--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/classicui_pub/document_handler_api/inc/DocumentHandler.h Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Definition of CDocumentHandler class.
+* The purpose of the Documenthandler is to offer to applications
+* - wrapper for application embedding
+* - temporary file utility to support data caging for platform security
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+// App UIDs for handlers. Handlers are identified by the handler application's
+// UID. E.g. The handler for WMLC (binary format of Wireless Markup Language)
+// is responsible for launching the WMLBrowser. The data type
+// application/wap.vnd.wmlc is therefore mapped to the browser's UID,
+// 0x10008D39.
+const TInt KTextHandler = 0x1000599d; // Notepad viever
+const TInt KWmlcHandler = 0x10008D39; // WML Browser
+const TInt KJamHandler = 0x100009C1; // JAM
+const TInt KAppInstHandler = 0x101F875A; // Installer
+const TInt KBioViewerAppHandler = 0x0FC99F01; // BVA
+const TInt KImageViewerHandler = 0x101f4d90; // Image viever
+const TInt KCertSaveAppHandler = 0x100059D2; // Cert response handler app
+const TInt KCODHandler = 0x10008d4a; // COD handler
+const TInt KDDhandler = 0x10008d3f; // DD Handler
+// A global external mime type for all nokia games.
+_LIT8(KGameMimeType, "application/x-NokiaGameData");
+_LIT8(KDataTypeODM,"application/vnd.oma.drm.message"); // Not supported by DocumentHandler
+_LIT8(KDataTypeDCF,"application/vnd.oma.drm.content"); // Deprecated, do not use from here
+// Fail reasons
+const TInt KBadMimeType = -12002; // Mime type conflict etc.
+const TInt KMimeNotSupported = -12003; // No handler found
+const TInt KNullContent = -12005; // Empty content
+const TInt KDataDirNotFound = -12006; // Deprecated - not used
+const TInt KExecNotAllowed = -12007; // Executables not allowed
+const TInt KNoHostProcess = -12008; // Deprecated - not used
+const TInt KNotInitialized = -12009; // Not initialized
+const TInt KUserCancel = -12010; // User cancelled operation
+const TInt KDRMErrSession = -12011; // DRM session error.
+const TInt KDRMErrNoRights = -12012; // Invalid DRM rights.
+const TInt KDRMErrRightsDBCorrupted = -12013; // DRM rights db corrupted.
+const TInt KDRMErrInvalidVersion = -12014; // Invalid DRM version.
+const TInt KDRMErrPreviewRights = -12015; // Preview DRM rights.
+// API operations to inform special handlers of the entry function.
+enum TDocOperation
+ {
+ EDocCopy, // CopyL( aFileNameOld, aNameNew, aDataType, aAttr)
+ EDocSave, // SaveL( aContent, aDataType, aAttr )
+ EDocSaveAs, // SaveL( aContent, aDataType,aFileName, aAttr )
+ EDocOpenFile, // OpenFileL( aFileName, aDataType )
+ EDocOpenFileEmb, // OpenFileEmbeddedL( aFileName, aDataType)
+ EDocMove, // MoveL( aFileNameOld, aNameNew, aDataType, aAttr)
+ EDocSilentMove, // SilentMoveL( aFileNameOld, aNameNew, aRootPaht, aDataType, aAttr)
+ EDocSaveTemp, // SaveTempFileL( aContent, aDataType, aFileName, aSharableFile)
+ };
+class CDocHandlerBase; // Base class for handlers
+class CEikProcess; // The host process
+class MAknServerAppExitObserver; // Viewer app exit observer
+class TDataType; // Mime type handling
+class RApaLsSession; // App list server session
+class CAiwGenericParamList; // Generic parameter list
+* Utility class for opening and saving any supported content.
+* This class declares an interface for the DocumentHandler, a
+* common component in Series60.
