changeset 70 f5508c13dfe0
parent 67 16e4b9007960
child 71 083fd884d7dd
--- a/bluetoothappprofiles/avrcp/remconbeareravrcp/src/avrcpincomingcommandhandler.cpp	Wed Oct 13 13:15:31 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,879 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
- @file
- @internalComponent
- @released
-#include <remcon/avrcpspec.h>
-#include <remcon/remconbearerobserver.h>
-#include <remconcoreapi.h>
-#include "controlcommand.h"
-#include "avrcpcommandframer.h"
-#include "avrcpincomingcommandhandler.h"
-#include "avrcpinternalinterface.h"
-#include "avrcplog.h"
-#include "avrcprouter.h"
-#include "avrcptimer.h"
-#include "avrcputils.h"
-#include "controlbearer.h"
-#include "passthroughhelper.h"
-#include "mediainformation.h"
-#include "nowplaying.h"
-#include "playerinformation.h"
-#include "remconbattery.h"
-#include "remcongroupnavigation.h"
-// Construction/Destruction
-/** Factory function.
-@param aBearer	The CRemConBearerAvrcp this is to handle commands for.
-@param aObserver The observer of the bearer. Used to acquire converters.
-@param aRouter	A CRcpRouter to use for communication with remote devices.
-@param aTimer	CDeltaTimer to use for queuing timed events.
-@return A fully constructed CRcpIncomingCommandHandler.
-@leave System wide error codes.
-CRcpIncomingCommandHandler* CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::NewL(MRemConControlCommandInterface& aCommandInterface,
-	MRemConBearerObserver& aObserver,
-	CRcpRouter& aRouter,
-	CDeltaTimer& aTimer,
-	CAvrcpPlayerInfoManager& aPlayerInfoManager,
-	TBTDevAddr& aDevice) 
-	{
-	CRcpIncomingCommandHandler* handler = new(ELeave)CRcpIncomingCommandHandler(aCommandInterface, aObserver, aRouter, aTimer, aPlayerInfoManager, aDevice);
-	CleanupStack::PushL(handler);
-	handler->ConstructL();
-	CleanupStack::Pop(handler);
-	return handler;
-	}
-/** Constructor.
-@param aBearer	The CRemConBearerAvrcp this is to handle commands for.
-@param aObserver The observer of the bearer. Used to aquire converters.
-@param aRouter	A CRcpRouter to use for communication with remote devices.
-@param aTimer	CDeltaTimer to use for queuing timed events.
-@return A partially constructed CRcpIncomingCommandHandler.
-@leave System wide error codes.
-CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::CRcpIncomingCommandHandler(MRemConControlCommandInterface& aCommandInterface, 
-	MRemConBearerObserver& aObserver,
-	CRcpRouter& aRouter,
-	CDeltaTimer& aTimer,
-	CAvrcpPlayerInfoManager& aPlayerInfoManager,
-	TBTDevAddr& aDevice) 
-	: iCommandQueue(_FOFF(CControlCommand, iHandlingLink))
-	, iInternalCommandQueue(_FOFF(CControlCommand, iHandlingLink))
-	, iFragmenter(NULL)
-	, iCommandInterface(aCommandInterface)
-	, iObserver(aObserver)
-	, iRouter(aRouter)
-	, iTimer(aTimer)
-	, iAddressedMode(EFalse)
-	, iPlayerInfoManager(aPlayerInfoManager)
-	, iDevice(aDevice)
-	{
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::ConstructL()
-	{
-	iFragmenter = CAVRCPFragmenter::NewL();
-	iPlayerInfoManager.AddObserverL(*this);
-	RArray<TUint> players;
-	iPlayerInfoManager.PlayerListing(players);
-	CleanupClosePushL(players);
-	if(players.Count())
-		{
-		// Start out with the first player as default.  TSP will need to update
-		// us if it wants to set a different one.  Note that this wont be used 
-		// unless we enter addressed mode anyway.
-		iClientId = iPlayerInfoManager.ClientL(0);
-		}
-	// if no player have yet been registered we'll set the default when the
-	// first one is
-	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&players);
-	iPassthroughHelper = CPassthroughHelper::NewL(iRouter, iCommandInterface, iTimer);
-	}
-/** Destructor.
