changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code  
    19 */
    22 #include <coeaui.h>
    23 #include <coemain.h>
    24 #include <coecntrl.h>
    25 #include <coesndpy.h>
    26 #include <e32keys.h>
    27 #include <basched.h>
    28 #include <bassnd.h>
    30 #include "TMenu1Step.h"
    34 //#include <e32test.h>
    35 //RTest test(_L("tmenu1"));
    37 //#define FORCE_AUT
    38 // class CTestMenu1
    40 /**
    41   Returns the number of bytes a menu item actually consists of.\n
    42 */
    43 TInt TSimpleMenuItem::RealLengthOfData() const
    44     {
    45     return(sizeof(TSimpleMenuItem)-(ENominalTextLength-iText.Length())*sizeof(TText));
    46     }
    49 /**
    50   Destructor\n
    51   Frees all memory allocated by the menu and fonts.\n
    52 */
    53 CTestMenu1::~CTestMenu1()
    54     {
    55     FreeData();
    56     iCoeEnv->ReleaseScreenFont(iFont);
    57     }
    59 /**
    60   Creates a font.\n
    61 */
    62 void CTestMenu1::CreateFontL()
    63     {
    64     TFontSpec spec(_L("Arial"),240);
    65     iFont=iCoeEnv->CreateScreenFontL(spec);
    66     }
    68 /**
    69   Handles pointer events.\n
    70   Closes the menu if pointer button has been pressed or been released
    71   and the pointer is outside the displayed menu.\n
    72   If inside, find out where and highlight the correct menu item. Report
    73   the event if pointer button was released.\n
    74 */
    75 void CTestMenu1::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
    76     {
    77     TRect rect=Rect();
    78     if (!rect.Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
    79         {
    80         switch (aPointerEvent.iType)
    81             {
    82         case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
    83         case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
    84             CloseMenu();
    85         default:
    86             break;
    87             }
    88         }
    89     rect.Shrink(EBorderWidth,EBorderWidth);
    90     if (!rect.Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
    91         return;
    92     TInt n=(aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY-EBorderWidth)/iFont->HeightInPixels();
    93     HighlightTo(n);
    94     if (aPointerEvent.iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Up)
    95         {
    96         ReportSelectionMadeL();
    97         CloseMenu();
    98         }
    99     }
   101 /**
   102   Display the entire menu with the selected item hilighted.\n
   103  */
   104 void CTestMenu1::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
   105     {
   106     CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   107     TRect rect=Rect();
   108     gc.DrawRect(rect);
   109     rect.Shrink(1,1);
   110     gc.SetPenColor(KRgbWhite);
   111     gc.DrawRect(rect);
   112     PrepareGcForDrawingItems();
   113     TInt count=iItemArray->Count();
   114     for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   115         DrawItem(i,i==iItemSelected);
   116     }
   118 /**
   119   Prepares the system graphical context.\n
   120  */
   121 void CTestMenu1::PrepareGcForDrawingItems() const
   122     {
   123     CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   124     gc.UseFont(iFont);
   125     gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   126     }
   128 /**
   129   Display a menu item either hilighted or not.\n
   130  */
   131 void CTestMenu1::DrawItem(TInt aItem,TInt aHighlight) const
   132     {
   133     TInt itemHeight=iFont->HeightInPixels();
   134     TPoint tl(2,2+aItem*itemHeight);
   135     TSize sz(iSize.iWidth-4,itemHeight);
   136     TRect rect(tl,sz);
   137     CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   138     if (!aHighlight)
   139        	{
   140         gc.SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
   141         gc.SetBrushColor(KRgbWhite);
   142         }
   143     else
   144        	{
   145         gc.SetPenColor(KRgbWhite);
   146         gc.SetBrushColor(KRgbBlack);
   147         }
   148     TSimpleMenuItem& tmp=(*iItemArray)[aItem];
   149     gc.DrawText(tmp.iText,rect,iFont->AscentInPixels());
   150     }
   152 /**
   153   Report to the window which menu item was selected.\n
   154  */
   155 void CTestMenu1::ReportSelectionMadeL()
   156     {
   157     TSimpleMenuItem& tmp=(*iItemArray)[iItemSelected];
   158     iObserver->MenuSelectionMadeL(tmp.iCommand);
   159     }
   161 /**
   162   Binds hot keys to menu items.\n
   163  */
   164 void CTestMenu1::InitializeHotKeyCommands()
   165     {
   166     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('b')]=EMenuCommandBold;
