changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/grid/src/GRDLAY.CPP	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2596 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// The data members of the class CGridLay are as follows:-
+// iGridRange - the range of cells that define the grid boundary.
+// iVisibleRange - the range of cells within the grid that are visible
+// in the active window. iVisibleRange.iFrom is the cell reference
+// of the top left cell in the window with respect to iGridRange
+// (i.e not necessarily (1, 1)). iVisibleRange.iTo is the cell that is
+// partially visible at the bottom right of the window.
+// *iGridTable, *iGridImg - allows access to the data in these classes.
+// *iColumnWidthMap,*iRowHeightMap - pointers to an array of column/row heights/widths
+#include <s32strm.h>
+#include "GRDSTD.H"
+#include "GRDMAP.H"
+#include "GRDPANIC.H"
+#define KRgbGridForeground			TRgb(0,0,0)			// Black
+#define KRgbGridBackground			TRgb(255,255,255)	// White
+#define KRgbGridLines				TRgb(170,170,170)	// Light Gray
+#define KRgbGridLabelSeparators		TRgb(0,0,0)
+RWriteStream& operator<<(RWriteStream& aStream,const TInt& aInt)
+	{
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(aInt);
+	return aStream;
+	}
+RReadStream& operator>>(RReadStream &aStream,TInt& aInt)
+	{
+	aInt = aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	return aStream;
+	}
+// TGridColors class
+EXPORT_C TGridColors::TGridColors() :
+	iForeground(KRgbGridForeground),
+	iBackground(KRgbGridBackground),
+	iLines(KRgbGridLines),
+	iLabelSeparators(KRgbGridLabelSeparators)
+/** Default constructor.
+Sets the colours to their default values: foreground colour to the RGB value 
+TRgb(0,0,0), background colour to the RGB value TRgb(255,255,255), the colour 
+of lines to the RGB value TRgb(170,170,170), and the colour of label separators 
+to the RGB value TRgb(0,0,0). */
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C TGridColors::TGridColors(TRgb aForeground, TRgb aBackground, TRgb aLines, TRgb aLabelSeparators) :
+	iForeground(aForeground),
+	iBackground(aBackground),
+	iLines(aLines),
+	iLabelSeparators(aLabelSeparators)
+/** Constructor setting the colour values.
+@param aForeground The foreground colour value.
+@param aBackground The background colour value.
+@param aLines The colour of lines.
+@param aLabelSeparators The colour of label separators. */
+	{
+	}
+// CGridLay stuff
+EXPORT_C CGridLay::CGridLay(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aGraphicsDeviceMap)
+	: iGraphicsDeviceMap(aGraphicsDeviceMap)
+/** Constructor taking an object that implements mapping between twips and device-specific 
+@param aGraphicsDeviceMap An object that implements the interface for mapping 
+between twips and device-specific units. Typically, this is a TZoomFactor 
+object. */
+	{
+	}
+LOCAL_C void CopyIntArrayL(const CArrayFix<TInt>* aSource,CArrayFix<TInt>*& aDest)
+	{
+	TInt count=aSource->Count();
+	aDest = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(Max(count,1));
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+		aDest->AppendL((*aSource)[ii]);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ConstructL(CGridLay* aGridLay,CGridImg* aGridImg)
+// Constructs a partial gridLay object for printing with the same data as the passed object.
+// - Assumes the zoom factor has already been set
+// - New Sparse maps are created
+/** A second-phase constructor, taking an existing grid layout object, that constructs 
+a partial layout object for printing.
+The function assumes that the zoom factor has already been set.
+@param aGridLay Pointer to an existing grid layout object.
+@param aGridImg Pointer to an existing grid image object. */
+	{
+	iGridImg=aGridImg;
+	iGridTable=aGridLay->iGridTable;
+	iGridRange=aGridLay->iGridRange;
+	iColumnWidthMap = CSparseMap::NewL(aGridLay->iColumnWidthMap);
+	CopyIntArrayL(aGridLay->iHardRowPageBreaks,iHardRowPageBreaks);
+	CopyIntArrayL(aGridLay->iHardColumnPageBreaks,iHardColumnPageBreaks);
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aGridLay->iPageSizeInTwips;
+	iRowHeightMap = CSparseMap::NewL(aGridLay->iRowHeightMap);
+	RecalcPixelSparseMaps();
+	iFlags=aGridLay->iFlags;
+	if (IsPaginated())
+		{
+		ClearPagination();
+		PaginateL();
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ConstructL(const MGridTable *aGridTable,CGridImg *aGridImg,TInt aNoOfRows,TInt aNoOfCols)
+/** A second-phase constructor for constructing the object with definite row boundaries.
+@param aGridTable A pointer to the grid table.
+@param aGridImg Pointer to a grid image object.
+@param aNoOfRows The number of rows in the grid.
+@param aNoOfCols The number of columns in the grid. */
+	{
+	TRangeRef gridRange(0,0,aNoOfRows-1,aNoOfCols-1);
+	ConstructL(aGridTable,aGridImg,gridRange);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ConstructL(const MGridTable *aGridTable,CGridImg *aGridImg,TInt aNoOfCols)
+/** A second-phase constructor for constructing the object with indefinite row 
+@param aGridTable A pointer to the grid table.
+@param aGridImg Pointer to a grid image object.
+@param aNoOfCols The number of columns in the grid. */
+	{
+	SetIndefiniteRowBoundaries(ETrue);
+	TRangeRef gridRange(-KMaxTInt,0,KMaxTInt,aNoOfCols-1);
+	ConstructL(aGridTable,aGridImg,gridRange);
+	}
+void CGridLay::ConstructL(const MGridTable *aGridTable,CGridImg *aGridImg,const TRangeRef& aGridRange)
+// Initialization of member data in CGridLay
+	{
+	iGridTable = aGridTable;
+	iGridImg = aGridImg;
+	iGridRange = aGridRange;
+	iColumnWidthMap = CSparseMap::NewL();
+	iRowHeightMap = CSparseMap::NewL();
+	iHardRowPageBreaks = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(1);
+	iHardColumnPageBreaks = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(1);
+	SetGridToDefault();
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ConstructSelectedL(iGridRange);
+	iHasChanged=EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetGridImgL(CGridImg* aGridImg)
+/** Sets the specified grid image object.
+@param aGridImg The grid image object that draws the contents of the grid. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	iGridImg=aGridImg;
+	iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToCell();
+	iGridImg->CheckSideLabelWidth();
+	iGridImg->ConstructSelectedL(iGridRange);
+	if (IsPaginated())	// Internalize will fail to paginate if NULL gridimg
+		{
+		ClearPagination();
+		PaginateL();
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C CGridLay::~CGridLay()
+/** Destructor.
+Frees resources prior to destruction of the object. */
+	{
+	delete iColumnWidthMap;
+	delete iRowHeightMap;
+	delete iColumnPageMap;
+	delete iRowPageMap;
+	delete iHardRowPageBreaks;
+	delete iHardColumnPageBreaks;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetGraphicsDeviceMap(MGraphicsDeviceMap* aGraphicsDeviceMap)
+/** Sets the graphics device map to be used.
+@param aGraphicsDeviceMap The graphics device map: an interface for mapping 
+between twips and device-specific units. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	iGraphicsDeviceMap=aGraphicsDeviceMap;
+	RecalcPixelSparseMaps();
+	iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToCell();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetGridToDefault()
+/** Resets the grid to its default layout. */
+	{
+	iRowHeightMap->ResetArray();
+	iColumnWidthMap->ResetArray();
+	iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInTwips(EInitialDefaultRowHeightInTwips);
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInTwips(EInitialDefaultColumnWidthInTwips);
+	RecalcPixelSparseMaps();
+	ClearPagination();
+	iHardRowPageBreaks->Reset();
+	iHardColumnPageBreaks->Reset();
+	iMinRowHeightInPixels=0;
+	iMinColumnWidthInPixels=0;
+	TBool isIndefiniteRowBoundaries=IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries();
+	iFlags=EIsTopLabels|EIsSideLabels|EIsHorizontalGridLines|EIsVerticalGridLines|EIsGridLabelSeparators
+		|EIsCursorVisible|EIsHighlightVisible|EIsPrintedGridLines|EIsAutoClearGridCells;
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		iGridImg->SetGridLay(this);
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		}
+	if (isIndefiniteRowBoundaries)
+		{
+		iFlags|=EIsIndefiniteRowBoundaries;
+		iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow=0;
+		}
+	else
+		iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow=iGridRange.iFrom.iRow;
+	iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol=iGridRange.iFrom.iCol;
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		ResetVisibleToCell();
+		iGridImg->CheckSideLabelWidth();
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetVisibleRange(const TCellRef& aTopLeftCell)
+/** Scrolls the grid so that the specified cell is visible in the top left corner 
+of the grid.
