changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include <apaidpartner.h>
    18 #include <vwsdefpartner.h>
    19 #endif
    20 #include <coeaui.h>
    21 #include <coecntrl.h>
    22 #include "coepanic.h"
    23 #include <coemain.h>
    24 #include <apgtask.h>
    25 #include "COETLS.H"
    26 #include "COEVWMAN.H"
    30 const TInt KAppUiControlStackGroupId=0;
    32 //
    33 // class CCoeControlStack
    34 //
    36 struct SStackedControl
    37 	{
    38 	CCoeControl* iControl;
    39 	TInt iPriority;
    40 	TInt iFlags;
    41 	TInt iGroupId;
    42 	};
    44 class CCoeControlStack : public CArrayFixFlat<SStackedControl>
    45 	{
    46 public:
    47 	inline CCoeControlStack() : CArrayFixFlat<SStackedControl>(2) { } // granularity of two
    48 	TKeyResponse OfferKeyL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
    49 	inline void SetCurrentGroupId(TInt aGroupId) { iCurrentGroupId=aGroupId; };
    50 	TBool IsGroupIdCurrent(TInt aGroupId) const;
    51 public:
    52 	TInt iKeyIndex;
    53 	TInt iCurrentGroupId;
    54 	};
    56 TBool CCoeControlStack::IsGroupIdCurrent(TInt aGroupId) const
    57 	{
    58 	return (aGroupId==KAppUiControlStackGroupId || aGroupId==iCurrentGroupId);
    59 	}
    61 TKeyResponse CCoeControlStack::OfferKeyL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
    62 	{
    63 	iKeyIndex=0;
    64 	while (iKeyIndex<Count())
    65 		{ // both iKeyIndex and Count() can be changed inside OfferKeyEventL call below
    66 		SStackedControl& stacked=(*this)[iKeyIndex++];
    67 		if (stacked.iFlags&ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys)
    68 			continue;
    69 		if ( !IsGroupIdCurrent(stacked.iGroupId) )
    70 			continue;
    71 		const TInt oldKeyIndex=iKeyIndex;
    72 		const TInt oldCount=Count();
    73 		const TKeyResponse keyResponse=stacked.iControl->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
    74 		if (Count()==oldCount)
    75 			iKeyIndex=oldKeyIndex; // doing this means that CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL implementations can be nested inside one another (which would happen if a control calls CCoeEnv::SimulateKeyEventL from it's OfferKeyEventL)
    76 		if (keyResponse==EKeyWasConsumed)
    77 			return(EKeyWasConsumed);
    78 		}
    79 	return(EKeyWasNotConsumed);
    80 	}
    83 //
    84 // CCoeAppUi::CExtra class definition
    85 //
    87 class CCoeAppUi::CExtra : public CBase
    88 	{
    89 public:
    90 	CCoeAppUi* iOuter; // this pointer does not own anything
    91 	CCoeAppUi* iInner; // this pointer does not own anything
    92 	};
    94 //
    95 // CCoeAppUi class definitions
    96 //
    98 /** C++ constructor. 
   100 To complete construction, call ConstructL(). */
   101 EXPORT_C CCoeAppUi::CCoeAppUi()
   102 	{
   103 	iCoeEnv=TheCoe();
   104 	}
   106 /** The destructor frees all resources owned by the object, 
   107 including the control stack and the view server session. */
   108 EXPORT_C CCoeAppUi::~CCoeAppUi()
   109 	{
   110 	if (iStack)
   111  		{
   112 		TInt pos=0;
   113 		const TInt count=iStack->Count();
   114 		CCoeControlStack* stack=iStack;
   115 		iStack=NULL;
   116 		while (pos<count)
   117 			{
   118 			SStackedControl& stacked=(*stack)[pos++];
   119 			if (stacked.iFlags&ECoeStackFlagOwnershipTransfered)
   120 				{
   121 				if (iExtra!=NULL)
   122 					{
   124 					// we do not need to remove stacked.iControl from outer appUI-s as controls owned by an appUI (which, by this stage, we know is true of stacked.iControl) are *not* propagated to outer appUIs by AddToStackL
   125 					__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iExtra->iInner==NULL, Panic(ECoePanicInnerAppUiNotNull1));
   126 #else
   127 					CCoeAppUi* appUi;
   128 					for (appUi=iExtra->iOuter; appUi!=NULL; appUi=appUi->iExtra->iOuter)
   129 						{
   130 						appUi->DoRemoveFromStack(appUi->iStack,stacked.iControl,ERemoveOnlyIfSharable);
   131 						}
   132 					for (appUi=iExtra->iInner; appUi!=NULL; appUi=appUi->iExtra->iInner)
   133 						{
   134 						appUi->DoRemoveFromStack(appUi->iStack,stacked.iControl,ERemoveOnlyIfSharable);
   135 						}
   136 #endif
   137 					}
   138 				delete(stacked.iControl);
   139 				}
   140 			}
   141 		delete(stack);
   142 		}
   143 	if (iExtra!=NULL)
   144 		{
   145 		CCoeAppUi* outer=iExtra->iOuter;
   146 		CCoeAppUi* inner=iExtra->iInner;
   147 		if (outer!=NULL)
   148 			{
   149 			outer->iExtra->iInner=inner;
   150 			}
   152 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(inner==NULL, Panic(ECoePanicInnerAppUiNotNull2));
   153 #else
   154 		if (inner!=NULL)
   155 			{
   156 			inner->iExtra->iOuter=outer;
   157 			}
   158 #endif
   159 		}
   161 	delete iViewManager;
   162 	delete iExtra;
   163 	}
   165 /** Completes construction of the CCoeAppUi object.
   167 It creates the application's control stack and starts a view server session.
   169 @param aPrevious If non-NULL, ConstructL() transfers ownership of all of the 
   170 controls owned by aPrevious to the new app UI being constructed, adding them 
   171 to the new app UI's control stack. */
   172 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::ConstructL(CCoeAppUi* aPrevious)
   173 	{
   174 	iStack=new(ELeave) CCoeControlStack;
   175 	iViewManager=CCoeViewManager::NewL(*iCoeEnv,*this,aPrevious);
   176 	iExtra=new(ELeave) CExtra;
   177 	iExtra->iOuter=aPrevious;
   178 	if (!aPrevious)
   179 		return;
   180 	aPrevious->iExtra->iInner=this;
   181 	CCoeControlStack* previousStack=aPrevious->iStack;
   182 	TInt pos=0;
   183 	const TInt count=previousStack->Count();
   184 	while (pos<count)
   185 		{
   186 		SStackedControl stacked=(*previousStack)[pos++];
   187 		if (!(stacked.iFlags&ECoeStackFlagSharable))
   188 			continue;
   189 		stacked.iFlags&=(~ECoeStackFlagOwnershipTransfered);
   190 		iStack->AppendL(stacked);
   191 		}
   192 	}
   194 /** Handles events sent to the application by the window server. 
