changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuis/CommonDialogs/src/AknCFDUtility.h	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Internal utility class for CFD. Do not export this header to
+*                keep minimal maintenance effort (no BC breaks).
+#include <f32file.h> // TDriveNumber
+#include <CAknCommonDialogsBase.h> // TCommonDialogType
+#include <badesca.h> // CDesCArray
+#include <e32const.h> // KMaxFileName
+#include "AknCommonDialogsDynMem.h"
+class CEikonEnv;
+class CAknIconArray;
+class MAknsSkinInstance;
+class TAknsItemID;
+// Debug print convenience macros - no need to use ifdef in code.
+#ifndef _LOG
+    #ifdef _DEBUG
+        // Print in debug mode:
+        #define _LOG( msg ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ) );
+        #define _LOG1( msg, val1 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1 );
+        #define _LOG2( msg, val1, val2 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1, val2 );
+        #define _LOG3( msg, val1, val2, val3 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1, val2, val3 );
+        #define _LOG4( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1, val2, val3, val4 );
+        #define _LOG5( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 );
+        #define _LOG6( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 );
+        #define _LOG7( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 ) RDebug::Print( _L( msg ), val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 );
+    #else
+        // No print in release mode:
+        #define _LOG( msg ) ;
+        #define _LOG1( msg, val1 ) ;
+        #define _LOG2( msg, val1, val2 ) ;
+        #define _LOG3( msg, val1, val2, val3 ) ;
+        #define _LOG4( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4 ) ;
+        #define _LOG5( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5 ) ;
+        #define _LOG6( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6 ) ;
+        #define _LOG7( msg, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 ) ;
+    #endif // _DEBUG
+#endif // _LOG
+* Drive status. This affects functionality and appearance of lbx drive item.
+* Instead of numerous 'system wide error codes' CFD is interested only in these
+* states of a drive. If adding more states, add to the end of this enum - do
+* not alter the order.
+enum TCFDDriveStatus
+    {
+    EDriveOK = 0,   // drive is available, unlocked and formatted
+    EDriveLocked,   // drive is locked
+    EDriveNotReady  // drive is not inserted or the drive is corrupted or unformatted
+    };
+ *  Data encapsulation class for CFD drive information. Used to draw list items
+ *  and handle drive status logic inside CFD classes.
+ */
+class TCFDDriveInfo
+    {
+    public:
+        TDriveNumber iDriveNumber;
+        TBufC<KMaxFileName> iVolumeLabel; // User defined name for drive if given.
+        TInt64 iDiskSpace; // Free space in drive (Byte), negative value indicates not available.
+        TMediaType iMediaType;
+        TCFDDriveStatus iDriveStatus;
+        /**
+         * Used for remote drives only:
+         * KMountStronglyConnected or KMountNotConnected.
+         */
+        TInt iConnectionState;
+        /**
+         * Type: DriveInfo::TStatus
+         * To be used to support multiple drives.
+         */
+        TUint iStatus;
+    };
+const TInt KDiskSpaceNotAvailable = -1; // Actually any negative value should do so checking should be done using 'i<0' operator.
+*  Static utility class for CFD
+*  @lib CommonDialogs.lib
+*  @since 1.2
+class AknCFDUtility
+    {
+    public:     // static methods
+        /**
+        * Reads information of a drive. This is the more convenient function to
+        * get all necessary single drive information.
+        *
+        * NOTE: if reading drive info fails in some stage inside this function,
+        * aDriveInfo.iDriveStatus will have a value different than EDriveOK -
+        * in this case some data inside aDriveInfo wll not be updated. Check
+        * implementation to see which data is updated correctly and can be used.
+        *
+        * @param aDriveNumber The drive to read information from.
+        * @param aDriveInfo Will contain information of the drive.
+        * @return KErrNone or system wide error codes...
+        */
+        static TInt DriveInfoL( const TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TCFDDriveInfo& aDriveInfo );
+        /**
+        * Method for checking drive status. This is more efficient and simple
+        * method to get drive status than DriveInfo() and should be used for
+        * performance reasons and to maintain code simplicity. Only drive
+        * status is checked in many places where any other drive information
+        * is not needed and would be overkill.
+        *
+        * @param aDriveNumber Drive number of the drive, status is checked.
+        * @return Status of the drive.
+        */
+        static TCFDDriveStatus DriveStatusL( const TDriveNumber aDriveNumber );
+        /**
+        * Returns drive number of a path.
+        * @param aPath A path which must contain a drive, e.g: "C:\Nokia\"
+        * @return Returns the number of the drive (enumeration TDriveNumber).
+        *         If path contains no drive, returns KErrNotFound.
+        */
+        static TInt DriveNumber( const TDesC& aPath );
+        /**
+        * Returns the number of directories in a path.
+        * Path must be format "Directory\Another\" in other words, w/o drive letter!
+        * @param aPath A path from which directory count is calculated.
