changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32base.h>
    20 #include <gdi.h>
    21 #include <coecntrl.h>
    22 #include <coemain.h>
    23 #include <eikconso.h>	// #include's eiksbfrm.h
    24 #include <eikenv.h>
    25 #include <barsread.h>
    26 #include <aknpriv.rsg>
    29 void cutmax(TInt &x,TInt max);
    31 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    32 // UpdateScrollBarsL()
    33 // ===================
    34 // Updates the thumb positions etc. on the scrollbars.
    35 // Should be called whenever the datasize, visiblesize or position on the scrollbars have changed.
    37 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    39 EXPORT_C TBool CEikConsoleControl::UpdateScrollbarsL(const TSize &aDataSize,const TSize& aVisibleSize,TPoint aPos)
    40 	{
    41 	// complete available area in characters
    42 	TSize viewInChars( iSize.iWidth / iCharSize.iWidth, iSize.iHeight / iCharSize.iHeight );
    44 	// remember for next time
    45 	iLastThumbPos = aPos;
    46 	TEikScrollBarModel vModel;
    47 	TEikScrollBarModel hModel;
    48 	if (iVBarVisibility!=CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff) 
    49 		{
    50 		// Vertical
    51 		vModel.iScrollSpan=aDataSize.iHeight;
    52 		if ( viewInChars.iHeight > aVisibleSize.iHeight )
    53 			vModel.iThumbSpan=aVisibleSize.iHeight;
    54 		else
    55 			vModel.iThumbSpan=viewInChars.iHeight;
    56 		vModel.iThumbPosition=aPos.iY;
    57 		}
    58 	if (iHBarVisibility!=CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff) 
    59 		{
    60 		// Horizontal
    61 		hModel.iScrollSpan=aDataSize.iWidth;
    62 		if ( viewInChars.iWidth > aVisibleSize.iWidth )
    63 			hModel.iThumbSpan=aVisibleSize.iWidth;
    64 		else
    65 			hModel.iThumbSpan=viewInChars.iWidth;
    66 		hModel.iThumbPosition=aPos.iX;
    67 		}
    68 	TRect fullRect(iSize);
    69 	TRect clientRect(iViewInPixels);
    70 	TEikScrollBarFrameLayout layout;
    71 	CreateScrollBarFrameLayout(layout);
    72 	if (iSBFrame->TileL(&hModel,&vModel,clientRect,fullRect,layout))
    73 		{
    74 		// something happened, so redetermine the available pixels...
    75 		iViewInPixels=clientRect.Size();
    76 		// the visible characters...
    77 //	zoe
    78 		iViewInChars = TSize( iViewInPixels.iWidth / iCharSize.iWidth, iViewInPixels.iHeight / iCharSize.iHeight );
    79 		if (iConsole)
    80 			{
    81 			cutmax(iViewInChars.iWidth,iConsole->ScreenSize().iWidth);
    82 			cutmax(iViewInChars.iHeight,iConsole->ScreenSize().iHeight);
    83 			}
    84 		// and clear what's outside the new scope...
    85 		TPoint br(iViewInChars.iWidth*iCharSize.iWidth, iViewInChars.iHeight*iCharSize.iHeight);
    86 		const TRgb background=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this);
    87 		ClearPixels(TRect(br.iX,0,iViewInPixels.iWidth,br.iY),background);
    88 		ClearPixels(TRect(0,br.iY,iViewInPixels.iWidth,iViewInPixels.iHeight),background);
    89 		// and inform caller that the area has changed...
    90 		return ETrue;
    91 		}
    92 	return EFalse;
    93 	}
    95 void CEikConsoleControl::CreateScrollBarFrameLayout(TEikScrollBarFrameLayout& aLayout) const
    96 	{
    97 	// all margins default to 0
    98 	aLayout.iTilingMode=TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EInclusiveRectConstant;
    99 	aLayout.iClientAreaGranularity=iCharSize;
   100 	}
   103 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::UpdateArea()
   104 	{
   105 	// determine how many characters will fit and how many pixels we thus ACTUALLY need
   106 //zoe
   107 	iViewInChars = TSize( iViewInPixels.iWidth / iCharSize.iWidth, iViewInPixels.iHeight / iCharSize.iHeight );
   108 	if (iConsole)
   109 		{
   110 		cutmax(iViewInChars.iWidth,iConsole->ScreenSize().iWidth);
   111 		cutmax(iViewInChars.iHeight,iConsole->ScreenSize().iHeight);
   112 		}
   113 	// clear the area and redraw
   114 	const TRgb background=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this);
   115 	ClearPixels(iViewInPixels,background);
   116 	if (iConsole)
   117 		iConsole->Redraw(PixelsToChars(TRect(iViewInPixels)));
   118 	}
   120 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   121 // HandleScrollEventL()
   122 // ====================
   123 // Called when someone "touches the scrollbar".
