changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/grid/inc/GRDSTD.H	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,753 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__GRDSTD_H__)
+#define __GRDSTD_H__
+#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
+#include <e32std.h>
+#if !defined(__GDI_H__)
+#include <gdi.h>
+#if !defined(__GRDCELLS_H__)
+#include <grdcells.h>
+#if !defined(__GRDDEF_H__)
+#include <grddef.h>
+class MGridTable
+/** An interface that can be implemented to provide row and column information.
+Note that for grids that have indefinite row boundaries, an implementation 
+is mandatory.
+A concrete implementation is passed to a CGridLay object through its CGridLay::ConstructL() 
+functions or its CGridLay::SetGridTable() function. 
+@released */
+	{
+	enum
+		{
+		/** The number of rows returned by the default implementation of RowExtent(). */
+		EDefaultRowExtent=20,
+		/** The number of columns returned by the default implementation of ColumnExtent(). */
+		EDefaultColumnExtent=20
+		};
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool RequestRow(TInt aRow,TInt& aReturnRow) const;//If used should be derived from
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt RowExtent() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt ColumnExtent() const;
+	};
+class TGridColors
+/** The grid colour specification.
+An object of this type encapsulates the colours to be used when drawing a 
+grid cell.
+@see CGridLabelImg */
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TGridColors();
+	IMPORT_C TGridColors(TRgb aForeground, TRgb aBackground, TRgb aLines, TRgb aLabelSeparators);
+	/** The foreground colour. */
+	TRgb iForeground;
+	/** The background colour. */
+	TRgb iBackground;
+	/** The colour of lines. */
+	TRgb iLines;
+	/** The colour of label separators. */
+	TRgb iLabelSeparators;
+//	TRgb iEdge;
+	};
+class RReadStream;
+class RWriteStream;
+class CStreamStore;
+class CGridImg;
+class CSparseMap;
+class CGridLay : public CBase
+/** Handles the layout of a grid, and controls how columns, rows and selections 
+@released */
+	{
+	friend class CGridImg;
+	/** Defines the order in which pages are printed. */
+	enum TPageOrder
+		{
+		/** All pages in a horizontal line are drawn before starting on the next horizontal 
+		line. */
+		ERightThenDown,
+		/** All pages in a vertical line are drawn before starting on the next vertical 
+		line to the right. */
+		EDownThenRight
+		};
+	/** Indicates whether the size of the grid should be adjusted when columns and 
+	rows are inserted or deleted. */
+	enum TFixGridRange
+		{
+		/** The grid range should not be adjusted on insertion or deletion of rows and/or columns. */
+		EFixGridRange,
+		/** The grid range can be adjusted on insertion or deletion of rows and/or columns. */	
+		EAdjustGridRange
+		};
+	IMPORT_C CGridLay(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aGraphicsDeviceMap);
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CGridLay* aGridLay,CGridImg* aGridImg);//Constructs Partial Copy
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const MGridTable *aGridTable,CGridImg *aGridImg,TInt aNoOfRows,TInt aNoOfCols);
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(const MGridTable *aGridTable,CGridImg *aGridImg,TInt aNoOfCols);
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CGridLay();
+	IMPORT_C TPoint PageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll);
+	IMPORT_C TPoint ExposeCell(const TCellRef &aCell);
+	IMPORT_C TPoint ExposeCellToTopLeft(const TCellRef &aCell);
+	IMPORT_C void SetGridImgL(CGridImg* aGridImg);
+	inline void SetGridTable(const MGridTable* aGridTable);
+	inline TRangeRef VisibleRange() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetVisibleRange(const TCellRef& aTopLeftCell);
+	inline TRangeRef TitleRange() const;
+	inline TRangeRef GridRange() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetGraphicsDeviceMap(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aGraphicsDeviceMap);
+	IMPORT_C void SetGridToDefault();
+	IMPORT_C TInt ColumnWidthInTwips(TInt aCol) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(TInt aCol,TInt aWidthInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(TInt aStartCol,TInt aEndCol,TInt aWidthInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C TInt DefaultColumnWidthInTwips() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips(TInt aWidthInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C void SetColumnWidthsToDefault();
