* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares main application class.
#ifndef __KEYBOARD_H
#define __KEYBOARD_H
#include <e32std.h>
#include <w32std.h>
#include <e32event.h>
#include <aknkeylock.h>
#include "hidinterfaces.h"
#include "hidkeys.h"
#include "layoutmgr.h"
#include "timeoutnotifier.h"
#include "bthidsettings.h"
class CField;
class CHidKeyboardDriver;
class CTimeOutTimer;
HID keyboard driver class
class CHidKeyboardDriver : public CHidDriver, public MTimeOutNotifier
/*! Initialisation states */
enum TKeyboardDriverState
EUninitialised, /*!< Driver has not been initialised */
EInitialised, /*!< Driver is initialised */
/*!< The driver will not respond to interrupt data */
// Flags indicating which locking keys are active
enum TLockVals
ENumLock = 1, ECapsLock = 2, EScrollLock = 4
// The types of keyboard input report fields that we handle:
enum TKeyFieldType
EStandardKeys = 0,
EModifierKeys = 1,
EMediaKeys = 2,
EPowerKeys = 3,
// Constructors and destructor
Creates an instantiated CHidKeyboardDriver object.
@param aHid The generic HID layer that requested the driver
@param aFactory aFactory The factory that created the driver
@result A pointer to the instantiated keyboard driver
static CHidKeyboardDriver* NewL(MDriverAccess* aHid);
Creates an instantiated CHidKeyboardDriver object and leaves it on the
cleanup stack.
@param aHid The generic HID layer that requested the driver
@param aFactory aFactory The factory that created the driver
@result A pointer to the instantiated keyboard driver
static CHidKeyboardDriver* NewLC(MDriverAccess* aHid);
Stops driver activity, deletes the key repeat and decode objects and closes
the window server session before the driver is deleted
virtual ~CHidKeyboardDriver();
// new functions
Called by the Generic HID layer to see if the driver can is able to use
reports from a newly-connected device
@result ETrue The driver can handle the reports
@result EFalse The driver cannot handle the reports
virtual TInt CanHandleReportL(CReportRoot* aReportRoot);
Called by the Generic HID layer when a device has been removed, prior to the
driver being removed. This allows the driver to notify any applications of
disconnection, if required
@param aReason The reason for device disconnection
virtual void Disconnected(TInt aReason);
Called by the Generic HID layer when data has been received from the device
handled by this driver.
@param aChannel The channel on which the data was received (as defined by the
transport layer
@param aPayload A pointer to the data buffer
virtual TInt DataIn(CHidTransport::THidChannelType aChannel,
const TDesC8& aPayload);
Called by the transport layers to inform the generic HID of the success of
the last Set... command.
@param aConnectionId ID of the device
@param aCmdAck Status of the last Set... command
virtual void CommandResult(TInt aCmdAck);
Called after a driver is sucessfully created by the Generic HID, when a
device is connected
virtual void InitialiseL(TInt aConnectionId);
Resets the internal state of the driver (any pressed keys are released) and
enables the driver
virtual void StartL(TInt aConnectionId);
Cancels all pressed keys and disables the driver (so it will not
process interrupt data)
virtual void Stop();
* Return count of supported fields
* @since S60 v5.0
* @return Number of supported fields.
virtual TInt SupportedFieldCount();
* Set input handling registy
* @since S60 v5.0
* @param aHandlingReg a Input handling registry
virtual void SetInputHandlingReg(CHidInputDataHandlingReg* aHandlingReg);
// ----------------------------------------
// Repeat key timer interface:
Callback function for the key repeat timer to trigger a repeat key event.
TInt OnKeyRepeat();
static TInt TimerFiredOnKeyRepeat(TAny* aThis);
// Constructors
// Constructor taking a pointer to the HID layer requesting the driver
// instance
CHidKeyboardDriver(MDriverAccess* aHid);
void ConstructL();
// Functions from base classes
* From MTimeoutNotifier
void TimerExpired();
// New Functions
// Called from within DataIn to handle interrupt and control channel data
void InterruptData(const TDesC8& aPayload);
// Send key down / key up events to the window server:
void KeyEvent(TBool aIsKeyDown, TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage);
TKeyEvent TKeyEventFromScanCode(TInt aScanCode) const;
inline void KeyUp(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage);
inline void KeyDown(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage);
// Handles the states of the modifier keys
void UpdateModifiers(TInt aFieldIndex, const TDesC8& aReport);
// Handle key presses
void ProcessKeys(TInt aFieldIndex, const TDesC8& aReport);
// Determines whether too many keys have been pressed on the device
TBool IsRollover(TInt aFieldIndex, const TDesC8& aReport) const;
// Get current modifier state in the format used by TKeyEvent
TUint32 KeyEventModifiers() const;
// Resets the internal keypress states and sends keyup events if required
void CancelKeysForField(TInt aFieldIndex);
void CancelAllKeys();
// Determines whether any lock (Caps,Num,scroll) keys are pressed
void UpdateLockState(TInt aKey);
// Sets the LEDs on the keyboard according to the keyboard state
// (Not implemented)
void SetKeyboardLeds() const;
// Send a key event to the system
void SendKeyPress(TUint16 aUnicode, TInt aUsagePage, TInt aScanCode,
TBool aIsRepeatingKey);
void SendToWindowGroup(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
void SendToWindowServer(TKeyEvent aKeyEvent);
// Determine which window group a key event should be sent to.
