* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 3GP file composer
#include <f32file.h>
#include <mmf/server/mmffile.h>
#include <sysutildomaincrkeys.h> // for critical disk level CentralRepository keys
#include <3gplibrary/mp4lib.h>
#include "CamC3GPDataSink.h"
#include "CamC3GPDataSinkImp.h"
#include "CCMRMediaSink.h"
#include "CCMRSupportedCodecs.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
// Debug print macro
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <e32svr.h>
#define PRINT(x) RDebug::Print x
#define PRINT(x)
#include "OstTraceDefinitions.h"
#include "CamC3GPDataSinkImpTraces.h"
const TUint KVideoAverageBitRate = 48000; // Default average bitrate for video
const TUint KVideoMaxBitRate = 64000; // Default maximum bitrate for video
const TUint KVideoXResolution = 176; // Default width of video
const TUint KVideoYResolution = 144; // Default height of video
const TUint KVideoBufferSize = 8192; // Maximum video frame size
const TUint KAudioMaxFrameSize = 32; // Maximum AMR audio frame size
const TUint KAudioBufferNumber = 10; // Number of audio frames to be buffered
const TUint KVideoTimeScale = 30000; // Video timescale in the output file; use 30000 since it corresponds roughly to ~30 fps.
// 29970 would be exact for H.263, but it may not be exactly camera's baseframerate. And it may be harder for some players than 30000
// The most important is now that this value is in the same scale as used in MediaRecorder for Camera API framerate.
// If that is 15, then this should be 30000. But some other, e.g. 14.985 fps is used there, then it is better to change this one too.
const TUint KAudioTimeScale = 8000; // Audio timescale in the output file, safer to use the same value as sampling rate although makes the times more difficult to understand
const TUint KAudioFrameDuration = 8*20; // AMR frame is 20 ms, but timescale is 8000 => duration is 160 / 8000 s
const TUint8 KAMRAudioFramesPerSample = 10; // Number of AMR audio frames per sample in the output file
const TUint8 KAACAudioFramesPerSample = 1; // Number of AAC audio frames per sample in the output file
const TUint KAACDefaultSampleRate = 16000; // Default samplerate for AAC that is used as audio track timescale in case we get no audiobuffers, but audio codec is selected.
const TUint16 KAudioModeSet = 0x81ff; // AMR modeset: all modes possible
const TUint KDiskSafetyLimit = 400000; // Amount of free disk space to leave unused
const TReal KMetaDataCoeff = 1.03; // Coefficient to estimate metadata amount
const TInt KFreeDiskSpaceCounter = 10; // Interval when to find out real free disk space
const TUint KFTYPSize = 24; // Size of FTYP box in bytes in 3GP files
const TUint KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs = 5400; // Maximun video clip duration in seconds
const TInt KLimitForLargeFileBuffers = 100000; // Bitrate limit to toggle to larger output file buffers in composer.
const TInt KDelayUseBitrates = 3000000; // Delay used in GetRemainingTime until function uses real file sizes instead of avarage bitrates.
const TInt KCamC3GPDeleteFileQueueGranularity = 10; // Optimal value is the number of temporary files
const TUint32 KCamC3GPMaximumFileSize = 4294967295UL; // max size for RFile
_LIT(KTmpFileName, "\\system\\Temp\\CamcorderTMP"); // Temporary output file name
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSink::NewL
// Sink constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CCamC3GPDataSink* CCamC3GPDataSink::NewL(M3GPDataSinkObserver *aObserver)
CCamC3GPDataSinkImp* self = new (ELeave) CCamC3GPDataSinkImp();
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::~CCamC3GPDataSinkImp
// Sink destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PRINT(_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::~CCamC3GPDataSinkImp enter"));
if ( iFileName != KNullDesC )
// we need to try to stop sink
TInt error = KErrNone;
TRAP(error, SinkStopL());
iFileName = KNullDesC;
if (iMP4Handle)
iMP4Handle = NULL;
if (iFS)
delete iFS;
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
delete [] iAudioBuffer;
iObserver = NULL;
iMMFFile = NULL; // not owned
iFile = NULL; // not owned
// Delete the CIdle async file remover object
delete iIdleDelete;
iIdleDelete = 0;
// Do async temp file deletion for rest of files
if ( iDeleteFileQueue )
// Reset and destroy the file name pointers from queue (if any left).
delete iDeleteFileQueue;
iDeleteFileQueue = 0;
PRINT(_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::~CCamC3GPDataSinkImp exit"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConstructL(M3GPDataSinkObserver *aObserver)
PRINT(_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConstructL enter"));
iObserver = aObserver;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[KVideoBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = KVideoBufferSize;
iAudioBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[KAudioMaxFrameSize * KAudioBufferNumber];
iAudioBufferSize = KAudioMaxFrameSize * KAudioBufferNumber;
iMP4Handle = NULL;
iMMFFile = NULL;
iFileName = KNullDesC;
iBytesReceived = 0;
iBytesOfMetadata = 0;
iVideoXResolution = 0;
iVideoYResolution = 0;
iVideoAverageBitRate = -1;
iVideoMaxBitRate = -1;
iAudioAverageBitRate = -1;
iBufferSize = 0;
iFileCodecType = MP4_TYPE_NONE;
iVideoTimestamp = 0;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = -1;
iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp = 0;
iVideoRandomAccessPoint = EFalse;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = EFalse;
iVideoFrameDuration = 0;
iVideoBufferFrameSize = 0;
iVideoFrameNumber = 0;
iVideoIntraFrameNumber = 0;
iVideoDecSpecInfoSize = 0;
iAudioDecSpecInfoSize = 0;
iAudioBufferFrameSize = 0;
iAudioFrameNumber = 0;
iAudioFramesInBuffer = 0;
iFreeDiskSpace = 0;
iFreeDiskSpaceCounter = 0;
iAvailableSpaceAtStart = 0;
iAvarageEndTime = -1;
iAudioAACFrameDuration = 0;
iAudioAACSamplerate = 0;
iAVCOutputLevel = 10;
iCriticalDiskVal = 0;
iSizeLimit = KCamC3GPMaximumFileSize; // max size for RFile
iFileSizeLimitReached = EFalse;
iDiskFull = EFalse;
iDeleteFileQueue = new( ELeave ) RPointerArray<MP4FileName>( KCamC3GPDeleteFileQueueGranularity );
// Idle priority Active object for async video temp file deletion
iIdleDelete = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityIdle );
PRINT(_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConstructL exit"));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL
// Opens a 3GP file for writing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL(CMMFFile* aMMFFile, TFourCC aAudioCodecType, const TDesC8& aVideoCodecType, TCamCSinkFileFormat aFileFormat )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL CMMFFile enter")));
TFileName aFileName;
iMMFFile = aMMFFile;
aFileName = iMMFFile->FullName();
OpenFileL(aFileName, aAudioCodecType, aVideoCodecType, aFileFormat);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL
// Opens a 3GP file for writing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL(TFileName aFileName, TFourCC aAudioCodecType, const TDesC8& aVideoCodecType, TCamCSinkFileFormat aFileFormat)
MP4Err error;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL TFileName enter")));
if (iMP4Handle)
iVideoBufferTimestamp = -1; // reset duration information for new file
iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp = 0;
iAvailableSpaceAtStart = 0;
iAvarageEndTime = -1;
iVideoFrameNumber = 0;
iVideoIntraFrameNumber = 0;
iBytesReceived = 0;
iAudioAACFrameDuration = 0;
iAudioAACSamplerate = 0;
iFileHandleExists = EFalse;
iDiskFull = EFalse;
iTmpFileName = KTmpFileName;
iFileName = aFileName;
TInt errorcode;
OstTrace0( CAMERASRV_PERFORMANCE, DUP2_CCAMC3GPDATASINKIMP_OPENFILEL, "e_CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL_create_temp_files 1" );
if (!iFS) // Don't allocate new file server, if there is one already
iFS = new (ELeave) RFs;
errorcode = iFS->Connect();
if ( errorcode != KErrNone)
User::Leave( errorcode );
TParse fp;
User::LeaveIfError(iFS->Parse(iFileName, fp));
TPtrC driveletter = fp.Drive();
TChar drl = driveletter[0];
User::LeaveIfError(iFS->CharToDrive(drl, iDriveNumber));
// Get critical level for this drive type
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
iFS->Drive(driveInfo, iDriveNumber);
iCriticalDiskVal = 0;
if ( driveInfo.iType == EMediaRam ) // RAM drives have different critical levent than others
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Asking disk critical level, memtype: EMediaRam")));
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidDiskLevel );
User::LeaveIfError( repository->Get( KRamDiskCriticalLevel, iCriticalDiskVal ) );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Got disk critical level: %d"),iCriticalDiskVal ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
else // Some other media type
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Asking disk critical level, memtype: other")));
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidDiskLevel );
User::LeaveIfError( repository->Get( KDiskCriticalThreshold, iCriticalDiskVal ) );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Got disk critical level: %d"),iCriticalDiskVal ));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