   196 This function is called whenever the window server sends key or pointer events 
   197 or some other special events to the application. It calls one of a number of 
   198 functions, according to the type of event.
   200 For key events, it calls CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL() for each control 
   201 on the control stack, beginning with the control at the top (position 0) until 
   202 a control consumes it. If no control on the stack consumes the key event, the app UI's  
   203 HandleKeyEventL() is called. Note that CCoeControl::OfferKeyEventL() is not 
   204 called for controls whose ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys flag is set.
   206 For pointer events, CCoeControl::ProcessPointerEventL() is called 
   207 on the control specified in aDestination.
   209 For pointer buffer ready events, ProcessPointerBufferReadyL() is called 
   210 on the control specified in aDestination.
   212 For other events, for instance focus change events, this function 
   213 calls one of the following CCoeAppUi private virtual functions: 
   215 - HandleForegroundEventL()
   216 - HandleSwitchOnEventL()
   217 - HandleSystemEventL()
   218 - HandleScreenDeviceChangedL()
   219 - HandleApplicationSpecificEventL(). 
   221 All these functions have empty implementations in this class, and are implemented by 
   222 derived classes, if required.
   224 @param aEvent A window server event.
   225 @param aDestination The control associated with the event. This is only relevant 
   226 for pointer events.
   227 @see CCoeAppUi::HandleWsEventL() */
   228 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent,CCoeControl* aDestination)
   229 	{
   230 	TInt type=aEvent.Type();
   231 	switch (type)
   232 		{
   233 	case EEventKey:
   234 	case EEventKeyUp:
   235 	case EEventKeyDown:
   236 		if (iStack->OfferKeyL(*aEvent.Key(),(TEventCode)type)==EKeyWasNotConsumed)
   237 			HandleKeyEventL(*aEvent.Key(),(TEventCode)type);
   238 		break;
   239 	case EEventPointer:
   240 		aDestination->ProcessPointerEventL(*aEvent.Pointer());
   241 		break;
   242 	case EEventPointerBufferReady:
   243 		aDestination->ProcessPointerBufferReadyL();
   244 		break;
   245 	case EEventFocusLost:
   246 	case EEventFocusGained:
   247 		{
   248 		TBool foreground=(type==EEventFocusGained);
   249 		if (foreground)
   250 			{
   251 			iCoeEnv->NotifyForegroundObserversOfGainingForeground();
   252 			}
   253 		else
   254 			{
   255 			iCoeEnv->NotifyForegroundObserversOfLosingForeground();
   256 			}
   257 		CCoeControl* topFocusable=TopFocusableControl();
   258 		HandleForegroundEventL(foreground);
   259 		if (!topFocusable)
   260 			SetAndDrawFocus(foreground);
   261 		else if(IsControlOnStack(topFocusable))
   262 			{
   263 			TBool isFocused=topFocusable->IsFocused();
   264 			if ((foreground && !isFocused) || (!foreground && isFocused))
   265 				topFocusable->SetFocus(foreground,EDrawNow);
   266 			}
   267 		break;
   268 		}
   269 	case EEventSwitchOn:
   270 		HandleSwitchOnEventL(aDestination);
   271 		break;
   272 	case EEventUser:
   273 		{
   274 		TApaSystemEvent data(*(TApaSystemEvent*)(aEvent.EventData()));
   275 		// EApaSystemEventSecureShutdown must be sent with event-type EEventPowerMgmt to be valid
   276 		if(data<KApaSystemEventsWithPowerMgmtCapabilityStart || data>KApaSystemEventsWithPowerMgmtCapabilityEnd)
   277 			HandleSystemEventL(aEvent);
   278 		break;
   279 		}
   280 	case EEventPowerMgmt:
   281 		HandleSystemEventL(aEvent);
   282 		break;
   283 	case EEventMessageReady:
   284 		{
   285 		TUid messageUid;
   286 		TPtr8 messageParameters(NULL, 0, 0);
   287 		iCoeEnv->GetMessageNotifyingObserversLC(aEvent.Handle(), messageUid, messageParameters, aEvent);
   288 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // stuff left on cleanup-stack by GetMessageNotifyingObserversLC
   289 		}
   290 		break;
   291 	case EEventScreenDeviceChanged:
   292 		HandleScreenDeviceChangedL();
   293 		break;
   295 	default:
   296 		if (type>EEventUser)
   297 			{
   298 			HandleApplicationSpecificEventL(type,aEvent);
   299 			iCoeEnv->NotifyResourceObserversOfChangeInResource();
   300 			}
   301 		break;
   302 		}
   303 	}
   305 /**Monitor function for passing all windows events to registered monitor observers for optional inspection
   306 @param aEvent The windows server event that has occured
   307 */
   308 void CCoeAppUi::MonitorWsEvent(const TWsEvent& aEvent)
   309 	{
   310 	iCoeEnv->NotifyMessageMonitorObserversOfEvent(aEvent);
   311 	}
   313 /** Handles key events. 
   315 This function is called by HandleWsEventL() if a key event occurred but 
   316 none of the controls in the app UI's control stack consumed it.
   318 Key events are sent to the application by the window server. A key press generates 
   319 three separate key events in the order EEventKeyDown, EEventKey, and EEventKeyUp. 
   320 Controls and app UIs are usually only interested in EEventKey events. 
   322 This default implementation simply returns EKeyWasNotConsumed. It may need to be 
   323 overridden if the derived app UI needs to handle certain key events itself. For 
   324 example, in some applications, arrow keys may be used to navigate between views. 
   325 In this case, the app UI should override this function to consume the arrow keys.
   327 @param aKeyEvent The key event details, including the key code and any modifiers.
   328 @param aType The type of key event, for instance standard, key up or key down.
   329 @return This indicates whether or not the key event was consumed by the app UI. 
   331 @publishedAll 
   332 @released */
   333 EXPORT_C TKeyResponse CCoeAppUi::HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/,TEventCode /*aType*/)
   334 	{
   335 	return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   336 	}
   339 /** Handles changes in keyboard focus when the application is brought to the 
   340 foreground, or put into the background.
   342 This function is called from HandleWsEventL() when an EEventFocusLost or 
   343 EEventFocusGained event occurs.
   345 This default implementation is empty.
   347 @param aForeground ETrue if the application is being brought to the 
   348 foreground, EFalse if it is being put into the background. */
   349 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool /*aForeground*/)
   350 	{
   351 	}
   354 /** Handles the special switch on event.
   356 This function is called by HandleWsEventL() if the device is switched on. 
   357 This default implementation is empty.
   359 @param aDestination The control associated with the event. */
   360 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleSwitchOnEventL(CCoeControl* /*aDestination*/)
   361 	{
   362 	}
   365 /** Handles system events generated by the window server.
   367 This method should be overridden by the UI layer like @c CEikAppUi but not by individual applications. 
   368 Application events (has a positive value greater than EEventUser) will be sent to 
   369 @c HandleApplicationSpecificEventL.