+* The CDocumentHandler class will not itself implement any content
+* handling routines. It's responsible for finding out which application
+* can handle given data type and constructing a correct handler implementation
+* for that application. If the given data type is supported by the system
+* but no specific handler is found, the CDocDefaltHandler is then constructed.
+* The default handler is an implementation of the CDoCDocHandlerBase class with
+* standard "Epoc-style" content handling.
+* The handler application can be lauched standalone or embedded. The
+* Embedded launching is preferred way in Series60.
+* Standalone launching means that the application will run in
+* it's own process. Embedded launching means that the UI of an
+* application, which is responsible for handling given data type,
+* is embedded into the parent application. There will be only
+* parent applications icon shown in the fast swap window when an
+* application is embedded.
+* Link your application against CommonUI.lib.
+* <b>An example: </b>
+* #include <DocumentHandler.h>
+* <i>// Define DocHandler</i>
+* CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler;
+* <i>// Construct DocHandler</i>
+* void ConstructL()
+* {
+* iDocHandler = CDocumentHandler::NewL();
+* <i>// I want to be notified when exit happends. Because I
+* // pass "this" pointer, I have to derive from
+* // MAknServerAppExitObserver class.</i>
+* iDocHandler->SetExitObserver(this)
+* }
+* <i>// delete DocHandler</i>
+* void ~Myapp()
+* {
+* delete iDocHandler;
+* }
+* <i>// and use like this</i>
+* void OpenAttachmentL( RFile& aFile, <i>// A file to be open</i>
+* TDataType& aDataType ) <i>// DataType can be empty</i>
+* {
+* TInt error = KErrNone;
+* TFileName path;
+* <i>
+* // Leaves on system wide errors like disk full, out of memory etc.</i>
+* error = iDocHandler->OpenFileEmbeddedL( aFile, aDataType );
+* // The status code can be either KErrNone or KUserCancel
+* }
+* </pre>
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDocumentHandler) : public CBase
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
+ *
+ * @param aProcess The host process, which will be
+ * used for embedded launching.
+ *
+ * @return The constructed CDocumentHandler
+ * @deprecated in Series60 3.0, instead use NewL without CEikProcess parameter
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CDocumentHandler* NewL( CEikProcess* aProcess );
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
+ *
+ * @param aProcess The host process, which will be
+ * used for embedded launching.
+ *
+ * @return The constructed CDocumentHandler
+ * @deprecated in Series60 3.0, instead use NewL without CEikProcess parameter
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CDocumentHandler* NewLC( CEikProcess* aProcess );
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return The constructed CDocumentHandler
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CDocumentHandler* NewL( );
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return The constructed CDocumentHandler
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CDocumentHandler* NewLC( );
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual ~CDocumentHandler();
+ private: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CDocumentHandler( );
+ /**
+ * C++ copy constructor
+ */
+ CDocumentHandler( const CDocumentHandler& );
+ /**
+ * By default EPOC constructor is private.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ public: // New functions, data caging
+ /**
+ * Utility method for opening filehandle from existing file for OpenFileL
+ * calls. The created file handle is meant to be shared across process
+ * boundaries.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. These
+ * errors are usually trapped by the application framework.
+ *
+ * NOTE! Caller is responsible of closing opened file handle.
+ *
+ * @param aFileName Name (including directory information) for file.
+ * This file should exist allready, otherwise this
+ * function leaves with KErrNotFound.
+ * @param aSharableFile Returned file handle that can be shared.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void OpenTempFileL(
+ const TDesC& aFileName,
+ RFile &aSharableFile);
+ /**
+ * Utility method for save aContent with aDataType temporarily
+ * for OpenFileL calls. The created file handle is meant to be shared
+ * across process boundaries.
+ *
+ * This temporary file will be saved to process private temp directory.
+ * Temporary directory will be created if not existing yet.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. These
+ * errors are usually trapped by the application framework.
+ *
+ * NOTE! Caller is responsible of closing opened file handle!
