changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*************************************************************************
     2  *                                                                       *
     3  * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Russell L. Smith.       *
     4  * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org          *
     5  *                                                                       *
     6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
     7  * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
     8  *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
     9  *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
    10  *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
    11  *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
    12  *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
    13  *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
    14  *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
    15  *                                                                       *
    16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
    17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
    19  * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
    20  *                                                                       *
    21  *************************************************************************/
    23 #include <ode/common.h>
    24 #include <ode/matrix.h>
    26 // misc defines
    27 //#define ALLOCA dALLOCA16
    30 EXPORT_C void dSetZero (dReal *a, int n)
    31 {
    32   while (n > 0) {
    33     *(a++) = 0;
    34     n--;
    35   }
    36 }
    39 EXPORT_C void dSetValue (dReal *a, int n, dReal value)
    40 {
    41   while (n > 0) {
    42     *(a++) = value;
    43     n--;
    44   }
    45 }
    48 EXPORT_C void dMultiply0 (dReal *A, const dReal *B, const dReal *C, int p, int q, int r)
    49 {
    50   int i,j,k,qskip,rskip,rpad;
    51   qskip = dPAD(q);
    52   rskip = dPAD(r);
    53   rpad = rskip - r;
    54   dReal sum;
    55   const dReal *b,*c,*bb;
    56   bb = B;
    57   for (i=p; i; i--) {
    58     for (j=0 ; j<r; j++) {
    59       c = C + j;
    60       b = bb;
    61       sum = 0;
    62       for (k=q; k; k--, c+=rskip) sum += dMUL((*(b++)),(*c));
    63       *(A++) = sum; 
    64     }
    65     A += rpad;
    66     bb += qskip;
    67   }
    68 }
    71 EXPORT_C void dMultiply1 (dReal *A, const dReal *B, const dReal *C, int p, int q, int r)
    72 {
    73   int i,j,k,pskip,rskip;
    74   dReal sum;
    75   pskip = dPAD(p);
    76   rskip = dPAD(r);
    77   for (i=0; i<p; i++) {
    78     for (j=0; j<r; j++) {
    79       sum = 0;
    80       for (k=0; k<q; k++) sum += dMUL(B[i+k*pskip],C[j+k*rskip]);
    81       A[i*rskip+j] = sum;
    82     }
    83   }
    84 }
    87 EXPORT_C void dMultiply2 (dReal *A, const dReal *B, const dReal *C, int p, int q, int r)
    88 {
    89   int i,j,k,z,rpad,qskip;
    90   dReal sum;
    91   const dReal *bb,*cc;
    92   rpad = dPAD(r) - r;
    93   qskip = dPAD(q);
    94   bb = B;
    95   for (i=p; i; i--) {
    96     cc = C;
    97     for (j=r; j; j--) {
    98       z = 0;
    99       sum = 0;
   100       for (k=q; k; k--,z++) sum += dMUL(bb[z],cc[z]);
   101       *(A++) = sum; 
   102       cc += qskip;
   103     }
   104     A += rpad;
   105     bb += qskip;
   106   }
   107 }
   110 EXPORT_C int dFactorCholesky (dReal *A, int n)
   111 {
   112   int i,j,k,nskip;
   113   dReal sum,*a,*b,*aa,*bb,*cc,*recip;
   114   nskip = dPAD (n);
   115   recip = (dReal*) malloc (n * sizeof(dReal));
   116   if(recip == NULL) {
   117   	return 0;
   118   }
   119   aa = A;
   120   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
   121     bb = A;
   122     cc = A + i*nskip;
   123     for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
   124       sum = *cc;