   371 Unrecognized events should be forwarded to the base class.
   373 @param aEvent The window server event that occurred. */
   374 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleSystemEventL(const TWsEvent& /*aEvent*/)
   375 	{
   376 	}
   378 /** Handles an application-specific event.
   380 This function is called from HandleWsEventL() when the app UI receives a window 
   381 server event that is not in the standard range (in other words, it has a positive value 
   382 greater than EEventUser). 
   384 This default implementation is empty.
   386 @param aType The application-specific event value, greater than EEventUser.
   387 @param aEvent The window server event that occurred. */
   388 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleApplicationSpecificEventL(TInt /*aType*/,const TWsEvent& /*aEvent*/)
   389 	{
   390 	}
   392 /** Handles a change to the application's run-time resources for all controls on 
   393 the app UI's control stack.
   395 These are resources which are shared across the environment, such as colours, fonts or ZoomFactor.
   397 @param aType Specifies a resource type. */
   398 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleStackedControlsResourceChange(TInt aType)
   399 	{
   400 	TInt count=iStack->Count();
   401 	for(TInt i=0;i<count;i++)
   402 		{
   403 		CCoeControl* control = (*iStack)[i].iControl;
   404 		if (control && control->DrawableWindow())
   405 			{
   406 			if(aType == KUidValueCoeZoomChangeEvent)
   407 				{
   408 				TRAP_IGNORE(control->SetZoomFactorL(iCoeEnv->ZoomFactor().ZoomFactor()));//this method calls CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange()
   409 				}
   410 			else
   411 				{
   412 				control->HandleResourceChange(aType);	
   413 				}
   414 			}
   416 		// There is a possibility that HandleResourceChange modifies the 
   417 		// number of controls on the stack (by adding or removing controls)
   418 		TInt newCount = iStack->Count();
   419 		if (newCount != count)
   420 			{
   421 			// We must make sure that we update i to ensure that we don't skip
   422 			// any control on the stack
   423 			// 1) If controls have been added then we assume that they already use the correct resources
   424 			//    so there isn't any need to update i no matter at which position they have been inserted
   425 			//    (there is a risk we update them unnecessarily but this shouldn't be a problem)
   426 			// 2) If controls have been removed we need to update i because they could have been removed 
   427 			//    at a position <= i in which case we would skip a few controls if we didn't update i
   428 			//    (as before there is a risk we update some controls twice if the removed controls were
   429 			//    at a position > i).
   430 			i = Max(-1, i + Min(0, newCount - count));   
   431 			count = newCount;
   432 			}
   433 		}
   434 	}
   436 //
   437 // Returns ETrue if aControl is present on this appUi's control stack
   438 //
   439 TBool CCoeAppUi::IsControlOnStack(CCoeControl* aControl) const
   440 	{
   441 	const TInt pos=(iStack? FindPos(iStack,aControl) : KErrNotFound);
   442 	return (pos!=KErrNotFound);
   443 	}
   445 //
   446 // Sets the current control stack group id to aGroupId. Only if a stacked control is part of the 
   447 // current group does it play a part in the normal operation of the control stack.
   448 //
   449 // @since App-Framework_6.1
   450 //
   451 void CCoeAppUi::SetCurrentControlStackGroupId(TInt aGroupId)
   452 	{
   453 	iStack->SetCurrentGroupId(aGroupId);
   454 	}
   457 void CCoeAppUi::NotifyFontChange(const CCoeFontProvider& aFontProvider) 
   458     { 
   459     const CCoeFontProvider* fontProvider = &aFontProvider; 
   461     if(fontProvider == &iCoeEnv->DefaultFontProvider()) 
   462             fontProvider = NULL; 
   464     const TInt count = iStack->Count(); 
   465     for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++) 
   466         { 
   467         CCoeControl* control = (*iStack)[i].iControl; 
   468         if (control && control->DrawableWindow()) 
   469             { 
   470             control->HandleResourceChange(KUidValueCoeFontChangeEvent); 
   471             control->NotifyFontChange(fontProvider); 
   472             } 
   473         } 
   474     } 
   476 /** Notify all CCoeFontProvider's that the global logical-to-pixel mapping has changed in 
   477 	CCoeControlStaticSettings
   479 	@internalTechnology
   480 */
   481 void CCoeAppUi::RefetchPixelMappingL()
   482 	{
   483 	const TInt count = iStack->Count(); 
   484     for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++) 
   485         { 
   486         CCoeControl* control = (*iStack)[i].iControl; 
   487         if (control && control->DrawableWindow()) 
   488             { 
   489             control->RefetchPixelMappingL(); 
   490             control->HandleResourceChange(KUidValueCoeFontChangeEvent);
   491     		control->RequestRelayout(NULL);
   492             } 
   493         } 	
   494 	}
   496 /** Returns a list of help contexts appropriate to the current state of the application.
   498 The array is generated from the help contexts for all visible controls on the app UI's 
   499 control stack, and from the app UI itself (via CCoeAppUi::HelpContextL()).
   501 @return A list of pointers to relevant help contexts. */
   502 EXPORT_C CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* CCoeAppUi::AppHelpContextL() const
   503 	{
   504 	CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* contexts=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>(1);
   505 	CleanupStack::PushL(contexts);
   506 	// walk the control stack for active contexts
   507 	TInt count=iStack->Count();
   508 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
   509 		{
   510 		SStackedControl stacked=(*iStack)[ii];
   511 		if ( !(iStack->IsGroupIdCurrent(stacked.iGroupId)) )
   512 			continue;
   513 		CCoeControl* ctrl=stacked.iControl;
   514 		if (ctrl->IsVisible())
   515 			{
   516 			TCoeHelpContext help;
   517 			ctrl->GetHelpContext(help);
   518 			if (!help.IsNull())
   519 				contexts->AppendL(help);
   520 			}
   521 		}
   522 	// ...then get any from the appui
   523 	CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* appContexts=HelpContextL();
   524 	if (appContexts)
   525 		{
   526 		CleanupStack::PushL(appContexts);
   527 		count=appContexts->Count();
   528 		for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
   529 			contexts->AppendL((*appContexts)[ii]);
   530 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // appContexts
   531 		}
   532 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // contexts
   533 	return contexts;
   534 	}
   537 /** Sets the keyboard focus of a control and draws it.
   539 This is called by HandleWsEventL() when it receives a focus change event 
   540 and can also be called when a new control is moved to the top of the control 
   541 stack.
   543 This default implementation is empty. It is intended that an implementation 
   544 should set the value of a focus flag within the control to the value given by 
   545 aFocus. This flag indicates whether or not the control has keyboard focus. 
   546 The function should then draw or change the appearance of the control to indicate 
   547 whether or not it has focus.
   549 @param aFocus ETrue sets the control as having keyboard focus. EFalse sets 
   550 the control as not having keyboard focus. */
   551 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetAndDrawFocus(TBool /*aFocus*/)
   552 	{
   553 	}
   556 /** Gets a list of help contexts for the app UI.
   558 This default implementation returns NULL.
   560 @return The array of help contexts. 