+ * Created temporary file will be deleted in destructor of
+ * DocumentHandler, but caller can delete it self as well.
+ *
+ * @param aContent A content data buffer. Narrow descriptor that
+ * can contain any kind of data.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @param aFileName Use this name for saving. The name must not
+ * contain any directory information.
+ * @param aSharableFile Returned file handle that can be shared.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SaveTempFileL(
+ const TDesC8& aContent,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TDesC& aFileName,
+ RFile &aSharableFile);
+ public: // New functions, parameter handling
+ /**
+ * Returns an empty instance of CAiwGenericParamList class. It can be
+ * used for example as an input parameter list for API methods.
+ * This is just a convinience method and doesn't have
+ * to be used. If consumer wants to create input list by itself
+ * it is ok. If this method is used, service handler takes care
+ * of deleting returned generic parameter list.
+ *
+ * @return An empty instance of CAiwGenericParameter list.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C CAiwGenericParamList& InParamListL();
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of possible output parameters handler application
+ * may have set after executing the service. The caller is responsible
+ * for deleting the parameter instance if not null.
+ *
+ * @return List of output parameters, NULL if nothing set.
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ IMPORT_C const CAiwGenericParamList* OutParamList();
+ public: // New functions, open file with filehandle
+ /**
+ * Launches an application in standalone capable of handling
+ * data in aSharableFile (using aDatatype if available).
+ * Doesn't save data from the file. In case of DRM protected
+ * files with restricted rights, there will be query asking
+ * if user want open file.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aSharableFile A sharable file handle to be passed to
+ * the launched application
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenFileL(
+ RFile& aSharableFile,
+ TDataType& aDataType);
+ /**
+ * Launches an application in embedded (if possible) capable of
+ * handling data in aSharableFile (using aDatatype if available).
+ * Doesn't save data from the file. In case of DRM protected
+ * files with restricted rights, there will be query asking
+ * if user want open file.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aSharableFile A sharable file handle to be passed to
+ * the launched application.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @param aParamList Parameter list to be passed to handler application.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenFileEmbeddedL(
+ RFile& aSharableFile,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const CAiwGenericParamList& aParamList);
+ /**
+ * Launches an application in embedded (if possible) capable of
+ * handling data in aSharableFile (using aDatatype if available).
+ * Doesn't save data from the file. In case of DRM protected
+ * files with restricted rights, there will be query asking
+ * if user want open file.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aSharableFile A sharable file handle to be passed to
+ * the launched application.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenFileEmbeddedL(
+ RFile& aSharableFile,
+ TDataType& aDataType);
+ public: // open file with filename
+ /**
+ * Launches an application standalone capable of handling
+ * data in aFilename, with aDataType. Doesn't copy data
+ * from the file.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aFileName Name of the file. Directory path included.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenFileL(
+ const TDesC& aFileName,
+ TDataType& aDataType );
+ /**
+ * Launches an application embedded capable of handling data in
+ * aFilename with aDataType. Doesn't copy data from the file.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aFileName Name of the file. Directory path included.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt OpenFileEmbeddedL(
+ const TDesC& aFileName,
+ TDataType& aDataType );
+ public: // data saving
+ /**
+ * Save aContent with aDataType using aAttr to a correct directory.
+ * Generates a new name for saving. The storage is usually a filesystem,
+ * but can be anything from application spesific data structures to
+ * a database.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aContent A content data buffer. Narrow descriptor that
+ * can contain any kind of data.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @param aAttr Use these file attributes for saving. Your can
+ * find these attributes from
+ * \epoc32\include\f32file.h header file.
+ * If the storage is not a filesystem these
+ * attributes are ignored.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SaveL(
+ const TDesC8& aContent,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TUint aAttr );
+ /**
+ * Save aBuffer with aDataType using aAttr to a correct storage with a
+ * supplied name. The storage is usually a filesystem, but can be
+ * anything from application spesific data structures to a database.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aContent A content data buffer. Narrow descriptor that
+ * can contain any kind of data.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the content of the file. If empty
+ * the DocumentHandler tries to recognize the content.