-	{
-	iCommandInterface.MrccciUnregisterForLocalAddressedClientUpdates();
-	iPlayerInfoManager.RemoveObserver( *this );
-	delete iFragmenter;
-	delete iPassthroughHelper;
-	// All commands should have been handled by the time we reach here.
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iCommandQueue.IsEmpty(), AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpIncomingCommandsNotHandled));
-	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iInternalCommandQueue.IsEmpty(), AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpIncomingCommandsNotHandled));
-	}
-// Called from the bearer
-/** Tell the handler to gracefully shutdown.
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::Disconnect()
-	{
-	iPassthroughHelper->Disconnect();
-	if(!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		// Cleanup remaining commands
-		while(!iCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
-			{
-			CControlCommand* command = iCommandQueue.First();
-			// Tell RemCon the command is finished with
-			iObserver.CommandExpired(command->RemConCommandId());
-			// And now remove the command from the bearer
-			iRouter.RemoveFromSendQueue(*command);
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			}
-		}
-	if(!iInternalCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		// Cleanup remaining commands
-		while(!iInternalCommandQueue.IsEmpty())
-			{
-			CControlCommand* command = iInternalCommandQueue.First();
-			// Tell RemCon the command is finished with
-			iObserver.CommandExpired(command->RemConCommandId());
-			// And now remove the command from the bearer
-			iRouter.RemoveFromSendQueue(*command);
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Called by router
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::MaxPacketSize(TInt /*aMtu*/)
-	{
-	// ignore - we don't care if we use AVCTP fragmentation on the
-	// control channel
-	}
-/** Receive an incoming AVRCP command.
-The command is parsed from a CAVCFrame into a CControlCommand owned by the
-command handler.
-@param aFrame	The AVC frame contained within the AVCTP message.
-@param aTransactionLabel	AVCTP transaction label for this command.
-@param aAddr	The bluetooth device from which this command originated.
-@leave System Wide Error code
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::ReceiveCommandL(const TDesC8& aMessageInformation, 
-	SymbianAvctp::TTransactionLabel aTransactionLabel, 
-	const TBTDevAddr& aAddr)
-	{
-	TUint id = iCommandInterface.MrcciNewTransactionId();
-	// If there's nothing beyond a header this is bobs.  Dump it now.
-	if(aMessageInformation.Length() <= KAVCFrameHeaderLength)
-		{
-		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
-		}
-	// Parse it out into an AV/C frame
-	CAVCFrame* frame = CAVCFrame::NewL(aMessageInformation, AVC::ECommand);
-	CControlCommand* command = CControlCommand::NewL(frame, id, aTransactionLabel, aAddr, iAddressedMode ? iClientId : KNullClientId, &AvrcpPlayerInfoManager());
-	CleanupStack::PushL(command);
-	TInt result = command->ParseIncomingCommandL(iObserver, *iFragmenter);
-	CleanupStack::Pop(command);
-	command->IncrementUsers();
-	switch(result)
-		{
-		case KErrAvrcpHandledInternallyInformRemCon:
-			{
-			HandleRemConCommand(*command);
-			iRouter.AddToSendQueue(*command);
-			command->DecrementUsers();
-			break;
-			}
-		case KErrNone:
-			{
-			if(! command->IsPassthrough())
-				{
-				// add to iCommandQueue for non-passthrough commands
-				iCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
-				}
-			HandleRemConCommand(*command);
-			break;
-			}
-		case KErrAvrcpInternalCommand:
-			{
-			iInternalCommandQueue.AddLast(*command);
-			HandleInternalCommand(*command);
-			break;
-			}
-		case KErrAvrcpInvalidCType:
-			{
-			// We should ignore commands with invalid ctype (AV/C v4.0 8.3.1).
-			command->DecrementUsers();
-			break;
-			}
-		default:
-			{
-			Respond(*command, result);
-			command->DecrementUsers();
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/** Called from the router to indicate send completion.
-@param aCommand The command that has been sent.
-@param aSendResult KErrNone if the command was sent successfully.  System wide
-				   error code otherwise.
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::MessageSent(CAvrcpCommand& /*aCommand*/, TInt /*aSendResult*/)
-	{
-	// We try and send the response, but if we fail there's not a lot we can do about
-	// it.  Just let the remote assume the response.
-	}
-// Called by bearer
-/** Send a response.
