changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*************************************************************************
     2  *                                                                       *
     3  * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith.       *
     4  * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org          *
     5  *                                                                       *
     6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
     7  * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
     8  *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
     9  *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
    10  *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
    11  *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
    12  *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
    13  *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
    14  *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
    15  *                                                                       *
    16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
    17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
    19  * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
    20  *                                                                       *
    21  *************************************************************************/
    23 /*
    25 standard ODE geometry primitives: public API and pairwise collision functions.
    27 the rule is that only the low level primitive collision functions should set
    28 dContactGeom::g1 and dContactGeom::g2.
    30 */
    32 #include <ode/common.h>
    33 #include <ode/collision.h>
    34 #include <ode/matrix.h>
    35 #include <ode/rotation.h>
    36 #include <ode/odemath.h>
    37 #include "collision_kernel.h"
    38 #include "collision_std.h"
    39 #include "collision_util.h"
    42 //****************************************************************************
    43 // ray public API
    45 dxRay::dxRay (dSpaceID space, dReal _length) : dxGeom (space,1)
    46 {
    47   type = dRayClass;
    48   length = _length;
    49 }
    52 void dxRay::computeAABB()
    53 {
    54   dVector3 e;
    55   e[0] = final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(final_posr->R[0*4+2],length);
    56   e[1] = final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(final_posr->R[1*4+2],length);
    57   e[2] = final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(final_posr->R[2*4+2],length);
    59   if (final_posr->pos[0] < e[0]){
    60     aabb[0] = final_posr->pos[0];
    61     aabb[1] = e[0];
    62   }
    63   else{
    64     aabb[0] = e[0];
    65     aabb[1] = final_posr->pos[0];
    66   }
    68   if (final_posr->pos[1] < e[1]){
    69     aabb[2] = final_posr->pos[1];
    70     aabb[3] = e[1];
    71   }
    72   else{
    73     aabb[2] = e[1];
    74     aabb[3] = final_posr->pos[1];
    75   }
    77   if (final_posr->pos[2] < e[2]){
    78     aabb[4] = final_posr->pos[2];
    79     aabb[5] = e[2];
    80   }
    81   else{
    82     aabb[4] = e[2];
    83     aabb[5] = final_posr->pos[2];
    84   }
    85 }
    88 EXPORT_C dGeomID dCreateRay (dSpaceID space, dReal length)
    89 {
    90   return new dxRay (space,length);
    91 }
    94 EXPORT_C void dGeomRaySetLength (dGeomID g, dReal length)
    95 {
    96   dxRay *r = (dxRay*) g;
    97   r->length = length;
    98   dGeomMoved (g);
    99 }
   102 EXPORT_C dReal dGeomRayGetLength (dGeomID g)
   103 {
   104   dxRay *r = (dxRay*) g;
   105   return r->length;
   106 }
   109 EXPORT_C void dGeomRaySet (dGeomID g, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz,
   110 		  dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz)
   111 {
   112   g->recomputePosr();
   113   dReal* rot = g->final_posr->R;
   114   dReal* pos = g->final_posr->pos;
   115   dVector3 n;
   116   pos[0] = px;
   117   pos[1] = py;
   118   pos[2] = pz;
   120   n[0] = dx;
   121   n[1] = dy;
   122   n[2] = dz;
   123   dNormalize3(n);
