* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares Bluetooth device inquiry user interface class.
#ifndef BTNINQUI_H
#define BTNINQUI_H
#include <btextnotifiers.h> // Bluetooth notifiers API
#include <badesca.h> // For array handling
#include <AknIconArray.h>
#include "btnotifactive.h" // Active Object Helper class for inquiry
#include <bt_sock.h>
#include <btengdevman.h>
#include "btnotifier.h"
const TInt KPeriodicTimerInterval4Sec(4000000);
class CAknStaticNoteDialog;
class CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox;
class CAknPopupList;
class CAknQueryDialog;
class CBTInqNotifier;
enum TSearchFlowState
ESearchCompleted, // search completed for any reason, end of UI flow.
ESearchAgain, // no device found, user wants to search again.
ESearchFirstDeviceFound, // the first device is found, show found device list.
* Class MBTNDeviceSearchObserver
* Callback class to notify device searching completed.
class MBTNDeviceSearchObserver
* Callback to notify that the device search request has completed.
* @since S60 5.1
* @param aErr Error code
* @param aDevice Pckgbuf to retrieve the response from the device selection.
virtual void NotifyDeviceSearchCompleted(TInt aErr,
const TBTDeviceResponseParams& aDevice = TBTDeviceResponseParams()) = 0;
* A helper class used in Bluetooth device search.
* This class is responsible of the UI activity.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CBTInqUI) : public CBase, public MBTEngDevManObserver, public MBTNotifActiveObserver
public: // Constructor and destructor
* C++ default constructor.
CBTInqUI( MBTNDeviceSearchObserver* aObserver,
CBTNotifUIUtil* aUtil, const TBTDeviceClass& aDesiredDevClass);
* The 2nd phase constructor is required to do Asyncronous operations,
* So the readiness of the CBTInqUI is notified Asynchronously to the caller
void ConstructL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CBTInqUI();
public: // New functions
* Cancels all inquiry activity.
void Cancel();
* Issues a device inquiry request.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void IssueRequestL();
* Check if Eir device name available.
* @param TNameEntry Decode it to get device name
* @param TBTDeviceName Device name returned
* @return ETrue if Eir data contains name.
static TBool CheckEirDeviceName( TNameEntry& aEntry, TBTDeviceName& aName );
private: // Functions from base classes
* From MBTNotifActiveObserver
void RequestCompletedL( CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aStatus );
* From MBTNotifActiveObserver
void HandleError( CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId, TInt aError );
* From MBTNotifActiveObserver
void DoCancelRequest( CBTNotifActive* aActive, TInt aId );
* From MBTEngDevManObserver
void HandleGetDevicesComplete(TInt aErr, CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray);
* From MBTEngDevManObserver
void HandleDevManComplete(TInt aErr);
* Create the device search active object and prepare for search.
void CreateScannerL();
* Removes the device search active object if it still exists.
* @param None.
* @return None.
void RemoveScanner();
* Retrieves paired devices from BT Registry
* Calls HandleGetDevicesComplete, when done
void RetrievePairedDevices();
* Retrieves used devices from BT Registry
* Calls HandleGetDevicesComplete, when done
* @return None.
void RetrieveUsedDevices();
* Searches given BT Device from device array.
* @param aDeviceArray The device array to search in
* @param aDevice The device to be searched.
* @return Index of the device if found.
TInt LookupFromDevicesArray( const CBTDeviceArray* aDeviceArray, const CBTDevice* aDevice ) const;
* Constructs a device popup list from resources.
* @param aSoftkeysResourceId Resource id for softkeys of the list.
* @param aTitleResourceId Resource id for the title of the list.
* @return None.
void CreatePopupListL(TInt aSoftkeysResourceId, TInt aTitleResourceId );
* Generates a format string and adds it to iDeviceItems array.
* Updates friendly name of given device if one is found from registry.
* @param aDevice The device to be added to list.
* @param aSignalStrength The signal bar for RSSI
* @return None.
void UpdateDeviceListL(CBTDevice* aDevice, const TInt aSignalStrength = 0 );
* Creates and adds local bitmap to icon array.
* @param aID Item ID of the masked bitmap to be created.
* @param aFilename Filename to be used to construct the item.
* @param aBitmapId The ID if bitmap
* @param aMaskId The ID of bitmap's mask
* @param aIconList The icon list for BT devices listbox.
void CreateAndAppendIconL( const TAknsItemID& aID,
const TDesC& aFileName,
const TInt aBitmapId,
const TInt aMaskId,
CAknIconArray* aIconList);
* Adjust array, leave 5 lastet used devices in the array and remove the rest,
* and then insert the paired device array to this array by used time order.
