* ============================================================================
* Name : btnotifsrv.mmp
* Part of : bluetoothengine / btnotif
* Description : Project definition file for project btnotif
* Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation
* ============================================================================
* Template version: 4.1
#include <platform_paths.hrh>
#include <data_caging_paths.hrh>
TARGET btnotifsrv.exe
UID 0x1000008d 0x20026FED
CAPABILITY CAP_SERVER NetworkControl PowerMgmt CommDD
SOURCEPATH ../btnotifsrv/src
SOURCE btnotifserver.cpp
SOURCE btnotifsession.cpp
SOURCE btnotifconnectiontracker.cpp
SOURCE btnotifsettingstracker.cpp
SOURCE btnotificationmanager.cpp
SOURCE bluetoothnotification.cpp
SOURCE btnotifdeviceselector.cpp
SOURCE btnotifgeninfonotifier.cpp
SOURCE btnotifpairnotifier.cpp
SOURCE btnotifbasepairinghandler.cpp
SOURCE btnotifincomingpairinghandler.cpp
SOURCE btnotifoutgoingpairinghandler.cpp
SOURCE btnotifsecuritymanager.cpp
SOURCE btnotifserviceauthorizer.cpp
SOURCE btnotifutil.cpp
SOURCE btnotifpowernotifier.cpp
USERINCLUDE ../btnotifsrv/inc ../inc
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY esock.lib
LIBRARY bluetooth.lib
LIBRARY btdevice.lib
LIBRARY btmanclient.lib
LIBRARY btextnotifiers.lib
LIBRARY btengsettings.lib
LIBRARY btengconnman.lib
LIBRARY btengdevman.lib
LIBRARY btserviceutil.lib
LIBRARY HbCore.lib
LIBRARY CommonEngine.lib
LIBRARY flogger.lib
LIBRARY charconv.lib