errorcode = iFS->MkDirAll(fp.DriveAndPath());
if ( (errorcode != KErrAlreadyExists ) && ( errorcode != KErrNone ) )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Error creating output path: '%s', error: %d"), fp.DriveAndPath().Ptr(), errorcode ));
errorcode = iFS->SetAtt( iFileName, KEntryAttNormal, KEntryAttReadOnly );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Deleting File: '%s'"), iFileName.Ptr()));
errorcode = iFS->Delete(iFileName);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Deleting File Error: %d"), errorcode));
if ( errorcode == KErrInUse && iMMFFile )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL using rfiles")));
iFile = &(iMMFFile->FileL());
iFileHandleExists = ETrue;
else if ( ( errorcode != KErrNone ) && ( errorcode != KErrNotFound ) && ( errorcode != KErrPathNotFound ) )
iTmpFileName.Insert(0, fp.Drive());
errorcode = iFS->SetAtt( iTmpFileName, KEntryAttNormal, KEntryAttReadOnly );
errorcode = iFS->Delete(iTmpFileName);
if ( ( errorcode != KErrNone ) && ( errorcode != KErrNotFound ) && ( errorcode != KErrPathNotFound ) )
if ( errorcode == KErrInUse )
// use actual output filename incase other instance still running with temporary file.
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL temporary output file in use (-14). Using actual output filename instead.")));
iTmpFileName = aFileName;
errorcode = iFS->SetAtt( iTmpFileName, KEntryAttNormal, KEntryAttReadOnly );
errorcode = iFS->Delete(iTmpFileName);
if ( ( errorcode != KErrNone ) && ( errorcode != KErrNotFound ) && ( errorcode != KErrPathNotFound ) )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Temp files cleared")));
OstTrace0( CAMERASRV_PERFORMANCE, DUP3_CCAMC3GPDATASINKIMP_OPENFILEL, "e_CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL_create_temp_files 0" );
// Find used audio codec
if ( ( aAudioCodecType == TFourCC(KCMRFourCCIdAMRNB) ) ) // AMR-NB
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_AMR_NB;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Audio codec: AMR-NB")));
else if ( aAudioCodecType == TFourCC(KCMRFourCCIdMPEG4AAC) ) // AAC
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_AUDIO;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Audio codec: AAC")));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Audio codec: none")));
// if audio codec is null we don't generate audiotrack to composed file.
// Find used video codec
mp4_u8 videoLevel = 10;
if ( aVideoCodecType == KNullDesC8 ) // No video codec set.
// filecomposer will always create videotrack, whether we get video frames or not.
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_0;
TBuf8<256> matchstring;
matchstring = KCMRMimeTypeH263;
matchstring += _L8( "*" );
if ( ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound ) ) // H.263
matchstring = KCMRMimeTypeH263Profile3;
matchstring += _L8( "*" );
if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound )
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_3; // H.263 profile 3
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 profile 3")));
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_0; // H.263 profile 0
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 profile 0")));
// check if level is indicated too
matchstring = _L8("*level=*");
if (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound )
// yes, there is, check what it is
if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*level=10*") ) != KErrNotFound )
videoLevel = 10;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 10")));
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*level=20*") ) != KErrNotFound )
videoLevel = 20;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 20")));
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*level=30*") ) != KErrNotFound )
videoLevel = 30;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 30")));
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*level=40*") ) != KErrNotFound )
videoLevel = 40;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 40")));
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*level=45*") ) != KErrNotFound )
videoLevel = 45;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 45")));
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*level=50*") ) != KErrNotFound )
videoLevel = 50;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 50")));
// assume 10
videoLevel = 10;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Video codec: H.263 level 10")));
else // MPEG-4
matchstring = KCMRMimeTypeMPEG4V;
matchstring += _L8( "*" );
if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF(matchstring) != KErrNotFound )
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_VIDEO; // MPEG-4
else // H.264 AVC
matchstring = KCMRMimeTypeH264AVC;
matchstring += _L8( "*" );
if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF(matchstring) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 10;
// check if profile & level is indicated too
matchstring = _L8("*profile-level-id=*");
if (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound )
// yes, there is, check what it is
// Determine if other AVC profile is used:
matchstring = _L8( "*profile-level-id=42*" ); // Main Profile
if (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound)
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_BASELINE; // H.264 AVC Baseline profile found
matchstring = _L8( "*profile-level-id=4D*" ); // Main Profile
if (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound)
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_MAIN; // H.264 AVC Main profile found
matchstring = _L8( "*profile-level-id=64*" ); // High Profile
if (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( matchstring ) != KErrNotFound)
iFileCodecType |= MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_HIGH; // H.264 AVC Baseline profile found
// Determine if other AVC level is used:
if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*00A*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 10; // Level 1
else if ( (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*profile-level-id=42900B*") ) != KErrNotFound) ||
(aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*profile-level-id=4D500B*") ) != KErrNotFound) ||
(aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*profile-level-id=644009*") ) != KErrNotFound) )
iAVCOutputLevel = 101; // Level 1b
else if ( (aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*profile-level-id=42800B*") ) != KErrNotFound) ||
(aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*profile-level-id=4D400B*") ) != KErrNotFound) ||
(aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*profile-level-id=64400B*") ) != KErrNotFound) )
iAVCOutputLevel = 11; // Level 1.1
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*00C*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 12; // Level 1.2
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*00D*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 13; // Level 1.3
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*014*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 20; // Level 2
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*015*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 21; // Level 2.1
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*016*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 22; // Level 2.2
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*01E*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 30; // Level 3
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*01F*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 31; // Level 3.1
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*020*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 32; // Level 3.2
else if ( aVideoCodecType.MatchF( _L8("*028*") ) != KErrNotFound )
iAVCOutputLevel = 4; // Level 4
// assume level 1
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Warning unknown video codec type - defaulting level 1.0")));
iAVCOutputLevel = 10;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Unsupported video codec type")));
if ( iFileHandleExists )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL using rfile to open mp4handle")));
error = MP4ComposeOpenFileHandle(&iMP4Handle, iFile, (TDriveNumber)iDriveNumber, iFileCodecType);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL using descriptors to open mp4handle")));
error = MP4ComposeOpen(&iMP4Handle, (MP4FileName)iTmpFileName.Ptr(), iFileCodecType);
if ( error == MP4_OUT_OF_MEMORY )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeOpen, error=%d"), error));
else if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeOpen, error=%d"), error));
TInt64 currentdiskspace = DriveFreeSpaceL();
iFileName = KNullDesC;
if ( currentdiskspace < ((TInt64)KDiskSafetyLimit+iCriticalDiskVal+CurrentMetadataSize()) )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL disk full, available: %d"), I64INT(currentdiskspace)));
iDiskFull = ETrue;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Compose and Open failed, error=%d"), error));