   167     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('i')]=EMenuCommandItalic;
   168     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('u')]=EMenuCommandUnderline;
   169     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('s')]=EMenuCommandStrikethrough;
   170     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('a')]=EMenuCommandAddWindow;
   171     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('r')]=EMenuCommandRemoveWindow;
   172     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('d')]=EMenuCommandDrag;
   173     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('e')]=EMenuCommandExit;
   174     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('c')]=EMenuCommandColor;
   175     iHotKeyCommand[CTRL('p')]=EMenuCommandPlaySound;
   176     }
   178 /**
   179   Second phase constructor for the test menu.\n
   180  */
   181 void CTestMenu1::ConstructL(MTestMenu1MenuObserver* aObserver,CCoeAppUi* aStack)
   182     {
   183     iObserver=aObserver;
   184     iStack=aStack;
   185     InitializeHotKeyCommands();
   186 	CreateFontL();
   187     }
   189 /**
   190   Frees the memory the menu occupied.\n
   191  */
   192 void CTestMenu1::FreeData()
   193     {
   194     delete(iItemArray);
   195     iItemArray=NULL;
   196     }
   198 /**
   199   Closes the menu if it is displayed.\n
   200  */
   201 void CTestMenu1::CloseMenu()
   202     {
   203     if (!iDisplayed)
   204         return;
   205     CloseWindow();
   206     iDisplayed=EFalse;
   207     FreeData();
   208     }
   210 /**
   211   Constructs a single menu item.\n
   212  */
   213 void CTestMenu1::AddMenuItemL(TMenuCommand aCommand,const TDesC& aText)
   214     {
   215     TSimpleMenuItem tmp;
   216     tmp.iCommand=aCommand;
   217     tmp.iText=aText;
   218     iItemArray->AppendL(tmp,tmp.RealLengthOfData());
   219     }
   221 /**
   222   Adds individual menu items.\n
   223  */
   224 void CTestMenu1::DoLoadDataL()
   225     {
   226     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandBold,_L("Toggle bold (Ctrl+B)"));
   227     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandItalic,_L("Toggle italic (Ctrl+I)"));
   228     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandUnderline,_L("Toggle underline (Ctrl+U)"));
   229     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandStrikethrough,_L("Toggle strikethrough (Ctrl+S)"));
   230     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandAddWindow,_L("Add window (Ctrl+A)"));
   231     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandRemoveWindow,_L("Remove window (Ctrl+R)"));
   232     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandDrag,_L("Toggle drag enablement (Ctrl+D)"));
   233     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandColor,_L("Override colours (Ctrl+C)"));
   234     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandPlaySound,_L("Play sounds (Ctrl+P)"));
   235     AddMenuItemL(EMenuCommandExit,_L("Exit (Ctrl+E)"));
   236     }
   238 /**
   239   Constructs a menu.\n
   240  */
   241 void CTestMenu1::LoadDataL()
   242     {
   243     iItemArray=new(ELeave) CArrayVarFlat<TSimpleMenuItem> (16);
   244     TRAPD(ret,DoLoadDataL());
   245     if (ret)
   246         {
   247         FreeData();
   248         User::Leave(ret);
   249         }
   250     }
   252 /**
   253   Calculates the size of all items in the menu.\n
   254  */
   255 void CTestMenu1::CalculateSize(TSize& aSize)
   256     {
   257     TInt count=iItemArray->Count();
   258     aSize.iHeight=count*iFont->HeightInPixels();
   259     aSize.iHeight+=2+2; // 2 pixels at top and 2 at bottom
   260     for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   261         {
   262         TSimpleMenuItem& tmp=(*iItemArray)[i];
   263         TInt itemWidth=iFont->TextWidthInPixels(tmp.iText);
   264         if (itemWidth>aSize.iWidth)
   265             aSize.iWidth=itemWidth;
   266         }
   267     aSize.iWidth+=2+2; // 2 pixels at left and 2 at right
   268     }
   270 /**
   271   Creates a menu in a newly created window.\n
   272  */
   273 void CTestMenu1::CreateMenuL()
   274     {
   275     LoadDataL();
   276     TRAPD(err,CreateWindowL());
   277     if (err)
   278         {
   279         FreeData();
   280         User::Leave(err);
   281         }
   282     EnableDragEvents();
   283     SetPointerCapture();
   284     iDisplayed=ETrue;
   285     TSize size;
   286     CalculateSize(size);
   287     SetExtent(TPoint(5,5),size);
   288     ActivateL();
   289     }
   291 /**
   292   Hilights the current menu item.\n