   124 // Note that it calls back the owner (a CEikConsoleScreen) to do any real action
   125 // (specifically, it calls MoveTopLeft(), passing it the required move as a vector)
   126 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   127 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar,TEikScrollEvent aEventType)
   128 	{
   129 	TInt newThumbPos = aScrollBar->ThumbPosition();
   130 	TInt pageSize = aScrollBar->Model()->iThumbSpan;
   131 	const TInt horizontalNudgeFactor = 1;
   132 	switch (aEventType & KEikScrollEventBarMask)
   133 		{
   134 		case KEikScrollEventFromHBar:
   135 			switch (aEventType)
   136 				{
   137 				default:
   138 					break;
   139 				case EEikScrollLeft:
   140 					newThumbPos -= horizontalNudgeFactor;
   141 					break;
   142 				case EEikScrollRight:
   143 					newThumbPos += horizontalNudgeFactor;
   144 					break;
   145 				case EEikScrollPageLeft:
   146 					newThumbPos -= pageSize;
   147 					break;
   148 				case EEikScrollPageRight:
   149 					newThumbPos += pageSize;
   150 					break;
   151 				case EEikScrollThumbDragVert:
   152 				case EEikScrollThumbReleaseVert:
   153 					// in the case of drag events, the scrollbar automatically updates its thumb pos...
   154 					break;
   155 				}
   156 			iConsole->MoveTopLeft(TPoint(newThumbPos - iLastThumbPos.iX,0));
   157 			if (aEventType != EEikScrollThumbDragHoriz)
   158 				aScrollBar->SetModelThumbPosition(newThumbPos);
   159 			break;
   160 		case KEikScrollEventFromVBar:
   161 			switch (aEventType)
   162 				{
   163 				default:
   164 					break;
   165 				case EEikScrollUp:
   166 					--newThumbPos;
   167 					break;
   168 				case EEikScrollDown:
   169 					++newThumbPos;
   170 					break;
   171 				case EEikScrollPageUp:
   172 					newThumbPos -= ((pageSize < 2)? 1 : pageSize - 1);
   173 					break;
   174 				case EEikScrollPageDown:
   175 					newThumbPos += ((pageSize < 2)? 1 : pageSize - 1);
   176 					break;
   177 				case EEikScrollThumbDragVert:
   178 				case EEikScrollThumbReleaseVert:
   179 					// in the case of drag events, the scrollbar automatically updates its thumb pos...
   180 					break;
   181 				}
   182 			iConsole->MoveTopLeft(TPoint(0,newThumbPos - iLastThumbPos.iY));
   183 			if (aEventType != EEikScrollThumbDragVert)
   184 				aScrollBar->SetModelThumbPosition(newThumbPos);
   185 			break;
   186 		}
   187 	}
   190 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   191 // SetScrollBarVisibility
   192 // ======================
   193 // Changes which scroll bars are visible. Returns EFalse if nothing changed.
