* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Abstract base class for concete models.
#include <btengdevman.h> // for MBTEngDevManObserver
#include "btdevmodel.h"
#include "btregistryobserver.h" // for MBTRegistryObserver
* This is a abstract class providing basic common fucntions for derived classes.
* It act as a mediator between UI applications and Bluetooth Engine Device Management API.
*@lib btdevmodel.dll
*@since S60 V3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CBTDevModelBase ): public CBase, public MBTEngDevManObserver, public MBTRegistryObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
/** destructor
*@param none.
*@return none.
virtual ~CBTDevModelBase();
/** Checks if any of the devices shown in view have active bluetooth connection.
* This baseclass does not support connections, so the answer is allways EFalse.
* NOTE: TBTUIViewsCommonUtils::IsAnyDeviceConnectedL will report also those devices
* that are not part of particular view, such as paired devices.
* CBTPairedModel::IsAnyDeviceConnected reports only connection from paired devices.
*@return ETrue, if one or more devices are connected. EFalse if no devices are connected.
TBool virtual IsAnyDeviceConnected();
* Get device based on addr or index.
* @param aDevice the TBTDevice holder. You have to set either the deviceAddress or the
* or the device index. If you specify both the device address and the index then the address is used,
* this includes those cases when there is no device corresponding the address.
* @return KErrNone if ok.
* KErrArgument, if neither index not address is filled.
* KErrOverFlow if index is out of range. which means it is negative or the internal array does not have that
* many items.
* KErrNotFound if the given address does not exists, in the internal array.
TInt virtual GetDevice(TBTDevice& aDevice);
* Change status of all devices on the list. This is used by Delete All operations in paired devices view
* (EOpPair) and Blocked devices view(EOpUnblock)
* This creates multiple operations in the intergal queue that are all executed on by one.
* @param aOperation unpair/unblock
* @return None.
void ChangeAllDevices(const TBTDeviceOp aOperation);
* Change device status, add device, e.g. block, unpair,unblock etc.
* The operation is put to queue and executed when the prior operations
* of the queue are finnished. Immeadiately if the queue is empty.
* @param aDevice. The device and the type of the change. If the address is empty, then the
* device index means what device is to be used.
* @return none
virtual void ChangeDeviceL(const TBTDevice& aDevice);
* Change device status, add device, e.g. block, unpair,unblock etc.
* This will check for leaves and make a callback, if leave occurs.
* The operation is put to queue and executed when the prior operations
* of the queue are finnished. Immeadiately if the queue is empty.
* @param aDevice. The device and the type of the change. If the address is empty, then the
* device index means what device is to be used.
* @return none
virtual void ChangeDevice(const TBTDevice& aDevice);
* Cancel connecting, pairing, modifying device in BTRegistry
* Cancels ongoing operation or operation from queue, if it has not been started yet.
* Cancels it, if it is being executed. Used by Canceling Connecting and pairing operations.
* @param aDevice. The device and the type of the change that will be canceled.
* If the address is empty, then the
* device index means what device is to be used.
* @return None.
virtual void CancelChange(const TBTDevice& aDevice);
/** Creates and allocates TBTDevice representation of this device
*@param aRegDevice the device to be converted,
*@param aNameEntry contains the EIR data of the device if its data is valid
*@return the TBTDevice representation of the same device. (Note the caller is responsible for deleting
* the returned item.)
virtual TBTDevice* CreateDeviceL(const CBTDevice* aRegDevice,
TNameEntry* aNameEntry);
/** Checks if there are any ChangeDeviceCommands that are not finnished.
*@return ETrue if the are one or more commands being executed or are in the execution queue.
virtual TBool DeviceChangeInProgress();
/** This is used to make callback to iObserver, when a leave has been detected.
*It will also clean up the partial operation.
*@param aErr the leave error code
*@param aDevice The device and operation that cause the leave.
* If this is inserted in the queue, it is deleted from there.
* If the leave occurred before inserting it to execution queue
* (not common), then it will not deleted from there.
*@return none.
virtual void HandleLeave(TInt aErr,const TBTDevice* aDevice );
* Change device status, add device, e.g. block, unpair,unblock etc.
* This is the operation that is used to to execute the operation queued by ChangeDevice.
* @param aDevice. The device and the type of the change. If the address is empty, then the
* device index means what device is to be used.
* @return KerrNone or system wide error code.
virtual TInt DoChangeDeviceL(const TBTDevice& aDevice);
* Cancel ongoing connecting, pairing, modifying device in BTRegistry
* This is the operation that is used to cancel ongoing operation.
* @param aDevice. The device and the type of the change that will be canceled.
* If the address is empty, then the
* device index means what device is to be used.
