changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Tests APIs related to CGridImg,CGridLay and MGridTable classes
    15 // for tables with INDEFINITE row boundaries\n
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code
    22 */
    25 #include <f32file.h>
    26 #include <s32file.h>
    28 #include "TCoGridStep.h"
    31 /**
    32   Constructor
    33 */
    34 CTestCoeGridAppUi::CTestCoeGridAppUi(CTmsTestStep* aStep) :
    35 CTestCoeAppUi(aStep)
    36 {}
    38 /**
    39   Destructor
    40 */
    41 CTestCoeGridAppUi::~CTestCoeGridAppUi()
    42 	{
    43 	RemoveFromStack(iGridWin);
    44 	delete iGridWin;
    45     delete iGridImg;
    46     delete iGridLay;
    47 	delete iTestCellImg;
    48 	delete iTestLabelImg;
    49 	delete iGridTable;
    50 	delete iZoomFactor;
    51 	}
    52 /**
    53   Auxiliary Function for T-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL.\n
    54   Handles the following Key Events\n
    55   1. Ctrl+ e - Exits the application\n
    56   2. Ctrl+ t - Toggles the Title Lines\n
    57   3. Ctrl+ r - Resets the grid to its default layout and sets the cursor position to the cell at the top of the window\n
    58   4. Ctrl+ m - Sets the zoom factor \n 
    59   5. Ctrl+ p - Paginates the Grid \n
    60   6. Ctrl+ i - Inserts columns \n
    61   7. Ctrl+ d - Deletes columns \n
    62   8. Ctrl+ c - Changes the grid colour settings\n
    63   9. Shift+m - Sets the zoom factor\n
    65   @return TKeyResponse indicating whether the key event has been handled or not.\n
    67 */
    68 TKeyResponse CTestCoeGridAppUi::HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
    69 	{
    70 	if (aType==EEventKey)
    71         {
    72         if ((aKeyEvent.iModifiers&EAllStdModifiers)==EModifierCtrl)
    73 		    {
    74 		    switch (aKeyEvent.iCode)
    75 			    {
    76 			    case CTRL('e'):
    77 				    SaveL();
    78 				    iCoeEnv->Flush();
    79 				    CBaActiveScheduler::Exit();
    80 				    break;
    81 			    case CTRL('t'):
    82 				    iGridWin->GridLay()->ToggleTitleLinesL();
    83 				    break;
    84 			    case CTRL('r'):
    85 				    iGridWin->GridLay()->SetGridToDefault();
    86 					iUndoColors=EFalse;
    87 					iUndoColors =~iUndoColors;
    88 					ChangeColors(iUndoColors);
    89 				    iGridWin->DrawNow();
    90 				    iGridWin->SetCursorPosL(iGridWin->GridLay()->VisibleRange().iFrom);
    91 				    break;
    92                 case CTRL('m'):
    93 		            {
    94 		            TInt zoomFactor=iZoomFactor->ZoomFactor();
    95 		            zoomFactor=(zoomFactor<(TZoomFactor::EZoomOneToOne*4))
    96 			            ? zoomFactor*2 : TZoomFactor::EZoomOneToOne/4;
    97 		            SetZoomFactorL(zoomFactor);
    98 				    break;
    99 		            }
   100 				case CTRL('p'):
   101 					iGridWin->GridLay()->SetPageSizeInTwipsL
   102 						(TSize(EPageWidthInTwips,EPageHeightInTwips));
   104 					iGridWin->GridLay()->PaginateL();
   105 					iGridWin->DrawNow();
   106 					break;
   107 				case CTRL('c'):
   108 					{
   109 					iUndoColors = ~iUndoColors;
   110 					ChangeColors(iUndoColors);
   111 					iGridWin->DrawNow();
   112 					}
   113 					break;
   114 				case CTRL('i'):
   115 				case CTRL('d'):
   116 					{
   117 					TInt noOfCols=(aKeyEvent.iCode==CTRL('i')) ? 1 : -1;
   118 					iGridLay->InsertDeleteColumns(iGridLay->VisibleRange().iFrom.iCol,
   119 						noOfCols,CGridLay::EAdjustGridRange);
   120 					iGridWin->DrawNow();
   121 					}
   122 					break;
   123 				case CTRL('z'):
   124 					{
   125 					iGridTable->iZeroRows=!iGridTable->iZeroRows;
   126 					iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
   127 					iGridLay->ResetVisibleToCell();
   128 					iGridWin->DrawNow();
   129 					}
   130 					break;
   131                 default:
   132 				    break;
   133 			    }
   134 		    }
   135         else if ((aKeyEvent.iModifiers&EAllStdModifiers)==EModifierShift)
   136             {
   137             switch (User::LowerCase(aKeyEvent.iCode))
   138 	                {
   139                 case 'm':
   140 		            {
   141 		            TInt zoomFactor=iZoomFactor->ZoomFactor();
   142 		            zoomFactor=(zoomFactor>(TZoomFactor::EZoomOneToOne/4))
   143 			            ? zoomFactor/2 : TZoomFactor::EZoomOneToOne*4;
   144 		            SetZoomFactorL(zoomFactor);
   145 		            break;
   146 		            }
   147                 default:
   148                     break;
   149                 }
   150             }