-@param aInterfaceUid The RemCon interface this response is from.
-@param aId The RemCon transaction label of the command to respond to.
-@param aData The command response data.
-@return KErrNone.
-TInt CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::SendRemConResponse(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/, TUint aId, RBuf8& aData)
-	{
-	// We always take ownership of the response data in SendResponse, so we 
-	// always return KErrNone.
-	SendResponse(iCommandQueue, aId, aData);
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::SendReject(TUid aInterfaceUid, TUint aId)
-	{
-	TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> iter(iCommandQueue);
-	CControlCommand* command = NULL;
-	while (iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if(command->RemConCommandId() == aId)
-			{
-			TInt err = KErrGeneral;
-			if (aInterfaceUid.iUid == KRemConMediaInformationApiUid || aInterfaceUid.iUid == KRemConPlayerInformationUid)
-				{
-				err = KErrAvrcpMetadataInternalError;
-				}
-			Respond(*command, err);
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			}		
-		}
-	}
-// MPlayerChangeObserver functions
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::MpcoAvailablePlayersChanged()
-	{
-	TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> internalIter(iInternalCommandQueue);
-	CControlCommand* command = NULL;
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	while(internalIter)
-		{
-		command = internalIter++;
-		if((command->RemConInterfaceUid() == TUid::Uid(KUidAvrcpInternalInterface)) && (command->RemConOperationId() == EAvrcpInternalAvailablePlayersNotification))
-			{
-			// If this fails we cann't send the notification - just give up
-			err = HandleRegisterAvailablePlayersNotification(*command);
-			static_cast<void>(err = err); // ignore this error (i.e. give up).
-			}
-		}
-	//register internal notification
-	//still need to optimize for avoid re-registering notification
-	RArray<TUint> players;
-	err = iPlayerInfoManager.PlayerListing(players);
-	if(err == KErrNone)
-		{
-		TBool currentClientAvailable = EFalse;
-		for(TInt i = 0 ; i < players.Count() ; i++)
-			{
-			TRemConClientId clientId = 0;
-			clientId = iPlayerInfoManager.Client(players[i]);
-			if(clientId == iClientId)
-				{
-				currentClientAvailable = ETrue;
-				}
-			}
-		if((iClientId == KNullClientId || !currentClientAvailable) && players.Count())
-			{
-			// If this is the first target client we set our default client id
-			// to this
-			iClientId = iPlayerInfoManager.Client(players[0]);
-			}
-		}
-	players.Close();
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::MpcoAddressedPlayerChangedLocally(TRemConClientId aClientId)
-	{
-	TRAP_IGNORE(AddressedPlayerChangedL(aClientId));
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::MpcoUidCounterChanged(TRemConClientId aClientId)
-	{
-	CControlCommand* command;
-	if(aClientId == iClientId)
-		{
-		command = FindNotify(iInternalCommandQueue, TUid::Uid(KUidAvrcpInternalInterface),EAvrcpInternalUidChangedNotification);
-		if(command)
-			{
-			// if we fail to send an update it is effectively the same condition
-			// as when the notification arrives after the controller uses the
-			// old UID counter
-			TInt err = HandleUidChangedNotification(*command);
-			if(err != KErrNone)
-				{
-				Respond(*command, KErrAvrcpAirInternalError);
-				HandledCommand(*command);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// Internal command handling functions
-/** Sends a response to the remote device.
-Because of the 100ms timeout for responses we send a response to
-passthrough commands as soon as we receive them.  This means the real
-response from RemCon is currently ignored.  A real response is
-only sent if this is a vendor dependent command.
-@param aCommand The command to respond to.
-@param aErr The result of handling the command.  KErrNone if successful.
-			KErrNotSupported if this operation is not supported.
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::Respond(CControlCommand& aCommand, TInt aErr)
-	{
-	aCommand.SetResponseType(aErr);
-	iRouter.AddToSendQueue(aCommand);
-	}
-/** To be called on completion of command handling.
-This aggregates the handler's tidying up of a finished
-@param aCommand The command to tidy up.
