
+    {
+    CBTSBPPObjectRequest* self = new( ELeave ) CBTSBPPObjectRequest( aGetOperation,
+                                                                 aRefObjectList );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::~CBTSBPPObjectRequest()"));
+    iFileSession.Close();
+    delete iResponse;
+    delete iResponseBuffer;
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::~CBTSBPPObjectRequest() completed"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::GetResponse
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CObexBufObject* CBTSBPPObjectRequest::GetResponse()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::GetResponse()"));
+    return iResponse;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckGetRequestL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckGetRequestL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckGetRequestL()"));
+    CheckTypeHeaderL();
+    CheckNameHeaderL();
+    CheckAppParamsHeaderL();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL()"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iRequest, BTSUPanic( EBTSUPanicNullPointer ) );
+    const TDesC8& typeHeader = iRequest->Type();
+    if ( typeHeader.Length() == 0 )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL() ERROR, no type header"));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    else if ( typeHeader.Length() > KBTSUMaxStringLength )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL() ERROR, type header too long"));
+        User::Leave( KErrTooBig );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL() type header '%S'"), &typeHeader ));
+        // The only supported operation is GetReferencedObjects
+        //
+        if ( typeHeader != KBTSBPPRefObjectOper() )
+            {
+            FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL() ERROR, unsupported operation"));
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            }
+        }
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckTypeHeaderL() completed"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckNameHeaderL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckNameHeaderL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckNameHeaderL()"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iRequest, BTSUPanic( EBTSUPanicNullPointer ) );
+    const TDesC& nameHeader = iRequest->Name();
+    if ( nameHeader.Length() == 0 )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckNameHeaderL() ERROR, no name header"));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckNameHeaderL() filename '%S'"), &nameHeader ));
+        // Check are we allowed to send this file
+        //
+        TInt dummy;
+        if ( iObjectList->Find( nameHeader, dummy ) != KBTSUEqualStrings )
+            {
+            FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckNameHeaderL() ERROR, the asked object is not referenced in the document"));
+            User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
+            }
+        iRequestParams.iName = &nameHeader;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL
+// This method expects a Tag-Length-Value format. The method is as defensive 
+// as possible, for example unknown or illegal values are discarded.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL()"));
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iRequest, BTSUPanic( EBTSUPanicNullPointer ) );
+    TPtrC8 header( iRequest->AppParam() );    
+    if ( header.Length() == 0 )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() ERROR, no AppParam header"));
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    else if ( header.Length() < KBTSBPPAppParamLength * 2)
+        {
+        // There has to be at least offset and count -parameters.
+        //
+        FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() ERROR, incomplete AppParam header"));
+        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Parse the header
+        //
+        while( header.Length() >= KBTSBPPAppParamLength )
+            {
+            // Extract tag number and remove it from the header
+            //
+            TInt tagNumber = TBTSUDataConverter::ConvertByteL(
+                header.Left( KBTSBPPFieldTag ) );
+            header.Set( header.Mid( KBTSBPPFieldTag ) );
+            // Extract value length and remove it from the header
+            //
+            TInt valueLength = TBTSUDataConverter::ConvertByteL( 
+                header.Left( KBTSBPPFieldLength ) );
+            header.Set( header.Mid( KBTSBPPFieldLength ) );
+            if ( valueLength != KBTSBPPValue )
+                {
+                FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() WARNING, illegal length %d"), valueLength ));
+                valueLength = KBTSBPPValue;
+                // This is an interesting choice of what to do, I would argue that for future compatibility you'll probably want to accept the length
+                // provided as it might be for a new tag that is not yet published.  (Checking of the size for known tags is handled by the conversion
+                // functions anyway).
+                // So, in summary I wouldn't change valueLength from what it is in the payload.  But I've left it in for now in case it was added for
+                // interoperability reasons with some existing device.
+                }
+            // Extract value...