   562 @publishedAll
   563 @released  */
   564 EXPORT_C CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* CCoeAppUi::HelpContextL() const
   565 	{
   566 	return NULL;
   567 	}
   569 /** Inserts a control into the app UI's control stack.
   571 Use the other AddToStackL() overload if the app UI uses multiple views.
   573 @param aControl The control to add to the stack.
   574 @param aPriority An optional control stack priority. The default value is 
   575 ECoeStackPriorityDefault. Higher priority controls are offered key events before lower 
   576 priority controls.
   577 @param aStackingFlags The control's event handling behaviour. 
   578 The possible values are defined in coeaui.h, beginning with ECoeStackFlagStandard. */
   579 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::AddToStackL(CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aPriority,TInt aStackingFlags)
   580 	{
   581 	DoAddToStackL(iStack,aControl,aPriority,aStackingFlags);
   582 	if (aStackingFlags&ECoeStackFlagSharable)
   583 		{
   584 		const TBool ownershipTransfered=(aStackingFlags&ECoeStackFlagOwnershipTransfered);
   585 		aStackingFlags&=(~ECoeStackFlagOwnershipTransfered);
   587 		if (!ownershipTransfered)
   588 #endif
   589 			{
   590 			for (CCoeAppUi* appUi=iExtra->iOuter; appUi!=NULL; appUi=appUi->iExtra->iOuter)
   591 				{
   592 				appUi->DoAddToStackL(appUi->iStack,aControl,aPriority,aStackingFlags);
   593 				}
   594 			}
   596 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iExtra->iInner==NULL, Panic(ECoePanicInnerAppUiNotNull3));
   597 #else
   598 		for (CCoeAppUi* appUi=iExtra->iInner; appUi!=NULL; appUi=appUi->iExtra->iInner)
   599 			{
   600 			appUi->DoAddToStackL(appUi->iStack,aControl,aPriority,aStackingFlags);
   601 			}
   602 #endif
   603 		}
   604 	}
   606 /** Removes a control from the app UI's control stack.
   608 This function also handles any focus changes that may occur.
   610 @param aControl The control to remove from the stack. */
   611 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RemoveFromStack(CCoeControl* aControl)
   612 	{
   613 	DoRemoveFromStack(iStack,aControl);
   614 	CCoeAppUi* appUi;
   615 	if (iExtra)
   616 		{
   617 		for (appUi=iExtra->iOuter; appUi!=NULL; appUi=appUi->iExtra->iOuter)
   618 			{
   619 			appUi->DoRemoveFromStack(appUi->iStack,aControl,ERemoveUnconditionally);
   620 			}
   622 		for (appUi=iExtra->iInner; appUi!=NULL; appUi=appUi->iExtra->iInner)
   623 			{
   624 			appUi->DoRemoveFromStack(appUi->iStack,aControl,ERemoveUnconditionally);
   625 			}
   626 #endif
   627 		}
   628 	}
   630 /** Handles changes to the control stack.
   632 This function ensures that the focusable control with the highest priority 
   633 on the control stack has keyboard focus.
   635 It may need to be called when a control's flag values are modified, by calling 
   636 UpdateStackedControlFlags(). It is called automatically when a control is added 
   637 to or removed from the stack. */
   638 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleStackChanged()
   639 	{
   640 	CCoeControl* toFocus=TopFocusableControl();
   641 	CCoeControl* focused=TopFocusedControl();
   642 	if (toFocus!=focused)
   643 		{
   644 		SetFocusToControl(focused,EFalse);
   645 		SetFocusToControl(toFocus,ETrue);
   646 		}
   647 	else if (!toFocus)
   648 		SetAndDrawFocus(ETrue);
   649 	}
   651 /** Tests whether the application is displaying a control between the given control 
   652 stack priorities. 
   654 @param aLowerPriority Lower bound.
   655 @param aHigherPriority Upper bound.
   656 @return ETrue if the application is currently displaying a control 
   657 which has a control stack priority between (but not including) 
   658 aLowerPriority and aHigherPriority. EFalse if not. */
   659 EXPORT_C TBool CCoeAppUi::IsDisplayingControlBetweenPriorities(TInt aLowerPriority, TInt aHigherPriority) const
   660 	{
   661 	TBool ret=EFalse;
   662 	const TInt count=iStack->Count();
   663 	for (TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
   664 		{
   665 		SStackedControl sC=(*iStack)[ii];
   666 		if ( !(iStack->IsGroupIdCurrent(sC.iGroupId)) )
   667 			continue;
   668 		if (sC.iPriority>aLowerPriority && sC.iPriority<aHigherPriority)
   669 			{
   670 			if (sC.iControl->IsVisible())
   671 				{
   672 				ret=ETrue;
   673 				break;
   674 				}
   675 			}
   676 		}
   677 	return ret;
   678 	}
   680 /** Tests whether the application is displaying a menu bar or dialog.
   682 @return ETrue if the application is currently displaying a menu bar or a dialog. 
   683 EFalse if not. */
   684 EXPORT_C TBool CCoeAppUi::IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog() const
   685 	{
   686 	return IsDisplayingControlBetweenPriorities(ECoeStackPriorityMenu-1, ECoeStackPriorityCba) ||
   687 		   IsDisplayingControlBetweenPriorities(ECoeStackPriorityCba, ECoeStackPriorityAlert+1);
   688 	}
   690 /** Tests whether the application is displaying a dialog.
   692 @return ETrue if the application is currently displaying a dialog. 
   693 EFalse if not. */
   694 EXPORT_C TBool CCoeAppUi::IsDisplayingDialog() const
   695 	{
   696 	return IsDisplayingControlBetweenPriorities(ECoeStackPriorityDialog-1, ECoeStackPriorityCba) ||
   697 		   IsDisplayingControlBetweenPriorities(ECoeStackPriorityCba, ECoeStackPriorityAlert+1);
   698 	}
   700 /** Returns the input capabilities of the control with focus.
   702 Classes that override CCoeAppUi::HandleKeyEventL() should also override this 
   703 virtual function. The TCoeInputCapabilities object returned should have 
   704 attributes that match the behaviour of the HandleKeyEventL() function. 
   706 Overriding app UIs should do a base-call and "merge" 
   707 the returned input capabilities with its own input capabilities. If the overriding 
   708 InputCapabilities() function needs to get the input capabilities of any top-level 
   709 control, it should do so by calling CCoeControl::RecursivelyMergedInputCapabilities() 
   710 on that control.
   712 @return The types of input which can be consumed by the focussed control. */
   713 EXPORT_C TCoeInputCapabilities CCoeAppUi::InputCapabilities() const
   714 	{
   715 	// this only traverses the top focused control and its component-controls - should it go down the control-stack?