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandledCommand(CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	aCommand.CancelTimer(iTimer);
-	aCommand.iHandlingLink.Deque();
-	aCommand.DecrementUsers();
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandleInternalCommand(CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	TUid interfaceUid;
-	TUint id;
-	TUint operationId;
-	RBuf8 commandData;
-	TBTDevAddr addr;
-	aCommand.GetCommandInfo(interfaceUid, id, operationId, commandData, addr);
-	__ASSERT_DEBUG(interfaceUid == TUid::Uid(KUidAvrcpInternalInterface), AvrcpUtils::Panic(EAvrcpInternalHandlingRequestedOnWrongInterface));
-	TInt err = KErrNone;
-	switch(operationId)
-		{
-	case EAvrcpInternalSetAddressedPlayer:
-		{
-		err = HandleSetAddressedPlayer(id, commandData);
-		break;
-		}
-	case EAvrcpInternalAvailablePlayersNotification:
-		{
-		err = HandleRegisterAvailablePlayersNotification(aCommand);
-		break;
-		}
-	case EAvrcpInternalAddressedPlayerNotification:
-		{
-		err = HandleRegisterAddressedPlayerNotification(aCommand);
-		break;
-		}
-	case EAvrcpInternalUidChangedNotification:
-		{
-		err = HandleUidChangedNotification(aCommand);
-		break;
-		}
-		};
-	if(err != KErrNone)
-		{
-		Respond(aCommand, KErrAvrcpAirInternalError);
-		HandledCommand(aCommand);
-		}
-	commandData.Close();
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandleRemConCommand(CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	if(aCommand.IsPassthrough())
-		{
-		// This deals with button press/release stuff,
-		// queues the command and responds
-		iPassthroughHelper->HandlePassthrough(aCommand);
-		}
-	else 
-		{
-		// can go directly to client (unlike passthrough which may need to map 2 commands to 1 click
-		if (aCommand.Frame().Type() == AVC::ENotify)
-			{
-			iCommandInterface.MrccciNewNotifyCommand(aCommand, aCommand.ClientId());
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			iCommandInterface.MrcciNewCommand(aCommand, aCommand.ClientId());
-			}
-		}
-	}
-TInt CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandleSetAddressedPlayer(TUint aId, RBuf8& aCommandData)
-	{
-	// Once we respond to this we've told the remote that we're using a particular player
-	EnterAddressedMode();
-	// SetAddressedPlayer involves not just responding to this command but
-	// also rejecting a bunch of notifies and completing the addressed player
-	// changed notify.  We try as hard as we can to ensure our state remains
-	// consistent with the view of the remote.
-	// Allocate the response buffer for the SetAddressedPlayer command first
-	RBuf8 responseBuf;
-	TInt err = responseBuf.Create(KSetAddressedPlayerResponseSize);
-	if(err == KErrNone)
-		{
-		// Now we know we can at least try and send a response to the remote 
-		// do the other gubbins, which we can cope with failing
-		TRAPD(setResult, DoHandleSetAddressedPlayerL(aCommandData));
-		switch(setResult)
-			{
-		case KErrNotFound:
-			{
-			RAvrcpIPCError errorResponse;
-			errorResponse.iError = KErrAvrcpAirInvalidPlayerId;
-			// Can ignore this as we know we have allocated a big enough buffer
-			TRAP_IGNORE(errorResponse.WriteL(responseBuf));
-			break;
-			}
-		case KErrNone:
-		default:
-			// For any result other than KErrNotFound we managed to set the 
-			// addressed client.  Other errors indicate a failure in sending
-			// a changed response to the AddressedPlayerChanged notify.  Even
-			// if we failed sending a changed response we should have been
-			// able to reject the outstanding notify so we are in a consistent
-			// state
-			{
-			RAvrcpSetAddressedPlayerResponse response;
-			response.iStatus = AvrcpStatus::ESuccess;
-			// Can ignore this as we know we have allocated a big enough buffer
-			TRAP_IGNORE(response.WriteL(responseBuf));
-			iCommandInterface.MrccciSetAddressedClient(iClientId);
-			break;
-			}
-			};
-		SendInternalResponse(aId, responseBuf);
-		responseBuf.Close();
-		}
-	return err;
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::DoHandleSetAddressedPlayerL(RBuf8& aCommandData)
-	{
-	RAvrcpSetAddressedPlayerRequest request;
-	request.ReadL(aCommandData);
-	TRemConClientId clientId = iPlayerInfoManager.ClientL(request.iPlayerId);
-	AddressedPlayerChangedL(clientId);
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::AddressedPlayerChangedL(TRemConClientId aClientId)
-	{
-	if(aClientId == iClientId)
-		{
-		return;
-		}
-	iClientId = aClientId;
-	TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> iter(iCommandQueue);
-	CControlCommand* command = NULL;
-	// Complete player specific notifications
