changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 15 08e69e956a8c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  An interface to the hierarchical list tree structure.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef C_AKNTREE_H
    20 #define C_AKNTREE_H
    23 #include <AknIconUtils.h> // TScaleMode
    24 #include <babitflags.h>
    26 #include "akntreenode.h"
    27 #include "akntreeobserver.h"
    29 class CAknTreeList;
    30 class CAknTreeListIcon;
    31 class CAknTreeOrdering;
    32 class CAknMarqueeControl;
    33 class CFont;
    34 class MAknCustomTreeOrdering;
    35 class TAknsItemID;
    36 class TAknTreeIterator;
    37 class TAknTextComponentLayout;
    38 class TRgb;
    41 /**
    42  *  Hierarchical list tree structure.
    43  *
    44  *  The tree structure is formed from hierarchical list items. These items
    45  *  can be either leaves or nodes. The names do not refer to their dynamic
    46  *  state; a leaf is a tree item that cannot ever have children in the tree
    47  *  structure while node can. @c CAknTree is derived from @c CAknTreeNode
    48  *  class, which is an abstract base class for all tree nodes. An instance of
    49  *  @c CAknTree is always set as a root of the tree structure, so that it can
    50  *  be always reached from all the tree items through parent pointers, or
    51  *  simply by calling the @c CAknTreeItem::Root() method.
    52  *
    53  *  @c CAknTree class provides fast access to all the tree items it contains.
    54  *  The tree structure should always be modified through this class and not
    55  *  by directly modifying the related tree items, as this class is responsible
    56  *  for notifying the tree list view of the occurring tree events.
    57  *
    58  *  Furthermore, this class can create an iterator (an instance of
    59  *  @c CAknTreeIterator) for traversing the tree structure, it stores the
    60  *  ordering of the tree items, and it can also store the icons shared by
    61  *  several tree items.
    62  *
    63  *  @lib aknhlist.lib
    64  *  @since S60 v3.2
    65  */
    66 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAknTree ) : public CAknTreeNode
    67     {
    69 public:
    71     /** Pre-defined IDs for the icons constructed by the tree. */
    72     enum TTreeListIcon
    73         {
    74         ENone                           = AknTreeListIconID::KNone,
    75         /** Tree structure line with branch. */
    76         ELineBranchIndication           = AknTreeListIconID::KLineBranchIndication,
    77         /** Tree structure end line. */
    78         ELineEndIndication              = AknTreeListIconID::KLineEndIndication,
    79         /** Tree structure straight line indication. */
    80         ELineStraightIndication         = AknTreeListIconID::KLineStraightIndication,
    81         /** Default file indication. */
    82         EDefaultFileIndication          = AknTreeListIconID::KDefaultFileIndication,
    83         /** Closed folder indication. */
    84         EClosedFolderIndication         = AknTreeListIconID::KClosedFolderIndication,
    85         /** Open folder indication. */
    86         EOpenFolderIndication           = AknTreeListIconID::KOpenFolderIndication,
    87         /** Collapse function indication, superimposed. */
    88         ECollapseFunctionIndication     = AknTreeListIconID::KCollapseFunctionIndication,
    89         /** Expand function indication, superimposed. */
    90         EExpandFunctionIndication       = AknTreeListIconID::KExpandFunctionIndication,
    91         /** Item marked indication. */
    92         EMarkedIndication               = AknTreeListIconID::KMarkedIndication,
    93         /** Highlighted item marked indication. */
    94         EHighlightedMarkedIndication    = AknTreeListIconID::KHighlightedMarkedIndication,
    95         /** Denotes the range for pre-defined IDs. */
    96         EPreDefinedIconIdRange
    97         };
    99     /**
   100      * Two-phased constructor.
   101      *
   102      * @param aList Reference to the tree list object which owns the created
   103      *      tree structure.
   104      *
   105      * @param aOrdering Ordering for the tree list items. The ownership of
   106      *      of the ordering is transferred to the tree.
   107      *
   108      * @return Newly created tree instance.
   109      */
   110     static CAknTree* NewL( CAknTreeList& aList, CAknTreeOrdering* aOrdering );
   112     /**
   113      * Destructor.