   124   rot[0*4+2] = n[0];
   125   rot[1*4+2] = n[1];
   126   rot[2*4+2] = n[2];
   127   dGeomMoved (g);
   128 }
   131 EXPORT_C void dGeomRayGet (dGeomID g, dVector3 start, dVector3 dir)
   132 {
   133   g->recomputePosr();
   134   start[0] = g->final_posr->pos[0];
   135   start[1] = g->final_posr->pos[1];
   136   start[2] = g->final_posr->pos[2];
   137   dir[0] = g->final_posr->R[0*4+2];
   138   dir[1] = g->final_posr->R[1*4+2];
   139   dir[2] = g->final_posr->R[2*4+2];
   140 }
   143 EXPORT_C void dGeomRaySetParams (dxGeom *g, int FirstContact, int BackfaceCull)
   144 {
   145   if (FirstContact){
   146     g->gflags |= RAY_FIRSTCONTACT;
   147   }
   148   else g->gflags &= ~RAY_FIRSTCONTACT;
   150   if (BackfaceCull){
   151     g->gflags |= RAY_BACKFACECULL;
   152   }
   153   else g->gflags &= ~RAY_BACKFACECULL;
   154 }
   157 EXPORT_C void dGeomRayGetParams (dxGeom *g, int *FirstContact, int *BackfaceCull)
   158 {
   159   (*FirstContact) = ((g->gflags & RAY_FIRSTCONTACT) != 0);
   160   (*BackfaceCull) = ((g->gflags & RAY_BACKFACECULL) != 0);
   161 }
   164 EXPORT_C void dGeomRaySetClosestHit (dxGeom *g, int closestHit)
   165 {
   166   if (closestHit){
   167     g->gflags |= RAY_CLOSEST_HIT;
   168   }
   169   else g->gflags &= ~RAY_CLOSEST_HIT;
   170 }
   173 EXPORT_C int dGeomRayGetClosestHit (dxGeom *g)
   174 {
   175   return ((g->gflags & RAY_CLOSEST_HIT) != 0);
   176 }
   180 // if mode==1 then use the sphere exit contact, not the entry contact
   182 static int ray_sphere_helper (dxRay *ray, dVector3 sphere_pos, dReal radius,
   183 			      dContactGeom *contact, int mode)
   184 {
   185   dVector3 q;
   186   q[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] - sphere_pos[0];
   187   q[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] - sphere_pos[1];
   188   q[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] - sphere_pos[2];
   189   dReal B = dDOT14(q,ray->final_posr->R+2);
   190   dReal C = dDOT(q,q) - dMUL(radius,radius);
   191   // note: if C <= 0 then the start of the ray is inside the sphere
   192   dReal k = dMUL(B,B) - C;
   193   if (k < 0) return 0;
   194   k = dSqrt(k);
   195   dReal alpha;
   196   if (mode && C >= 0) {
   197     alpha = -B + k;
   198     if (alpha < 0) return 0;
   199   }
   200   else {
   201     alpha = -B - k;
   202     if (alpha < 0) {
   203       alpha = -B + k;
   204       if (alpha < 0) return 0;
   205     }
   206   }
   207   if (alpha > ray->length) return 0;
   208   contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
   209   contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
   210   contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
   211   dReal nsign = (C < 0 || mode) ? REAL(-1.0) : REAL(1.0);
   212   contact->normal[0] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[0] - sphere_pos[0]));
   213   contact->normal[1] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[1] - sphere_pos[1]));
   214   contact->normal[2] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[2] - sphere_pos[2]));
   215   dNormalize3 (contact->normal);
   216   contact->depth = alpha;
   217   return 1;
   218 }
   221 int dCollideRaySphere (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/,
   222 		       dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   223 {
   224   dxRay *ray = (dxRay*) o1;
   225   dxSphere *sphere = (dxSphere*) o2;
   226   contact->g1 = ray;
   227   contact->g2 = sphere;
   228   return ray_sphere_helper (ray,sphere->final_posr->pos,sphere->radius,contact,0);
   229 }
   232 int dCollideRayBox (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/,
   233 		    dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   234 {
   235   dxRay *ray = (dxRay*) o1;
   236   dxBox *box = (dxBox*) o2;
   238   contact->g1 = ray;
   239   contact->g2 = box;
   241   int i;
   243   // compute the start and delta of the ray relative to the box.
   244   // we will do all subsequent computations in this box-relative coordinate
   245   // system. we have to do a translation and rotation for each point.
