changeset 0 f63038272f30
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bluetoothengine/btui/devmodel/src/btdevmodelbase.cpp	Mon Jan 18 20:28:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Maintain a Bluetooth devices data model for UI components.
+#include "btdevice.h"
+#include "btdevmodelbase.h"
+#include <btengutil.h>
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "btui.h"
+#include "btregistryobserver.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// 1st phaze constructor
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CBTDevModelBase::CBTDevModelBase(MBTDeviceObserver* aObserver, TBTDeviceSortOrder* aOrder)
+    : iObserver(aObserver)
+    {
+	iSortOrder=aOrder;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Destructor
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    delete iRegistryObserver;
+    for(TInt i=0;i<iDeviceArray.Count();i++)
+    	delete iDeviceArray[i];    
+	iDeviceArray.Close();
+	delete iDevice;
+	iDevice=NULL;
+    for(TInt i=0;i<iQueue.Count();i++)
+    	delete iQueue[i];    
+	iQueue.Close();
+	if(iDevMan)
+		iDevMan->Cancel();
+    delete iDevMan;
+    delete iSortOrder;
+    TRACE_FUNC_EXIT        
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::IsAnyDeviceConnected
+// Allways false, since base class does not support connection
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
+TBool CBTDevModelBase::IsAnyDeviceConnected()
+    {
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::GetDevice
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    
+TInt CBTDevModelBase::GetDevice(TBTDevice& aDevice)	
+    {
+	TBTDeviceOp op=aDevice.iOperation;
+    TInt index = GetIndexByAddress(aDevice.iAddr,aDevice.iIndex); 
+    if (index < 0 )
+        {
+        if(aDevice.iAddr == KNullAddress )
+        	{
+        	return KErrArgument;
+        	} 
+        else
+       		{
+			return KErrNotFound ;
+       		} 
+        }
+    if(index >= iDeviceArray.Count())
+    	return KErrOverflow;
+    aDevice=*iDeviceArray[index];
+    aDevice.iOperation=op;
+    TRACE_FUNC_EXIT        
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::ChangeAllDevices
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        
+void CBTDevModelBase::ChangeAllDevices(const TBTDeviceOp aOperation)
+    {
+    TInt count = iDeviceArray.Count();  
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+        {        
+        //TBTDevice device;
+        //device=iDeviceArray[i];
+        //device.iIndex = i;
+        //device.iOperation = aOperation;
+        //ChangeDevice(device);
+        iDeviceArray[i]->iIndex = i;
+        iDeviceArray[i]->iOperation = aOperation;
+        ChangeDevice(*iDeviceArray[i]);        
+        }        
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::GetIndexByAddress
+// returns the index of the address, if one is not null address.
+// if it is give aNullAdressIndex
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CBTDevModelBase::GetIndexByAddress(TBTDevAddr aAddr,TInt aNullAdressIndex)
+	{
+    if(aAddr == KNullAddress )
+    	{
+		TRACE_FUNC_EXIT        			    	
+    	return aNullAdressIndex;
+    	}
+    	else
+    	{
+	    TInt count = iDeviceArray.Count();
+	    TInt i;
+	    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+	        {
+	        if (iDeviceArray[i]->iAddr == aAddr) break;
+	        }
+		if(i == count)
+			{
+			TRACE_FUNC_EXIT        		
+			return KErrNotFound ;	
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TRACE_FUNC_EXIT        		
+			return i;		
+			}	    		
+    	}	    		    
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::DoChangeDevice
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            
+TInt CBTDevModelBase::DoChangeDeviceL(const TBTDevice& aDevice)
+    {
+    //check that the command in progress has been started       
+   	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDevice==NULL,PANIC(EBTPanicDevManQueueIsCorrupt));
+    TInt index = GetIndexByAddress(aDevice.iAddr, aDevice.iIndex ); 
+    if (index == KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        TRACE_INFO(_L("index not found"));
+        if (aDevice.iAddr == KNullAddress) 
+        	{
+    		return KErrArgument;
+        	}
+        else
+    		{
