changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Test suite.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <eikenv.h>
    20 #include <coeaui.h>
    21 #include <eikappui.h>
    22 #include <eikapp.h>
    24 #include "bctestlogger.h"
    25 #include "bctestsuite.h"
    26 #include "bctestcase.h"
    27 #include "bctestendcase.h"
    29 _LIT( KLeaveLog, "\r\n\r\nTest case %s leaved. Leave reason is %d." );
    30 _LIT( KNoCommandsInCase, 
    31                 "No automatic test commands defined in test case %s!\r\n" );
    32 _LIT( KUnbalancedIf, 
    33                 "Unbalanced ifs/endifs in test case %s!\r\n\r\n" );
    34 _LIT( KCaseStartLog, ", case %d start " );
    35 _LIT( KCaseEndLog, ", case %d end " );
    36 _LIT( KUnnamedCase, "Unnamed case" );
    37 _LIT( KStartInfo, 
    38     " Total %d cases will be tested in the application. \r\n\r\n\r\n" );
    39 _LIT( KCompletedTest, "%s completed testing work." );
    40 _LIT( KSummary, "\r\nSummary:\r\nTotal %d cases were tested.\r\nThere are \
    41 %d cases including failed tests.\r\nTotal %d asserted tests and %d \
    42 failed tests.\r\n" );
    43 _LIT( KSummaryFailLog, "Those cases including failed tests are " );
    44 _LIT( KSummaryComma, ", " );
    45 _LIT( KSummaryDot, ". " );
    46 _LIT( KSummaryFailFormat, "case %d");    
    48 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // C++ default Constructor
    52 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 CBCTestSuite::CBCTestSuite( CBCTestLogger* aLogger )
    55     : iLogger( aLogger )
    56     {
    57     }
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 // Destructor
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 //
    63 CBCTestSuite::~CBCTestSuite()
    64     {
    65     for ( TInt i=0; i<iTestCases.Count(); i++ )
    66         {
    67         delete iTestCases[i];
    68         }
    69     iTestCases.Close();
    70     }
    72 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    73 // CBCTestSuite::RunL
    74 // Pass an command to test case for executing some test work.
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 void CBCTestSuite::RunL(int aCmd)
    78     {
    79     for ( TInt i=0; i<iTestCases.Count(); i++ )
    80         {
    81         TRAPD( errno, iTestCases[i]->RunL(aCmd) );
    82         if ( errno != KErrNone )
    83             {            
    84             TDes& buf = iLogger->Buffer();
    85             buf.AppendFormat( 
    86                 TPtrC( KLeaveLog ), iTestCases[i]->Name().Ptr(), errno );            
    87             iLogger->CreateTimeStamp( buf );            
    88             buf.Append( KLogLine );
    89             iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
    90             }
    91         }
    92     }
    94 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CBCTestSuite::AddTestCaseL
    96 // Add a test case pointer and name of the test case.
    97 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 void CBCTestSuite::AddTestCaseL( CBCTestCase* aTestCase, const TDesC& aName )
   100     {
   101     aTestCase->SetLogger( iLogger );
   102     aTestCase->SetName( aName );
   103     iTestCases.AppendL( aTestCase );
   104     }
   106 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 // CBCTestSuite::AddTestCaseL
   108 // Build parameter of automatic test.
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   110 //
   111 void CBCTestSuite::BuildScriptsL( SAutoTest* aAutoTest )
   112     {  
   113     if ( !aAutoTest )
   114         {
   115         return;
   116         }
   117     TInt type = iTestCases[iTestCases.Count() - 1]->Type();    
   118     if ( type != CBCTestCase::EEndCase )
   119         {
   120         CBCTestEndCase* endCase = CBCTestEndCase::NewL();        
   121         CleanupStack::PushL( endCase );
   122         endCase->SetType( CBCTestCase::EEndCase );
   123         AddTestCaseL( endCase, KNullDesC );
   124         CleanupStack::Pop( endCase );
   125         }
   126     delete [] aAutoTest->countArray;
   127     aAutoTest->countArray = NULL;
   128     delete [] aAutoTest->scripts;
   129     aAutoTest->scripts = NULL;
   131     aAutoTest->scriptCount = iTestCases.Count();
   132     aAutoTest->countArray = new( ELeave ) TInt[aAutoTest->scriptCount];    
   133     aAutoTest->scripts = new( ELeave ) TInt*[aAutoTest->scriptCount];
   135     for ( TInt i=0; i< aAutoTest->scriptCount; i++ )
   136         {        
   137         aAutoTest->countArray[i] = iTestCases[i]->ScriptCount();
   138         aAutoTest->scripts[i] = iTestCases[i]->TestScripts();
   139         aAutoTest->nameArray.Append( iTestCases[i]->Name() );        
   140         }
   141     }
   143 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // CBCTestSuite::HandleTestEvent
   145 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 void CBCTestSuite::HandleTestEventL( TBCTestEvent aEvent, TInt aParam )
   148     {
   149     TInt scriptIndex = aParam;
   150     if ( scriptIndex < 0 || scriptIndex >= iTestCases.Count() )
   151         {
   152         return;
   153         }
   154     switch ( aEvent )
   155         {
   156         case ETestCaseStart:
   157             {
   158             iTestCases[scriptIndex]->ClearTestSummary();
   159             if ( scriptIndex == 0)
   160                 {
   161                 WriteStartLogL();
   162                 }
   163             WriteTestCaseLogL( scriptIndex, ETrue );            
   164             }
   165             break;
   166         case ETestCaseEnd:
   167             {
   168             WriteTestCaseLogL( scriptIndex, EFalse );
   169             // The end case is not considered by user. So the test case 
   170             // before end case is actually the fianl case.