+            //
+            switch ( tagNumber )
+                {
+                case KBTSBPPTagOffset:
+                    {
+                    iRequestParams.iOffset = 
+                        TBTSUDataConverter::ConvertDataUnsignedL( 
+                        header.Left( valueLength ) );
+                    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() offset '%d'"), iRequestParams.iOffset ));
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case KBTSBPPTagCount:
+                    {
+                    iRequestParams.iCount = 
+                        TBTSUDataConverter::ConvertDataSignedL( 
+                        header.Left( valueLength ) );
+                    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() count '%d'"), iRequestParams.iCount ));
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case KBTSBPPTagFileSize:
+                    {
+                    // The value is not interesting, we just need to know whether 
+                    // the parameter was received (and thus requested)
+                    //
+                    iRequestParams.iOffset = KBTSBPPFileSizeRequested;
+                    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ParseHeadersL() fileSize parameter received"));
+                    break;
+                    }
+                case KBTSBPPTagJobId:
+                default:
+                    {
+                    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() WARNING, illegal tag"));
+                    break;
+                    }
+                }
+            // ...and remove it from the header
+            //
+            header.Set( header.Mid( valueLength ) );
+            }
+        }
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CheckAppParamsHeaderL() completed"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ExecuteGetRequestL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ExecuteGetRequestL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ExecuteGetRequestL()"));
+    // If iCount is 0, an empty body will be sent
+    //
+    if ( iRequestParams.iCount != 0 )
+        {
+        ResolveGetRequestL();
+        ReadFileToBufferL();      
+        }
+    CreateResponseObjectL();
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ExecuteGetRequestL() completed"));
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ResolveGetRequestL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ResolveGetRequestL()
+    {
+    FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ResolveGetRequestL()"));
+    // Get the file size
+    //
+    RFile file;
+    TInt size = 0;
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( iFileSession, *iRequestParams.iName, 
+                                   EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileStream ) );
+    TInt error = file.Size( size );
+    if ( error )
+        {
+        FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ResolveGetRequestL() error %d in getting the size"), error ) );
+        size = KBTSBPPFileSizeUnknown;
+        }
+    file.Close();
+    // Store the file size if it was requested
+    //
+    if ( iRequestParams.iFileSize == KBTSBPPFileSizeRequested )
+        {
+        iRequestParams.iFileSize = size;
+        }
+    // Resolve the actual amount of data that needs to be read.
+    // 
+    TInt dataLeft = size - iRequestParams.iOffset;
+    if ( iRequestParams.iCount == KBTSBPPRestOfTheFileRequested )
+        {
+        if ( size == KBTSBPPFileSizeUnknown )
+            {
+            // The size of the file is unknown, so read as much 
+            // as would fit into the buffer
+            //
+            iRequestParams.iCount = KBTSUDataBufferMaxSize;
+            }        
+        else
+            {
+            // The rest of the file is requested, so correct the count
+            //
+            iRequestParams.iCount = dataLeft;
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( iRequestParams.iCount > dataLeft )
+        {
+        // There is less data left that was requested, so correct the count
+        //
+        iRequestParams.iCount = dataLeft;
+        }
+    if ( iRequestParams.iCount > KBTSUDataBufferMaxSize )
+        {
+        // The requested count is too big
+        //
+        FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ResolveGetRequestL() iCount too big %d"), iRequestParams.iCount ) );
+        User::Leave( KErrTooBig );
+        }
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ResolveGetRequestL() completed, requested %d bytes"), iRequestParams.iCount ) );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ReadFileToBufferL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ReadFileToBufferL()
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iResponseBuffer, BTSUPanic( EBTSUPanicExistingObject ) );
+    // Create a buffer for the object and reserve space according to the request
+    //
+    iResponseBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL( KBTSUDataBufferExpandSize );
+    iResponseBuffer->SetReserveL( iRequestParams.iCount );
+    iResponseBuffer->ResizeL( iRequestParams.iCount );
+    // Open the file
+    //
+    RFile file;
+    User::LeaveIfError( file.Open( iFileSession, *iRequestParams.iName, 
+                                   EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileStream ) );
+    CleanupClosePushL( file );
+    // Create a stream for reading from the file
+    //
+    RFileReadStream readStream( file, iRequestParams.iOffset );
+    // Create a stream for writing into the buffer
+    //
+    RBufWriteStream writeStream( *iResponseBuffer );
+    // Read the data from file to the buffer
+    //
+    readStream.ReadL( writeStream, iRequestParams.iCount );
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ReadFileToBufferL() space reserved '%d'"), iRequestParams.iCount ));
+    FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::ReadFileToBufferL() data read '%d'"), iResponseBuffer->Size() ));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CreateResponseObjectL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CreateResponseObjectL()
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iResponseBuffer || (iRequestParams.iCount == 0), BTSUPanic( EBTSUPanicNoBufferEvenThoughCountNotZero ) );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iResponse, BTSUPanic( EBTSUPanicResponseAlreadyPresent ) );
+    // Create the OBEX response object using the buffer already created (or no buffer if appropriate)
+    //
+    iResponse = CObexBufObject::NewL( iResponseBuffer );
+    // Generate FileSize parameter if requested
+    //
+    if ( iRequestParams.iFileSize != KBTSBPPFileSizeNotSet )
+        {
+        FLOG(_L("[BTSBPP]\t CBTSBPPObjectRequest::CreateResponseObjectL() generate file size param"));
+        TBuf8<KBTSBPPAppParamLength> params;
+        params.SetMax();
+        TUint8* ptr = const_cast<TUint8*>(params.Ptr());
+        *ptr++ = KBTSBPPFileSizeTag;
+        *ptr++ = KBTSBPPFileSizeLength;
+        BigEndian::Put32(ptr, *reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(&iRequestParams.iFileSize)); // reinterpret cast to retain signed nature...
+        iResponse->SetAppParamL( params );
+        }
+    }
+//  End of File