+        * @return Returns the number of directories in a path.
+        */
+        static TInt DirectoryCount( const TDesC& aPath );
+        /**
+        * Adds trailing backslash to a path if it is missing.
+        * Does nothing if already there.
+        * @param aFolder A reference to a descriptor which is edited.
+        * @return Returns system wide error code.
+        */
+        static TInt AddTrailingBackslash( TDes& aPath );
+        /**
+        * Removes trailing backslash from a path.
+        * Does nothing if last character is something else than backslash
+        * @param aFolder A reference to a descriptor which is edited.
+        * @return Returns system wide error code.
+        */
+        static TInt RemoveTrailingBackslash( TDes& aPath );
+        /**
+        * Method for internal use only. See source.
+        */
+        static void AllocateIfValidL(
+            HBufC*& aDestination, const TDesC& aSource );
+        /**
+        * Method for internal use only. See source.
+        */
+        static void AllocateOrNullL(
+            HBufC*& aDestination, const TDesC& aSource );
+        /**
+        * Method for internal use only. See source.
+        */
+        static void AllocateIfNullL(
+            HBufC*& aDestination, const TDesC& aSource );
+        /**
+        * DEPRECATED: Use AppendSkinnedImageToArrayL instead.
+        *
+        * Creates an icon and appends it to icon array using
+        * CEikonEnv::CreateIconL.
+        */
+        static void AppendImageToArrayL( CEikonEnv& aEnv, CAknIconArray& aArray,
+            const TDesC& aBitmapFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId );
+        /**
+        * Creates skinned icon and appends it to icon array.
+        * If skinned icon is not found, Avkon bitmap is used.
+        */
+        static void AppendSkinnedImageToArrayL(
+            CEikonEnv& aEnv, CAknIconArray& aArray,
+            MAknsSkinInstance* aSkin, const TAknsItemID& aItemID,
+            const TDesC& aBitmapFile, TInt aBitmapId, TInt aMaskId, TBool aColorIcon = EFalse );
+        /**
+        * Returns whether dialog type is a folder select dialog or not.
+        */
+        static TBool DirectoriesOnly( TCommonDialogType aType );
+        /**
+        * Reads dynamic drives and adds these to the rootpath array. Does not
+        * add new drives in case they already exist in the array.
+        * @param aRootPathArray Array of the already existing root paths which
+        *        will be updated in case more drives exist.
+        * @param aIncludedMedias bitflag list of desired media types.
+        */
+        static void ReadDynamicDrivesL( CDesCArrayFlat& aRootPathArray,
+                                        TInt aIncludedMedias );
+        /**
+        * Checks if the drive already exists.
+        * @param aRootPathArray An array of drives from which to check.
+        * @param aDriveLetter Letter of the drive upon which is checked, if it
+        *        already exists.
+        * @return ETrue if drive already exists. Otherwise EFalse.
+        */
+        static TBool DriveAlreadyExists( CDesCArrayFlat& aRootPathArray,
+                                         TChar aDriveLetter );
+        /**
+        * Checks if drive's type is in included medias list.
+        * @param aDriveInfo info of the drive to be tested.
+        * @param aIncludedMedias bitflag list of desired media types.
+        * @return ETrue if drive's type is in included medias.
+        */
+        static TBool IsIncludedMedia( TDriveInfo aDriveInfo,
+                                      TInt aIncludedMedias );
+        /**
+        * Counts effective drives: Drives which contain recognised media and
+        * are not ROM or RAM. This function can be used to check if there are
+        * more than one effective drives.
+        *
+        * This also handles default cases such as omitting EDriveD and EDriveZ
+        * (ROM and RAM) because these drives should not be visible to the
+        * user anyway.
+        *
+        * @return Number of effective drives.
+        */
+        static TInt EffectiveDriveCountL();
+        /**
+        * Check if one drive is a remote drive
+        *
+        * @since 3.2
+        * @return If is a remote drive.
+        */
+        static TBool IsRemoteDrive( const TDesC& aDrive );
+        /**
+        * Get drive's memory type
+        *
+        * @since 5.0
+        * @return The memory type of given drive. See TMemoryTypes.
+        */
+        static AknCommonDialogsDynMem::TMemoryTypes
+            DriveMemoryTypeL( const TDriveNumber& aDrive );
+        /**
+         * Set free space count and unit indicating.
+         * @param aFreeSpace free space with unit "Byte".
+         * @param aUnitBuf return text.
+         */
+        static void SetSecondRowTextL( TInt64 aFreeSpace, TDes& aUnitBuf );
+        /**
+         * Get the count of user visible drives. This function can be used to
+         * define if memory selection dialog should be used instead of file
+         * selection dialog.
+         * 
+         * @param aIncludedMedias defines which medias are included in the
+         *        dialog. See TMemoryTypes
+         * @return Number of user visible drives.
+         */
+        static TInt UserVisibleDriveCountL( TInt aIncludedMedias );
+    };