+    		return KErrNotFound ;
+    		} 
+        }
+    if(index >= iDeviceArray.Count())
+    	{
+        TRACE_INFO((_L("index is %d, max expected is %d"), index, iDeviceArray.Count()));
+    	return KErrOverflow;
+    	}
+    TBTDevice* device = iDeviceArray[index];
+    // store pointer to the indexed TBTDevice
+	// untrust trusted device to be deleted, and delete it only after that
+    if( (device->iStatus & EStatusTrusted ) 
+    	&& aDevice.iOperation== EOpUnpair )
+        	{
+        	device=new (ELeave) TBTDevice(*iDeviceArray[index]);
+        	device->iOperation=EOPInternalUntust;
+        	iQueue.Insert(device,0);
+        	TInt rvalue=DoChangeDeviceL(*device);
+        	TRACE_FUNC_EXIT	   
+        	return rvalue;
+        	}
+    iDevice = new (ELeave) TBTDevice(*device);
+    iDevice->iOperation = aDevice.iOperation;
+    CBTDevice* regDevice = CBTDevice::NewL(iDevice->iAddr);
+    regDevice->SetPaired( aDevice.iLinkKeyType );
+    TBTDeviceSecurity security;
+    if(aDevice.iOperation != EOpChangeName)
+        {
+        regDevice->SetDeviceNameL( BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUTF8L( iDevice->iName ) );
+        // BTEngDevMan will delete friendly name when modify device if friendly name is not set
+        // So if friendly name has been set before, it need to be set again before modify it for
+        // any other purpuse e.g change security
+        regDevice->SetFriendlyNameL(iDevice->iFriendlyName);
+        }  
+    switch (aDevice.iOperation)
+        {
+        case EOpUntrust:
+        case EOPInternalUntust:        
+        	security.SetNoAuthenticate(EFalse);
+            security.SetNoAuthorise(EFalse);	
+        	regDevice->SetGlobalSecurity(security);	        	
+        	UnsetStatusFlags(iDeviceArray[index]->iStatus,EStatusTrusted );  	        
+			break;
+        case EOpTrust:	        
+            security.SetNoAuthenticate(EFalse); 
+            security.SetNoAuthorise(ETrue);	            
+            security.SetBanned(EFalse);
+        	regDevice->SetGlobalSecurity(security);	        	
+            SetStatusFlags(iDeviceArray[index]->iStatus,EStatusTrusted );
+            break;  
+        case EOpUnblock:
+         	// unblock may be done to a number of devices.
+        	// So we want it to happen as quicky as possible
+        	iRegistryObserver->Cancel();
+          	UnsetStatusFlags( iDevice->iStatus,EStatusBlocked );
+          	security.SetBanned(EFalse );
+            regDevice->DeleteLinkKey();
+            regDevice->SetGlobalSecurity(security);                   	
+        	break;
+        case EOpBlock:	            
+            security.SetBanned(ETrue );
+            security.SetNoAuthenticate(EFalse );
+            security.SetNoAuthorise(EFalse);
+            regDevice->SetGlobalSecurity(security);
+            regDevice->DeleteLinkKey();
+			UnsetStatusFlags( iDevice->iStatus,EStatusTrusted );
+        	SetStatusFlags( iDevice->iStatus,EStatusBlocked );
+			break;
+        case EOpUnpair:
+        	// unpair may be done to a number of devices.
+        	// So we want it to happen as quicky as possible
+        	iRegistryObserver->Cancel();				
+            regDevice->DeleteLinkKey();
+            UnsetStatusFlags(iDevice->iStatus,EStatusPaired);
+            security.SetNoAuthenticate(EFalse );
+            security.SetNoAuthorise(EFalse );         
+            regDevice->SetGlobalSecurity(security);               
+            break;
+        case EOpChangeName:
+            if (IsNameExisting(aDevice.iName)) 
+            	{
+            	delete regDevice;
+            	regDevice=NULL;
+            	return KErrAlreadyExists;
+            	}
+            regDevice->SetFriendlyNameL(aDevice.iName);
+            iDevice->iName = aDevice.iName;
+            // set iFriendlyName to remember that friendly name has been set
+            iDevice->iFriendlyName = aDevice.iName;
+            break;
+        default:
+            delete regDevice;
+            delete iDevice;
+            iDevice=NULL;
+			TRACE_FUNC_EXIT            
+            return KErrNotSupported;
+        }
+    iDevMan->ModifyDevice(*regDevice);
+    delete regDevice;
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::DoChangeDevice
