changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*************************************************************************
     2  *                                                                       *
     3  * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith.       *
     4  * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org          *
     5  *                                                                       *
     6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
     7  * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
     8  *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
     9  *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
    10  *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
    11  *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
    12  *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
    13  *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
    14  *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
    15  *                                                                       *
    16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
    17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
    19  * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
    20  *                                                                       *
    21  *************************************************************************/
    23 /*
    24 Code for Convex Collision Detection
    25 By Rodrigo Hernandez
    26 */
    27 //#include <algorithm>
    28 #include <ode/common.h>
    29 #include <ode/collision.h>
    30 #include <ode/matrix.h>
    31 #include <ode/rotation.h>
    32 #include <ode/odemath.h>
    33 #include "collision_kernel.h"
    34 #include "collision_std.h"
    35 #include "collision_util.h"
    37 #include "set.h"
    38 #include <ode/ode.h>
    40 #define dMIN(A,B)  ((A)>(B) ? B : A)
    41 #define dMAX(A,B)  ((A)>(B) ? A : B)
    43 //****************************************************************************
    44 // Convex public API
    45 dxConvex::dxConvex (dSpaceID space,
    46 		    dReal *_planes,
    47 		    unsigned int _planecount,
    48 		    dReal *_points,
    49 		    unsigned int _pointcount,
    50 		    unsigned int *_polygons) : 
    51   dxGeom (space,1)
    52 {
    54   //fprintf(stdout,"dxConvex Constructor planes %X\n",_planes);
    55   type = dConvexClass;
    56   planes = _planes;
    57   planecount = _planecount;
    58   // we need points as well
    59   points = _points;
    60   pointcount = _pointcount;
    61   polygons=_polygons;
    62   FillEdges();
    63 }
    66 void dxConvex::computeAABB()
    67 {
    68   // this can, and should be optimized
    69   dVector3 point;
    70   dMULTIPLY0_331 (point,final_posr->R,points);
    71   aabb[0] = point[0]+final_posr->pos[0];
    72   aabb[1] = point[0]+final_posr->pos[0];
    73   aabb[2] = point[1]+final_posr->pos[1];
    74   aabb[3] = point[1]+final_posr->pos[1];
    75   aabb[4] = point[2]+final_posr->pos[2];
    76   aabb[5] = point[2]+final_posr->pos[2];
    77   for(unsigned int i=3;i<(pointcount*3);i+=3)
    78     {
    79       dMULTIPLY0_331 (point,final_posr->R,&points[i]);
    80       aabb[0] = dMIN(aabb[0],point[0]+final_posr->pos[0]);
    81       aabb[1] = dMAX(aabb[1],point[0]+final_posr->pos[0]);
    82       aabb[2] = dMIN(aabb[2],point[1]+final_posr->pos[1]);
    83       aabb[3] = dMAX(aabb[3],point[1]+final_posr->pos[1]);
    84       aabb[4] = dMIN(aabb[4],point[2]+final_posr->pos[2]);
    85       aabb[5] = dMAX(aabb[5],point[2]+final_posr->pos[2]);
    86     }
    87 }
    89 /*! \brief Populates the edges set, should be called only once whenever
    90   the polygon array gets updated */
    91 void dxConvex::FillEdges()
    92 {
    93 	unsigned int *points_in_poly=polygons;
    94 	unsigned int *index=polygons+1;
    95 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<planecount;++i)
    96 	{
    97 		for(unsigned int j=0;j<*points_in_poly;++j)
    98 		{
    99 			pair* p = new pair(dMIN(index[j],index[(j+1)%*points_in_poly]),
   100 					dMAX(index[j],index[(j+1)%*points_in_poly]));
   101 			edges->addElem(*p);
   102 		}
   103 		points_in_poly+=(*points_in_poly+1);
   104 		index=points_in_poly+1;
   105 	}
   107 }
   109 EXPORT_C dGeomID dCreateConvex (dSpaceID space,dReal *_planes,unsigned int _planecount,
   110 		    dReal *_points,
   111 		       unsigned int _pointcount,
   112 		       unsigned int *_polygons)
   113 {
   114   //fprintf(stdout,"dxConvex dCreateConvex\n");
   115   return new dxConvex(space,_planes, _planecount,
   116 		      _points,
   117 		      _pointcount,
   118 		      _polygons);
   119 }
   121 EXPORT_C void dGeomSetConvex (dGeomID g,dReal *_planes,unsigned int _planecount,
   122 		     dReal *_points,
   123 		     unsigned int _pointcount,
   124 		     unsigned int *_polygons)
   125 {
   126   //fprintf(stdout,"dxConvex dGeomSetConvex\n");
   127   dxConvex *s = (dxConvex*) g;
   128   s->planes = _planes;
   129   s->planecount = _planecount;
   130   s->points = _points;
   131   s->pointcount = _pointcount;
   132   s->polygons=_polygons;
   133 }
   135 //****************************************************************************
   136 // Helper Inlines
   137 //
   139 /*! \brief Returns Whether or not the segment ab intersects plane p
   140   \param a origin of the segment
   141   \param b segment destination
   142   \param p plane to test for intersection
   143   \param t returns the time "t" in the segment ray that gives us the intersecting 
   144   point
   145   \param q returns the intersection point
   146   \return true if there is an intersection, otherwise false.
   147 */
   148 bool IntersectSegmentPlane(dVector3 a, 
   149 			   dVector3 b, 
   150 			   dVector4 p, 
   151 			   dReal &t, 
   152 			   dVector3 q)
   153 {
   154   // Compute the t value for the directed line ab intersecting the plane
   155   dVector3 ab;
   156   ab[0]= b[0] - a[0];
   157   ab[1]= b[1] - a[1];
   158   ab[2]= b[2] - a[2];
   160   t = dDIV((p[3] - dDOT(p,a)),dDOT(p,ab));
   162   // If t in [0..1] compute and return intersection point
   163   if (t >= REAL(0.0) && t <= REAL(1.0)) 
   164     {
   165       q[0] = a[0] + dMUL(t,ab[0]);
   166       q[1] = a[1] + dMUL(t,ab[1]);
   167       q[2] = a[2] + dMUL(t,ab[2]);
   168       return true;
   169     }
   170   // Else no intersection
   171   return false;
   172 }
   174 /*! \brief Returns the Closest Point in Ray 1 to Ray 2
   175   \param Origin1 The origin of Ray 1
   176   \param Direction1 The direction of Ray 1
   177   \param Origin1 The origin of Ray 2
   178   \param Direction1 The direction of Ray 3
   179   \param t the time "t" in Ray 1 that gives us the closest point 
   180   (closest_point=Origin1+(Direction*t).
