* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: respository of remote Bluetooth devices.
#include "btdevrepositoryimpl.h"
#include <e32property.h>
#include <bt_subscribe.h>
#include <btservices/btdevrepository.h>
#include "btserviceutilconsts.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tells if two CBTDevice instances are for the same remote device
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CompareDeviceByAddress( const CBTDevice& aDevA, const CBTDevice& aDevB )
return aDevA.BDAddr() == aDevB.BDAddr();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tells if these two instances are for the same remote device
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool MatchDeviceAddress(const TBTDevAddr* aAddr, const CBTDevice& aDev)
return *aAddr == aDev.BDAddr();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tells if these two instances are for the same remote device
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool MatchDeviceAddress(const TBTDevAddr* aAddr, const CBtDevExtension& aDev)
return *aAddr == aDev.Device().BDAddr();
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian 2nd-phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::ConstructL()
// connect to registry
User::LeaveIfError( iBTRegServ.Connect() );
User::LeaveIfError( iBTRegistry.Open( iBTRegServ ) );
iRegistryActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL(
*this, BtServiceUtil::ECreateRemoteDeviceViewRequest );
// Start to get the list of devices from registry.
User::LeaveIfError( iBtRegistryKey.Attach(
KPropertyKeyBluetoothGetRegistryTableChange ) );
iRegistryKeyActive = CBtSimpleActive::NewL( *this, BtServiceUtil::ERegistryPubSubWatcher );
iBtRegistryKey.Subscribe( iRegistryKeyActive->RequestStatus() );
iBtengConn = CBTEngConnMan::NewL( this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CBtDevRepositoryImpl* CBtDevRepositoryImpl::NewL()
CBtDevRepositoryImpl* self = NULL;
self = new (ELeave) CBtDevRepositoryImpl();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iBtengConn;
delete iRegistryActive;
delete iRegRespRemoteDevices;
delete iRegistryKeyActive;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddObserverL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::AddObserverL( MBtDevRepositoryObserver* aObserver )
// Do not allow null pointer.
if ( aObserver )
iObservers.AppendL( aObserver );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RemoveObserver
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::RemoveObserver( MBtDevRepositoryObserver* aObserver )
TInt i = iObservers.Find( aObserver );
if ( i >= 0 )
iObservers.Remove( i );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsInitialized
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CBtDevRepositoryImpl::IsInitialized() const
return iInitialized;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AllDevices
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const RDevExtensionArray& CBtDevRepositoryImpl::AllDevices() const
return iDevices;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Device
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CBtDevExtension* CBtDevRepositoryImpl::Device(
const TBTDevAddr& aAddr ) const
TInt pos = iDevices.Find( aAddr, MatchDeviceAddress);
if ( pos > -1 )
return iDevices[pos];
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ReInitialize
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::ReInitialize()
iInitialized = EFalse;
if ( !iRegistryActive->IsActive() )
// This counter-increasing
// will force to re-create a registry view later.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
// Checks if there is an authentication result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::RequestCompletedL( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, TInt aStatus )
if ( aActive->RequestId() == BtServiceUtil::ECreateRemoteDeviceViewRequest )
HandleCreateRemoteDeviceViewCompletedL( aStatus );
else if ( aActive->RequestId() == BtServiceUtil::EGetRemoteDevicesRequest )
HandleGetRemoteDevicesCompletedL( aStatus );
else if ( aActive->RequestId() == BtServiceUtil::ERegistryPubSubWatcher )
TInt myChangedTable;
iBtRegistryKey.Subscribe( aActive->RequestStatus() );
TInt err = iBtRegistryKey.Get( myChangedTable );
if( !err && myChangedTable == KRegistryChangeRemoteTable )
if ( !iRegistryActive->IsActive() )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
// Checks if there is an authentication result.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::CancelRequest( TInt aRequestId )
if ( aRequestId == BtServiceUtil::ECreateRemoteDeviceViewRequest )
else if ( aRequestId == BtServiceUtil::EGetRemoteDevicesRequest )
else if ( aRequestId == BtServiceUtil::ERegistryPubSubWatcher )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MBtSimpleActiveObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::HandleError( CBtSimpleActive* aActive, TInt aError )
(void) aError;
if ( aActive->RequestId() == BtServiceUtil::ECreateRemoteDeviceViewRequest ||
aActive->RequestId() == BtServiceUtil::EGetRemoteDevicesRequest )
{// leave happened in registry operation, delete registry response:
delete iRegRespRemoteDevices;
iRegRespRemoteDevices = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MBTEngConnObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::ConnectComplete( TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aErr,
RBTDevAddrArray* aConflicts)
// connection is single profile based, to make sure getting the correct status,
// we always retrieve it from btengconnman:
(void) aErr;
TInt pos = iDevices.Find( aAddr, MatchDeviceAddress );
if ( pos > -1 )
TBTEngConnectionStatus old = iDevices[pos]->ServiceConnectionStatus();
TBTEngConnectionStatus status = EBTEngNotConnected;
// error returned from the call is treated as not connected.
