changeset 0 9b3e960ffc8a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/camerasrv_plat/camera_application_engine_api/tsrc/src/CaeTestStatesClient.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:51:24 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1844 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: CaeTestStatesClient.cpp
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include "CaeTestStatesClient.h"
+//_LIT8(KVideoMimeType, "video/3gpp");
+//_LIT(KVideoPreferredSupplier, "Nokia");
+//_LIT8(KVideoType, "video/H263-2000");
+//_LIT8(KVideoAudioType, " AMR");
+_LIT8(KVideoAudioTypeInv, " TOYOTA");
+const TUid KIllegalUidQltyLevels = {666};
+    {
+    }
+    {
+    }
+CCaeTestStatesClient* CCaeTestStatesClient::NewL()
+    {
+    CCaeTestStatesClient* self = new(ELeave) CCaeTestStatesClient;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+void CCaeTestStatesClient::ConstructL()
+    {
+    CCaeTestClient::ConstructL();
+    iRunWithViewFinder = EFalse;
+    }
+void CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL( TestClientActions aAction )
+    {
+    iAction = aAction;
+    iActionCycle = 0;
+    // Initialize all state variables.
+    InitStateVariables();
+    #ifdef CAE_TEST_VERSION
+    switch ( iAction )
+		{
+        case EEncodingError:
+            CaeSetMcaeseoHBufC8ImageReadyError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EDecodingError:
+            CaeSetMcaesdoCFbsBitmapImageReadyError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EPowerError:
+            CaeSetPowerOnCompleteError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EReserveError:
+            CaeSetReserveCompleteError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EStillCaptureError:
+            CaeSetImageReadyError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EVideoRecorderOpenError:
+            CaeSetMvruoOpenCompleteError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EVideoRecorderPrepareError:
+            CaeSetMvruoPrepareCompleteError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EVideoRecordingCompleteError:
+            CaeSetMvruoRecordCompleteError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EPrepareVideoSettingsError:
+            CaeSetPrepareVideoSettingsError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case ESnapImageError:
+            CaeSetCreateAndDeliverSnapImageError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EStillImageError:
+            CaeSetCreateAndDeliverStillImageError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EStillConvertError1:
+            CaeSetConvertCFbsBitmapToHBufC8Error( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EStillConvertError3:
+            CaeSetConvertHBufC8ToCFbsBitmapError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        case EStillConvertError2:
+            CaeSetStillConvertError( KErrAbort );
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    #endif // CAE_TEST_VERSION
+    switch (iAction)
+        {
+    case ESetDisplayIndex:
+        {
+        delete iCamAppEngine;
+        iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+        iCamAppEngine = CCaeEngine::NewL( 0, iDisplayIndex );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCamAppEngineObserver( *this );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCaeStillBurstObserver( *this );
+	    iCamAppEngine->GetInfo( iInfo );
+        }
+        break;
+    case ESetCameraIndexLow:
+        {
+        delete iCamAppEngine;
+        iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+        iCamAppEngine = CCaeEngine::NewL( -1, iDisplayIndex );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCamAppEngineObserver( *this );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCaeStillBurstObserver( *this );
+	    iCamAppEngine->GetInfo( iInfo );
+        }
+        break;
+    case ESetCameraIndexHigh:
+        {
+        delete iCamAppEngine;
+        iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+        iCamAppEngine = CCaeEngine::NewL( 123456, iDisplayIndex );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCamAppEngineObserver( *this );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCaeStillBurstObserver( *this );
+	    iCamAppEngine->GetInfo( iInfo );
+        }
+        break;
+    case ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill2nd:
+        {
+        delete iCamAppEngine;
+        iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+        iCamAppEngine = CCaeEngine::NewL( 1 );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCamAppEngineObserver( *this );
+        iCamAppEngine->SetCaeStillBurstObserver( *this );
+	    iCamAppEngine->GetInfo( iInfo );
+        }
+    default:
+        break;
+        }
+// If interface after S60 2.1.
+#ifndef CAE_INTERFACE_21
+    if ( iAction != ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill &&
+        iAction != ESpecifiedPrepareAndRecordVideoNoInit )
+        {
+        // Normal case
+        // This starts operations and state changes.
+        if ( iCreateSnapImage ) 
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->InitL();
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->InitL();
+            iCamAppEngine->SetSnapImageCreation( EFalse );
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( iAction == ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill ||
+            iAction == ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill2nd )
+        {
+        // 
+        // This starts operations and state changes.
+        if ( iCreateSnapImage ) 
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->InitL( EFalse );
+            iCamAppEngine->SetSnapImageCreation( ETrue );
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->InitL( ETrue );
+            iCamAppEngine->SetSnapImageCreation( EFalse );
+            }
+        }
+    else if ( iAction == ESpecifiedPrepareAndRecordVideoNoInit )
+        {
+        // No CAE init here, used in 3.2 in case only CAE video features are used
+    	#ifdef _DEBUG
+        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() reading cameraHandle" ) );
+        #endif
+        TInt cameraHandle = iCamAppEngine->CCameraHandle();
+    	#ifdef _DEBUG
+        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() creating obs2 NewDuplicate2L cameraHandle=%d" ),cameraHandle );
+        #endif
+        // Create a new Camera API duplicate object, if supported
+        TRAPD( err, iCameraDup = CCamera::NewDuplicate2L( static_cast<MCameraObserver2&>(*this), cameraHandle ) );
+        if ( err )
+            {
+        	#ifdef _DEBUG
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() CCamera::NewDuplicate2L return code=%d" ), err ); 
+            #endif
+            // Create old Camera API duplicate object.