   181   \return true if there is a closest point, false if the rays are paralell.
   182 */
   183 inline bool ClosestPointInRay(const dVector3 Origin1,
   184 			      const dVector3 Direction1,
   185 			      const dVector3 Origin2,
   186 			      const dVector3 Direction2,
   187 			      dReal& t)
   188 {
   189   dVector3 w = {Origin1[0]-Origin2[0],
   190 		Origin1[1]-Origin2[1],
   191 		Origin1[2]-Origin2[2]};
   192   dReal a = dDOT(Direction1 , Direction1);
   193   dReal b = dDOT(Direction1 , Direction2);
   194   dReal c = dDOT(Direction2 , Direction2);
   195   dReal d = dDOT(Direction1 , w);
   196   dReal e = dDOT(Direction2 , w);
   197   dReal denominator = dMUL(a,c)-dMUL(b,b);
   198   if(denominator==REAL(0.0f))
   199     {
   200       return false;
   201     }
   202   t = dDIV((dMUL(a,e)-dMUL(b,d)),denominator);
   203   return true;
   204 }
   206 /*! \brief Returns the Ray on which 2 planes intersect if they do.
   207   \param p1 Plane 1
   208   \param p2 Plane 2
   209   \param p Contains the origin of the ray upon returning if planes intersect
   210   \param d Contains the direction of the ray upon returning if planes intersect
   211   \return true if the planes intersect, false if paralell.
   212 */
   213 inline bool IntersectPlanes(const dVector4 p1, const dVector4 p2, dVector3 p, dVector3 d)
   214 {
   215   // Compute direction of intersection line
   216   //Cross(p1, p2,d);
   217   dCROSS(d,=,p1,p2);
   219   // If d is (near) zero, the planes are parallel (and separated)
   220   // or coincident, so they're not considered intersecting
   221   dReal denom = dDOT(d, d);
   222   if (denom < dEpsilon) return false;
   224   dVector3 n;
   225   n[0]=dMUL(p1[3],p2[0]) - dMUL(p2[3],p1[0]);
   226   n[1]=dMUL(p1[3],p2[1]) - dMUL(p2[3],p1[1]);
   227   n[2]=dMUL(p1[3],p2[2]) - dMUL(p2[3],p1[2]);
   228   // Compute point on intersection line
   229   //Cross(n, d,p);
   230   dCROSS(p,=,n,d);
   231   p[0] = dDIV(p[0],denom);
   232   p[1] = dDIV(p[1],denom);
   233   p[2] = dDIV(p[2],denom);
   234   return true;
   235 }
   237 /*! \brief Finds out if a point lies inside a 2D polygon
   238   \param p Point to test
   239   \param polygon a pointer to the start of the convex polygon index buffer
   240   \param out the closest point in the polygon if the point is not inside
   241   \return true if the point lies inside of the polygon, false if not.
   242 */
   243 inline bool IsPointInPolygon(dVector3 p,
   244 			     unsigned int *polygon,
   245 			     dxConvex *convex,
   246 			     dVector3 out)
   247 {
   248   // p is the point we want to check,
   249   // polygon is a pointer to the polygon we
   250   // are checking against, remember it goes
   251   // number of vertices then that many indexes
   252   // out returns the closest point on the border of the
   253   // polygon if the point is not inside it.
   254   size_t pointcount=polygon[0];
   255   dVector3 a;
   256   dVector3 b;
   257   dVector3 c;
   258   dVector3 ab;
   259   dVector3 ac;
   260   dVector3 ap;
   261   dVector3 bp;
   262   dReal d1;
   263   dReal d2;
   264   dReal d3;
   265   dReal d4;
   266   dReal vc;
   267   polygon++; // skip past pointcount
   268   for(size_t i=0;i<pointcount;++i)
   269     {
   270       dMULTIPLY0_331 (a,convex->final_posr->R,&convex->points[(polygon[i]*3)]);
   271       a[0]=convex->final_posr->pos[0]+a[0];
   272       a[1]=convex->final_posr->pos[1]+a[1];
   273       a[2]=convex->final_posr->pos[2]+a[2];
   275       dMULTIPLY0_331 (b,convex->final_posr->R,
   276 		      &convex->points[(polygon[(i+1)%pointcount]*3)]);
   277       b[0]=convex->final_posr->pos[0]+b[0];
   278       b[1]=convex->final_posr->pos[1]+b[1];
   279       b[2]=convex->final_posr->pos[2]+b[2];
   281       dMULTIPLY0_331 (c,convex->final_posr->R,
   282 		      &convex->points[(polygon[(i+2)%pointcount]*3)]);
   283       c[0]=convex->final_posr->pos[0]+c[0];
   284       c[1]=convex->final_posr->pos[1]+c[1];
   285       c[2]=convex->final_posr->pos[2]+c[2];
   287       ab[0] = b[0] - a[0];
   288       ab[1] = b[1] - a[1];
   289       ab[2] = b[2] - a[2];
   290       ac[0] = c[0] - a[0];
   291       ac[1] = c[1] - a[1];
   292       ac[2] = c[2] - a[2];
   293       ap[0] = p[0] - a[0];
   294       ap[1] = p[1] - a[1];
   295       ap[2] = p[2] - a[2];
   296       d1 = dDOT(ab,ap);
   297       d2 = dDOT(ac,ap);
   298       if (d1 <= REAL(0.0f) && d2 <= REAL(0.0f))
   299 	{
   300 	  out[0]=a[0];
   301 	  out[1]=a[1];
   302 	  out[2]=a[2];
   303 	  return false;
   304 	}
   305       bp[0] = p[0] - b[0];
   306       bp[1] = p[1] - b[1];
   307       bp[2] = p[2] - b[2];
   308       d3 = dDOT(ab,bp);
   309       d4 = dDOT(ac,bp);
   310       if (d3 >= REAL(0.0f) && d4 <= d3)
   311 	{
   312 	  out[0]=b[0];
   313 	  out[1]=b[1];
   314 	  out[2]=b[2];
   315 	  return false;
   316 	}      
   317       vc = dMUL(d1,d4) - dMUL(d3,d2);
   318       if (vc <= REAL(0.0f) && d1 >= REAL(0.0f) && d3 <= REAL(0.0f)) 
   319 	{
   320 	  dReal v = dDIV(d1,(d1 - d3));
   321 	  out[0] = a[0] + dMUL(ab[0],v);
   322 	  out[1] = a[1] + dMUL(ab[1],v);
   323 	  out[2] = a[2] + dMUL(ab[2],v);
   324 	  return false;
   325 	}
   326     }
   327   return true;
   328 }
   330 int dCollideConvexPlane (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags,
   331 						 dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
   332 {
   334 	dxConvex *Convex = (dxConvex*) o1;
   335 	dxPlane *Plane = (dxPlane*) o2;
   336 	unsigned int contacts=0;
   337 	unsigned int maxc = flags & NUMC_MASK;
   338 	dVector3 v1;
   339 	dVector3 v2;
   340 	bool Hit=false;
   342 	dMULTIPLY0_331 (v1,Convex->final_posr->R,Convex->points);