   114      */
   115     virtual ~CAknTree();
   117     /**
   118      * Returns the ID assigned for the specified tree item. The constant
   119      * @c KAknTreeIIDRoot is returned for the tree root, and constant @c
   120      * KAknTreeIIDNone for null pointer.
   121      *
   122      * @param aItem Pointer to a tree item.
   123      *
   124      * @return ID of the given tree item.
   125      */
   126     TAknTreeItemID Id( const CAknTreeItem* aItem ) const;
   128     /**
   129      * Sets the ordering of the tree list.
   130      * The ordering defines the order of hierarchical list items. The list
   131      * items are always kept sorted according the set ordering object, and
   132      * whenever the ordering object is changed, the tree is sorted according
   133      * the newly set ordering.
   134      *
   135      * @param aOrdering Specialisation specific implementation for the
   136      *      abstract @c CAknTreeListOrdering class. This object defines the
   137      *      order of hierarchical list items.
   138      *
   139      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue to redraw the list after it has been sorted.
   140      *
   141      * @post The list is sorted according to the set ordering.
   142      */
   143     void SetOrdering( CAknTreeOrdering* aOrdering, TBool aDrawNow );
   145     /**
   146      * Sets custom ordering for the tree.
   147      *
   148      * @param aOrdering Implementation for custom ordering interface defining
   149      *      the order of hierarchical list items.
   150      *
   151      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue to redraw the list after it has been sorted.
   152      */
   153     void SetCustomOrdering( MAknCustomTreeOrdering* aOrdering, TBool aDrawNow );
   155     /**
   156      * Sorts the specified tree node.
   157      *
   158      * @param aNode Item ID of the node that has to be sorted.
   159      *
   160      * @param aSortDescendants @c ETrue to sort the content of the specified
   161      *      node including the content of its descendant nodes, @c EFalse to
   162      *      to sort only the child items within the specified node.
   163      *
   164      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue to redraw the list after sorting.
   165      *
   166      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   167      *
   168      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   169      */
   170     void Sort( TAknTreeItemID aNode, TBool aSortDescendants, TBool aDrawNow );
   172     /**
   173      * Compares two tree items.
   174      *
   175      * @param aFirst First item.
   176      *
   177      * @param aSecond Second item.
   178      *
   179      * @return Positive, if the first item is greater than the second item;
   180      *      negative, if the first item is less than the second item;
   181      *      and zero, if the items are equal.
   182      */
   183     TInt Compare( const CAknTreeItem& aFirst, const CAknTreeItem& aSecond ) const;
   185     /**
   186      * Returns the number of items in the tree.
   187      *
   188      * @return Number of items.
   189      */
   190     TInt ItemCount() const;
   192     /**
   193      * Returns the number of visible items in the tree. This excludes all the
   194      * items in collapsed folders.
   195      *
   196      * @return Number of visible items.
   197      */
   198     TInt VisibleItemCount() const;
   200     /**
   201      * Returns the index of specified item. The index is equal to the number
   202      * of tree items in the tree structure before the specified item.
   203      *
   204      * @param aItem Pointer to tree item.
   205      *
   206      * @return The index of specified item. Value @c KErrNotFound is returned
   207      *      if the specified item is not found.
   208      */
   209     TInt ItemIndex( const CAknTreeItem* aItem ) const;
   211     /**
   212      * Returns the index from subset of visible items. The index is equal to
   213      * the number of tree items in the expanded tree structure before the 
   214      * specified item.
   215      *
   216      * @param aItem Pointer to tree item.
   217      *
   218      * @return The index of specified item. Value @c KErrNotFound is returned
   219      *      if the specified item is not found, or not in the expanded tree
   220      *      structure.
   221      */
   222     TInt VisibleItemIndex( const CAknTreeItem* aItem ) const;
   224     /**
   225      * Returns visible item based on the given index.
   226      *
   227      * @param aIndex Index defining the items position in expanded tree.
   228      *
   229      * @return Pointer to tree item. @c NULL, if item with given index is found.
   230      */ 
   231     CAknTreeItem* VisibleItem( TInt aIndex ) const;
   233     /**
   234      * Returns the depth of the tree, which equals to number of levels in the
   235      * expanded part of the tree.
   236      *
   237      * @return The depth of expanded tree structure.
   238      */
   239     TInt Depth() const;
   241     /**
   242      * Retrieves the specified item from the tree.
