changeset 70 f5508c13dfe0
parent 67 16e4b9007960
child 71 083fd884d7dd
--- a/bluetoothappprofiles/avrcp/remconbeareravrcp/src/avrcpbrowsingcommandhandler.cpp	Wed Oct 13 13:15:31 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,489 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// avrcpincomingcommandhandler.cpp
- @file
- @internalComponent
- @released
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <remcon/remconbearerbulkobserver.h>
-#include <remconaddress.h>
-#include "browsecommand.h"
-#include "avrcpbrowsingcommandhandler.h"
-#include "avrcpinternalinterface.h"
-#include "avrcplog.h"
-#include "avrcprouter.h"
-#include "avrcputils.h"
-#include "browsingframe.h"
-#include "bulkbearer.h"
-#include "mediabrowse.h"
-#include "remconcommandinterface.h"
-// Construction/Destruction
-/** Factory function.
-@param aCommandInterface	The interface for providing commands that have been handled.
-@param aRouter	A CRcpRouter to use for communication with remote devices.
-@param aPlayerInfoManager	The central manager for player information.
-@param aAddr	The Bluetooth device address for the remote device handled by this handler.
-@return A fully constructed CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler.
-@leave System wide error codes.
-CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler* CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::NewL(MRemConBulkCommandInterface& aCommandInterface,
-	CBulkRouter& aRouter,
-	CAvrcpPlayerInfoManager& aPlayerInfoManager,
-	const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
-	{
-	CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler* handler = new(ELeave) CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler(aCommandInterface, aRouter, aPlayerInfoManager, aAddr);
-	return handler;
-	}
-@param aCommandInterface	The interface for providing commands that have been handled.
-@param aRouter	A CRcpRouter to use for communication with remote devices.
-@param aPlayerInfoManager	The central manager for player information.
-@param aAddr	The Bluetooth device address for the remote device handled by this handler.
-@return A partially constructed CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler.
-CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler(MRemConBulkCommandInterface& aCommandInterface,
-	CBulkRouter& aRouter,
-	CAvrcpPlayerInfoManager& aPlayerInfoManager,
-	const TBTDevAddr& aAddr) 
-	: iCommandQueue(_FOFF(CBrowseCommand, iHandlingLink))
-	, iInternalCommandQueue(_FOFF(CBrowseCommand, iHandlingLink))
-	, iCommandInterface(aCommandInterface)
-	, iRouter(aRouter)
-	, iMtu(335) // initialise to min for browse channel
-	, iPlayerInfoManager(aPlayerInfoManager)
-	, iAddr(aAddr)
-	{
-	}
-	{
-	while (!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		CBrowseCommand *command = iCommandQueue.First();
-		HandledCommand(*command);
-		}
-	TRemConAddress remConAddr;
-	AvrcpUtils::BTToRemConAddr(iAddr, remConAddr);
-	iCommandInterface.MrcbciRemoveAddressing(remConAddr);
-	}
-// Called from the bearer
-/** Tell the handler to gracefully shutdown.
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::Disconnect()
-	{
-	while (!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		CBrowseCommand* command = iCommandQueue.First();
-		iRouter.RemoveFromSendQueue(*command);
-		HandledCommand(*command);
-		}
-	}
-// Called by router
-/** Receive an incoming AVRCP browse command.
-@param aMessageInformation	The command data from the AVCTP message.
-@param aTransactionLabel	AVCTP transaction label for this command.
-@param aAddr	The bluetooth device from which this command originated.
-@leave System Wide Error code
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::ReceiveCommandL(const TDesC8& aMessageInformation, 
-	SymbianAvctp::TTransactionLabel aTransactionLabel, 
-	const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
-	{
-	// If there's nothing beyond a header this is bobs.  Dump it now.
-	AvrcpBrowsing::BrowsingFrame::VerifyFrameL(aMessageInformation);
-	TUint id = iCommandInterface.MrcciNewTransactionId();
-	CBrowseCommand* command = CBrowseCommand::NewL(aMessageInformation, id, aTransactionLabel, aAddr, &iPlayerInfoManager);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(command);
-	TInt result = command->ProcessIncomingCommandL(iMtu);
-	CleanupStack::Pop(command);
-	command->IncrementUsers();
-	switch(result)
-		{
-	case KErrAvrcpFurtherProcessingRequired: 
-		{
-		// The only command that we need to check out before sending on is
-		// SetBrowsedPlayer.  Although it's been parsed to verify that it's 
-		// a syntactically valid command we need to ensure that the selected
-		// player is available before sending it on.