   293  */
   294 void CTestMenu1::HighlightTo(TInt aNewItemSelected)
   295     {
   296     if (aNewItemSelected==iItemSelected)
   297         return;
   298     ActivateGc();
   299     PrepareGcForDrawingItems();
   300     DrawItem(iItemSelected,EFalse);
   301     iItemSelected=aNewItemSelected;
   302     DrawItem(iItemSelected,ETrue);
   303 	DeactivateGc();
   304     }
   306 /**
   307   The method is an override from CCoeControl.\n
   308   The function is called to handle key events.\n
   309   Handles the up and down arrow keys which hilights previous/next item in the menu.\n
   310   PageUp causes first item in menu to be hilighted and PageDown causes the last to be hilighted.\n
   311   The enter key executes the current menu item.\n
   312   The escape key closes the menu.\n
   313   F9 and Tab show the menu.\n
   314   If <Ctrl> + key is pressed it is checked if it is a hot key. If so execute the menu selection.\n
   315  */
   316 TKeyResponse CTestMenu1::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
   317     {
   318 	if (aType!=EEventKey)
   319 		return(EKeyWasNotConsumed);
   320     TInt modifiers=aKeyEvent.iModifiers;
   321     TInt code=aKeyEvent.iCode;
   322     if ((modifiers&EAllStdModifiers)==EModifierCtrl)
   323         {
   324         if (code<27)
   325             {
   326             TMenuCommand command=iHotKeyCommand[code];
   327             if (command)
   328                 {
   329                 iObserver->MenuSelectionMadeL(command);
   330                 CloseMenu();
   331                 }
   332             }
   333         return(EKeyWasConsumed);
   334         }
   335     if (!iDisplayed)
   336         {
   337         if (code==EKeyF9 || code==EKeyTab)
   338             {
   339             CreateMenuL();
   340             return(EKeyWasConsumed);
   341             }
   342         }
   343     else
   344         {
   345         TInt count=iItemArray->Count();
   346         switch (code)
   347             {
   348 			case EKeyDownArrow:
   349 				if (iItemSelected<count-1)
   350 					HighlightTo(iItemSelected+1);
   351 				break;
   352 			case EKeyUpArrow:
   353 				if (iItemSelected)
   354 					HighlightTo(iItemSelected-1);
   355 				break;
   356 			case EKeyPageUp:
   357 				HighlightTo(0);
   358 				break;
   359 			case EKeyPageDown:
   360 				HighlightTo(count-1);
   361 				break;
   362 			case EKeyEnter:
   363 				ReportSelectionMadeL();
   364 			case EKeyEscape:
   365 				CloseMenu();
   366 				break;
   367 			default:
   368 				break;
   369             }
   370         return(EKeyWasConsumed);
   371         }
   372     return(EKeyWasNotConsumed);
   373     }
   377 //
   378 // class CMenu1MessageControl
   379 //
   383 void CMenu1MessageControl::ToggleDragState()
   384     {
   385     TInt filter=EPointerFilterDrag; // means to filter out drags
   386     if (iDragsEnabled)
   387         {
   388         iDragsEnabled=EFalse;
   389         SetMessage(_L8("Pointer drag events disabled"));
   390         }
   391     else
   392         {
   393         iDragsEnabled=ETrue;
   394         SetMessage(_L8("Pointer drag events enabled"));
   395         filter=0;
   396         }
   397     BackedUpWindow().PointerFilter(EPointerFilterDrag,filter);
   398     }
   400 /**
   401   Second phase constructor for CMenu1MessageControl.\n
   402   Creates a control's window.\n
   403   The created window is the child of the application's window group.\n
   404   Sets a Font and display a message.\n
   405  */
   406 void CMenu1MessageControl::ConstructL()
   407     {
   408     CreateBackedUpWindowL(iCoeEnv->RootWin(),EGray2);
   409     SetExtent(TPoint(20,20),TSize(600,200));
   410     TFontSpec spec(_L("Arial"),220);
   411     SetFontL(spec);
   412     SetMessage(_L8("Press Tab for Menu..."));
   413     ActivateL();
   414     }
   416 /**
   417   Destructor for the CMenu1MessageControl class.\n
   418   Calls the ReleaseScreenFont API of CCoeEnv to free all resources used by the font.\n
   419  */
   420 CMenu1MessageControl::~CMenu1MessageControl()
   421     {
   422     iCoeEnv->ReleaseScreenFont(iFont);
   423 	//delete iPeriodic;
   424     }
   426 /**
   427   Auxiliary Function to a set a new font.\n
   428  */
   429 void CMenu1MessageControl::SetFontL(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec)
   430     {
   431     CFbsFont* font=iCoeEnv->CreateScreenFontL(aFontSpec);
   432     iCoeEnv->ReleaseScreenFont(iFont); // after previous line succeeds
   433     iFont=font;
   434     iFontSpec=aFontSpec;
   435     }
   437 /**
   438   Auxiliary Function to change the font style.\n