+	IMPORT_C TInt MinColumnWidthInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetMinColumnWidthInPixels(TInt aWidthInPixels);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ColumnWidthOfSelectedInTwips() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetColumnWidthOfSelectedInTwipsL(TInt aWidthInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C TInt RowHeightInTwips(TInt aRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetRowHeightInTwipsL(TInt aRow,TInt aHeightInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetRowHeightInTwipsL(TInt aStartRow,TInt aEndRow,TInt aHeightInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C TInt DefaultRowHeightInTwips() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips(TInt aHeightInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C void SetRowHeightsToDefault();
+	IMPORT_C TInt MinRowHeightInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetMinRowHeightInPixels(TInt aHeightInPixels);
+	IMPORT_C TInt RowHeightOfSelectedInTwips() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetRowHeightOfSelectedInTwipsL(TInt aHeightInTwips);
+	IMPORT_C void RecalcPixelSparseMaps();
+	IMPORT_C void InsertDeleteColumns(TInt aStartCol,TInt aNoOfCols,
+		TFixGridRange aFixGridRange=EFixGridRange);
+	IMPORT_C void InsertDeleteRows(TInt aStartRow,TInt aNoOfRows,
+		TFixGridRange aFixGridRange=EFixGridRange);
+	inline TBool IsSideLabels() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetSideLabels(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsTopLabels() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetTopLabels(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsVerticalGridLines() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetVerticalGridLines(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsHorizontalGridLines() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetHorizontalGridLines(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsGridLabelSeparators() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetGridLabelSeparators(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsColumnBursting() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetColumnBursting(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsCursorVisible() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetCursorVisible(TBool aVisible);
+	inline TBool IsHighlightVisible() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetHighlightVisible(TBool aVisible);
+	inline TBool IsRowPermanentlySelected() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetRowPermanentlySelectedL(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsTitleLines() const;
+	inline TBool IsHorizontalTitleLine() const;
+	inline TBool IsVerticalTitleLine() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetTitleLinesL(TBool aState);
+	IMPORT_C void SetTitleLinesL(const TCellRef& aCellRef);
+	IMPORT_C void ToggleTitleLinesL();
+	inline TBool IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries() const;
+	inline TBool IsUniformRowHeight() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetUniformRowHeight(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsUniformColumnWidth() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetUniformColumnWidth(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsTopLabelDragDisabled() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetTopLabelDragDisabled(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsSideLabelDragDisabled() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetSideLabelDragDisabled(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsPrintedLabels() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetPrintedLabels(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsPrintedGridLines() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetPrintedGridLines(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsEncroachingCellBorders() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetEncroachingCellBorders(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsRowSelectionDisabled() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetRowSelectionDisabled(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsColumnSelectionDisabled() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetColumnSelectionDisabled(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsAutoClearGridCells() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetAutoClearGridCells(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsPageBreakLinesHidden() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetPageBreakLinesHidden(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool HasChanged() const;