(void) iBtengConn->IsConnected( aAddr, status );
iDevices[pos]->SetServiceConnectionStatus( status );
if ( old != status &&
( status == EBTEngConnected ||
status == EBTEngNotConnected ) )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iObservers.Count(); ++i )
*(iDevices[pos]), status == EBTEngConnected );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MBTEngConnObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::DisconnectComplete( TBTDevAddr& aAddr, TInt aErr )
// unified handling for connections status events:
ConnectComplete( aAddr, aErr, NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// issue creating a remote device view from the registry
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::CreateRemoteDeviceView()
iNotHandledRegEventCounter = 0;
(void) iBTRegistry.CloseView();
TBTRegistrySearch searchPattern;
iRegistryActive->SetRequestId( BtServiceUtil::ECreateRemoteDeviceViewRequest );
iBTRegistry.CreateView( searchPattern, iRegistryActive->iStatus );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// gets the paired devices from the view created by CreatePairedDevicesView
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::GetRemoteDevicesL()
delete iRegRespRemoteDevices;
iRegRespRemoteDevices = NULL;
iRegRespRemoteDevices = CBTRegistryResponse::NewL( iBTRegistry );
iRegistryActive->SetRequestId( BtServiceUtil::EGetRemoteDevicesRequest );
iRegRespRemoteDevices->Start( iRegistryActive->iStatus );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// re-create a paired device view if registry was changed during the previous
// operation. otherwise if the view is not empty, get the remote devices.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::HandleCreateRemoteDeviceViewCompletedL( TInt aStatus )
// aStatus may indicate the number of devices from registry.
// However, our algorithm does not rely on this return error
// for implementation simplicity.
(void) aStatus;
if (iNotHandledRegEventCounter)
{ // more registry change detected, create paired device view again:
CreateRemoteDeviceView( );
GetRemoteDevicesL( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// update remote device list. if registry was changed, create a new view.
// otherwise inform client for any changes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::HandleGetRemoteDevicesCompletedL( TInt aStatus )
// aStatus may indicate the number of devices from registry.
// However, our algorithm does not rely on this return error.
(void) aStatus;
if (iNotHandledRegEventCounter)
{ // more registry change detected, create paired device view again:
CreateRemoteDeviceView( );
if ( !iInitialized )
iInitialized = ETrue;
// The first time we have got the device lists from registry,
// Get the connections statuses of these devices from bteng.
for ( TInt i = iDevices.Count() - 1; i > -1; --i )
TBTEngConnectionStatus status = EBTEngNotConnected;
// error returned from the call is treated as not connected.
(void) iBtengConn->IsConnected( iDevices[i]->Addr(), status );
iDevices[i]->SetServiceConnectionStatus( status );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < iObservers.Count(); ++i )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// update remote devices in local array with the latest data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBtDevRepositoryImpl::UpdateRemoteDeviceRepositoryL()
TIdentityRelation<CBTDevice> addrComp( CompareDeviceByAddress );
RBTDeviceArray& devsFromReg = iRegRespRemoteDevices->Results();
for ( TInt i = iDevices.Count() - 1; i > -1; --i )
TInt pos = devsFromReg.Find( &(iDevices[i]->Device()), addrComp );
if ( pos > KErrNotFound )
// Device is found in registry, check if its properties have been changed
TUint similarity = devsFromReg[pos]->CompareTo( iDevices[i]->Device() );
TBool changed = EFalse;
if ( similarity !=
( CBTDevice::EAllNameProperties |
TBTNamelessDevice::EAllNamelessProperties) )
// This device was updated in registry.
// move its ownership to local store
iDevices[i]->SetDeviceL( devsFromReg[pos] );
changed = ETrue;
// This device has no update:
delete devsFromReg[pos];
// either the instance at pos has been moved or deleted.
devsFromReg.Remove( pos );
if ( iInitialized && changed )
for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < iObservers.Count(); ++counter )
iObservers[counter]->ChangedInRegistry( *iDevices[i], similarity );
// This device was deleted from registry.
// Free it from the local store before informing client.
TBTDevAddr addr = iDevices[i]->Addr();
delete iDevices[i];
iDevices.Remove( i );
if ( iInitialized )
for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < iObservers.Count(); ++counter )
iObservers[counter]->DeletedFromRegistry( addr );
// Remaining devices in iRegRespRemoteDevices are new devices:
for ( TInt i = devsFromReg.Count()- 1; i > -1 ; --i )
CBtDevExtension* devExt = CBtDevExtension::NewLC( devsFromReg[i] );
iDevices.AppendL( devExt );
CleanupStack::Pop( devExt );
devsFromReg.Remove( i );
if ( iInitialized )
for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < iObservers.Count(); ++counter )
iObservers[counter]->AddedToRegistry( *devExt );
// the devices in devsFromReg was either deleted, or moved.
delete iRegRespRemoteDevices;
iRegRespRemoteDevices = NULL;