   343 	v1[0]=Convex->final_posr->pos[0]+v1[0];
   344 	v1[1]=Convex->final_posr->pos[1]+v1[1];
   345 	v1[2]=Convex->final_posr->pos[2]+v1[2];
   347 	dReal distance1 = (dMUL(Plane->p[0],v1[0])   + // Ax +
   348 		dMUL(Plane->p[1],v1[1])   + // Bx +
   349 		dMUL(Plane->p[2],v1[2])) - Plane->p[3]; // Cz - D
   350 	if(distance1<=0)
   351 	{
   352 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[0] = Plane->p[0];
   353 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[1] = Plane->p[1];
   354 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[2] = Plane->p[2];
   355 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[0] = v1[0];
   356 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[1] = v1[1];
   357 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[2] = v1[2];
   358 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->depth = -distance1;
   359 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->g1 = Convex;
   360 		CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->g2 = Plane;
   361 		contacts++;
   362 	}
   363 	for(unsigned int i=1;i<Convex->pointcount;++i)
   364 	{
   365 		dMULTIPLY0_331 (v2,Convex->final_posr->R,&Convex->points[(i*3)]);
   366 		v2[0]=Convex->final_posr->pos[0]+v2[0];
   367 		v2[1]=Convex->final_posr->pos[1]+v2[1];
   368 		v2[2]=Convex->final_posr->pos[2]+v2[2];
   369 		dReal distance2 = (dMUL(Plane->p[0],v2[0]) + // Ax +
   370 			dMUL(Plane->p[1],v2[1])  + // Bx +
   371 			dMUL(Plane->p[2],v2[2])) - Plane->p[3]; // Cz + D
   372 		if(!Hit) 
   373 			/* 
   374 			Avoid multiplication 
   375 			if we have already determined there is a hit 
   376 			*/
   377 		{
   378 			if(dMUL(distance1,distance2) <= REAL(0.0))
   379 			{
   380 				// there is a hit.
   381 				Hit=true;
   382 			}
   383 		}
   384 		if((distance2<=0)&&(contacts<maxc))
   385 		{
   386 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[0] = Plane->p[0];
   387 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[1] = Plane->p[1];
   388 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[2] = Plane->p[2];
   389 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[0] = v2[0];
   390 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[1] = v2[1];
   391 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[2] = v2[2];
   392 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->depth = -distance2;
   393 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->g1 = Convex;
   394 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->g2 = Plane;
   395 			contacts++;
   396 		}
   397 	}
   398 	if(Hit) return contacts;
   399 	return 0;
   400 }
   402 int dCollideSphereConvex (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/,
   403 			  dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   404 {
   406   dxSphere *Sphere = (dxSphere*) o1;
   407   dxConvex *Convex = (dxConvex*) o2;
   408   dReal dist,closestdist=dInfinity;
   409   dVector4 plane;
   410   // dVector3 contactpoint;
   411   dVector3 offsetpos,out,temp;
   412   unsigned int *pPoly=Convex->polygons;
   413   int closestplane=0;
   414   bool sphereinside=true;
   415   /* 
   416      Do a good old sphere vs plane check first,
   417      if a collision is found then check if the contact point
   418      is within the polygon
   419   */
   420   // offset the sphere final_posr->position into the convex space
   421   offsetpos[0]=Sphere->final_posr->pos[0]-Convex->final_posr->pos[0];
   422   offsetpos[1]=Sphere->final_posr->pos[1]-Convex->final_posr->pos[1];
   423   offsetpos[2]=Sphere->final_posr->pos[2]-Convex->final_posr->pos[2];
   424   //fprintf(stdout,"Begin Check\n");  
   425   for(unsigned int i=0;i<Convex->planecount;++i)
   426     {
   427       // apply rotation to the plane
   428       dMULTIPLY0_331(plane,Convex->final_posr->R,&Convex->planes[(i*4)]);
   429       plane[3]=(&Convex->planes[(i*4)])[3];
   430       // Get the distance from the sphere origin to the plane
   431       dist = (dMUL(plane[0],offsetpos[0]) + // Ax +
   432 	      dMUL(plane[1],offsetpos[1])  + // Bx +
   433 	      dMUL(plane[2],offsetpos[2])) - plane[3]; // Cz - D
   434       if(dist>REAL(0.0))
   435 	{
   436 	  // if we get here, we know the center of the sphere is
   437 	  // outside of the convex hull.
   438 	  if(dist<Sphere->radius)
   439 	    {
   440 	      // if we get here we know the sphere surface penetrates
   441 	      // the plane
   442 	      if(IsPointInPolygon(Sphere->final_posr->pos,pPoly,Convex,out))
   443 		{
   444 		  // finally if we get here we know that the
   445 		  // sphere is directly touching the inside of the polyhedron
   446 		  //fprintf(stdout,"Contact! distance=%f\n",dist);
   447 		  contact->normal[0] = plane[0];
   448 		  contact->normal[1] = plane[1];
   449 		  contact->normal[2] = plane[2];
   450 		  contact->pos[0] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[0]+
   451 		    (-dMUL(contact->normal[0],Sphere->radius));
   452 		  contact->pos[1] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[1]+
   453 		    (-dMUL(contact->normal[1],Sphere->radius));
   454 		  contact->pos[2] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[2]+
   455 		    (-dMUL(contact->normal[2],Sphere->radius));
   456 		  contact->depth = Sphere->radius-dist;
   457 		  contact->g1 = Sphere;
   458 		  contact->g2 = Convex;
   459 		  return 1;
   460 		}
   461 	      else
   462 		{
   463 		  // the sphere may not be directly touching
   464 		  // the polyhedron, but it may be touching
   465 		  // a point or an edge, if the distance between
   466 		  // the closest point on the poly (out) and the 
   467 		  // center of the sphere is less than the sphere 
   468 		  // radius we have a hit.