+@param aTopLeftCell The cell to be made visible in the top left corner of 
+the visible grid. */
+	{
+	iVisibleRange.iFrom = aTopLeftCell;
+	ResetVisibleToCell();
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPoint CGridLay::ExposeCell(const TCellRef &aCell)
+/** Scrolls the grid by the minimum necessary to allow the specified cell to become 
+@param aCell The cell to be made visible.
+@return The number of pixels scrolled, in the x and y directions. */
+	{
+	TCellRef cell=aCell;
+	LimitCellToVisible(cell);
+	TCellRef newVisFromCell=iVisibleRange.iFrom;
+	TInt visibilityCorr = (IsVisibleToRowFullyVisible()) ? 0 : 1;
+	if (iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow>=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+		{
+	    if (cell.iRow+visibilityCorr>iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow)
+		    {
+		    if (iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow!=iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow)
+			    CalcVisibleFromRow(cell.iRow+1,newVisFromCell.iRow);
+		    else
+			    newVisFromCell.iRow=cell.iRow;
+		    }
+	    else if (cell.iRow<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+		    newVisFromCell.iRow=cell.iRow;
+        }
+	visibilityCorr = (IsVisibleToColumnFullyVisible()) ? 0 : 1;
+	if (iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol>=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+		{
+	    if (cell.iCol+visibilityCorr>iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol)
+		    {
+		    if (iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol!=iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol)
+			    CalcVisibleFromColumn(cell.iCol+1,newVisFromCell.iCol);
+		    else
+			    newVisFromCell.iCol=cell.iCol;
+		    }
+	    else if (cell.iCol<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+		    newVisFromCell.iCol=cell.iCol;
+        }
+	TPoint offset=CalcOffsetBetweenCells(iVisibleRange.iFrom,newVisFromCell);
+	SetVisibleRange(newVisFromCell);
+	return (offset);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPoint CGridLay::ExposeCellToTopLeft(const TCellRef &aCell)
+/** Scrolls the grid by the minimum necessary so that the specified cell is in 
+the top left corner of the visible grid.
+@param aCell The cell to be made visible in the top left corner of the visible 
+@return The number of pixels scrolled, in the x and y directions. */
+	{
+	TCellRef cell=aCell;
+	LimitCellToVisible(cell);
+	TPoint offset=CalcOffsetBetweenCells(iVisibleRange.iFrom,cell);
+	SetVisibleRange(cell);
+	return offset;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPoint CGridLay::PageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll)
+// Same as CalcScroll but updates iVisibleRange to the new value.
+/** Scrolls the grid by one page.
+@param aPageScroll The direction and amount by which to scroll.
+@return The number of pixels scrolled, in the x and y directions. This represents 
+the amount of scrolling required to move from the start of the old visible 
+range to the start of the new visible range. */
+	{
+	TRangeRef newVisRange;
+	newVisRange.iFrom=CalcVisibleFromCellAfterPageScroll(aPageScroll);
+	TPoint offset=CalcOffsetBetweenCells(iVisibleRange.iFrom,newVisRange.iFrom);
+	SetVisibleRange(newVisRange.iFrom);
+	return offset;
+	}
+TInt CGridLay::ColumnWidthInPixels(TInt aCol) const
+	{
+	return iColumnWidthMap->ValueInPixels(aCol);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::ColumnWidthInTwips(TInt aCol) const
+/** Gets the width of the specified column.
+@param aCol The column number.
+@return The width of the column, in twips. */
+	{
+	return iColumnWidthMap->ValueInTwips(aCol);
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetColumnWidthInPixelsL(TInt aCol,TInt aWidthInPixels)
+// Set the given column to the given width. Ensures that the visible range is
+// left with sensible values
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGraphicsDeviceMap!=NULL,Panic(EGridNullGraphicsDeviceMap));
+	aWidthInPixels=Max(aWidthInPixels,iMinColumnWidthInPixels);
+	PreCheckColumnWidthChange(aCol,aWidthInPixels);
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetL(aCol,iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aWidthInPixels),aWidthInPixels);
+	PostCheckColumnWidthChange(aCol,aWidthInPixels);
+	}
+void CGridLay::PreCheckColumnWidthChange(TInt aCol,TBool aNonZeroWidth)
+	{
+	if (aNonZeroWidth)
+		{
+		TInt col=aCol;
+		StepColumnForward(col);
+		if (IsVerticalTitleLine() && col==iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+			iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol=aCol;
+		else if ((!IsVerticalTitleLine() || col>iTitleRange.iTo.iCol) && col==iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+			iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol=aCol;
+		}
+	}
+void CGridLay::PostCheckColumnWidthChange(TInt aCol,TBool aNonZeroWidth)
+	{
+	if (!aNonZeroWidth)
+		{
+		if (IsVerticalTitleLine() && aCol==iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+			StepColumnForward(iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol);
+		if (aCol==iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+			StepColumnForward(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol);
+		}
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToColumn();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(TInt aCol,TInt aWidthInTwips)
+// Set the given column to the given width. Ensures that the visible range is
+// left with sensible values
+/** Sets the width of the specified column.
+Note that the width cannot be set smaller than the minimum defined column 
+@param aCol The number of the column whose width is to be set.
+@param aWidthInTwips The width of the column, in twips.
+@panic GRIDIMG 9 In debug mode, if no MGraphicsDeviceMap object has been set.
+@see MinColumnWidthInPixels() */
+	{
+	TInt widthInPixels=0;
+	if (iGraphicsDeviceMap)
+		{
+		widthInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(aWidthInTwips);
+		if (widthInPixels<iMinColumnWidthInPixels)
+			{
+			widthInPixels=iMinColumnWidthInPixels;
+			aWidthInTwips=iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(widthInPixels);
+			}
+		}
+	PreCheckColumnWidthChange(aCol,aWidthInTwips);
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetL(aCol,aWidthInTwips,widthInPixels);
+	PostCheckColumnWidthChange(aCol,aWidthInTwips);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(TInt aStartCol,TInt aEndCol,TInt aWidthInTwips)
+/** Sets the widths of all specified columns to the specified value.
+@param aStartCol The first column whose width is to be set.
+@param aEndCol The last column whose width is to be set.
+@param aWidthInTwips The width of the columns, in twips. Note that if the specified 
+columns span the whole grid, then the function sets this value as the default 
+width of all columns through a call to SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips().
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrTooBig if the difference between the two 
+column numbers is greater than EMaxArrayChanges. */
+	{
+	if (aStartCol==iGridRange.iFrom.iCol && aEndCol==iGridRange.iTo.iCol)
+		{
+		SetColumnWidthsToDefault();
+		SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips(aWidthInTwips);
+		}
+	else if (aEndCol-aStartCol>EMaxArrayChanges)
+		return KErrTooBig;
+	else
+		{
+		for (;aStartCol<=aEndCol;aStartCol++)
+			SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(aStartCol,aWidthInTwips);
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CGridLay::DefaultColumnWidthInPixels() const
+	{
+	return iColumnWidthMap->DefaultValueInPixels();
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::DefaultColumnWidthInTwips() const
+/** Gets the default width of columns.
