changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2f259fa3e83a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <uiklaf/private/lafenv.h>
    21 #include <lafpanic.h>
    22 #include "LAFSTD.H"
    23 #include <barsread.h>
    24 #include <w32std.h>
    25 #include <gulutil.h>
    26 #include <coemain.h>
    27 #include <eikpriv.rsg>
    28 #include <aknborders.h>
    29 #include "lafAknBorders.h"
    31 #include <AknUtils.h>
    32 #include <eikenv.h>
    34 #include <bautils.h>
    35 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    36 #include <fontids.hrh>
    37 #include <gulfont.h>
    38 #include <uiklaf/private/lafmsg.h>
    40 #include <AknFontIdLayoutFont.h>
    41 #include <AknSystemFont.h>
    42 #include <AknFontId.h>
    43 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h> // Scalable layout API
    44 #include <AknFontProvider.h>
    46 const TUint EKeyDefault = EKeyDelete;	//setup as EKeyF11 (#defined in E32Keys.h)
    47 const TInt KLafShadowHeight = 3;
    48 const TInt KLafEnvDefaultLineSpacingInTwips = 158;
    49 const TInt KDefaultFontIndex = 0;
    51 _LIT(KRDSupport, "c:\\resource\\errrd" );
    52 _LIT(KAknFirstStartedAppThreadName, "akncapserver");
    54 const TUint8 KLogicalToAvkonColorMap[] =
    55 	{
    56 	0,		// EEikColorWindowBackground
    57 	215,	// EEikColorWindowText
    58 	0,		// EEikColorControlBackground
    59 	215,	// EEikColorControlText
    60 	0,		// EEikColorControlSurroundBackground
    61 	215,	// EEikColorControlSurroundText
    62 	244,	// EEikColorControlHighlightBackground
    63 	215,	// EEikColorControlHighlightText
    64 	0,		// EEikColorControlDimmedBackground
    65 	215,	// EEikColorControlDimmedText
    66 	244,	// EEikColorControlDimmedHighlightBackground
    67 	215,	// EEikColorControlDimmedHighlightText
    68 	0,		// EEikColorDialogBackground
    69 	215,	// EEikColorDialogText
    70 	0,		// EEikColorDialogTitle
    71 	0,		// EEikColorDialogTitlePressed
    72 	215,	// EEikColorDialogTitleText
    73 	215,	// EEikColorDialogTitleTextPressed
    74 	0,		// EEikColorMenubarBackground
    75 	215,	// EEikColorMenubarText
    76 	0,		// EEikColorMenubarTitleBackground
    77 	215,	// EEikColorMenubarTitleText
    78 	0,		// EEikColorMenuPaneBackground
    79 	215,	// EEikColorMenuPaneText
    80 	244,	// EEikColorMenuPaneHighlight
    81 	215,	// EEikColorMenuPaneTextHighlight
    82 	244,	// EEikColorMenuPaneDimmedHighlight
    83 	215,	// EEikColorMenuPaneDimmedText
    84 	244,	// EEikColorMenuPaneDimmedTextHighlight
    85 	43,		// EEikColorButtonFaceClear
    86 	0,		// EEikColorButtonFaceSet
    87 	43,		// EEikColorButtonFaceSetPressed
    88 	0,		// EEikColorButtonFaceClearPressed
    89 	215,	// EEikColorButtonText
    90 	215,	// EEikColorButtonTextPressed
    91 	222,	// EEikColorButtonTextDimmed
    92 	215,	// EEikColorMsgWinForeground
    93 	244,	// EEikColorMsgWinBackground
    94 	215,	// EEikColorScrollBarBorder
    95 	0,		// EEikColorScrollBarShaft
    96 	0,		// EEikColorScrollBarShaftDimmed
    97 	222,	// EEikColorScrollBarShaftPressed
    98 	0,		// EEikColorScrollBarNoShaftOrThumb
    99 	215,	// EEikColorScrollButtonIcon
   100 	215,	// EEikColorScrollButtonIconPressed
   101 	222,	// EEikColorScrollButtonIconDimmed
   102 	43,		// EEikColorScrollButtonThumbBackground
   103 	0,		// EEikColorScrollButtonThumbBackgroundPressed
   104 	216,	// EEikColorScrollThumbDimmed
   105 	215,	// EEikColorScrollThumbEdge
   106 	0,		// EEikColorToolbarBackground
   107 	215,	// EEikColorToolbarText
   108 	0,		// EEikColorStatusPaneBackground
   109 	215,	// EEikColorStatusPaneText
   110 	215,	// EEikColorLabelText
   111 	215,	// EEikColorLabelTextEmphasis
   112 	222,	// EEikColorLabelDimmedText
   113 	222,	// EEikColorLabelHighlightPartialEmphasis
   114 	215		// EEikColorLabelHighlightFullEmphasis
   115 	};
   118 /**
   119  * Creates an EText parser
   120  */
   121 EXPORT_C MParser* LafEnv::CreateTextParserL(TInt /*aIndex*/)
   122 	{ // static
   123 	MParser* parser=NULL;
   124 	return parser;
   125 	}
   127 // Local utility for loading resource file
   128 LOCAL_C TInt LoadResFileL(CCoeEnv& aEnv, const TDesC& aFileName)
   129 	{
   130 	TFileName fileName(aFileName);
   131 	BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(aEnv.FsSession(), fileName);
   132 	return aEnv.AddResourceFileL(fileName);
   133 	}
   135 //This should only be called by MatchFont() in those cases where it is given a TLogicalFont
   136 //without a Uid. In those cases this figures out what font to use based on the category
   137 //and calls the relevant FontName() function. All switching by subvariant
   138 //occurs in those FontName() functions (e.g. LatinPlain12() ) which then call
   139 //MatchFont (so it's a call within a call), but this time
   140 //with a Uid. 