   246   dVector3 tmp,s,v;
   247   tmp[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] - box->final_posr->pos[0];
   248   tmp[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] - box->final_posr->pos[1];
   249   tmp[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] - box->final_posr->pos[2];
   250   dMULTIPLY1_331 (s,box->final_posr->R,tmp);
   251   tmp[0] = ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2];
   252   tmp[1] = ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2];
   253   tmp[2] = ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2];
   254   dMULTIPLY1_331 (v,box->final_posr->R,tmp);
   256   // mirror the line so that v has all components >= 0
   257   dVector3 sign;
   258   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
   259     if (v[i] < 0) {
   260       s[i] = -s[i];
   261       v[i] = -v[i];
   262       sign[i] = REAL(1.0);
   263     }
   264     else sign[i] = REAL(-1.0);
   265   }
   267   // compute the half-sides of the box
   268   dReal h[3];
   269   h[0] = dMUL(REAL(0.5),box->side[0]);
   270   h[1] = dMUL(REAL(0.5),box->side[1]);
   271   h[2] = dMUL(REAL(0.5),box->side[2]);
   273   // do a few early exit tests
   274   if ((s[0] < -h[0] && v[0] <= 0) || s[0] >  h[0] ||
   275       (s[1] < -h[1] && v[1] <= 0) || s[1] >  h[1] ||
   276       (s[2] < -h[2] && v[2] <= 0) || s[2] >  h[2] ||
   277       (v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 0 && v[2] == 0)) {
   278     return 0;
   279   }
   281   // compute the t=[lo..hi] range for where s+v*t intersects the box
   282   dReal lo = -dInfinity;
   283   dReal hi = dInfinity;
   284   int nlo = 0, nhi = 0;
   285   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
   286     if (v[i] != 0) {
   287       dReal k = dDIV((-h[i] - s[i]),v[i]);
   288       if (k > lo) {
   289 	lo = k;
   290 	nlo = i;
   291       }
   292       k = dDIV((h[i] - s[i]),v[i]);
   293       if (k < hi) {
   294 	hi = k;
   295 	nhi = i;
   296       }
   297     }
   298   }
   300   // check if the ray intersects
   301   if (lo > hi) return 0;
   302   dReal alpha;
   303   int n;
   304   if (lo >= 0) {
   305     alpha = lo;
   306     n = nlo;
   307   }
   308   else {
   309     alpha = hi;
   310     n = nhi;
   311   }
   312   if (alpha < 0 || alpha > ray->length) return 0;
   313   contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
   314   contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
   315   contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
   316   contact->normal[0] = dMUL(box->final_posr->R[0*4+n],sign[n]);
   317   contact->normal[1] = dMUL(box->final_posr->R[1*4+n],sign[n]);
   318   contact->normal[2] = dMUL(box->final_posr->R[2*4+n],sign[n]);
   319   contact->depth = alpha;
   320   return 1;
   321 }
   324 int dCollideRayCapsule (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2,
   325 			  int /*flags*/, dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   326 {
   327   dxRay *ray = (dxRay*) o1;
   328   dxCapsule *ccyl = (dxCapsule*) o2;
   330   contact->g1 = ray;
   331   contact->g2 = ccyl;
   332   dReal lz2 = dMUL(ccyl->lz,REAL(0.5));
   334   // compute some useful info
   335   dVector3 cs,q,r;
   336   dReal C,k;
   337   cs[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] - ccyl->final_posr->pos[0];
   338   cs[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] - ccyl->final_posr->pos[1];
   339   cs[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] - ccyl->final_posr->pos[2];
   340   k = dDOT41(ccyl->final_posr->R+2,cs);	// position of ray start along ccyl axis
   341   q[0] = dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2]) - cs[0];
   342   q[1] = dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2]) - cs[1];
   343   q[2] = dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2]) - cs[2];
   344   C = dDOT(q,q) - dMUL(ccyl->radius,ccyl->radius);
   345   // if C < 0 then ray start position within infinite extension of cylinder
   347   // see if ray start position is inside the capped cylinder
   348   int inside_ccyl = 0;
   349   if (C < 0) {
   350     if (k < -lz2) k = -lz2;
   351     else if (k > lz2) k = lz2;
   352     r[0] = ccyl->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
   353     r[1] = ccyl->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
   354     r[2] = ccyl->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
   355     if (dMUL((ray->final_posr->pos[0]-r[0]),(ray->final_posr->pos[0]-r[0])) +
   356 	dMUL((ray->final_posr->pos[1]-r[1]),(ray->final_posr->pos[1]-r[1])) +
   357 	dMUL((ray->final_posr->pos[2]-r[2]),(ray->final_posr->pos[2]-r[2])) < dMUL(ccyl->radius,ccyl->radius)) {
   358       inside_ccyl = 1;
   359     }
   360   }
   362   // compute ray collision with infinite cylinder, except for the case where
   363   // the ray is outside the capped cylinder but within the infinite cylinder
   364   // (it that case the ray can only hit endcaps)
   365   if (!inside_ccyl && C < 0) {
   366     // set k to cap position to check
   367     if (k < 0) k = -lz2; else k = lz2;
   368   }
   369   else {
   370     dReal uv = dDOT44(ccyl->final_posr->R+2,ray->final_posr->R+2);
   371     r[0] = dMUL(uv,ccyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2]) - ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2];
   372     r[1] = dMUL(uv,ccyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2]) - ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2];
   373     r[2] = dMUL(uv,ccyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2]) - ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2];
   374     dReal A = dDOT(r,r);
   375     dReal B = 2*dDOT(q,r);
   376     k = dMUL(B,B)-4*dMUL(A,C);
   377     if (k < 0) {
   378       // the ray does not intersect the infinite cylinder, but if the ray is
   379       // inside and parallel to the cylinder axis it may intersect the end
   380       // caps. set k to cap position to check.