-		__ASSERT_DEBUG(command->RemConInterfaceUid() == TUid::Uid(KRemConMediaBrowseApiUid) && command->RemConOperationId() == ESetBrowsedPlayerOperationId, AVRCP_PANIC(EFurtherProcessingRequiredForNonSetBrowsedPlayer));
-		TBool valid = HandleSetBrowsedPlayer(*command);
-		if(!valid)
-			{
-			Respond(*command, result);
-			command->DecrementUsers();
-			break;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			result = KErrNone;
-			}
-		// valid case fallsthrough to be handled as normal
-		}
-	case KErrAvrcpHandledInternallyInformRemCon:  // this case falls through
-	case KErrNone:
-		{
-		iCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
-		iCommandInterface.MrcciNewCommand(*command);
-		if (result == KErrNone)
-			{
-			break;
-			}
-		// KErrAvrcpHandledInternallyInformRemCon fallsthrough here
-		}
-	case KErrAvrcpHandledInternallyRespondNow:
-		{
-		// If the command has already set payload, just sent the command
-		iRouter.AddToSendQueue(*command);
-		command->DecrementUsers();
-		break;
-		}
-	case KErrAvrcpInternalCommand:
-		{
-		iInternalCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
-		HandleInternalCommand(*command);
-		break;
-		}
-	default:
-		{
-		Respond(*command, result);
-		command->DecrementUsers();
-		break;
-		}
-		};
-	}
-/** Called from the router to indicate send completion.
-@param aCommand The command that has been sent.
-@param aSendResult KErrNone if the command was sent successfully.  System wide
-				   error code otherwise.
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::MessageSent(CAvrcpCommand& /*aCommand*/, TInt /*aSendResult*/)
-	{
-	// We try and send the response, but if we fail there's not a lot we can do about
-	// it.  Just let the remote assume the response.
-	}
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::MaxPacketSize(TInt aMtu)
-	{
-	iMtu = aMtu-AvrcpBrowsing::KHeaderLength;
-	}
-// Called by bearer
-/** Send a response.
-@param aInterfaceUid The RemCon interface this response is from.
-@param aId The RemCon transaction label of the command to respond to.
-@param aData The command response data.
-@return KErrNotFound if the command was not found on the queue.
-		System wide error codes.
-TInt CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::SendRemConResponse(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/, TUint aId, RBuf8& aData)
-	{
-	return SendResponse(iCommandQueue, aId, aData);
-	}
-// Internal command handling functions
-/** Sends a response to the remote device.
-@param aCommand The command to respond to.
-@param aErr The result of handling the command.
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::Respond(CBrowseCommand& aCommand, TInt aErr)
-	{
-	aCommand.SetResult(aErr);
-	iRouter.AddToSendQueue(aCommand);
-	}
-/** To be called on completion of command handling.
-This aggregates the handler's tidying up of a finished
-@param aCommand The command to tidy up.
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::HandledCommand(CBrowseCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	aCommand.iHandlingLink.Deque();
-	aCommand.DecrementUsers();
-	}
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::HandleInternalCommand(CBrowseCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	TUid interfaceUid;
-	TUint id;
-	TUint operationId;
-	RBuf8 commandData;
-	TBTDevAddr addr;
-	aCommand.GetCommandInfo(interfaceUid, id, operationId, commandData, addr);
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(interfaceUid == TUid::Uid(KUidAvrcpInternalInterface), AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpInternalHandlingRequestedOnWrongInterface));
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	switch(operationId)
-		{
-	case EAvrcpInternalGetFolderItems:
-		{
-		err = HandleGetFolderItems(id, commandData);
-		break;
-		}
-		};
-	if(err)
-		{
-		HandledCommand(aCommand);
-		}
-	commandData.Close();
-	}
-TInt CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::HandleGetFolderItems(TUint aId, RBuf8& aCommandData)
-	{
-	RBuf8 responseBuf;
-	TRAPD(err, DoHandleGetFolderItemsL(aCommandData, responseBuf));
-	if(!err)
-		{
-		err = SendInternalResponse(aId, responseBuf);
-		}
-	return err;
-	}
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::DoHandleGetFolderItemsL(RBuf8& aCommandData, RBuf8& aResponseData)
-	{
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG( &iPlayerInfoManager != NULL, AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpNotFullyConstructed));
-	RAvrcpGetFolderItemsRequest request;
-	CleanupClosePushL(request);
-	request.ReadL(aCommandData);
-	// Use 4 bytes even though player ids are 2 bytes becuase of
-	// restrictions on RArray preventing use of non-word aligned types