   194 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   195 EXPORT_C TInt CEikConsoleControl::SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::TScrollBarVisibility aHBarVisibility, CEikScrollBarFrame::TScrollBarVisibility aVBarVisibility)
   196 	{
   197 	if ((aHBarVisibility==iHBarVisibility)&&(aVBarVisibility==iVBarVisibility))
   198 		return EFalse;
   199 	iHBarVisibility=aHBarVisibility;
   200 	iVBarVisibility=aVBarVisibility;
   201 	iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(iHBarVisibility, iVBarVisibility);
   202 	return ETrue;
   203 	}
   206 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   207 // SizeChanged
   208 // ==========
   209 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   210 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::SizeChanged()
   211 	{
   212 	iViewInPixels=Size(); // new area
   213 	if (iConsole && iSBFrame)
   214 		{
   215 		iConsole->UpdateScrollBars();
   216 		UpdateArea();
   217 		}
   218 	}
   220 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
   221 	{
   222 	if (aDrawNow==ENoDrawNow)
   223 		return;
   224 	if (IsFocused())
   225 		iConsole->DrawCursor();
   226 	else
   227 		iConsole->HideCursor();
   228 	}
   230 EXPORT_C TInt CEikConsoleControl::CountComponentControls() const
   231 	{
   232 	return (iSBFrame) ? iSBFrame->CountComponentControls() : NULL;
   233 	}
   235 EXPORT_C CCoeControl* CEikConsoleControl::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   236 	{
   237 	return iSBFrame->ComponentControl(aIndex);
   238 	}
   240 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   241 // VisibleSize()
   242 // =============
   243 // Simply returns the visible size in characters
   244 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   245 EXPORT_C TSize CEikConsoleControl::VisibleSize() const
   246 	{
   247 	return iViewInChars;
   248 	}
   250 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   251 // ConstructL
   252 // ==========
   253 // Construct and activate a CEikConsoleControl (claiming the specified part of the physical screen)
   254 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   255 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::ConstructL(TInt aFlags)
   256 	{
   257 	// Init screen. Use RBackedUpWindow instead of RWindow if aFlags & CEikConsoleScreen::EUseBackedUpWindow
   258 	if (aFlags&CEikConsoleScreen::EUseBackedUpWindow)
   259 		CreateBackedUpWindowL((RWindowTreeNode&)iCoeEnv->RootWin(), EGray4);
   260 	else
   261 		{
   262 		CreateWindowL();
   263 		Window().SetBackgroundColor(iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this));
   264 		}
   265 	SetExtentToWholeScreen();
   267 	// Create scrollbars
   268 	iSBFrame=new(ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame(this, this);
   269 	iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(iHBarVisibility,iVBarVisibility);
   271 	InitFontSpecL();
   272 	SetFontL(iFontSpec,NULL);
   274 	// activate
   275 	ActivateL();
   276 	}
   278 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::ConstructL(TPoint aTopLeft,const TSize &aSize,TInt aFlags,TEikConsWinUnits aUnit)
   279 	{
   280 	// Init screen. Use RBackedUpWindow instead of RWindow if aFlags & CEikConsoleScreen::EUseBackedUpWindow
   281 	if (aFlags&CEikConsoleScreen::EUseBackedUpWindow)
   282 		CreateBackedUpWindowL((RWindowTreeNode&)iCoeEnv->RootWin(), EGray4);
   283 	else
   284 		{
   285 		CreateWindowL();
   286 		Window().SetBackgroundColor(iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this));
   287 		}
   289 	// Create scrollbars
   290 	iSBFrame=new(ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame(this, this);
   291 	iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(iHBarVisibility,iVBarVisibility);
   293 	InitFontSpecL();
   295 	if (aUnit==EEikConsWinInChars)
   296 		{
   297 		CFont *font;
   298 		iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice()->GetNearestFontInTwips(font,iFontSpec);
   299 		CFbsFont* fbsFont = (CFbsFont*)font;
   300 		iCurrentFont=fbsFont;
   301 		iCharSize.iWidth=fbsFont->MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels();
   302 		iCharSize.iWidth=fbsFont->CharWidthInPixels('i');
   303 		iCharSize.iWidth=fbsFont->CharWidthInPixels('M');
   304 		iCharSize.iHeight=fbsFont->HeightInPixels();
   306 		SetExtent(TPoint(aTopLeft.iX*iCharSize.iWidth,aTopLeft.iY*iCharSize.iHeight),
   307 			TSize(aSize.iWidth*iCharSize.iWidth,aSize.iHeight*iCharSize.iHeight));
   308 		SetFontL(iFontSpec,fbsFont);
   309 		}
   310 	else
   311 		{
   312 		SetExtent(aTopLeft,aSize);