iFileName = KNullDesC;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Compose and Open done")));
mp4_u32 composeFlags = 0;
if ( aFileFormat == E3GPP2 )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Fileformat: 3G2")));
else if ( aFileFormat == EMPEG4 )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Fileformat: MP4")));
else // E3GPP
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Fileformat: 3GP")));
if ( ( iVideoMaxBitRate + iAudioAverageBitRate ) >= KLimitForLargeFileBuffers )
error = MP4ComposeSetFlags(iMP4Handle, composeFlags );
if ( error == MP4_OUT_OF_MEMORY )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeSetFlags, error=%d"), error));
else if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeSetFlags, error=%d"), error));
TInt64 currentdiskspace2 = DriveFreeSpaceL();
if ( currentdiskspace2 < ((TInt64)KDiskSafetyLimit+iCriticalDiskVal+CurrentMetadataSize()) )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL disk full, available: %d"), I64INT(currentdiskspace2)));
iDiskFull = ETrue;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Compose flags set")));
if ((iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_0) ||
(iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_3) ||
(iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_VIDEO) ||
(iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_MAIN) ||
// Set default values for video parameters if they are not set
if (iVideoAverageBitRate < 0)
iVideoAverageBitRate = KVideoAverageBitRate;
if (iVideoMaxBitRate < 0)
iVideoMaxBitRate = KVideoMaxBitRate;
if (iVideoXResolution == 0)
iVideoXResolution = KVideoXResolution;
if (iVideoYResolution == 0)
iVideoYResolution = KVideoYResolution;
error = MP4ComposeAddVideoDescription(iMP4Handle,
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeAddVideoDescription, error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
if ( (iFileCodecType & (MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_0 | MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_3))
&& ( videoLevel != 10) )
// H.263 level should be given to 3gp library like this
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo(iMP4Handle,
if ( error != MP4_OK )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo, error=%d"), error));
if (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AMR_NB)
error = MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription(iMP4Handle,
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription, AMR-NB error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
if ( iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_AUDIO)
// To make sure we always write proper timescale to output file (even in case when we get no audio
// buffers) the default samplerate is passed to 3GP library here.
// When we get audio decoder specific information in WriteBuffer() the MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription()
// will be called again with correct samplerate.
error = MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription(iMP4Handle,
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription, AAC error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
if ( iAvailableSpaceAtStart == 0 )
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
User::LeaveIfError(iFS->Volume(volumeinfo, iDriveNumber));
iAvailableSpaceAtStart = volumeinfo.iFree - (TInt64)(KDiskSafetyLimit+iCriticalDiskVal);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Setting async file remover handler")));
error = MP4ComposeSetTempFileRemoverObserver(&iMP4Handle, this);
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL Setting async file remover handler FAILED")));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::OpenFileL exit")));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetSizeLimit
// Set size limit of the 3GP file to be recorded in bytes. The limit must be
// set before the recording starts.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetSizeLimit(TUint aSize)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetSizeLimit enter, requested limit: %u"), aSize));
if (iBytesReceived)
PRINT(_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetSizeLimit NOT set, recording"));
TInt64 rfileMaxSize = KCamC3GPMaximumFileSize;
if ( aSize == 0 || aSize > rfileMaxSize )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetSizeLimit 0 or over RFile max size, using internal max instead.")));
iSizeLimit = rfileMaxSize; //max size for RFile
iSizeLimit = aSize;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetSizeLimit set to: high:%u low:%u"), I64HIGH(iSizeLimit), I64LOW(iSizeLimit)));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetElapsedTime
// Return the amount of time recording has been on in microseconds.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetElapsedTime()
PRINT(_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetElapsedTime in"));
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsed;
if (iVideoBufferTimestamp < TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0))
elapsed = 0;
elapsed = iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64() - iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp.Int64();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetElapsedTime out, elapsed=%d"), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()) ));
return elapsed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTime
// Return the estimated remaining time for the recording in microseconds.
// This method takes into account the file size and disk full restrictions.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL()
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsed;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds remaining;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds endtime;
TInt64 availableSpace;
TInt64 usedSpace;
TInt64 metaDataSize;
TBool remainingFromSizeLimit = EFalse;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL in")));
if ( iAvailableSpaceAtStart == 0 )
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
User::LeaveIfError(iFS->Volume(volumeinfo, iDriveNumber));
iAvailableSpaceAtStart = volumeinfo.iFree - (TInt64)(KDiskSafetyLimit+iCriticalDiskVal);
if (iSizeLimit && ( iSizeLimit < iAvailableSpaceAtStart ) )
// use sizelimit as available space.
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL Limiting remainingtime by sizelimit: %d."), I64INT(iSizeLimit)));
remainingFromSizeLimit = ETrue;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL Limiting remainingtime by available space at start: %d "), I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart) ));
if ( iVideoBufferTimestamp < TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0) )
elapsed = 0;
elapsed = iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64() - iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp.Int64();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL elapsed with first=%d current=%d elapsed=%d"), I64INT(iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp.Int64()), I64INT(iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64()), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()) ));
if (elapsed < (TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds)((TInt64)KDelayUseBitrates) )
// Use average audio/video bitrates to estimate remaining time
TUint averageBitRate;
TUint averageByteRate;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL: BitRates Video: %d , Audio: %d"), iVideoAverageBitRate, iAudioAverageBitRate ));
averageBitRate = (TUint)((iVideoAverageBitRate + iAudioAverageBitRate) * KMetaDataCoeff);
averageByteRate = averageBitRate / 8;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL: avaragebitrate: %d , avaragebyterate: %d"), averageBitRate, averageByteRate ));
usedSpace = elapsed.Int64() * averageByteRate / 1000000; // 1000000 is for conversion between microseconds and seconds
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL: elapsed: %d, usedspace: %d"), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()), usedSpace ));
metaDataSize = 2*CurrentMetadataSize();
if (remainingFromSizeLimit)
availableSpace = iSizeLimit - usedSpace - metaDataSize;
availableSpace = iAvailableSpaceAtStart - usedSpace - metaDataSize;
if (availableSpace <= 0 || averageByteRate == 0)
remaining = 0;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL: availablespace: %d, atStart: %d "), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()), I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart) ));
remaining = availableSpace * 1000000 / averageByteRate; // 1000000 is for conversion between microseconds and seconds
if ( (remaining.Int64() + elapsed.Int64()) > (TInt64(KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs)*1000000) )
remaining = (TInt64(KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs)*1000000) - elapsed.Int64();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL: remaining: %d "), I64INT(remaining.Int64()) ));
// update also iAvarageEndTime to smooth jump at KDelayUseBitrates sec point.
iAvarageEndTime = elapsed.Int64()+ remaining.Int64();
else // use real filesize estimates.