   125       a = aa;
   126       b = bb;
   127       for (k=j; k; k--) sum -= dMUL((*(a++)),(*(b++)));
   128       *cc = dMUL(sum,recip[j]);
   129       bb += nskip;
   130       cc++;
   131     }
   132     sum = *cc;
   133     a = aa;
   134     for (k=i; k; k--, a++) sum -= dMUL((*a),(*a));
   135     if (sum <= REAL(0.0)) {
   136         free(recip);
   137         return 0;
   138     }
   139     *cc = dSqrt(sum);
   140     recip[i] = dRecip (*cc);
   141     aa += nskip;
   142   }
   143   free(recip);
   144   return 1;
   145 }
   148 EXPORT_C void dSolveCholesky (const dReal *L, dReal *b, int n)
   149 {
   150   int i,k,nskip;
   151   dReal sum,*y;
   152   nskip = dPAD (n);
   153   y = (dReal*) malloc (n*sizeof(dReal));
   154   if (y == NULL) {
   155   	return;
   156   }
   157   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
   158     sum = 0;
   159     for (k=0; k < i; k++) sum += dMUL(L[i*nskip+k],y[k]);
   160     y[i] = dDIV((b[i]-sum),L[i*nskip+i]);
   161   }
   162   for (i=n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
   163     sum = 0;
   164     for (k=i+1; k < n; k++) sum += dMUL(L[k*nskip+i],b[k]);
   165     b[i] = dDIV((y[i]-sum),L[i*nskip+i]);
   166   }
   167   free(y);
   168 }
   171 EXPORT_C int dInvertPDMatrix (const dReal *A, dReal *Ainv, int n)
   172 {
   173   int i,j,nskip;
   174   dReal *L,*x;
   175   nskip = dPAD (n);
   176   L = (dReal*) malloc (nskip*n*sizeof(dReal));
   177   if (L == NULL) {
   178   	return 0;
   179   }
   180   memcpy (L,A,nskip*n*sizeof(dReal));
   181   x = (dReal*) malloc (n*sizeof(dReal));
   182   if (x == NULL) {
   183   	free(L);
   184   	return 0;
   185   }
   186   if (dFactorCholesky (L,n)==0) {
   187     free(L);
   188     free(x);
   189     return 0;
   190   }
   191   dSetZero (Ainv,n*nskip);	// make sure all padding elements set to 0
   192   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
   193     for (j=0; j<n; j++) x[j] = REAL(0.0);
   194     x[i] = REAL(1.0);
   195     dSolveCholesky (L,x,n);
   196     for (j=0; j<n; j++) Ainv[j*nskip+i] = x[j];
   197   }
   198   free(L);
   199   free(x);
   200   return 1;  
   201 }
   204 EXPORT_C int dIsPositiveDefinite (const dReal *A, int n)
   205 {
   206   dReal *Acopy;
   207   int nskip = dPAD (n);
   208   Acopy = (dReal*) malloc (nskip*n * sizeof(dReal));
   209   if ( Acopy == NULL) {
   210   	return 0;
   211   }
   212   memcpy (Acopy,A,nskip*n * sizeof(dReal));
   213   int ret = dFactorCholesky (Acopy,n);
   214   free(Acopy);
   215   return ret;
   216 }
   219 /***** this has been replaced by a faster version
   220 void dSolveL1T (const dReal *L, dReal *b, int n, int nskip)
   221 {
   222   int i,j;
   223   dReal sum;
   224   for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--) {
   225     sum = 0;
   226     for (j=i+1; j<n; j++) sum += L[j*nskip+i]*b[j];
   227     b[i] -= sum;
   228   }
   229 }
   230 */
   233 EXPORT_C void dVectorScale (dReal *a, const dReal *d, int n)
   234 {
   235   for (int i=0; i<n; i++) a[i] = dMUL(a[i],d[i]);
   236 }
   239 EXPORT_C void dSolveLDLT (const dReal *L, const dReal *d, dReal *b, int n, int nskip)
   240 {
   241   dSolveL1 (L,b,n,nskip);
   242   dVectorScale (b,d,n);
   243   dSolveL1T (L,b,n,nskip);
   244 }
   247 EXPORT_C void dLDLTAddTL (dReal *L, dReal *d, const dReal *a, int n, int nskip)
   248 {
   249   int j,p;
   250   dReal *W1,*W2,W11,W21,alpha1,alpha2,alphanew,gamma1,gamma2,k1,k2,Wp,ell,dee;
   252   if (n < 2) return;
   253   W1 = (dReal*) malloc (n*sizeof(dReal));
   254   if (W1 == NULL) {
   255   	return;
   256   }
   257   W2 = (dReal*) malloc (n*sizeof(dReal));
   258   if (W2 == NULL) {
   259   	free(W1);
   260   	return;
   261   }
   263   W1[0] = 0;
   264   W2[0] = 0;
   265   for (j=1; j<n; j++) W1[j] = W2[j] = dMUL(a[j],dSQRT1_2);
   266   W11 = dMUL((dMUL(REAL(0.5),a[0])+REAL(1.0)),dSQRT1_2);