   313 		SetFontL(iFontSpec,NULL);
   314 		}
   315 	// activate
   316 	ActivateL();
   317 	}
   319 void CEikConsoleControl::InitFontSpecL()
   320     {
   321     HBufC16* typeface = iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceAsDes16LC(R_AKNPRIV_DEFAULT_CONSOLE_FONTSPEC_TYPEFACE);
   322     iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName= *typeface;
   323     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(typeface);
   325     TResourceReader reader;
   326     iCoeEnv->CreateResourceReaderLC(reader,R_AKNPRIV_DEFAULT_CONSOLE_FONTSPEC_HEIGHT);
   327     iFontSpec.iHeight=reader.ReadInt16();
   328     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // reader
   330 #if defined(_UNICODE)
   331     iFontSpec.iTypeface.SetIsProportional(EFalse);
   332 #endif
   333     iFontUnderline=EUnderlineOff;
   334     iFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(EPostureUpright);
   335     iFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(EStrokeWeightNormal);
   336     }
   338 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   339 // SetRedrawer
   340 // ===========
   341 // Define aConsoleScreen as the object responsible for redrawing
   342 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   343 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::SetRedrawer(CEikConsoleScreen *aConsoleScreen)
   344 	{
   345 	iConsole=aConsoleScreen;
   346 	}
   348 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   349 // Constructor and Destructor
   350 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   351 EXPORT_C CEikConsoleControl::CEikConsoleControl()
   352 	{
   353 	// *** init color
   354 	iBackGray16=iEikonEnv->Color(EColorControlBackground);
   355 	iPenGray16=iEikonEnv->Color(EColorControlText);
   357 	// *** init scrollbar settings and font (however, 0-values are free in construction)
   358 	// iHBarPresent=FALSE;
   359 	// iVBarPresent=FALSE;
   360 	// iLastThumbPos = TPoint(0,0);
   361 	// iCurrentFont=NULL;
   363 	// *** init cursor
   364 	iCursorHeightPercentage=20;
   365 	iTextCursor.iType	= TTextCursor::ETypeRectangle;
   366 	iTextCursor.iFlags	= 0;
   367 	iTextCursor.iColor=iEikonEnv->Color(EColorControlBackground);
   368 	iLastAtt=iLastFontFlags=(ATT_MAXVALUE+1);
   369 	}
   371 EXPORT_C CEikConsoleControl::~CEikConsoleControl()
   372 	{
   373 	iEikonEnv->ReleaseScreenFont(CONST_CAST(CFont*,iCurrentFont));
   374 	delete(iSBFrame);
   375 	}
   378 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   379 // NextFontL
   380 // =========
   381 // Utility function: unload current font (if any) and load new font (specified elsewhere in iFontSpec)
   382 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   383 void CEikConsoleControl::NextFontL()
   384 	{
   385 	CFont* font;
   386 	User::LeaveIfError(iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice()->GetNearestFontInTwips(font, iFontSpec));
   387 	CFbsFont* fbsFont = (CFbsFont*)font;
   388 	iEikonEnv->ReleaseScreenFont(CONST_CAST(CFont*,iCurrentFont)); // note that this only happens if the previous line succeeds!
   389 	iCurrentFont=fbsFont;
   390 	}
   392 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   393 // SetFontL
   394 // ========
   395 // Change the font
   396 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   397 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::SetFontL(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec,const CFbsFont *aFont)
   398 	{
   399 	iFontSpec=aFontSpec;
   400 	iFontHeight=(TUint16)iFontSpec.iHeight;
   401 	if (aFont==NULL)
   402 		NextFontL();
   404 	iCharSize = TSize( iCurrentFont->CharWidthInPixels('M'),iCurrentFont->FontMaxHeight() );
   406 	SetCursorHeight(iCursorHeightPercentage);
   408 	// Determine font flags for new font
   409 	iFontIsProportional=iCurrentFont->FontSpecInTwips().iTypeface.IsProportional();
   410 	iLastFontFlags = 0;
   411 	if (iFontUnderline!=EUnderlineOff)
   412 		iLastFontFlags|=ATT_UNDERLINE;
   413 	if (iFontSpec.iFontStyle.Posture()!=EPostureUpright)
   414 		iLastFontFlags|=ATT_ITALIC;
   415 	if (iFontSpec.iFontStyle.StrokeWeight()!=EStrokeWeightNormal)
   416 		iLastFontFlags|=ATT_BOLD;
   418 	UpdateArea();
   419 	}
   421 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   422 //
   423 //  Utility functions: convert between character coordinates to pixel coordinates
   424 //
   425 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   427 TPoint CEikConsoleControl::CharsToPixels(TPoint aPos)
   428 	{
   429 	return TPoint( iCharSize.iWidth * aPos.iX, iCharSize.iHeight * aPos.iY );