+ * @param aName Use this name for saving. The name must not
+ * contain any directory information.
+ * @param aAttr Use these file attributes for saving. Your can
+ * find these attributes from
+ * \epoc32\include\f32file.h header file.
+ * If the storage is not a filesystem these
+ * attributes are ignored.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SaveL(
+ const TDesC8& aContent,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TDesC& aName,
+ const TUint aAttr );
+ /**
+ * Copy a file named aFileNameOld to the correct storage using
+ * name aNameNew and aFileAttr. If aNameNew is empty, use
+ * the old name.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aFileNameOld Name of the file being copied.
+ * @param aNameNew Name of the new file. If null, use the
+ * old name.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the file. If empty the
+ * DocumentHandler tries to recognize type.
+ * @param aAttr Use these file attributes for saving.
+ * ReadOnly, ReadWrite.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CopyL(
+ const TDesC& aFileNameOld,
+ const TDesC& aNameNew,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TUint aAttr );
+ /**
+ * Copy a file with handle aFileOld to the correct storage using
+ * name aNameNew and aFileAttr. If aNameNew is empty, use
+ * the old name.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aFileOld Handle of the file being copied.
+ * @param aNameNew Name of the new file. If null, use the
+ * old name.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the file. If empty the
+ * DocumentHandler tries to recognize type.
+ * @param aAttr Use these file attributes for saving.
+ * ReadOnly, ReadWrite.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt CopyL(
+ const RFile& aFileOld,
+ const TDesC& aNameNew,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TUint aAttr );
+ /**
+ * Move a file named aFileNameOld to the correct storage using
+ * name aNameNew and aFileAttr. Note that file in the old location
+ * (aFileNameOld) will be removed during this operation.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aFileNameOld Name of the file being copied.
+ * @param aNameNew Name of the new file. If null, use the
+ * default name for this mime-type.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the file. If empty the
+ * DocumentHandler tries to recognize type.
+ * @param aAttr Use these file attributes for saving.
+ * ReadOnly, ReadWrite.
+ * @return KErrNone if success. KUserCancel if the user
+ * cancelled the operation.
+ * @since Series60 2.8
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt MoveL(
+ const TDesC& aFileNameOld,
+ const TDesC& aNameNew,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TUint aAttr );
+ /**
+ * Move a file named aFileNameOld to the correct storage using
+ * name aNameNew and aFileAttr. This method operates silently, so
+ * nothing will be asked from user. Caller should give root path of
+ * the selected memory. Unique file name will be created automatically
+ * without user interaction. Note that file in the old location
+ * (aFileNameOld) will be removed during this operation.
+ *
+ * This function can leave in some system wide error situation.
+ * E.g. out of memory, not enough space in filesystem etc. See
+ * also possible error codes from documenthandler.h header file.
+ *
+ * @param aFileNameOld Name of the file being copied.
+ * @param aNameNew Name of the new file. If null, use the
+ * default name for this mime-type.
+ * @param aRootPath Root path of the selected memory where file
+ * should be moved.
+ * @param aDataType A data type for the file. If empty the
+ * DocumentHandler tries to recognize type.
+ * @param aAttr Use these file attributes for saving.
+ * ReadOnly, ReadWrite.
+ * @return KErrNone if success.
+ * @since Series60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt SilentMoveL(
+ const TDesC& aFileNameOld,
+ const TDesC& aNameNew,
+ const TDesC& aRootPath,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TUint aAttr );
+ public: // query functions
+ /**
+ * Is the aDataType supported by the system.
+ *
+ * @param aDataType Data type for content.
+ *
+ * @return True if there is an application capable of handling
+ * aDataType. False if no application can handle
+ * this mime type.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool CanHandleL( const TDataType& aDataType );
+ /**
+ * Is opening of aDataType supported by the system.