+            iCameraDup = CCamera::NewDuplicateL( static_cast<MCameraObserver&>(*this), cameraHandle );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+        	#ifdef _DEBUG
+            RDebug::Print( ( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() using duplicated MCameraObserver2" )) ); 
+            #endif
+            }
+    	#ifdef _DEBUG
+        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() calling reserve iCameraDup=%x" ),iCameraDup );
+        #endif
+        iCameraDup->Reserve(); // Poweron called after this in reservecomplete
+        // Give C-API time to complete operation
+        User::After( 500000 );
+    	#ifdef _DEBUG
+        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() calling cae disable/enable videorecording" ) );
+        #endif
+        // Let CAE know that camera HW reservation is done,
+        // this will initialize some CAE flags so that video mode can be used
+        iCamAppEngine->DisableVideoRecording(); // Just to test release before reserve
+        iCamAppEngine->EnableVideoRecording(); // 
+        iCamAppEngine->DisableVideoRecording(); // test release 
+        iCamAppEngine->EnableVideoRecording(); // reserve again
+        iCamAppEngine->EnableVideoRecording(); // double reserve
+        } 
+#else   // CAE_INTERFACE_21
+        // This starts operations and state changes.
+        if ( iCreateSnapImage ) 
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->InitL();
+            }
+        else 
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->InitL( EFalse );
+            }
+	// Main part of program is a wait loop.
+	// This function completes when the scheduler stops.
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+    if ( iError )
+        {
+    	#ifdef _DEBUG
+        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() leaving (error detected)" ) );
+        #endif
+        User::Leave( iError );
+        }
+    #ifdef _DEBUG
+    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTestActionL() returning" ) );
+    #endif
+    }
+void CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL()
+    {
+	#ifdef _DEBUG
+    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL() entering, iAction=%d" ),iAction );
+    #endif
+    // This is for timing critical cases
+    TTime currentTime; 
+    currentTime.HomeTime();
+    if ( iNextRunLTime.MicroSecondsFrom( currentTime ) > TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0) )
+        {
+        CTimer::At( iNextRunLTime );
+        return;
+        }
+    if ( iAction == ENone || iStop ) 
+        {
+        if ( iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+	        {
+            iCamAppEngine->StopViewFinder();
+            iViewFinderStarted = EFalse;
+            }
+        iCamAppEngine->CancelCaptureStill();
+        iCancelCount++;
+        iCamAppEngine->CloseVideoRecording();
+        CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+        }
+    else if ( iInitReady ) 
+		{
+        iInitReady = EFalse;
+        iViewFinderStarted = EFalse;        
+        switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EInit:
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case ECCameraHandle:
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                iCameraHandle = iCamAppEngine->CCameraHandle();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EInitVideoRecorder:
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EInitVideoRecorderWithUid:
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL(KIllegalUidQltyLevels);
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenInitialized:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iInitReady = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PowerOn();
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOffAndOn:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else if ( iPowerOn ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                    iPowerOn = EFalse;
+                    iInitReady = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PowerOn();
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EPowerOffPowerOff:
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EStartVfWhenPowerOff:
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                if( iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave ( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay ); // Give some time for all Active objects to react to this command.
+                break;
+            case ERelease:
+                iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EReleaseRelease:
+                iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EReserveReserve:
+                iCamAppEngine->Reserve();
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay ); // needed because this Reserve after InitL does do nothing (no call-back)
+                break;
+            case EReleaseReserve:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else if ( iPowerOn ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                    iPowerOn = EFalse;
+                    iInitReady = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->Reserve();
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EReleaseReserveCapture:
+                if ( iContinueWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                    iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                    }
+                else if ( iPowerOn ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                    iPowerOn = EFalse;
+                    iInitReady = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iContinueWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->Reserve();
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EReleaseReserveRecord:
+                if ( iContinueWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                    iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                    iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                    iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+                    }
+                else if ( iPowerOn ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                    iPowerOn = EFalse;
+                    iInitReady = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iContinueWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->Reserve();
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EStartVideoRecordingWhenInitialized:
+                iCamAppEngine->StartVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EStopVideoRecordingWhenInitialized:
+                iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EGetStillQualityIndexWhenEngineInitialized:
+                {
+                TInt stillQualityIndex = iCamAppEngine->StillQualityIndex();
+                if ( stillQualityIndex != -1 ) 
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EGetVideoQualityIndexWhenEngineInitialized:
+                {
+                TInt videoQualityIndex = iCamAppEngine->VideoQualityIndex();
+                if ( videoQualityIndex != -1 ) 
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EEnumerateCaptureSizes:
+                {
+                TSize stillFrameSize;
+                // Tests to get the largest image size (index value 0).