// used space is mediadata + 2x metadata (metadata in temp-files written and additionaö reserved space for stop copying it to output file.
usedSpace = CurrentFileSize()+ 2*CurrentMetadataSize();
if (remainingFromSizeLimit)
availableSpace = iSizeLimit - usedSpace;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL availableSpace from sizelimit: %d "), I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart) ));
availableSpace = iAvailableSpaceAtStart - usedSpace;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL availableSpace from availablespaceAtStart: %d "), I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart) ));
if (availableSpace <= 0)
remaining = 0;
// preserve integer precision by scaling the first dividend up in calculation
if (remainingFromSizeLimit)
// divide the greater of iSizeLimit and elapsed with usedSpace first to prevent overflow
if ( iSizeLimit > elapsed.Int64() )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL iSizeLimit > elapsed: %d vs. %d"), I64INT(iSizeLimit), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()) ));
endtime = (((iSizeLimit * 1000) / usedSpace ) * elapsed.Int64() ) / 1000;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL iSizeLimit < elapsed: %d vs. %d"), I64INT(iSizeLimit), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()) ));
endtime = ( iSizeLimit * ( (elapsed.Int64() * 1000) / usedSpace )) / 1000;
// divide the greater of iAvailableSpaceAtStart and elapsed with usedSpace first to prevent overflow
if (iAvailableSpaceAtStart > elapsed.Int64() )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL iAvailableSpaceAtStart > elapsed: %d vs. %d"), I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()) ));
endtime = (( (iAvailableSpaceAtStart * 1000) / usedSpace ) * elapsed.Int64() ) / 1000;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL iAvailableSpaceAtStart < elapsed: %d vs. %d"), I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()) ));
endtime = ( iAvailableSpaceAtStart * ( (elapsed.Int64() * 1000) / usedSpace )) / 1000;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL Endtime: %d"), I64INT(endtime.Int64()) ));
if ( iAvarageEndTime.Int64() == -1 )
iAvarageEndTime = endtime;
iAvarageEndTime = (( iAvarageEndTime.Int64() * 7 ) + endtime.Int64() ) / 8;
if ( iAvarageEndTime.Int64() > (TInt64(KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs)*1000000) )
iAvarageEndTime = (TInt64(KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs)*1000000);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL elapsed: %d , usedspace: %d"), I64INT(elapsed.Int64()), I64INT(usedSpace) ));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL available: %d, atStart: %d"), I64INT(availableSpace), iAvailableSpaceAtStart));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL AvgEndtime: %d"), I64INT(iAvarageEndTime.Int64()) ));
remaining = iAvarageEndTime.Int64() - elapsed.Int64();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL remaining: %d"), I64INT(remaining.Int64()) ));
// Check if remaining time has reached 0 and we need to stop right away
if ( remaining <= TInt64(0) )
if ( elapsed >= TInt64(0) ) // we are recording.
if ( remainingFromSizeLimit || (elapsed >= (TInt64(KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs)*1000000)) )
// Size limit has been set and we reach wanted size -> remaining time is 0
iFileSizeLimitReached = ETrue;
// Diskfull
iDiskFull = ETrue;
remaining = 0;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::GetRemainingTimeL out")));
return remaining;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL
// Order the sink to finalize and close the current 3GP file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL()
MP4Err error;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL enter")));
if (!iMP4Handle)
if (iVideoFrameDuration) // Write remaining video frame to disk
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)iVideoBuffer,
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame, error=%d"), error));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL video frames written")));
if (iAudioFramesInBuffer) // Write remaining audio frames to disk
error = MP4ComposeWriteAudioFrames(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)iAudioBuffer,
(mp4_u32)iAudioFramesInBuffer * KAudioFrameDuration);
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL MP4ComposeWriteAudioFrames, error=%d"), error));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL audio frames written")));
error = MP4ComposeClose(iMP4Handle);
iMP4Handle = NULL;
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL MP4ComposeClose, error=%d"), error));
TInt64 currentdiskspace = 0;
TInt freespaceError = KErrNone;
TRAP(freespaceError, currentdiskspace = DriveFreeSpaceL());
if ( (freespaceError == KErrNone) &&
(currentdiskspace < ((TInt64)KDiskSafetyLimit+iCriticalDiskVal+CurrentMetadataSize())) )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL disk full, available: %d"), I64INT(currentdiskspace)));
iDiskFull = ETrue;
else if ( freespaceError != KErrNone )
User::Leave(KErrWrite); // There was error reading free disk space - probably memory card read/write error.
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL file composed and closed")));
if ( iFileHandleExists )
iMMFFile = NULL; // not owned
if (!iBytesReceived)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL No data written, iTmpFileName left: '%s'"), iTmpFileName.Ptr()));
iFS->SetEntry(iTmpFileName, TTime(0), NULL, KEntryAttHidden);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL Renaming temp file to: '%s'"), iFileName.Ptr()));
User::LeaveIfError(iFS->Rename(iTmpFileName, iFileName));
iFileName = KNullDesC;
iBytesOfMetadata = 0;
iBufferSize = 0;
iFileCodecType = MP4_TYPE_NONE;
iVideoTimestamp = 0;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = -1;
iVideoRandomAccessPoint = EFalse;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = EFalse;
iVideoFrameDuration = 0;
iVideoBufferFrameSize = 0;
iVideoDecSpecInfoSize = 0;
iAudioDecSpecInfoSize = 0;
iAudioBufferFrameSize = 0;
iAudioFrameNumber = 0;
iAudioFramesInBuffer = 0;
iFileSizeLimitReached = EFalse;
iDiskFull = EFalse;
iFreeDiskSpace = 0;
iFreeDiskSpaceCounter = 0;
iAudioAACFrameDuration = 0;
iAudioAACSamplerate = 0;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL() updating available diskspace - in")));
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
if ( iFS && iFS->Volume(volumeinfo, iDriveNumber) == KErrNone )
iAvailableSpaceAtStart = volumeinfo.iFree - (TInt64)(KDiskSafetyLimit+iCriticalDiskVal);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL() updating available diskspace - done")));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SinkStopL exit")));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBuffer
// Write an audio/video buffer to the sink. The sink copies the given buffer
// and writes it to the file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL(CCMRMediaBuffer* aBuffer)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL enter")));
TInt64 videoduration = 0;
TUint8* tmpaudiobuffer = 0;
TInt64 currentfilesize;
MP4Err error = MP4_OK;
if (!iMP4Handle)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL No MP4Handle, returning.")));
if (iFileSizeLimitReached || iDiskFull)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL sizelimit reached or disk full returning")));
iBufferType = aBuffer->Type();
iBufferSize = aBuffer->BufferSize();
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsed;
if (iVideoBufferTimestamp < TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0))
elapsed = 0;
elapsed = iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64() - iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp.Int64();
currentfilesize = CurrentFileSize() + CurrentMetadataSize();
if ( ( iSizeLimit && ((currentfilesize + (TUint)iBufferSize) > iSizeLimit) ) ||
(elapsed.Int64() >= (TInt64(KCamCMaxClipDurationInSecs)*1000000)) )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL sizelimit reached, filesize: %d"), I64INT(currentfilesize)));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL sizelimit is set to: high:%u low:%u"), I64HIGH(iSizeLimit), I64LOW(iSizeLimit)));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL elapsed time: high:%u low:%u"), I64HIGH(elapsed.Int64()), I64LOW(elapsed.Int64())));
iFileSizeLimitReached = ETrue;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL, filesize: %d, bufsize: %d")
, I64INT(currentfilesize), iBufferSize));
currentfilesize += CurrentMetadataSize(); // extra reserve for stop (copy metadata from temp files to end of output file.