// Except for special cases this is the window group with the focus.
TInt WindowGroupForKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
// Handles the sending of raw events to the phone application instead of key events.
void HandleTelephoneAppKeys(TInt aScanCode, TInt aUniCode,
TBool aIsKeyDown);
// Checks if application launching key combination and launch a corresponding application
void HandleApplicationLaunchKeysL(TUint16 aScancodeKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
* CHidKeyboardDriver::LaunchApplicationL
* @param aAppUid Application UID
void LaunchApplicationL(TInt aAppUid);
// Checks if multimedia-key (play,stop,..) and sends to RemCon
TBool HandleKeyMapping(TDecodedKeyInfo& aKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
TBool HandleKeyMappingUp(TDecodedKeyInfo& aKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
TBool HandleKeyMappingDown(TDecodedKeyInfo& aKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
TBool HandleKeyMappingLeft(TDecodedKeyInfo& aKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
TBool HandleKeyMappingRight(TDecodedKeyInfo& aKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
TBool HandleKeyMappingOther(TDecodedKeyInfo& aKey, TBool aIsKeyDown,
TUint8 aModifiers);
TInt AppMenuId();
TInt PhoneAppId();
TInt IdleAppId();
TBool IsApplicationMenuTopMost();
TBool IsPhoneAppTopMost();
// bitmap for Multimedia key states
enum TMmKeyDown
ENone = 0x00,
EVolUp = 0x01,
EVolDown = 0x02,
EPlay = 0x04,
EStop = 0x08,
ENext = 0x10,
EPrev = 0x20,
// bitmap for navigation keys
enum TNavKeyDown
ELsk = 0x01,
ERsk = 0x02,
ESend = 0x04,
EEnd = 0x08,
EEsc = 0x10
void ResetBitmap(TBool aIsKeyDown, TMmKeyDown aBitmapToReset);
* Send raw key event to window server
* @param aScancode key scancode
* @param aModifiers modifier
* @return Error code
TInt SendRawEvent(TInt aScancode, TBool aIsKeyDown, TUint aModifier);
// ----------------------------------------
static TInt ResetArrayToSize(RArray<TInt>& aArray, TInt aSize);
TBool IsDigitKey(TInt aScanCode);
TBool IsSpecialHandleKey(TInt aUniCode);
TKeyboardDriverState iDriverState;
// Application UIDs
TInt iConnectionId;
TInt iAppMenuId;
TInt iPhoneAppId;
TInt iIdleAppId;
// The Generic HID layer
MDriverAccess *iGenericHid;
// Arrays of keys currently pressed for each field:
RArray<TInt> iKeys[KNumInputFieldTypes];
// Pointers to the fields in the report descriptor containing the
// various types of key:
const CField* iField[KNumInputFieldTypes];
// Pointer to the field in the report descriptor containing the LEDs:
const CField* iLedField;
// The current modifier state
TUint8 iModifiers;
// The current locking key states
TUint8 iLockState;
//Supported field types count
TInt iSupportedFieldCount;
// A window server session, so keypresses can be sent to applications:
RWsSession iWsSession;
// Timer object so the driver can generate repeat keypresses:
CPeriodic *iRepeatTimer;
// The last keypress event sent to the window server (allows key repeat)
TKeyEvent iLastKey;
// Layout manager session:
RLayoutManager iLayoutMgr;
// Settings handler class
CBtHidSettings* iSettings;
/*! The last keyboard layout selected by the user */
THidKeyboardLayoutId iLastSelectedLayout;
// Flag for Multimedia key state
TUint8 iMmKeyDown;
CHidInputDataHandlingReg* iInputHandlingReg;
// This timer stops key repeating after defined time to prevent endless key repeats in error cases. Fix for EMKD-7FBB9H
CTimeOutTimer* iRepeatEndTimer;
TUint8 iNavKeyDown;
RAknKeyLock iKeyLock;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers for sending key events:
inline void CHidKeyboardDriver::KeyUp(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage)
KeyEvent(EFalse, aHidKey, aUsagePage);
inline void CHidKeyboardDriver::KeyDown(TInt aHidKey, TInt aUsagePage)
KeyEvent(ETrue, aHidKey, aUsagePage);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------