   469 		  temp[0] = (Sphere->final_posr->pos[0]-out[0]);
   470 		  temp[1] = (Sphere->final_posr->pos[1]-out[1]);
   471 		  temp[2] = (Sphere->final_posr->pos[2]-out[2]);
   472 		  dist=(dMUL(temp[0],temp[0])+dMUL(temp[1],temp[1])+dMUL(temp[2],temp[2]));
   473 		  // avoid the sqrt unless really necesary
   474 		  if(dist<dMUL(Sphere->radius,Sphere->radius))
   475 		    {
   476 		      // We got an indirect hit
   477 		      dist=dSqrt(dist);
   478 		      contact->normal[0] = dDIV(temp[0],dist);
   479 		      contact->normal[1] = dDIV(temp[1],dist);
   480 		      contact->normal[2] = dDIV(temp[2],dist);
   481 		      contact->pos[0] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[0]+
   482 			(-dMUL(contact->normal[0],Sphere->radius));
   483 		      contact->pos[1] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[1]+
   484 			(-dMUL(contact->normal[1],Sphere->radius));
   485 		      contact->pos[2] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[2]+
   486 			(-dMUL(contact->normal[2],Sphere->radius));
   487 		      contact->depth = Sphere->radius-dist;
   488 		      contact->g1 = Sphere;
   489 		      contact->g2 = Convex;
   490 		      return 1;
   491 		    }
   492 		}
   493 	    }
   494 	  sphereinside=false;
   495 	}
   496       if(sphereinside)
   497 	{
   498 	  if(closestdist>dFabs(dist))
   499 	    {
   500 	      closestdist=dFabs(dist);
   501 	      closestplane=i;
   502 	    }
   503 	}
   504       pPoly+=pPoly[0]+1;
   505     }
   506     if(sphereinside)
   507       {
   508 	// if the center of the sphere is inside 
   509 	// the Convex, we need to pop it out
   510 	dMULTIPLY0_331(contact->normal,
   511 		       Convex->final_posr->R,
   512 		       &Convex->planes[(closestplane*4)]);
   513 	contact->pos[0] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[0];
   514 	contact->pos[1] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[1];
   515 	contact->pos[2] = Sphere->final_posr->pos[2];
   516 	contact->depth = closestdist+Sphere->radius;
   517 	contact->g1 = Sphere;
   518 	contact->g2 = Convex;
   519 	return 1;
   520       }
   521   return 0;
   522 }
   524 int dCollideConvexBox (dxGeom */*o1*/, dxGeom */*o2*/, int /*flags*/,
   525 		       dContactGeom */*contact*/, int /*skip*/)
   526 {
   527   return 0;
   528 }
   530 int dCollideConvexCapsule (dxGeom */*o1*/, dxGeom */*o2*/,
   531 			     int /*flags*/, dContactGeom */*contact*/, int /*skip*/)
   532 {
   533   return 0;
   534 }
   536 /*!
   537   \brief Retrieves the proper convex and plane index between 2 convex objects.
   539   Seidel's Algorithm does not discriminate between 2 different Convex Hulls,
   540   it only cares about planes, so we feed it the planes of Convex 1 followed
   541   by the planes of Convex 2 as a single collection of planes, 
   542   given an index into the single collection, 
   543   this function determines the correct convex object and index to retrieve
   544   the current plane.
   546   \param c1 Convex 1
   547   \param c2 Convex 2
   548   \param i Plane Index to retrieve
   549   \param index contains the translated index uppon return
   550   \return a pointer to the convex object containing plane index "i"
   551 */
   552 inline dxConvex* GetPlaneIndex(dxConvex& c1, 
   553 			       dxConvex& c2,
   554 			       unsigned int i,unsigned int& index)
   555 {
   556   if(i>=c1.planecount)
   557     {
   558       index = i-c1.planecount;
   559       return &c2;
   560     }
   561   index=i;
   562   return &c1;
   563 }
   565 inline void dumpplanes(dxConvex& cvx)
   566 {
   567 	// This is just a dummy debug function
   568 	dVector4 plane;
   569 	fprintf(stdout,"DUMP PLANES\n");
   570 	for (unsigned int i=0;i<cvx.planecount;++i)
   571 	{
   572 		dMULTIPLY0_331(plane,cvx.final_posr->R,&cvx.planes[(i*4)]);      
   573 		// Translate
   574 		plane[3]=
   575 			(cvx.planes[(i*4)+3])+
   576 			(dMUL(plane[0],cvx.final_posr->pos[0]) + 
   577 			dMUL(plane[1],cvx.final_posr->pos[1]) + 
   578 			dMUL(plane[2],cvx.final_posr->pos[2]));
   579 		fprintf(stdout,"%f %f %f %f\n",plane[0],plane[1],plane[2],plane[3]);
   580 	}
   581 }
   583 // this variable is for debuggin purpuses only, should go once everything works
   584 /*
   585   \brief Tests whether 2 convex objects collide
   587   Seidel's algorithm is a method to solve linear programs, 
   588   it finds the optimum vertex "v" of a set of functions, 
   589   in our case, the set of functions are the plane functions
   590   for the 2 convex objects being tested.
   591   We don't really care about the value optimum vertex though,
   592   but the 2 convex objects only collide if this vertex exists,
   593   otherwise, the set of functions is said to be "empty" or "void".
   595   Seidel's Original algorithm is recursive and not bound to any number
   596   of dimensions, the one I present here is Iterative rather than recursive
   597   and bound to 3 dimensions, which is what we care about.
   599   If you're interested (and you should be!) on the algorithm, the paper
   600   by Raimund Seidel himself should explain a lot better than I did, you can
   601   find it here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~jrs/meshpapers/SeidelLP.pdf
   603   If posible, read the section about Linear Programming in 
   604   Christer Ericson's RealTime Collision Detection book.
   606   \note currently there seem to be some issues with this function since
   607   it doesn't detect collisions except for the most simple tests :(. 