if ( currentfilesize >= iAvailableSpaceAtStart )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL disk full, calc size: %d"), I64INT(currentfilesize)));
iDiskFull = ETrue;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL, available: %d")
, I64INT(iAvailableSpaceAtStart-currentfilesize)));
iBytesReceived += (TUint)iBufferSize;
switch (iBufferType)
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EAudioAMRNB:
if ( ( (TUint)iBufferSize + iAudioBufferFrameSize ) > iAudioBufferSize) // Incoming buffer doesn't fit into allocated buffer
tmpaudiobuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize + iAudioBufferFrameSize];
Mem::Copy(tmpaudiobuffer, iAudioBuffer, (TInt)iAudioBufferFrameSize);
delete [] iAudioBuffer;
iAudioBuffer = tmpaudiobuffer;
iAudioBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize + iAudioBufferFrameSize;
Mem::Copy(iAudioBuffer + iAudioBufferFrameSize, aBuffer->Data().Ptr(), iBufferSize);
iAudioBufferFrameSize += (TUint)iBufferSize;
if (iAudioFramesInBuffer == KAMRAudioFramesPerSample) // Buffer several audio frames before writing to disk
error = MP4ComposeWriteAudioFrames(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)iAudioBuffer,
(mp4_u32)iAudioFramesInBuffer * KAudioFrameDuration);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL AMR-NB MP4ComposeWriteAudioFrames, error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
iAudioFramesInBuffer = 0;
iAudioBufferFrameSize = 0;
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EAudioMPEG4AAC:
if ( !iAudioAACFrameDuration )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL AAC Audio frameduration not set! Error= -18"), error));
User::Leave ( KErrNotReady );
error = MP4ComposeWriteAudioFrames(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)aBuffer->Data().Ptr(),
(mp4_u32)KAACAudioFramesPerSample * iAudioAACFrameDuration);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL AAC MP4ComposeWriteAudioFrames, error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EAudioAMRWB:
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoH263:
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoMPEG4:
iVideoTimestamp = aBuffer->TimeStamp();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL EVideoH263/EVideoMPEG4 Timestamp of the buffer is %d"), I64INT(iVideoTimestamp.Int64())));
iVideoRandomAccessPoint = aBuffer->RandomAccessPoint();
if (iVideoRandomAccessPoint)
if (iVideoBufferTimestamp < TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0)) // First frame
iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = iVideoRandomAccessPoint;
if ((TUint)iBufferSize > iVideoBufferSize)
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
Mem::Copy(iVideoBuffer, aBuffer->Data().Ptr(), iBufferSize);
iVideoBufferFrameSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
videoduration = iVideoTimestamp.Int64() - iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64(); // Duration in microseconds
videoduration = TInt64((videoduration * KVideoTimeScale) / 1E6 + 0.5); // Duration scaled to KVideoTimeScale
iVideoFrameDuration = (TUint)I64INT(videoduration);
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)iVideoBuffer,
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame, error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
if ((TUint)iBufferSize > iVideoBufferSize)
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
Mem::Copy(iVideoBuffer, aBuffer->Data().Ptr(), iBufferSize);
iVideoBufferFrameSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = iVideoRandomAccessPoint;
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoMPEG4DecSpecInfo:
iVideoDecSpecInfoSize = iBufferSize;
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)aBuffer->Data().Ptr(),
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo, error=%d"), error));
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoH264NAL:
iVideoTimestamp = aBuffer->TimeStamp();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL EVideoH264NAL Timestamp of the buffer is %d"), I64INT(iVideoTimestamp.Int64())));
iVideoRandomAccessPoint = aBuffer->RandomAccessPoint();
if (iVideoRandomAccessPoint)
if (iVideoBufferTimestamp < TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0)) // First frame
iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = iVideoRandomAccessPoint;
if ((TUint)(iBufferSize) > iVideoBufferSize)
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes( aBuffer );
videoduration = iVideoTimestamp.Int64() - iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64(); // Duration in microseconds
videoduration = TInt64((videoduration * KVideoTimeScale) / 1E6 + 0.5); // Duration scaled to KVideoTimeScale
iVideoFrameDuration = (TUint)I64INT(videoduration);
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)iVideoBuffer,
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame, error=%d"), error));
if ((TUint)(iBufferSize) > iVideoBufferSize)
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes( aBuffer );
iVideoBufferTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = iVideoRandomAccessPoint;
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoH264Bytestream:
// need to add NAL header to end on bytestream buffer
iVideoTimestamp = aBuffer->TimeStamp();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL EVideoH264Bytestream Timestamp of the buffer is %d"), I64INT(iVideoTimestamp.Int64())));
iVideoRandomAccessPoint = aBuffer->RandomAccessPoint();
if (iVideoRandomAccessPoint)
if (iVideoBufferTimestamp < TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(0)) // First frame
iFirstVideoFrameTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = iVideoRandomAccessPoint;
if ((TUint)(iBufferSize) > iVideoBufferSize)
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
Mem::Copy(iVideoBuffer, aBuffer->Data().Ptr(), iBufferSize);
iVideoBufferFrameSize = iBufferSize;
videoduration = iVideoTimestamp.Int64() - iVideoBufferTimestamp.Int64(); // Duration in microseconds
videoduration = TInt64((videoduration * KVideoTimeScale) / 1E6 + 0.5); // Duration scaled to KVideoTimeScale
iVideoFrameDuration = (TUint)I64INT(videoduration);
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)iVideoBuffer,
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteVideoFrame, error=%d"), error));
if ((TUint)(iBufferSize) > iVideoBufferSize)
delete [] iVideoBuffer;
iVideoBuffer = new (ELeave) TUint8[(TUint)iBufferSize];
iVideoBufferSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
Mem::Copy(iVideoBuffer, aBuffer->Data().Ptr(), iBufferSize);
iVideoBufferFrameSize = (TUint)iBufferSize;
iVideoBufferTimestamp = iVideoTimestamp;
iVideoBufferRandomAccessPoint = iVideoRandomAccessPoint;
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoH264NALDecSpecInfo:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL EVideoH264NALDecSpecInfo")));
HBufC8* outputAVCHeader = 0;
outputAVCHeader = (HBufC8*) HBufC8::NewLC(16384);
TPtr8 destptr = outputAVCHeader->Des();
// parse header & convert it to AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord -format
ConvertAVCHeaderNALL(aBuffer, destptr);
iVideoDecSpecInfoSize = destptr.Length();
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)destptr.Ptr(),
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outputAVCHeader );
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo, error=%d"), error));
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EVideoH264BytestreamDecSpecInfo:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL EVideoH264BytestreamDecSpecInfo")));
HBufC8* outputAVCHeader = 0;
outputAVCHeader = (HBufC8*) HBufC8::NewLC(16384);
TPtr8 destptr = outputAVCHeader->Des();
// parse header & convert it to AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord -format
ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL(aBuffer, destptr);
iVideoDecSpecInfoSize = destptr.Length();
error = MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)destptr.Ptr(),
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( outputAVCHeader );
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteVideoDecoderSpecificInfo, error=%d"), error));
case CCMRMediaBuffer::EAudioDecSpecInfo:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteAudioDecoderSpecificInfo in"), error));
iAudioDecSpecInfoSize = iBufferSize;
error = MP4ComposeWriteAudioDecoderSpecificInfo(iMP4Handle,
(mp4_u8 *)aBuffer->Data().Ptr(),
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteAudioDecoderSpecificInfo, error=%d"), error));
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteAudioDecoderSpecificInfo - flags: iFileCodecType=%d Frameduration=%d"), iFileCodecType, iAudioAACFrameDuration));
if ( (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_AUDIO) && !iAudioAACFrameDuration )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteAudioDecoderSpecificInfo determining new AAC samplerate."), error));
DetermineAACFrameDurationL( aBuffer );
// done here because timescale is dependent of samplerate.
error = MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription(iMP4Handle,
if (error != MP4_OK)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeAddAudioDescription, error=%d"), error));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::WriteBufferL MP4ComposeWriteAudioDecoderSpecificInfo out"), error));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetVideoFrameSize
// Give video frame size to sink.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetVideoFrameSize(TSize aSize)
if (aSize.iWidth < 0)
return KErrArgument;
if (aSize.iHeight < 0)
return KErrArgument;
if (iBytesReceived)
return KErrNotReady;
iVideoXResolution = aSize.iWidth;
iVideoYResolution = aSize.iHeight;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetAverageVideoBitRate
// Give average video bitrate to sink.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetAverageVideoBitRate(TInt aBitRate)
if (aBitRate < 0)
return KErrArgument;
iVideoAverageBitRate = aBitRate;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetMaxVideoBitRate
// Give maximum video bitrate to sink.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetMaxVideoBitRate(TInt aBitRate)
if (aBitRate < 0)
return KErrArgument;
iVideoMaxBitRate = aBitRate;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetAverageAudioBitRate
// Give average audio bitrate to sink.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::SetAverageAudioBitRate(TInt aBitRate)
if (aBitRate < 0)
return KErrArgument;
iAudioAverageBitRate = aBitRate;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::CurrentFileSize
// Estimate current output file size.
// Total file size = metadata size + media data size
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::CurrentFileSize() const
TUint filesize = 0;
// Media data
filesize += 8; // mdat box type and size
filesize += iBytesReceived; // Data received from media recorder
return filesize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::CurrentMetadataSize
// Calculates current metadata size.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::CurrentMetadataSize() const
TBool haveAudio;
TBool haveVideo;
TUint metadatasize = 0;
haveAudio = EFalse;
haveVideo = EFalse;
// Metadata
metadatasize += KFTYPSize; // FTYP
if ((iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_0) ||
(iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_H263_PROFILE_3)) // H.263
haveVideo = ETrue;
metadatasize += 574; // Constant size H.263 metadata
metadatasize += (iVideoFrameNumber * 16 + iVideoIntraFrameNumber * 4); // Content dependent H.263 metadata
if (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_VIDEO) // MPEG-4 video
haveVideo = ETrue;
metadatasize += 596; // Constant size MPEG-4 video metadata
metadatasize += (iVideoFrameNumber * 16 + iVideoIntraFrameNumber * 4 + (TUint)iVideoDecSpecInfoSize); // Content dependent MPEG-4 video metadata
if ( iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AMR_NB ) // AMR-NB
haveAudio = ETrue;
metadatasize += 514; // Constant size AMR metadata
metadatasize += ((iAudioFrameNumber + KAMRAudioFramesPerSample - 1) / KAMRAudioFramesPerSample) * 16;
if ( iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_MPEG4_AUDIO ) // MPEG-4 AAC-LC
haveAudio = ETrue;
metadatasize += 514; // Constant size metadata
metadatasize += (iAudioFrameNumber * 16) + (TUint)iAudioDecSpecInfoSize;
if (haveAudio && haveVideo)
metadatasize -= 116; // There is only one moov and mvhd in a file
return metadatasize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DriveFreeSpaceL
// Calculate free space on a drive in bytes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt64 CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DriveFreeSpaceL()
TVolumeInfo volumeinfo;
if (iFreeDiskSpaceCounter % KFreeDiskSpaceCounter == 0)
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DriveFreeSpaceL Asking Disk Free space")));
User::LeaveIfError(iFS->Volume(volumeinfo, iDriveNumber));
iFreeDiskSpace = volumeinfo.iFree;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DriveFreeSpaceL Received Disk Free space info")));
return iFreeDiskSpace;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDuration
// Determines AAC audio frame duration.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL( CCMRMediaBuffer* aBuffer )
TInt sampleRate = 0;
TUint8 sampleRateIndex = *aBuffer->Data().Mid(0).Ptr();
sampleRateIndex <<= 5;
sampleRateIndex >>= 4;
sampleRateIndex |= ((TUint8)*aBuffer->Data().Mid(1).Ptr())>>7;
switch ( sampleRateIndex )
case 0x3:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL AAC Samplerate reset to 48000")));
sampleRate = 48000;
case 0x5:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL AAC Samplerate reset to 32000")));
sampleRate = 32000;
case 0x6:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL AAC Samplerate reset to 24000")));
sampleRate = 24000;
case 0x8:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL AAC Samplerate reset to 16000")));
sampleRate = 16000;
case 0xb:
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL AAC Samplerate reset to 8000")));
sampleRate = 8000;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL unsupported AAC Samplerate - leaving -6")));
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DetermineAACFrameDurationL AAC Samplerate reset from %d to %d"), iAudioAACSamplerate, sampleRate));
iAudioAACSamplerate = sampleRate;
// formula to calculate frameduration from samplerate is: frameduration = (1024/samplerate)*1000
// and in movie timescale: frameDurationInMovieTimescale = frameduration*samplerate/1000
// thus with equal samplerate = timescale frameDurationInMovieTimescale for AAC is always 1024
iAudioAACFrameDuration = 1024;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderL
// Convert AVC specific decoder config info to
// AVC Decoder Configuration Record -format
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL( CCMRMediaBuffer* aBuffer, TDes8& aDstBuf )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL in Buffer length: %d"), aBuffer->Data().Length() ));
TUint8* inputPtr = (TUint8*)(aBuffer->Data().Ptr());
TUint8* outputPtr = (TUint8*)(aDstBuf.Ptr());
TUint8* spsPtr;
TUint8* ppsPtr;
TUint numSPS = 0;
TUint numPPS = 0;
TUint totalSPSLength = 0;
TUint totalPPSLength = 0;
TUint headerLength = aBuffer->Data().Length();
TUint endIndex = headerLength;
TInt nalType = 0;
TUint nalLength;
TUint nalIndex;
TUint nalOffset;
// Allocate memory for the temporary buffers
HBufC8* temp1 = (HBufC8*) HBufC8::NewLC(1000);
HBufC8* temp2 = (HBufC8*) HBufC8::NewLC(5000);
spsPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( temp1->Des().Ptr() );
ppsPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( temp2->Des().Ptr() );
TUint numNalUnits = inputPtr[endIndex-4] + (inputPtr[endIndex-3]<<8) + (inputPtr[endIndex-2]<<16) + (inputPtr[endIndex-1]<<24);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL Nal Unit count: %d"), numNalUnits));
// Move endIndex to point to the first NAL unit's offset information
endIndex = headerLength - numNalUnits*8 - 4;
nalIndex = 0;
while (nalIndex < numNalUnits)
TInt tmp1 = inputPtr[endIndex++];
TInt tmp2 = inputPtr[endIndex++]<<8;
TInt tmp3 = inputPtr[endIndex++]<<16;
TInt tmp4 = inputPtr[endIndex++]<<24;
nalOffset = tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL Nal Unit start offset: %d"), nalOffset));
tmp1 = inputPtr[endIndex++];
tmp2 = inputPtr[endIndex++]<<8;
tmp3 = inputPtr[endIndex++]<<16;
tmp4 = inputPtr[endIndex++]<<24;
nalLength = tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + tmp4;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL Nal Unit length: %d"), nalLength));
nalType = inputPtr[nalOffset] & 0x1F;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL Nal Unit type: %d"), nalType));
if(nalType == 7)
// First store the SPS unit length with two bytes
spsPtr[totalSPSLength] = (nalLength >> 8) & 0xFF;
spsPtr[totalSPSLength+1] = nalLength & 0xFF;
// Copy the SPS unit to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&spsPtr[totalSPSLength+2], inputPtr+nalOffset , nalLength);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL stored SPS from offset: %d size: %d"), inputPtr+nalOffset, nalLength));
totalSPSLength += nalLength + 2; // Two more for the size
else if(nalType == 8)
// First store the SPS unit length with two bytes
ppsPtr[totalPPSLength] = (nalLength >> 8) & 0xFF;
ppsPtr[totalPPSLength+1] = nalLength & 0xFF;
// Copy the SPS unit to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&ppsPtr[totalPPSLength+2], inputPtr+nalOffset , nalLength);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderNALL stored PPS from offset: %d size: %d"), inputPtr+nalOffset, nalLength));
totalPPSLength += nalLength + 2; // Two more for the size
// When the header has been parsed, form the AVC Decoder Configuration Record
outputPtr[0] = 0x01; // configurationVersion
// AVCProfileIndication contains the profile code as defined in the AVC specification
outputPtr[1] = 0x42;
outputPtr[2] = 0x80; // Bitstream obeys all Baseline profile constraints.