   381       if (!inside_ccyl) return 0;
   382       if (uv < 0) k = -lz2; else k = lz2;
   383     }
   384     else {
   385       k = dSqrt(k);
   386       A = dRecip (2*A);
   387       dReal alpha = dMUL((-B-k),A);
   388       if (alpha < 0) {
   389 	alpha = dMUL((-B+k),A);
   390 	if (alpha < 0) return 0;
   391       }
   392       if (alpha > ray->length) return 0;
   394       // the ray intersects the infinite cylinder. check to see if the
   395       // intersection point is between the caps
   396       contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
   397       contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
   398       contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
   399       q[0] = contact->pos[0] - ccyl->final_posr->pos[0];
   400       q[1] = contact->pos[1] - ccyl->final_posr->pos[1];
   401       q[2] = contact->pos[2] - ccyl->final_posr->pos[2];
   402       k = dDOT14(q,ccyl->final_posr->R+2);
   403       dReal nsign = inside_ccyl ? REAL(-1.0) : REAL(1.0);
   404       if (k >= -lz2 && k <= lz2) {
   405 	contact->normal[0] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[0] -
   406 				      (ccyl->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2]))));
   407 	contact->normal[1] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[1] -
   408 				      (ccyl->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2]))));
   409 	contact->normal[2] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[2] -
   410 				      (ccyl->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2]))));
   411 	dNormalize3 (contact->normal);
   412 	contact->depth = alpha;
   413 	return 1;
   414       }
   416       // the infinite cylinder intersection point is not between the caps.
   417       // set k to cap position to check.
   418       if (k < 0) k = -lz2; else k = lz2;
   419     }
   420   }
   422   // check for ray intersection with the caps. k must indicate the cap
   423   // position to check
   424   q[0] = ccyl->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
   425   q[1] = ccyl->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
   426   q[2] = ccyl->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(k,ccyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
   427   return ray_sphere_helper (ray,q,ccyl->radius,contact, inside_ccyl);
   428 }
   431 int dCollideRayPlane (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/,
   432 		      dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/)
   433 {
   434   dxRay *ray = (dxRay*) o1;
   435   dxPlane *plane = (dxPlane*) o2;
   437   dReal alpha = plane->p[3] - dDOT (plane->p,ray->final_posr->pos);
   438   // note: if alpha > 0 the starting point is below the plane
   439   dReal nsign = (alpha > 0) ? REAL(-1.0) : REAL(1.0);
   440   dReal k = dDOT14(plane->p,ray->final_posr->R+2);
   441   if (k==0) return 0;		// ray parallel to plane
   442   alpha = dDIV(alpha,k);
   443   if (alpha < 0 || alpha > ray->length) return 0;
   444   contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2]);
   445   contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2]);
   446   contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(alpha,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2]);
   447   contact->normal[0] = dMUL(nsign,plane->p[0]);
   448   contact->normal[1] = dMUL(nsign,plane->p[1]);
   449   contact->normal[2] = dMUL(nsign,plane->p[2]);
   450   contact->depth = alpha;
   451   contact->g1 = ray;
   452   contact->g2 = plane;
   453   return 1;
   454 }
   456 // Ray - Cylinder collider by David Walters (June 2006)
   457 int dCollideRayCylinder( dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int /*flags*/, dContactGeom *contact, int /*skip*/ )
   458 {
   459 	dxRay* ray = (dxRay*)( o1 );
   460 	dxCylinder* cyl = (dxCylinder*)( o2 );
   462 	// Fill in contact information.