-	while(iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if(command->PlayerSpecificNotify())
-			{
-			iObserver.CommandExpired(command->RemConCommandId());
-			Respond(*command, KErrAvrcpAirAddressedPlayerChanged);
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			}
-		}
-	command = FindNotify(iInternalCommandQueue, TUid::Uid(KUidAvrcpInternalInterface),EAvrcpInternalAddressedPlayerNotification);
-	if(command)
-		{
-		User::LeaveIfError(HandleRegisterAddressedPlayerNotification(*command));
-		}
-	}
-TInt CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandleRegisterAvailablePlayersNotification(CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	RBuf8 responseBuf;
-	TRAPD(err, DoHandleRegisterAvailablePlayersNotificationL(responseBuf, aCommand));
-	if(err == KErrNone)
-		{
-		SendInternalResponse(aCommand.RemConCommandId(), responseBuf);
-		}
-	responseBuf.Close();
-	return err;
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::DoHandleRegisterAvailablePlayersNotificationL(RBuf8& aResponseData, CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	RAvrcpIPCError response;
-	response.iError = KErrNone;
-	if(DuplicateNotify(iInternalCommandQueue, aCommand))
-		{
-		response.iError = KErrAvrcpAirInvalidCommand;
-		}
-	aResponseData.CreateL(KRegisterNotificationEmptyResponseSize);
-	CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-	response.WriteL(aResponseData);
-	CleanupStack::Pop();
-	}
-TInt CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandleRegisterAddressedPlayerNotification(CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	// Once we respond to this we've told the remote that we're using a particular player
-	EnterAddressedMode();
-	RBuf8 responseBuf;
-	TRAPD(err, DoHandleRegisterAddressedPlayerNotificationL(responseBuf, aCommand));
-	if(!err)
-		{
-		SendInternalResponse(aCommand.RemConCommandId(), responseBuf);
-		}
-	responseBuf.Close();
-	return err;
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::DoHandleRegisterAddressedPlayerNotificationL(RBuf8& aResponseData, CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	RAvrcpAddressedPlayerNotificationResponse response;
-	RAvrcpIPCError rejectResponse;
-	if(DuplicateNotify(iInternalCommandQueue, aCommand))
-		{
-		aResponseData.CreateL(KRegisterNotificationEmptyResponseSize);
-		rejectResponse.iError = KErrAvrcpAirInvalidCommand;
-		CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-		rejectResponse.WriteL(aResponseData);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// Tricky situation thinking.Reject if at this moment the client just be shut down
-		TRAPD(err, response.iPlayerId = iPlayerInfoManager.PlayerL(iClientId));
-		if(err != KErrNone)
-			{
-			aResponseData.CreateL(KRegisterNotificationEmptyResponseSize);
-			rejectResponse.iError = KErrAvrcpAirInvalidCommand;
-			CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-			rejectResponse.WriteL(aResponseData);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// This line will never leave once the previous line pass 
-			response.iUidCounter = iPlayerInfoManager.UidCounterL(iClientId);
-			aResponseData.CreateL(KRegisterNotificationAddressedPlayerResponseSize);
-			CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-			response.WriteL(aResponseData);
-			}
-		}
-	CleanupStack::Pop();
-	}
-TInt CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::HandleUidChangedNotification(CControlCommand& aCommand)
-	{
-	// Although we haven't strictly told the remote which player we're using this is 
-	// a 1.4 command, and implies use of a specific player so switch into addressed mode
-	EnterAddressedMode();
-	RBuf8 responseBuf;
-	TUint16 uidCounter = 0;
-	TRAPD(err, uidCounter = iPlayerInfoManager.UidCounterL(iClientId));
-	if(err == KErrNone && !DuplicateNotify(iInternalCommandQueue, aCommand))
-		{
-		TRAP(err, DoHandleUidChangedNotificationL(responseBuf, uidCounter));
-		}
-	if(err == KErrNone)
-		{
-		SendInternalResponse(aCommand.RemConCommandId(), responseBuf);
-		}
-	responseBuf.Close();
-	return err;
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::DoHandleUidChangedNotificationL(RBuf8& aResponseData, TUint16 aUidCounter)
-	{
-	RAvrcpUidCounterNotificationResponse response;
-	response.iUidCounter = aUidCounter;
-	aResponseData.CreateL(KRegisterNotificationUidChangedResponseSize);
-	CleanupClosePushL(aResponseData);
-	response.WriteL(aResponseData);
-	CleanupStack::Pop();
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::SendInternalResponse(TUint aId, RBuf8& aData)
-	{
-	SendResponse(iInternalCommandQueue, aId, aData);
-	}
-This function always takes responsibility for the response.