   243      *
   244      * @param aItemId ID of the item to be retrieved.
   245      *
   246      * @param aItem Reference to a pointer, which is replaced with a pointer
   247      *      to the specified item, if it is found from the tree.
   248      *
   249      * @return @c KErrNone, if the item is found from the tree. The return
   250      *      value @c KErrNotFound indicates that the item was not found.
   251      */
   252     TInt GetItem( TAknTreeItemID aItemId, CAknTreeItem*& aItem ) const;
   254     /**
   255      * Retrieves the specified item from the tree structure.
   256      *
   257      * @param aItemId ID of the item to be retrieved.
   258      *
   259      * @return The retrieved tree item.
   260      *
   261      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   262      */
   263     CAknTreeItem* Item( TAknTreeItemID aItemId ) const;
   265     /**
   266      * Retrieves the specified node from the tree structure.
   267      *
   268      * @param aNodeId ID of the node to be retrieved.
   269      *
   270      * @return The retrieved tree node.
   271      *
   272      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   273      *
   274      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   275      */
   276     CAknTreeNode* Node( TAknTreeItemID aNodeId ) const;
   278     /** 
   279      * Add a new item to the tree. The constant @c KAknTreeIIDRoot is to be
   280      * used as the ID of parent node, when item is added to the the top-most
   281      * level of the tree.
   282      *
   283      * @param aItem The item to be added to the tree structure.
   284      *
   285      * @param aParent ID of the parent node to which the item is to be added.
   286      *
   287      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be updated after the
   288      *      item has been added to the tree.
   289      *
   290      * @return Item ID assigned for the added item.
   291      */
   292     TAknTreeItemID AddItemL( CAknTreeItem* aItem, TAknTreeItemID aParent,
   293         TBool aDrawNow );
   295     /**
   296      * Moves the specified item to the specified target node. The constant
   297      * @c KAknTreeIIDRoot can be used as the ID of target node, when moving
   298      * the item to the top-most level of the tree.
   299      *
   300      * @param aItem ID of the item to be moved.
   301      *
   302      * @param aTargetNode ID of the node, where the item is to be moved.
   303      *
   304      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be updated after the
   305      *      item has been moved.
   306      *
   307      * @leave KErrArgument The specified item is the same as the target node
   308      *      or one of the ancestors of target node. 
   309      *
   310      * @leave KErrNoMemory Not enough memory is available for adding the
   311      *      specified item to the target node.
   312      *
   313      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   314      *
   315      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified target node is not a node.
   316      */
   317     void MoveItemL( TAknTreeItemID aItem, TAknTreeItemID aTargetNode,
   318         TBool aDrawNow );
   320     /**
   321      * Remove an existing item from the tree. If the specified item is a node,
   322      * all of its descendants will be removed from the tree as well.
   323      *
   324      * @param aItem The item to be removed from the tree structure.
   325      *
   326      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be updated after the
   327      *      item has been removed from the tree.
   328      *
   329      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   330      */
   331     void RemoveItem( TAknTreeItemID aItem, TBool aDrawNow );
   333     /**
   334      * Changes the state of the specified node to expanded. Using constant
   335      * @c KAknTreeIIDRoot as the node ID expands every node in the tree.
   336      *
   337      * @param aNode Item ID of the node to be expanded.
   338      *
   339      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be updated after the node
   340      *      has been expanded.
   341      *
   342      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   343      *
   344      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   345      */
   346     void ExpandNode( TAknTreeItemID aNode, TBool aDrawNow );
   348     /**
   349      * Changes the state of the specified node to collapsed. All the children
   350      * that are not set persistent will be deleted. Using constant @c
   351      * KAknTreeIIDRoot as the node ID collapses every node in the tree.
   352      *
   353      * @param aNode Item ID of the node to be collapsed.
   354      *
   355      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be updated after the node
   356      *      has been collapsed.
   357      *
   358      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   359      *
   360      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   361      */
   362     void CollapseNode( TAknTreeItemID aNode, TBool aDrawNow );
   364     /**
   365      * Checks if the specified node is expanded. 
   366      *
   367      * @param aNode Item ID of the node.
   368      *
   369      * @return @c ETrue, if the node is expanded.
