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     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implements the query dialog box used for asking users input on row 
    15 // and column resize.\n
    16 // Also implements the Grid Window which handles the user 
    17 // inputs on the Grid Table.\n
    18 // Copy of COEGRID.CPP except for OfferKeyEvent and HandlePointerEvent\n
    19 // Copy of COEGRID.CPP except for OfferKeyEvent and HandlePointerEvent
    20 // 
    21 //
    23 /**
    24  @file
    25  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
    26 */
    28 #include <coemain.h>
    29 #include "COEGRID.H"
    31 #define KGridPointerRepeatDelayInMicroSeconds	10000
    33 #define KGridRectForPointerRepeats		(TRect(-1000,-1000,1000,1000))
    35 /**
    36   Static function to construct the Grid Window.\n
    37   Grid Window is a control on which the Grid table is displayed .\n
    38   Invokes the second phase constructor.\n
    40   @return : Pointer to the newly constructed Grid window.\n
    42 */
    43 CGrid2Win* CGrid2Win::NewL(CCoeControl* aWin,CGridLay *aGridLay,CGridImg *aGridImg)
    44 	{
    45 	CGrid2Win *self=new(ELeave) CGrid2Win(aGridLay,aGridImg);
    46 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    47 	self->ConstructL(aWin);
    48 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    49 	return self;
    50 	}
    51 /**
    52   Two argument Constructor.\n
    53   Constructs a Grid Window taking GridLay and Grid Img as arguments.\n
    54 */
    55 CGrid2Win::CGrid2Win(CGridLay *aGridLay,CGridImg *aGridImg)
    56 	: iGridLay(aGridLay),
    57 	iGridImg(aGridImg)
    58 	{}
    59 /**
    60   Second phase constructor for the Grid Window.\n
    61   Creates a control's window which is the child of the application's window group.\n
    62   Allows pointer grabs in a window in order to receive pointer events.\n
    63   Sets the window as the default window.\n
    64 */
    65 void CGrid2Win::ConstructL(CCoeControl* aWin)
    66 	{
    67 	CreateWindowL(aWin);
    68 	Window().PointerFilter(EPointerFilterDrag,0);
    69 	Window().SetPointerGrab(ETrue);
    70 	iGridImg->SetWindow(&Window());
    71 	if (iGridLay->IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
    72 		iGridLay->SetUniformRowHeight(ETrue);
    73 	}
    74 /**
    75   Destructor for Grid Window.\n
    76 */
    77 CGrid2Win::~CGrid2Win()
    78 	{
    79 	}
    80 /**
    82   @return Pointer to the GridLay object owned by the Grid Window.\n
    84   The function is invoked in case modifications 
    85   need to be made to the layout of the grid.\n
    86 */
    87 CGridLay* CGrid2Win::GridLay() const
    88 	{
    89 	return iGridLay;
    90 	}
    91 /**
    92   @return Pointer to the GridImg object owned by the Grid Window.\n
    94   The function is invoked whenever there is a need to redraw the contents of the grid.\n
    95 */
    96 CGridImg* CGrid2Win::GridImg() const
    97 	{
    98 	return iGridImg;
    99 	}
   100 /**
   101   Draws the Grid Window.\n
   102   The function is invoked by the window server.\n
   103   This function is used for window server-initiated redrawing of controls,
   104   and for some application-initiated drawing.\n
   105   It should be implemented by each control.\n
   107 */
   108 void CGrid2Win::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
   109 	{
   110 	CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   111 	gc.DrawRect(Rect());
   112 	TRAPD(err,iGridImg->DrawL(&gc,aRect));
   113 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!err,User::Panic(_L("DrawL(&gc,aRect) 2"),err));
   114 	}
   115 /**
   116   The function provides handlers for various key events such as \n
   117   Ctrl+ KeyUpArrow.\n
   118   Ctrl+ KeyDownArrow.\n
   119   Ctrl+ KeyRightArrow.\n
   120   Ctrl+ KeyLeftArrow.\n
   121   Ctrl+ KeyHome.\n
   122   Ctrl+ KeyEnd.\n
   123   Ctrl+ KeyPageup.\n
   124   Ctrl+ KeyPageDown.\n
   125   KeyUpArrow.\n
   126   KeyDownArrow.\n 
   127   KeyRightArrow.\n
   128   KeyLeftArrow.\n
   129   KeyHome.\n
   130   KeyEnd.\n
   131   KeyPageup.\n
   132   KeyPageDown.\n
   133   The function differs from the corresponding function in CGridWin as the
   134   Resize mode is not taken into consideration while handling the key events.\n
   136   @return : TKeyResponse indicating whether the key event has been handled or not.\n
   138 */
   139 TKeyResponse CGrid2Win::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode /*aType*/)
   140 // Tells GridImg to do the appropriate action on a keypress.