   151         }
   152 	return EKeyWasConsumed;
   153 	}
   154 /**
   155   Second Phase constructor for the CTestCoeGridAppUi class.\n
   156   Gets the current zoom factor.\n
   157   Sets the grid cell settings like font and zoom factor.\n 
   158   Constructs a GridTable. It is an interface providing row and column info.\n
   159   Initializes a GridLay passing the gridtable and null gridimage. \n
   160   The GridLay object is used to handle the layout of a grid,
   161   and controls how columns, rows and selections appear.\n
   162   Initializes a GridImage with gridcell settings which is used to draw cell contents.\n
   163   A Grid Window is formed containing using GridTable,GridLay and GridImage objects.\n
   164   The GridWindow offers handlers to pointer and key events.\n
   165   Sets the current cursor position and activates the Grid Window.\n
   166 */
   167 void CTestCoeGridAppUi::ConstructL()
   168     {
   169     CTestCoeAppUi::ConstructL();
   171 	iUndoColors = EFalse;
   172 	CGraphicsDevice* device=iCoeEnv->ScreenDevice();
   173 	//iCoeEnv->WsSession().SetAutoFlush(ETrue);
   174 	iZoomFactor = new(ELeave) TZoomFactor(device);
   175     User::Heap().Check();
   177 	const CFont* font = iCoeEnv->NormalFont();
   178 	iTestCellImg = new(ELeave) CTestCellImg(font);
   180 	TFontSpec fontSpec(_L("Swiss"),240);
   181 	iTestLabelImg = new(ELeave) CTestLabelImg(fontSpec,iZoomFactor);
   182 	iTestLabelImg->ConstructL();
   183     User::Heap().Check();
   185 	iGridLay = new(ELeave) CGridLay(iZoomFactor);
   186 	iGridImg = CGridImg::NewL(device,iTestCellImg,iGridLay);
   187 	iGridImg->SetGridLabelImg(iTestLabelImg);
   188 	iGridTable = new(ELeave) CTestGridTable();
   189 	iGridLay->ConstructL(iGridTable,iGridImg,ENoCols);
   191 	iGridWin = CGridWin::NewL(NULL,iGridLay,iGridImg);
   192 	AddToStackL(iGridWin);
   194 	//
   195 	iGridWin->SetRect((TRect(10,10,630,230)));
   196 	iGridWin->ActivateL();
   197 	iGridWin->DrawNow();
   198 	//
   199 	iGridLay->SetMinRowHeightInPixels(15);	// If ENoRows is not used, a minRowHeight is recommended
   200 	iGridLay->SetColumnBursting(ETrue);
   201 	iGridLay->SetRowPermanentlySelectedL(ETrue);
   202 	iGridLay->SetColumnSelectionDisabled(ETrue);
   203 	iGridLay->SetCursorVisible(EFalse);
   204 	iGridLay->SetHighlightVisible(EFalse);
   205     iGridLay->SetGridLabelSeparators(EFalse);
   206 	iGridLay->SetAutoClearGridCells(EFalse);
   208 	LoadL();	// Get Persistent data
   209     User::Heap().Check();
   210 	iGridWin->ActivateL();
   211     User::Heap().Check();
   213 	AutoTestManager().StartAutoTest();
   215 	}
   216 /**
   217   Auxiliary function for T-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL.\n
   218   Creates a File Store and returns the pointer.\n
   220   @return FileStore pointer used for storing persistant data.\n 
   222 */
   223 CFileStore* CTestCoeGridAppUi::CreateStoreLC(RFile &aFile)
   224 	{
   225     CFileStore *store=CDirectFileStore::NewLC(aFile);
   226 	TUid uid;
   227 	uid.iUid=TUint32('G'|('R'<<8)|('D'<<16));
   228 	store->SetTypeL(TUidType(KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid,uid));
   229     return(store);
   230 	}
   231 /**
   232   Auxiliary function for T-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL.\n
   233   Loads the GridLay settings and cursor position from dat file TGRID0.DAT.\n
   234 */
   235 void CTestCoeGridAppUi::LoadL()
   236 	{
   237 	RFile file;
   238     TInt err=(file.Open(iCoeEnv->FsSession(),_L("C:\\data\\TCOGRD.DAT"),
   239 		EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly));
   240 	if (err==KErrNotFound || err==KErrPathNotFound)
   241 		return;	// Use default settings
   242 	User::LeaveIfError(err);
   244     CFileStore *store=CDirectFileStore::FromLC(file);
   245 	TStreamId root=store->Root();
   246     RStoreReadStream source;
   247     source.OpenLC(*store,root);
   248 	source >> *(iGridWin->GridLay());
   249 	TCellRef cursorPos;
   250 	source >> cursorPos;
   251 //	TInt visibleFromCol=iGridWin->GridLay()->VisibleRange().iFrom.iCol;
   252 //	iGridWin->SetCursorPosL(TCellRef(cursorPos.iRow,visibleFromCol));
   254 	iGridWin->SetCursorPosL(iGridWin->GridLay()->VisibleRange().iFrom);
   256     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);	// stream+store
   257 	}
   258 /**
   259   Auxiliary function for T-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL.\n
   260   Stores the current grid settings to a Dat File.\n
   261   Saves the current cursor postion.\n
   262 */
   263 void CTestCoeGridAppUi::SaveL()