   141 LOCAL_C const CFont* GetRightFontFromCategory(const TLogicalFont::TFontCategory aCategory)
   142     {    
   143     switch (aCategory)
   144         {
   145         case TLogicalFont::EView:
   146             return CEikonEnv::Static()->NormalFont();
   147         case TLogicalFont::EButton:
   148             return CEikonEnv::Static()->DenseFont();
   149         case TLogicalFont::EAnnotation:
   150             return CEikonEnv::Static()->AnnotationFont();
   151         case TLogicalFont::ETitle:
   152             return CEikonEnv::Static()->TitleFont();
   153         default: //this should never happen as long as TLogicalFont always has
   154             // either Uid or a category and not further categories are defined
   155             // See the constructor for TLogicalFont
   156             __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0,Panic(ELafPanicFontUidUnknownOrMissing));	
   157             return NULL;//for compiler
   158         }        
   159     }
   163 // Fetches the CFont* from the system font array.  THis will return NULL in the
   164 // following cases: 
   165 // - UID is not found
   166 // - UID is found, but the CFont* there is NULL 
   167 // (Panics where necessary will happen in MatchFont)
   168 LOCAL_C const CFont* GetFontFromSystemArray( CArrayPtr<CAknSystemFont>& aSystemFonts, TInt aIdToBeMatched)
   169 	{
   170 	TInt count = aSystemFonts.Count();
   171 	for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   172 		{
   173 		const CAknSystemFont* font = aSystemFonts[i];
   174 		if ((font) && (font->Uid().iUid == aIdToBeMatched))
   175 			{
   176 			return font->Font();
   177 			}
   178 		}
   180     // Font was not found
   181     CAknFontIdLayoutFont* layoutFont=NULL;
   182     CWsScreenDevice& screenDev=*(CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice());
   184     TRAPD(err, 
   185         {layoutFont = CAknFontIdLayoutFont::NewL( screenDev , aIdToBeMatched);
   186         } );
   188     if ( err == KErrNone )
   189     	{
   190     	CleanupStack::PushL( layoutFont );
   191     	// Create font and add to font array
   192     	TUid uid = TUid::Uid( aIdToBeMatched);
   193     	CAknSystemFont* systemFont = CAknSystemFont::NewL( uid, layoutFont ); 
   194     	CleanupStack::Pop( layoutFont );
   195 		CleanupStack::PushL( systemFont );
   196     	aSystemFonts.AppendL( systemFont );
   197     	CleanupStack::Pop( systemFont );
   198     	return systemFont->Font();
   199     	}
   200     else if ( count > KDefaultFontIndex )
   201     	{
   202     	// return a default font if loading fails
   203 		return aSystemFonts[KDefaultFontIndex]->Font();
   204     	}	
   205     else 
   206     	return NULL;
   208 	}
   210 LOCAL_C TBool IsFirstApp()
   211     {
   212     RThread thread;
   213     return ( thread.Name().CompareF( KAknFirstStartedAppThreadName) == 0 );
   214     }
   216 /**
   217  * Returns the corner of the screen which the busy message should appear in
   218  * by default on the device.