// Profile compatibility, i.e. all 4 constrain set flags + reserved 4 zero bits
if ( iAVCOutputLevel == 101 )
outputPtr[2] |= 0x10; // For level 1b, the 4th bit shall be == 1, otherwise it must be zero
// AVCLevelIndication contains the level code as defined in the AVC specification
outputPtr[3] = (iAVCOutputLevel == 101) ? 0x0B : iAVCOutputLevel;
else if (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_MAIN)
outputPtr[1] = 0x4D;
outputPtr[2] = 0x40; // Bitstream obeys all main profile constraints.
if ( iAVCOutputLevel == 101 )
outputPtr[2] |= 0x10; // For level 1b, the 4th bit shall be == 1, otherwise it must be zero
// AVCLevelIndication contains the level code as defined in the AVC specification
outputPtr[3] = (iAVCOutputLevel == 101) ? 0x0B : iAVCOutputLevel;
else if (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_HIGH)
outputPtr[1] = 0x64;
outputPtr[2] = 0x40; // Bitstream obeys all Baseline profile constraints.
outputPtr[3] = (iAVCOutputLevel == 101) ? 0x09 : iAVCOutputLevel;
// lengthSizeMinusOne indicates the length in bytes of the NALUnitLength field minus one.
outputPtr[4] = 0x03; // 4 bytes
outputPtr[4] |= 0x0FC; // 6 reserved bits (all 1)
// numOfSequenceParameterSets indicates the number of sequence parameter sets
outputPtr[5] = numSPS;
outputPtr[5] |= 0xE0; // 3 reserved bits (all 1)
TInt len = 6;
// Copy the SPS unit(s) to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&outputPtr[6], spsPtr , totalSPSLength);
len += totalSPSLength;
outputPtr[6+totalSPSLength] = numPPS;
len += 1;
// Copy the PPS unit(s) to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&outputPtr[6+totalSPSLength+1], ppsPtr , totalPPSLength);
len += totalPPSLength;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL
// Convert AVC specific decoder config info from Bytestream (ElementaryStream) encapsulation to
// AVC Decoder Configuration Record -format
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL( CCMRMediaBuffer* aBuffer, TDes8& aDstBuf )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL in")));
TUint8* inputPtr = (TUint8*)(aBuffer->Data().Ptr());
TUint8* outputPtr = (TUint8*)(aDstBuf.Ptr());
TUint8* spsPtr;
TUint8* ppsPtr;
TUint numSPS = 0;
TUint numPPS = 0;
TUint totalSPSLength = 0;
TUint totalPPSLength = 0;
TUint headerLength = aBuffer->Data().Length();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL buffer length: %d"), headerLength));
TInt nalType = 0;
// Allocate memory for the temporary buffers
HBufC8* temp1 = (HBufC8*) HBufC8::NewLC(1000);
HBufC8* temp2 = (HBufC8*) HBufC8::NewLC(5000);
spsPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( temp1->Des().Ptr() );
ppsPtr = const_cast<TUint8*>( temp2->Des().Ptr() );
// scan from beginning of buffer to end for SPS and PSP
TInt i = 0;
TInt j = 0;
for (i=0; i<headerLength; i++)
if ( inputPtr[i] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+1] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+2] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+3] == 1 )
{ // found bytestream header [00 00 00 01]
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL found header at: %d"), i));
nalType = inputPtr[i+4] & 0x1F;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL NAL type: %d"), nalType));
if(nalType == 7) // SPS
// find length of SPS
TInt j;
for (j=4; i+j+3<headerLength; j++)
if ( inputPtr[i+j] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+j+1] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+j+2] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+j+3] == 1 )
totalSPSLength = j-i-4;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL SPS length: %d, count: %d"), totalSPSLength, numSPS));
// if we didn't find next bytestream header then this is last buffer
if ( totalSPSLength == 0 )
totalSPSLength = headerLength - i - 4;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL SPS length: %d (last), count: %d"), totalSPSLength, numSPS));
// First store the SPS unit length with two bytes
spsPtr[0] = (totalSPSLength >> 8) & 0xFF;
spsPtr[1] = totalSPSLength & 0xFF;
// Copy the SPS unit to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&spsPtr[2], &inputPtr[i+4] , totalSPSLength);
totalSPSLength +=2;
else if ( nalType == 8 ) // PPS)
// find length of PPS
for (j=4; i+j+3<headerLength; j++)
if ( inputPtr[i+j] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+j+1] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+j+2] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+j+3] == 1 )
totalPPSLength = j-i-4;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL PPS length: %d, count: %d"), totalPPSLength, numPPS));
// if we didn't find next bytestream header then this is last buffer
if ( totalPPSLength == 0 )
totalPPSLength = headerLength - i - 4;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL PPS length: %d (last), count: %d"), totalPPSLength, numPPS));
// First store the SPS unit length with two bytes
ppsPtr[0] = (totalPPSLength >> 8) & 0xFF;
ppsPtr[1] = totalPPSLength & 0xFF;
// Copy the SPS unit to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&ppsPtr[2], &inputPtr[i+4], totalPPSLength);
totalPPSLength +=2;
// When the header has been parsed, form the AVC Decoder Configuration Record
outputPtr[0] = 0x01; // configurationVersion
// AVCProfileIndication contains the profile code as defined in the AVC specification
outputPtr[1] = 0x42;
outputPtr[2] = 0x80; // Bitstream obeys all Baseline profile constraints.
// Profile compatibility, i.e. all 4 constrain set flags + reserved 4 zero bits
if ( iAVCOutputLevel == 101 )
outputPtr[2] |= 0x10; // For level 1b, the 4th bit shall be == 1, otherwise it must be zero
// AVCLevelIndication contains the level code as defined in the AVC specification
outputPtr[3] = (iAVCOutputLevel == 101) ? 0x0B : iAVCOutputLevel;
else if (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_MAIN)
outputPtr[1] = 0x4D;
outputPtr[2] = 0x40; // Bitstream obeys all main profile constraints.
if ( iAVCOutputLevel == 101 )
outputPtr[2] |= 0x10; // For level 1b, the 4th bit shall be == 1, otherwise it must be zero
// AVCLevelIndication contains the level code as defined in the AVC specification
outputPtr[3] = (iAVCOutputLevel == 101) ? 0x0B : iAVCOutputLevel;
else if (iFileCodecType & MP4_TYPE_AVC_PROFILE_HIGH)
outputPtr[1] = 0x64;
outputPtr[2] = 0x40; // Bitstream obeys all Baseline profile constraints.