   370      *
   371      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   372      *
   373      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   374      */
   375     TBool IsExpanded( TAknTreeItemID aNode ) const;
   377     /**
   378      * Returns the number of children of a tree node. This method, along with
   379      * @c Child() method, can be used for enquiring information of the tree
   380      * structure. Constant @c KAknTreeIIDRoot can be used to get the
   381      * item count on the top-most level of the list.
   382      *
   383      * @param aNode Item ID of a node.
   384      *
   385      * @return Number of children of specified node.
   386      *
   387      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   388      *
   389      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   390      */
   391     TInt ChildCount( TAknTreeItemID aNode ) const;
   393     /**
   394      * Returns the item ID of a child of a tree node. The specific child is
   395      * specified with an index. The child count for any hierarchical
   396      * list node can be get with @c ChildCount() method.
   397      *
   398      * @param aNode Item ID of the node, whose child is enquiried.
   399      *
   400      * @param aIndex Index of the enquiried child.
   401      *
   402      * @return Item ID of the specified child. Value @c KAknTreeIIDNone is
   403      *      returned, if the child with specified index does not exist.
   404      * 
   405      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   406      *
   407      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   408      */
   409     TAknTreeItemID Child( TAknTreeItemID aNode, TInt aIndex ) const;
   411     /**
   412      * Returns the item ID of a parent node of specified tree item.
   413      * 
   414      * @param aItem Item ID of the item, whose parent is queried.
   415      *
   416      * @return Item ID of the parent node.
   417      *
   418      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   419      */
   420     TAknTreeItemID Parent( TAknTreeItemID aItem ) const;
   422     /**
   423      * Adds new observer for the tree. The ownership of the observer interface
   424      * is not transferred to the tree.
   425      *
   426      * @param aObserver Observer.
   427      */
   428     void AddObserverL( MAknTreeObserver* aObserver );
   430     /**
   431      * Removes an observer from the tree.
   432      *
   433      * @param aObserver Observer to be removed.
   434      *
   435      * @return @c KErrNotFound, if the specified observer is not found.
   436      *      Otherwise, the value @c KErrNone is used.
   437      */
   438     TInt RemoveObserver( MAknTreeObserver* aObserver );
   440     /**
   441      * Checks whether the specified item is marked.
   442      *
   443      * @param aItem Item ID.
   444      *
   445      * @return @c ETrue, if the item is marked.
   446      *
   447      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   448      */
   449     TBool IsMarked( TAknTreeItemID aItem ) const;
   451     /**
   452      * Sets the specified item marked or unmarked.
   453      *
   454      * @param aItem Item ID of modified item.
   455      *
   456      * @param aMarked @c ETrue to set item marked, @c EFalse to unmarked.
   457      *
   458      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue to redraw the view.
   459      *
   460      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   461      */
   462     void SetMarked( TAknTreeItemID aItem, TBool aMarked, TBool aDrawNow );
   464     /**
   465      * Enables or disables marking of specified list item.
   466      *
   467      * @param aItem Item ID of the list item.
   468      *
   469      * @param aEnable @c ETrue to enable marking, @c EFalse to disable it.
   470      *
   471      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   472      */
   473     void EnableMarking( TAknTreeItemID aItem, TBool aEnable );
   475     /**
   476      * Gets all the marked items from the specified node. The marked items
   477      * are appended to the end of the array passed as parameter.
   478      *
   479      * @param aNode Item ID of a node from where the marked items are
   480      *      retrieved.
   481      *
   482      * @param aMarkedItems On return, contains item IDs of marked items in
   483      *      the specified node.
   484      *
   485      * @leave KErrNoMemory Appending item to the array fails.
   486      *
   487      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   488      *
   489      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified item is not a node.
   490      */
   491     void GetMarkedItemsL( TAknTreeItemID aNode,
   492         RArray<TAknTreeItemID>& aMarkedItems ) const;
   494     /**
   495      * Checks whether the specified node is empty.
   496      *
   497      * @param aNode Item ID for a node.
   498      *
   499      * @return @c ETrue, if the item is empty.
   500      *
   501      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   502      *
   503      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified target item is not a node.
   504      */
   505     TBool IsEmpty( TAknTreeItemID aNode ) const;
   507     /**
   508      * Sets whether the specified node appears as non-empty when empty.