   219  */
   220 EXPORT_C TGulAlignment LafEnv::DefaultBusyMsgCorner()
   221 	{// static
   222 	return EHRightVBottom;
   223 	}
   225 /**
   226  * Populates aBitmaps with a set of system bitmaps.
   227  */
   228 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::CreateSystemBitmapsL(CCoeEnv& /*aEnv*/, CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>& /*aBitmaps*/)
   229 	{ 
   230 	// Empty implementation in Avkon
   231 	}
   233 LOCAL_C void AddStartupFontToSystemFontArrayL( CArrayPtr<CAknSystemFont>& aSystemFonts )
   234     {
   235     // Construct a font that is the same as the system startup font.  
   236     CWsScreenDevice& screenDev=*(CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice());
   237     TInt startupId = TAknFontId::FontIdForStartupNormalFont();
   238     CAknFontIdLayoutFont* layoutFont = CAknFontIdLayoutFont::NewL( screenDev , startupId);
   240     CleanupStack::PushL( layoutFont );
   241     // Create font and add to font array
   242     TUid uid = TUid::Uid( startupId); // Tag with the encoded font ID and not the logical
   243     CAknSystemFont* systemFont = CAknSystemFont::NewL( uid, layoutFont ); 
   244     CleanupStack::Pop( layoutFont );
   245     CleanupStack::PushL( systemFont );
   246     aSystemFonts.AppendL( systemFont );
   247     CleanupStack::Pop( systemFont );
   248     // Always should have 2 fonts at this point
   249     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aSystemFonts.Count() == 2, Panic(ELafPanicFontCreationFailure));
   251     }
   252 /**
   253  * Populate aFonts with a set of system fonts defined in eikpriv.rss
   254  * A minimum of one font must be created.
   255  */
   257 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::CreateSystemFontsL(CCoeEnv& aEnv, CArrayPtr<CAknSystemFont>& aFonts)
   258 	{
   259     // Ensure the system font array is set in Avkon extension
   260     CEikonEnv* env = static_cast<CEikonEnv*>(&aEnv);
   261     CAknEnv* aAknEnv = static_cast<CAknEnv*>(env->Extension());
   262     if (aAknEnv)
   263         {
   264         aAknEnv->iSystemFontArray = &aFonts;  // Friend class setting access to private member
   265         }
   266 #ifdef AVKON_RDEBUG_INFO
   267     if (!aAknEnv)
   268         RDebug::Print(_L("LafEnv::CreateSystemFontsL - System Font Array pointer NOT set into AknEnv"));
   269 #endif      
   270     TBool isFirstApp = IsFirstApp();
   272     // We will want NormalFont at index 0. Add it here by doing what CEikEnv will do
   273     TLogicalFont lf;
   274     lf.iFontId=TUid::Uid(KLafUidNormalFontVal);
   275     (void)LafEnv::MatchFont( aFonts, lf ); // Creates the future iNormalFont
   277     if ( isFirstApp )
   278         {
   279         // Create a 2nd system font in this app that will hold permanently open the dummy 
   280     	// font that all apps start up with (the initial iNormalFont)
   281     	AddStartupFontToSystemFontArrayL(aFonts);
   283     	// Also set the system defaults and aliases
   284     	// AknFontProvider::InitializeSystemL needs WriteDeviceData, and it only a co-incidence that the first app started 
   285     	// is AknCapServer with its high capabilities. These checks added for maintainability and debugability
   287     	RProcess process;
   288 #ifdef AVKON_RDEBUG_INFO
   289     	if ( !process.HasCapability( ECapabilityWriteDeviceData) )
   290     	    {
   291     	    RDebug::Print(_L("LafEnv::CreateSystemFontsL - Not in high enough capability app to initialize fonts system-wide"));
   292     	    }
   293 #endif 
   294         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( process.HasCapability( ECapabilityWriteDeviceData) , Panic(ELafPanicFontCreationFailure) );
   296         AknFontProvider::InitializeSystemL( static_cast<CEikonEnv&>(aEnv) );
   297         }   
   299     return; // nothing created from resource.
   300     }
   302 LOCAL_C TInt MapSymbianLogicalFontUidToSeries60Id( TInt aUidToMap )
   303     {
   304     switch (aUidToMap)
   305         {
   306         case KLafUidNormalFontVal:
   307         return EAknLogicalFontPrimaryFont;
   309         case KLafUidAnnotationFontVal:
   310         return EAknLogicalFontPrimarySmallFont;
   312         case KLafUidDenseFontVal:
   313         return EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont;
   315         case KLafUidTitleFontVal:
   316         return EAknLogicalFontTitleFont;
   318         case KLafUidSymbolFontVal:
   319         return EAknLogicalFontPrimarySmallFont;
   321         case KLafUidLegendFontVal:
   322         return EAknLogicalFontPrimarySmallFont;
   324         default:		
   325         return aUidToMap;
   326         }
   327     // no return required
   328     }
   330 /**
   331  * Return the nearest match to aLogicalFont in aSystemFonts. 