   141 	{
   142 	TUint selectState=0;
   143 	if (aKeyEvent.iModifiers&EModifierCtrl)
   144 		{
   145 		switch (aKeyEvent.iCode)
   146 			{
   147 		case EKeyUpArrow:
   148 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMovePageUp,selectState);
   149 			break;
   150 		case EKeyDownArrow:
   151 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMovePageDown,selectState);
   152 			break;
   153 		case EKeyLeftArrow:
   154 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMovePageLeft,selectState);
   155 			break;
   156 		case EKeyRightArrow:
   157 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMovePageRight,selectState);
   158 			break;
   159 		case EKeyHome:
   160 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveHome,selectState);
   161 			break;
   162 		case EKeyEnd:
   163 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveEnd,selectState);
   164 			break;
   165 		case EKeyPageUp:
   166 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveColumnStart,selectState);
   167 			break;
   168 		case EKeyPageDown:
   169 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveColumnEnd,selectState);
   170 			break;
   171 		default:
   172 			return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   173 			}
   174 		}
   175 	else
   176 		{
   177 		switch (aKeyEvent.iCode)
   178 			{
   179 		case EKeyUpArrow:
   180 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveRowUp,selectState);
   181 			break;
   182 		case EKeyDownArrow:
   183 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveRowDown,selectState);
   184 			break;
   185 		case EKeyLeftArrow:
   186 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveColumnLeft,selectState);
   187 			break;
   188 		case EKeyRightArrow:
   189 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveColumnRight,selectState);
   190 			break;
   191 		case EKeyPageUp:
   192 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMovePageUp,selectState);
   193 			break;
   194 		case EKeyPageDown:
   195 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMovePageDown,selectState);
   196 			break;
   197 		case EKeyHome:
   198 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveRowStart,selectState);
   199 			break;
   200 		case EKeyEnd:
   201 			iGridImg->MoveCursorL(EMoveRowEnd,selectState);
   202 			break;
   203 		default:
   204 			return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   205 			}
   206 		}
   207 	return EKeyWasConsumed;
   208 	}
   209 /**
   210   The function provides handlers for Pointer events.\n
   211   Handles the following pointer events \n
   212   1. Pointer Drag.\n
   213   2. Double click event.\n
   214   3. Pointer Button Down.\n
   215 */
   216 void CGrid2Win::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
   217 	{
   218 	//
   219 	// Tells GridImg to do the appropriate action on a pointer event
   220 	//
   221     if (aPointerEvent.iType==TPointerEvent::EDrag || aPointerEvent.iType==TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat
   222 		&& !iGridImg->MainRect().Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
   223 		{
   224         Window().RequestPointerRepeatEvent(KGridPointerRepeatDelayInMicroSeconds,KGridRectForPointerRepeats);
   225 		}
   226 	TPointerEvent event=aPointerEvent;
   227 	if (event.iType==TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat)
   228 		event.iType=TPointerEvent::EDrag;
   229 	else if (event.iModifiers&EModifierDoubleClick)
   230 		event.iType=TPointerEvent::EButton1Down;
   232 	if (event.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up)
   233 		iGridImg->FinishLabelDragL();
   234 	else if (event.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
   235 		{
   236 		if (!iGridImg->StartLabelDrag(event.iPosition))
   237 			iGridImg->SetCursorWithPointerL(event.iPosition,0);
   238 		}
   239 	else if (event.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag)
   240 		{
   241 		if (!iGridImg->UpdateLabelDrag(event.iPosition))
   242 			iGridImg->SetCursorWithPointerL(event.iPosition,CGridImg::EIsWithDrag);
   243 		}
   244 	}
   245 /**
   246   Shrinks the Grid. 
   247   The shrinking is achieved by adding value of (1,1) to the top left corner.\n
   248   and subtracting the same coordinates from the bottom right corner of the grid.\n
   249 */
   250 void CGrid2Win::SizeChanged()
   251 	{
   252 	TRect rect(Size());
   253 	rect.Shrink(1,1);
   254 	iGridImg->SetGridRect(rect);
   255 	iGridLay->ResetVisibleToCell();
   256 	}
   257 /**
   258   Draw the cell corresponding to the reference.\n
   259   Calls the DrawCellL function of the CGridImg class.\n
   260 */
   261 void CGrid2Win::DrawCellL(const TCellRef& aCell) const
   262 	{
   263 	iGridImg->DrawCellL(aCell);
   264 	}
   265 /**
   266   Draws the rectangle corresponding to the range.\n
   267   Invokes the DrawRangeL function of the CGridImg class.\n
   268 */
   269 void CGrid2Win::DrawRangeL(const TRangeRef& aRange) const
   270 	{
   271 	iGridImg->DrawRangeL(aRange);
   272 	}
   273 /**
   274   Draws the currently selected region.\n
   275   Invokes the corresponding function of the CGridImg class.\n
   276 */
   277 void CGrid2Win::DrawSelectedL() const
   278 	{
   279 	iGridImg->DrawSelectedL();
   280 	}
   281 /**
   282   @return the cell reference where the cursor is located.\n
   284   Delegates the task to the corresponding function of CGridImg function.\n
   285 */
   286 TCellRef CGrid2Win::CursorPos() const
   287 	{
   288 	return iGridImg->CursorPos();
   289 	}
   290 /**
   291   Sets the cursor position to the cell reference sent as an argument.\n
   292 */
   293 void CGrid2Win::SetCursorPosL(const TCellRef& aCursorPos) const
   294 	{
   295 	iGridImg->SetCursorPosL(aCursorPos);
   296 	}
   297 /**
   298   Scrolls the grid by the minimum necessary to 
   299   allow the specified cell to become visible.\n
   300   The offset to the cell required to be visible is calculated and 
   301   a scroll operation is performed.\n
   302 */
   303 void CGrid2Win::ExposeCellL(const TCellRef& aCell) const
   304 	{
   305 	TPoint offset=iGridLay->ExposeCell(aCell);
   306 	iGridImg->ScrollL(offset);
   307 	}