+ *
+ * @param aDataType Data type for content.
+ *
+ * @return True if there is an application capable of handling
+ * aDataType. False if no application can handle
+ * this mime type.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool CanOpenL( const TDataType& aDataType );
+ /**
+ * Is saving aDataType supported by the system.
+ *
+ * @param aDataType Data type for content.
+ *
+ * @return True if there is an application capable of handling
+ * aDataType. False if no application can handle
+ * this mime type.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool CanSaveL( const TDataType& aDataType );
+ /**
+ * Get the whole path including filename where the content was saved.
+ * If the content was not saved to a file, this function returns
+ * a name that represents the saved object.
+ *
+ * It may not be possible to open the object with the returned
+ * value, if it's not a real file in the filesystem. This situation
+ * may happen when e.g. the handler application stores it's contents in
+ * some weird data structure.
+ *
+ * @param aPath The path of the saved content.
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone if the path was found. KNotInitialised if the
+ * handler is not initialised.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetPath( TDes& aPath );
+ /**
+ * Get the uid of handler application. In case of media files uid is
+ * Media Gallery's uid. This method should be called only succesfully
+ * completed DocumentHandler operations.
+ *
+ * @param aUid Uid of the handler application for the content.
+ *
+ * @return KErrNone if the uid was found. KNotInitialised if the
+ * handler is not initialised.
+ * @since Series 60 2.8
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt HandlerAppUid( TUid& aUid );
+ /**
+ * Set an observer for embedded application exit events.
+ * DocumentHandler will delegate embedding applications exit
+ * events to aObserver if it's not NULL:
+ *
+ * @param aObserver Exit observer
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetExitObserver( MAknServerAppExitObserver* aObserver );
+ /**
+ * Utility method for appending a correct file name extension for some
+ * content. This method should be called if wanted quarantee that file
+ * extension of aFileName is correct with aDataType.
+ *
+ * This method uses internal mapping table to find correct file
+ * extension to aFileName. Mapping table contains mainly extensions
+ * and datatypes, which cannot be recognized based on the data it self
+ * (No header information etc.).
+ *
+ * This method replaces existing extension with correct one at aFileName
+ * if needed. If aDatatype is not found from mapping table or aDatatype
+ * is not supported by any application, aFileName will remain unchanged.
+ *
+ * @param aFileName Append extension to this filename.
+ * @param aDataType The content type of the file.
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void CheckFileNameExtension(
+ TDes& aFileName,
+ const TDataType& aDatatype );
+ /**
+ * Get the RApaLsSession.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to RApaLsSession
+ */
+ RApaLsSession* ApaLs();
+ /**
+ * Get the exit observer.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to exit observer
+ * @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+ MAknServerAppExitObserver* ServerAppExitObserver() const;
+ /**
+ * Get the operation code of the api entry function.
+ */
+ TDocOperation DocOperation() const;
+ /**
+ * Close sharable FileSession.
+ */
+ void CloseSharableFS();
+ /**
+ * Set temporary file, which will be deleted in destructor.
+ */
+ void SetTempFile( const TDesC& aTempFile);
+ /**
+ * Utility method to find out if there are any applications that
+ * support progressive downloading for a given data type.
+ *
+ * The decision is based on configuration made in central repository.
+ *
+ * @param aDataType The content type of the file.
+ * @param aUid An Uid of the applications for the given data type.
+ * @return ETrue if progressive download was supported for the given
+ * data type. Otherwise EFalse.
+ * @since Series 60 3.1
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool CanHandleProgressivelyL(
+ const TDataType& aDataType,
+ TUid& aUid );
+ /**
+ * Utility method to provide a list of applications that support
+ * progressive downloading.
+ *
+ * The list of applications uids is configured central repository.