   332  * If given an ordinary font Uid it returns the font.
   333  * If it is given one of the LogicalFont Uid's it will
   334  * effectively map this to a genuine font Uid and recursively call
   335  * MatchFont but this time with a proper Uid (will not do any further nested calls)
   336  * If it is given
   337  * a LogicalFont with no Uid but with a category, it uses the category to
   338  * figure out what Logical Font Uid to use, and then does a recursive call to MatchFont 
   339  * (i.e. itself) witha  Logical Font Uid as parameter, 
   340  * returning you to the situation just discussed above.
   341  * Thus at worst we get a call within a call within a call.
   342  * 
   343  * The return value must be non-NULL
   344  */
   345 EXPORT_C const CFont* LafEnv::MatchFont( CArrayPtr<CAknSystemFont>& aSystemFonts,const TLogicalFont& aLogicalFont)
   346 	{ 
   348 	const CFont* font = NULL;
   350 	// Need to check if aLogicalFont actually HAS a uid. If not, we  use its category 
   351 	// (Note it is possible to have a TLogicalFont without a uid, but it is impossible 
   352 	// to have one without a category.)
   353 	TInt uidToMatch = aLogicalFont.iFontId.iUid;
   355 	if (uidToMatch == KNullUid.iUid)
   356 	//i.e. if there is no Uid 
   357 		{	
   358 			//this function call involves a call to matchFont itself, but this time WITH a Uid.
   359 			//Should never end up in an infinite recursion
   360 			//In fact should only ever be one call within another.
   361 		font = GetRightFontFromCategory(aLogicalFont.iCategory);
   362 		}
   363 	else //this is the case that should happen nearly all the time
   364 		{
   365         // Handle Symbian OS Logical Font Uids. Uid is translated to Series 60 logical font
   366         uidToMatch = MapSymbianLogicalFontUidToSeries60Id( uidToMatch );
   368         //if the fontid is not in the array or the Uid is there but without a CFont*,
   369 		//it returns NULL
   370 		font = GetFontFromSystemArray(aSystemFonts, uidToMatch);
   371         }
   374    	if ( !font )
   375         {
   376         // Create a Symbian font spec
   377         TFontSpec fontSpec;
   379     //	fontSpec.iTypeface.iName =  (*(productFontTable[foundIndex].iTypefaceName)).Left(KMaxTypefaceNameLength);
   381         fontSpec.iHeight = 12;
   382     	CWsScreenDevice& screenDev=*(CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice());
   383 	    User::LeaveIfError(screenDev.GetNearestFontInPixels((CFont*&)font,fontSpec));
   384         }
   386     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( font, Panic(ELafPanicFontUidUnknownOrMissing) );
   387 	return font;
   388 	}
   390 /**
   391  * Returns the nearest match to aBmpUid in aSystemBitmaps.
   392  */
   393 EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap* LafEnv::MatchBitmap(const CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>& aSystemBmps, TUid aBmpUid)
   394 	{ // static
   395 	CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
   396 	const TInt32 uid = aBmpUid.iUid;
   397 	if (uid >= KLafUidEikonTexturedVal && uid <= KLafUidEikonOptimVal)
   398 		bitmap = aSystemBmps[uid-KLafUidEikonTexturedVal];
   399 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(bitmap,Panic(ELafPanicBitmapIndexOutOfRange));
   400 	return bitmap;
   401 	}
   404 /**
   405  * Draw's a logical border for aBorder, onto the graphics context aGc, in the rectangle aRect and using the
   406  * set of colors aBorderColors.