-	RArray<TUint> players;
-	TInt err = iPlayerInfoManager.PlayerListing(request.iStartItem, request.iEndItem, players);
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&request);
-	RRemConMediaErrorResponse errResponse;
-	if(err != KErrNone)
-		{
-		CleanupClosePushL(players);
-		errResponse.iPduId = AvrcpBrowsing::EGetFolderItems;
-		errResponse.iStatus = (err == KErrArgument) ? AvrcpStatus::ERangeOutOfBounds : AvrcpStatus::EInternalError;
-		aResponseData.CreateL(KBrowseResponseBaseLength);
-		CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-		errResponse.WriteL(aResponseData);
-		CleanupStack::Pop(&aResponseData);
-		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&players);
-		return;
-		}
-	RAvrcpGetFolderItemsResponse response;
-	CleanupClosePushL(response);
-	CleanupClosePushL(players);
-	for(TInt i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++)
-		{
-		RMediaPlayerItem item;
-		CleanupClosePushL(item);
-		iPlayerInfoManager.MediaPlayerItemL(players[i], item);
-		response.iItems.AppendL(item);
-		CleanupStack::Pop(&item);
-		}
-	response.iPduId = AvrcpBrowsing::EGetFolderItems;
-	response.iStatus = AvrcpStatus::ESuccess;
-	response.iUidCounter = KMediaPlayerListUidCounter;
-	response.iNumberItems = players.Count();
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&players);
-	//check this fits within MTU, Leave if the response size is bigger than max size 
-	CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-	if(response.Size() > iMtu)
-		{
-		errResponse.iPduId = AvrcpBrowsing::EGetFolderItems;
-		errResponse.iStatus = AvrcpStatus::EInternalError;
-		aResponseData.CreateL(KBrowseResponseBaseLength);
-		errResponse.WriteL(aResponseData);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		aResponseData.CreateL(response.Size());
-		response.WriteL(aResponseData);
-		}
-	CleanupStack::Pop(&aResponseData);
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&response);
-	}
-TInt CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::SendInternalResponse(TUint aId, RBuf8& aData)
-	{
-	return SendResponse(iInternalCommandQueue, aId, aData);
-	}
-TInt CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::SendResponse(TDblQue<CBrowseCommand>& aCommandQueue, TUint aId, RBuf8& aData)
-	{
-	TInt err = KErrNotFound;
-	TDblQueIter<CBrowseCommand> iter(aCommandQueue);
-	CBrowseCommand* command = NULL;
-	while (iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if(command->RemConCommandId() == aId)
-			{
-			err = KErrNone;
-			command->ProcessOutgoingResponse(aData);
-			Respond(*command, err);
-			aData.Close();
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			break;
-			}		
-		}
-	return err;
-	}
-void CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::SendReject(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/, TUint aTransactionId)
-	{
-	TDblQueIter<CBrowseCommand> iter(iCommandQueue);
-	CBrowseCommand* command = NULL;
-	while (iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if(command->RemConCommandId() == aTransactionId)
-			{
-			Respond(*command, KErrAvrcpAirInternalError);
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			}		
-		}
-	}
-const TBTDevAddr& CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::BtAddr() const
-	{
-	return iAddr;
-	}
-TBool CRcpBrowsingCommandHandler::HandleSetBrowsedPlayer(CBrowseCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	RRemConSetBrowsedPlayerRequest request;
-	TRAP(err, request.ReadL(aCommand.CommandData()));
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(err == KErrNone, AvrcpUtils::Panic(ESetBrowsePlayerRequestCorruptedLocally));
-	// Check if selected player exists
-	TUint16 playerId = request.iPlayerId;
-	TRemConClientId clientId;
-	TRAP(err, clientId = iPlayerInfoManager.ClientL(playerId));
-	if(err == KErrNone)
-		{
-		// Selected player exists, check with RemCon if we can use it
-		TRemConAddress remConAddr;
-		AvrcpUtils::BTToRemConAddr(iAddr, remConAddr);
-		TInt err = iCommandInterface.MrcbciSetAddressedClient(remConAddr, clientId);
-		}
-	if(err != KErrNone)
-		{
-		// Either the player was incorrect or is already in use, form a RemCon
-		// format response, then ask the command to process it for sending out
-		// on the air.
-		RBuf8 buf;
-		TInt bufErr = buf.Create(KMediaBrowseOutBufMaxLength);
-		if(bufErr == KErrNone)
-			{
-			RRemConMediaErrorResponse response;
-			response.iPduId = 0x70;
-			response.iStatus = RAvrcpIPC::SymbianErrToStatus(KErrAvrcpAirInvalidPlayerId);
-			TRAP(bufErr, response.WriteL(buf));
-			aCommand.ProcessOutgoingResponse(buf);
-			buf.Close();
-			}
-		}
-	// else we will continue processing this command as normal
-	return err == KErrNone ? ETrue : EFalse;
-	}