+	inline void SetHasChanged(TBool aHasChanged);
+	inline void SetGridEdgeColor(TRgb aColor);
+	IMPORT_C TInt MinVisibleFromRow() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt MinVisibleFromColumn() const;
+	IMPORT_C void ResetVisibleToRow();
+	IMPORT_C void ResetVisibleToColumn();
+	IMPORT_C void ResetVisibleToCell();
+	IMPORT_C TInt RowExtent() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ColumnExtent() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt RowToYVal(TInt aRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt RowToYVal(TInt aStartRow,TInt aEndRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt VisibleRowToYVal(TInt aRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt TitleRowToYVal(TInt aTitleRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ColumnToXVal(TInt aCol) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ColumnToXVal(TInt aStartCol,TInt aEndCol) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt VisibleColumnToXVal(TInt aCol) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt TitleColumnToXVal(TInt aTitleCol) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt YValToRow(TInt aYVal) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt YValToRow(TInt aStartRow,TInt aDisp) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt YValToTitleRow(TInt aYVal) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt XValToColumn(TInt aXVal) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt XValToColumn(TInt aStartCol,TInt aDisp) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt XValToTitleColumn(TInt aXVal) const;
+	IMPORT_C TCellRef PointToCell(const TPoint &aPoint) const;
+	IMPORT_C TCellRef PointToCell(const TCellRef &aStartCell,const TPoint &aPointDisp) const;
+	IMPORT_C TPoint CellToPoint(const TCellRef &aCell) const;
+	IMPORT_C TPoint CellToPoint(const TCellRef &aStartCell,const TCellRef &aEndCell) const;
+	IMPORT_C TPoint TitleCellToPoint(const TCellRef& aTitleCell) const;
+	IMPORT_C TRect CellToRect(const TCellRef& aCell) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt YValToNearestRow(TInt aStartRow,TInt aDisp) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt XValToNearestColumn(TInt aStartCol,TInt aDisp) const;
+	IMPORT_C TSize TopLeftTitleRangeSize() const;
+	IMPORT_C void PaginateL();
+	IMPORT_C void ClearPagination();
+	IMPORT_C void NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	inline TBool IsPaginated() const;
+	IMPORT_C TRangeRef PageToRange(TInt aPageNo,TPageOrder aPageOrder) const;
+	inline void SetPrintRange(const TRangeRef& aPrintRange);
+	IMPORT_C TInt NoOfPages() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetPageSizeInTwipsL(const TSize& aPageSize);
+	inline TSize PageSizeInTwips() const;
+	inline TBool IsAutoPagination() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetAutoPagination(TBool aState);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsHardRowPageBreak(TInt aRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsHardColumnPageBreak(TInt aCol) const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetHardRowPageBreakL(TInt aRow);
+	IMPORT_C void ClearHardRowPageBreakL(TInt aRow);
+	IMPORT_C void SetHardColumnPageBreakL(TInt aCol);
+	IMPORT_C void ClearHardColumnPageBreakL(TInt aCol);
+	IMPORT_C void ClearAllHardPageBreaksL();
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream) const;
+	IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream);
+	IMPORT_C TStreamId StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore) const;
+	IMPORT_C void RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aStreamId);
+//	Setting the grid colors
+	IMPORT_C void SetGridColors(TGridColors aColors);
+//	Getting the grid colors
+	IMPORT_C const TGridColors& GridColors() const;
+	void SetIndefiniteRowBoundaries(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsVisibleToRowFullyVisible() const;
+	void SetVisibleToRowFullyVisible(TBool aState);
+	inline TBool IsVisibleToColumnFullyVisible() const;
+	void SetVisibleToColumnFullyVisible(TBool aState);