   407  */
   408 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::DrawLogicalBorder(const TGulBorder& aBorder,CGraphicsContext& aGc, const TRect& aRect, const TGulBorder::TColors& aBorderColors)
   409 	{ // static
   410 	if (AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup <= aBorder.Type() && aBorder.Type() < AknBorderId::EAknBorderMax)
   411 		{
   412 		LafAknBorders::DrawLogicalBorder(aBorder, aGc, aRect, aBorderColors);
   413 		return;
   414 		}
   416 		TInt type;
   418 	switch(aBorder.Type())
   419 		{
   420 	case TGulBorder::EWindow:
   421 		type=TGulBorder::EThickDeepRaisedWithOutline;
   422 		break;
   423 	case TGulBorder::EFlatContainer:
   424 		type=TGulBorder::ESingleBlack;
   425 		break;
   426 	case TGulBorder::ERaisedContainer:
   427 		type=TGulBorder::EShallowRaised;
   428 		break;
   429 	case TGulBorder::ESunkenContainer:
   430 		type=TGulBorder::EShallowSunken;
   431 		break;
   432 	case TGulBorder::EFlatControl:
   433 		type=TGulBorder::ESingleGray;
   434 		break;
   435 	case TGulBorder::ERaisedControl:
   436 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepRaisedWithOutline;
   437 		break;
   438 	case TGulBorder::ESunkenControl:
   439 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepSunkenWithOutline;
   440 		break;
   441 	case TGulBorder::EFocusedRaisedControl:
   442 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepRaisedWithOutline;
   443 		break;
   444 	case TGulBorder::EFocusedSunkenControl:
   445 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepSunkenWithOutline;
   446 		break;
   447 	default:
   448 		type=TGulBorder::ENone;
   449 		break;
   450 		}
   452 	TGulBorder border(type);
   453 	border.SetAdjacent(aBorder.Adjacent());
   454 	border.Draw(aGc,aRect,aBorderColors);
   455 	}
   457 /**
   458  * Returns the margins of a logical border for aBorder.
   459  */
   460 EXPORT_C TMargins LafEnv::LogicalBorderMargins(const TGulBorder& aBorder)
   461 	{ // static
   462 	if (AknBorderId::EAknBorderNotePopup <= aBorder.Type() && aBorder.Type() < AknBorderId::EAknBorderMax)
   463 		{
   464 		return LafAknBorders::LogicalBorderMargins(aBorder);
   465 		}
   467 	TInt type;
   469 	switch(aBorder.Type())
   470 		{
   471 	case TGulBorder::EWindow:
   472 		type=TGulBorder::EThickDeepRaisedWithOutline;
   473 		break;
   474 	case TGulBorder::EFlatContainer:
   475 		type=TGulBorder::ESingleBlack;
   476 		break;
   477 	case TGulBorder::ERaisedContainer:
   478 		type=TGulBorder::EShallowRaised;
   479 		break;
   480 	case TGulBorder::ESunkenContainer:
   481 		type=TGulBorder::EShallowSunken;
   482 		break;
   483 	case TGulBorder::EFlatControl:
   484 		type=TGulBorder::ESingleGray;
   485 		break;
   486 	case TGulBorder::ERaisedControl:
   487 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepRaisedWithOutline;
   488 		break;
   489 	case TGulBorder::ESunkenControl:
   490 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepSunkenWithOutline;
   491 		break;
   492 	case TGulBorder::EFocusedRaisedControl:
   493 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepRaisedWithOutline;
   494 		break;
   495 	case TGulBorder::EFocusedSunkenControl:
   496 		type=TGulBorder::EDeepSunkenWithOutline;
   497 		break;
   498 	default:
   499 		type=TGulBorder::ENone;
   500 		break;
   501 		}
   503 	TGulBorder border(type);
   504 	border.SetAdjacent(aBorder.Adjacent());
   505 	return border.Margins();
   506 	}
   508 /**
   509  * Returns the hardware key that corresponds to the default key.
   510  */
   511 EXPORT_C TBool LafEnv::IsDefaultKey(TUint aCharCode)
   512 	{// static
   513 	return aCharCode==EKeyDefault;
   514 	}
   516 /**
   517  * Returns the default line spacing used to format text paragraphs.
   518  */
   519 EXPORT_C TInt LafEnv::DefaultLineSpacingInTwips()
   520 	{//static
   521 	return KLafEnvDefaultLineSpacingInTwips;
   522 	}
   524 EXPORT_C TInt LafEnv::EditableControlStandardHeight(const MLafEnv& /*aLafEnv*/ )
   525 	{
   526     // primary cursor extent is used as the standard editor height.  This is in agreement with	
   527     // a text query's editor field.
   528     TAknWindowLineLayout primaryLayout = 
   529         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::cursor_primary_pane().LayoutLine();
   530     TAknLayoutRect primaryCursor;
   531     // AknAppUi->ApplicationRect cannot be called yet. Just need any rectangle:
   532     TRect rectParent(0,0,2048,2048); 
   533     primaryCursor.LayoutRect( rectParent, primaryLayout );       
   534     return primaryCursor.Rect().Height();
   535 	}
   537 /**
   538  * Returns a constant value according to aConstatType.