   509      *
   510      * @param aNode Item ID for a node.
   511      *
   512      * @param aNonEmpty @c ETrue to set node appear non-empty, @c EFalse to
   513      *      to remove previously set flag.
   514      *
   515      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue to redraw the list.
   516      *
   517      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   518      *
   519      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemType Specified target item is not a node.
   520      */
   521     void SetNonEmpty( TAknTreeItemID aNode, TBool aNonEmpty, TBool aDrawNow );
   523     /**
   524      * Checks whether the specified item is persistent.
   525      *
   526      * @param aItem Item ID.
   527      *
   528      * @return @c ETrue, if the item is persistent.
   529      *
   530      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   531      */
   532     TBool IsPersistent( TAknTreeItemID aItem ) const;
   534     /**
   535      * Sets the specified item persistent or non-persistent.
   536      *
   537      * @param aItem Item ID of modified item.
   538      *
   539      * @param aPersistent @c ETrue to set item persistent.
   540      *
   541      * @panic EAknHListPanicInvalidItemID Item with specified ID is not found.
   542      */
   543     void SetPersistent( TAknTreeItemID aItem, TBool aPersistent );
   545     /**
   546      * Creates an iterator for the the expanded tree structure.
   547      *
   548      * @return Iterator.
   549      */
   550     TAknTreeIterator Iterator() const;
   552     /**
   553      * Creates an iterator for traversing the tree structure under the
   554      * specified tree node.
   555      *
   556      * @param aNode Iterated node.
   557      *
   558      * @param aFlags Flags for the iterator. The @c KSkipCollapsedNodeContents
   559      *      flag can be used to skip the contents of all collapsed nodes.
   560      *
   561      * @return Iterator.
   562      */
   563     TAknTreeIterator Iterator( CAknTreeNode* aNode, TUint aFlags ) const;
   565     /**
   566      * Notifies the observers that an item has been modified.
   567      *
   568      * @param aItem Modified item.
   569      */
   570     void ItemModified( CAknTreeItem* aItem );
   572     /**
   573      * Adds icon to the tree. The icon is constructed based on the given
   574      * parameters and the parameters are stored in the tree, so that the icon
   575      * can be reconstructed on skin change event.
   576      *
   577      * @param aId ID of the masked bitmap to be created.
   578      *
   579      * @param aFilename Filename to be used to construct the item, if no
   580      *      matching item was found in the currently active skin.
   581      *
   582      * @param aBitmapId ID of the bitmap in the file. Used only if no matching
   583      *      item was found in the currently active skin.
   584      *
   585      * @param aMaskId ID of the mask in the file. Used only if no matching item
   586      *      was found in the currently active skin.
   587      *
   588      * @param aScaleMode Scale mode used when icon's bitmap is resized.
   589      *
   590      * @return Icon ID assigned for the created icon.
   591      */
   592     TInt AddIconL( const TAknsItemID& aId, const TDesC& aFilename,
   593         TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId, TScaleMode aScaleMode );
   595     /**
   596      * Adds icon to the tree. Icons added with this method are not
   597      * reconstructed on skin change events.
   598      *
   599      * @param aIcon Pointer to the bitmap.
   600      *
   601      * @param aMask Pointer to the mask bitmap.
   602      *
   603      * @param aTransferOwnership @c ETrue, if ownership of bitmaps is
   604      * transferred to the list. If the method leaves, it is always on the
   605      * responsibility of the client code to take care of deleting the bitmaps.
   606      *
   607      * @param aScaleMode Scale mode used when icon's bitmap is resized.
   608      *
   609      * @return Icon ID assigned for the created icon.
   610      */
   611     TInt AddIconL( CFbsBitmap* aIcon, CFbsBitmap* aMask,
   612         TBool aTransferOwnership, TScaleMode aScaleMode );
   614     /**
   615      * Adds colored icon to the tree. The icon is constructed based on the
   616      * given parameters and the parameters are stored in the tree, so that the
   617      * icon can be reconstructed on skin change event
   618      *
   619      * @param aId Item ID of the masked bitmap to be created.
   620      *
   621      * @param aColorId Item ID of the color table.
   622      *
   623      * @param aColorIndex Index in the color table.
   624      *
   625      * @param aFilename Filename to be used to construct the item, if no
   626      *      matching item was found in the currently active skin.