* @return None.
virtual void DoCancelChangeL(const TBTDevice& aDevice);
/** This function recounts the indexes of iDeviceArray.
*@return none.
void RenumberDeviceArray();
/** Constructor
* @param aObserver The observer will receive information about command completes and
* changes in the devices.
* @param aOrder The order the devices are sorted. Default order is added by CBTDevMan, so
* this class can assume this parameter to be used. This class is responsible for deleting this parameter on
* its destructor.
CBTDevModelBase(MBTDeviceObserver* aObserver,
TBTDeviceSortOrder* aOrder );
/** Get the index for a device specified by bluetooth device address.
*@param aAddr the address of the searched device or KNullAddres.
*@param aIndexIfNullAddress, if this parameter is defined this function
*returns this index instead of KErrNotFound, it the device has nullAddress.
*@return index of the address. If the given address is KNullAddress then returns aIndexIfNullAddress or KErrNotFound if one is not specified by called.
*This will allways return KErrNone if the given address is not a KNullAddress and is not found.
TInt GetIndexByAddress(const TBTDevAddr aAddr,TInt aIndexIfNullAddress=KErrNotFound);
/** Adds the TBTDevice representation of this device to iDeviceArray, if
* this device is of that type (paired/blocked) that this model supports.
* If the device is not that type, it will not be added.
* NOTE: This function is not guaranteed againt duplicates, so multiple
* additions of the same device will lead to multiple copies of it.
* Subclasses can also implement their version of this function to add information
* to the device objects, such as connection information.
* @param aRegDevice the device to be added (if not filtered).
* @param aNameEntry contains the EIR data of the device if its data is valid
* @aOperation the operation that this device will contain when added.
void AddDeviceL(const CBTDevice* aRegDevice,
TNameEntry* aNameEntry,
const TBTDeviceOp aOperation=EOpNone);
/** Replaces iDeviceArray contents with the given devices
*@param aDeviceArray the devices that will be added to internal structures.
virtual void CreateDevicesL(const CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray);
/** Adds the given device to internal structures of this class
* using AddDeviceL, if the device is such that it should not be listed by this
* class, then it is not added.
* Implementing is used to filter out devices that are not handled by particular view.
* @param aNameEntry contains the EIR data of the device if its data is valid
virtual void HandleNewDeviceL(const CBTDevice* aRegDevice,
TNameEntry* aNameEntry) = 0;
/** Sends refresh of list of shown devices to listener.
* @param aErr If this is not KErrNone, then this function
* will send refresh to the listener. Allways send, if not specified.
* If this funtion is not KEerrNone, then the funtion does nothing.
* @param aSelectedItem. If this is specified, then select this item.
* if not specified uses the same item that the listener used to have active.
virtual void SendRefreshIfNoError(TInt aErr=KErrNone,TInt aSelectedItem = KErrNotSupported );
/** This callback is used to to notify this call from completed changed from iDevMan.
* Inherited from MBTEngDevManObserver.
* This funtion will trap any leave if they may occur and report them as errors in the
* corresponfing device change operarion.
void HandleDevManComplete(TInt aErr);
/** Inherited from BTEng's MBTEngDevManObserver, and implemented as empty,
* because we do ask devicelists directly from iDevman, but trough iRegistryObserver->Refresh()
void HandleGetDevicesComplete(TInt aErr, CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray);
/** This callback is used by iRegistryObserver to notify device changes, that
* originate both from changes of the BTRegistry as well as refreshes requested
* by this class.
* @aDeviceArray the devices that the registry observer gets.
void RegistryChangedL(const CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray);
/** Check if there is allready one or more devices with this name.
*@return ETrue if there is.
TBool IsNameExisting(const TDesC& aName);
/** Executes the next one in the queue, if any.
* Leaves are trapped by this class and send as failed commands to iObserver
* using HandleLeave.
*@param none.
*@return none.
void HandleQueue();
protected: // Data
MBTDeviceObserver* iObserver; // the listener of the completed commands and registry changes.
CBTEngDevMan* iDevMan; // This is used to change the devices.
TBTDeviceSortOrder* iSortOrder; // The order the devices are sorted to.
RDeviceArray iDeviceArray; // The list of current devices.
CBTRegistryObserver* iRegistryObserver; // This takes care of sending the devicelist to us each time
// something may have been changes.
TBTRegistrySearch iSearchPattern; // the pattern iRegistrySearch uses in retrieving devicelist.
// NOTE: HandleDeviceL is used to filter the results.
TBool iIsChangeAll;
TBTDevice* iDevice; // the currently changed device, if any
RDeviceArray iQueue; // The queue of commands to be executed