changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*************************************************************************
     2  *                                                                       *
     3  * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith.       *
     4  * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org          *
     5  *                                                                       *
     6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
     7  * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
     8  *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
     9  *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
    10  *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
    11  *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
    12  *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
    13  *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
    14  *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
    15  *                                                                       *
    16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
    17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
    19  * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
    20  *                                                                       *
    21  *************************************************************************/
    23 /*
    25 standard ODE geometry primitives: public API and pairwise collision functions.
    27 the rule is that only the low level primitive collision functions should set
    28 dContactGeom::g1 and dContactGeom::g2.
    30 */
    32 #include <ode/common.h>
    33 #include <ode/collision.h>
    34 #include <ode/matrix.h>
    35 #include <ode/rotation.h>
    36 #include <ode/odemath.h>
    37 #include "collision_kernel.h"
    38 #include "collision_std.h"
    39 #include "collision_util.h"
    41 //****************************************************************************
    42 // capped cylinder public API
    44 dxCapsule::dxCapsule (dSpaceID space, dReal _radius, dReal _length) :
    45   dxGeom (space,1)
    46 {
    47   type = dCapsuleClass;
    48   radius = _radius;
    49   lz = _length;
    50 }
    53 void dxCapsule::computeAABB()
    54 {
    55   const dMatrix3& R = final_posr->R;
    56   const dVector3& pos = final_posr->pos;
    58   dReal xrange = dMUL(dFabs(dMUL(R[2],lz)),REAL(0.5)) + radius;
    59   dReal yrange = dMUL(dFabs(dMUL(R[6],lz)),REAL(0.5)) + radius;
    60   dReal zrange = dMUL(dFabs(dMUL(R[10],lz)),REAL(0.5)) + radius;
    61   aabb[0] = pos[0] - xrange;
    62   aabb[1] = pos[0] + xrange;
    63   aabb[2] = pos[1] - yrange;
    64   aabb[3] = pos[1] + yrange;
    65   aabb[4] = pos[2] - zrange;
    66   aabb[5] = pos[2] + zrange;
    67 }
    70 EXPORT_C dGeomID dCreateCapsule (dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length)
    71 {
    72   return new dxCapsule (space,radius,length);
    73 }
    76 EXPORT_C void dGeomCapsuleSetParams (dGeomID g, dReal radius, dReal length)
    77 {
    78   dxCapsule *c = (dxCapsule*) g;
    79   c->radius = radius;
    80   c->lz = length;
    81   dGeomMoved (g);
    82 }
    85 EXPORT_C void dGeomCapsuleGetParams (dGeomID g, dReal *radius, dReal *length)
    86 {
    87   dxCapsule *c = (dxCapsule*) g;
    88   *radius = c->radius;
    89   *length = c->lz;
    90 }
    93 EXPORT_C dReal dGeomCapsulePointDepth (dGeomID g, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z)
    94 {
    95   g->recomputePosr();
    96   dxCapsule *c = (dxCapsule*) g;
    98   const dReal* R = g->final_posr->R;
    99   const dReal* pos = g->final_posr->pos;
   101   dVector3 a;
   102   a[0] = x - pos[0];
   103   a[1] = y - pos[1];
   104   a[2] = z - pos[2];
   105   dReal beta = dDOT14(a,R+2);
   106   dReal lz2 = dMUL(c->lz,REAL(0.5));
   107   if (beta < -lz2) beta = -lz2;
   108   else if (beta > lz2) beta = lz2;
   109   a[0] = c->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(beta,R[0*4+2]);
   110   a[1] = c->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(beta,R[1*4+2]);
   111   a[2] = c->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(beta,R[2*4+2]);
   112   return c->radius -
   113     dSqrt (dMUL((x-a[0]),(x-a[0])) + dMUL((y-a[1]),(y-a[1])) + dMUL((z-a[2]),(z-a[2])));
   114 }
   118 int dCollideCapsuleSphere (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/,
   119 			     dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   120 {
   121   dxCapsule *ccyl = (dxCapsule*) o1;
   122   dxSphere *sphere = (dxSphere*) o2;
   124   contact->g1 = o1;
   125   contact->g2 = o2;
   127   // find the point on the cylinder axis that is closest to the sphere
   128   dReal alpha = 
   129     dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[2],(o2->final_posr->pos[0] - o1->final_posr->pos[0])) +
