author William Roberts <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:24:40 +0100
changeset 34 a206027c856a
parent 29 48ae3789ce00
child 40 997690c3397a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Branch for GCC_SURGE fixes

* ============================================================================
*  Name        : bluetoothuitrace.h
*  Part of     : BluetoothUI / bluetoothuimodel       *** Info from the SWAD
*  Description : API declaration of run-time debug tracing in bluetoothui project
*  Copyright © 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
*  All rights reserved.
*  This component and the accompanying materials are made available
*  under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
*  which accompanies this distribution, and is available
*  at the URL "".
*  Initial Contributors:
*  Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
*  Contributors:
*  Nokia Corporation
* ============================================================================
* Template version: 4.2


#include <bluetoothtrace.h>
#include <QDateTime>


 * trace macro for Qt code with an additional trace text. 
 * param must be QString type.
#define BtTraceQString1( groupName, traceName, traceText, param ) \
    _LIT(TrTxt, traceText); TPtrC p(TrTxt); \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(param.utf16()), param.length() ); \
    BOstraceExt2( groupName, traceName, "%S%S", &p, &textPtr ); \

 * trace macro for Qt code with no additional trace text. 
 * param must be QString type.
#define BtTraceQString0( groupName, traceName, param ) \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(param.utf16()), param.length() ); \
    BOstraceExt1( groupName, traceName, "%S", &textPtr ); \

 * Macro for tracing a Bluetooth device entry in btuimdevlist
 * with no additional trace text. 
#define BtTraceDevListEntry0( groupName, traceName, dev ) \
    QString info("["); \
    info += dev[Btuim::DevAddrReadableRole].toString() + "]"; \
    QString filterBinary; \
    filterBinary.setNum( dev[Btuim::MajorFilterRole].toInt(), 16); \
    info += "[" + filterBinary + "]"; \
    info += "[" \
        + dev[Btuim::LastUsedTimeRole].value<QDateTime>().toString(Qt::ISODate ) \
        + "]" ; \
    info += "[" + dev[Btuim::DevNameRoleRole].toString() + "]" ; \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(info.utf16()), info.length() ); \
    BOstraceExt1( groupName, traceName, "%S", &textPtr ); \

 * Macro for tracing a Bluetooth device entry in btuim
 * with an additional trace text. 
#define BtTraceDevListEntry1( groupName, traceName, traceText, dev ) \
    QString info("["); \
    info += dev[Btuim::DevAddrReadableRole].toString() + "]"; \
    QString cod; \
    cod.setNum( dev[Btuim::ClassOfDeviceRole].toInt(), 16); \
    info += "[" + cod + "]"; \
    QString filterBinary; \
    filterBinary.setNum( dev[Btuim::MajorFilterRole].toInt(), 16); \
    info += "[" + filterBinary + "]"; \
    info += "[" \
        + dev[Btuim::LastUsedTimeRole].value<QDateTime>().toString(Qt::ISODate ) \
        + "]" ; \
    info += "[" + dev[Btuim::DevNameRole].toString() + "]" ; \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(info.utf16()), info.length() ); \
    _LIT(TrTxt, traceText); TPtrC p(TrTxt); \
    BOstraceExt2( groupName, traceName, "%S%S", &p, &textPtr ); \

 * Macro for Qt code with additional trace text. 
 * list must be QStringList type.
#define BtTraceQStringList1( groupName, traceName, traceText, list ) \
    QString info(": ["); \
    info += list.join(".") + "]"; \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(info.utf16()), info.length() ); \
    _LIT(TrTxt, traceText); TPtrC p(TrTxt); \
    BOstraceExt2( groupName, traceName, "%S%S", &p, &textPtr ); \

 * Macro for Qt code with no additional trace text. 
 * list must be QStringList type.
#define BtTraceQStringList0( groupName, traceName, list ) \
    QString info(": ["); \
    info += list.join(".") + "]"; \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(info.utf16()), info.length() ); \
    BOstraceExt1( groupName, traceName, "%S", &textPtr ); \

 * Macro for tracing Bluetooth DevData data source in btuimdevdata
 * with no additional trace text. 
#define BtTraceDevDataEntry0( groupName, traceName, devData ) \
    QString info("["); \
    QMap< int, QVariant > val = Btuim::DevDataIndexName ); \
    info += val.value(Qt::EditRole).toString() + "]" ; \
    val = Btuim::DevDataIndexStatus ); \
    int statusBits = val.value(Qt::EditRole).toInt(); \
    info += "["; \
    info += QString::number(statusBits, 16 ); \
    info += "]"; \
    QStringList strl = val.value(Qt::DisplayRole).toStringList(); \
    info += "[" ; \
    for ( int i = 0; i < strl.count(); ++i ) { \
        info += + ","; \
    } \
    info += "]" ; \
    val = Btuim::DevDataIndexOptionsMenu ); \
    info += " opts:"; \
    QList<QVariant> cmdItems = val.value( Btuim::DevDataCmdItemsRole ).toList(); \
    for ( int i = 0; i < cmdItems.count(); i++ ) { \
        const Btuim::DevDataCmdItem& item =<Btuim::DevDataCmdItem>(); \
        info += "[" + QString::number(item.mCmdId) + "," + QString::number(item.mEnabled) + "," + "]"; \
    } \
    val = Btuim::DevDataIndexCmdList ); \
    info += " cmds:"; \
    cmdItems = val.value( Btuim::DevDataCmdItemsRole ).toList(); \
    for ( int i = 0; i < cmdItems.count(); i++ ) { \
        const Btuim::DevDataCmdItem& item =<Btuim::DevDataCmdItem>(); \
        info += "[" + QString::number(item.mCmdId) + "," + QString::number(item.mEnabled) + "," + "]"; \
    } \
    TPtrC textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(info.utf16()), info.length() ); \
    BOstraceExt1( groupName, traceName, "%S", &textPtr ); \

#define BtTraceQString1( aGroupName, aTraceName, aTraceText, aParam ) 
#define BtTraceQString0( aGroupName, aTraceName, aParam )
#define BtTraceDevListEntry0( groupName, traceName, dev )
#define BtTraceDevListEntry1( groupName, traceName, traceText, dev )
#define BtTraceQStringList1( groupName, traceName, traceText, list )
#define BtTraceQStringList0( groupName, traceName, list )
#define BtTraceDevDataEntry0( groupName, traceName, devData )

// At early development phase, we force assertion in release build to find out 
// design and implementation issues.
//#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
#define BTUI_DEBUG

#if !defined(BTUI_ASSERT_X)
#  ifdef BTUI_DEBUG
#define BTUI_ASSERT_X(cond, where, what) ((!(cond)) ? qt_assert_x(where, what,__FILE__,__LINE__) : qt_noop())
#  else
#    define BTUI_ASSERT_X(cond, where, what) qt_noop()
#  endif