changeset 0 f63038272f30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothappprofiles/avrcp/playerinformation/public/playerinformationtargetobserver.h	Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <remcon/avrcpspec.h>
+#include <barsc2.h>
+This class is used to define the capabilities of the current application,
+and the implementation will generate AVRCP responses to the controller.
+For the event part of the API, it is recommended to add all events which make
+sense for the media player. In general, this will be everything except
+ESystemStatusChanged. The company ID part of the API is only needed if
+the media player needs to support vendor extensions other than bluetooth SIG.
+The bluetooth SIG company ID is always included in responses to a COMPANY_ID request.
+class MPlayerCapabilitiesObserver 
+	{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Remove all notification events from the supported list
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void ClearEvents();
+		/**
+		Add a notification event to the supported list of events
+		The AVRCP 1.3 specification mandates that PlaybackStatusChanged
+		and TrackChanged events must be supported; KErrAlreadyExists will
+		be returned if AddEvent() is called with either of these events.
+		@param aEvent the event to add
+		@return KErrAlreadyExists if the event is already present.
+		KErrNotSupported if the event isn't supported by the implementation, e.g.. ESystemStatusChanged
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TInt AddEvent(TRegisterNotificationEvent aEvent);
+		/**
+		Remove a notification event from the supported list of events
+		The AVRCP 1.3 specification mandates that PlaybackStatusChanged
+		and TrackChanged events must be supported; KErrNotSupported will
+		be returned if RemoveEvent() is called with either of these events.
+		@param aEvent the event to remove
+		@return KErrNone if this completes successfully, KErrNotFound if aID
+		was not in the list, or any other system wide error code.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TInt RemoveEvent(TRegisterNotificationEvent aEvent);
+		const static TInt KMaxCompanyID = 0xFFFFFF;
+		const static TInt KMaxNrOfCompanyIDs = 255;
+		/**
+		Remove all additional company IDs from the supported list
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void ClearCompanyIds();
+		/**
+		Add a company id to the supported list of company ids.
+		The AVRCP 1.3 specification mandates that the Bluetooth SIG vendor id 
+		must be supported; KErrAlreadyExists will be returned if AddCompanyId()
+		is called with this company id.
+		@param aID the id to add
+		@return KErrNone if this completes successfully,
+		KErrAlreadyExists if aID is already present,
+		KErrOverflow if the maximum number of company ids are already listed,
+		or any other system wide error code.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TInt AddCompanyId(TInt aID);
+		/**
+		Remove a company id from the list of supported vendor extensions.
+		The Bluetooth SIG id can't be removed, as this must always be supported
+		@param aID the id to remove
+		@return KErrNone if this completes successfully, KErrNotFound if aID
+		was not in the list, or any other system wide error code.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C TInt RemoveCompanyID(TInt aID);
+	private:
+		virtual void DoClearEvents() = 0;
+		virtual TInt DoAddEvent(TRegisterNotificationEvent aEvent) = 0;
+		virtual TInt DoRemoveEvent(TRegisterNotificationEvent aEvent) = 0;
+		virtual void DoClearCompanyIds() = 0;
+		virtual TInt DoAddCompanyId(TInt aID) = 0;
+		virtual TInt DoRemoveCompanyID(TInt aID) = 0;
+	};
+This class is for supporting the player application settings PDUs in AVRCP1.3
+specification section 5.2. The RegisterNotification PDU for
+The media player should first define all the attributes it supports, using
+DefineAttributeL. When an attribute's value is changed by the media player,
+it should call SetAttributeL to inform the controller. When the controller
+changes a setting, the media player application receives a callback via the
+MPlayerApplicationSettingsNotify interface
+class MPlayerApplicationSettingsObserver 
+	{
+	public:
+		/**
+		Define an attribute supported by this player.
+		It will be included in future responses to the following PDUs:
+			ListPlayerApplicationSettingAttributes,
+			ListPlayerApplicationSettingValues,
+			GetCurrentPlayerApplicationSettingValue,
+			GetPlayerApplicationSettingAttributeText,
+			GetPlayerApplicationSettingValueText,
+		@param aAttributeID The specification or player defined attribute
+		@param aAttributeText The UTF8 text name of the attribute(allowed text length is 1-255) - the API will take a copy
+		@param aValues The list of defined values
+		@param aValueTexts The UTF8 text for each defined value(allowed text length is 1-255) - The API will make copies.
+		@param aInitialValue The initial value for this attribute
+		@leave KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the copies of aAttributeID and relative settings
+		@leave KErrNotSupported if attribute or value is out of specification defined range,
+			or aValueTexts is not equal length to aValues
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void DefineAttributeL(TUint aAttributeID,
+										TDesC8& aAttributeText,
+										RArray<TUint> &aValues,
+										RArray<TPtrC8> &aValueTexts,
+										TUint aInitialValue);
+		/**
+		Set the current value of a previously defined attribute
+		This updates the cache and will cause completion of a 
+		@param aAttributeID The specification or player defined attribute
+		@param aValue The current value
+		@leave KErrNotFound if the attribute is not defined,
+			KErrArgument if the value is not valid according to the definition
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void SetAttributeL(TUint aAttributeID, TUint aValue);
+	private:
+		virtual void DoDefineAttributeL(TUint aAttributeID,
+										TDesC8& aAttributeText,
+										RArray<TUint> &aValues,
+										RArray<TPtrC8> &aValueTexts,
+										TUint aInitialValue) = 0;
+		virtual void DoSetAttributeL(TUint aAttributeID, TUint aValue) = 0;
+	};
+This is a helper API allowing CPlayerApplicationSettings to be initialised
+via a resource file. Using a resource file may help to provide localised text
+for the attributes and values, according to current language setting of the phone.