   716 	TCoeInputCapabilities inputCapabilities(TCoeInputCapabilities::ENone);
   717 	CCoeControl* topFocusedControl=TopFocusedControl();
   718 	if (topFocusedControl!=NULL)
   719 		{
   720 		topFocusedControl->RecursivelyMergeInputCapabilities(inputCapabilities);
   721 		}
   722 	return inputCapabilities;
   723 	}
   725 void CCoeAppUi::SetFocusToControl(CCoeControl* aControl,TBool aFocus)
   726 	{
   727 	if (aControl)
   728 		aControl->SetFocus(aFocus,EDrawNow);
   729 	else
   730 		SetAndDrawFocus(aFocus);
   731 	}
   733 /** Returns the top control of this appui which currently has the focus.
   735 @return Returns the top control of this AppUi which currently has the focus. If none of the 
   736 controls has focus it returns NULL.
   738 @internalTechnology */
   739 EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CCoeAppUi::TopFocusedControl() const
   740 	{
   741 	if (iStack)
   742 		{
   743 		TInt pos=0;
   744 		const TInt count=iStack->Count();
   745 		while (pos<count)
   746 			{
   747 			SStackedControl stacked=(*iStack)[pos++];
   748 			if ( !(iStack->IsGroupIdCurrent(stacked.iGroupId)) )
   749 				continue;
   750 			CCoeControl* const control=stacked.iControl;
   751 			if (control->IsFocused())
   752 				return(control);
   753 			}
   754 		}
   756 	return(NULL);
   757 	}
   759 CCoeControl* CCoeAppUi::TopFocusableControl() const
   760 	{
   761 	TInt pos=0;
   762 	const TInt count=iStack->Count();
   763 	while (pos<count)
   764 		{
   765 		SStackedControl& stacked=(*iStack)[pos++];
   766 		if ( !(iStack->IsGroupIdCurrent(stacked.iGroupId)) )
   767 			continue;
   768 		if (!(stacked.iFlags&ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus))
   769 			return(stacked.iControl);
   770 		}
   772 	return(NULL);
   773 	}
   775 TInt CCoeAppUi::FindPos(CCoeControlStack* aStack,CCoeControl* aControl) const
   776 	{
   777 	TInt pos=0;
   778 	const TInt count=aStack->Count();
   779 	FOREVER
   780 		{
   781 		if (pos==count)
   782 			return(KErrNotFound);
   783 		if ((*aStack)[pos].iControl==aControl)
   784 			break;
   785 		pos++;
   786 		}
   787 	return(pos);
   788 	}
   790 /** Updates the flag values for a control on the control stack.
   792 The mask defines which flags are modified, while aFlags defines the values they 
   793 are set to.
   795 @param aControl The control to update.
   796 @param aFlags Contains the required value for each of the flag bits whose bit 
   797 is set in aMask.
   798 @param aMask Contains a set bit for each flag bit to modify.
   799 @panic CONE 4 The specified control is not on the stack. */
   800 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::UpdateStackedControlFlags(CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aFlags,TInt aMask)
   801 	{
   802 	DoUpdateStackedControlFlags(iStack,aControl,aFlags,aMask);
   803 	}
   805 void CCoeAppUi::DoAddToStackL(CCoeControlStack* aStack,CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aPriority,TInt aStackingFlags)
   806 	{
   807 	if (IsControlOnStack(aControl))
   808 		return;
   810 	DoAddToStackL(aStack,aControl,aPriority,aStackingFlags,KAppUiControlStackGroupId);
   811 	}
   813 void CCoeAppUi::DoAddToStackL(CCoeControlStack* aStack,CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aPriority,TInt aStackingFlags,TInt aGroupId)
   814 	{
   815 	SStackedControl newStacked;
   816 	newStacked.iControl=aControl;
   817 	newStacked.iPriority=aPriority;
   818 	newStacked.iFlags=aStackingFlags;
   819 	newStacked.iGroupId=aGroupId;
   820 	TInt pos=0;
   821 	const TInt count=aStack->Count();
   822 	while (pos<count)
   823 		{
   824 		if (aPriority>=(*aStack)[pos].iPriority)
   825 			break;
   826 		pos++;
   827 		}
   828 	aStack->InsertL(pos,newStacked);
   829 	if (pos<aStack->iKeyIndex)
   830 		aStack->iKeyIndex++;
   831 	HandleStackChanged();
   832 	}
   834 void CCoeAppUi::DoRemoveFromStack(CCoeControlStack* aStack,CCoeControl* aControl,TRemoveCondition aRemoveCondition)
   835 	{
   836 	if (!aStack)
   837 		return; // whole stack in process of destruction
   838 	TInt pos=FindPos(aStack,aControl);
   839 	if (pos>=0)
   840 		{
   841 		SStackedControl stacked=(*aStack)[pos];
   842 		if ((aRemoveCondition!=ERemoveOnlyIfSharable) || (stacked.iFlags&ECoeStackFlagSharable))
   843 			{
   844 			aStack->Delete(pos);
   845 			if (stacked.iFlags&ECoeStackFlagOwnershipTransfered)
   846 				delete stacked.iControl;
   847 			if (pos<aStack->iKeyIndex)
   848 				aStack->iKeyIndex--;
   849 			HandleStackChanged();
   850 			}
   851 		}
   852 	}
   854 void CCoeAppUi::DoUpdateStackedControlFlags(CCoeControlStack* aStack,CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aFlags,TInt aMask)
   855 	{
   856 	TInt pos=FindPos(aStack,aControl);
   857 	if (pos<0)
   858 		Panic(ECoePanicNoSuchControlInStack);
   859 	SStackedControl& stacked=(*aStack)[pos];
   860 	stacked.iFlags&=(~aMask);
   861 	stacked.iFlags|=(aFlags&aMask);
   862 	if ((stacked.iFlags&(ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys|ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus))==(ECoeStackFlagRefusesAllKeys|ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus))
   863 		return; // else promote control to start of section of equi-priority controls
   864 	TInt startPos=pos;
   865 	while (startPos--)
   866 		{
   867 		if ((*aStack)[startPos].iPriority!=stacked.iPriority)
   868 			break;
   869 		}
   870 	if (++startPos==pos)
   871 		return;
   872 	SStackedControl copy=stacked;
   873 	aStack->Delete(pos);
   874 	TRAP_IGNORE(aStack->InsertL(startPos,copy)); // bound to succeed
   875 	}
   877 /** Activates an application view. 
   879 A leave occurs if view activation fails.
   881 @param aViewId Identifier of the view to activate. */
   882 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::ActivateViewL(const TVwsViewId& aViewId)
   883 	{
   884 	iViewManager->ActivateViewL(aViewId);
   885 	}
   887 /** Activates an application view and passes a message to it.
   889 A leave occurs if view activation fails.
   891 Notes:
   893 Activation works synchronously so that in general, this method returns when 
   894 the view is activated.
   896 An application defines and publishes the message UIDs that it recognises. 
   897 For example, a contacts application might activate an email editor view, passing 
   898 an email address as a custom message. To do this, the contacts application 
   899 must use a message UID, and descriptor encoding that the email application 
   900 has published as being recognisable.
   902 @param aViewId Identifies the view to activate.
   903 @param aCustomMessageId Specifies the message type.
