changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <eikhkeyt.h>
    20 #include <eikpanic.h>
    21 #include <coemain.h>
    22 #include <barsread.h>
    24 EXPORT_C CEikHotKeyTable::CEikHotKeyTable()
    25     : CArrayFixFlat<SEikHotKey> (4) // granularity of 4
    26     {
    27     }
    29 EXPORT_C CEikHotKeyTable::~CEikHotKeyTable()
    30     {
    31     }
    33 EXPORT_C TBool CEikHotKeyTable::HotKeyFromCommandId(TInt aCommandId,TInt& aKeycode,TInt& aModifiers) const
    34     {
    35     if (Count())
    36         {
    37         TInt i=0;
    38         const SEikHotKey* hotKey=&(*this)[0];
    39         while (i++<Count())
    40             {
    41             if (hotKey->iCommandId==aCommandId)
    42                 {
    43                 if (i<=iNumberPlain)
    44                     {
    45                     aKeycode=hotKey->iKeycode;
    46                     aModifiers=0;
    47                     }
    48                 else
    49                     {
    50                     aKeycode=hotKey->iKeycode-('a'-1);
    51                     if (i>iNumberPlain+iNumberCtrl)
    52                         aModifiers=EModifierShift|EModifierCtrl;
    53                     else
    54                         aModifiers=EModifierCtrl;
    55                     }
    56                 return(ETrue);
    57                 }
    58             hotKey++;
    59             }
    60         }
    61     return(EFalse);
    62     }
    64 EXPORT_C TInt CEikHotKeyTable::CommandIdFromHotKey(TInt aKeycode,TInt aModifiers) const
    65     {
    66 	if (aModifiers&EModifierPureKeycode && aModifiers&EModifierCtrl)
    67 		return 0;
    68     TInt start=0;
    69     TInt count=0;
    70     if (!aModifiers || aModifiers==EModifierShift)
    71         count=iNumberPlain;
    72     else
    73         {
    74         aKeycode+='a'-1;
    75         if (aModifiers==EModifierCtrl)
    76             {
    77             start=iNumberPlain;
    78             count=iNumberCtrl;
    79             }
    80         else if (aModifiers==(EModifierShift|EModifierCtrl))
    81             {
    82             start=iNumberPlain+iNumberCtrl;
    83             count=iNumberShiftCtrl;
    84             }
    85         }
    86     if (count && Count())
    87         {
    88         const SEikHotKey* hotKey=&(*this)[start];
    89         while (count--)
    90             {
    91             if (hotKey->iKeycode==aKeycode)
    92                 return(hotKey->iCommandId);
    93             hotKey++;
    94             }
    95         }
    96     return(0);
    97     }
    99 EXPORT_C void CEikHotKeyTable::AddItemL(TInt aCommandId,TInt aKeycode,TInt aModifiers)
   100     {
   101     TInt pos=0;
   102     TInt* pNumber=&iNumberPlain;
   103     switch (aModifiers)
   104         {
   105     case 0:
   106         break;
   107     case EModifierCtrl:
   108         pos=iNumberPlain;
   109         pNumber=&iNumberCtrl;
   110         break;
   111     case (EModifierShift|EModifierCtrl):
   112         pos=iNumberPlain+iNumberCtrl;
   113         pNumber=&iNumberShiftCtrl;
   114         break;
   115     default:
   116         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   117         }
   118     SEikHotKey hotKey;
   119     hotKey.iCommandId=aCommandId;
   120     hotKey.iKeycode=aKeycode;
   121     InsertL(pos+*pNumber,hotKey);
   122     (*pNumber)++; // after the InsertL succeeds
   123     }
   125 EXPORT_C void CEikHotKeyTable::RemoveItem(TInt aCommandId)
   126     {
   127     TInt i=0;
   128     FOREVER
   129         {
   130         if (i==Count())
   131             Panic(EEikPanicNoHotKeyToRemove);
   132         SEikHotKey& hotKey=(*this)[i];
   133         if (hotKey.iCommandId==aCommandId)
   134             {
   135             if (i<iNumberPlain)
   136                 iNumberPlain--;
   137             else if (i<iNumberPlain+iNumberCtrl)
   138                 iNumberCtrl--;
   139             else
   140                 iNumberShiftCtrl--;
   141             break;
   142             }
   143         i++;
   144         }
   145     Delete(i);
   146     }
   148 EXPORT_C void CEikHotKeyTable::ConstructFromResourceL(TInt aResourceId)
   149     {
   150     TResourceReader reader;
   151     CCoeEnv::Static()->CreateResourceReaderLC(reader,aResourceId);
   152     iNumberPlain=reader.ReadInt16();
   153     if (iNumberPlain)
   154         {
   155 	    const SEikHotKey* ptr=(const SEikHotKey*)reader.Ptr();
   156 	    reader.Advance(iNumberPlain*sizeof(SEikHotKey));
   157 	    AppendL(ptr,iNumberPlain);
   158         }
   159     iNumberCtrl=reader.ReadInt16();
   160     if (iNumberCtrl)
   161         {
   162 	    const SEikHotKey* ptr=(const SEikHotKey*)reader.Ptr();
   163 	    reader.Advance(iNumberCtrl*sizeof(SEikHotKey));
   164 	    AppendL(ptr,iNumberCtrl);
   165         }
   166     iNumberShiftCtrl=reader.ReadInt16();
   167     if (iNumberShiftCtrl)
   168         {
   169 	    const SEikHotKey* ptr=(const SEikHotKey*)reader.Ptr();
   170 	    reader.Advance(iNumberShiftCtrl*sizeof(SEikHotKey));
   171 	    AppendL(ptr,iNumberShiftCtrl);
   172         }
   173     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   174     }
   176 EXPORT_C void CEikHotKeyTable::Reset()
   177     {
   178 	iNumberPlain=iNumberCtrl=iNumberShiftCtrl=0;
   179     CArrayFixFlat<SEikHotKey>::Reset();
   180     }