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::SendResponse(TDblQue<CControlCommand>& aCommandQueue, TUint aId, RBuf8& aData)
-	{
-	TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> iter(aCommandQueue);
-	CControlCommand* command = NULL;
-	while (iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if(command->RemConCommandId() == aId)
-			{
-			TInt err = command->ProcessOutgoingResponse(iObserver, aData, *iFragmenter);
-			if(command->Frame().Type() == AVC::ENotify)
-				{
-				// If the interim response was successful then create a new command 
-				// to contain the final response when it arrives.  The same command
-				// cannot be re-used as we may not have finished sending this before
-				// we get the final response.  We won't have both the commands on 
-				// the handling queue at one time though, so there is no ambiguity
-				// about which is which.  We finish handling the interim response here.
-				if(err == KErrNone)
-					{
-					// Try creating the CControlCommand which will be used for the
-					// final response to the Notify.  If it fails then we will just
-					// reject the notify straight away.
-					//
-					// To start with we set its AV/C frame to be an Interim response, 
-					// since this will match the AV/C frame of the original CControlCommand
-					// once we send the interim response later in this function.
-					CControlCommand* finalResponse = NULL;
-					TRAP(err, finalResponse = command->InterimResponseL());
-					if(err == KErrNone)
-						{
-						finalResponse->IncrementUsers();
-						aCommandQueue.AddLast(*finalResponse);
-						}
-					}
-				if(err != KErrNone && command->NormalCommand())
-					{
-					// If we had an unsuucessful interim response, we need to remove the command from remcon
-					iObserver.CommandExpired(aId);
-					}
-				}
-			Respond(*command, err);
-			HandledCommand(*command);
-			break;  // Exit while (iter) loop
-			}
-		}
-	// Either we have created a response which took ownership of aData, or
-	// we didn't match a command, so this was a response to something we've
-	// already removed from our queue.  We're telling RemCon that we dealt ok
-	// with this so we have resonsibility for tidying up the data.
-	aData.Close();
-	}
-void CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::EnterAddressedMode()
-	{
-	iAddressedMode = ETrue;
-	iCommandInterface.MrccciRegisterForLocalAddressedClientUpdates();
-	}
-TBool CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::DuplicateNotify(TDblQue<CControlCommand>& aCommandQueue, const CControlCommand& aCommand) const
-	{
-	TUid interfaceUid = aCommand.RemConInterfaceUid();
-	TUint operationId = aCommand.RemConOperationId();
-	CControlCommand* command = NULL;
-	TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> iter(aCommandQueue);
-	TInt count = 0;
-	TBool duplicate = EFalse;
-	while(iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if((interfaceUid == command->RemConInterfaceUid())&&(operationId == command->RemConOperationId()))
-			{
-			count++;
-			// this should be a reject if we've already got a notification outstanding
-			if(count > 1)
-				{
-				duplicate = ETrue;
-				break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	return duplicate;
-	}
-CControlCommand* CRcpIncomingCommandHandler::FindNotify(TDblQue<CControlCommand>& aCommandQueue, TUid aInterfaceUid, TUint aOperationId)
-	{
-	CControlCommand* command = NULL;
-	TDblQueIter<CControlCommand> iter(aCommandQueue);
-	TBool found = EFalse;
-	while(iter)
-		{
-		command = iter++;
-		if((command->RemConInterfaceUid() == aInterfaceUid)&&(command->RemConOperationId() == aOperationId))
-			{
-			found = ETrue;
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-	return found ? command : NULL;
-	}