   904 @param aCustomMessage The message to pass to the activated view. */
   905 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::ActivateViewL(const TVwsViewId& aViewId,TUid aCustomMessageId,const TDesC8& aCustomMessage)
   906 	{
   907 	iViewManager->ActivateViewL(aViewId,aCustomMessageId,aCustomMessage);
   908 	}
   911 /** Activates the top view for this app UI. 
   913 This is the most recently active view, if any. Otherwise, it activates the default view.
   914 If there is no default view, it activates the first registered view.
   916 @publishedPartner
   917 @released */
   918 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::ActivateTopViewL()
   919 	{
   920 	iViewManager->ActivateTopViewL();
   921 	}
   923 /** Checks whether the view-server client that initiated the current view-switch matches the security-policy given in the parameter.
   925 This function leaves with KErrUnknown if called outside of an implementation of MCoeView's ViewConstructL or of MCoeView's ViewActivatedL.
   927 @see TSecurityPolicy
   929 @param aSecurityPolicy The TSecurityPolicy object which the client that initiated the current view switch must match.
   930 @param aDiagnostic A string that will be emitted along with any diagnostic message
   931 							that may be issued if the policy check fails.
   932 							This string should be enclosed in the __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING macro
   933 							which enables it to be easily removed from the system.
   934 @return EFalse (zero) if the security-policy does not match the client that initiated the current view switch, other-wise returns "true", i.e. a non-zero value. */
   935 EXPORT_C TBool CCoeAppUi::CheckSourceOfViewSwitchL(const TSecurityPolicy& aSecurityPolicy,const char* aDiagnostic/*=NULL*/) const
   936 	{
   937 	return iViewManager->CheckSourceOfViewSwitchL(aSecurityPolicy,aDiagnostic);
   938 	}
   940 /** Deactivates the active view. 
   942 Deactivating the active view is necessary before exiting if the app UI has an active view.
   943 In most cases, DeactivateActiveViewIfOwnerMatch should be used instead of this function.
   945 @publishedAll
   946 @released 
   947 @see DeactivateActiveViewIfOwnerMatch */
   949 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::DeactivateActiveViewL()
   950 	{
   951 	iViewManager->DeactivateActiveViewL();
   952 	}
   953 /** Deactivates the active view if the current view is owned by this application.
   955  Deactivating the active view is necessary before exiting if the app UI has an active view.
   956  This function is called by the UI framework during application closure.
   958  @publishedAll
   959  @released */
   960 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::DeactivateActiveViewIfOwnerMatchL()
   961 	{
   962 	iViewManager->DeactivateActiveViewIfOwnerMatchL();
   963 	}
   966 /** Gets the ID of the app UI's currently active view. 
   968 @param aViewId On return, contains the ID of the currently active view. This is 
   969 unchanged if there is no active view.
   970 @return KErrNone if this app UI has an active view, KErrNotFound if it does not. */
   971 EXPORT_C TInt CCoeAppUi::GetActiveViewId(TVwsViewId& aViewId) const
   972 	{
   973 	return iViewManager->GetActiveViewId(aViewId);
   974 	}
   977 /** 
   978 @publishedPartner
   979 @deprecated
   980 */
   981 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RegisterViewAndAddStackL(MCoeView& aView)
   982 	{
   983 	iViewManager->RegisterViewL(aView);
   984 	}
   986 /** Registers a view with the view server.
   988 All views should be registered in the app UI's ConstructL().
   990 @param aView The view to be registered. */
   991 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RegisterViewL(MCoeView& aView)
   992 	{
   993 	iViewManager->RegisterViewL(aView);
   994 	}
   997 /** Registers a pseudo-view for the application identified by aAppUid.
   999 The view server is notified that a view exists for the application, which 
  1000 allows it to participate in the view switching mechanism, even though it does 
  1001 not implement any views.
  1003 Activating the application view means bringing the application into the foreground.
  1005 @param aAppUid The ID of the application for which a view should be registered.
  1006 @publishedAll
  1007 @released */
  1008 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RegisterApplicationViewL(TUid aAppUid)
  1009 	{
  1010 	iViewManager->RegisterApplicationViewL(aAppUid);
  1011 	}
  1013 /** Deregisters the application view from the view architecture.
  1015 @publishedAll
  1016 @released */
  1017 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::DeregisterApplicationView()
  1018 	{
  1019 	if (iViewManager)
  1020 		{
  1021 		iViewManager->DeregisterApplicationView();
  1022 		}
  1023 	}
  1025 /** Sets one of the app UI's views as the default. 
  1027 The default view should be constructed, drawn, registered and set as the 
  1028 default as early as possible in the app UI's ConstructL() function. 
  1030 The meaning of the default view varies depending on the UI. It is normally 
  1031 the view that is displayed when the application is launched. It may also 
  1032 be the view that is displayed when the application is brought to the 
  1033 foreground.
  1035 @param aView The view to set as the default. */
  1036 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetDefaultViewL(const MCoeView& aView)
  1037 	{
  1038 	iViewManager->SetDefaultViewL(aView);
  1039 	}
  1042 /** Sets the application view to be the default view. 
  1044 In debug builds, this panics if no application view has been added for this app UI.
  1046 @internalTechnology */
  1047 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetApplicationViewAsDefaultL()
  1048 	{
  1049 	iViewManager->SetApplicationViewAsDefaultL();
  1050 	}
  1052 /** Ensures that at least one view is registered for the app UI. 
  1054 It adds an application view as the default if no views have been added,
  1055 so that the application can participate in the view switching mechanism. 
  1056 It also sets a default view if none has been set. 
  1058 This is called by the UI framework during application construction.
  1060 @param aAppUid The application's 3rd UID.
  1061 @publishedPartner
  1062 @released */
  1063 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::CheckInitializeViewsL(TUid aAppUid)
  1064 	{
  1065 	iViewManager->CheckInitializeViewsL(aAppUid);
  1066 	}
  1068 /** Gets this app UI's default view ID.
  1070 @param aViewId On return, contains the ID of the app UI's default view.
  1071 This is unchanged if there is no default view.
  1072 @return KErrNone if this app UI has a default view, KErrNotFound if 
  1073 it doesn't.*/
  1074 EXPORT_C TInt CCoeAppUi::GetDefaultViewId(TVwsViewId& aViewId) const
  1075 	{
  1076 	return iViewManager->GetDefaultViewId(aViewId);
  1077 	}
  1080 /**
  1081 @publishedPartner
  1082 @deprecated
  1083 */
  1084 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::DeregisterViewAndRemoveStack(const MCoeView& aView)
  1085 	{
  1086 	if (iViewManager)
  1087 		{
  1088 		iViewManager->DeregisterView(aView);
  1089 		}
  1090 	}
  1092 /** Deregisters a view. 
  1094 All views must be deregistered before the application exits. This is
  1095 usually done in the app UI's destructor.