   463 	contact->g1 = ray;
   464 	contact->g2 = cyl;
   466 	const dReal half_length = dMUL(cyl->lz,REAL( 0.5 ));
   468 	//
   469 	// Compute some useful info
   470 	//
   472 	dVector3 q, r;
   473 	dReal d, C, k;
   475 	// Vector 'r', line segment from C to R (ray start) ( r = R - C )
   476 	r[ 0 ] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] - cyl->final_posr->pos[0];
   477 	r[ 1 ] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] - cyl->final_posr->pos[1];
   478 	r[ 2 ] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] - cyl->final_posr->pos[2];
   480 	// Distance that ray start is along cyl axis ( Z-axis direction )
   481 	d = dDOT41( cyl->final_posr->R + 2, r );
   483 	//
   484 	// Compute vector 'q' representing the shortest line from R to the cylinder z-axis (Cz).
   485 	//
   486 	// Point on axis ( in world space ):	cp = ( d * Cz ) + C
   487 	//
   488 	// Line 'q' from R to cp:				q = cp - R
   489 	//										q = ( d * Cz ) + C - R
   490 	//										q = ( d * Cz ) - ( R - C )
   492 	q[ 0 ] = dMUL( d,cyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2] ) - r[ 0 ];
   493 	q[ 1 ] = dMUL( d,cyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2] ) - r[ 1 ];
   494 	q[ 2 ] = dMUL( d,cyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2] ) - r[ 2 ];
   497 	// Compute square length of 'q'. Subtract from radius squared to
   498 	// get square distance 'C' between the line q and the radius.
   500 	// if C < 0 then ray start position is within infinite extension of cylinder
   502 	C = dDOT( q, q ) - dMUL( cyl->radius,cyl->radius );
   504 	// Compute the projection of ray direction normal onto cylinder direction normal.
   505 	dReal uv = dDOT44( cyl->final_posr->R+2, ray->final_posr->R+2 );
   507 	//
   508 	// Find ray collision with infinite cylinder
   509 	//
   511 	// Compute vector from end of ray direction normal to projection on cylinder direction normal.
   512 	r[ 0 ] = dMUL( uv,cyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2] ) - ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2];
   513 	r[ 1 ] = dMUL( uv,cyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2] ) - ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2];
   514 	r[ 2 ] = dMUL( uv,cyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2] ) - ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2];
   517 	// Quadratic Formula Magic
   518 	// Compute discriminant 'k':
   520 	// k < 0 : No intersection
   521 	// k = 0 : Tangent
   522 	// k > 0 : Intersection
   524 	dReal A = dDOT( r, r );
   525 	dReal B = 2 * dDOT( q, r );
   527 	k = dMUL(B,B) - 4*dMUL(A,C);
   529 	//
   530 	// Collision with Flat Caps ?
   531 	//
   533 	// No collision with cylinder edge. ( Use epsilon here or we miss some obvious cases )
   534 	if ( k < dEpsilon && C <= 0 )
   535 	{
   536 		// The ray does not intersect the edge of the infinite cylinder,
   537 		// but the ray start is inside and so must run parallel to the axis.
   538 		// It may yet intersect an end cap. The following cases are valid:
   540 		//        -ve-cap , -half              centre               +half , +ve-cap
   541 		//  <<================|-------------------|------------->>>---|================>>
   542 		//                    |                                       |
   543 		//                    |                              d------------------->    1.
   544 		//   2.    d------------------>                               |
   545 		//   3.    <------------------d                               |
   546 		//                    |                              <-------------------d    4.