+                iCamAppEngine->EnumerateStillCaptureSizes( stillFrameSize, 0, iStillDataFormat );
+                if ( stillFrameSize != iStillFrameSize )
+                    {
+                    #ifdef _DEBUG
+                    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL() got stillFrameSize w=%d, h=%d, leaving -2" ), stillFrameSize.iWidth, stillFrameSize.iHeight );
+                    #endif
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EPrepareStillCapturing:
+            case EPrepareStillCapturingWhenPrepared:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStill:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStill:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillAtSnap:
+            // Burst
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstCaptureStill:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtMoment:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtSnap:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndStopStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureCaptureStillBurst:
+            // 
+            case EStartAndStopVfWhenStillPreparedAndCaptured:
+            case ECaptureCapture:
+            case ECaptureRecord:
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenStillPrepared:
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenStillPrepared:
+            case EGetStillQualityIndexWhenPrepared:
+            case EEncodingError:
+            case EStillCaptureError:
+            case EStillConvertError1:
+            case EStillConvertError2:
+            case EStillConvertError3:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+			    break;
+            case EPrepareCroppedStillCapturing:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                {
+                TRect cropRect; 
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex, cropRect );
+                }
+			    break;
+            case EPrepareStillCaptureWhenPowerOff:
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+			    break;
+            case EPrepareVideoRecording:
+            case EPrepareVideoRecordingWhenPrepared:
+            case EPrepareAndRecordVideo:
+            case EStartAndStopVfWhenVideoPreparedAndRecorded:
+            case ERecordRecord:
+            case ERecordCapture:
+            case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence1:
+            case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence2:
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenVideoPrepared:
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenVideoPrepared:
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenRecordingVideo:
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenRecordingVideo:
+            case EStartVideoRecordingWhenRecording:
+            case EStopVideoRecordingWhenPrepared:
+            case EPauseVideoWhenPrepared:
+            case EResumeVideoWhenPrepared:
+            case EResumeVideoWhenNotPaused:
+            case EPrepareRecordPauseStopVideo:
+            case EPrepareRecordPauseResumeStopVideo:
+            case EPrepareRecordPausePauseStopVideo:
+            case EGetVideoQualityIndexWhenPrepared:
+            case ERemainingTimeWhenVideoPrepared:
+            case EVideoRecorderOpenError:
+            case EVideoRecorderPrepareError:
+            case EVideoRecordingCompleteError:
+            case EPrepareVideoSettingsError:
+            case EPrepareStillCaptureWhenRecording:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+			    break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareStill:
+            case ESpecPrepCaptureCapture:
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareStillWhenPrepared:
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill:
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill2nd:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstExif:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstExif:
+            case EStartVfPrepareCaptureStillStartAndStopVfExif:
+            case EStillImageError:
+		    case ESetDisplayIndex:
+            // Burst
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureCaptureStillBurst:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurstCaptureStill:
+            // "Destroy Engine"
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillPrepareReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillCaptureReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillBurstReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReadyInStillBurst:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillImageReadyInStillBurst:
+            case ECaptureStillSetSnapSizeExif:
+            case ECaptureStillAfterPowerOff:
+            case ECaptureStillAfterPowerOffOn:
+            case ESnapImageError:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillFrameSize, 
+                                                     iStillDataFormat, 
+                                                     iStillCompressionQuality );
+			    break;
+			case EStartVfPrepareCaptureStillStartAndStopVfSnapExif:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillFrameSize, 
+                                                     iStillDataFormat, 
+                                                     iStillCompressionQuality,
+													 iCropRect,
+													 iSnapImageSize);
+			    break;
+            case ECaptureStillSetSnapColorModeExif:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillFrameSize, 
+                                                     iStillDataFormat, 
+                                                     iStillCompressionQuality );
+				iCamAppEngine->SetSnapImageColorMode( EColor16M );
+			    break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareVideo: 
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareVideoWhenPrepared: 
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAndRecordVideo: 
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAndRecordVideoNoInit: 
+            // "Destroy Engine"
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoPrepareReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingOn:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingPaused:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingReady:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                {
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoFrameSize, 
+                                                       iVideoFrameRate, 
+                                                       iVideoBitRate, 
+                                                       iVideoAudioEnabled, 
+                                                       *iMimeTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       *iPreferredSupplierSet[iVideoCodecSet],
+                                                       *iVideoTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       *iAudioTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet] );
+                }
+			    break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAudioBrAndRecordVideo:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                {
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoFrameSize, 
+                                                       iVideoFrameRate, 
+                                                       iVideoBitRate, 
+                                                       iVideoAudioEnabled,
+                                                       iAudioBitRate,
+                                                       *iMimeTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       *iPreferredSupplierSet[iVideoCodecSet],
+                                                       *iVideoTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       *iAudioTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet] );
+                }
+			    break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAudioBrAndRecordVideoAT0:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                {
+                const TDesC8& audioType = KNullDesC8;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoFrameSize, 
+                                                       iVideoFrameRate, 
+                                                       iVideoBitRate, 
+                                                       iVideoAudioEnabled,
+                                                       iAudioBitRate,
+                                                       *iMimeTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       *iPreferredSupplierSet[iVideoCodecSet],
+                                                       *iVideoTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       audioType );
+                }
+			    break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAudioBrAndRecordVideoATInv:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                {
+                const TDesC8& audioType = KVideoAudioTypeInv;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoFrameSize, 
+                                                       iVideoFrameRate, 
+                                                       iVideoBitRate, 
+                                                       iVideoAudioEnabled,
+                                                       iAudioBitRate,
+                                                       *iMimeTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       *iPreferredSupplierSet[iVideoCodecSet],