   608 */
   609 bool SeidelLP(dxConvex& cvx1,dxConvex& cvx2)
   610 {
   611 	dVector3 c={1,0,0}; // The Objective vector can be anything
   612 	dVector3 solution;    // We dont really need the solution so its local
   613 	dxConvex *cvx;
   614 	unsigned int index;
   615 	unsigned int planecount=cvx1.planecount+cvx2.planecount;
   616 	dReal sum,min,max,med;
   617 	dVector3 c1; // ,c2;
   618 	dVector4 aoveral,aoveram; // these will contain cached computations
   619 	unsigned int l,m,n; // l and m are the axes to the zerod dimensions, n is the axe for the last dimension
   620 	unsigned int i,j,k;
   621 	dVector4 eq1,eq2,eq3; // cached equations for 3d,2d and 1d respectivelly
   622 	// Get the support mapping for a HUGE bounding box in direction c
   623 	solution[0]= (c[0]>0) ? dInfinity : -dInfinity;
   624 	solution[1]= (c[1]>0) ? dInfinity : -dInfinity;
   625 	solution[2]= (c[2]>0) ? dInfinity : -dInfinity;
   626 	for( i=0;i<planecount;++i)
   627 	{
   628 		// Isolate plane equation
   629 		cvx=GetPlaneIndex(cvx1,cvx2,i,index);
   630 		// Rotate
   631 		dMULTIPLY0_331(eq1,cvx->final_posr->R,&cvx->planes[(index*4)]);
   633 		// Translate
   634 		eq1[3]=(cvx->planes[(index*4)+3])+
   635 			(dMUL(eq1[0],cvx->final_posr->pos[0]) + 
   636 			dMUL(eq1[1],cvx->final_posr->pos[1]) + 
   637 			dMUL(eq1[2],cvx->final_posr->pos[2]));
   638 		//       if(!hit)
   639 		// 	{
   640 		// 	  fprintf(stdout,"Plane I %d: %f %f %f %f\n",i,
   641 		// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+0],
   642 		// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+1],
   643 		// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+2],
   644 		// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+3]);
   645 		// 	  fprintf(stdout,"Transformed Plane %d: %f %f %f %f\n",i,
   646 		// 		  eq1[0],
   647 		// 		  eq1[1],eq1[2],eq1[3]);
   648 		// 	  fprintf(stdout,"POS %f,%f,%f\n",
   649 		// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[0],
   650 		// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[1],
   651 		// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[2]);
   652 		// 	}
   653 		// find if the solution is behind the current plane
   654 		sum=
   655 			(dMUL(eq1[0],solution[0])+
   656 			dMUL(eq1[1],solution[1])+
   657 			dMUL(eq1[2],solution[2]))-eq1[3];
   658 		// if not we need to discard the current solution
   659 		if(sum>0)
   660 		{
   661 			// go down a dimension by eliminating a variable
   662 			// first find l
   663 			l=0;
   664 			for( j=0;j<3;++j)
   665 			{
   666 				if(dFabs(eq1[j])>dFabs(eq1[l]))
   667 				{
   668 					l=j;
   669 				}
   670 			}
   671 			if(eq1[l]==0)
   672 			{
   673 				if(!GetGlobalData()->hit) 
   674 				{
   675 					fprintf(stdout,"Plane %d: %f %f %f %f is invalid\n",i,
   676 						eq1[0],eq1[1],eq1[2],eq1[3]);
   677 				}
   678 				return false; 
   679 			}
   680 			// then compute a/a[l] c1 and solution
   681 			aoveral[0]=dDIV(eq1[0],eq1[l]);
   682 			aoveral[1]=dDIV(eq1[1],eq1[l]);
   683 			aoveral[2]=dDIV(eq1[2],eq1[l]);
   684 			aoveral[3]=dDIV(eq1[3],eq1[l]);
   685 			c1[0]=c[0]-dMUL(dDIV(c[l],eq1[l]),eq1[0]);
   686 			c1[1]=c[1]-dMUL(dDIV(c[l],eq1[l]),eq1[1]);
   687 			c1[2]=c[2]-dMUL(dDIV(c[l],eq1[l]),eq1[2]);
   688 			solution[0]=solution[0]-dMUL(dDIV(solution[l],eq1[l]),eq1[0]);
   689 			solution[1]=solution[1]-dMUL(dDIV(solution[l],eq1[l]),eq1[1]);
   690 			solution[2]=solution[2]-dMUL(dDIV(solution[l],eq1[l]),eq1[2]);
   691 			// iterate a to get the new equations with the help of a/a[l]
   692 			for( j=0;j<planecount;++j)
   693 			{
   694 				if(i!=j)
   695 				{
   696 					cvx=GetPlaneIndex(cvx1,cvx2,j,index);
   697 					// Rotate
   698 					dMULTIPLY0_331(eq2,cvx->final_posr->R,&cvx->planes[(index*4)]);
   699 					// Translate
   700 					eq2[3]=(cvx->planes[(index*4)+3])+
   701 						(dMUL(eq2[0],cvx->final_posr->pos[0]) + 
   702 						dMUL(eq2[1],cvx->final_posr->pos[1]) + 
   703 						dMUL(eq2[2],cvx->final_posr->pos[2]));
   705 					//       if(!hit)
   706 					// 	{
   707 					// 	  fprintf(stdout,"Plane J %d: %f %f %f %f\n",j,
   708 					// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+0],
   709 					// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+1],
   710 					// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+2],
   711 					// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+3]);
   712 					// 	  fprintf(stdout,"Transformed Plane %d: %f %f %f %f\n",j,
   713 					// 		  eq2[0],
   714 					// 		  eq2[1],
   715 					// 		  eq2[2],
   716 					// 		  eq2[3]);
   717 					// 	  fprintf(stdout,"POS %f,%f,%f\n",
   718 					// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[0],
   719 					// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[1],
   720 					// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[2]);
   721 					// 	}
   723 					// Take The equation down a dimension
