* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Camera Application Engine interface for extensions
#include <e32std.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include "CaeEngineExtInterface.hrh"
// Common UID that identifies all Cae extensions
const TUid KExtensionInterfaceUid = {KExtensionInterfaceUidValue};
// Common string that identifies all Cae extensions
_LIT8( KExtensionTypeStringDesc, KExtensionTypeString);
// Global flags for extension handling. Affect how the engine handles extensions.
enum TCaeExtFlags
ECaeExtFlagRequireFullColorSnapInputImage = 0x00000001
/* \todo Not yet implemented
ECaeExtFlagRequireStillImageAsBitmap = 0x00000002,
ECaeExtFlagRequireImageFormatHeader = 0x00000004
class MExtensionCallbackInterface;
class MExtension;
* Main extension interface class.
class MExtension
* Create the extension. Create the object, get pointers to callback interfaces
* and possibly add extension interfaces to the engine.
* @since 2.8
* @param aImplementationUid The uid for ECom to find the correct dll that implements this extension
* @param aEngine Pointer to the callback interface in the engine. Delivered to the extension.
* @return MExtension Pointer to the extension. Returned to the engine.
static MExtension* NewExtensionL( TUid aImplementationUid, MExtensionCallbackInterface* aEngine );
* Virtual destructor.
* @since 2.8
virtual ~MExtension() { REComSession::DestroyedImplementation (iDtor_ID_Key); };
// The ID used by ECom for destroying this dll
TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
* Main callback interface implemented in the engine. The extension uses this
* interface to add to and remove own interface implementations from the engine
* lists. Also, pointers to the callback interfaces implemented in the engine,
* can be fetched. The extension usually calls this interface during creation.
class MExtensionCallbackInterface
* Check that the interface is supported by the engine.
* @since 2.8
* @param aInterfaceUid Uid for the interface.
* @return TBool Whether the interface is supported.
virtual TBool IsInterfaceSupported( TUid aInterfaceUid ) = 0;
* Add an extension implemented interface to the list in engine.
* The engine starts to call this interface.
* @since 2.8
* @param aInterfaceUid Uid for the interface.
* @param aExtensionUid Uid for the extension that implements the interface.
* @param aInterfacePtr Pointer to the interface implementation.
* @param aPriority Priority of the interface. Interfaces with bigger priority value are called first.
* @return TInt Error code.
virtual TInt AddExtensionInterface( TUid aInterfaceUid, TUid aExtensionUid, TAny* aImplementationPtr, TInt aInitialPriority = 0 ) = 0;
* Remove an extension implemented interface from the list in engine.
* The engine stops calling this interface.
* @since 2.8
* @param aInterfaceUid Uid for the interface.
* @param aInterfacePtr Pointer to the interface implementation.
* @return TInt Error code.
virtual TInt RemoveExtensionInterface( TUid aInterfaceUid, TAny* aImplementationPtr ) = 0;
* Add an extension implemented custom interface to the list in engine.
* The custom interface is not called by the engine. It is called by the application.
* The engine gives the pointer to the application when requested.
* Note that there is no remove method for a custom interface because there is not
* specified a way to tell to the application when the interface had been removed.
* @since 2.8
* @param aInterfaceUid Specific uid for the interface.
* @param aInterfacePtr Pointer to the interface implementation.
* @return TInt Error code.
virtual TInt AddCustomInterface( TUid aInterfaceUid, TAny* aImplementationPtr ) = 0;
* Get an engine implemented callback interface. An extension can call this interface.
* @since 2.8
* @param aInterfaceUid Specific uid for the interface.
* @return TAny* Pointer to the callback interface.
virtual TAny* GetCallbackInterface( TUid aInterfaceUid ) = 0;
* Register flags which affect general extension handling in the engine.
* Flags must be deregisterd when no longer needed as they can affect
* to the engine performance. Each registered flag must be deregistered,
* and only once. All the flags that are in registered state when
* the class is deleted, must be deregistered in the class destructor
* method.
* @since 2.8
* @param aFlags Flags to register.
* @return void.
virtual void RegisterFlags( TUint32 aFlags ) = 0;
* Deregister flags which have been registered before. It is not allowed
* to deregister flags that have not been registered earlier.