   547 		//                    |                                       |
   548 		//  <<================|-------------------|------------->>>---|===============>>
   550 		// Negative if the ray and cylinder axes point in opposite directions.
   551 		const dReal uvsign = ( uv < 0 ) ? REAL( -1.0 ) : REAL( 1.0 );
   553 		// Negative if the ray start is inside the cylinder
   554 		const dReal internal = ( d >= -half_length && d <= +half_length ) ? REAL( -1.0 ) : REAL( 1.0 );
   556 		// Ray and Cylinder axes run in the same direction ( cases 1, 2 )
   557 		// Ray and Cylinder axes run in opposite directions ( cases 3, 4 )
   558 		if ( ( ( uv > 0 ) && ( d + dMUL( uvsign,ray->length ) < dMUL(half_length,internal) ) ) ||
   559 		     ( ( uv < 0 ) && ( d + dMUL( uvsign,ray->length ) > dMUL(half_length,internal) ) ) )
   560 		{
   561 			return 0; // No intersection with caps or curved surface.
   562 		}
   564 		// Compute depth (distance from ray to cylinder)
   565 		contact->depth = ( dMUL( -uvsign,d ) - dMUL( internal,half_length ) );
   567 		// Compute contact point.
   568 		contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL( contact->depth,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2] );
   569 		contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL( contact->depth,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2] );
   570 		contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL( contact->depth,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2] );
   572 		// Compute reflected contact normal.
   573 		contact->normal[0] = dMUL(uvsign,( cyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2] ));
   574 		contact->normal[1] = dMUL(uvsign,( cyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2] ));
   575 		contact->normal[2] = dMUL(uvsign,( cyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2] ));
   577 		// Contact!
   578 		return 1;
   579 	}
   582 	//
   583 	// Collision with Curved Edge ?
   584 	//
   586 	if ( k > 0 )
   587 	{
   588 		// Finish off quadratic formula to get intersection co-efficient
   589 		k = dSqrt( k );
   590 		A = dRecip( 2 * A );
   592 		// Compute distance along line to contact point.
   593 		dReal alpha = dMUL(( -B - k ),A);
   594 		if ( alpha < 0 )
   595 		{
   596 			// Flip in the other direction.
   597 			alpha = dMUL(( -B + k ),A);
   598 		}
   600 		// Intersection point is within ray length?
   601 		if ( alpha >= 0 && alpha <= ray->length )
   602 		{
   603 			// The ray intersects the infinite cylinder!
   605 			// Compute contact point.
   606 			contact->pos[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL( alpha,ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2] );
   607 			contact->pos[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL( alpha,ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2] );
   608 			contact->pos[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL( alpha,ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2] );
   610 			// q is the vector from the cylinder centre to the contact point.
   611 			q[0] = contact->pos[0] - cyl->final_posr->pos[0];
   612 			q[1] = contact->pos[1] - cyl->final_posr->pos[1];
   613 			q[2] = contact->pos[2] - cyl->final_posr->pos[2];
   615 			// Compute the distance along the cylinder axis of this contact point.
   616 			d = dDOT14( q, cyl->final_posr->R+2 );
   618 			// Check to see if the intersection point is between the flat end caps
   619 			if ( d >= -half_length && d <= +half_length )
   620 			{
   621 				// Flip the normal if the start point is inside the cylinder.
   622 				const dReal nsign = ( C < 0 ) ? REAL( -1.0 ) : REAL( 1.0 );
   624 				// Compute contact normal.
   625 				contact->normal[0] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[0] - (cyl->final_posr->pos[0] + dMUL(d,cyl->final_posr->R[0*4+2]))));
   626 				contact->normal[1] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[1] - (cyl->final_posr->pos[1] + dMUL(d,cyl->final_posr->R[1*4+2]))));
   627 				contact->normal[2] = dMUL(nsign,(contact->pos[2] - (cyl->final_posr->pos[2] + dMUL(d,cyl->final_posr->R[2*4+2]))));
   628 				dNormalize3( contact->normal );
   630 				// Store depth.
   631 				contact->depth = alpha;
   633 				// Contact!
   634 				return 1;
   635 			}
   636 		}
   637 	}
   639 	// No contact with anything.
   640 	return 0;
   641 }