* In the adjusted array, the first item will be the most lately used device.
* @param aDevArray The bluetooth device arrary to be adjusted.
* @return None.
void AdjustDeviceArrayL( CBTDeviceArray* aDevArray);
* Filter for searching device
* @param The desired device class user selects from the filter
* @return User's input select/cancel
void SelectSearchCategoryL();
* Add filtering items to search device filter
* @param aResourceId
* @return None
void AddItemToSearchFilterL ( TInt aResourceId );
* Show query to ask if unblock device
* @param aDevice Selected device
* @return Keypress value
TInt QueryUnblockDeviceL(CBTDevice* aDevice);
* The callback function for CPeriodic
* to reset the inactivity time
static TInt PeriodicTimerCallBack(TAny* /*aAny*/);
void GetColorIconL( TFileName& aFilename, TAknsItemID aItemID, TInt aPic, TInt aPicmask, CAknIconArray* aIconList );
* Check if VoIP call is ongoing via WLAN connection.
* @return true if it is; false otherwise.
TBool IsActiveVoIPOverWLAN();
void DoDeviceFrontListSelection();
* Displays previous inquiry results.
void DisplayDevicesFrontListL();
* Unblock device after unblock query.
* @param aIndex Parameter containing information about selected device.
* @return Symbian OS error code.
TInt UnblockDevice(TInt aIndex);
void DeviceSearchUiL();
* the initiator of inquiry until the first device found, or no device found, or
* other reasons causing inquiry stopped.
* @param aReason the reason of the search completion
TSearchFlowState InitInquiryL(TInt& aReason);
void HandleDeviceSelectionL(CBTDevice* aDev);
* Adds found Bluetooth device into popup list.
* @param aInquiryResultRecord TNameEntry and flag, which indicates if Eir device.
void DeviceAvailableL( const TNameRecord& aNameRecord, const TDesC& aDevName);
* The inquiry has been completed.
* @param aError Status code of the operation.
* @return None.
void InquiryComplete( TInt aError );
* Inform the caller of the properties of found BTdevice,
* which passes the search filter. Its name will be retrived later
void HandleInquiryDeviceL();
void HandleFoundNameL();
* Allow/Disallow dialer and app key presses.
* @param aAllow ETrue to allow key press; EFalse to disallow.
void AllowDialerAndAppKeyPress( TBool aAllow );
private: // Data
CBTNotifUIUtil* iUiUtil;
CBTDeviceArray* iLastSeenDevicesArray; // Last seen devices array from BTInqNotifier
CBTDeviceArray* iLastUsedDevicesArray; // Used devices from BT registry
CBTDeviceArray* iPairedDevicesArray; // Paired devices from Bluetooth registry
CBTDeviceArray* iAdjustedUsedDeviceArray; // 5 Lately used devices + All the Paired devices
CBTEngDevMan* iDevMan; //Async deviceHandler
CDesCArray* iDefaultDeviceNamesArray; // Default device names array
CEikonEnv& iEikonEnvRef; // Reference to eikonenv
CAknPopupList* iDevicePopupList; // Popup list for devices
CDesCArrayFlat* iDeviceListRows; // Array for device list format string rows
CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox* iDeviceListBox; // ListBox for bluetooth devices
CAknPopupList* iSearchFilterPopupList;
CBTNotifActive* iScanner;
TBool iDevicesFound; // Flag if any devices has been found
TBool iInquiryComplete;
TBool iBroughtForwards; // Flag for BringForwards
TInt iInquiryStatus; // Error code from inquiry result
TBTRegistryQueryState iBTRegistryQueryState; // which registry query (if any) is in progress.
TBTDeviceClass iDesiredDeviceClass; // Device Class user selects from search filter
CPeriodic* iPeriodicTimer; // the timer for reseting the user inactivity time
TBool iSystemCancel; // Used for a trick to avoid final device list is still on show
// while taking out mmc during BT device discovery
TBTDeviceResponseParams iDevParams;
TInt iHighLightedItemIndex;
RSocketServ iSocketServer; // Socket server object
RHostResolver iHostResolver; // Host resolver object
TInquirySockAddr iInquirySockAddr; // Socket address record
TNameEntry iEntry; // Inquiry results record
TBool iPageForName; // Flag for inquiry name
RArray<TNameRecord> iDevsWithoutName; // Devices without dev name
TInt iIndex; // Current btdevice to inquiry its name
MBTNDeviceSearchObserver* iDevSearchObserver;
TBool iExcludePairedDevices;
// End of File