   627      *
   628      * @param aBitmapId ID of the bitmap in the file. Used only if no matching
   629      *      item was found in the currently active skin.
   630      *
   631      * @param aMaskId ID of the mask in the file. Used only if no matching item
   632      *      was found in the currently active skin.
   633      *
   634      * @param aDefaultColor Color RGB value to be used, if no color is found in
   635      *      the currently active skin.
   636      *
   637      * @param aScaleMode Scale mode used when icon's bitmap is resized.
   638      *
   639      * @return Icon ID assigned for the created icon.
   640      */
   641     TInt AddColorIconL( const TAknsItemID& aId, const TAknsItemID& aColorId,
   642         TInt aColorIndex, const TDesC& aFilename, TInt aBitmapId,
   643         TInt aMaskId, TRgb aDefaultColor, TScaleMode aScaleMode );
   645     /**
   646      * Sets icon to the list with specified icon ID. If icon with the same ID
   647      * is already added to the tree, the existing icon is replaced with the
   648      * new.
   649      *
   650      * @param aIconId Assigned icon ID for the icon.
   651      *
   652      * @param aId Item ID of the masked bitmap to be created.
   653      *
   654      * @param aFilename Filename to be used to construct the item, if no
   655      *      matching item was found in the currently active skin.
   656      *
   657      * @param aBitmapId ID of the bitmap in the file. Used only if no matching
   658      *      item was found in the currently active skin.
   659      *
   660      * @param aMaskId ID of the mask in the file. Used only if no matching item
   661      *      was found in the currently active skin.
   662      *
   663      * @param aScaleMode Scale mode used when icon's bitmap is resized.
   664      */
   665     void SetIconL( TInt aIconId, const TAknsItemID& aId,
   666         const TDesC& aFilename, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId,
   667         TScaleMode aScaleMode );
   669     /**
   670      * Sets icon to the list with specified icon ID. If icon with the same ID
   671      * is already added to the tree, the existing icon is replaced with the
   672      * new. This method adds only the bitmaps to the list, and they cannot
   673      * be reconstructed by the list on skin change events.
   674      * 
   675      * @param aIconId Assigned icon ID for the icon.
   676      *
   677      * @param aIcon Pointer to the bitmap.
   678      *
   679      * @param aMask Pointer to the mask bitmap.
   680      *
   681      * @param aTransferOwnership @c ETrue, if ownership of bitmaps is
   682      * transferred to the list. If the method leaves, it is always on the
   683      * responsibility of the client code to take care of deleting the bitmaps.
   684      *
   685      * @param aScaleMode Scale mode used when icon's bitmap is resized.
   686      */
   687     void SetIconL( TInt aIconId, CFbsBitmap* aIcon, CFbsBitmap* aMask, 
   688         TBool aTransferOwnership, TScaleMode aScaleMode );
   690     /**
   691      * Sets color icon to the list with specified icon ID. If icon with the
   692      * same ID is already added to the tree, the existing icon is replaced with
   693      * the new.
   694      *
   695      * @param aIconId Assigned icon ID for the icon.
   696      *
   697      * @param aId Item ID of the masked bitmap to be created.
   698      *
   699      * @param aColorId Item ID of the color table.
   700      *
   701      * @param aColorIndex Index in the color table.
   702      *
   703      * @param aFilename Filename to be used to construct the item, if no
   704      *      matching item was found in the currently active skin.
   705      *
   706      * @param aBitmapId ID of the bitmap in the file. Used only if no matching
   707      *      item was found in the currently active skin.
   708      *
   709      * @param aMaskId ID of the mask in the file. Used only if no matching item
   710      *      was found in the currently active skin.
   711      *
   712      * @param aDefaultColor Color RGB value to be used, if no color is found in
   713      *      the currently active skin.
   714      *
   715      * @param aScaleMode Scale mode used when icon's bitmap is resized.
   716      */
   717     void SetColorIconL( TInt aIconId, const TAknsItemID& aId,
   718         const TAknsItemID& aColorId, TInt aColorIndex, const TDesC& aFilename,
   719         TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId, TRgb aDefaultColor,
   720         TScaleMode aScaleMode );
   722     /**
   723      * Removes previously added icon from the tree.