+@return The default width of columns, in twips. */
+	{
+	return iColumnWidthMap->DefaultValueInTwips();
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetDefaultColumnWidthInPixels(TInt aWidthInPixels)
+	{
+	if (aWidthInPixels==0)
+		return;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGraphicsDeviceMap!=NULL,Panic(EGridNullGraphicsDeviceMap));
+	aWidthInPixels=Max(aWidthInPixels,iMinColumnWidthInPixels);
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(aWidthInPixels);
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInTwips(iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(aWidthInPixels));
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToColumn();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips(TInt aWidthInTwips)
+/** Sets the column width default value.
+Note that the width cannot be set smaller than the minimum defined column 
+@param aWidthInTwips The width of columns, in twips.
+@see SetMinColumnWidthInPixels()
+@see MinColumnWidthInPixels() */
+	{
+	if (aWidthInTwips==0)
+		return;
+	if (iGraphicsDeviceMap)
+		{
+		TInt widthInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(aWidthInTwips);
+		if (widthInPixels<iMinColumnWidthInPixels)
+			{
+			widthInPixels=iMinColumnWidthInPixels;
+			aWidthInTwips=iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalPixelsToTwips(widthInPixels);
+			}
+		iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(widthInPixels);
+		}
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInTwips(aWidthInTwips);
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToColumn();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetColumnWidthsToDefault()
+/** Sets the widths of all columns to the default value.
+@see SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips() */
+	{
+	iColumnWidthMap->ResetArray();
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToColumn();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::MinColumnWidthInPixels() const
+/** Gets the minimum width of columns.
+@return The minimum width of columns, in pixels. */
+	{
+	return iMinColumnWidthInPixels;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetMinColumnWidthInPixels(TInt aWidthInPixels)
+/** Sets the minimum width of columns.
+@param aWidthInPixels The minimum width of columns, in pixels. */
+	{
+	iMinColumnWidthInPixels=aWidthInPixels;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::ColumnWidthOfSelectedInTwips() const
+/** Gets the width of columns in the selected region.
+@return The column width, in twips, if all columns in the selected region 
+have the same width; -1, otherwise.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 If this grid layout object has no grid image object. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	if (IsUniformColumnWidth())
+		return DefaultColumnWidthInTwips();
+	const CGridCellRegion* selected=iGridImg->Selected();
+	TInt count=selected->Count();
+	if (!count)
+		return ColumnWidthInTwips(iGridImg->CursorPos().iCol);
+	if (selected->IsAnyRowSelected())
+		return iColumnWidthMap->Count() ? -1 : DefaultColumnWidthInTwips();
+	TInt width=ColumnWidthInTwips((*selected)[count-1].iFrom.iCol);
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+		{
+		TRangeRef range=(*selected)[ii];
+		for (;range.iFrom.iCol<=range.iTo.iCol;range.iFrom.iCol++)
+			{
+			if (ColumnWidthInTwips(range.iFrom.iCol)!=width)
+				return -1; //Inconsistent widths
+			}
+		}
+	return width;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetColumnWidthOfSelectedInTwipsL(TInt aWidthInTwips)
+/** Sets the widths of all columns in the selected region to the specified value.
+@param aWidthInTwips The column width, in twips.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 If this grid layout object has no grid image object. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	const CGridCellRegion* selected=iGridImg->Selected();
+	if (selected->IsAnyRowSelected() || IsUniformColumnWidth())
+		{
+		iColumnWidthMap->ResetArray();
+		SetDefaultColumnWidthInTwips(aWidthInTwips);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TInt count=selected->Count();
+		if (!count)
+			SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(iGridImg->CursorPos().iCol,aWidthInTwips);
+		for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+			{
+			TRangeRef range=(*selected)[ii];
+			if ((range.iTo.iCol-range.iFrom.iCol)>EMaxArrayChanges)
+				continue;
+			for (;range.iFrom.iCol<=range.iTo.iCol;range.iFrom.iCol++)
+				SetColumnWidthInTwipsL(range.iFrom.iCol,aWidthInTwips);
+			}
+		}
+	NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	}
+TInt CGridLay::RowHeightInPixels(TInt aRow) const
+	{
+	return iRowHeightMap->ValueInPixels(aRow);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::RowHeightInTwips(TInt aRow) const
+/** Gets the height of the specified row.
+@param aRow The row number.
+@return The height of the row, in twips. */
+	{
+	return iRowHeightMap->ValueInTwips(aRow);
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetRowHeightInPixelsL(TInt aRow,TInt aHeightInPixels)
+// Similar to SetColumnWidthInPixelsL (remember this may be limited to the min row height)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGraphicsDeviceMap!=NULL,Panic(EGridNullGraphicsDeviceMap));
+	aHeightInPixels=Max(aHeightInPixels,iMinRowHeightInPixels);
+	PreCheckRowHeightChange(aRow,aHeightInPixels);
+	iRowHeightMap->SetL(aRow,iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aHeightInPixels),aHeightInPixels);
+	PostCheckRowHeightChange(aRow,aHeightInPixels);
+	}
+void CGridLay::PreCheckRowHeightChange(TInt aRow,TBool aNonZeroHeight)
+	{
+	if (aNonZeroHeight)
+		{
+		TInt row=aRow;
+		StepRowForward(row);
+		if (IsHorizontalTitleLine() && row==iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+			iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow=aRow;
+		else if ((!IsHorizontalTitleLine() || row>iTitleRange.iTo.iRow) && row==iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+			iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow=aRow;
+		}
+	}
+void CGridLay::PostCheckRowHeightChange(TInt aRow,TBool aNonZeroHeight)
+	{
+	if (!aNonZeroHeight)
+		{
+		if (IsHorizontalTitleLine() && aRow==iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+			StepRowForward(iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow);
+		if (aRow==iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+			StepRowForward(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow);
+		}
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToRow();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetRowHeightInTwipsL(TInt aRow,TInt aHeightInTwips)
+// Similar to SetColumnWidthInTwipsL (remember this may be limited to the min row height)
+/** Sets the height of the specified row.
+Note that the height cannot be set smaller than the minimum defined row height.
+@param aRow The number of row whose height is to be set.
+@param aHeightInTwips The height of the row, in twips.
+@see MinRowHeightInPixels() */
+	{
+	TInt heightInPixels=0;
+	if (iGraphicsDeviceMap)
+		{
+		heightInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalTwipsToPixels(aHeightInTwips);
+		if (heightInPixels<iMinRowHeightInPixels)
+			{
+			heightInPixels=iMinRowHeightInPixels;
+			aHeightInTwips=iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(heightInPixels);
+			}
+		}
+	PreCheckRowHeightChange(aRow,aHeightInTwips);
+	iRowHeightMap->SetL(aRow,aHeightInTwips,heightInPixels);
+	PostCheckRowHeightChange(aRow,aHeightInTwips);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::SetRowHeightInTwipsL(TInt aStartRow,TInt aEndRow,TInt aHeightInTwips)
+/** Sets the heights of all specified rows to the specified value.
+@param aStartRow The first row whose height is to be set.
+@param aEndRow The last row whose height is to be set.
+@param aHeightInTwips The height of the rows, in twips. Note that if the specified 
+rows span the whole grid, then the function sets this value as the default 
+height of all rows through a call to SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips().
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrTooBig if the difference between the two 
+row numbers is greater than EMaxArrayChanges. */
+	{
+	if (aStartRow==iGridRange.iFrom.iRow && aEndRow==iGridRange.iTo.iRow)
+		{
+		SetRowHeightsToDefault();
+		SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips(aHeightInTwips);
+		}
+	else if (aEndRow-aStartRow>EMaxArrayChanges)
+		return KErrTooBig;
+	else
+		{
+		for (;aStartRow<=aEndRow;aStartRow++)
+			SetRowHeightInTwipsL(aStartRow,aHeightInTwips);
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::MinRowHeightInPixels() const
+/** Gets the minimum height of rows.
+@return The minimum height of rows, in pixels. */
+	{
+	return iMinRowHeightInPixels;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetMinRowHeightInPixels(TInt aHeightInPixels)
+/** Sets the minimum height of rows.