+	TInt ColumnWidthInPixels(TInt aCol) const;
+	void SetColumnWidthInPixelsL(TInt aCol,TInt aWidthInPixels);
+	void PreCheckColumnWidthChange(TInt aCol,TBool aNonZeroWidth);
+	void PostCheckColumnWidthChange(TInt aCol,TBool aNonZeroWidth);
+	TInt DefaultColumnWidthInPixels() const;
+	void SetDefaultColumnWidthInPixels(TInt aWidthInPixels);
+	TInt RowHeightInPixels(TInt aRow) const;
+	void SetRowHeightInPixelsL(TInt aRow,TInt aHeightInPixels);
+	void PreCheckRowHeightChange(TInt aRow,TBool aNonZeroHeight);
+	void PostCheckRowHeightChange(TInt aRow,TBool aNonZeroHeight);
+	TInt DefaultRowHeightInPixels() const;
+	void SetDefaultRowHeightInPixels(TInt aHeightInPixels);
+	TPoint CalcOffsetBetweenCells(const TCellRef& aCell1,const TCellRef& aCell2) const;
+	TBool LimitRow(TInt& aRow) const;
+	TBool LimitColumn(TInt &aColumn) const;
+	void LimitRow(TInt& aRow,TInt aLowerLimit,TInt aUpperLimit) const;
+	void LimitColumn(TInt& aCol,TInt aLowerLimit,TInt aUpperLimit) const;
+	TBool LimitCell(TCellRef& aCell) const;
+	void LimitRowToVisible(TInt& aRow) const;
+	void LimitColumnToVisible(TInt& aCol) const;
+	void LimitCellToVisible(TCellRef& aCell) const;
+	TBool IsCellOutOfVisibleRange(const TCellRef &aCell) const;
+	TBool IsCellOutOfGridRange(const TCellRef& aCell) const;
+	void StepRowForward(TInt& aRow) const;
+	void StepRowBackward(TInt& aRow) const;
+	void StepColumnForward(TInt& aCol) const;
+	void StepColumnBackward(TInt& aCol) const;
+	void CalcVisibleFromRow(TInt aVisibleToRow,TInt& aNewVisibleFromRow) const;
+	TBool CalcVisibleToRow(TInt aVisibleFromRow,TInt& aNewVisibleToRow) const;
+	void CalcVisibleFromColumn(TInt aVisibleToCol,TInt& aNewVisibleFromCol) const;
+	TBool CalcVisibleToColumn(TInt aVisibleFromCol,TInt& aNewVisibleToCol) const;
+	TInt CalcVisibleFromRowAfterPageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll) const;
+	TInt CalcVisibleFromColumnAfterPageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll) const;
+	TCellRef CalcVisibleFromCellAfterPageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll) const;
+	TBool FindNextRowPageBreak(TInt aSearchStart,TInt& aFoundRow) const;
+	TBool FindNextColumnPageBreak(TInt aSearchStart,TInt& aFoundCol) const;
+	void DoMainPaginationLoopL(TInt aPageSpan,CSparseMap* aCellSpanMap,CSparseMap* aPageMap,
+		CArrayFix<TInt>* aHardPageBreaks,TInt aStartId);
+	TBool RequestRow(TInt aRow,TInt& aReturnRow) const;
+	void ConstructL(const MGridTable *aGridTable,CGridImg *aGridImg,const TRangeRef& aGridRange);
+	enum 
+		{
+		EMaxArrayChanges=256,
+		EInitialDefaultRowHeightInTwips = 300,
+		EInitialDefaultColumnWidthInTwips = 900
+		};
+	enum
+		{
+		EIsTopLabels = 0x1,
+		EIsSideLabels = 0x2,
+		EIsHorizontalGridLines =  0x4,
+		EIsVerticalGridLines = 0x8,
+		EIsColumnBursting = 0x10,
+		EIsCursorVisible = 0x20,
+		EIsRowPermanentlySelected = 0x40,
+		EIsHorizontalTitleLine = 0x80,
+		EIsVerticalTitleLine = 0x100,
+		EIsIndefiniteRowBoundaries = 0x200,
+		EIsUniformRowHeight = 0x400,
+		EIsUniformColumnWidth = 0x800,
+		EIsTopLabelDragDisabled = 0x1000,
+		EIsSideLabelDragDisabled = 0x2000,
+		EIsPaginated = 0x4000,
+		EIsAutoPagination = 0x8000,
+		EIsPrintedLabels = 0x10000,
+		EIsPrintedGridLines = 0x20000,
+		EIsVisibleToRowFullyVisible = 0x40000,
+		EIsVisibleToColumnFullyVisible = 0x80000,
+		EIsEncroachingCellBorders = 0x100000,
+		EIsColumnSelectionDisabled = 0x200000,
+		EIsRowSelectionDisabled = 0x400000,
+		EIsAutoClearGridCells = 0x800000,
+		EIsGridLabelSeparators = 0x1000000,
+		EIsHighlightVisible = 0x2000000,
+		EIsPageBreakLinesHidden = 0x4000000
+		};
+	const MGridTable* iGridTable;
+	const MGraphicsDeviceMap* iGraphicsDeviceMap;		//*
+	CGridImg*   iGridImg;								//*
+// persistent
+	TRangeRef   iGridRange;								//*
+	TRangeRef   iVisibleRange;
+	TRangeRef   iTitleRange;
+	CSparseMap* iColumnWidthMap;						//*
+	CSparseMap* iRowHeightMap;							//*
+	CSparseMap* iColumnPageMap;							//*
+	CSparseMap* iRowPageMap;							//*
+	CArrayFix<TInt>* iHardRowPageBreaks;
+	CArrayFix<TInt>* iHardColumnPageBreaks;
+	TRgb		iGridEdgeColor;
+	TInt        iMinRowHeightInPixels;
+	TInt        iMinColumnWidthInPixels;
+	TSize       iPageSizeInTwips;						//*
+	TUint32		iFlags;									//* Starred items are used in printing
+	TGridColors iColors;
+// End of persistent data
+	TBool		iHasChanged;
+	};
+class CGridLabelImg : public CBase
+/** Draws a grid cell's label. 