* @since 2.8
* @param aFlags Flags to deregister.
* @return void.
virtual void DeregisterFlags( TUint32 aFlags ) = 0;
* Image processing interface. The engine calls this interface when it gets
* a new view finder or captured image from the camera. The extension that
* implements this can manipulate the image before it is given to the
* application.
const TInt KCaeExtProcessImageInterfaceUidValue = 0x101F856A;
const TUid KCaeExtProcessImageInterfaceUid = { KCaeExtProcessImageInterfaceUidValue };
class MCaeExtProcessImageInterface
* Process the view finder bitmap.
* @since 2.8
* @param aFrame The VF frame bitmap.
* @param aError Error code
virtual void ProcessViewFinderFrame( CFbsBitmap& aFrame, TInt& aError ) = 0;
* Process the captured image from the camera. The function can be synchronous or
* asynchronous.
* @since 2.8
* @param aCaeStatus The status of the finished operation.
* @param aBitmap The captured image, if it is a bitmap.
* @param aImageData The captured image, if it is a formatted image.
* @param aImageHeader The header of the captured image (e.g. Exif header).
* @return TBool Whether the operation is asynchronous.
virtual TBool ProcessCapturedImage( TRequestStatus& aCaeStatus, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, HBufC8*& aImageData, HBufC8*& aImageHeader ) = 0;
* Process the snap image. The function can be synchronous or asynchronous.
* Modifications should be done on aSnapBitmap. If it is null the extension
* can create it using aStillBitmap as a source.
* @since 2.8
* @param aCaeStatus The status of the finished operation.
* @param aBitmap The still image as a bitmap. Image can be NULL.
* @param aSnapBitmap Returned snap bitmap. Image can be NULL.
* @return TBool Whether the operation is asynchronous.
virtual TBool ProcessSnapImage( TRequestStatus& aCaeStatus, CFbsBitmap*& aStillBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aSnapBitmap ) = 0;
* Process the still image. The function can be synchronous or asynchronous.
* @since 2.8
* @param aCaeStatus The status of the finished operation.
* @param aBitmap The still image, if it is a bitmap.
* @param aImageData The still image, if it is a formatted image.
* @param aImageHeader The header of the captured image (e.g. Exif header).
* @return TBool Whether the operation is asynchronous.
virtual TBool ProcessStillImage( TRequestStatus& aCaeStatus, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, HBufC8*& aImageData, HBufC8*& aImageHeader ) = 0;
* Cancel the asynchronous operation.
* @since 2.8
virtual void CaeExtensionCancel() = 0;
* Settings interface. The engine calls this when settings should be saved or
* restored. Note that not all settings type of exttensions need to implement this
* interface.
const TInt KCaeExtSettingsInterfaceUidValue = 0x101F8569;
const TUid KCaeExtSettingsInterfaceUid = { KCaeExtSettingsInterfaceUidValue };
class MCaeExtSettingsInterface
* Restore previously saved settings.
* @since 2.8
virtual void ResetToPreviousSettingsL() = 0;
* Restore default settings.
* @since 2.8
virtual void ResetToDefaultsL() = 0;
* Engine info interface. Implemented by the engine. The extension can get info
* about the current engine state.
const TInt KCaeExtEngineInfoCallbackInterfaceUidValue = 0x101F856B;
const TUid KCaeExtEngineInfoCallbackInterfaceUid = { KCaeExtEngineInfoCallbackInterfaceUidValue };
class MCaeExtEngineInfoCallbackInterface
* Get current still image size.
* @since 2.8
* @return TSize Still image size in pixels.
virtual TSize McaeExtStillImageSize() = 0;
* Get current snap image size.
* @since 2.8
* @return TSize Snap image size in pixels.
virtual TSize McaeExtSnapImageSize() = 0;
* Get current view finder size.
* @since 2.8
* @return TSize View finder size in pixels.
virtual TSize McaeExtViewFinderSize() = 0;
* Checks that the camera power is on. If it is not, the function leaves with
* KErrNotReady.
* @since 2.8
* return void.
virtual void McaeExtCheckPowerL() = 0;
* Get display index.
* @since 2.8
* @return TInt Display index.
virtual TInt McaeExtDisplayIndex() = 0;