+@param aHeightInPixels The minimum height of rows, in pixels. */
+	{
+	iMinRowHeightInPixels=aHeightInPixels;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+TInt CGridLay::DefaultRowHeightInPixels() const
+	{
+	return iRowHeightMap->DefaultValueInPixels();
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::DefaultRowHeightInTwips() const
+/** Gets the default height of rows.
+@return The default height of rows, in twips, */
+	{
+	return iRowHeightMap->DefaultValueInTwips();
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetDefaultRowHeightInPixels(TInt aHeightInPixels)
+// Remember this may be limited to the min row height
+	{
+	if (aHeightInPixels==0)
+		return;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGraphicsDeviceMap!=NULL,Panic(EGridNullGraphicsDeviceMap));
+	aHeightInPixels=Max(aHeightInPixels,iMinRowHeightInPixels);
+	iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(aHeightInPixels);
+	iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInTwips(iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(aHeightInPixels));
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToRow();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips(TInt aHeightInTwips)
+/** Sets the default height of rows.
+Note that the height cannot be set smaller than the minimum defined row height.
+@param aHeightInTwips The height of rows, in twips.
+@see SetMinRowHeightInPixels()
+@see MinRowHeightInPixels() */
+	{
+	if (aHeightInTwips==0)
+		return;
+	if (iGraphicsDeviceMap)
+		{
+		TInt heightInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalTwipsToPixels(aHeightInTwips);
+		if (heightInPixels<iMinRowHeightInPixels)
+			{
+			heightInPixels=iMinRowHeightInPixels;
+			aHeightInTwips=iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalPixelsToTwips(heightInPixels);
+			}
+		iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(heightInPixels);
+		}
+	iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInTwips(aHeightInTwips);
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToRow();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetRowHeightsToDefault()
+/** Sets the heights of all rows to the default value.
+@see SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips() */
+	{
+	iRowHeightMap->ResetArray();
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	ResetVisibleToRow();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::RowHeightOfSelectedInTwips() const
+/** Gets the height of rows in the selected region.
+@return The row height, in twips, if all rows in the selected region have 
+the same width; -1, otherwise.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 If this grid layout object has no grid image object. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	if (IsUniformRowHeight())
+		return DefaultRowHeightInTwips();
+	const CGridCellRegion* selected=iGridImg->Selected();
+	TInt count=selected->Count();
+	if (!count)
+		return RowHeightInTwips(iGridImg->CursorPos().iRow);
+	if (selected->IsAnyColSelected())
+		return iRowHeightMap->Count() ? -1 : DefaultRowHeightInTwips();
+	TInt height=RowHeightInTwips((*selected)[count-1].iFrom.iRow);
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+		{
+		TRangeRef range=(*selected)[ii];
+		for (;range.iFrom.iRow<=range.iTo.iRow;range.iFrom.iRow++)
+			{
+			if (RowHeightInTwips(range.iFrom.iRow)!=height)
+				return -1; //Inconsistent heights
+			}
+		}
+	return height;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetRowHeightOfSelectedInTwipsL(TInt aHeightInTwips)
+/** Sets the heights of all rows in the selected region to the specified value.
+@param aHeightInTwips The row height, in twips.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 If this grid layout object has no grid image object. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	const CGridCellRegion* selected=iGridImg->Selected();
+	if (selected->IsAnyColSelected() || IsUniformRowHeight())
+		{
+		iRowHeightMap->ResetArray();
+		SetDefaultRowHeightInTwips(aHeightInTwips);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TInt count=selected->Count();
+		if (!count)
+			SetRowHeightInTwipsL(iGridImg->CursorPos().iRow,aHeightInTwips);
+		for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+			{
+			TRangeRef range=(*selected)[ii];
+			if ((range.iTo.iRow-range.iFrom.iRow)>EMaxArrayChanges)
+				continue;
+			for (;range.iFrom.iRow<=range.iTo.iRow;range.iFrom.iRow++)
+				SetRowHeightInTwipsL(range.iFrom.iRow,aHeightInTwips);
+			}
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::RecalcPixelSparseMaps()
+/** Recalculates the internal maps that map row and column numbers to heights and 
+widths respectively.
+Heights and widths are held as both pixel and twip values. */
+	{
+	if (!iGraphicsDeviceMap)
+		{
+		const TInt KArbitraryNonZeroValue = 100;
+		iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(KArbitraryNonZeroValue);	// Must be non-zero else get divide by zero errors
+		iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(KArbitraryNonZeroValue);
+		return;
+		}
+	TInt defValueInTwips=iColumnWidthMap->DefaultValueInTwips();
+	TInt defValueInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(defValueInTwips);
+	if (defValueInPixels==0)
+		defValueInPixels=1;		// cannot be zero
+	iColumnWidthMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(defValueInPixels);
+	TInt end=iColumnWidthMap->Count();
+	{for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+		{
+		TSizeElement& element=(*iColumnWidthMap)[ii];
+		element.iValueInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->HorizontalTwipsToPixels(element.iValueInTwips);
+		}}
+	defValueInTwips=iRowHeightMap->DefaultValueInTwips();
+	defValueInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalTwipsToPixels(defValueInTwips);
+	if (defValueInPixels==0)
+		defValueInPixels=1;
+	iRowHeightMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(defValueInPixels);
+	end=iRowHeightMap->Count();
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<end;ii++)
+		{
+		TSizeElement& element=(*iRowHeightMap)[ii];
+		element.iValueInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->VerticalTwipsToPixels(element.iValueInTwips);
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::InsertDeleteColumns(TInt aStartCol,TInt aNoOfCols,TFixGridRange aFixGridRange)
+/** Inserts or deletes columns.
+Insertion causes columns to be inserted in front of the specified start column. 
+Deletion causes columns in front of the specified columns to be deleted.
+@param aStartCol The start column.
+@param aNoOfCols The number of columns to be inserted or deleted. A positive 
+number means that columns are to be inserted; a negative number means that 
+columns are to be deleted.
+@param aFixGridRange Indicates whether the grid boundary is to be adjusted 
+by the number of columns (increased or decreased). */
+	{
+	if (aNoOfCols==0)
+		return;
+	if (aFixGridRange==EAdjustGridRange)
+		iGridRange.iTo.iCol+=aNoOfCols;
+	iColumnWidthMap->OpenCloseGap(aStartCol,aNoOfCols,iGridRange.iTo.iCol);
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		ResetVisibleToColumn();
+		if (aFixGridRange==EAdjustGridRange)
+			iGridImg->NotifyGridRangeResize();
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::InsertDeleteRows(TInt aStartRow,TInt aNoOfRows,TFixGridRange aFixGridRange)
+/** Inserts or deletes rows.
+Insertion causes rows to be inserted below the specified start row. Deletion 
+causes rows below the specified row to be deleted.
+@param aStartRow The start row.
+@param aNoOfRows The number of rows to be inserted or deleted. A positive number 
+means that rows are to be inserted; a negative number means that rows are 
+to be deleted.
+@param aFixGridRange Indicates whether the grid boundary is to be adjusted 
+by the number of rows (increased or decreased). */
+	{
+	if (aNoOfRows==0)
+		return;
+	if (aFixGridRange==EAdjustGridRange)
+		iGridRange.iTo.iRow+=aNoOfRows;
+	iRowHeightMap->OpenCloseGap(aStartRow,aNoOfRows,iGridRange.iTo.iRow);
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		ResetVisibleToRow();
+		if (aFixGridRange==EAdjustGridRange)
+			iGridImg->NotifyGridRangeResize();
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetHorizontalGridLines(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether horizontal grid lines are to be drawn.
+@param aState ETrue, if horizontal grid lines are to be drawn; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsHorizontalGridLines;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsHorizontalGridLines;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetVerticalGridLines(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether vertical grid lines are to be drawn.
+@param aState ETrue, if vertical grid lines are to be drawn; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsVerticalGridLines;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsVerticalGridLines;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetSideLabels(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether side labels are printed.