  1097 It has no effect if the specified view does not exist.
  1099 @param aView The view to be deregistered. */
  1100 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::DeregisterView(const MCoeView& aView)
  1101 	{
  1102 	if (iViewManager)
  1103 		{
  1104 		iViewManager->DeregisterView(aView);
  1105 		}
  1106 	}
  1108 /** Inserts a control into the app UI's control stack.
  1110 @param aView The view that contains the control.
  1111 @param aControl The control to add to the stack. This may itself be a view.
  1112 @param aPriority An optional control stack priority. The default value is 
  1113 ECoeStackPriorityDefault. Higher priority controls are offered key events before lower 
  1114 priority controls. 
  1115 @param aStackingFlags The control's event handling behaviour. 
  1116 The possible values are defined in coeaui.h, beginning with ECoeStackFlagStandard. */
  1117 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::AddToStackL(const MCoeView& aView,CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aPriority,TInt aStackingFlags)
  1118 	{
  1119 	DoAddToStackL(iStack,aControl,aPriority,aStackingFlags,aView.ViewId().iViewUid.iUid);
  1120 	}
  1123 /**
  1124 @publishedAll 
  1125 @deprecated
  1126 */
  1127 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::AddToViewStackL(const MCoeView& aView,CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aPriority,TInt aStackingFlags)
  1128 	{
  1129 	DoAddToStackL(iStack,aControl,aPriority,aStackingFlags,aView.ViewId().iViewUid.iUid);
  1130 	}
  1133 /**
  1134 @publishedAll 
  1135 @deprecated
  1136 */
  1137 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RemoveFromViewStack(const MCoeView& /*aView*/,CCoeControl* aControl)
  1138 	{
  1139 	DoRemoveFromStack(iStack,aControl);
  1140 	}
  1143 /**
  1144 @internalTechnology
  1145 @deprecated
  1146 */
  1147 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::UpdateViewStackedControlFlags(const MCoeView& /*aView*/,CCoeControl* aControl,TInt aFlags,TInt aMask)
  1148 	{
  1149 	DoUpdateStackedControlFlags(iStack,aControl,aFlags,aMask);
  1150 	}
  1152 /** Adds an observer to the list of observers to be notified of view deactivations.
  1154 All view deactivation observers that have been added to the app UI are notified 
  1155 via their HandleViewDeactivation() function when any of this app UI's views are 
  1156 deactivated.
  1158 @param aViewDeactivationObserver The observer to add.
  1159 @publishedAll 
  1160 @released */
  1161 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::AddViewDeactivationObserverL(MCoeViewDeactivationObserver* aViewDeactivationObserver)
  1162 	{
  1163 	iViewManager->AddViewDeactivationObserverL(aViewDeactivationObserver);
  1164 	}
  1167 /** Removes an observer from the list to be notified of view deactivations.
  1169 This has no effect if the observer is not found in the list.
  1171 @param aViewDeactivationObserver The observer to remove.
  1172 @publishedAll 
  1173 @released */
  1174 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RemoveViewDeactivationObserver(MCoeViewDeactivationObserver* aViewDeactivationObserver)
  1175 	{
  1176 	if (iViewManager)
  1177 		{
  1178 		iViewManager->RemoveViewDeactivationObserver(aViewDeactivationObserver);
  1179 		}
  1180 	}
  1183 /** Requests that the next deactivation of the view identified by aViewId be notified to 
  1184 the specified view deactivation observer. 
  1186 The request is cleared after the notification: the observer can only be notified once,
  1187 and this app UI can have no more than one such request pending.
  1189 @param aViewId The view to be observed. This can any view registered with the view server.
  1190 @param aViewDeactivationObserver The observer to be notified.
  1191 @panic CONE 39 In debug builds, there was already a request pending when this 
  1192 function was called.
  1193 @publishedAll 
  1194 @released */
  1195 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::NotifyNextDeactivation(const TVwsViewId& aViewId, MCoeViewDeactivationObserver& aViewDeactivationObserver)
  1196 	{
  1197 	iViewManager->NotifyNextDeactivation(aViewId,aViewDeactivationObserver);
  1198 	}
  1201 /** Requests that the next deactivation of any view registered with the view server 
  1202 be notified to the specified view deactivation observer.
  1204 The request is cleared after the notification: the observer can only be notified once,
  1205 and this app UI can have no more than one such request pending. 
  1207 @param aViewDeactivationObserver The observer to be notified.
  1208 @panic CONE 39 In debug builds, there was already a request pending when this 
  1209 function was called.
  1210 @publishedAll 
  1211 @released */
  1212 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::NotifyNextDeactivation(MCoeViewDeactivationObserver& aViewDeactivationObserver)
  1213 	{
  1214 	iViewManager->NotifyNextDeactivation(aViewDeactivationObserver);
  1215 	}
  1218 /** Adds an observer to the list of observers to be notified of view activations.
  1220 All view activation observers that have been added to the app UI are notified 
  1221 via their HandleViewActivation() function when any of this app UI's views are 
  1222 activated.
  1224 @param aViewActivationObserver The observer to add.
  1225 @publishedPartner
  1226 @released */
  1227 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::AddViewActivationObserverL(MCoeViewActivationObserver* aViewActivationObserver)
  1228 	{
  1229 	iViewManager->AddViewActivationObserverL(aViewActivationObserver);
  1230 	}
  1233 /** Removes the specified observer from the list to be notified of view 
  1234 activations.
  1236 @param aViewActivationObserver The observer to remove.
  1237 @panic CONE 38 The observer was not found.
  1238 @publishedPartner
  1239 @released */
  1240 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RemoveViewActivationObserver(MCoeViewActivationObserver* aViewActivationObserver)
  1241 	{
  1242 	iViewManager->RemoveViewActivationObserver(aViewActivationObserver);
  1243 	}
  1246 /** Requests that the next activation of the view identified by aViewId be notified to the 
  1247 specified view activation observer. 
  1249 The request is cleared after the notification: the observer can only be notified once,
  1250 and there can be no more than one such request pending. 
  1252 @param aViewId The view to be notified about. This can any view registered with the view server.
  1253 @param aViewActivationObserver The observer to be notified.
  1254 @panic CONE 39 In debug builds, there was already a request pending when this 
  1255 function was called.
  1256 @publishedPartner
  1257 @released */
  1258 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::NotifyNextActivation(const TVwsViewId& aViewId, MCoeViewActivationObserver& aViewActivationObserver)
  1259 	{
  1260 	iViewManager->NotifyNextActivation(aViewId,aViewActivationObserver);
  1261 	}
  1264 /** Requests that the next activation of any view registered with the view server 
  1265 be notified to the specified observer.
  1267 The request is cleared after the notification: the observer can only be notified once,
  1268 and there can be no more than one such pending request. 
  1270 @param aViewActivationObserver The observer to be notified.
  1271 @panic CONE 39 In debug builds, there was already a request pending when this 
  1272 function was called.