   539  * @internal
   540  */
   541 EXPORT_C TInt LafEnv::Constant(TConstantType aConstantType)
   542 	{//static
   543 	TInt retValue = 0;
   544 	switch (aConstantType)
   545 		{
   546 	case EShadowHeight:
   547 		retValue = KLafShadowHeight;
   548 		break;
   549 	default:
   550 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(ELafPanicConstantNotKnown));
   551 		break;
   552 		}
   553 	return retValue;
   554 	}
   556 /**
   557 * Sets any device specific font attributes to be applied to CEikonEnv's iCharFormatLayer.
   558 * This format layer is used in Edwins. CEikonEnv's iCharFormatLayer may be used in other
   559 * apps on some devices, so should be changed with care.
   560 *
   561 * @internal
   562 */
   563 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::PrepareCharFormatAndMask(TCharFormat& aCharFormat,
   564 											   TCharFormatMask& aCharFormatMask)
   565 	{
   566     //static
   567     aCharFormat.iFontPresentation.iTextColor=KRgbDarkGreen;
   568     aCharFormatMask.SetAttrib(EAttColor);
   569 	}
   572 /**
   573 * Allows individual DFRDs to specify a default directory for documents or to generate one.
   574 *
   575 * The parameters provided are not necessary in the UIKLAF implementation but are there
   576 * to allow a DFRD enough information to generate a document directory based on the app being launched
   577 *
   578 * aFilePath receives the default / generated directory path.
   579 *
   580 * @internal
   581 */
   582 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::GetDefaultPath(TDes& aFilePath,TUid /*aAppUid*/,RApaLsSession& /*aLs*/,CCoeEnv& /*aEnv*/)
   583 	{
   584 	aFilePath = KNullDesC;
   585 	}
   587  /**
   588  * Loads the system resource file
   589  *
   590  * @internal 
   591  * @since App-Framework_6.2
   592  */
   593 EXPORT_C TInt LafEnv::LoadCoreResFileL(CCoeEnv& aEnv)
   594 /**
   595 @publishedPartner
   596 @test
   597 */
   598 	{
   599 	_LIT(KCoreResFileName,"z:\\Resource\\Uiklaf\\eikcore.rsc");
   600 	return LoadResFileL(aEnv, KCoreResFileName);	
   601 	}
   603  /**
   604  * Loads the private resource file
   605  *
   606  * @internal  
   607  * @since App-Framework_6.2
   608  */
   609 EXPORT_C TInt LafEnv::LoadPrivResFileL(CCoeEnv& aEnv)
   610 /**
   611 @publishedPartner
   612 @test
   613 */
   614 	{
   615     // UNBRANCH TODO: Should this path come from a header?
   616 	_LIT(KPrivResFileName,"z:\\Resource\\Uiklaf\\eikpriv.rsc");
   617 	return LoadResFileL(aEnv, KPrivResFileName);
   618 	}
   620  /**
   621  * Returns the Coctl Resource File
   622  * 
   623  * @internal 
   624  * @since App-Framework_6.2
   625  */
   626 EXPORT_C const TDesC& LafEnv::CoctlResourceFile()
   627 /**
   628 @publishedPartner
   629 @test
   630 */
   631 	{
   632 	_LIT(KCoctlResFileName,"z:\\System\\Data\\eikcoctl.rsc");
   633 	return KCoctlResFileName;
   634 	}
   636 /**
   637  * Allows to update the list of system bitmaps, aBitmaps, by using aColorList in order to determine what bitmaps
   638  * need to be un/loaded.
   639  * 
   640  * @internal 
   641  * @since 6.2
   642  */
   643 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::UpdateSystemBitmapsL(CCoeEnv& /*aEnv*/, CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>& /*aBitmaps*/, const CColorList& /*aColorList*/)
   644 /**
   645 @publishedPartner
   646 @test
   647 */
   648 	{
   649 	}
   651 /**
   652 @publishedAll
   653 @released
   654 */
   655 const TInt KInfoNoteMaxLen=100;
   657 /** Specifies the maximum length of the message buffer. 