+@param aState ETrue, if side labels are printed; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsSideLabels;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsSideLabels;
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		ResetVisibleToColumn();
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetTopLabels(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether top labels are printed.
+@param aState ETrue, if top labels are printed; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsTopLabels;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsTopLabels;
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		ResetVisibleToRow();
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetGridLabelSeparators(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether label separators are to be drawn.
+@param aState ETrue, if label separators are to be drawn; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsGridLabelSeparators;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsGridLabelSeparators;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetColumnBursting(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether column bursting is to be permitted.
+Column bursting occurs when the contents of a cell are too wide; adjacent 
+cells are then overwritten, provided they are empty.
+@param aState ETrue, if column bursting is to be permitted; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsColumnBursting;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsColumnBursting;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetCursorVisible(TBool aVisible)
+/** Sets whether the cursor is to be visible.
+@param aVisible ETrue, if the cursor is to be visible; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aVisible)
+		iFlags|=EIsCursorVisible;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsCursorVisible;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetHighlightVisible(TBool aVisible)
+/** Sets whether selected cells are to be highlighted.
+@param aVisible ETrue, if selected cells are to be highlighted; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aVisible)
+		iFlags|=EIsHighlightVisible;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsHighlightVisible;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetRowPermanentlySelectedL(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether rows are to be permanently selected.
+@param aState ETrue, if rows are to be permanently selected; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsRowPermanentlySelected;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsRowPermanentlySelected;
+	if (aState && iGridImg)
+		{
+		CGridCellRegion* selected = (CGridCellRegion*)iGridImg->Selected(); //!! Bit naughty
+		selected->Reset();
+		selected->AddRowL(iGridImg->CursorPos().iRow);
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetTitleLinesL(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether the grid is to have both horizontal and vertical title lines.
+@param aState ETrue, if the grid is to have both a horizontal and vertical 
+title line; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (!(aState || IsTitleLines()))
+		return;	//No change
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TCellRef cursorPos=(iGridImg->Selected()->Count()) ? iGridImg->AnchorPos() :
+		iGridImg->CursorPos();
+	if (aState)
+		{
+		SetTitleLinesL(cursorPos);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TCellRef cell=iVisibleRange.iFrom;
+		if (IsHorizontalTitleLine())
+			cell.iRow=iTitleRange.iTo.iRow;
+		if (IsVerticalTitleLine())
+			cell.iCol=iTitleRange.iTo.iCol;
+		TPoint offset=ExposeCellToTopLeft(cell);
+		iGridImg->ScrollL(offset);
+		if (IsHorizontalTitleLine())
+			iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow=iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow;
+		if (IsVerticalTitleLine())
+			iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol=iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol;
+		iFlags&=~(EIsHorizontalTitleLine|EIsVerticalTitleLine);
+		offset=iGridImg->MainPoint();	//Just using offset instead of creating a new TPoint
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		iGridImg->ClearTitleLineRegionL(offset);
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetTitleLinesL(const TCellRef& aCellRef)
+/** Sets horizontal and vertical title lines at the specified cell.
+@param aCellRef The cell reference at which title lines are set.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 If this grid layout object has no grid image object. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	SetTitleLinesL(EFalse);		// must be cleared first
+	if (aCellRef.iRow>iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow && aCellRef.iRow<=iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow
+		&& !IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
+		{
+		iFlags|=EIsHorizontalTitleLine;
+		iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow;
+		iTitleRange.iTo.iRow=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow=aCellRef.iRow;
+		}
+	if (aCellRef.iCol>iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol && aCellRef.iCol<=iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol)
+		{
+		iFlags|=EIsVerticalTitleLine;
+		iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol;
+		iTitleRange.iTo.iCol=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol=aCellRef.iCol;
+		}
+	if (IsTitleLines())
+		{
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+		iGridImg->DrawTitleLines();
+		}
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ToggleTitleLinesL()
+/** Sets title lines on, if they are off; sets title lines off, if they are on. */
+	{
+	SetTitleLinesL(!IsTitleLines());
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetIndefiniteRowBoundaries(TBool aState)
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsIndefiniteRowBoundaries;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsIndefiniteRowBoundaries;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetUniformRowHeight(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether all rows are to have the same height.
+@param aState ETrue, if all rows are to have the same height; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		{
+		iFlags|=EIsUniformRowHeight;
+		SetRowHeightsToDefault();
+		}
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsUniformRowHeight;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetUniformColumnWidth(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether all columns are to have the same width.
+@param aState ETrue, if all columns are to have the same width; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		{
+		iFlags|=EIsUniformColumnWidth;
+		SetColumnWidthsToDefault();
+		}
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsUniformColumnWidth;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetTopLabelDragDisabled(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether a drag operation on the boundary between two columns is to be 
+@param aState ETrue, if the drag operation is to be permitted; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsTopLabelDragDisabled;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsTopLabelDragDisabled;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetSideLabelDragDisabled(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether a drag operation on the boundary between two rows is to be permitted.
+@param aState ETrue, if the drag operation is to be permitted; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsSideLabelDragDisabled;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsSideLabelDragDisabled;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetPrintedLabels(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether labels are printed.
+@param aState ETrue if labels are printed; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsPrintedLabels;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsPrintedLabels;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetPrintedGridLines(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether grid lines are printed.
+@param aState ETrue if grid lines are printed; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsPrintedGridLines;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsPrintedGridLines;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetVisibleToRowFullyVisible(TBool aState)
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsVisibleToRowFullyVisible;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsVisibleToRowFullyVisible;
+	}
+void CGridLay::SetVisibleToColumnFullyVisible(TBool aState)
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsVisibleToColumnFullyVisible;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsVisibleToColumnFullyVisible;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetEncroachingCellBorders(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether encroaching cell borders are permitted.
+Encroaching cell borders are where cell borders wider than one pixel are drawn 
+inside the cell, as opposed to outside.
+@param aState ETrue, if encroaching cells borders are to be permitted; EFalse, 
+otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsEncroachingCellBorders;
+	else 
+		iFlags&=~EIsEncroachingCellBorders;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetRowSelectionDisabled(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether row selection is disabled.
+@param aState ETrue, if row selection is disabled; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsRowSelectionDisabled;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsRowSelectionDisabled;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetColumnSelectionDisabled(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether column selection is disabled.
+@param aState ETrue, if column selection is disabled; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsColumnSelectionDisabled;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsColumnSelectionDisabled;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetAutoClearGridCells(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether automatic clearing of grid cells is to be done.
+@param aState ETrue, if automatic clearing of grid cells is to be done; EFalse, 
+otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsAutoClearGridCells;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsAutoClearGridCells;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetPageBreakLinesHidden(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether lines marking page breaks are hidden.
+@param aState ETrue, if lines marking page breaks are hidden; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsPageBreakLinesHidden;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsPageBreakLinesHidden;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::RowToYVal(TInt aRow) const
+/** Converts the specified row number to a screen y-coordinate value.
+Note that the resulting value may be outside the current grid window.
+@param aRow The row number.
+@return The y-coordinate value. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp;
+	iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow,aRow,disp);
+	return (iGridImg->MainPoint().iY+disp);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::RowToYVal(TInt aStartRow,TInt aEndRow) const
+/** Calculates the relative pixel distance between the two specified rows.
+@param aStartRow The row number of the first row.
+@param aEndRow The row number of the second row.
+@return The relative pixel distance. */
+	{
+	TInt disp;
+	iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(aStartRow,aEndRow,disp);
+	return disp;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::VisibleRowToYVal(TInt aRow) const
+/** Converts the specified visible row number to a screen y-coordinate value.
+Note that the resulting value may be outside the current grid window.
+@param aRow The row number of the visible row.