+class PlayerApplicationSettingsResourceInit
+	{
+	public:
+	/**
+	Defines multiple attributes supported by this player, which are listed in a resource file.
+	@param aSettings The CPlayerApplicationSettings object on which the attributes should be defined
+	@param aResource A fully constructed CResourceFile
+	@leave KErrNoMemory, or leave from CResourceFile functions
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C static void DefineAttributesL(MPlayerApplicationSettingsObserver& aSettings, CResourceFile &aResource);
+	};
+This class supports the notification PDUs in AVRCP1.3 specification section 5.4,
+with the following exceptions:
+   EVENT_SYSTEM_STATUS_CHANGED is not supported, it is only for adaptors that plug into a media player
+   EVENT_PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTING_CHANGED is supported through the CPlayerApplicationSettings API
+Events are pushed by the media player calling functions in this API, where they are
+cached until the controller pulls them via a GetPlayStatus or RegisterNotification PDU
+@see CPlayerApplicationSettings
+class MPlayerEventsObserver 
+	{
+	public:
+		enum TTargetBatteryStatus
+			{
+			ENormal     = 0,
+			EWarning    = 1,
+			ECritical   = 2,
+			EExternal   = 3,
+			EFullCharge = 4,
+			EUnknown	= 5
+			};	
+		enum TPlaybackStatus
+			{
+			EStopped = 0,
+			EPlaying = 1,
+			EPaused = 2,
+			EFwdSeek = 3,
+			ERevSeek = 4,
+			EError = 0xFF
+			};
+		enum TPlayPosition
+			{
+			EStart = 0,
+			EMiddle = 1,
+			EEnd= 2,
+			};
+		static const TUint64 KNoTrackSelected = KMaxTUint64;
+		static const TUint32 KPlaybackPositionUnknown = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+		/**
+		Call this function whenever the playback status changes.
+		It will be used to complete pending EVENT_PLAYBACK_STATUS_CHANGED
+		and EVENT_PLAYBACK_POS_CHANGED notifications.
+		The value is used to generate the response to a GetPlayStatus PDU.
+		@param aStatus The specification defined playback status
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void PlaybackStatusChanged(TPlaybackStatus aStatus);
+		/**
+		Call this function whenever the current media track is changed.
+		use KNoTrackSelected to indicate that there is no media selected. 
+		This is the default value on construction. It will be used to
+		complete pending EVENT_TRACK_CHANGED and EVENT_PLAYBACK_POS_CHANGED notifications.
+		The values are used to generate the response to a GetPlayStatus PDU.
+		@param aTrackId A handle to the current track.
+		@param aLengthInMilliseconds The length of the current track.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void TrackChanged(TUint64 aTrackId, TUint32 aLengthInMilliseconds);
+		/**
+		Call this function whenever the current track reaches the end position,
+		e.g. due to playback or forward seek. It will be used to complete
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void TrackReachedEnd();
+		/**
+		Call this function whenever the current track reaches the start position,
+		e.g. due to reverse seek (rewind). It will be used to complete pending
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void TrackReachedStart();
+		/**
+		Call this function during playback or seek operations, to indicate the
+		current position within the track. It will be used to complete a pending
+		EVENT_PLAYBACK_POS_CHANGED notification. The value is used to generate the
+		response to a GetPlayStatus PDU.
+		@param aMilliseconds The current playback position. It is recommended to call
+		with a resolution <=1000ms to satisfy the 1s resolution of the notification
+		playback interval.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void SetPlaybackPosition(TUint32 aMilliseconds);
+		/**
+		Call this function to report the current battery status
+		@param aBatteryStatus The current battery status.
+		*/
+		IMPORT_C void SetBatteryStatus(TTargetBatteryStatus aBatteryStatus);
+	private:
+		virtual void DoPlaybackStatusChanged(TPlaybackStatus aStatus) = 0;
+		virtual void DoTrackChanged(TUint64 aTrackId, TUint32 aLengthInMilliseconds) = 0;
+		virtual void DoTrackReachedEnd() = 0;
+		virtual void DoTrackReachedStart() = 0;
+		virtual void DoSetPlaybackPosition(TUint32 aMilliseconds) = 0;
+		virtual void DoSetBatteryStatus(TTargetBatteryStatus aBatteryStatus) = 0;
+	};
+Clients must implement this interface if they require callbacks 
+when the controller has changed the settings via a SetPASValue message
+class MPlayerApplicationSettingsNotify  
+	{
+	public:
+		/**
+		This is called when the controller has changed a setting
+		@param aAttributeID A list of attribute IDs whose value has changed.
+		@param aAttributeValue A list of new values for the attributes listed in aAttributeID.
+		*/
+		virtual void MpasnSetPlayerApplicationValueL(const RArray<TInt>& aAttributeID,
+													const RArray<TInt>& aAttributeValue)=0;
+	};