+@released */
+	{
+	friend class CGridImg;
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CGridLabelImg();
+	IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
+	inline void SetGraphicsDeviceMap(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aGraphicsDeviceMap);
+	inline TFontSpec FontSpec() const;
+	IMPORT_C void ReleaseFont();
+	IMPORT_C void NotifyGraphicsDeviceMapChangeL();
+	inline void SetGridColors(const TGridColors& aGridColors);
+	IMPORT_C CGridLabelImg(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec,MGraphicsDeviceMap* aGraphicsDeviceMap);
+	IMPORT_C void DrawTopLeftLabelL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TRect& aRect, TRgb aColor) const;
+	/** Draws a row label.
+	@publishedAll 
+	@released
+	@param aGc The graphics context to be used.
+	@param aRow The row for which the label is to be drawn.
+	@param aRect The rectangle in which the label is to be drawn. */
+	virtual void DrawRowLabelL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,TInt aRow,const TRect& aRect) const=0;
+	/** Draws a column label.
+	@publishedAll 
+	@released
+	@param aGc The graphics context to be used.
+	@param aCol The column for which the label is to be drawn.
+	@param aRect The rectangle in which the label is to be drawn. */
+	virtual void DrawColLabelL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,TInt aCol,const TRect& aRect) const=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual void DrawTopLeftLabelL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt SideLabelWidthInPixels(TInt aStartRow,TInt aEndRow) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt TopLabelHeightInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual void DrawRowCursorL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
+	enum
+		{
+		/** The default width of side labels, in twips.
+		This is used by the default implementation of SideLabelWidthInPixels(). */
+		EDefaultSideLabelWidthInTwips=300,
+		/** The default height of top labels, in twips.
+		This is used by the default implementation of TopLabelHeightInPixels(). */
+		EDefaultTopLabelHeightInTwips=300
+		};
+	/** The nearest font to that specified in the font specification. */
+	CFont* iFont;
+	/** The font specification in device independent terms. */
+	TFontSpec iFontSpec;
+	/** The graphics device map, an interface for mapping between twips and device-specific 
+	units. */
+	MGraphicsDeviceMap* iGraphicsDeviceMap;
+	/** The grid colour specification. */
+	TGridColors iGridColors;
+	TInt iSpare;
+	};
+class CGridCellImg : public CBase
+/** Draws a grid cell's contents. 
+@released */
+	{
+	friend class CGridImg;
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CGridCellImg();
+	inline TInt BurstColOffset() const;
+	inline TInt BurstLeft() const;
+	inline TInt BurstRight() const;
+	inline TBool IsHorizontalGridLines() const;
+	inline TBool IsVerticalGridLines() const;
+	inline void SetGridColors(const TGridColors& aGridColors);
+	IMPORT_C CGridCellImg();
+	/** Draws the contents of the specified cell.
+	@publishedAll 
+	@released 
+	@param aGc The graphics context to be used.
+	@param aCell The cell whose contents are to be drawn.
+	@param aDrawRect The rectangle in which the cell is to be drawn. 