+@return The y-coordinate value. Note that this is -1, if the row is not visible. */
+	{
+	if (aRow>iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow)
+		return -1;
+	if (aRow<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+		{
+		if (IsHorizontalTitleLine())
+			{
+			if (aRow<iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow || aRow>=iTitleRange.iTo.iRow)
+				return -1;
+			return TitleRowToYVal(aRow);
+			}
+		return -1;
+		}
+	return RowToYVal(aRow);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::TitleRowToYVal(TInt aTitleRow) const
+/** Calculates the relative pixel distance between the specified row and the first 
+title row.
+@param aTitleRow The row number.
+@return The relative pixel distance. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsHorizontalTitleLine(),Panic(EGridLayNoTitles));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp;
+	iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow,aTitleRow,disp);
+	return (iGridImg->TitlePoint().iY+disp);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::ColumnToXVal(TInt aCol) const
+/** Converts the specified column number to a screen x-coordinate value.
+Note that the resulting value may be outside the current grid window.
+@param aCol The column number.
+@return The column's x-coordinate value.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 In debug mode, if this grid layout object has no grid image. */
+	{
+	//
+	// Converts the passed column to a relative screen 'X' coordinate.
+	//
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp;
+	iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol,aCol,disp);
+	return (iGridImg->MainPoint().iX+disp);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::ColumnToXVal(TInt aStartCol,TInt aEndCol) const
+/** Gets the distance, in pixels, between the two specified columns.
+@param aStartCol The first (start) column number.
+@param aEndCol The second (end) column number.
+@return The distance, in pixels. */
+	{
+	TInt disp;
+	iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(aStartCol,aEndCol,disp);
+	return disp;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::VisibleColumnToXVal(TInt aCol) const
+/** Converts the specified visible column number to a screen x-coordinate value.
+Note that the resulting value may be outside the current grid window.
+@param aCol The column number of the visible column.
+@return The x-coordinate value. Note that this is -1, if the column is not 
+visible. */
+	{
+	if (aCol>iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol)
+		return -1;
+	if (aCol<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+		{
+		if (IsVerticalTitleLine())
+			{
+			if (aCol<iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol || aCol>=iTitleRange.iTo.iCol)
+				return -1;
+			return TitleColumnToXVal(aCol);
+			}
+		return -1;
+		}
+	return ColumnToXVal(aCol);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::TitleColumnToXVal(TInt aTitleCol) const
+/** Calculates the relative pixel distance between the specified column and the 
+first title column.
+@param aTitleCol The column number.
+@return The relative pixel distance. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsVerticalTitleLine(),Panic(EGridLayNoTitles));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp;
+	iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol,aTitleCol,disp);
+	return (iGridImg->TitlePoint().iX+disp);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPoint CGridLay::CellToPoint(const TCellRef &aCell) const
+/** Gets the relative screen coordinates of the top left corner of the specified 
+@param aCell The cell.
+@return The relative screen co-ordinates. */
+	{
+	return TPoint(ColumnToXVal(aCell.iCol),RowToYVal(aCell.iRow));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPoint CGridLay::CellToPoint(const TCellRef &aStartCell,const TCellRef &aEndCell) const
+/** Gets the co-ordinate distance, in pixels, between the specified cells.
+@param aStartCell The start cell of the range.
+@param aEndCell The end cell of the range.
+@return The x and y values representing the distance, in pixels, between the 
+two columns and the two rows, respectively, that are defined by the two cells. */
+	{
+	return TPoint(ColumnToXVal(aStartCell.iCol,aEndCell.iCol),RowToYVal(aStartCell.iRow,aEndCell.iRow));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPoint CGridLay::TitleCellToPoint(const TCellRef& aTitleCell) const
+/** Gets the relative screen coordinates of the top left corner of the specified 
+cell, when title lines are displayed.
+@param aTitleCell The cell.
+@return The relative screen co-ordinates.
+@panic GRIDIMG 3 In debug mode, if this grid layout object has no grid image.
+@panic GRIDIMG 4 In debug mode, if there is no horizontal title line and/or 
+there is no vertical title line. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsHorizontalTitleLine(),Panic(EGridLayNoTitles));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsVerticalTitleLine(),Panic(EGridLayNoTitles));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TPoint point;
+	iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol,aTitleCell.iCol,point.iX);
+	iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow,aTitleCell.iRow,point.iY);
+	return point+iGridImg->TitlePoint();
+	}
+EXPORT_C TRect CGridLay::CellToRect(const TCellRef& aCell) const
+/** Gets the rectangle that is occupied by the specified cell.
+@param aCell The cell.
+@return The occupied rectangle. Note that this excludes the cell's bottom and 
+right grid lines. */
+	{
+	TRect rect(CellToPoint(aCell),TSize(0,0));
+	rect.iBr.iX+=ColumnWidthInPixels(aCell.iCol)-1;
+	rect.iBr.iY+=RowHeightInPixels(aCell.iRow)-1;
+	return rect;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::YValToRow(TInt aYVal) const
+/** Gets the number of the row, limited to the grid boundary, that is on or above 
+the specified y-coordinate value.
+@param aYVal The y-coordinate value. Note that this may represent a point 
+off the visible screen.
+@return The row number, limited to the grid boundary. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt tempYVal = iGridImg->MainPoint().iY;
+	return YValToRow(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow,aYVal-tempYVal);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::YValToRow(TInt aStartRow,TInt aDisp) const
+/** Gets the number of the row that is on or above the specified displacement from 
+the specified row.
+@param aStartRow The row from which displacement is calculated.
+@param aDisp The displacement, in pixels.
+@return The row number at the specified displacement. */
+	{
+	TInt row;
+	iRowHeightMap->DisplacementToId(aStartRow,aDisp,row);
+	StepRowBackward(row);
+	return(row);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::YValToTitleRow(TInt aYVal) const
+/** Gets the number of the row that is on or above the specified y-coordinate value
+@param aYVal The y-coordinate value. Note that this may represent a point 
+off the visible screen.
+@return The row number. Note that this may include the title row. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsHorizontalTitleLine(),Panic(EGridLayNoTitles));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt tempYVal = iGridImg->TitlePoint().iY;
+	return YValToRow(iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow,aYVal-tempYVal);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::XValToColumn(TInt aXVal) const
+/** Gets the number of the column, limited to the grid boundary, that is on or 
+to the left of the specified x-coordinate value.
+@param aXVal The x-coordinate value. Note that this may represent a point 
+off the visible screen.
+@return The column number, limited to the grid boundary. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt tempXVal=iGridImg->MainPoint().iX;
+	return XValToColumn(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol,aXVal-tempXVal);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::XValToColumn(TInt aStartCol,TInt aDisp) const
+/** Gets the number of the column that is on or to the left of the specified displacement 
+from the specified column.
+@param aStartCol The column from which displacement is calculated.
+@param aDisp The displacement, in pixels.
+@return The column number at the specified displacement. */
+	{
+	TInt column;
+	iColumnWidthMap->DisplacementToId(aStartCol,aDisp,column);
+	StepColumnBackward(column);
+	return(column);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::XValToTitleColumn(TInt aXVal) const
+/** Gets the number of the column that is on or to the left of the specified x-coordinate 
+@param aXVal The x-coordinate value. Note that this may represent a point 
+off the visible screen.
+@return The column number. Note that this may include the title column. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsVerticalTitleLine(),Panic(EGridLayNoTitles));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt tempXVal=iGridImg->TitlePoint().iX;
+	return XValToColumn(iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol,aXVal-tempXVal);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TCellRef CGridLay::PointToCell(const TPoint &aPoint) const
+/** Gets the cell reference of the cell that contains the specified screen co-ordinates.
+@param aPoint The screen co-ordinates.
+@return The cell reference. */
+	{
+	return TCellRef(YValToRow(aPoint.iY),XValToColumn(aPoint.iX));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TCellRef CGridLay::PointToCell(const TCellRef &aStartCell,const TPoint &aPointDisp) const
+/** Gets the cell reference of the cell that is displaced from the specified cell 
+by the specified pixel co-ordinates.
+@param aStartCell The cell reference from which the displacement is based.
+@param aPointDisp The displacement.