   724 					eq2[0]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+l],aoveral[0]);
   725 					eq2[1]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+l],aoveral[1]);
   726 					eq2[2]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+l],aoveral[2]);
   727 					eq2[3]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+l],aoveral[3]);
   728 					sum=
   729 						(dMUL(eq2[0],solution[0])+
   730 						dMUL(eq2[1],solution[1])+
   731 						dMUL(eq2[2],solution[2]))-eq2[3];
   732 					if(sum>0)
   733 					{
   734 						m=0;
   735 						for( k=0;k<3;++k)
   736 						{
   737 							if(dFabs(eq2[k])>dFabs(eq2[m]))
   738 							{
   739 								m=k;
   740 							}
   741 						}
   742 						if(eq2[m]==0)
   743 						{
   744 							/* 
   745 							if(!hit) fprintf(stdout,
   746 							"Plane %d: %f %f %f %f is invalid\n",j,
   747 							eq2[0],eq2[1],eq2[2],eq2[3]);
   748 							*/
   749 							return false; 
   750 						}
   751 						// then compute a/a[m] c1 and solution
   752 						aoveram[0]=dDIV(eq2[0],eq2[m]);
   753 						aoveram[1]=dDIV(eq2[1],eq2[m]);
   754 						aoveram[2]=dDIV(eq2[2],eq2[m]);
   755 						aoveram[3]=dDIV(eq2[3],eq2[m]);
   756 						c1[0]=c[0]-dMUL(dDIV(c[m],eq2[m]),eq2[0]);
   757 						c1[1]=c[1]-dMUL(dDIV(c[m],eq2[m]),eq2[1]);
   758 						c1[2]=c[2]-dMUL(dDIV(c[m],eq2[m]),eq2[2]);
   759 						solution[0]=solution[0]-dMUL(dDIV(solution[m],eq2[m]),eq2[0]);
   760 						solution[1]=solution[1]-dMUL(dDIV(solution[m],eq2[m]),eq2[1]);
   761 						solution[2]=solution[2]-dMUL(dDIV(solution[m],eq2[m]),eq2[2]);
   762 						// figure out the value for n by elimination
   763 						n = (l==0) ? ((m==1)? 2:1):((m==0)?((l==1)?2:1):0);
   764 						// iterate a to get the new equations with the help of a/a[l]
   765 						min=-dInfinity;
   766 						max=med=dInfinity;
   767 						for(k=0;k<planecount;++k)
   768 						{
   769 							if((i!=k)&&(j!=k))
   770 							{
   771 								cvx=GetPlaneIndex(cvx1,cvx2,k,index);
   772 								// Rotate
   773 								dMULTIPLY0_331(eq3,cvx->final_posr->R,&cvx->planes[(index*4)]);
   774 								// Translate
   775 								eq3[3]=(cvx->planes[(index*4)+3])+
   776 									(dMUL(eq3[0],cvx->final_posr->pos[0]) + 
   777 									dMUL(eq3[1],cvx->final_posr->pos[1]) + 
   778 									dMUL(eq3[2],cvx->final_posr->pos[2]));
   779 								//       if(!hit)
   780 								// 	{
   781 								// 	  fprintf(stdout,"Plane K %d: %f %f %f %f\n",k,
   782 								// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+0],
   783 								// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+1],
   784 								// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+2],
   785 								// 		  cvx->planes[(index*4)+3]);
   786 								// 	  fprintf(stdout,"Transformed Plane %d: %f %f %f %f\n",k,
   787 								// 		  eq3[0],
   788 								// 		  eq3[1],
   789 								// 		  eq3[2],
   790 								// 		  eq3[3]);
   791 								// 	  fprintf(stdout,"POS %f,%f,%f\n",
   792 								// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[0],
   793 								// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[1],
   794 								// 		  cvx->final_posr->pos[2]);
   795 								// 	}
   797 								// Take the equation Down to 1D
   798 								eq3[0]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+m],aoveram[0]);
   799 								eq3[1]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+m],aoveram[1]);
   800 								eq3[2]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+m],aoveram[2]);
   801 								eq3[3]-=dMUL(cvx->planes[(index*4)+m],aoveram[3]);
   802 								if(eq3[n]>REAL(0.0))
   803 								{
   804 									max=dMIN(max,dDIV(eq3[3],eq3[n]));
   805 								}
   806 								else if(eq3[n]<0)
   807 								{
   808 									min=dMAX(min,dDIV(eq3[3],eq3[n]));
   809 								}
   810 								else
   811 								{
   812 									med=dMIN(med,eq3[3]);
   813 								}
   814 							}
   815 						}
   816 						if ((max<min)||(med<0)) 
   817 						{
   818 							// 			  if(!hit) fprintf(stdout,"((max<min)||(med<0)) ((%f<%f)||(%f<0))",max,min,med);
   819 							if(!GetGlobalData()->hit)
   820 							{
   821 								dumpplanes(cvx1);
   822 								dumpplanes(cvx2);
   823 							}
   824 							//fprintf(stdout,"Planes %d %d\n",i,j);
   825 							return false;
   827 						}
   828 						// find the value for the solution in one dimension
   829 						solution[n] = (c1[n]>=0) ? max:min;
   830 						// lift to 2D
   831 						solution[m] = dMUL((eq2[3]-dMUL(eq2[n],solution[n])),eq2[m]);
   832 						// lift to 3D
   833 						solution[l] = dDIV((eq1[3]-(dMUL(eq1[m],solution[m])+
   834 							dMUL(eq1[n],solution[n]))),eq1[l]);
   835 					}
   836 				}
   837 			}
   838 		}
   839 	}
   840 	return true;
   841 }
   843 /*! \brief A Support mapping function for convex shapes
   844   \param dir direction to find the Support Point for
   845   \param cvx convex object to find the support point for
   846   \param out the support mapping in dir.