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                
+void CBTDevModelBase::DoCancelChangeL(const TBTDevice& /*aDevice*/)
+    {
+    iDevMan->Cancel();    
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::CreateDevice
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
+TBTDevice* CBTDevModelBase::CreateDeviceL(const CBTDevice* aRegDevice,
+        TNameEntry* aNameEntry)
+    {
+    TRACE_BDADDR(aRegDevice->BDAddr());
+    TRACE_INFO((_L("CoD %b"), aRegDevice->DeviceClass().DeviceClass()));
+    TBTDevice* device = new (ELeave) TBTDevice();
+    if ( aNameEntry )
+        {
+        device->iNameEntry = *aNameEntry;
+        }
+    switch( aRegDevice->DeviceClass().MajorDeviceClass() )
+        {
+        case EMajorDeviceComputer:
+			device->iType=EDeviceComputer;
+            break;
+        case EMajorDevicePhone:
+        	device->iType=EDevicePhone;
+            break;
+        case EMajorDeviceAudioDevice:
+        	if ( aRegDevice->DeviceClass().MinorDeviceClass() == EMinorDeviceAVCarAudio ||
+        	     aRegDevice->DeviceClass().MinorDeviceClass() == EMinorDeviceAVHandsfree)
+        		{
+        		device->iType=EDeviceCarkit;
+        		}
+        	else
+        		{
+        		device->iType=EDeviceAudio;
+        		}
+            break;
+        case EMajorDevicePeripheral:
+        	if ( aRegDevice->DeviceClass().MinorDeviceClass() == EMinorDevicePeripheralKeyboard )
+        		{
+				device->iType=EDeviceKeyboard;
+        		}
+        	else 
+        		{
+        		if ( aRegDevice->DeviceClass().MinorDeviceClass() == EMinorDevicePeripheralPointer )
+        			{
+					device->iType=EDeviceMice;
+        			}	
+        		else
+        			{
+        			device->iType=EDeviceDefault;
+        			}
+        		}
+        	break;
+        case EMajorDeviceImaging:
+        	if ( aRegDevice->DeviceClass().MinorDeviceClass() == EMinorDeviceImagingPrinter )
+        		{
+				device->iType=EDevicePrinter;
+        		}
+        	else
+        		{
+        		device->iType=EDeviceDefault;
+        		}
+        	break;
+        default:
+        	device->iType=EDeviceDefault;
+          	break;
+        }
+    device->iAddr = aRegDevice->BDAddr();
+    TBTDeviceSecurity security = aRegDevice->GlobalSecurity();
+    if(security.Banned() )
+    	{
+    	SetStatusFlags(device->iStatus,EStatusBlocked);
+    	}
+    if( IsUserAwarePaired( aRegDevice->AsNamelessDevice() ) )
+    	{
+    	SetStatusFlags(device->iStatus,EStatusPaired);
+    	device->iLinkKeyType = aRegDevice->LinkKeyType();  	
+    	}
+    if( security.NoAuthorise())
+    	SetStatusFlags(device->iStatus,EStatusTrusted);
+	if(aRegDevice->FriendlyName().Length() >0)
+		{
+    	device->iName = aRegDevice->FriendlyName();
+    	// set iFriendlyName to remember that friendly name has been set before in registry 
+    	device->iFriendlyName = aRegDevice->FriendlyName();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(device);
+		device->iName = BTDeviceNameConverter::ToUnicodeL(aRegDevice->DeviceName());
+		CleanupStack::Pop(device);
+		}
+	device->iDeviceClass=aRegDevice->DeviceClass();
+    return device;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::AddDeviceL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
+void CBTDevModelBase::AddDeviceL(const CBTDevice* aRegDevice, 
+        TNameEntry* aNameEntry, const TBTDeviceOp aOperation)
+    {
+    TBTDevice* device = CreateDeviceL(aRegDevice, aNameEntry);
+    device->iOperation = aOperation;
+    // insert it to the RDeviceArray by order
+	  iDeviceArray.InsertInOrderL(device,*iSortOrder);
+    TRACE_FUNC_EXIT        
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::CreateDevices
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                        
+void CBTDevModelBase::CreateDevicesL(const CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray)
+    {
+    // clear the old contents of the array
+    for(TInt i=0;i<iDeviceArray.Count();i++)
+    	delete iDeviceArray[i];
+    iDeviceArray.Reset();
+    TInt count = aDeviceArray->Count();
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+        {
+        // form a TBTDevice for a CBTDevice
+        CBTDevice* regDevice = aDeviceArray->At(i);
+		HandleNewDeviceL(regDevice, NULL);