   659 @publishedAll
   660 @released */
   661 typedef TBuf<KInfoNoteMaxLen> TEikInfoNoteBuf;
   663 LOCAL_C void InfoNote(const TDesC& aDes)
   664 	{
   665 	TRAP_IGNORE(
   666         CAknInformationNote* note = new(ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
   667         CleanupStack::PushL(note);
   668         note->ExecuteLD(aDes);
   669         CleanupStack::Pop(note);
   670 	    );
   671 	}
   673 LOCAL_C void InfoNote(TInt aResourceId,VA_LIST aList)
   674     {
   675     TEikInfoNoteBuf formatString;
   676 	CEikonEnv::Static()->ReadResource(formatString,aResourceId);
   677 	TEikInfoNoteBuf messageString;
   678 	messageString.FormatList(formatString,aList);
   679 	InfoNote(messageString);
   680     }
   683 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::InfoNote(TInt aResourceId,...)
   684     {
   685     VA_LIST list;
   686     VA_START(list,aResourceId);
   687     ::InfoNote(aResourceId,list);
   688     }
   691 EXPORT_C TBool LafEnv::IsTaskListDisabledAtInitialization()
   692     {
   693     return ETrue;
   694     }
   696 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::Beep()
   697     {
   698     }
   700 EXPORT_C CColorList* LafEnv::CreateColorListL( CEikonEnv& /*aEnv*/ )
   701     {
   702     CArrayFix<TRgb>* colors=new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TRgb>(8);
   703 	CleanupStack::PushL(colors);
   704     for (TInt ii=EColorWindowBackground;ii<=EColorLabelHighlightFullEmphasis;ii++)
   705         {
   706         colors->InsertL(TLogicalColor(ii), CAknEnv::AvkonColor(KLogicalToAvkonColorMap[ii]));
   707 		}
   708 	CColorList* colorList=CColorList::NewL(colors);
   709 	CleanupStack::Pop(); // colors. Ownership has been transferred away
   710     return colorList;
   711     }        
   713 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::UpdateColorListL( CColorList* aColorList )
   714     {
   715     for (TInt ii=EColorWindowBackground;ii<=EColorLabelHighlightFullEmphasis;ii++)
   716 		{
   717         aColorList->SetColor(TLogicalColor(ii), CAknEnv::AvkonColor(KLogicalToAvkonColorMap[ii]));
   718 		}
   719     }
   722 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::UpdateSystemFontsL( CCoeEnv* /*aEnv*/, CArrayPtr<CAknSystemFont>& aSystemFonts )
   723     {
   724 	TInt count = aSystemFonts.Count();
   725 	for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   726 		{
   727 		CAknSystemFont* font = aSystemFonts[i];
   728 		CFont* cFont = font->Font();
   729         if (cFont )
   730             {
   731             // Font is always of this type (See constructors in this class)
   732             CAknFontIdLayoutFont* layoutFont = static_cast<CAknFontIdLayoutFont*>(cFont);
   733             // Do not update encoded fonts, as you will just get the same font back again
   734             if ( !TAknFontId::IsEncodedFont( layoutFont->FontId() ) )
   735                 layoutFont->Update();
   736             }
   737         }
   738     }
   741 EXPORT_C void LafEnv::ReleaseSystemFonts( CArrayPtr<CAknSystemFont>& aSystemFonts )
   742 	{
   743 	const TInt fontCount=aSystemFonts.Count();
   744 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<fontCount;ii++)
   745 		{
   746 		delete aSystemFonts[ii];
   747 		}
   748 	}
   750 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknBusyMsgWin): public CBase, public MEikBusyMsgWin
   751     {
   752 public:    
   753 	CAknBusyMsgWin(CEikonEnv& aEikonEnv):iEnv(aEikonEnv)
   754 	    {
   755 	    iRdSupport = BaflUtils::FileExists( iEnv.FsSession(), KRDSupport );
   756 	    }
   758     ~CAknBusyMsgWin()
   759         {
   760         delete iImpl;
   761         }
   763     void ConstructL(RWindowGroup& aWindowGroup)
   764         {
   765         iImpl = new (ELeave) CEikBusyMsgWin(iEnv);
   766         iImpl->ConstructL(aWindowGroup);
   767         }
   768 public:  //from MEikBusyMsgWin
   769 	void StartDisplaySpecifyingInitialDelay(const TDesC& aText, TGulAlignment aCorner, 
   770 	    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aInitialDelay)