   439  */
   440 void CMenu1MessageControl::ToggleFontStyleL(TMessageControlFontStyle aStyleElement)
   441     {
   442     TFontSpec spec=iFontSpec;
   443     TBool doSet=EFalse;
   444     switch (aStyleElement)
   445         {
   446 		case EStyleElementBold:
   447 			spec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(spec.iFontStyle.StrokeWeight()? EStrokeWeightNormal: EStrokeWeightBold);
   448 			doSet=ETrue;
   449 			break;
   450 		case EStyleElementItalic:
   451 			spec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(spec.iFontStyle.Posture()? EPostureUpright: EPostureItalic);
   452 			doSet=ETrue;
   453 			break;
   454 		case EStyleElementUnderline:
   455 			iFontUnderline=(iFontUnderline? EUnderlineOff: EUnderlineOn);
   456 			break;
   457 		case EStyleElementStrikethrough:
   458 			iFontStrikethrough=(iFontStrikethrough? EStrikethroughOff: EStrikethroughOn);
   459         }
   460     if (doSet)
   461         SetFontL(spec); // otherwise change effective at Draw time
   462     DrawMessageNow();
   463     }
   465 /**
   466   Handles Pointer events.\n
   467   Just logs that a pointer events has happend and redraws the window.\n
   468  */
   469 void CMenu1MessageControl::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
   470     {
   471     iMessage.Format(_L8("Pointer event %d at (%d,%d)"),aPointerEvent.iType,aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX,aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY);
   472     DrawMessageNow();
   473     }
   475 /**
   476   Responds to focus change.\n
   477   This function is called whenever a control gains or loses focus\n
   478   as a result of a call to SetFocus().\n
   479  */
   480 void CMenu1MessageControl::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
   481 	{
   482     if (aDrawNow)
   483         {
   484         ActivateGc();
   485         DrawBorder();
   486         DeactivateGc();
   487         }
   488     }
   490 /**
   491   Draws a border around the window CMessageControl owns.\n
   492  */
   493 void CMenu1MessageControl::DrawBorder() const
   494 	{
   495     CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   496     TRect rect=Rect();
   497     gc.DrawRect(rect);
   498     if (!IsFocused())
   499         gc.SetPenColor(KRgbWhite);
   500     rect.Shrink(1,1);
   501     gc.DrawRect(rect);
   502     rect.Shrink(1,1);
   503     gc.DrawRect(rect);
   504 	}
   506 /**
   507   Draws border and display a message in the window CMenu1MessageControl owns.\n
   508  */
   509 void CMenu1MessageControl::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
   510     {
   511     DrawBorder();
   512     DrawMessage();
   513     }
   515 /**
   516   Displays a message stored in iMessage centered both vertically and horisontally.\n
   517  */
   518 void CMenu1MessageControl::DrawMessage() const
   519     {
   520     TRect rect=Rect();
   521     rect.Shrink(3,3);
   522     TInt ascent=(rect.iBr.iY-rect.iTl.iY-iFont->HeightInPixels())/2 + iFont->AscentInPixels();
   523     CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   524     gc.SetPenColor(KRgbBlack);
   525 	gc.UseFont(iFont);
   526     if (iFontUnderline)
   527         gc.SetUnderlineStyle(iFontUnderline);
   528     if (iFontStrikethrough)
   529         gc.SetStrikethroughStyle(iFontStrikethrough);
   530     gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   531 #if !defined(_UNICODE)
   532     gc.DrawText(iMessage,rect,ascent,CGraphicsContext::ECenter);
   533 #else
   534     TBuf<40> text;
   535 	text.Copy(iMessage);
   536     gc.DrawText(text,rect,ascent,CGraphicsContext::ECenter);
   537 #endif
   538     }
   540 /**
   541   Displays a message stored in iMessage, centered both vertically and horisontally.\n
   542   Draw the message as soon as possible.\n
   543  */
   544 void CMenu1MessageControl::DrawMessageNow() const
   545     {
   546 	ActivateGc();
   547 	DrawMessage();
   548 	DeactivateGc();
   549     }
   551 /**
   552   Changed the message displayed in the window.\n
   553  */
   554 void CMenu1MessageControl::SetMessage(const TDesC8& aMessage)
   555     {
   556     iMessage=aMessage;
   557     DrawMessageNow();
   558     }
   560 /**
   561   The method is an override from CCoeControl.\n
   562   The function is called to handle the key events. It handles the following key events.\n
   563   1. Shift + KeyLeft Arrow Key Event.\n
   564   2. Shift + KeyRight Arrow Key Event.\n
   565   3. Shift + KeyDown Arrow Key Event.\n
   566   4. Shift + KeyUp Arrow Key Event.\n
   568  */
   569 TKeyResponse CMenu1MessageControl::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