outputPtr[3] = (iAVCOutputLevel == 101) ? 0x09 : iAVCOutputLevel;
// lengthSizeMinusOne indicates the length in bytes of the NALUnitLength field minus one.
outputPtr[4] = 0x03; // 4 bytes
outputPtr[4] |= 0x0FC; // 6 reserved bits (all 1)
// numOfSequenceParameterSets indicates the number of sequence parameter sets
outputPtr[5] = numSPS;
outputPtr[5] |= 0xE0; // 3 reserved bits (all 1)
TInt len = 6;
// Copy the SPS unit(s) to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&outputPtr[6], spsPtr , totalSPSLength);
len += totalSPSLength;
outputPtr[6+totalSPSLength] = numPPS;
len += 1;
// Copy the PPS unit(s) to the buffer
Mem::Copy(&outputPtr[6+totalSPSLength+1], ppsPtr , totalPPSLength);
len += totalPPSLength;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertAVCHeaderByteStreamL out")));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL
// Converts AVC frame from Bytestream (ElementaryStream) encapsulation to
// file format AVC sample structure by replacing bytestream headers with NAL unit sizes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizes( CCMRMediaBuffer* aBuffer )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL in")));
TUint8* inputPtr = (TUint8*)(aBuffer->Data().Ptr());
TUint headerLength = aBuffer->Data().Length();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL buffer length: %d"), headerLength));
TInt nalLength = 0;
TBool moreThanOneNAL = EFalse;
TInt i = 0;
TInt j = 0;
for (i=0; i<headerLength; i++)
if ( inputPtr[i] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+1] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+2] == 0 &&
inputPtr[i+3] == 1 )
{ // found bytestream header [00 00 00 01]
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL found header at: %d"), i));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL NAL type: %d"), TInt(inputPtr[i+4] & 0x1F) ));
if (moreThanOneNAL)
{// we found start of next NAL unit in memory buffer so update previous size
nalLength = i-j-4; // 4 is the bytestream header
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL NAL length: %d"), nalLength));
inputPtr[j] = TUint8((nalLength >> 24) & 0xff);
inputPtr[j+1] = TUint8((nalLength >> 16) & 0xff);
inputPtr[j+2] = TUint8((nalLength >> 8) & 0xff);
inputPtr[j+3] = TUint8(nalLength & 0xff);
moreThanOneNAL = ETrue;
// and update last (or if only 1 NAL size:
nalLength = headerLength-j-4; // 4 is the bytestream header
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL last NAL length: %d"), nalLength));
inputPtr[j] = TUint8((nalLength >> 24) & 0xff);
inputPtr[j+1] = TUint8((nalLength >> 16) & 0xff);
inputPtr[j+2] = TUint8((nalLength >> 8) & 0xff);
inputPtr[j+3] = TUint8(nalLength & 0xff);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertBytestreamHeadersToNALSizesL out")));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes
// Converts AVC frame from NAL (EGenericPayload) encapsulation to
// file format AVC sample structure by replacing NAL encapsulation with NAL unit sizes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes( CCMRMediaBuffer* aBuffer )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes in")));
TUint8* inputPtr = (TUint8*)(aBuffer->Data().Ptr());
TUint bufferLength = aBuffer->Data().Length();
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes buffer length: %d"), bufferLength));
// Offset to the end and get NAL unit count
TInt offset = bufferLength-4; //last 4 bytes are the NAL unit count
TInt nalCount = TInt(inputPtr[offset]) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 1]) << 8) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 2]) << 16) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 3]) << 24);
TInt frameStart = 0;
TInt frameSize = 0;
TInt outputOffset = 0;
for(TInt i=0; i<nalCount; i++)
{//go through all NAL units in buffer
// Offset to the start of NAL Unit infos
offset = bufferLength-4-(8*nalCount); // 4 is the NAL unit count at end of buffer, 8 bytes used per NAL Unit for FrameStartOffset and FrameSize.
// Get frame start offset
offset += 8*i;
frameStart = TInt(inputPtr[offset]) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 1]) << 8) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 2]) << 16) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 3]) << 24);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes() NAL unit %d frame start: %d "), i, frameStart ));
// Get frame size
offset += 4;
frameSize = TInt(inputPtr[offset]) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 1]) << 8) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 2]) << 16) +
(TInt(inputPtr[offset + 3]) << 24);
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes() NAL unit %d frame size: %d "), i, frameSize ));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes() NAL unit %d type: %d "), i, TInt(inputPtr[frameStart] & 0x1F) ));
iVideoBuffer[outputOffset] = TUint8((frameSize >> 24) & 0xff);
iVideoBuffer[outputOffset+1] = TUint8((frameSize >> 16) & 0xff);
iVideoBuffer[outputOffset+2] = TUint8((frameSize >> 8) & 0xff);
iVideoBuffer[outputOffset+3] = TUint8(frameSize & 0xff);
Mem::Copy(iVideoBuffer+outputOffset+4, inputPtr+frameStart, frameSize);
outputOffset += 4 + frameSize; // 4 bytes for length information.
iVideoBufferFrameSize = outputOffset;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes() new video buffer size: %d "), iVideoBufferFrameSize ));
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::ConvertNALEncapsulationToNALSizes out")));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName( MP4FileName tempFileName )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName entering")));
MP4FileName* tempFileNamePtr = NULL;
TInt result = KErrNoMemory;
// Add image to the queue.
tempFileNamePtr = new MP4FileName;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName tempFileName=%x, tempFileNamePtr=%x"), tempFileName, tempFileNamePtr));
if ( tempFileNamePtr && iDeleteFileQueue )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName file count=%d"), iDeleteFileQueue->Count()));
*tempFileNamePtr = tempFileName;
result = iDeleteFileQueue->Append( tempFileNamePtr );
if ( result != KErrNone ) // Append failed -> do sync remove
TInt err = wremove( tempFileName );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName wremove sync err=%d, tempFileName=%x"), err, tempFileName));
tempFileName = 0;
if ( tempFileNamePtr )
delete tempFileNamePtr;
tempFileNamePtr = 0;
else // Append OK, start async delete if not running already
if (iDeleteFileQueue->Count())
if ( !iIdleDelete->IsActive() )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName() Start IdleDelete, file count=%d"), iDeleteFileQueue->Count()));
iIdleDelete->Start( TCallBack( IdleDelete, this ) );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::M3GPMP4LibDeleteTempFileName exiting")));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::IdleDelete
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::IdleDelete( TAny* aCont )
CCamC3GPDataSinkImp* appCont = static_cast<CCamC3GPDataSinkImp*>( aCont );
return ( appCont->DoIdleDelete() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete()
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete() in")));
TInt err = KErrNone;
MP4FileName tempFileName;
TInt filesLeft = EFalse;
// Delete one file from queue
if ( iDeleteFileQueue )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete() file count=%d"), iDeleteFileQueue->Count()));
if ( iDeleteFileQueue->Count() )
tempFileName = *(*iDeleteFileQueue)[0];
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete index 0:tempFileName=%x %s"), tempFileName, tempFileName));
delete (*iDeleteFileQueue)[0];
iDeleteFileQueue->Remove( 0 );
err = wremove( tempFileName );
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete wremove async err=%d, tempFileName=%x %s"), err, tempFileName, tempFileName));
err++; // remove compiler warning
tempFileName = 0;
// Start next deletion if queue is not empty
if ( iDeleteFileQueue->Count() )
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete() continue, file count=%d"), iDeleteFileQueue->Count()));
filesLeft = ETrue;
PRINT((_L("CCamC3GPDataSinkImp::DoIdleDelete() out")));
return ( filesLeft );
// End of File