+@return The cell at the specified displacement. */
+	{
+	return TCellRef(YValToRow(aStartCell.iRow,aPointDisp.iY),XValToColumn(aStartCell.iCol,aPointDisp.iX));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TSize CGridLay::TopLeftTitleRangeSize() const
+/** Gets the size of the top left range, if title lines are on.
+The top left range is the range of cells formed by the intersection of the 
+rows and columns that form the titles.
+@return The size of the top left range. */
+	{
+	TSize ret;
+	if (IsHorizontalTitleLine())
+		iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow,iTitleRange.iTo.iRow,ret.iHeight);
+	if (IsVerticalTitleLine())
+		iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol,iTitleRange.iTo.iCol,ret.iWidth);
+	return ret;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::YValToNearestRow(TInt aStartRow,TInt aDisp) const
+/** Gets the row that is nearest to the specified displacement from the specified 
+@param aStartRow The row on which the displacement is based.
+@param aDisp The displacement value, in pixels.
+@return The nearest row. */
+	{
+	TInt topRow;
+	iRowHeightMap->DisplacementToId(aStartRow,aDisp,topRow);
+	StepRowForward(topRow);
+	TInt topYVal;
+	iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(aStartRow,topRow,topYVal);
+	TInt bottomYVal = topYVal+RowHeightInPixels(topRow);
+	if ((aDisp-topYVal)>=(bottomYVal-aDisp))
+		StepRowForward(++topRow);
+	return (topRow);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::XValToNearestColumn(TInt aStartCol,TInt aDisp) const
+/** Gets the column that is nearest to the specified displacement from the specified 
+@param aStartCol The column on which the displacement is based.
+@param aDisp The displacement value, in pixels.
+@return The nearest column. */
+	{
+	TInt leftCol;
+	iColumnWidthMap->DisplacementToId(aStartCol,aDisp,leftCol);
+	StepColumnForward(leftCol);
+	TInt leftXVal;
+	iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(aStartCol,leftCol,leftXVal);
+	TInt rightXVal = leftXVal+ColumnWidthInPixels(leftCol);
+	if ((aDisp-leftXVal)>=(rightXVal-aDisp))
+		StepColumnForward(++leftCol);
+	return (leftCol);
+	}
+TPoint CGridLay::CalcOffsetBetweenCells(const TCellRef& aCell1,
+	const TCellRef& aCell2) const
+// Returns the scrolling offset required to get from aCell1 to aCell2
+	{
+	TPoint offset;
+	iColumnWidthMap->IdToDisplacement(aCell2.iCol,aCell1.iCol,offset.iX);
+	iRowHeightMap->IdToDisplacement(aCell2.iRow,aCell1.iRow,offset.iY);
+	return offset;
+	}
+TInt CGridLay::CalcVisibleFromRowAfterPageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll) const
+// Calculates what iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow would be after aPageScroll but doesn't actually set it
+	{
+	TInt newFromRow;
+	switch (aPageScroll)
+		{
+	case EMovePageDown:
+		CalcVisibleFromRow(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow+1,newFromRow);
+		if (newFromRow>iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+			newFromRow=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow;
+		break;
+	case EMovePageUp:
+		{
+		TInt corr=IsVisibleToRowFullyVisible() ? 0 : 1;
+		corr=(CalcVisibleToRow(iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow-corr,newFromRow))	? 1 : 0;	// correct if fully visible
+		if (newFromRow == iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow)
+			newFromRow = iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow - 1;
+		else
+			CalcVisibleFromRow(newFromRow+corr,newFromRow);
+		if (newFromRow<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+			newFromRow=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		newFromRow=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow;
+		break;
+		}
+	return newFromRow;
+	}
+TInt CGridLay::CalcVisibleFromColumnAfterPageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll) const
+	{
+	TInt newFromColumn;
+	switch (aPageScroll)
+		{
+	case EMovePageRight:
+		CalcVisibleFromColumn(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol+1,newFromColumn);
+		if (newFromColumn>iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+			newFromColumn=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol;
+		break;
+	case EMovePageLeft:
+		{
+		TInt corr=IsVisibleToColumnFullyVisible() ? 0 : 1;
+		corr=(CalcVisibleToColumn(iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol-corr,newFromColumn)) ? 1 : 0;
+		if (newFromColumn == iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol)
+			newFromColumn = iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol - 1;
+		else
+			CalcVisibleFromColumn(newFromColumn+corr,newFromColumn);
+		if (newFromColumn<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+			newFromColumn=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		newFromColumn=iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol;
+		break;
+		}
+	return newFromColumn;
+	}
+TCellRef CGridLay::CalcVisibleFromCellAfterPageScroll(TMoveDirectionAndAmount aPageScroll) const
+	{
+	return TCellRef(CalcVisibleFromRowAfterPageScroll(aPageScroll),
+		CalcVisibleFromColumnAfterPageScroll(aPageScroll));
+	}
+void CGridLay::CalcVisibleFromRow(TInt aVisibleToRow,TInt& aNewVisibleFromRow) const
+	{
+	//
+	// Calculates what the VisibleRange.iFrom.iRow would be for a given
+	// VisibleRange.iTo.iRow.
+	//
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp=-iGridImg->MainRect().Height()-1;
+	iRowHeightMap->DisplacementToId(aVisibleToRow,disp,aNewVisibleFromRow);
+	aNewVisibleFromRow++;
+	if (IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
+		{
+		if (!RequestRow(aNewVisibleFromRow,aNewVisibleFromRow))
+			aNewVisibleFromRow=aVisibleToRow;
+		}
+	else
+		aNewVisibleFromRow=Max(aNewVisibleFromRow,MinVisibleFromRow());
+	StepRowForward(aNewVisibleFromRow);
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::CalcVisibleToRow(TInt aVisibleFromRow,TInt& aNewVisibleToRow) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp=iGridImg->MainRect().Height()+1;
+	TBool isExactDisp=iRowHeightMap->DisplacementToId(aVisibleFromRow,disp,aNewVisibleToRow);
+	if (isExactDisp)
+		aNewVisibleToRow--;
+	if (IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
+		{
+		if (RequestRow(TInt(aNewVisibleToRow-1),aNewVisibleToRow))
+			aNewVisibleToRow++;
+		else
+			aNewVisibleToRow=aVisibleFromRow;
+		}
+	else
+		aNewVisibleToRow=Min(aNewVisibleToRow,iGridRange.iTo.iRow+1);
+	return isExactDisp;
+	}
+void CGridLay::CalcVisibleFromColumn(TInt aVisibleToCol,TInt& aNewVisibleFromCol) const
+	{
+	//
+	// Calculates what the VisibleRange.iFrom.iCol would be for a given
+	// VisibleRange.iTo.iCol.
+	//
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp=-iGridImg->MainRect().Width()-1;
+	iColumnWidthMap->DisplacementToId(aVisibleToCol,disp,aNewVisibleFromCol);
+	aNewVisibleFromCol++;
+	aNewVisibleFromCol=Max(aNewVisibleFromCol,MinVisibleFromColumn());
+	StepColumnForward(aNewVisibleFromCol);	//Guarantees to be on a non-zero width column
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::CalcVisibleToColumn(TInt aVisibleFromCol,TInt& aNewVisibleToCol) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+	TInt disp=iGridImg->MainRect().Width()+1;
+	TBool isExactDisp=iColumnWidthMap->DisplacementToId(aVisibleFromCol,disp,aNewVisibleToCol);
+	if (isExactDisp)
+		aNewVisibleToCol--;
+	aNewVisibleToCol=Min(aNewVisibleToCol,iGridRange.iTo.iCol+1);
+	return isExactDisp;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ResetVisibleToRow()
+// Resets iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow given iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow.