+ *
+ * @param aUidList A list of app Uids
+ * @since Series 60 3.2
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void GetProgressiveDownloadAppUidsL( RArray<TInt32>& aUidList );
+ private: // New functions
+ /**
+ * Construct a handler for a given data type. A previous handler will
+ * be destroyed and the new one is constructed.
+ *
+ * The desicion of which handler implementation to use is
+ * based on Apparc's AppForDataType query. If the app uid is
+ * found for aDataType and there is a hardcoded handler for it,
+ * the right handler will be constucted. If the app uid is not found
+ * try to match a data type for some handler. The default handler is
+ * constructed if no handler entry is found.
+ *
+ * @param aUid UID of the handler application.
+ * @return Error code
+ */
+ TInt FindHandlerL(
+ const TDataType& aDataType,
+ const TUid& aUid);
+ /**
+ * Try to find a handler for aUid. Constructs iHandler if found.
+ *
+ * @param aDataType A data type to pass to a handler
+ * @param aUid An uid to search a handler for
+ */
+ void FindHandlerByUidL(
+ const TUid& aUid,
+ const TDataType& aDataType);
+ /**
+ * Try to find a handler for aDataType. Constructs iHandler if found.
+ *
+ * @param aUid An Uid for handler application.
+ * @param aDataType A data type to search a handler for.
+ */
+ void FindHandlerByMimeTypeL(
+ const TUid& aUid,
+ const TDataType& aDataType);
+ /**
+ * Makes all the nesessary security checks and maps aDataType to
+ * an UID of the handler application. If system is not able to handle
+ * the content type, or file is DRM protectedfile, aDataType and aUid
+ * will left empty.
+ *
+ * @param aFileName Filename
+ * @param aDataType Data type for the file
+ * @param aUid An application UID will be returned if a handler
+ * was found.
+ * @return KErrNone if success, error code if failure.
+ */
+ TInt RecognizeAndCheckFileL(
+ const TDesC& aFileName,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ TUid& aUid );
+ /**
+ * Makes all the nesessary security checks and maps aDataType to
+ * an UID of the handler application. If system is not able to handle
+ * the content type, or file is DRM protectedfile, aDataType and aUid
+ * will left empty.
+ *
+ * @param aFileHandle Filehandle
+ * @param aDataType Data type for the file
+ * @param aUid An application UID will be returned if a handler
+ * was found.
+ * @return KErrNone if success, error code if failure.
+ */
+ TInt RecognizeAndCheckFileL(
+ RFile& aFileHandle,
+ TDataType& aDataType,
+ TUid& aUid );
+ /**
+ * This method lists all supported mime-types of system using
+ * RDebug::Print. On UREL mode this method do nothing.
+ */
+ void ListSupportedMimeTypesL();
+ /**
+ * Prohibit the assignment operation
+ */
+ CDocumentHandler operator=( const CDocumentHandler& ) const;
+ /**
+ * Convert a hex string to 32-bit integer.
+ */
+ TInt ConvertHexStringToInt32(
+ const TDesC& aHexString,
+ TInt32& aInt );
+ private: // Data
+ /**
+ * The entry operation. Handlers can query about the entry function
+ * when they need to implement some special behaviour.
+ */
+ TDocOperation iOperation;
+ /**
+ * A handler providing operations.
+ */
+ CDocHandlerBase* iHandler;
+ /**
+ * A ApaLs session client.
+ */
+ RApaLsSession* iApaLs;
+ /**
+ * Notify embedded app's exit event to this observer.
+ */
+ MAknServerAppExitObserver* iServerAppExitObserver;
+ /**
+ * Holds sharable Fileserver session
+ */
+ RFs iSharableFS;
+ /**
+ * Parameter list created using InParamListL function
+ */
+ CAiwGenericParamList* iInParams;
+ /**
+ * Filename of temporary saved file. This file will be deleted
+ * in destructor of documenthandler
+ */
+ TFileName iTempFileName;
+ };
+// End of File