   847  */
   848 inline void Support(dVector3 dir,dxConvex& cvx,dVector3 out)
   849 {
   850 	dVector3 point;
   851 	dMULTIPLY0_331 (point,cvx.final_posr->R,cvx.points);
   852 	point[0]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[0];
   853 	point[1]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[1];
   854 	point[2]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[2];
   856 	dReal max = dDOT(point,dir);
   857 	dReal tmp;
   858 	for (unsigned int i = 1; i < cvx.pointcount; ++i) 
   859 	{
   860 		dMULTIPLY0_331 (point,cvx.final_posr->R,cvx.points+i*3);
   861 		point[0]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[0];
   862 		point[1]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[1];
   863 		point[2]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[2];      
   864 		tmp = dDOT(point, dir);
   865 		if (tmp > max) 
   866 		{ 
   867 			out[0]=point[0];
   868 			out[1]=point[1];
   869 			out[2]=point[2];
   870 			max = tmp; 
   871 		}
   872 	}
   873 }
   875 inline void ComputeInterval(dxConvex& cvx,dVector4 axis,dReal& min,dReal& max)
   876 {
   877 	dVector3 point;
   878 	dReal value;
   879 	//fprintf(stdout,"Compute Interval Axis %f,%f,%f\n",axis[0],axis[1],axis[2]);
   880 	dMULTIPLY0_331 (point,cvx.final_posr->R,cvx.points);
   881 	//fprintf(stdout,"initial point %f,%f,%f\n",point[0],point[1],point[2]);
   882 	point[0]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[0];
   883 	point[1]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[1];
   884 	point[2]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[2];
   885 	max = min = dDOT(axis,cvx.points);
   886 	for (unsigned int i = 1; i < cvx.pointcount; ++i) 
   887 	{
   888 		dMULTIPLY0_331 (point,cvx.final_posr->R,cvx.points+i*3);
   889 		point[0]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[0];
   890 		point[1]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[1];
   891 		point[2]+=cvx.final_posr->pos[2];
   892 		value=dDOT(axis,point);
   893 		if(value<min)
   894 		{
   895 			min=value;
   896 		}
   897 		else if(value>max)
   898 		{
   899 			max=value;
   900 		}
   901 	}
   902 	//fprintf(stdout,"Compute Interval Min Max %f,%f\n",min,max);
   903 }
   905 /*! \brief Does an axis separation test between the 2 convex shapes
   906 using faces and edges */
   907 int TestConvexIntersection(dxConvex& cvx1,dxConvex& cvx2, int flags,
   908 						   dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
   909 {
   910 	dVector4 plane,savedplane = {};
   911 	dReal min1,max1,min2,max2;
   912 	dVector3 e1,e2,t;
   913 	int maxc = flags & NUMC_MASK; // this is causing a segfault
   914 	//int maxc = 3;
   915 	int contacts=0;
   916 	dxConvex *g1=0,*g2=0;
   917 	unsigned int *pPoly;
   918 	dVector3 v;
   919 	// Test faces of cvx1 for separation
   920 	pPoly=cvx1.polygons;
   921 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<cvx1.planecount;++i)
   922 	{
   923 		// -- Apply Transforms --
   924 		// Rotate
   925 		dMULTIPLY0_331(plane,cvx1.final_posr->R,cvx1.planes+i*4);
   926 		dNormalize3(plane);
   927 		// Translate
   928 		plane[3]=
   929 			(cvx1.planes[(i*4)+3])+
   930 			(dMUL(plane[0],cvx1.final_posr->pos[0]) + 
   931 			dMUL(plane[1],cvx1.final_posr->pos[1]) + 
   932 			dMUL(plane[2],cvx1.final_posr->pos[2]));
   933 		ComputeInterval(cvx1,plane,min1,max1);
   934 		ComputeInterval(cvx2,plane,min2,max2);
   935 		//fprintf(stdout,"width %f\n",max1-min1);
   936 		if(max2<min1 || max1<min2) return 0;
   937 #if 1
   938 		// this one ON works
   939 		else if ((max1>min2)&&(max1<max2))
   940 		{
   941 			savedplane[0]=plane[0];
   942 			savedplane[1]=plane[1];
   943 			savedplane[2]=plane[2];
   944 			savedplane[3]=plane[3];
   945 			g1=&cvx2; // cvx2 moves
   946 			g2=&cvx1;
   947 		}
   948 #endif
   949 		pPoly+=pPoly[0]+1;
   950 	}
   951 	// Test faces of cvx2 for separation
   952 	pPoly=cvx2.polygons;
   953 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<cvx2.planecount;++i)
   954 	{
   955 		//       fprintf(stdout,"Poly verts %d\n",pPoly[0]);
   956 		// -- Apply Transforms --
   957 		// Rotate
   958 		dMULTIPLY0_331(plane,
   959 			cvx2.final_posr->R,
   960 			cvx2.planes+i*4);
   961 		dNormalize3(plane);
   962 		// Translate
   963 		plane[3]=
   964 			(cvx2.planes[(i*4)+3])+
   965 			(dMUL(plane[0],cvx2.final_posr->pos[0]) + 
   966 			dMUL(plane[1],cvx2.final_posr->pos[1]) + 
   967 			dMUL(plane[2],cvx2.final_posr->pos[2]));
   968 		ComputeInterval(cvx2,plane,min1,max1);
   969 		ComputeInterval(cvx1,plane,min2,max2);
   970 		//fprintf(stdout,"width %f\n",max1-min1);
   971 		if(max2<min1 || max1<min2) return 0;
   972 #if 1
   973 		// this one ON does not work
   974 		else if ((max1>min2)&&(max1<max2))
   975 		{
   976 			savedplane[0]=plane[0];
   977 			savedplane[1]=plane[1];
   978 			savedplane[2]=plane[2];
   979 			savedplane[3]=plane[3];
   980 			g1=&cvx1; // cvx1 moves
   981 			g2=&cvx2;
   982 		}
   983 #endif
   984 		pPoly+=pPoly[0]+1;
   985 	}
   987 	// Test cross products of pairs of edges with new set structure 
   988 	iterator* it1=cvx1.edges->setIterator();
   989 	iterator* it2=cvx2.edges->setIterator();
   991 	it1->setToFirst();
   992 	it2->setToFirst();
   993 	int i, j;
   995 	for(i = 1; i <= cvx1.edges->length(); i++) {
   996 		pair* p1 = new pair();
   997 		*p1 = it1->getElem();
   998 		int first1 = p1->getNum1();
   999 		int second1 = p1->getNum2();
  1001 		dMULTIPLY0_331 (t,cvx1.final_posr->R,cvx1.points+first1*3);
  1002 		dMULTIPLY0_331 (e1,cvx1.final_posr->R,cvx1.points+second1*3);
  1003 		e1[0]-=t[0];
  1004 		e1[1]-=t[1];
  1005 		e1[2]-=t[2];
  1007 		for(j = 1; j <= cvx2.edges->length(); j++) {
  1008 			pair* p2 = new pair();
  1009 			*p2 = it2->getElem();
  1010 			int first2 = p2->getNum1();
  1011 			int second2 = p2->getNum2();
  1013 			dMULTIPLY0_331 (t,cvx2.final_posr->R,cvx2.points+first2*3);
  1014 			dMULTIPLY0_331 (e2,cvx2.final_posr->R,cvx2.points+second2*3);
  1015 			e2[0]-=t[0];
  1016 			e2[1]-=t[1];
  1017 			e2[2]-=t[2];
  1018 			dCROSS(plane,=,e1,e2);
  1019 			plane[3]=0;
  1020 			ComputeInterval(cvx1,plane,min1,max1);