+	@param aClipRect The rectangle to which drawing is clipped. */
+	virtual void DrawL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TCellRef& aCell,const TRect& aDrawRect,
+		const TRect& aClipRect) const=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt DataWidthInPixelsL(const TCellRef& aCell) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool DoesCellContainDataL(const TCellRef& aCell) const;
+// reserved virtual function
+	IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
+	void SetBurstingData(TInt aBurstColOffset=0,TInt aBurstLeft=0,TInt aBurstRight=0);
+	enum { EIsHorizontalGridLines = 0x1, EIsVerticalGridLines = 0x2 };
+	/** The grid colour specification. */
+	TGridColors iGridColors;
+	TInt iBurstColOffset;
+	TInt iBurstLeft;
+	TInt iBurstRight;
+	TUint32 iGridLineFlags;
+	};
+class MGridCursorMoveCallBack
+/** An interface to a callback function that is intended to be called whenever 
+there is a change to the cursor position.
+If such a callback is needed, a concrete implementation is defined, instantiated 
+and passed to CGridImg::SetCursorMoveCallBack(). 
+@released */
+	{
+	/** Deals with the change to the cursor position.
+	This function is called immediately before exiting the following functions: 
+	CGridImg::SetCursorPosL(), CGridImg::SetAnchorPosL(), CGridImg::MoveCursorL(),CGridImg::ResetSelectedL(), 
+	CGridImg::AddRangeToSelectedL(), CGridImg::AddRegionToSelectedL(), CGridImg::AddRowToSelectedL(), 
+	CGridImg::AddColToSelectedL().
+	The function is commonly used to do any necessary redrawing. */
+	virtual void HandleCursorMoveL()=0;
+	};
+class RWindow;
+class CWindowGc;
+class CGridImg : public CBase
+/** Draws the contents of the grid. 
+	{
+	friend class CGridLay;
+	enum
+		{
+		/** Indicates that the selection state is to be maintained.
+		If a region of cells is selected, then this selection is to be kept.
+		Typically, this is set by a control when a drag operation is in 
+		progress and the shift modifier key is also pressed. */
+		EIsWithSelect=0x0001,
+		/** Indicates that the control modifier key has been pressed. */
+		EIsWithControl=0x0002,
+		/** Indicates that a drag operation is in progress.	*/
+		EIsWithDrag=0x0004,
+		/** Indicates that the cursor is the edge of the grid. */
+		EIsAtBoundary=0x0008,
+		/** Indicates that a new cell is being selected, without dragging. */
+		EIsAbsoluteMove=0x0010,
+		/** Indicates that a whole row is selected. */
+		EIsRowSelected=0x0020,
+		/** Indicates that a whole column is selected.
+		This also means that the label cell for the column is included in the selection. */
+		EIsColumnSelected=0x0040
+		};
+	enum 
+		{
+		/** Defines a scale value of 100. 
+		Scale factor values are divided into this value to calculate
+		drawing points, rectangles etc. */
+		EScaleOneToOne=100
+		};
+	enum TSelectType
+		{
+		/** Indicates that an existing selected region is to be reset (i.e. emptied) before 
+		adding a new region. */
+		ESelectOverwrite, 
+		/** Indicates that a new region is to be appended to any existing selected region. */
+		ESelectAppend 
+		};
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CGridImg();
+	IMPORT_C static CGridImg* NewL(CGraphicsDevice* aGraphicsDevice,CGridCellImg* aGridCellImg,CGridLay* aGridLay);
+	IMPORT_C static CGridImg* NewL(CGridCellImg* aGridCellImg,CGridLay* aGridLay); //Creates Partial GridImg
+	inline void SetGridLay(CGridLay* aGridLay);
+	inline void SetWindow(RWindow* aWin);
+	IMPORT_C void SetGridLabelImg(CGridLabelImg* aGridLabelImg);
+	inline void SetCursorMoveCallBack(MGridCursorMoveCallBack* aCursorMoveCallBack);
+	inline const CGridCellRegion* Selected() const;
