changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 18 0aa5fbdfbc30
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  EikSrv keysound server.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef __EIKKEYSOUNDSERVER_H__
    19 #define __EIKKEYSOUNDSERVER_H__
    21 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include <mdaaudiosampleplayer.h>
    23 #include <mdaaudiotoneplayer.h>
    24 #include <mdaaudiosampleeditor.h>
    25 #include "eikkeysoundmap.h"
    26 #include "eikkeysound.h"
    27 #include <coecntrl.h>
    28 #include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
    29 #include "EikSrvUiConfig.hrh"
    31 #include <ataudioeventapi.h>
    32 #include <mateventcompleteobserver.h>
    34 class CATAudioEventAPI;
    35 class CEikSoundInfo;
    36 class CAknToneSoundInfo;
    37 class CAknFileSoundInfo;
    38 class CAknSequenceSoundInfo;
    39 class TAknSoundID;
    40 class CAknEikAudioToneObserver;
    42 // For debugging purposes. Traces for EikKeySoundServer are enabled or disabled.
    43 #if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(EIKKSS_ENABLE_TRACES)
    44         #define LOGTEXT(AAA)                     RDebug::Print(AAA)
    45         #define LOGTEXT1(AAA,BBB)                RDebug::Print(AAA,BBB)
    46         #define LOGTEXT2(AAA,BBB,CCC)            RDebug::Print(AAA,BBB,CCC)
    47         #define LOGTEXT3(AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD)        RDebug::Print(AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD)
    48 #else
    49         #define LOGTEXT(AAA)
    50         #define LOGTEXT1(AAA,BBB)
    51         #define LOGTEXT2(AAA,BBB,CCC)
    52         #define LOGTEXT3(AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD)
    53 #endif
    55 // Anim Dll capture control.
    56 class CAknAnimKeySoundControl : public CCoeControl
    57     {
    58 public:
    59     CAknAnimKeySoundControl();
    60     void ConstructL(RWindowGroup* aParent);
    61     };
    64 // Anim Dll Interface.
    65 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(RAknAnimKeySound) : public RAnim
    66     {
    67 public:
    68     RAknAnimKeySound(RAnimDll &aAnimDll);
    69     void ConstructL(RWindowGroup* aParent);
    70     void Close();
    71 private:
    72     CAknAnimKeySoundControl* iKeySoundControl;
    73     };
    76 // Storage for a single sound. Base class.
    77 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEikSoundInfo) : public CBase
    78     {
    79 public:
    80     enum TVolumeSetting
    81         {
    82         EKeypadVolumeOff = 0,
    83         EKeypadVolumeQuiet,
    84         EKeypadVolumeMedium,
    85         EKeypadVolumeLoud,
    86         ESoundVolume0 = EKeypadVolumeOff,
    87         ESoundVolume1 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 1,
    88         ESoundVolume2 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 2,
    89         ESoundVolume3 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 3,
    90         ESoundVolume4 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 4,
    91         ESoundVolume5 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 5,
    92         ESoundVolume6 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 6,
    93         ESoundVolume7 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 7,
    94         ESoundVolume8 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 8,
    95         ESoundVolume9 = EKeypadVolumeOff + 9
    96         };
    97 public:
    98     CEikSoundInfo(TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference);
    99     virtual ~CEikSoundInfo();
   100     virtual void PlayL() = 0;
   101     virtual void Stop() = 0;
   102     virtual void SetVolume(TVolumeSetting aVolume) = 0;
   103     TInt Preference();
   104     TVolumeSetting Volume();
   105     virtual void DoPlay() = 0;
   106 protected:
   107     TInt iPriority;
   108     TInt iPreference;
   109     TVolumeSetting iVolume;
   110     };
   113 // Key sound server
   114 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEikKeySoundServer) :
   115     public CServer2,
   116     public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
   117     public MATEventCompleteObserver
   118     {
   119 public:
   120     static TInt LaunchServer(TThreadId& aThreadId);
   121     static CEikKeySoundServer* NewLC();
   122     ~CEikKeySoundServer();
   124     // Methods called from session
   125     void InitL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   126     void PlaySid(TInt aSid, TBool aPlaySelf);
   127     void StopSid(TInt aSid);
   128     void SetVolumeForPreferenceType(TInt aPreference, CEikSoundInfo::TVolumeSetting aVolume);
   130     void SetDisabledScanCode( TInt aScanCode );
   131     TInt DisabledScanCode();
   133     // From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
   134     void HandleNotifyInt(TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue);
   136     inline TBool ContextLocked()
   137         {
   138         return iContextLocked;
   139         }
   140     inline void SetContextLocked(TBool aLock)
   141         {
   142         iContextLocked = aLock;
   143         }
   145     //Method for AT Audio Server callback
   146     void Complete( TInt aError, TAudioThemeEvent aEvent);
   147 private:
   148     CEikKeySoundServer();
   149     void ConstructL();
   150     // from CServer2
   151     virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
   153 public:
   154     TBool iInit;
   155     CArrayPtrFlat<CEikSoundInfo>* iSoundList;
   156     CArrayFixFlat<TAknSoundID>* iSidList;
   157     CEikKeySoundMap* iDefaultSoundMap;
   158     CEikKeySoundStack* iCurrentSoundStack;
   159     CEikSoundInfo::TVolumeSetting iKeypadVolume;
   160     CCenRepNotifyHandler*   iProfilesNotifyHandler;
   161     CRepository*            iProfilesRepository;
   162     TBool iContextLocked;
   164     TInt iDisabledScanCode;
   166     CCenRepNotifyHandler   *iWarningToneEnableHandler;
   167     TInt                    iWarningToneEnabled;
   169     CATAudioEventAPI* 		iATSoundServerAPI;
   170     };
   173 // Key sound session
   174 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEikKeySoundSession) : public CSession2
   175     {
   176 public:
   177     static CEikKeySoundSession* NewL(CEikKeySoundServer* aServer);
   178     ~CEikKeySoundSession();
   179     void DispatchMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   180     // from CShareableSession
   181     virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   182 private:
   183     CEikKeySoundSession(CEikKeySoundServer* aServer);
   184     void ConstructL();
   185     void AddSoundIdBufferL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   186     void RemoveSids(TInt aUid);
   187     void AddToneSidL(const TAknSoundID& aSoundID, CAknToneSoundInfo* aSoundInfo);
   188     void AddFileSidL(const TAknSoundID& aSoundID, CAknFileSoundInfo* aSoundInfo,
   189         const TDesC& aFileName);
   190     void AddSequenceSidL(const TAknSoundID& aSoundID, CAknSequenceSoundInfo* aSoundInfo);
   191     void PushContextL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
   192     void PopContext();
   193 private:
   194     CEikKeySoundServer* iServer;
   195     CEikKeySoundStack* iSoundStack;
   196     TInt iClientUid;
   197     TBool iOwnsDefaultSounds;
   198     TBool iHasLockedContext;
   199     };
   202 // Specialized base class for synthetized sounds (tones and sequences).
   203 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknSynthSoundInfo) : public CEikSoundInfo
   204     {
   205 public:
   206     CAknSynthSoundInfo(TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference);
   207     virtual ~CAknSynthSoundInfo();
   208     void InitL();
   209     virtual void PlayL();
   210     virtual void Stop();
   211     virtual void SetVolume(TVolumeSetting aVolume);
   212     virtual void DoPlay();
   213 private:
   214     virtual void Prepare();
   215     void DoSetVolume(CMdaAudioToneUtility* aTonePlayer);
   216 protected:
   217     CAknEikAudioToneObserver* iToneObserver;
   218     CMdaAudioToneUtility* iTonePlayer;
   219     TBool iPlayedStatically;
   220     };
   223 // Tone sound info.
   224 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknToneSoundInfo) : public CAknSynthSoundInfo
   225     {
   226 public:
   227     CAknToneSoundInfo(TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference);
   228     virtual ~CAknToneSoundInfo();
   229 private:
   230     virtual void Prepare();
   231 public:
   232     TInt iFrequency;
   233     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds iMs;
   234     };
   237 // Sequence sound info.
   238 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknSequenceSoundInfo) : public CAknSynthSoundInfo
   239     {
   240 public:
   241     CAknSequenceSoundInfo(TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference);
   242     virtual ~CAknSequenceSoundInfo();
   243     void ReadSequenceL(RReadStream& aStream);
   244 private:
   245     virtual void Prepare();
   246 public:
   247     HBufC8* iSequence;
   248     };
   251 // File sound info.
   252 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknFileSoundInfo) :
   253     public CEikSoundInfo,
   254     public MMdaAudioPlayerCallback,
   255     public MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver
   256     {
   257 public:
   258     CAknFileSoundInfo(TInt aPriority, TInt aPreference);
   259     virtual ~CAknFileSoundInfo();
   260     void InitL(const TDesC& aFileName, CMdaServer* aMdaServer);
   261     virtual void PlayL();
   262     virtual void Stop();
   263     virtual void SetVolume(TVolumeSetting aVolume);
   264     // From MMdaAudioPlayerCallback
   265     virtual void MapcInitComplete(TInt aError, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aDuration);
   266     virtual void MapcPlayComplete(TInt aError);
   267     virtual void DoPlay();
   268 private:
   269     void LoadAudioDataL(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aFileName, TDes8& aDes);
   270     void DoSetVolume(CMdaAudioPlayerUtility* aAudioPlayer);
   272     // From MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver
   273     virtual void MoscoStateChangeEvent(CBase* aObject, TInt aPreviousState, TInt aCurrentState,
   274         TInt aErrorCode);
   275 public:
   276     CMdaAudioPlayerUtility* iAudioPlayer;
   277     HBufC8* iAudioData;
   278 private:
   279     TBool iPlaying;
   280     TBool iPrepared;
   281     CMdaServer* iMdaServer;
   282     };
   285 class TAknSoundID
   286     {
   287 public:
   288     TInt iAppUid;
   289     TUint iSid;
   290     CEikSoundInfo* iSoundInfo;  // reference only
   291     };
   294 class TAknSoundMessageInfo
   295     {
   296 public:
   297     TInt iSid;
   298     TUint8 iFile;
   299     TInt iFrequency;
   300     TInt iMs;
   301     };
   303 #endif