+                                                       *iVideoTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                       audioType );
+                }
+			    break;
+            case EStartAndStopVf:  
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                // Test IsViewFinding()
+                if ( !iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case EStartAndStopCroppedVf:  
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                {
+                TRect emptyRect;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize, emptyRect );
+                }
+                // Test IsViewFinding()
+                if ( !iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case EStartAndStopDirectVf:  
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                {
+                RWsSession*      wsSession = NULL;
+                CWsScreenDevice* wsScreenDevice = NULL;
+                RWindowBase*     windowBase = NULL;
+                TRect*           tRect = NULL;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderDirectL( *wsSession,
+                                                       *wsScreenDevice,
+                                                       *windowBase,
+                                                       *tRect);
+                }
+                // Test IsViewFinding()
+                if ( !iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case EStartAndStopCroppedDirectVf:  
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                {
+                RWsSession*      wsSession = NULL;
+                CWsScreenDevice* wsScreenDevice = NULL;
+                RWindowBase*     windowBase = NULL;
+                TRect*           screenRect = NULL;
+                TRect*           cropRect = NULL;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderDirectL( *wsSession,
+                                                       *wsScreenDevice,
+                                                       *windowBase,
+                                                       *screenRect,
+                                                       *cropRect );
+                }
+                // Test IsViewFinding()
+                if ( !iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenVfRunning:
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case EStartVfPrepareCaptureStillStartAndStopVf:
+            case EStartVfPrepareRecordVideoStartAndStopVf:
+            case ESetColorToneVideoRecording:
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                CTimer::After( 500000 );
+                break;
+            case EIsVideoRecordingWhenPrepared:
+                break;
+            case ECaptureStillWhenEngineInitialized:
+                iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+                break;
+            case ECancelCaptureStillWhenInitialized:
+                iCamAppEngine->CancelCaptureStill();
+                iCancelCount++;
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;            
+            case EStartVfStartVf:
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+// If interface after S60 2.1.
+#ifndef CAE_INTERFACE_21
+            case EGetCustomInterface:
+                iCustomInterfacePointer = iCamAppEngine->CustomInterface( iCustomInterfaceUid );
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case ESetColorTone:
+            case ESetColorToneWrongParams:
+            case ESetColorToneRelease:
+                if ( iAction == ESetColorToneRelease && iReleaseDone )
+                    {
+                    // Do the Reserve, note that engine will call
+                    // CCaeTestClient::McaeoInitComplete when camera is ready
+                    iReleaseDone = EFalse;
+                    iReserveDone = ETrue;
+                    iInitReady   = ETrue; // continue in this case on next run
+                    iCamAppEngine->Reserve();
+                    // No timer call here, McaeoInitComplete does it
+                    }
+                else if ( iAction == ESetColorToneRelease && iReserveDone )
+                    {
+                    // state flags to defaults, release/reserve is done now
+                    iReleaseDone = EFalse;
+                    iReserveDone = EFalse;
+                    // Verify that settings are reset to default after reserve
+                    MCameraColorToneSettings* CTptr = NULL;
+                    CTptr = static_cast<MCameraColorToneSettings*> ( iCustomInterfacePointer );
+                    if ( CTptr->ColorTone() != MCameraColorToneSettings::ENormal )
+                        {
+                    	    #ifdef _DEBUG
+                            RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL() Error:ColorTone settings not reset after release()" ));
+                            #endif
+                            iStop = ETrue;
+                            CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        // all ok, capture a picture and verify manually normal settings
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                        }
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    iCustomInterfacePointer = iCamAppEngine->CustomInterface( iCustomInterfaceUid );
+                    if ( !iCustomInterfacePointer )
+                        {               // Interface not supported, exit test case
+                	    #ifdef _DEBUG
+                        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL() CustomInterface returns 0 for uid %x" ), iCustomInterfaceUid.iUid );
+                        #endif
+                        iStop = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        MCameraColorToneSettings* CTptr = NULL;
+                        TUint32 supportedCT = 0 ;
+                        // cast the TAny pointer to the real color tone interface pointer and
+                        // read the bitmap of supported color tones
+                        CTptr = static_cast<MCameraColorToneSettings*> ( iCustomInterfacePointer );
+                        supportedCT = CTptr->SupportedColorTones();
+                        // Check that given parameter is supported by the interface
+                        if ( (iColorToneValue & supportedCT) ||
+                            iColorToneValue == MCameraColorToneSettings::ENormal ||
+                            iAction == ESetColorToneWrongParams)
+                            {
+                            // then set the new color tone and verify that it has been set
+                            CTptr->SetColorToneL( iColorToneValue );
+                            if ( CTptr->ColorTone() == iColorToneValue )
+                                {
+                                if ( iAction == ESetColorToneRelease )
+                                    {
+                                    // Do now release and then on next run the reserve
+                                    iCamAppEngine->Release();
+                                    iReleaseDone = ETrue;
+                                    iReserveDone = EFalse;
+                                    iInitReady   = ETrue; // this keeps the same switch active
+                                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                                    }
+                                else
+                                    {
+                                    // all ok, capture a picture and verify manually changes
+                                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            else // Value not set
+                                {
+                            	#ifdef _DEBUG
+                                RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: ESetColorTone: color iColorToneValue not set to: %d" ), iColorToneValue );
+                                #endif
+                                iStop = ETrue;
+                                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                                }
+                            }
+                        else // Value not supported
+                            {
+                       	    #ifdef _DEBUG
+                            RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: ESetColorTone: color iColorToneValue not supported: %d" ), iColorToneValue );
+                            #endif
+                            iStop = ETrue;
+                            CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                break;
+            case ERemainingTimeWhenVideoNotInitialized:
+                {
+                iAction = ENone;
+                TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds zeroRemainingTime( 0 );
+                TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds remainingTime( 1 );
+                remainingTime = iCamAppEngine->RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
+                if ( remainingTime != zeroRemainingTime )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+                    }
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+			    break;
+		    }
+		}
+    else if ( iStillPrepareReady ) 
+		{
+        if ( iRunWithViewFinder && !iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+	        {
+            iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+            User::After( 1000000 ); // Give some time for camera drivers to settle.