   570     {
   571     if (aType!=EEventKey)
   572 	    return(EKeyWasConsumed);
   573 	TInt modifiers=aKeyEvent.iModifiers;
   574 	TInt code=aKeyEvent.iCode;
   575 	iMessage.Format(_L8("Key 0x%x, modifier 0x%x"),code,modifiers);
   576 	DrawMessageNow();
   577 	if ((modifiers&EAllStdModifiers)==(EModifierShift|EModifierCtrl))
   578         {
   579         TPoint pos=Position();
   580         switch (code)
   581             {
   582 			case EKeyLeftArrow:
   583 				pos.iX--;
   584 				break;
   585 			case EKeyRightArrow:
   586 				pos.iX++;
   587 				break;
   588 			case EKeyUpArrow:
   589 				pos.iY--;
   590 				break;
   591 			case EKeyDownArrow:
   592 				pos.iY++;
   593 				break;
   594 			default:
   595 				break;
   596             }
   597 		if (pos != Position())
   598 			{
   599 			SetPosition(pos);
   600 			}
   601         }
   602     return(EKeyWasConsumed);
   603     }
   606 /**
   607   Moves the window x steps horizontally and y steps vertically.\n
   608  */
   609 void CMenu1MessageControl::MoveWindow(TInt aStepX, TInt aStepY)
   610 	{
   611         TPoint pos=Position();
   612 		pos.iX += aStepX;
   613 		pos.iY += aStepY;
   615 		SetPosition(pos);
   617 	}
   618 /*
   619 TInt CMenu1MessageControl::Execute(TAny* aControl)
   620 	{
   621 		CMenu1MessageControl*	theControl = (CMenu1MessageControl*)aControl;
   622 		return theControl->DoExecute();
   623 	}
   625 TInt CMenu1MessageControl::DoExecute()
   626 		{
   627 	iNumAttempt++;
   628 	switch(iNumAttempt)
   629 		{
   630 		case 1:
   631 		iPeriodic->Cancel();
   632 		return 1;
   633 		break;
   634 		}
   636 	return 0;	
   637 	}
   638 */
   640 //
   641 // class CTrivialWindow
   642 //
   644 /**
   645   Constructs a CTrivialWindow.\n
   646  */
   647 void CTrivialWindow::ConstructL(const TPoint& aPoint,const TSize& aSize)
   648     {
   649     CreateWindowL();
   650     SetExtent(aPoint,aSize);
   651     Window().SetShadowHeight(4);
   652     ActivateL();
   653     }
   655 void CTrivialWindow::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
   656     {
   657     CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   658     gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   659     gc.DrawRect(Rect());
   660     }
   663 //
   664 // class CTestAppUi
   665 //
   668 /**
   669   Destructor of CTestMenu1AppUi.\n
   670  */
   672 CTestMenu1AppUi::~CTestMenu1AppUi()
   673     {
   674 	RemoveFromStack(iMessageControl);
   675     delete(iMessageControl);
   676     if (!iWindows)
   677         return;
   678     TInt i=iWindows->Count();
   679     while (i--)
   680         delete((*iWindows)[i]);
   681     delete(iWindows);
   682 	delete iTimer;
   683     }
   685 void CTestMenu1AppUi::DoAddWindowL(CTrivialWindow* aWindow,const TPoint& aPoint,const TSize& aSize)
   686     {
   687     aWindow->ConstructL(aPoint,aSize);
   688     iWindows->AppendL(aWindow);
   689     }
   691 /**
   692   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-TMenu1Step-AddWindowL
   694   @SYMPREQ PREQ0000
   696   @SYMTestPriority High
   698   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   700   @SYMTestActions Adds a window to the display
   702   @SYMTestExpectedResults Window is added.
   704   @SYMTestType CIT 
   706  */
   707 void CTestMenu1AppUi::AddWindowL()
   708     {
   709     TInt offset=iWindows->Count()*5;
   710     TSize size(40,40);
   711     TPoint pos(640-40-offset,offset);
   712     CTrivialWindow* window=new(ELeave) CTrivialWindow;
   713     TRAPD(err,DoAddWindowL(window,pos,size));
   714     if (err)
   715         {
   716         delete(window);
   717         User::Leave(err);
   718         }
   719     }
   721 /**
   722   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-TMenu1Step-RemoveWindow
   724   @SYMPREQ PREQ0000
   726   @SYMTestPriority High
   728   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   730   @SYMTestActions Removes a window from the display
   732   @SYMTestExpectedResults Window is removed.
   734   @SYMTestType CIT 
   736  */
   737 void CTestMenu1AppUi::RemoveWindow()
   738     {
   739     TInt i=iWindows->Count();
   740     if (i--)
   741         {
   742         delete((*iWindows)[i]);
   743         iWindows->Delete(i);
   744         }
   745     }
   747 /**
   748   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-TMenu1Step-TestColorOverridesL
   750   @SYMPREQ PREQ0000
   752   @SYMTestPriority High
   754   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   756   @SYMTestActions Tests that it possible to override the current colour of a control.