  1273 @publishedPartner 
  1274 @released */
  1275 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::NotifyNextActivation(MCoeViewActivationObserver& aViewActivationObserver)
  1276 	{
  1277 	iViewManager->NotifyNextActivation(aViewActivationObserver);
  1278 	}
  1281 /** Sends a request to the view server to activate the specified view, 
  1282 and returns without waiting for the request to complete.
  1284 Note that this method may return without error but the activation may subsequently fail. 
  1286 @param aViewId Identifies the view to activate.
  1287 @param aCustomMessageId The message type.
  1288 @param aCustomMessage The message to pass to the activated view.
  1289 @publishedPartner 
  1290 @released */
  1291 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::CreateActivateViewEventL(const TVwsViewId& aViewId,TUid aCustomMessageId,const TDesC8& aCustomMessage)
  1292 	{
  1293 	iViewManager->CreateActivateViewEventL(aViewId,aCustomMessageId,aCustomMessage);
  1294 	}
  1297 /** Adds the specified observer to the list of view observers.
  1299 All view observers added using this function are notified via their 
  1300 HandleViewEventL() function when the app UI receives any view activation 
  1301 or deactivation event. 
  1303 @param aViewObserver The observer to be added to the list.
  1304 @publishedPartner
  1305 @released */
  1306 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::AddViewObserverL(MCoeViewObserver* aViewObserver)
  1307 	{
  1308 	iViewManager->AddViewObserverL(aViewObserver);
  1309 	}
  1311 /** Removes the specified observer from the list of view observers.
  1313 This has no effect if the specified observer is not found in the list.
  1315 @param aViewObserver The view observer to be removed from the list.
  1316 @publishedPartner 
  1317 @released */
  1318 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::RemoveViewObserver(MCoeViewObserver* aViewObserver)
  1319 	{
  1320 	iViewManager->RemoveViewObserver(aViewObserver);
  1321 	}
  1323 /** Enables/disables external view switches for this instance of this application
  1325 By default external view switches are enabled.
  1326 @param aEnable Whether external view switches should be enabled or not.
  1327 @publishedPartner
  1328 @released
  1329 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. */
  1330 EXPORT_C TInt CCoeAppUi::EnableExternalViewSwitches(TBool aEnable)
  1331 	{
  1332 	return iViewManager->EnableExternalViewSwitches(aEnable);
  1333 	}
  1335 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL()
  1336 	{
  1337 	}
  1339 /** Indicates the default behaviour for synchronizing to the startup (usually SystemStarter).
  1341 @publishedPartner 
  1342 @released
  1343 @return ETrue. Meaning the framework will synchronize the application to the starter.
  1344         Derived classes may override this and return EFalse if they wish to perform 
  1345         the synchronization themselves. ie RProcess::Rendezvous( KErrNone )*/
  1346 EXPORT_C TBool  CCoeAppUi::FrameworkCallsRendezvous() const
  1347 	{
  1348 	return ETrue;
  1349    	}
  1351 /** @internalComponent */   	
  1352 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::CCoeAppUi_Reserved_2()
  1353 	{
  1354 	}
  1356 /** Performs pre-exit processing on the control environment.
  1358 This function is called after the control environment's active scheduler 
  1359 exits, but before the control environment (i.e. the CCoeEnv object) is destroyed. 
  1360 The default implementation is empty, and this function is not implemented 
  1361 by CCoeAppUi, but it may be implemented by derived 
  1362 classes to perform pre-exit processing on the control environment. */
  1363 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::PrepareToExit()
  1364 	{
  1365 	}
  1367 /**
  1368 @publishedPartner
  1369 @released
  1370 */
  1371 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetSystemDefaultViewL(const TVwsViewId& aViewId,TInt aMode)
  1372 	{
  1373 	iViewManager->SetSystemDefaultViewL(aViewId, aMode);
  1374 	}
  1376 /**
  1377 @publishedPartner
  1378 @released
  1379 */
  1380 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetSystemDefaultViewL(const TVwsViewId& aViewId)
  1381 	{
  1382 	iViewManager->SetSystemDefaultViewL(aViewId);
  1383 	}
  1385 /**
  1386 @internalTechnology
  1387 */
  1388 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::GetSystemDefaultViewL(TVwsViewId& aViewId)
  1389 	{
  1390 	iViewManager->GetSystemDefaultViewL(aViewId);
  1391 	}
  1393 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1394 /** Writes the internal state of all CCoeControls on the control stack into aWriteStream.
  1395 Works in debug builds only.
  1397 @internalTechnology */
  1398 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::WriteInternalStateOfStackedControlsL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const
  1399 	{
  1400 	const TInt count=iStack->Count();
  1401 	for(TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
  1402 		{
  1403 		(*iStack)[ii].iControl->WriteInternalStateNowL(aWriteStream);
  1404 		}
  1405 	}
  1406 #else
  1407 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::WriteInternalStateOfStackedControlsL(RWriteStream&) const
  1408 	{}
  1409 #endif
  1411 /** Checks if the view has been constructed or not.
  1412 @param aViewId The id of the view
  1413 @return ETrue if the view has been constructed, EFalse otherwise.
  1414 */
  1415 EXPORT_C TBool CCoeAppUi::IsViewConstructed(const TVwsViewId& aViewId) const
  1416 	{
  1417 	return iViewManager->IsViewConstructed(aViewId);
  1418 	}
  1420 /** Allows customised control of Window Group ordinal position during view activations
  1421 @param aCustomControl Non-zero if Customised Control is switched on.
  1422 @publishedPartner
  1423 */
  1424 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetCustomControl(TInt aCustomControl)
  1425 	{
  1426 	iViewManager->SetCustomControl(aCustomControl);
  1427 	}
  1429 /** Finds and returns the current top view, not necessarily the currently active view
  1430 @param aViewId On return, contains the ID of the current top view. This is 
  1431 unchanged if there is no top view.
  1432 @return KErrNone if the top view could be found, KErrNotFound if it could not.
  1433 @publishedPartner
  1434 */
  1435 EXPORT_C TInt CCoeAppUi::GetTopViewId(TVwsViewId& aViewId) const
  1436 	{
  1437 	return iViewManager->GetTopViewId(aViewId);
  1438 	}
  1440 /** Changes the default window group ordinal position used when bringing views to the foreground. Only used
  1441 if CCoeAppUi::SetCustomControl has been called with a positive value.
  1442 @param aWindowGroupOrdinal The customised window group ordinal position.
  1443 @publishedPartner
  1444 */
  1445 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::SetWindowGroupOrdinal(TInt aWindowGroupOrdinal)
  1446 	{
  1447 	iViewManager->SetWindowGroupOrdinal(aWindowGroupOrdinal);
  1448 	}
  1450 /** Changes the default background color for the View Server screen blanking window
  1451 @param aBgColor The new background color to be used.
  1452 @publishedPartner
  1453 */
  1454 EXPORT_C void CCoeAppUi::UpdateViewServerBackgroundColor(const TRgb& aBgColor)
  1455 	{
  1456 	iViewManager->UpdateViewServerBackgroundColor(aBgColor);
  1457 	}