   171             TInt actualCaseCount = iTestCases.Count() - 1;            
   172             // The last index is actualCaseCount - 1
   173             if ( scriptIndex == actualCaseCount - 1 )
   174                 {                
   175                 WriteSummaryLogL();
   176                 }            
   177             }
   178             break;
   179         case ETestCaseNoScript:
   180             {            
   181             TDes& buf = iLogger->Buffer();
   182             buf.Zero();
   183             buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KNoCommandsInCase ), 
   184                 iTestCases[scriptIndex]->Name().Ptr() );
   185             iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
   186             }
   187             break;
   188         case ETestCaseUnbalancedIf:
   189             {            
   190             TDes& buf = iLogger->Buffer();
   191             buf.Zero();            
   192             buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KUnbalancedIf ),
   193                 iTestCases[scriptIndex]->Name().Ptr() );            
   194             iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
   195             }
   196             break;
   197         default:
   198             break;
   199         }
   200     }
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 // CBCTestSuite::WriteTestCaseLogL
   204 // Creates test case log start (and end) separator.
   205 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 //
   207 void CBCTestSuite::WriteTestCaseLogL( TInt aScriptIndex, TBool aStart )
   208     {   
   209     if ( !iLogger )
   210         {
   211         return;
   212         }       
   214     TDes& buf = iLogger->Buffer();
   215     buf.Zero(); // reset buffer    
   216     TInt type = iTestCases[aScriptIndex]->Type();
   217     if ( type == CBCTestCase::EEndCase )
   218         {        
   219         buf.Append( KLogTwoLine );
   220         iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
   221         return;
   222         }
   223     TDesC& name = iTestCases[aScriptIndex]->Name();
   224     buf.Append( KLogRow80 ); // first separator row
   225     if ( name.Length() > 0 )
   226         {
   227         buf.Append( name );
   228         }
   229     else
   230         {        
   231         buf.Append( KUnnamedCase );
   232         }
   234     if ( aStart )
   235         {
   236         buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KCaseStartLog ), aScriptIndex + 1 );
   237         }
   238     else
   239         {
   240         buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KCaseEndLog ), aScriptIndex + 1 );
   241         }
   242     iLogger->CreateTimeStamp( buf );
   243     buf.Append( KLogRow80 );    
   244     if ( !aStart ) // insert some empty lines
   245         {
   246         buf.Append( KLogTwoLine );
   247         }
   248     iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
   249     }
   251 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 // CBCTestSuite::WriteStartLogL
   253 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 //
   255 void CBCTestSuite::WriteStartLogL()
   256     {
   257     if ( !iLogger )
   258         {
   259         return;
   260         }    
   262     TDes& buf = iLogger->Buffer();
   263     buf.Zero();    
   264     buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KStartInfo ), iTestCases.Count() - 1 );    
   265     iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
   266     }
   268 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   269 // CBCTestSuite::WriteSummaryLogL
   270 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //
   272 void CBCTestSuite::WriteSummaryLogL()
   273     {
   274     TDes& buf = iLogger->Buffer();
   276     // write main log    
   277     buf.Zero();
   278     const TDesC& appCaption = iLogger->AppCaption();      
   279     buf.AppendFormat( KCompletedTest, appCaption.Ptr() );        
   280     iLogger->CreateTimeStamp( buf );
   281     iLogger->WriteMainLogL( buf );
   283     // write summary log    
   284     TInt testCount = 0;
   285     TInt failCases = 0;
   286     TInt failCount = 0;    
   287     TInt* failedInfo = new( ELeave ) TInt[iTestCases.Count()];
   288     CleanupStack::PushL( failedInfo );
   289     for( TInt i=0; i<iTestCases.Count(); i++ )
   290         {
   291         TInt count = 0;
   292         iTestCases[i]->GetTestSummary( count, failedInfo[i] );
   293         testCount += count;
   294         if ( failedInfo[i] > 0)
   295             {
   296             failCases++;
   297             failCount += failedInfo[i];
   298             }
   299         }
   301     buf.Zero();      
   302     buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KSummary ), iTestCases.Count() - 1, failCases, 
   303         testCount, failCount );
   305     if ( failCases > 0 )
   306         {        
   307         buf.Append( KSummaryFailLog );
   308         TInt failRecord = 0;    
   309         for( TInt i=0; i<iTestCases.Count(); i++ )
   310             {        
   311             if ( failedInfo[i] > 0)
   312                 {
   313                 if ( failRecord > 0)
   314                     {
   315                     buf.Append( KSummaryComma );
   316                     }
   317                 buf.AppendFormat( TPtrC( KSummaryFailFormat ), i + 1 );
   318                 failRecord++;            
   319                 }
   320             }
   321         buf.Append( KSummaryDot );
   322         buf.Append( KLogTwoLine );
   323         }
   324     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( failedInfo );
   325     iLogger->WriteLogL( buf );
   326     iLogger->WriteMainLogL( buf );    
   327     }