  1021 			ComputeInterval(cvx2,plane,min2,max2);
  1022 			if(max2<min1 || max1 < min2) return 0;
  1024 			it2->next();
  1025 		}
  1027 		it1->next();
  1028 		it2->setToFirst();
  1029 	}
  1031 	// If we get here, there was a collision
  1032 	static int  cvxhit=0;
  1033 	contacts=0;
  1034 	if(cvxhit<2)
  1035 		fprintf(stdout,"Plane: %f,%f,%f,%f\n",
  1036 		savedplane[0],
  1037 		savedplane[1],
  1038 		savedplane[2],
  1039 		savedplane[3]);
  1040 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<g1->pointcount;++i)
  1041 	{
  1042 		if(contacts==maxc) break;
  1043 		dMULTIPLY0_331 (v,g1->final_posr->R,&g1->points[(i*3)]);
  1044 		v[0]=g1->final_posr->pos[0]+v[0];
  1045 		v[1]=g1->final_posr->pos[1]+v[1];
  1046 		v[2]=g1->final_posr->pos[2]+v[2];
  1047 		dReal distance = (dMUL(savedplane[0],v[0])  + // Ax +
  1048 			dMUL(savedplane[1],v[1])  + // Bx +
  1049 			dMUL(savedplane[2],v[2])) - savedplane[3]; // Cz + D
  1051 		if((contacts<maxc)&&(distance<0))
  1052 		{
  1053 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[0] = savedplane[0];
  1054 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[1] = savedplane[1];
  1055 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->normal[2] = savedplane[2];
  1056 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[0]=v[0];
  1057 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[1]=v[1];
  1058 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[2]=v[2];
  1059 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->depth = -distance;
  1060 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->g1 = g1;
  1061 			CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->g2 = g2;
  1062 			if(cvxhit<2)
  1063 				fprintf(stdout,"Contact: %f,%f,%f depth %f\n",
  1064 				CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[0],
  1065 				CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[1],
  1066 				CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->pos[2],
  1067 				CONTACT(contact,skip*contacts)->depth);
  1068 			contacts++;
  1069 		}
  1070 	}
  1071 	cvxhit++;
  1072 	return contacts;
  1073 }
  1075 int dCollideConvexConvex (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags,
  1076 			  dContactGeom *contact, int skip)
  1077 {
  1079 //   if(!hit) fprintf(stdout,"dCollideConvexConvex\n");
  1080   dxConvex *Convex1 = (dxConvex*) o1;
  1081   dxConvex *Convex2 = (dxConvex*) o2;
  1082   int contacts = TestConvexIntersection(*Convex1,*Convex2,flags,contact,skip);
  1083   if(contacts)
  1084     {
  1085       //fprintf(stdout,"We have a Hit!\n");
  1086     }
  1087   return contacts;
  1088 }
  1092 // Ray - Convex collider by David Walters, June 2006
  1093 int dCollideRayConvex( dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2,
  1094 					   int /*flags*/, dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/ )
  1095 {
  1097 	dxRay* ray = (dxRay*) o1;
  1098 	dxConvex* convex = (dxConvex*) o2;
  1100 	contact->g1 = ray;
  1101 	contact->g2 = convex;
  1103 	dReal alpha, beta, nsign;
  1104 	int flag;
  1106 	//
  1107 	// Compute some useful info
  1108 	//
  1110 	flag = 0;	// Assume start point is behind all planes.
  1112 	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < convex->planecount; ++i )
  1113 	{
  1114 		// Alias this plane.
  1115 		dReal* plane = convex->planes + i * 4;
  1117 		// If alpha >= 0 then start point is outside of plane.
  1118 		alpha = dDOT( plane, ray->final_posr->pos ) - plane[3];
  1120 		// If any alpha is positive, then
  1121 		// the ray start is _outside_ of the hull
  1122 		if ( alpha >= 0 )
  1123 		{
  1124 			flag = 1;
  1125 			break;
  1126 		}
  1127 	}
  1129 	// If the ray starts inside the convex hull, then everything is flipped.
  1130 	nsign = ( flag ) ? REAL( 1.0 ) : REAL( -1.0 );
  1133 	//
  1134 	// Find closest contact point
  1135 	//
  1137 	// Assume no contacts.
  1138 	contact->depth = dInfinity;
  1140 	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < convex->planecount; ++i )
  1141 	{
  1142 		// Alias this plane.
  1143 		dReal* plane = convex->planes + i * 4;
  1145 		// If alpha >= 0 then point is outside of plane.
  1146 		alpha = dMUL(nsign,( dDOT( plane, ray->final_posr->pos ) - plane[3] ));
  1148 		// Compute [ plane-normal DOT ray-normal ], (/flip)
  1149 		beta = dMUL(dDOT13( plane, ray->final_posr->R+2 ),nsign);
  1151 		// Ray is pointing at the plane? ( beta < 0 )
  1152 		// Ray start to plane is within maximum ray length?
  1153 		// Ray start to plane is closer than the current best distance?
  1154 		if ( beta < -dEpsilon &&
  1155 			 alpha >= REAL(0.0) && alpha <= ray->length &&
  1156 			 alpha < contact->depth )
  1157 		{
  1158 			// Compute contact point on convex hull surface.
  1159 			contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
  1160 			contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
  1161 			contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
  1163 			flag = 0;
  1165 			// For all _other_ planes.
  1166 			for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < convex->planecount; ++j )
  1167 			{
  1168 				if ( i == j )
  1169 					continue;	// Skip self.
  1171 				// Alias this plane.
  1172 				dReal* planej = convex->planes + j * 4;
  1174 				// If beta >= 0 then start is outside of plane.
  1175 				beta = dDOT( planej, contact->pos ) - plane[3];
  1177 				// If any beta is positive, then the contact point
  1178 				// is not on the surface of the convex hull - it's just
  1179 				// intersecting some part of its infinite extent.
  1180 				if ( beta > dEpsilon )
  1181 				{
  1182 					flag = 1;
  1183 					break;
  1184 				}
  1185 			}
  1187 			// Contact point isn't outside hull's surface? then it's a good contact!
  1188 			if ( flag == 0 )
  1189 			{
  1190 				// Store the contact normal, possibly flipped.
  1191 				contact->normal[0] = dMUL(nsign,plane[0]);
  1192 				contact->normal[1] = dMUL(nsign,plane[1]);
  1193 				contact->normal[2] = dMUL(nsign,plane[2]);
  1195 				// Store depth
  1196 				contact->depth = alpha;
  1197 			}
  1198 		}
  1199 	}
  1201 	// Contact?
  1202 	return ( contact->depth <= ray->length );
  1203 }
  1206 //<-- Convex Collision