+            }
+        iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+		TBool capture = EFalse;
+		switch ( iAction )
+			{
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenStillPrepared:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOn();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenStillPrepared:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EGetStillQualityIndexWhenPrepared:
+                {
+                TInt stillQualityIndex = iCamAppEngine->StillQualityIndex();
+                if ( stillQualityIndex != iStillQualityLevelIndex ) 
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EStartStillOpModeStopVf:
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareStill:
+            case EPrepareStillCapturing:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EPrepareStillCapturingWhenPrepared:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareStillWhenPrepared:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillFrameSize, 
+                                                         iStillDataFormat, 
+                                                         iStillCompressionQuality );
+                    }
+                break;
+            // Burst
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstExif:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstExif:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtMoment:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtSnap:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndStopStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureCaptureStillBurst:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstCaptureStill:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurstCaptureStill:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillBurstReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReadyInStillBurst:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillImageReadyInStillBurst:
+                if ( iImageCountToCapture == 1 ) 
+                    {
+                    iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( iStillBurstLength );
+                    }
+                if ( iSnapImageSource != CCaeEngine::ESnapImageSourceOriginal )
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->SetSnapImageSourceL( iSnapImageSource );
+                    }
+                capture = ETrue;
+                break;
+			case ECaptureStillSetSnapSizeExif:
+				iCamAppEngine->SetSnapImageSizeL( iSnapImageSize );
+                capture = ETrue;
+			    break;
+            case ECaptureStillAfterPowerOff:
+				iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                capture = ETrue;
+                iStop = ETrue;  // Engine cancels capture if power is not on
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+			    break;
+            case ECaptureStillAfterPowerOffOn:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    if ( iCountStillPrepareComplete <= 1 )
+                        {
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillFrameSize, 
+                                                             iStillDataFormat, 
+                                                             iStillCompressionQuality );
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        capture = ETrue;
+                        }
+                    //CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else if ( iPowerOn ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                    iPowerOn = EFalse;
+                    iStillPrepareReady = ETrue; // come back here on next run
+                    CTimer::After( KLongTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PowerOn();
+                    iStillPrepareReady = ETrue; // come back here on next run
+//                    CTimer::After( KLongTimingDelay*100 );
+                    }
+			    break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenStillPrepareReady:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+			default:
+                capture = ETrue;
+                break;
+			}
+        // Special treatments for some specific test actions:
+        switch ( iAction ) 
+            {
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndStopStillBurst:
+                iStopStillBurst = ETrue;
+                break;
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtMoment:
+                iCancelStillBurst = ETrue;
+                break;
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstExif:
+				// Cancel still burst after next view finder frame
+                iCancelStillBurstAfterVfFrame = ETrue; 
+                break;
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillAtSnap:
+                iRunlForSnapImage = ETrue;
+                // Added delay so that the encoder has always time to finish before the next RunTrappedL.
+                // Before is was not so deterministic.
+                iNextRunLTime.HomeTime();
+                iNextRunLTime += TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(KLongTimingDelay*1000);
+                break;  
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtSnap:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReady:
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReadyInStillBurst:
+                iRunlForSnapImage = ETrue;
+                break;
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenStillImageReadyInStillBurst:
+                iRunlForStillImage = ETrue; 
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;               
+            }
+        // Capture still if requested for the test action.
+        if ( capture )
+			{
+            iStillCaptureReady = EFalse;
+            iStillCapturingOn = ETrue;
+            iStillCaptured = ETrue;
+	        #ifdef _DEBUG
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient: calling iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill()" ) );
+            #endif
+			iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+			}
+        if ( iAction == EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStill || 
+             iAction == EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurst )
+            {
+            iCamAppEngine->CancelCaptureStill();
+            iCancelCount++;
+            iStop = ETrue;
+            CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+            }
+		}
+    else if ( iVideoPrepareReady ) 
+		{
+        if ( iRunWithViewFinder && !iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+	        {
+            iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+            User::After( 1000000 ); // Give some time for camera drivers to settle.