   758   @SYMTestExpectedResults The function doesn't panic by calling User::Invariant (IMHO test code should not be allowed to panic. Better to fail the test. JohanG)
   760   @SYMTestType CIT 
   762  */
   763 void CTestMenu1AppUi::TestColorOverridesL()
   764 	{
   765 	CCoeControl* ctrl=new(ELeave) CCoeControl;
   766 	CleanupStack::PushL(ctrl);
   767 	TRgb color=KRgbDarkYellow;
   768 	if (ctrl->GetColor(0,color))
   769 		User::Invariant();
   770 	ctrl->OverrideColorL(0,KRgbBlack);
   771 	if (!ctrl->GetColor(0,color))
   772 		User::Invariant();
   773 	if (color!=KRgbBlack)
   774 		User::Invariant();
   775 	if (ctrl->GetColor(3,color))
   776 		User::Invariant();
   777 	ctrl->OverrideColorL(6,KRgbMagenta);
   778 	ctrl->OverrideColorL(5,KRgbGreen);
   779 	if (!ctrl->GetColor(5,color))
   780 		User::Invariant();
   781 	if (color!=KRgbGreen)
   782 		User::Invariant();
   783 	if (!ctrl->GetColor(6,color))
   784 		User::Invariant();
   785 	if (color!=KRgbMagenta)
   786 		User::Invariant();
   787 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ctrl
   788 	iMessageControl->SetMessage(_L8("passed tests"));
   789 	}
   791 _LIT(KWavName1,"C:\\system\\systemsounds\\message.wav");
   792 _LIT(KWavName2,"C:\\system\\systemsounds\\ring.wav");
   794 const TUid KTestSoundType1={4567};
   795 const TUid KTestSoundType2={4568};
   796 const TUid KTestSoundType3={4569};
   797 const TUid KTestSoundType4={4570};
   799 /**
   800   Sets up the sound environment.\n
   801  */
   802 LOCAL_C void SetupSoundsL(const CCoeEnv& aEnv)
   803 	{
   804 //	TFileName drv;
   805 //	Dll::FileName(drv);
   806 	TBaSystemSoundInfo info;
   807 	info.iVolume=65530;
   809 	info.iType=TBaSystemSoundType(KTestSoundType1);
   810 	info.iPriority=100;
   811 	TFileName name=KWavName1();
   812 //	name.Insert(0,drv.Left(1)); // allow sound files on the same drive as the test code
   813 	info.SetFileName(name);
   814 	BaSystemSound::SetSoundL(aEnv.FsSession(),info);
   816 	info.iType=TBaSystemSoundType(KTestSoundType2);
   817 	info.iPriority=100;
   818 	name=KWavName2();
   819 //	name.Insert(0,drv.Left(1)); // allow sound files on the same drive as the test code
   820 	info.SetFileName(name);
   821 	BaSystemSound::SetSoundL(aEnv.FsSession(),info);
   823 	info.iType=TBaSystemSoundType(KTestSoundType4);
   824 	info.iPriority=180;
   825 	info.SetFixedSequenceNumber(0);
   826 	BaSystemSound::SetSoundL(aEnv.FsSession(),info);
   828 	info.iType=TBaSystemSoundType(KTestSoundType3);
   829 	info.iPriority=120;
   830 	TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone tone(440,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(250000));
   831 	info.SetTone(tone);
   832 	BaSystemSound::SetSoundL(aEnv.FsSession(),info);
   833 	}
   835 /**
   836   @SYMTestCaseID UIF-TMenu1Step-DoTestSoundsL
   838   @SYMPREQ PREQ0000
   840   @SYMTestPriority High
   842   @SYMTestStatus Implemented
   844   @SYMTestActions Tests different sounds. This function is never called. Probably because it has nothing to do with menus.
   846   @SYMTestExpectedResults Different sounds can be heard.
   848   @SYMTestType CIT 
   850  */
   851 void CTestMenu1AppUi::DoTestSoundsL()
   852 	{
   853 	// play each sound in turn
   854 	TBaSystemSoundType type(KTestSoundType4);
   855 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type);
   856 	Wait();
   857 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType1;
   858 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type);
   859 	Wait();
   860 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType2;
   861 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type);
   862 	Wait();
   863 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType3;
   864 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type,3,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(100000));
   865 	Wait();
   866 	Wait();
   868 	// play then cancel sound 3
   869 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType3;
   870 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type,3,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(200000));
   871 	Wait();
   872 	CoeSoundPlayer::CancelSound(type);
   874 	// start 1, queue 2 then cancel them both
   875 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType1;
   876 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type);
   877 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType2;
   878 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type);
   879 	Wait();
   880 	CoeSoundPlayer::CancelSound(type);
   882 	// start 2 then interrupt it with 1
   883 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType2;
   884 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type);
   885 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType1;
   886 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySoundNow(type,CoeSoundPlayer::ENoRepeat,TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(0));
   887 	Wait();
   889 	// interrupt this with the higher priority sound 3
   890 	type.iMajor=KTestSoundType3;
   891 	CoeSoundPlayer::PlaySound(type,3,100000);
   892 	Wait();
   893 	}
   895 /**
   896   Sets up sound environment and calls the test code.\n
   897   N.B. Function never called.\n
   898  */
   899 void CTestMenu1AppUi::TestPlaySoundL()
   900 	{
   901 	SetupSoundsL(*iCoeEnv);
   902 	DoTestSoundsL();
   903 	}
   905 /**
   906   Sets the timer to 10 sec.\n
   907  */
   908 void CTestMenu1AppUi::Wait()
   909 	{
   910 	iTimer->Start(10000000,10000000,TCallBack(TimerCallBack,this));
   911 	CActiveScheduler::Start();