   724      *
   725      * @param aIconId ID of the removed icon.
   726      *
   727      * @leave KErrArgument if specified icon is one of the default icons.
   728      */
   729     void RemoveIconL( TInt aIconId );
   731     /**
   732      * Gets pointer to the specified tree list icon. The ownership of the
   733      * icon is not transferred to the caller.
   734      *
   735      * @param aIconId Icon ID specifying the requested icon.
   736      *
   737      * @return Pointer to the requested icon, or NULL if icon with specified
   738      *      ID was not found.
   739      */
   740     CAknTreeListIcon* Icon( TInt aIconId ) const;
   742     /**
   743      * Draws the specified icon. The icon is specified with the ID value,
   744      * which can be one of the default values in @c CAknTree::TIcon enumeration,
   745      * or a value returned when the icon was added to the list.
   746      *
   747      * @param aIconId Icon ID specifying the icon.
   748      *
   749      * @param aSize Size of the icon.
   750      *
   751      * @param aGc Graphics context the icon is drawn to.
   752      *
   753      * @param aPoint A position for the top left corner of the icon.
   754      *
   755      * @param aSourceRect A rectangle defining the piece of the icon to be
   756      *      drawn, with co-ordinates relative to the top left corner of the
   757      *      bitmap.
   758      *
   759      * @return @c KErrNotFound, if no icon with specified ID is found,
   760      *      otherwise @c KErrNone.
   761      */
   762     TInt DrawIcon( TInt aIconId, const TSize& aSize, CWindowGc& aGc,
   763         const TPoint& aPoint, const TRect& aSourceRect );
   765     /**
   766      * Draws text for tree list item. Text is drawn with marquee scrolling
   767      * when marquee scrolling is enabled, the text does not fit to the
   768      * rectangle appointed to it, and the item is focused. Otherwise, when
   769      * some of the conditions above are not true, text is drawn normally with
   770      * clipping.
   771      *
   772      * @param aGc Graphics context.
   773      *
   774      * @param aRect Parent rectangle for the text layout.
   775      *
   776      * @param aTextLayout Text layout.
   777      *
   778      * @param aText Text.
   779      *
   780      * @param aFont Font. @c NULL if the font defined in layout is used.
   781      *
   782      * @param aItem Pointer to the tree list item, for which the text is drawn.
   783      *
   784      * @param aFocused @c ETrue, if the text is drawn for focused tree list
   785      *      item, otherwise @c EFalse.
   786      *
   787      * @param aMarquee @c ETrue, if marquee can be used for drawing the text
   788      *      when marquee scrolling is enabled for the list.
   789      */
   790      void DrawText( CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect,
   791         const TAknTextComponentLayout& aTextLayout, const TDesC& aText,
   792         const CFont* aFont, const CAknTreeItem* aItem, TBool aFocused,
   793         TBool aMarquee );
   795     /**
   796      * Handles skin change.
   797      */
   798     void HandleSkinChangeL();
   800     /**
   801      * Enables marquee scrolling.
   802      *
   803      * @param aEnable @c ETrue to enable marquee, @c EFalse to disable it.
   804      */
   805     void EnableMarquee( TBool aEnable );
   807     /**
   808      * Returns whether marquee scrolling is enabled.
   809      *
   810      * @return @c ETrue when enabled, otherwise @c EFalse.
   811      */
   812     TBool IsMarqueeOn() const;
   814     /**
   815      * Callback function for marquee control.
   816      *
   817      * @param aThis Pointer to an instance of @c CAknTree.
   818      */
   819     static TInt MarqueeRedrawRequest( TAny* aThis );
   821     /**
   822      * Enables tabulator mode expand and collapse function indicators.
   823      *
   824      * @param @aEnable @c ETrue to enable tabulator mode indicators.
   825      */
   826     void EnableTabModeFunctionIndicatorsL( TBool aEnable );
   828     /**
   829      * Checks whether tabulator mode expand and collapse function indicators are
   830      * enabled.
   831      *
   832      * @return @c ETrue when enabled, otherwise @c EFalse.
   833      */
   834     TBool TabModeFunctionIndicators() const;
   836 // from base class CAknTreeItem
   838     /**
   839      * From CAknTreeItem.
   840      * Returns the type of the item.
   841      *
   842      * @return Item type.