+            }
+        iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+        TBool record = EFalse;
+		switch ( iAction )
+			{
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenVideoPrepared:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOn();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenVideoPrepared:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EGetVideoQualityIndexWhenPrepared:
+                {
+                TInt videoQualityIndex = iCamAppEngine->VideoQualityIndex();
+                if ( videoQualityIndex != iVideoQualityLevelIndex ) 
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EPrepareVideoRecording:
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareVideo:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EPrepareVideoRecordingWhenPrepared:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareVideoWhenPrepared:
+                if ( iStopWhenCompleted ) 
+                    {
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iStopWhenCompleted = ETrue;
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoFrameSize, 
+                                                           iVideoFrameRate, 
+                                                           iVideoBitRate, 
+                                                           iVideoAudioEnabled, 
+                                                           *iMimeTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                           *iPreferredSupplierSet[iVideoCodecSet],
+                                                           *iVideoTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet], 
+                                                           *iAudioTypeSet[iVideoCodecSet] );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EPauseVideoWhenPrepared:
+                iCamAppEngine->PauseVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EResumeVideoWhenPrepared:
+                iCamAppEngine->ResumeVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EStopVideoRecordingWhenPrepared:
+                iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EStartVideoOpModeStopVf:
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+                break;
+            case EIsVideoRecordingWhenPrepared:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                {
+                TBool isRecording = iCamAppEngine->IsVideoRecording();
+                if ( isRecording ) 
+                    {
+                    User::Leave ( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case ERemainingTimeWhenVideoPrepared:
+                {
+                iAction = ENone;
+                TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds remainingTime( 0 );
+                remainingTime = iCamAppEngine->RemainingVideoRecordingTime();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                }
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoPrepareReady:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+// If interface after S60 2.1.
+#ifndef CAE_INTERFACE_21
+            case ESetColorToneVideoRecording:
+                iCustomInterfacePointer = iCamAppEngine->CustomInterface( iCustomInterfaceUid );
+                if ( !iCustomInterfacePointer )
+                    {               // Interface not supported, exit test case
+            	    #ifdef _DEBUG
+                    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL() CustomInterface returns 0 for uid %x" ), iCustomInterfaceUid.iUid );
+                    #endif
+                    iStop = ETrue;
+                    CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    MCameraColorToneSettings* CTptr = NULL;
+                    // cast the TAny pointer to the real color tone interface pointer and
+                    // read the bitfield of supported color tones. All of them are tested once.
+                    CTptr = static_cast<MCameraColorToneSettings*> ( iCustomInterfacePointer );
+                    iTestedColorTones = CTptr->SupportedColorTones();
+                    record = ETrue;
+                    }
+				break;
+            default:
+                record = ETrue;
+				break;
+			}
+        if ( record )
+			{
+            iVideoRecordingReady = EFalse;
+            iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+            iVideoRecorded = ETrue;
+	        #ifdef _DEBUG
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient: calling iCamAppEngine->StartVideoRecording()" ) );
+            #endif
+			iCamAppEngine->StartVideoRecording();
+			}
+		}
+	else if ( iSnapImageReady )
+	    {
+	    iSnapImageReady = EFalse;
+		switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillAtSnap: 
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtSnap:
+                iCamAppEngine->CancelCaptureStill();
+                iCancelCount++;
+                if ( iCancelCount == 1 )
+                    {
+                    iCountSnapImageReady--;
+                    // To test that preparing does not ruin cancelling.
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex ); 
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iCountSnapImageReady++;
+                    iStillCapturingOn = ETrue;
+                    iStillCaptured = ETrue;
+                    if ( iAction == EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillAtSnap ) 
+                        {
+                        iRunlForStillImage = ETrue;
+                        }
+    			    iAction = ENone;
+    			    iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+                    }
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReady:
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenSnapImageReadyInStillBurst:
+			    iRunlForSnapImage = EFalse;
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+			default:
+			    iRunlForSnapImage = EFalse;
+			    break;
+			}
+	    }
+	else if ( iStillCaptureReady )
+	    {
+	    iStillCaptureReady = EFalse;
+		switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStill:
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill:
+            case ESpecifiedPrepareAndCaptureStill2nd:
+            case ESetColorTone:
+            case ESetColorToneWrongParams:
+		    case ESetDisplayIndex:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+			    break;
+		    case ECaptureCapture:
+		    case ESpecPrepCaptureCapture:
+			    iAction = ENone;
+                iStillCapturingOn = ETrue;
+                iStillCaptured = ETrue;
+			    iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+			    break;
+            case ECaptureRecord:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+			    break;
+		    case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence1:
+		    case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence2:
+                iVideoRecordingReady = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstExif:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstExif:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtSnap:            
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndStopStillBurst:
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenStillCaptureReady:
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenStillImageReadyInStillBurst:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+		    default:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iViewFindingUsed = ETrue;
+	            #ifdef _DEBUG
+                RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient: calling iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL()" ) );
+                #endif
+                iCamAppEngine->StartViewFinderBitmapsL( iViewFinderSize );
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( iTimeout );
+			    break;	
+		    }
+		iRunlForStillImage = EFalse;
+	    }
+	else if ( iStillBurstCaptureMoment ) 
+        {
+        iStillBurstCaptureMoment = EFalse;
+		switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstAtMoment:
+                // Note: Cancelling is done in the callback.
+                if ( iCancelCount == 1 )
+                    {
+                    // To test that preparing does not ruin cancelling.
+                    // The burst emerging from this is also cancelled!
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex ); 
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+    			    iAction = ENone;
+                    iStillCapturingOn = ETrue;
+                    iStillCaptured = ETrue;
+                    // Do not cancel this burst!