   912 	}
   914 /**
   915   Callback that is called when timer expires.\n
   916  */
   917 TInt CTestMenu1AppUi::TimerCallBack(TAny* aSelf)
   918 	{ // static
   919 	REINTERPRET_CAST(CTestMenu1AppUi*,aSelf)->iTimer->Cancel();
   920 	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   921 	return 0;
   922 	}
   924 /**
   925   Handles different menu selections.\n
   926  */
   927 void CTestMenu1AppUi::MenuSelectionMadeL(TMenuCommand aSelection)
   928     {
   929     switch (aSelection)
   930         {
   931 		case EMenuCommandBold:
   932 		case EMenuCommandItalic:
   933 		case EMenuCommandUnderline:
   934 		case EMenuCommandStrikethrough:
   935 			{
   936 			TRAPD(ret, iMessageControl->ToggleFontStyleL((TMessageControlFontStyle)aSelection));
   937 			TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   938 			break;
   939 			}
   940 		case EMenuCommandDrag:
   941 			{
   942 			TRAPD(ret, iMessageControl->ToggleDragState());
   943 			TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   944 			break;
   945 			}
   946 		case EMenuCommandExit:
   947 			{
   948 			iMessageControl->SetMessage(_L8("About to exit..."));
   949 			iCoeEnv->Flush(200000);
   950 			CBaActiveScheduler::Exit();
   951 			break;
   952 			}
   953 		case EMenuCommandAddWindow:
   954 			{
   955 			TRAPD(ret, AddWindowL());
   956 			TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   957 			break;
   958 			}
   959 		case EMenuCommandRemoveWindow:
   960 			{
   961 			TRAPD(ret, RemoveWindow());
   962 			TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   963 			break;
   964 			}
   965 		case EMenuCommandColor:
   966 			{
   967 			TRAPD(ret, TestColorOverridesL());
   968 			TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   969 			break;
   970 			}
   971 		case EMenuCommandPlaySound:
   972 			{
   973 			TRAPD(ret, TestPlaySoundL());
   974 			TEST(ret == KErrNone);
   975 			break;
   976 			}
   977 		default:
   978 			break;
   979         }
   980     }
   982 /**
   983   Sets the message in the window to aMessageParameters but never returns a reponse.\n
   984  */
   985 MCoeMessageObserver::TMessageResponse CTestMenu1AppUi::HandleMessageL(TUint32, TUid, const TDesC8& aMessageParameters)
   986 	{
   987 	iMessageControl->SetMessage(aMessageParameters);
   988 	return EMessageNotHandled;
   989 	}
   991 /**
   992   Handles application specific events.\n
   993   In this case it adds/removes a window.\n
   994   A reply message of how many windows there are in the window group is sent back.\n
   995  */
   996 void CTestMenu1AppUi::HandleApplicationSpecificEventL(TInt aType,const TWsEvent& aEvent)
   997 	{
   998 	TInt senderWgId=(*(TInt*)aEvent.EventData());
   999 	TInt count=iWindows->Count();
  1000 	TMenuAsiEventReply reply=EReplyWindowsCounted;
  1001 	switch (aType)
  1002 		{
  1003 		case ESendCountWindows:
  1004 			break;
  1005 		case ESendAddWindow:
  1006 			reply=EReplyWindowAdded;
  1007 			TRAPD(err,AddWindowL());
  1008 			if (err)
  1009 				reply=EReplyFailedToAddWindow;
  1010 			break;
  1011 		case ESendRemoveWindow:
  1012 			if (!count)
  1013 				reply=EReplyNoWindowToRemove;
  1014 			else
  1015 				{
  1016 				RemoveWindow();
  1017 				reply=EReplyWindowRemoved;
  1018 				}
  1019 			break;
  1020 		default:
  1021 			break;
  1022 		}
  1023 	TWsEvent data;
  1024 	data.SetType(reply);
  1025 	*(TInt*)data.EventData()=count;
  1026 	iCoeEnv->WsSession().SendEventToWindowGroup(senderWgId,data);
  1027 	}
  1029 CTestMenu1AppUi::CTestMenu1AppUi(CTmsTestStep* aStep) :
  1030 	CTestCoeAppUi(aStep)
  1031 	{}
  1035 void CTestMenu1AppUi::ConstructL()
  1036     {
  1037     CTestCoeAppUi::ConstructL();
  1039 	iMessageControl=new(ELeave) CMenu1MessageControl;
  1040     iMessageControl->ConstructL();
  1041     AddToStackL(iMessageControl);
  1042     iMenu=new(ELeave) CTestMenu1;
  1043     iMenu->ConstructL(this,this);
  1044     AddToStackL(iMenu,ECoeStackPriorityMenu,ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus|ECoeStackFlagOwnershipTransfered);
  1045     iWindows=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<CTrivialWindow*>(4);
  1046 	iCoeEnv->RootWin().SetName(TMenu1GroupName);
  1047 	iTimer=CPeriodic::NewL(0);
  1049 	AutoTestManager().StartAutoTest();
  1051 	}
  1054 /**
  1055   The method is an override from CTestCoeAppUi.\n
  1056   This function is called asynchronously by RunL function of the
  1057   AutotestManager after previous test case is executed.\n
  1058 */
  1059 void CTestMenu1AppUi::RunTestStepL(TInt aNextStep)
  1060 	{
  1062 	User::After(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(1000000));
  1065 	switch(aNextStep)
  1066 		{
  1067 		case 1: //toggle  bold
  1068         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("toggle  bold"));
  1069 		iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1070 		break;
  1071 		case 2:
  1072 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1073 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1074 		break;
  1076 		case 3: //toggle italic
  1077         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("toggle  italic"));
  1078         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1079 		break;
  1080 		case 4:
  1081 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1082 		break;
  1083 		case 5:
  1084 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1085 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1086 		break;
  1088 		case 6: //toggle underline