   264 	{
   265 	RFs fsSession=iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   266 	RFile file;
   267 	TInt err=fsSession.MkDir(_L("C:\\data\\"));
   268 	if (err!=KErrAlreadyExists)
   269 		User::LeaveIfError(err);
   270     User::LeaveIfError(file.Replace(fsSession,_L("C:\\data\\TCOGRD.DAT"),EFileRead|EFileWrite));
   272     CFileStore *store=CreateStoreLC(file);
   273 	RStoreWriteStream source;
   274 	TStreamId root = source.CreateLC(*store);
   275 	source << *(iGridWin->GridLay());
   276 	source << iGridWin->CursorPos();
   277 	store->SetRootL(root);
   278     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
   279 	}
   280 /**
   281   Auxiliary function for T-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL.\n
   282   Sets the zoom factor depending on the argument.\n
   283   To Redraw the grid table again, the procedure followed is as follows\n
   284   Recalculates the internal maps that map row and column numbers to heights and widths respectively.\n
   285   Resets the reference points.\n
   286   The reference points are the mainpoint and the titlepoint.\n
   287   Resets the row and column numbers visible at the bottom, and to the right, of the visible area of the grid.\n
   288 */
   289 void CTestCoeGridAppUi::SetZoomFactorL(TInt aZoomFactor)
   290 	{
   291 	iZoomFactor->SetZoomFactor(aZoomFactor);
   292 	TEST(aZoomFactor == iZoomFactor->ZoomFactor());
   293 	iTestLabelImg->NotifyGraphicsDeviceMapChangeL();
   294 	iGridWin->GridLay()->RecalcPixelSparseMaps();
   295 	iGridWin->GridImg()->ResetReferencePoints();
   296 	iGridWin->GridLay()->ResetVisibleToCell();
   297 	iGridWin->DrawNow();
   298 	}
   300 /**
   301   Auxiliary function for T-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL.\n
   302   Sets the Grid colours depending on the argument.\n
   303   If Reset is enabled, the default colours will be enabled.\n
   304   Foreground to RGB value(0,0,0) , Background to RGB value(255,255,255) and Lines to (170,170,170).\n
   305   If Reset is not enabled, Sets the following combination\n
   306   Forground to Blue, Background to Yellow, Colour of lines to Yellow and Label separators
   307   to Green.\n 
   308 */	
   309 void CTestCoeGridAppUi::ChangeColors(TBool aReset)
   310 	{
   311 	if (aReset)
   312 		{
   313 		TGridColors gridColors;
   314 		iGridLay->SetGridColors(gridColors);
   315 		}
   316 	else
   317 		{
   318 		TGridColors newGridColors(KRgbBlue, KRgbYellow, KRgbRed, KRgbGreen);
   319 		iGridLay->SetGridColors(newGridColors);
   320 		}
   321 	iUndoColors = aReset;
   322 	}
   323 /**
   324    @SYMTestCaseID UIF-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL
   326    @SYMPREQ 
   328    @SYMTestCaseDesc
   329    Tests different functionalities of Grid Window
   331    @SYMTestPriority High
   333    @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   335    @SYMTestActions \n
   336    The following tests are performed \n
   337    1. Setting grid with its default settings.\n
   338    2. Simulating right arrow key event.\n
   339    3. Simulating down arrow key event.\n
   340    4. Change Color Settings. \n
   341    5. Setting zoom in factor. \n
   342    6. Setting zoom out factor.\n
   343    7. Toggle Title Lines. \n
   344    8. Scroll Right.\n
   345    9. Scroll Left.\n
   346    7. Paginate the Grid. \n
   349    @SYMTestExpectedResults  The test pass if the events are handled without exceptions / panic / crashes\n
   351  */
   352 void CTestCoeGridAppUi::RunTestStepL(TInt aNumStep)
   353 	{
   354 	TKeyEvent theKeyEvent;
   355 	Mem::FillZ(&theKeyEvent, sizeof(TKeyEvent));
   356 	TEventCode theType=EEventKey;
   359 	User::After(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(1000000));
   361 	switch(aNumStep)
   362 		{
   363 		case 1:
   364 		SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-CoGridStep-RunTestStepL"));
   365 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers = EModifierCtrl;
   366 		theKeyEvent.iCode=CTRL('r');
   367 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Set grid to default"));
   368 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   369 		break;
   370 		case 2: case 3: case 4:
   371 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Move cursor right"));
   372 		theKeyEvent.iCode = EKeyRightArrow;
   373 		iGridWin->OfferKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   374 		break;
   375 		case 5: case 6: 
   376 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Move cursor down"));
   377 		theKeyEvent.iCode = EKeyDownArrow;