   130     dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[6],(o2->final_posr->pos[1] - o1->final_posr->pos[1])) +
   131     dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[10],(o2->final_posr->pos[2] - o1->final_posr->pos[2]));
   132   dReal lz2 = dMUL(ccyl->lz,REAL(0.5));
   133   if (alpha > lz2) alpha = lz2;
   134   if (alpha < -lz2) alpha = -lz2;
   136   // collide the spheres
   137   dVector3 p;
   138   p[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(alpha,o1->final_posr->R[2]);
   139   p[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(alpha,o1->final_posr->R[6]);
   140   p[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(alpha,o1->final_posr->R[10]);
   141   return dCollideSpheres (p,ccyl->radius,o2->final_posr->pos,sphere->radius,contact);
   142 }
   145 int dCollideCapsuleBox (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/,
   146 			  dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   147 {
   148   dxCapsule *cyl = (dxCapsule*) o1;
   149   dxBox *box = (dxBox*) o2;
   151   contact->g1 = o1;
   152   contact->g2 = o2;
   154   // get p1,p2 = cylinder axis endpoints, get radius
   155   dVector3 p1,p2;
   156   dReal clen = dMUL(cyl->lz,REAL(0.5));
   157   p1[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(clen,o1->final_posr->R[2]);
   158   p1[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(clen,o1->final_posr->R[6]);
   159   p1[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(clen,o1->final_posr->R[10]);
   160   p2[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] - dMUL(clen,o1->final_posr->R[2]);
   161   p2[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] - dMUL(clen,o1->final_posr->R[6]);
   162   p2[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] - dMUL(clen,o1->final_posr->R[10]);
   163   dReal radius = cyl->radius;
   165   // copy out box center, rotation matrix, and side array
   166   dReal *c = o2->final_posr->pos;
   167   dReal *R = o2->final_posr->R;
   168   const dReal *side = box->side;
   170   // get the closest point between the cylinder axis and the box
   171   dVector3 pl,pb;
   172   dClosestLineBoxPoints (p1,p2,c,R,side,pl,pb);
   174   // generate contact point
   175   return dCollideSpheres (pl,radius,pb,0,contact);
   176 }
   179 int dCollideCapsuleCapsule (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2,
   180 				int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
   181 {
   182   int i;
   183   const dReal tolerance = REAL(2e-5);
   185   dxCapsule *cyl1 = (dxCapsule*) o1;
   186   dxCapsule *cyl2 = (dxCapsule*) o2;
   188   contact->g1 = o1;
   189   contact->g2 = o2;
   191   // copy out some variables, for convenience
   192   dReal lz1 = dMUL(cyl1->lz,REAL(0.5));
   193   dReal lz2 = dMUL(cyl2->lz,REAL(0.5));
   194   dReal *pos1 = o1->final_posr->pos;
   195   dReal *pos2 = o2->final_posr->pos;
   196   dReal axis1[3],axis2[3];
   197   axis1[0] = o1->final_posr->R[2];
   198   axis1[1] = o1->final_posr->R[6];
   199   axis1[2] = o1->final_posr->R[10];
   200   axis2[0] = o2->final_posr->R[2];
   201   axis2[1] = o2->final_posr->R[6];
   202   axis2[2] = o2->final_posr->R[10];
   204   // if the cylinder axes are close to parallel, we'll try to detect up to
   205   // two contact points along the body of the cylinder. if we can't find any
   206   // points then we'll fall back to the closest-points algorithm. note that
   207   // we are not treating this special case for reasons of degeneracy, but
   208   // because we want two contact points in some situations. the closet-points
   209   // algorithm is robust in all casts, but it can return only one contact.
   211   dVector3 sphere1,sphere2;
   212   dReal a1a2 = dDOT (axis1,axis2);
   213   dReal det = REAL(1.0)-dMUL(a1a2,a1a2);
   214   if (det < tolerance) {
   215     // the cylinder axes (almost) parallel, so we will generate up to two
   216     // contacts. alpha1 and alpha2 (line position parameters) are related by:
   217     //       alpha2 =   alpha1 + (pos1-pos2)'*axis1   (if axis1==axis2)
   218     //    or alpha2 = -(alpha1 + (pos1-pos2)'*axis1)  (if axis1==-axis2)
   219     // first compute where the two cylinders overlap in alpha1 space:
   220     if (a1a2 < 0) {
   221       axis2[0] = -axis2[0];
   222       axis2[1] = -axis2[1];
   223       axis2[2] = -axis2[2];
   224     }
   225     dReal q[3];
   226     for (i=0; i<3; i++) q[i] = pos1[i]-pos2[i];
   227     dReal k = dDOT (axis1,q);
   228     dReal a1lo = -lz1;
   229     dReal a1hi = lz1;
   230     dReal a2lo = -lz2 - k;
   231     dReal a2hi = lz2 - k;
   232     dReal lo = (a1lo > a2lo) ? a1lo : a2lo;
   233     dReal hi = (a1hi < a2hi) ? a1hi : a2hi;
   234     if (lo <= hi) {
   235       int num_contacts = flags & NUMC_MASK;
   236       if (num_contacts >= 2 && lo < hi) {
   237 	// generate up to two contacts. if one of those contacts is
   238 	// not made, fall back on the one-contact strategy.