+	inline const CGridLabelImg* GridLabelImg() const;
+	IMPORT_C void ScrollL(const TPoint &aOffset);
+	IMPORT_C void MoveCursorL(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aCursorMove,TUint aSelectState);
+   	IMPORT_C void SetCursorWithPointerL(const TPoint& aPoint,TUint aFlagList);
+	IMPORT_C void ResetSelectedL();
+	IMPORT_C void AddRangeToSelectedL(const TRangeRef& aRange,TSelectType aType=ESelectOverwrite);
+	IMPORT_C void AddRegionToSelectedL(const CArrayFix<TRangeRef>* aCellRegion,TSelectType aType=ESelectOverwrite);
+	IMPORT_C void AddRowToSelectedL(TInt aRow,TSelectType aType=ESelectOverwrite);
+	IMPORT_C void AddColToSelectedL(TInt aCol,TSelectType aType=ESelectOverwrite);
+	IMPORT_C void DrawL(CGraphicsContext* aGc) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TRect& aRect) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawCellL(const TCellRef& aCell) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawRangeL(const TRangeRef& aRange) const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawSelectedL() const;
+	IMPORT_C void DrawTitleLines() const;
+	IMPORT_C void ClearTitleLineRegionL(const TPoint& aCrossPoint) const;
+	IMPORT_C void PrintGridLinesAndCellsInRangeL(CGraphicsContext* aPrinterGc,const TRangeRef& aRange,
+		TInt aScaleFactor) const;
+	inline TCellRef CursorPos() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPosL(const TCellRef& aCursorPos);
+	inline TCellRef NewCursorPos() const;
+	inline TCellRef AnchorPos() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetAnchorPosL(const TCellRef& aAnchorPos);
+	inline TRect GridRect() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetGridRect(const TRect& aNewRect);
+	IMPORT_C void SetPrintGridRect(const TRect& aPrintRect);
+	inline TPoint TitlePoint() const;
+	inline TPoint MainPoint() const;
+	inline TRect MainRect() const;
+	IMPORT_C void ResetReferencePoints();
+	IMPORT_C void NotifyGridRangeResize();
+	IMPORT_C void CheckSideLabelWidthAndScrollL();
+	IMPORT_C TInt CheckSideLabelWidth();
+	IMPORT_C TInt SideLabelWidthInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt MaxSideLabelWidthInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt TopLabelHeightInPixels() const;
+	IMPORT_C void FinishLabelDragL();
+	IMPORT_C TBool StartLabelDrag(const TPoint &aPoint);
+	IMPORT_C TBool UpdateLabelDrag(const TPoint &aPoint);
+	IMPORT_C TBool StartLabelResize(TBool aIsColumnLabel, TInt aIndex);
+	IMPORT_C TBool UpdateLabelResize(TInt aDelta);
+	IMPORT_C void FinishLabelResizeL(TBool aResize);
+	enum TDragDim {EXDrag,EYDrag,ENoDrag};
+	enum TRefPoint {ETitleRef,EMainRef};
+	enum TDragDraw {EDragDrawWithBitmap,EDragDrawWithoutBitmap};
+	enum TArrows {EBothArrows,ESecondArrowOnly};
+	enum
+		{
+		EIsLabelDraggingIgnored = 0x1,
+		EIsSidewaysScrollIgnored = 0x2
+		};
+	void DrawResizingDragHiglights(const TRect& aRect);
+	void DrawAllGridLabelsL() const;
+	void DrawTopLeftGridLabelL() const;
+	void DrawTopGridLabelsL(TInt aStartCol,TInt aEndCol,TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef) const;
+	void DrawSideGridLabelsL(TInt aStartRow,TInt aEndRow,TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	void DrawSideGridLabelIfOnScreenL(TInt aRow) const;
+	void DrawAllGridLinesAndCellsL() const;
+	void DrawGridLinesAndCellsInRangeL(const TRangeRef& aRange,const TRect& aClipRect,
+		TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef,TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	void DrawCellsToGcL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TRangeRef& aRange,const TRect& aClipRect,
+		const TPoint& aStartPoint,TInt aScaleFactor=EScaleOneToOne) const;