   267   W21 = dMUL((dMUL(REAL(0.5),a[0])-REAL(1.0)),dSQRT1_2);
   269   alpha1=REAL(1.0);
   270   alpha2=REAL(1.0);
   272   dee = d[0];
   273   alphanew = alpha1 + dMUL(dMUL(W11,W11),dee);
   274   dee = dDIV(dee,alphanew);
   275   gamma1 = dMUL(W11,dee);
   276   dee = dMUL(dee,alpha1);
   277   alpha1 = alphanew;
   278   alphanew = alpha2 - dMUL(dMUL(W21,W21),dee);
   279   dee = dDIV(dee,alphanew);
   280   gamma2 = dMUL(W21,dee);
   281   alpha2 = alphanew;
   282   k1 = REAL(1.0) - dMUL(W21,gamma1);
   283   k2 = dMUL(W21,dMUL(gamma1,W11)) - W21;
   284   for (p=1; p<n; p++) {
   285     Wp = W1[p];
   286     ell = L[p*nskip];
   287     W1[p] =    Wp - dMUL(W11,ell);
   288     W2[p] = dMUL(k1,Wp) +  dMUL(k2,ell);
   289   }
   291   for (j=1; j<n; j++) {
   292     dee = d[j];
   293     alphanew = alpha1 + dMUL(dMUL(W1[j],W1[j]),dee);
   294     dee = dDIV(dee,alphanew);
   295     gamma1 = dMUL(W1[j],dee);
   296     dee = dMUL(dee,alpha1);
   297     alpha1 = alphanew;
   298     alphanew = alpha2 - dMUL(dMUL(W2[j],W2[j]),dee);
   299     dee = dDIV(dee,alphanew);
   300     gamma2 = dMUL(W2[j],dee);
   301     dee = dMUL(dee,alpha2);
   302     d[j] = dee;
   303     alpha2 = alphanew;
   305     k1 = W1[j];
   306     k2 = W2[j];
   307     for (p=j+1; p<n; p++) {
   308       ell = L[p*nskip+j];
   309       Wp = W1[p] - dMUL(k1,ell);
   310       ell += dMUL(gamma1,Wp);
   311       W1[p] = Wp;
   312       Wp = W2[p] - dMUL(k2,ell);
   313       ell -= dMUL(gamma2,Wp);
   314       W2[p] = Wp;
   315       L[p*nskip+j] = ell;
   316     }
   317   }
   318   free(W1);
   319   free(W2);
   320 }
   323 // macros for dLDLTRemove() for accessing A - either access the matrix
   324 // directly or access it via row pointers. we are only supposed to reference
   325 // the lower triangle of A (it is symmetric), but indexes i and j come from
   326 // permutation vectors so they are not predictable. so do a test on the
   327 // indexes - this should not slow things down too much, as we don't do this
   328 // in an inner loop.
   330 #define _GETA(i,j) (A[i][j])
   331 //#define _GETA(i,j) (A[(i)*nskip+(j)])
   332 #define GETA(i,j) ((i > j) ? _GETA(i,j) : _GETA(j,i))
   335 EXPORT_C void dLDLTRemove (dReal **A, const int *p, dReal *L, dReal *d,
   336 		  int /*n1*/, int n2, int r, int nskip)
   337 {
   338   int i;
   341   if (r==n2-1) {
   342     return;		// deleting last row/col is easy
   343   }
   344   else if (r==0) {
   345     dReal *a = (dReal*) malloc (n2 * sizeof(dReal));
   346     if (a == NULL) {
   347     	return;
   348     }
   349     for (i=0; i<n2; i++) a[i] = -GETA(p[i],p[0]);
   350     a[0] += REAL(1.0);
   351     dLDLTAddTL (L,d,a,n2,nskip);
   352     free(a);
   353   }
   354   else {
   355     dReal *t = (dReal*) malloc (r * sizeof(dReal));
   356     if (t == NULL) {
   357     	return;
   358     }
   359     dReal *a = (dReal*) malloc ((n2-r) * sizeof(dReal));
   360     if (a == NULL) {
   361     	free(t);
   362     	return;
   363     }
   364     for (i=0; i<r; i++) t[i] = dDIV(L[r*nskip+i],d[i]);
   365     for (i=0; i<(n2-r); i++)
   366       a[i] = dDot(L+(r+i)*nskip,t,r) - GETA(p[r+i],p[r]);
   367     a[0] += REAL(1.0);
   368     dLDLTAddTL (L + r*nskip+r, d+r, a, n2-r, nskip);
   369     free(t);
   370     free(a);
   371   }
   373   // snip out row/column r from L and d
   374   dRemoveRowCol (L,n2,nskip,r);
   375   if (r < (n2-1)) memmove (d+r,d+r+1,(n2-r-1)*sizeof(dReal));
   376 }
   379 EXPORT_C void dRemoveRowCol (dReal *A, int n, int nskip, int r)
   380 {
   381   int i;
   382   if (r >= n-1) return;
   383   if (r > 0) {
   384     for (i=0; i<r; i++)
   385       memmove (A+i*nskip+r,A+i*nskip+r+1,(n-r-1)*sizeof(dReal));
   386     for (i=r; i<(n-1); i++)
   387       memcpy (A+i*nskip,A+i*nskip+nskip,r*sizeof(dReal));
   388   }
   389   for (i=r; i<(n-1); i++)
   390     memcpy (A+i*nskip+r,A+i*nskip+nskip+r+1,(n-r-1)*sizeof(dReal));
   391 }