   843      */
   844     TInt Type() const;
   846     /**
   847      * From CAknTreeItem.
   848      * Returns pointer to the root of the tree. This implementation will simply
   849      * return the pointer to this object, as an instance of @c CAknTree will
   850      * always be set as the root of the tree.
   851      *
   852      * @return Pointer to the tree root.
   853      */
   854     CAknTree* Root() const;
   856 // from base class CAknTreeNode
   858     /**
   859      * From CAknTreeNode.
   860      * Changes the state of the whole tree, that is, every node, to expanded.
   861      */
   862     void Expand();
   864     /**
   865      * From CAknTreeNode.
   866      * Changes the state of the whole tree, that is, every node, to collapsed.
   867      */
   868     void Collapse();
   870 private:
   872     /**
   873      * Constructor.
   874      *
   875      * @param aList The list owning the tree instance.
   876      *
   877      * @param aOrdering Ordering for the tree items.
   878      */
   879     CAknTree( CAknTreeList& aList, CAknTreeOrdering* aOrdering );
   881     /**
   882      * Second phase constructor.
   883      */
   884     void ConstructL();
   886     /**
   887      * Notifies the observers of the tree of specified tree event.
   888      *
   889      * @param aEvent Tree event.
   890      *
   891      * @param aItem Pointer to the tree item affected by the tree event.
   892      *
   893      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be redrawn after the event.
   894      */
   895     void NotifyObservers( MAknTreeObserver::TEvent aEvent, CAknTreeItem* aItem,
   896         TBool aDrawNow );
   898     /**
   899      * Used in marquee control callback.
   900      */
   901     TInt DoMarqueeRedrawRequest();
   903     /**
   904      * Searches for available icon ID.
   905      *
   906      * @return Available icon ID.
   907      */
   908     TInt AvailableIconId() const;
   910     /**
   911      * Adds an icon to the icon array. The icons in the array are kept
   912      * ordered based on their ID's. If some icon in the array already has the
   913      * same ID as the added icon, it is replaced with the new icon.
   914      *
   915      * @param aIcon Icon.
   916      */
   917     void AddIconL( CAknTreeListIcon* aIcon );
   919     /**
   920      * Sorts every node in the tree according to set ordering.
   921      *
   922      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue to redraw the list after it has been sorted.
   923      */
   924     void Sort( TBool aDrawNow );
   926     /**
   927      * Expands the specified node and notifies the observers of the event.
   928      *
   929      * @param aNode Pointer to the node to be expanded.
   930      *
   931      * @param aDrawNow @c ETrue, if the view is to be redrawn after the node
   932      *      has been expanded.
   933      */
   934     void DoExpandNode( CAknTreeNode* aNode, TBool aDrawNow );
   936 // from base class CAknTreeItem
   938     /**
   939      * From CAknTreeItem.
   940      */
   941     void Draw( CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aItemRect, const TRect& aRect,
   942         TBool aFocused ) const;
   944 private: // data
   946     /**
   947      * The tree list owning the tree instance.
   948      */
   949     CAknTreeList& iList;
   951     /**
   952      * Ordering for the tree.
   953      * Own.
   954      */
   955     CAknTreeOrdering* iOrdering;
   957     /**
   958      * Custom ordering for the tree.
   959      * Not owned.
   960      */
   961     MAknCustomTreeOrdering* iCustomOrdering;
   963     /**
   964      * Tree observers.
   965      * Not owned.
   966      */
   967     RPointerArray<MAknTreeObserver> iObservers;
   969     /**
   970      * Pointer array containin pointers to all tree items.
   971      * Not owned.
   972      */
   973     RPointerArray<CAknTreeItem> iItems;
   975     /**
   976      * Pointer array containing pointers to stored icons.
   977      * Own.
   978      */
   979     RPointerArray<CAknTreeListIcon> iIcons;
   981     /**
   982      * Marquee control.
   983      * Own.
   984      */
   985     CAknMarqueeControl* iMarquee;
   987     /**
   988      * The tree item using the marquee control.
   989      * Not own.
   990      */
   991     const CAknTreeItem* iMarqueeItem;
   993     /**
   994      * Flags for tree settings.
   995      */
   996     TBitFlags32 iFlags;
   998     };
  1001 #endif // C_AKNTREE_H