   430 	}
   432 TRect CEikConsoleControl::CharsToPixels(const TRect &aRect)
   433 	{
   434 	return TRect(CharsToPixels(aRect.iTl),CharsToPixels(aRect.iBr));
   435 	}
   437 TRect CEikConsoleControl::PixelsToChars(const TRect &aRect) 
   438 	{
   439 	TRect r = aRect;
   440 	r.Normalize();
   441 	r.iTl.iX /= iCharSize.iWidth;
   442 	r.iBr.iX /= iCharSize.iWidth;
   443 	r.iBr.iX ++;
   444 	r.iTl.iY /= iCharSize.iHeight;
   445 	r.iBr.iY /= iCharSize.iHeight;
   446 	r.iBr.iY ++;
   447 	return r;
   448 	}
   450 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   451 //
   452 //  Cursor stuff
   453 //
   454 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   456 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::DrawCursor(TPoint aPosition)
   457 // Show cursor at character position
   458 	{
   459 	//iEikonEnv->RootWin().SetTextCursor(*DrawableWindow(),CharsToPixels(aPosition),iTextCursor);
   460 	iEikonEnv->DrawCursor(this, CharsToPixels(aPosition), iTextCursor.iWidth, iTextCursor.iAscent, iTextCursor.iHeight);
   461 	}
   463 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::HideCursor()
   464 // Hide cursor 
   465 	{
   466 	//iEikonEnv->RootWin().CancelTextCursor();
   467 	iEikonEnv->HideCursor(this);
   468 	}
   471 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::SetCursorHeight(TUint aPercentage)
   472 // Set new cursor height (specified as percentage of font height)
   473 // Should also be called whenever iCharSize changes!
   474 // Change will not take effect until the next call to DrawCursor!
   475 	{
   476 	iCursorHeightPercentage = aPercentage % 101;
   477 	iTextCursor.iHeight = ( 99 + (iCharSize.iHeight * iCursorHeightPercentage) ) / 100;
   478 	iTextCursor.iAscent = iTextCursor.iHeight-iCharSize.iHeight;
   479 	iTextCursor.iWidth  = iCharSize.iWidth;
   480 	}
   482 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   483 //
   484 //  Draw - defers the real work to the owner (a CEikConsoleScreen)
   485 //
   486 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   488 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
   489 	{
   490 	if (iConsole) // if there's no owner, we do nothing
   491 		{
   492 		M().iRedrawing=1;
   493 		TPoint br(iViewInChars.iWidth*iCharSize.iWidth,iViewInChars.iHeight*iCharSize.iHeight);
   494 		const TRgb background=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this);
   495 		ClearPixels(TRect(br.iX,0,iViewInPixels.iWidth,br.iY),background);
   496 		ClearPixels(TRect(0,br.iY,iViewInPixels.iWidth,iViewInPixels.iHeight),background);
   497 		iConsole->Redraw(M().PixelsToChars(aRect)); // Redraw all chars in the rectangle
   498 		M().iRedrawing=0;
   499 		}
   500 	}
   502 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   503 //
   504 //  Set up GC based for given attribute
   505 //
   506 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   508 void CEikConsoleControl::InterpretColorBits(TUint aCharacterAttributes)
   509 // Set iPenGrey16 and iBackGrey16 based on character attribute aCharacterAttributes
   510 	{
   511 	if (aCharacterAttributes & ATT_COLORMASK) // is color
   512 		{
   513 		const TInt pen16=(aCharacterAttributes&0x0F);
   514 		iPenGray16=TRgb::Color16(pen16);
   515 		TInt back16=((aCharacterAttributes&0x70)>>4)*2+1;
   516 		if (back16==1)
   517 			back16=0;
   518 		iBackGray16=TRgb::Color16(back16);
   519 		}
   520 	else if ( aCharacterAttributes & ATT_INVERSE )
   521 		{
   522 		iBackGray16=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlHighlightBackground,*this);
   523 		iPenGray16=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlHighlightText,*this);
   524 		}
   525 	else
   526 		{
   527 		iBackGray16=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this);
   528 		iPenGray16=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlText,*this);
   529 		}
   530 	}
   532 void CEikConsoleControl::InterpretAttribute(TUint aCharacterAttributes)
   533 	{
   534 	if (iLastAtt!=aCharacterAttributes)
   535 		{
   536 		_LIT(KMonospace,"Monospaced");
   537 		_LIT(KMonodouble,"MONODOUBLE");
   538 		iLastAtt=aCharacterAttributes;
   539 		InterpretColorBits(aCharacterAttributes);
   540 		TUint fontFlags = (aCharacterAttributes & ATT_COLORMASK) ? (0) : (aCharacterAttributes & ATT_IGNORE_INVERSE & ATT_IGNORE_RIGHTLEFT);
   541 		if (iLastFontFlags!=fontFlags)
   542 			{
   543 			iLastFontFlags=fontFlags;
   544 			iFontUnderline=((fontFlags & ATT_UNDERLINE)? EUnderlineOn: EUnderlineOff);
   545 			iFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture(((fontFlags & ATT_ITALIC)? EPostureItalic: EPostureUpright));