  1089         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("toggle  underline"));
  1090         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1091 		break;
  1092 		case 7:
  1093 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1094 		break;
  1095 		case 8:
  1096 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1097 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1098 		break;
  1100 		case 9://toggle strikethrough
  1101         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("toggle  strikethrough\n"));
  1102         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1103 		break;
  1104 		case 10:
  1105 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1106 		break;
  1107 		case 11:
  1108 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1109 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1110 		break;
  1112 		case 12://add window
  1113 		SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-TMenu1Step-AddWindowL"));
  1114         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("add window"));
  1115         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1116         RecordTestResultL();
  1117 		break;
  1118 		case 13:
  1119 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1120 		break;
  1121 		case 14: 
  1122 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1123 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1124 		break;
  1126 		case 15: //remove window
  1127 		SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-TMenu1Step-RemoveWindow"));
  1128         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("remove window\n"));
  1129         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1130         RecordTestResultL();
  1131 		break;
  1132 		case 16:
  1133 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1134 		break;
  1135 		case 17:
  1136 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1137 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1138 		break;
  1140 		case 18: //toggle drag enablement
  1141         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("toggle drag enablement"));
  1142         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1143 		break;
  1144 		case 19:
  1145 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1146 		break;
  1147 		case 20:
  1148 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1149 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1150 		break;
  1152 		case 21: //overide colours
  1153 		SetTestStepID(_L("UIF-TMenu1Step-TestColorOverridesL"));
  1154         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("overide colours"));
  1155         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1156         RecordTestResultL();
  1157 		CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1158 		break;
  1159 		case 22:
  1160 		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1161 		break;
  1162 		case 23:
  1163 		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1164 		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1165 		break;
  1167 /*  	case 24: //play sound
  1168         iMenu->CreateMenuL();
  1169   		break;
  1170   		case 25:
  1171   		iMenu->HighlightTo(iMenu->iItemSelected+1);
  1172   		break;
  1173   		case 26:
  1174   		iMenu->ReportSelectionMadeL();
  1175   		iMenu->CloseMenu();
  1176   		break;
  1177 */
  1178   		case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34:
  1179 		iMessageControl->MoveWindow(5, 0);
  1180         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Move the window to right"));
  1181 		break;
  1183 		case 35: case 36: case 37: case 38: case 39:
  1184 		iMessageControl->MoveWindow(-5, 0);
  1185         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Move the window to left"));
  1186 		break;
  1188 		case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44:
  1189 		iMessageControl->MoveWindow(0, 5);
  1190         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Move the window to down"));
  1191 		break;
  1193 		case 45: case 46: case 47: case 48: case 49:
  1194 		iMessageControl->MoveWindow(0, -5);
  1195         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Move the window to up"));
  1196 		break;
  1198 		case 50:
  1199 			AutoTestManager().FinishAllTestCases(CAutoTestManager::EPass);
  1201 		break;
  1202 		}
  1203 	}
  1205 //
  1206 // Main
  1207 //
  1209 /**
  1210   Completes the construction of the Control Environment(CCoeEnv object).\n
  1211   Instantiates the CCone0TestAppUi class which serves as a AppUi class.\n
  1212   Sets the CCone0TestAppUi object as the application's user interface object.\n
  1213   Invokes the second phase constructor of the application's UI.\n
  1215  */
  1216 void CTMenu1Step::ConstructAppL(CCoeEnv* aCoe)
  1217 	{ // runs inside a TRAP harness
  1218 	aCoe->ConstructL();
  1219 	CTestMenu1AppUi* appUi=new(ELeave) CTestMenu1AppUi(this);
  1220 	aCoe->SetAppUi(appUi);
  1221 	appUi->ConstructL();
  1222 	}
  1225 CTMenu1Step::~CTMenu1Step()
  1226 	{
  1227 	}
  1230 CTMenu1Step::CTMenu1Step()
  1231 	{
  1232 	SetTestStepName(KTMenu1Step);
  1233 	}
  1236 TVerdict CTMenu1Step::doTestStepL()// main function called by E32
  1237 	{
  1238 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Started"));
  1240 	__UHEAP_MARK;
  1242     CCoeEnv* coe=new CCoeEnv;
  1243     TRAPD(err,ConstructAppL(coe));
  1244     if (!err)
  1245         coe->ExecuteD();
  1247 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
  1249 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Test Finished"));
  1250 	return TestStepResult();
  1251 	}