   378 		iGridWin->OfferKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   379 		break;
   380 		case 7: case 8: 
   381 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Change color"));
   382 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   383 		theKeyEvent.iCode = CTRL('c');
   384 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   385 		break;
   386 		case 9: case 10:
   387 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Zoom in"));
   388 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   389 		theKeyEvent.iCode = CTRL('m');
   390 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   391 		break;
   392 		case 11: case 12:
   393 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Zoom out"));
   394 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierShift;
   395 		theKeyEvent.iCode = 'm';
   396 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   397 		break;
   398 		case 13: 
   399 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Toggle title lines"));
   400 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   401 		theKeyEvent.iCode = CTRL('t');
   402 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   403 		break;
   404 		case 14: 
   405 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Scroll right"));
   406 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   407 		theKeyEvent.iCode = EKeyRightArrow;
   408 		iGridWin->OfferKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   409 		break;
   410 		case 15: 
   411 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Scroll left"));
   412 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   413 		theKeyEvent.iCode = EKeyLeftArrow;
   414 		iGridWin->OfferKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   415 		break;
   416 		case 16: 
   417 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Toggle title lines"));
   418 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   419 		theKeyEvent.iCode = CTRL('t');
   420 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   421 		break;
   422 		case 17: 
   423 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Paginate"));
   424 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   425 		theKeyEvent.iCode = CTRL('p');
   426 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   427 		break;
   428 		case 18: 
   429 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Set grid to default"));
   430 		theKeyEvent.iModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
   431 		theKeyEvent.iCode = CTRL('r');
   432 		HandleKeyEventL(theKeyEvent,theType);
   433 		RecordTestResultL();
   434 		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
   435 		break;
   436 		case 19: 
   437 		    SaveL();
   438 		    iCoeEnv->Flush();
   439 			AutoTestManager().FinishAllTestCases(CAutoTestManager::EPass);
   440 		break;
   442 		}
   443 	}
   445 /**
   446   Constructs the CTCoGrid Test application.\n
   447   Initializes the AppUi object.\n
   448   Sets the AppUi object as the default AppUi for the application.\n
   450 */
   451 void CTCoGridStep::ConstructAppL(CCoeEnv* aCoe)
   452 	{ // runs inside a TRAP harness
   453 	aCoe->ConstructL();
   454 	CTestCoeGridAppUi* appUi=new(ELeave) CTestCoeGridAppUi(this);
   455 	appUi->ConstructL();
   456 	aCoe->SetAppUi(appUi);
   457 	}
   460 CTCoGridStep::~CTCoGridStep()
   461 /**
   462    Destructor
   463  */
   464 	{
   465 	}
   467 CTCoGridStep::CTCoGridStep()
   468 /**
   469    Constructor
   470  */
   471 	{
   472 	// Call base class method to set up the human readable name for logging
   473 	SetTestStepName(KTCoGridStep);
   474 	}
   475 /**
   476   Entry Function for the CTCoGrid Test Step.\n
   477   Initializes a control environment for the application.\n
   478   Starts the application.\n
   480   @return  : Test execution results indicating whether the test step has passed or failed.\n
   482 */
   483 TVerdict CTCoGridStep::doTestStepL()
   484 	{
   485 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Started"));
   487 	PreallocateHALBuffer();
   489 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   491 	CCoeEnv* coe=new(ELeave) CCoeEnv;
   492 	TRAPD(err,ConstructAppL(coe));
   493 	if (!err)
   494 		coe->ExecuteD();
   495 	else
   496 		{
   497 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   498 		delete coe;
   499 		}
   501 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   503 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Finished"));
   504 	return TestStepResult();
   505 	}