+		RenumberDeviceArray();
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::IsNameExisting
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                        
+TBool CBTDevModelBase::IsNameExisting(const TDesC& aName)
+    {
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < iDeviceArray.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        if (iDeviceArray[i]->iName.Compare(aName) == 0)
+        	{
+        	return ETrue;
+        	}
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::RegistryChangedL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                            
+void CBTDevModelBase::RegistryChangedL(const CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray)
+    {
+	// Store the device seleted before refresh
+    TInt bSelectedDeviceIndex = KErrNotFound;
+    if (iObserver)
+	{
+    	bSelectedDeviceIndex=iObserver->CurrentItemIndex();
+	}
+    // the selected device before the update
+    TBTDevice currentDevice;
+    if (bSelectedDeviceIndex != KErrNotFound && bSelectedDeviceIndex < iDeviceArray.Count() )
+    	{    	
+    	currentDevice=*iDeviceArray[bSelectedDeviceIndex];    	
+    	}    
+	CreateDevicesL(aDeviceArray);
+	TInt newIndex=GetIndexByAddress(currentDevice.iAddr,KErrNotFound);
+	if (newIndex==KErrNotFound)
+	{
+		newIndex= bSelectedDeviceIndex;
+	}
+	newIndex=Min(newIndex,iDeviceArray.Count() -1 );
+	// notify the listener about the new list of devices
+	SendRefreshIfNoError(KErrNone,newIndex);    
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::RenumberDeviceArray
+// ReCalculates the indexes of internal array.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTDevModelBase::RenumberDeviceArray()
+	{
+	for(TInt i=0;i<iDeviceArray.Count();i++)
+		{
+		iDeviceArray[i]->iIndex=i;
+		}
+	}
+// from MBTEngDevManObserver for call back on adding, modifying, deleting device completion
+void  CBTDevModelBase::HandleDevManComplete(TInt aErr)
+    {    
+    //command has been succesfully completed. If there is no command but something has
+    // completed, something is very wrong.
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDevice != NULL || aErr != KErrNone, PANIC(EBTPanicDevManQueueIsCorrupt));    
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iQueue.Count()>0, PANIC(EBTPanicDevManQueueIsCorrupt));    
+    RenumberDeviceArray();
+	// EOPInternalUntust is untrst before delete. It is not an operation of its own, so no-one is notified about it.
+    if(iDevice && iDevice->iOperation== EOPInternalUntust)
+    	{
+    	delete(iDevice);
+    	iDevice=NULL;
+		delete iQueue[0];
+		iQueue.Remove(0);
+		HandleQueue();
+		return;
+    	}
+	// in case of just paired device the refresh does
+	// not work adequately quickly, so we have not refresh the
+	// shown devices immediately.
+	//
+	// If we would not do it, there might be a small window, for
+	// answering yes to to question if user wants to trust the
+	// device. This would fail, since the device would not
+	// be in the list.
+    if( aErr == KErrNone && (iDevice->iOperation== EOpTrust || iDevice->iOperation== EOpUntrust ))
+    	{
+		TInt index=GetIndexByAddress(iDevice->iAddr);
+		if(index != KErrNotFound)
+			{    	
+			if(iDevice->iOperation== EOpTrust )			
+				{
+				SetStatusFlags(iDeviceArray[index]->iStatus, EStatusTrusted);
+				}				
+			else
+				{
+				UnsetStatusFlags(iDeviceArray[index]->iStatus, EStatusTrusted);	
+				}
+	    	SendRefreshIfNoError(aErr);
+			}
+    	}
+	// delete the unpaired and blocked devices from the list
+	if( aErr == KErrNone && iDevice && 
+			(iDevice->iOperation== EOpBlock || iDevice->iOperation== EOpUnpair ) )
+		{
+			TInt index=GetIndexByAddress(iDevice->iAddr);	
+			if(index != KErrNotFound )
+				{
+					delete( iDeviceArray[index] );
+					iDeviceArray.Remove(index);				
+				}
+			// do not send refresh if this and the next are unpair/unblock operations.
+			// This is meant to hasten the screen refresh, in case of DeleteAll command
+			// is issued.
+			if( iQueue.Count()>1 && iQueue[1]->iOperation==iDevice->iOperation )
+				{
+				}
+			else
+				{
+	    		SendRefreshIfNoError();	
+	    		iRegistryObserver->StartIfNotRunning();				
+	    		//NOTE:It is ok to attempt starting when allready running.	    		