   239 	for (i=0; i<3; i++) sphere1[i] = pos1[i] + dMUL(lo,axis1[i]);
   240 	for (i=0; i<3; i++) sphere2[i] = pos2[i] + dMUL((lo+k),axis2[i]);
   241 	int n1 = dCollideSpheres (sphere1,cyl1->radius,
   242 				  sphere2,cyl2->radius,contact);
   243 	if (n1) {
   244 	  for (i=0; i<3; i++) sphere1[i] = pos1[i] + dMUL(hi,axis1[i]);
   245 	  for (i=0; i<3; i++) sphere2[i] = pos2[i] + dMUL((hi+k),axis2[i]);
   246 	  dContactGeom *c2 = CONTACT(contact,skip);
   247 	  int n2 = dCollideSpheres (sphere1,cyl1->radius,
   248 				    sphere2,cyl2->radius, c2);
   249 	  if (n2) {
   250 	    c2->g1 = o1;
   251 	    c2->g2 = o2;
   252 	    return 2;
   253 	  }
   254 	}
   255       }
   257       // just one contact to generate, so put it in the middle of
   258       // the range
   259       dReal alpha1 = dMUL((lo + hi),REAL(0.5));
   260       dReal alpha2 = alpha1 + k;
   261       for (i=0; i<3; i++) sphere1[i] = pos1[i] + dMUL(alpha1,axis1[i]);
   262       for (i=0; i<3; i++) sphere2[i] = pos2[i] + dMUL(alpha2,axis2[i]);
   263       return dCollideSpheres (sphere1,cyl1->radius,
   264 			      sphere2,cyl2->radius,contact);
   265     }
   266   }
   268   // use the closest point algorithm
   269   dVector3 a1,a2,b1,b2;
   270   a1[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(axis1[0],lz1);
   271   a1[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(axis1[1],lz1);
   272   a1[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(axis1[2],lz1);
   273   a2[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] - dMUL(axis1[0],lz1);
   274   a2[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] - dMUL(axis1[1],lz1);
   275   a2[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] - dMUL(axis1[2],lz1);
   276   b1[0] = o2->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(axis2[0],lz2);
   277   b1[1] = o2->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(axis2[1],lz2);
   278   b1[2] = o2->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(axis2[2],lz2);
   279   b2[0] = o2->final_posr->pos[0] - dMUL(axis2[0],lz2);
   280   b2[1] = o2->final_posr->pos[1] - dMUL(axis2[1],lz2);
   281   b2[2] = o2->final_posr->pos[2] - dMUL(axis2[2],lz2);
   283   dClosestLineSegmentPoints (a1,a2,b1,b2,sphere1,sphere2);
   284   return dCollideSpheres (sphere1,cyl1->radius,sphere2,cyl2->radius,contact);
   285 }
   288 int dCollideCapsulePlane (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags,
   289 			    dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
   290 {
   291   dxCapsule *ccyl = (dxCapsule*) o1;
   292   dxPlane *plane = (dxPlane*) o2;
   294   // collide the deepest capping sphere with the plane
   295   dReal sign = (dDOT14 (plane->p,o1->final_posr->R+2) > 0) ? REAL(-1.0) : REAL(1.0);
   296   dVector3 p;
   297   p[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[2],dMUL(ccyl->lz,dMUL(REAL(0.5),sign)));
   298   p[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[6],dMUL(ccyl->lz,dMUL(REAL(0.5),sign)));
   299   p[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[10],dMUL(ccyl->lz,dMUL(REAL(0.5),sign)));
   301   dReal k = dDOT (p,plane->p);
   302   dReal depth = plane->p[3] - k + ccyl->radius;
   303   if (depth < 0) return 0;
   304   contact->normal[0] = plane->p[0];
   305   contact->normal[1] = plane->p[1];
   306   contact->normal[2] = plane->p[2];
   307   contact->pos[0] = p[0] - dMUL(plane->p[0],ccyl->radius);
   308   contact->pos[1] = p[1] - dMUL(plane->p[1],ccyl->radius);
   309   contact->pos[2] = p[2] - dMUL(plane->p[2],ccyl->radius);
   310   contact->depth = depth;
   312   int ncontacts = 1;
   313   if ((flags & NUMC_MASK) >= 2) {
   314     // collide the other capping sphere with the plane
   315     p[0] = o1->final_posr->pos[0] - dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[2],dMUL(ccyl->lz,dMUL(REAL(0.5),sign)));
   316     p[1] = o1->final_posr->pos[1] - dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[6],dMUL(ccyl->lz,dMUL(REAL(0.5),sign)));
   317     p[2] = o1->final_posr->pos[2] - dMUL(o1->final_posr->R[10],dMUL(ccyl->lz,dMUL(REAL(0.5),sign)));
   319     k = dDOT (p,plane->p);
   320     depth = plane->p[3] - k + ccyl->radius;
   321     if (depth >= 0) {
   322       dContactGeom *c2 = CONTACT(contact,skip);
   323       c2->normal[0] = plane->p[0];
   324       c2->normal[1] = plane->p[1];
   325       c2->normal[2] = plane->p[2];
   326       c2->pos[0] = p[0] - dMUL(plane->p[0],ccyl->radius);
   327       c2->pos[1] = p[1] - dMUL(plane->p[1],ccyl->radius);
   328       c2->pos[2] = p[2] - dMUL(plane->p[2],ccyl->radius);
   329       c2->depth = depth;
   330       ncontacts = 2;
   331     }
   332   }
   334   for (int i=0; i < ncontacts; i++) {
   335     CONTACT(contact,i*skip)->g1 = o1;
   336     CONTACT(contact,i*skip)->g2 = o2;
   337   }
   338   return ncontacts;
   339 }