+	void DrawBurstingCellL(CGraphicsContext* aGc,const TCellRef& aCell,const TRect& aRect,const TRect& aClipRect,
+		TInt aScaleFactor,TInt aBurstLeft,const TCellRef& aBurstCell) const;
+	TInt CalcBurstLeftL(TCellRef& aBurstCell,TInt aScaleFactor) const;
+	TInt CalcBurstRightL(const TCellRef& aCell,TInt aExcessRight,TInt aScaleFactor) const;
+	void DrawVerticalTitleLine() const;
+	void DrawHorizontalTitleLine() const;
+	void BeginRedrawAndDrawL() const;
+	void BeginRedrawAndDrawL(const TRect& aRect) const;
+	void AppendTotalHighlightRegionL(TRegion& aRegion) const;
+	void AppendPartialHighlightRegionL(TRegion& aRegion,const TRect& aClipRect,
+		TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef,TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	void RemoveRowLabelFromRegionL(TInt aRow,TRegion& aRegion) const;
+	void HighlightMinRegionL(const TRegion &aOldRegion,const TRegion &aNewRegion);
+	void HighlightRegion(const TRegion &aRegion) const;
+	void HighlightNewRegionFromOldL(const TRegion& aOldRegion);
+	void DrawCursorOrRegionL(TUint aMoveFlags);
+	void UpdateSelectedRegion(TInt aSelectCount,TUint aMoveFlags);
+	void AddLabelToRegionL(TUint aMoveFlags);
+	void StartSelectedRegionL(TUint aMoveFlags);
+	TBool ScanColumnsForDrag(TInt aFromColumn,TInt aToColumn,TInt aPointerPos,TInt& aPrevious,TInt& aCurrent);
+	TBool ScanRowsForDrag(TInt aFromRow,TInt aToRow,TInt aPointerPos,TInt& aPrevious,TInt& aCurrent);
+	void DrawDraggingHighlight(const TRect aLine,TDragDraw aDragDraw);
+	void DrawArrowsToInMemoryBitmap(TArrows aArrows);
+	TPoint RelativeCellToPoint(const TCellRef& aCell,TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef,
+		TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	TCellRef RelativePointToCell(const TPoint& aPoint,TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef,
+		TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	TRect PartialCellRectL(const TCellRef& aCell,const TRect& aClipRect,
+		TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef,TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	TRect PartialRangeRect(const TRangeRef& aRange,const TRect& aClipRect,
+		TRefPoint aXRef=EMainRef,TRefPoint aYRef=EMainRef) const;
+	void CreateGc(CGraphicsContext* aGc);
+	void DeleteGc();
+	static void CleanupGc(TAny* aObject);
+	void ResetGcToDefault(CGraphicsContext* aGc) const;
+	void ScaleDown(TPoint& aPoint,TInt aScaleFactor) const;
+	void ConstructSelectedL(const TRangeRef& aGridRange);
+	CGridImg(CGraphicsDevice* aGraphicsDevice,CGridCellImg* aGridCellImg,CGridLay* aGridLay);
+	CGridImg(CGridCellImg* aGridCellImg,CGridLay* aGridLay);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void SetGridColors(const TGridColors& aGridColors);
+	TRect		iGridRect;
+	TPoint		iTitlePoint;
+	TPoint		iMainPoint;
+	TCellRef	iCursorPos;							// Persisted
+	TCellRef 	iNewCursorPos;
+	TCellRef	iAnchorPos;
+	CGraphicsDevice*	iGraphicsDevice;
+	CGraphicsContext*	iGcPtr;
+	CWindowGc*			iGc;
+	RWindow*			iWin;
+	CGridCellImg*		iGridCellImg;				//*
+	CGridLabelImg*		iGridLabelImg;              //*
+	CGridLay*			iGridLay;					//* Starred items are used in printing
+	CGridCellRegion*		iSelected;
+	MGridCursorMoveCallBack*	iCursorMoveCallBack;
+	TBool		iDrawResizeLines;
+	TInt 		iDragLabel;
+	TInt		iCurrentDragPos;
+	TInt		iDragDiff;
+	TInt		iDragFlags;
+	TDragDim	iDragDim;
+	CFbsBitmap*	iDragBmp;
+	TRefPoint 	iXRefPoint;
+	TRefPoint	iYRefPoint;
+	};
+class TGridUtils
+/** A collection of Grid utilities. 
+@released */
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static void FillRect(CGraphicsContext* aGc,TRgb aColor,const TRect &aRect);
+	};
+#include <grdstd.inl>