+                    iCancelStillBurst = EFalse;
+    			    iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+                    }
+                break;
+			default:
+			    break;
+			}
+        }
+    else if ( iStillBurstReady )
+	    {
+        iStillBurstReady = EFalse;
+		switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureCaptureStillBurst:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureCaptureStillBurst:
+			    iAction = ENone;
+                iStillCapturingOn = ETrue;
+                iStillCaptured = ETrue;
+			    iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+			    break;
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstCaptureStill:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurstCaptureStill:
+                // Re-set the image count to one to perform single image capture.
+                iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( 1 );
+                if ( iImageCountToCapture != 1 )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+			    iAction = ENone;
+                iStillCapturingOn = ETrue;
+                iStillCaptured = ETrue;
+			    iCamAppEngine->CaptureStill();
+			    break;
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureStillBurstExif:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurstExif:
+            case ESpecPrepAndCaptureStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndCancelStillBurst:
+            case EPrepareAndCaptureAndStopStillBurst:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( 1 );
+                if ( iImageCountToCapture != 1 )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+			    break;	
+		    case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence1:
+		    case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence2:
+                iVideoRecordingReady = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenStillBurstReady:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+		    default:
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( 1 );
+                if ( iImageCountToCapture != 1 )
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+			    break;	
+		    }
+        }
+	else if ( iVideoRecordingOn )
+	    {
+        switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case ESwitchPowerOnWhenRecordingVideo:
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOn();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenRecordingVideo:
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iAction = ENone;
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            case EPrepareRecordPauseStopVideo:
+            case EPrepareRecordPauseResumeStopVideo:
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                if ( !iVideoRecordingResumed ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->PauseVideoRecording();
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EPrepareRecordPausePauseStopVideo:
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                if ( !iVideoRecordingResumed ) 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->PauseVideoRecording();
+                    iCamAppEngine->PauseVideoRecording();
+                    }
+                else 
+                    {
+                    iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EResumeVideoWhenNotPaused:
+                iCamAppEngine->ResumeVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EStartVideoRecordingWhenRecording:
+                iCamAppEngine->StartVideoRecording();
+                break;
+            case EIsVideoRecordingWhenRecording:
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iAction = ENone;
+                {
+                TBool isRecording = iCamAppEngine->IsVideoRecording();
+                if ( !isRecording ) 
+                    {
+                    User::Leave ( KErrGeneral );
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case EPrepareStillCaptureWhenRecording:
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingOn:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+            case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingPaused:
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PauseVideoRecording();
+                break;
+// If interface after S60 2.1.
+#ifndef CAE_INTERFACE_21
+            case ESetColorToneVideoRecording:
+                {
+                    MCameraColorToneSettings* CTptr = NULL;
+                    if ( iTestedColorTones == 0) // All colors tested?
+                        {
+                        //Set the default color tone and stop
+                        CTptr = static_cast<MCameraColorToneSettings*> ( iCustomInterfacePointer );
+                        CTptr->SetColorToneL( iColorToneValue );
+                        iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        TInt i, nextColor;
+                        // Find out next not tested color
+                        for ( i = 0, nextColor = 0; i < 32; i++ )
+                            {
+                            nextColor = (1 << i);
+                            if ( nextColor &  iTestedColorTones )
+                                {
+                                iTestedColorTones &= ~nextColor; // Remove this color (bit)
+                                break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        // cast the TAny pointer to the real color tone interface pointer and
+                        // then set the new color tone and verify that it has been set
+                        CTptr = static_cast<MCameraColorToneSettings*> ( iCustomInterfacePointer );
+                        CTptr->SetColorToneL( (MCameraColorToneSettings::TColorTone) nextColor );
+                        if ( CTptr->ColorTone() == nextColor )
+                            {
+                            CTimer::After( iTimeout ); // all ok, continue video recording
+                            }
+                        else
+                            {
+                          	#ifdef _DEBUG
+                            RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: ESetColorToneVideoRecording: color not set to: %d" ), nextColor );
+                            #endif
+                            iStop = ETrue;
+                            CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    break;
+                }
+            default:
+                iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+			    break;	
+		    }
+	    }
+	else if ( iVideoRecordingPaused )
+	    {
+        switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EPrepareRecordPauseStopVideo:
+            case EPrepareRecordPausePauseStopVideo:
+                iStop = ETrue;
+                iCamAppEngine->StopVideoRecording();
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingPaused:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+		    default:
+                iCamAppEngine->ResumeVideoRecording();
+                iVideoRecordingResumed = ETrue;
+			    break;	
+		    }
+	    }
+	else if ( iVideoRecordingReady )
+	    {
+		switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+		    case ERecordRecord:
+                iAction = EDefault;
+			    iVideoRecordingReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iVideoRecorded = ETrue;
+                // This leads to video prepare and then recording with the new name.
+                iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName2 );
+			    break;
+            case ERecordCapture:
+                iAction = EDefault;
+                iStillPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoPrepareReady = EFalse;
+                iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                break;
+		    case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence1:
+            	#ifdef _DEBUG
+                RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: ERecordCaptureComplexSequence1 case: %d" ), iActionCycle );
+                #endif
+			    iVideoRecordingReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iVideoRecorded = ETrue;
+		        switch ( iActionCycle )
+		            {
+		            case 0:
+                        // This leads to video prepare and then recording with the new name.
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName2 );
+                        break;
+		            case 1:
+                        // Accept video recording completion error because max clip size.
+                        iAcceptVideoCompletionError = ETrue;
+                        // This leads to video prepare and then recording with the previously given name.