   546 			iFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight(((fontFlags & ATT_BOLD)? EStrokeWeightBold: EStrokeWeightNormal));
   547 			if (fontFlags & ATT_DOUBLEMASK)
   548 				{ // double aVisiblePixels
   549 				if ( (fontFlags & ATT_DOUBLEMASK) == ATT_DOUBLEWIDTH )
   550 					{ // double width 
   551 					iFontSpec.iHeight = iFontHeight;
   552 					if (iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KMonospace)==0 )
   553 						iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName=KMonodouble; 			//@@@
   554 					}
   555 				else
   556 					{ // double height
   557 					iFontSpec.iHeight = (TUint16)(iFontHeight*2);
   558 					if ( iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KMonodouble)==0 )
   559 						iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName=KMonospace; 			//@@@
   560 					}
   561 				}
   562 			else 
   563 				{ // normal aVisiblePixels
   564 				iFontSpec.iHeight = iFontHeight;
   565 				if ( iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName.Compare(KMonodouble)==0 )
   566 					iFontSpec.iTypeface.iName=KMonospace; 			//@@@
   567 				} 
   568 			TRAP_IGNORE(NextFontL());	// ignore errors. If there is a problem, we'll use the one that was loaded
   569 			}
   570 		}
   571 }
   573 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   574 //
   575 //  Basic Graphic services
   576 //  ======================
   577 //	NOTE: if iRedrawing, then a redraw is going on, 
   578 //  i.e. no need to (de)activate gc's or (in)validate rectangles
   579 //
   580 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   582 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::InvertChars(const TRect &anArea)
   583 // invert a rectangle of characters
   584 	{
   585 	if (!iRedrawing)
   586 		ActivateGc();
   587 	CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   588 	gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   589 	const TRgb highlightBackground=iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this);
   590 	gc.SetBrushColor(highlightBackground);
   591 	gc.SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeXOR);
   592     gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
   593     if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp())
   594         { 
   595         Window().Invalidate(anArea); 
   596         Window().BeginRedraw(anArea); 
   597         } 
   599     gc.DrawRect(CharsToPixels(anArea));
   600     if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp())
   601         {
   602         Window().EndRedraw(); 
   603         }
   605     gc.SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
   606     gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
   607     gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
   608     if (!iRedrawing)
   609         DeactivateGc();
   610     }
   612 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::ScrollChars(const TRect &anArea,const TPoint &aVector)
   613 // scroll a rectangle of characters by a given vector (character coordinates)
   614 	{
   615 	const TRect areaInPixels=CharsToPixels(anArea);
   616 	Window().Scroll(areaInPixels,CharsToPixels(aVector),areaInPixels);
   617 	}
   619 void CEikConsoleControl::ClearPixels(const TRect &anArea,TRgb aColor) const
   620 	{
   621 	if (!iRedrawing)
   622 		ActivateGc();
   623 	CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   624 	gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   625 	gc.SetBrushColor(aColor);
   626     gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullPen);
   627     if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp()) 
   628         { 
   629         Window().Invalidate(anArea); 
   630         Window().BeginRedraw(anArea); 
   631         } 
   633     gc.DrawRect(anArea);
   634     if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp()) 
   635         {
   636         Window().EndRedraw();
   637         }
   638     gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
   639     gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
   640     if (!iRedrawing)
   641         DeactivateGc();
   642     }
   644 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::ClearChars(const TRect &anArea,TUint aCharacterAttributes) 
   645 // Clears a rectangle of characters to the current background color
   646 	{
   647 	TRect theArea=CharsToPixels(anArea);
   648 	InterpretColorBits(aCharacterAttributes); 
   649 	ClearPixels(theArea,iBackGray16);
   650 	}
   652 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::DrawChars(const TDesC &aString,const TPoint &aPosition,TUint aCharacterAttributes)