   771 	    {
   772 #ifdef _DEBUG
   773 	    iImpl->StartDisplaySpecifyingInitialDelay(aText, aCorner, aInitialDelay);
   774 #else
   775         if(iRdSupport)
   776             {
   777             iImpl->StartDisplaySpecifyingInitialDelay(aText, aCorner, aInitialDelay);
   778             }
   779 #endif
   780 	    }
   782 	void StartDisplay(const TDesC& aText, TGulAlignment aCorner)
   783 	    {
   784 #ifdef _DEBUG
   785 	    iImpl->StartDisplay(aText, aCorner);
   786 #else
   787         if(iRdSupport)
   788             {
   789             iImpl->StartDisplay(aText, aCorner);
   790             }
   791 #endif
   792 	    }	    
   794 	void Release()
   795 	    {
   796 	    delete this;
   797 	    }
   798 private:
   799     CEikBusyMsgWin* iImpl;
   800     CEikonEnv&      iEnv;
   801     TBool           iRdSupport;
   802     };	
   804 EXPORT_C MEikBusyMsgWin* LafEnv::NewBusyMsgWinL(CCoeEnv& aEnv)
   805     {
   806     CAknBusyMsgWin* self = new(ELeave) CAknBusyMsgWin( static_cast<CEikonEnv&>(aEnv) );
   807     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   808     self->ConstructL( aEnv.RootWin() );
   809     CleanupStack::Pop();//self
   810     return self;
   811     }
   813 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknInfoMsgWin): public CBase, public MEikInfoMsgWin
   814     {
   815 public:    
   816 	CAknInfoMsgWin(CEikonEnv& aEikonEnv):iEnv(aEikonEnv)
   817 	    {
   818 	    iRdSupport = BaflUtils::FileExists( iEnv.FsSession(), KRDSupport );    
   819 	    }
   821     ~CAknInfoMsgWin()
   822         {
   823         delete iImpl;
   824         }
   826     void ConstructL(RWindowGroup& aWindowGroup, TInt aParam)
   827         {
   828         iImpl = new (ELeave) CEikInfoMsgWin(iEnv);
   829         iImpl->ConstructL(aWindowGroup, aParam);
   830         }
   832 public:  //from MEikInfoMsgWin
   834 	void StartDisplaySpecifyingDuration(const TDesC& aText, TGulAlignment aCorner, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aDuration)
   835 	    {
   836 #ifdef _DEBUG
   837 	    iImpl->StartDisplaySpecifyingDuration(aText, aCorner, aDuration);
   838 #else
   839         if(iRdSupport)
   840             {
   841             iImpl->StartDisplaySpecifyingDuration(aText, aCorner, aDuration);
   842             }
   843 #endif
   844 	    }
   846 	void StartDisplay(const TDesC& aText, TGulAlignment aCorner)
   847 	    {
   848 #ifdef _DEBUG
   849 	    iImpl->StartDisplay(aText, aCorner);
   850 #else	    
   851         if(iRdSupport)
   852             {
   853             iImpl->StartDisplay(aText, aCorner);
   854             }
   855 #endif
   856 	    }	    
   858     void CancelDisplay()
   859         {
   860         if (iImpl)
   861             iImpl->CancelDisplay();
   862         }
   864 	void Release()
   865 	    {
   866 	    delete this;
   867 	    }
   869 private:
   870     CEikInfoMsgWin* iImpl;
   871     CEikonEnv&      iEnv;
   872     TBool           iRdSupport;
   873     };
   876 EXPORT_C MEikInfoMsgWin* LafEnv::NewInfoMsgWinL(CCoeEnv& aEnv, RWindowGroup& aGroup)
   877     {
   878     CAknInfoMsgWin* self = new(ELeave) CAknInfoMsgWin( static_cast<CEikonEnv&>(aEnv ));
   879     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   880     self->ConstructL( aGroup, 0);
   881     CleanupStack::Pop();//self
   882     return self;
   883     }
   885 EXPORT_C MEikInfoMsgWin* LafEnv::NewInfoMsgWinL(CCoeEnv& aEnv )
   886     {
   887     CAknInfoMsgWin* self = new(ELeave) CAknInfoMsgWin( static_cast<CEikonEnv&>(aEnv ));
   888     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   889     self->ConstructL( aEnv.RootWin(), 0 );
   890     CleanupStack::Pop();//self
   891     return self;
   892     }
   894 /* Return the name of the clock dll */
   895 EXPORT_C const TDesC& LafEnv::ClockDllName()
   896     {
   897 #if defined(__WINS__)
   898 		_LIT(KClockDllName,"CLOCKA.DLL");
   899 #else
   900 		_LIT(KClockDllName,"Z:\\SYSTEM\\LIBS\\CLOCKA.DLL");
   901 #endif
   902     return KClockDllName;
   903     }