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoClipMaxSizeL( iVideoMaxClipSizeInBytes );
+                        break;
+                    /*
+		            case 2:
+                        // This leads to video recording with the previous name.
+                        iVideoPrepareReady = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        break;
+                    */
+		            case 2:
+                        // This leads to video prepare and then recording with the new name.
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName3 );
+                        break;
+		            case 3:
+		                // This leads to single still image capture.
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 4:
+                        // Note, this is re-initialization of video recorder.
+                        // Leads to video prepare and then recording with new name.
+                        iAcceptVideoCompletionError = EFalse;
+                        iCamAppEngine->InitVideoRecorderL();
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName4 );
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 5:
+		                // This leads to single still image capture.
+                        iCamAppEngine->CloseVideoRecording();
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 6:
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName );
+                        // Accept video recording completion error because max clip size.
+                        iAcceptVideoCompletionError = ETrue;
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoClipMaxSizeL( iVideoMaxClipSizeInBytes );
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 7:
+                        // Note, this is re-initialization of the whole engine.
+                        // Leads to video prepare and then recording with the original name.
+                        iAcceptVideoCompletionError = EFalse;
+                        iCamAppEngine->InitL();
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        iStop = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        break;
+                    }
+                iActionCycle++;
+                break;
+		    case ERecordCaptureComplexSequence2:
+            	#ifdef _DEBUG
+                RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: ERecordCaptureComplexSequence2 case: %d" ), iActionCycle );
+                #endif
+			    iVideoRecordingReady = EFalse;
+                iVideoRecordingOn = EFalse;
+                iVideoRecorded = ETrue;
+		        switch ( iActionCycle )
+		            {
+		            case 0:
+                        // This leads to still burst capture.
+                        iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( iStillBurstLength );
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 1:
+                        // This leads to single image capture.
+                        iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( 1 );
+                        iStillPrepareReady = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        break;
+		            case 2:
+                        // This leads to single image capture.
+                        iStillPrepareReady = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        break;
+		            case 3:
+                        // This leads to still burst capture.
+                        iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( iStillBurstLength );
+                        iStillPrepareReady = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        break;
+		            case 4:
+                        // This leads to video prepare and then recording with new name.
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName2 );
+                        break;
+		            case 5:
+		                // This leads to single image capture.
+                        iCamAppEngine->CloseVideoRecording();
+                        iImageCountToCapture = iCamAppEngine->SetStillCaptureImageCountL( 1 );
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 6:
+		                // This leads to video prepare and then recording with new name.
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName3 );
+                        // Accept video recording completion error because max clip size.
+                        iAcceptVideoCompletionError = ETrue;
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoClipMaxSizeL( iVideoMaxClipSizeInBytes );
+                        iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+                        break;
+		            case 7:
+                        // This leads to video prepare and then recording with new name.
+                        iCamAppEngine->SetVideoRecordingFileNameL( iVideoFileName4 );
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        iStop = ETrue;
+                        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                        break;
+                    }
+                iActionCycle++;
+                break;
+			case EDestroyEngineWhenVideoRecordingReady:
+                delete iCamAppEngine;
+                iCamAppEngine = NULL;
+                CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+			    break;
+		    default:
+			    iAction = ENone;
+                iVideoRecordingReady = EFalse;
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+			    break;	
+		    }
+	    }
+    else if ( !iStillCaptured && !iVideoRecorded && !iVideoRecordingOn && !iStopViewFinder ) 
+        {
+        switch ( iAction )
+		    {
+            case EStartVfPrepareCaptureStillStartAndStopVf:
+                if ( !iStillPrepareReady ) 
+                    {
+	                #ifdef _DEBUG
+                    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient: calling iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL()" ) );
+                    #endif
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareStillCaptureL( iStillQualityLevelIndex );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case EStartVfPrepareRecordVideoStartAndStopVf:
+            case ESetColorToneVideoRecording:
+                if ( !iVideoPrepareReady ) 
+                    {
+	                #ifdef _DEBUG
+                    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient: calling iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL()" ) );
+                    #endif
+                    iCamAppEngine->PrepareVideoRecordingL( iVideoQualityLevelIndex );
+                    }
+                break;
+            case ESwitchPowerOffWhenVfRunning:
+                iCamAppEngine->PowerOff();
+                iStopViewFinder = ETrue;
+                CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+                break;
+            default:
+			    break;
+		    }
+        }
+	else if ( iStopViewFinder ) 
+        {
+	    #ifdef _DEBUG
+        RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient: calling iCamAppEngine->StopViewFinder()" ) );
+        #endif
+        iCamAppEngine->StopViewFinder();
+        // Test IsViewFinding()
+        if ( iCamAppEngine->IsViewFinding() )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
+            }
+        // Test GetViewFinderSize()
+        TSize sizeVF;
+        iCamAppEngine->GetViewFinderSize( sizeVF );
+        if ( sizeVF != iViewFinderSize )           
+            {
+            User::Leave ( KErrGetNotEqualToValuePreviouslySet );
+            }
+        iViewFinderStarted = EFalse;
+        iAction = ENone;
+        CTimer::After( KNormalTimingDelay );
+        }
+	#ifdef _DEBUG
+    RDebug::Print( _L( "Cae: CCaeTestStatesClient::RunTrappedL() returning" ) );
+    #endif
+    }