   653 // Draw characters at given position using given attribute
   654 	{
   655 	InterpretAttribute(aCharacterAttributes);
   656 	TPoint pos = CharsToPixels(aPosition);
   657 	TInt topMargin 	= iCurrentFont->AscentInPixels();
   658     if ( iCurrentFont->TypeUid() == KCFbsFontUid)
   659         {
   660         const CFbsFont* fbsFont = (CFbsFont*)iCurrentFont;
   661         topMargin = fbsFont->FontMaxAscent();
   662         }
   664 	TInt isDouble = ( !(aCharacterAttributes & ATT_COLORMASK) && (aCharacterAttributes & ATT_DOUBLEMASK) );
   665 	TRect charArea = TRect(pos,iCharSize);
   667 	if (!iRedrawing)
   668 		ActivateGc();
   670 	CWindowGc& gc=SystemGc();
   671 	gc.UseFont(iCurrentFont);
   672 	gc.SetPenColor(iPenGray16);
   673 	gc.SetBrushColor(iBackGray16);
   674 	gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   675 	gc.SetUnderlineStyle(iFontUnderline);
   677     TInt currentFont_width = iCurrentFont->MaxNormalCharWidthInPixels();
   678     if (isDouble || iFontIsProportional || currentFont_width!=iCharSize.iWidth )
   679         {
   680         TInt leftMargin = 0;
   682         if (isDouble)
   683             {
   684             if (aCharacterAttributes & ATT_RIGHTMASK)
   685                 leftMargin -= iCharSize.iWidth;
   686             if ((aCharacterAttributes & ATT_DOUBLEMASK) == ATT_DOUBLEBOTTOM)
   687                 topMargin -= iCharSize.iHeight;
   688             }
   690         if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp()) 
   691             {
   692             TSize stringSize(iCharSize); 		
   693             stringSize.iWidth *= aString.Length();	// calculate on-screen width of line
   694             TRect wholestring(pos,stringSize);
   695             Window().Invalidate(wholestring); 	
   696             Window().BeginRedraw(wholestring); 		// begin draw transaction for whole line
   697             } 
   698         for ( TInt i=0;i<aString.Length();i++ )
   699             {
   700             gc.DrawText(aString.Mid(i,1),charArea,topMargin,CGraphicsContext::ELeft,leftMargin);
   702             charArea.Move(iCharSize.iWidth,0);
   703             if (isDouble)
   704                 leftMargin = - iCharSize.iWidth - leftMargin;
   705             }
   706         if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp()) 
   707             {
   708             Window().EndRedraw();
   709             }
   710         }
   711     else
   712         {
   713         charArea.iBr.iX += (iCharSize.iWidth*(aString.Length()-1));
   714         if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp()) 
   715             { 
   716             Window().Invalidate(charArea); 
   717             Window().BeginRedraw(charArea); 
   718             } 
   719         gc.DrawText(aString,charArea,topMargin);
   720         if (!iRedrawing && !IsBackedUp())
   721             {
   722             Window().EndRedraw();
   723             }
   724         }
   726     gc.DiscardFont();
   727     if (!iRedrawing)
   728         DeactivateGc();
   729 	}
   731 /**
   732  * Gets the list of logical colors employed in the drawing of the control,
   733  * paired with an explanation of how they are used. Appends the list to aColorUseList.
   734  *
   735  * @since ER5U 
   736  */
   737 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::GetColorUseListL(CArrayFix<TCoeColorUse>& /*aColorUseList*/) const
   738 	{
   739 	}
   741 /**
   742  * Handles a change to the control's resources of type aType
   743  * which are shared across the environment, e.g. colors or fonts.
   744  *
   745  * @since ER5U 
   746  */
   747 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
   748 	{
   749 	CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
   750 	if (aType==KEikMessageColorSchemeChange)
   751 		{
   752 		if (!IsBackedUp())
   753 			{
   754 			Window().SetBackgroundColor(iEikonEnv->ControlColor(EColorControlBackground,*this));
   755 			}
   756 		}
   757 	}
   759 // Reserved from CCoeControl
   761 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::WriteInternalStateL(RWriteStream& /*aWriteStream*/) const
   762 	{
   763 	}
   765 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent) 
   766     { 
   767     CAknControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent); 
   768     }	
   770 EXPORT_C void* CEikConsoleControl::ExtensionInterface( TUid /*aInterface*/ )
   771     {
   772     return NULL;
   773     }
   775 EXPORT_C void CEikConsoleControl::Reserved_2()
   776 	{
   777 	}