+				}
+		}
+    if(iObserver && iDevice)    
+    	iObserver->NotifyChangeDeviceComplete(aErr, *iDevice);
+    delete(iDevice);
+    iDevice=NULL;
+    iRegistryObserver->Refresh();
+	delete iQueue[0];
+	iQueue.Remove(0);
+	HandleQueue();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::HandleGetDevicesComplete
+// From MBTEngDevManObserver
+// Devices are received from CBTRegistryObserver, so this is not used.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void  CBTDevModelBase::HandleGetDevicesComplete(TInt /*aErr*/, CBTDeviceArray* /*aDeviceArray*/)
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::SendRefreshIfNoError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTDevModelBase::SendRefreshIfNoError(TInt aErr,TInt selectedItem)
+	{
+	//this shouldn't be reached if iObserver is NULL
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iObserver, PANIC(EBTPanicNullObserver));
+	if (selectedItem == KErrNotSupported )
+		{
+   		iObserver->RefreshDeviceList( &iDeviceArray ,
+   		        Min(iObserver->CurrentItemIndex(),iDeviceArray.Count()-1  ) );    				
+		}
+	else
+		{
+	   	if (aErr == KErrNone && iObserver)
+	   	    {
+	   		iObserver->RefreshDeviceList( &iDeviceArray,
+	   		        Min(selectedItem,iDeviceArray.Count()-1  ) );
+	   	    }
+		}
+	}    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::ChangeDeviceL
+// puts the change device command into Queue
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------	
+void CBTDevModelBase::ChangeDeviceL(const TBTDevice& aDevice)
+	{
+	TBTDevice* device=new(ELeave) TBTDevice(aDevice);		
+	CleanupStack::PushL(device);
+	TInt err = GetDevice(*device);
+	if(err!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(device);
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	if(aDevice.iOperation==EOpChangeName)
+		{
+		device->iName=aDevice.iName;		
+		}
+	iQueue.Append(device);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(device);	
+	if(iQueue.Count() ==1 )
+		{
+			User::LeaveIfError( DoChangeDeviceL(*iQueue[0]) );
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::ChangeDevice
+// Calls the ChangeDeviceL and traps leaves and calls error callback,
+// if they occur.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------	
+void CBTDevModelBase::ChangeDevice(const TBTDevice& aDevice)
+	{
+	TRAPD(err,
+		ChangeDeviceL(aDevice);
+	);
+	if(err!=KErrNone)
+	{
+		HandleLeave(err,&aDevice);	
+	}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::CancelChange
+// cancels the change from queue, only calls DoCancelChange,
+// if the command is actually in progress.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------		
+void CBTDevModelBase::CancelChange(const TBTDevice& aDevice)	
+	{
+	// retrieve the device based on index, in
+	// case the address is not filled in.
+	TBTDevice device=aDevice;
+	GetDevice(device);
+	device.iOperation=aDevice.iOperation;
+	// delete any operations to device from queueu
+	if(iQueue.Count()>0 )
+		{
+		// Before calling DoCancelChangeL check if first operation on the 
+		// queue is the one to be cancelled - otherwise crash may occure 
+		// as per TSW EMZA-7EUHYE
+		if(iQueue[0]->iAddr== device.iAddr &&
+			iQueue[0]->iOperation== device.iOperation )
+			TRAP_IGNORE(DoCancelChangeL(device));
+		for (TInt i = iQueue.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+			{
+			if(iQueue[i]->iAddr== device.iAddr &&
+				iQueue[i]->iOperation== device.iOperation )
+				{
+				delete iQueue[i];
+				iQueue.Remove(i);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// failed cancel is not reported forward.		
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::DeviceChangeInProgress
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CBTDevModelBase::DeviceChangeInProgress()
+	{
+	return iQueue.Count() !=0;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::HandleQueue
+// Starts executing the next devicechange(if any).
+// Currently Executed command must be deleted from iQueue and iDevice
+// (and corresponding places in subclasses), before calling this method.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTDevModelBase::HandleQueue()
+	{
+	RenumberDeviceArray();
+	if(iQueue.Count() >0 )
+		{
+		TRAPD(err2,	DoChangeDeviceL(*iQueue[0]); );
+		if (err2 !=KErrNone)
+			{
+			HandleLeave(err2,iQueue[0]);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CBTDevModelBase::HandleLeave
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CBTDevModelBase::HandleLeave(TInt aErr,const TBTDevice* aDevice )
+	{
+	iRegistryObserver->StartIfNotRunning();
+	iRegistryObserver->Refresh();
+	if(aDevice == NULL )
+		{		
+		iObserver->NotifyChangeDeviceComplete(aErr,TBTDevice() );	
+		} 
+	else
+		{		
+		iObserver->NotifyChangeDeviceComplete(aErr, *aDevice );	
+		} 
+	delete iDevice;
+	iDevice=NULL;
+	iDevMan->Cancel();
+	if(aDevice != NULL && iQueue.Count() > 0 && 
+		(iQueue[0]->iAddr == aDevice->iAddr ) && 
+		(iQueue[0]->iOperation == aDevice->iOperation ) )
+		{
+		delete iQueue[0];
+		iQueue.Remove(0);
+		}	
+	HandleQueue();
+	}