+/** Resets the row number of the row that should be visible at the bottom of the 
+visible area of the grid. */
+	{
+	if (!iGridImg)
+		return;
+	TBool isExactDisp=CalcVisibleToRow(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow,iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow);
+	SetVisibleToRowFullyVisible(isExactDisp);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ResetVisibleToColumn()
+/** Resets the column number of the column visible at the right of the visible 
+area of the grid. */
+	{
+	if (!iGridImg)
+		return;
+	TBool isExactDisp=CalcVisibleToColumn(iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol,iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol);
+	SetVisibleToColumnFullyVisible(isExactDisp);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ResetVisibleToCell()
+/** Resets the row and column numbers visible at the bottom, and to the right, 
+of the visible area of the grid. */
+	{
+	ResetVisibleToRow();
+	ResetVisibleToColumn();
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::IsCellOutOfVisibleRange(const TCellRef &aCell) const
+// Return ETrue if aCell is outside the visible grid (including title range)
+	{
+	if (aCell.iRow>=iVisibleRange.iTo.iRow || aCell.iCol>=iVisibleRange.iTo.iCol)
+		return ETrue;
+	if (aCell.iRow<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+		{
+		TBool inRange=EFalse;
+		if (IsHorizontalTitleLine())
+			{
+			if (aCell.iRow<iTitleRange.iTo.iRow && aCell.iRow>=iTitleRange.iFrom.iRow)
+				inRange=ETrue;
+			}
+		if (!inRange)
+			return ETrue;
+		}
+	if (aCell.iCol<iVisibleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+		{
+		TBool inRange=EFalse;
+		if (IsVerticalTitleLine())
+			{
+			if (aCell.iCol<iTitleRange.iTo.iCol && aCell.iCol>=iTitleRange.iFrom.iCol)
+				inRange=ETrue;
+			}
+		if (!inRange)
+			return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::IsCellOutOfGridRange(const TCellRef& aCell) const
+// Similar to LimitCell but Doesn't alter aCell
+	{
+	TCellRef cell=aCell;
+	return !LimitCell(cell);
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::LimitRow(TInt &aRow) const
+	{
+	TInt newRow;
+	TBool ret=RequestRow(aRow,newRow);
+	if (ret)
+		{
+		if (newRow<aRow)
+			StepRowBackward(newRow);
+		else if (newRow>aRow)
+			StepRowForward(newRow);
+		}
+	aRow=newRow;
+	return ret;
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::LimitColumn(TInt &aCol) const
+	{
+	if (iGridRange.iFrom.iCol>iGridRange.iTo.iCol)
+		return EFalse;
+	LimitColumn(aCol,iGridRange.iFrom.iCol,iGridRange.iTo.iCol);
+	return ETrue;
+ 	}
+void CGridLay::LimitRow(TInt& aRow,TInt aLowerLimit,TInt aUpperLimit) const
+	{
+	if (aRow>aUpperLimit)
+		{
+		aRow=aUpperLimit;
+		StepRowBackward(aRow);
+		}
+	else if (aRow<aLowerLimit)
+		{
+		aRow=aLowerLimit;
+		StepRowForward(aRow);
+		}
+	}
+void CGridLay::LimitColumn(TInt& aCol,TInt aLowerLimit,TInt aUpperLimit) const
+	{
+ 	if (aCol>aUpperLimit)
+		{
+		aCol=aUpperLimit;
+		StepColumnBackward(aCol);
+        if (aCol<aLowerLimit)
+            aCol=aLowerLimit;
+		}
+	else if (aCol<aLowerLimit)
+		{
+		aCol=aLowerLimit;
+		StepColumnForward(aCol);
+        if (aCol>aUpperLimit)
+            aCol=aUpperLimit;
+		}
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::LimitCell(TCellRef &aCell) const
+// Keeps the cell within the grid boundary. Returns EFalse if unable to do so
+	{
+	TBool canLimitRow=LimitRow(aCell.iRow);
+	return (LimitColumn(aCell.iCol) && canLimitRow);
+	}
+/*EXPORT_C void CGridLay::LimitCell(TCellRef &aCell,const TRangeRef &aLimitRange) const
+	{
+	LimitRow(aCell.iRow,aLimitRange.iFrom.iRow,aLimitRange.iTo.iRow);
+	LimitColumn(aCell.iCol,aLimitRange.iFrom.iCol,aLimitRange.iTo.iCol);
+	}*/
+void CGridLay::LimitRowToVisible(TInt& aRow) const
+	{
+	if (IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
+		LimitRow(aRow);
+	else
+		{
+		TInt minRow=MinVisibleFromRow();
+		if (minRow>iGridRange.iTo.iRow)
+			{
+			aRow=minRow;
+			return;
+			}
+		LimitRow(aRow,minRow,iGridRange.iTo.iRow);
+		}
+	}
+void CGridLay::LimitColumnToVisible(TInt& aCol) const
+	{
+	TInt minCol=MinVisibleFromColumn();
+	if (minCol>iGridRange.iTo.iCol)
+		{
+		aCol=minCol;
+		return;
+		}
+	LimitColumn(aCol,minCol,iGridRange.iTo.iCol);
+	}
+void CGridLay::LimitCellToVisible(TCellRef& aCell) const
+	{
+	LimitRowToVisible(aCell.iRow);
+	LimitColumnToVisible(aCell.iCol);
+	}
+void CGridLay::StepRowForward(TInt& aRow) const
+// Steps row forward to the nearest non zero row
+	{
+	for (;!RowHeightInPixels(aRow);aRow++)
+		;
+	}
+void CGridLay::StepRowBackward(TInt& aRow) const
+	{
+	for (;!RowHeightInPixels(aRow);aRow--)
+		;
+	}
+void CGridLay::StepColumnForward(TInt& aCol) const
+	{
+	for (;!ColumnWidthInPixels(aCol);aCol++)
+		;
+	}
+void CGridLay::StepColumnBackward(TInt& aCol) const
+	{
+	for (;!ColumnWidthInPixels(aCol);aCol--)
+		;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::MinVisibleFromRow() const
+/** Gets the number of the topmost row visible in the grid.
+@return The row number if successful else KErrUnknown. */
+	{
+	TInt minRow;
+	if (IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
+		{
+		if(!RequestRow(-KMaxTInt,minRow))	// Result is undefined if request row is false
+			{
+			return KErrUnknown;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		minRow=(IsHorizontalTitleLine())?iTitleRange.iTo.iRow:iGridRange.iFrom.iRow;
+	StepRowForward(minRow);
+	return minRow;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::MinVisibleFromColumn() const
+/** Gets the number of the leftmost column visible in the grid.
+@return The column number. */
+	{
+	TInt minCol=(IsVerticalTitleLine())?iTitleRange.iTo.iCol:iGridRange.iFrom.iCol;
+	StepColumnForward(minCol);
+	return minCol;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::PaginateL()
+/** Paginates the grid.
+Note that when preparing the grid for printing using a CGridPrinter object, 
+then use that object's CGridPrinter::PaginateL() function instead. */
+	{
+	if (IsPaginated() || !iGraphicsDeviceMap)
+		return;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iRowPageMap==NULL && iColumnPageMap==NULL,Panic(EGridLayPageMapAlreadyExists));
+	iRowPageMap = CSparseMap::NewL();
+	iColumnPageMap = CSparseMap::NewL();
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPageSizeInTwips.iWidth!=0 && iPageSizeInTwips.iHeight!=0,
+ 		Panic(EGridLayNoPageSizeSet));
+	TPoint pageSizeInPixels=iGraphicsDeviceMap->TwipsToPixels(iPageSizeInTwips.AsPoint());
+	if (IsPrintedLabels())
+		{
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iGridImg!=NULL,Panic(EGridLayInvalidGridImg));
+		if (IsSideLabels())
+			pageSizeInPixels.iX-=iGridImg->MaxSideLabelWidthInPixels();
+		if (IsTopLabels())
+			pageSizeInPixels.iY-=iGridImg->TopLabelHeightInPixels();
+		}
+	DoMainPaginationLoopL(pageSizeInPixels.iX,iColumnWidthMap,iColumnPageMap,
+		iHardColumnPageBreaks,iGridRange.iFrom.iCol);
+	TInt startRow;
+	if (RequestRow(-KMaxTInt,startRow))
+		{
+		DoMainPaginationLoopL(pageSizeInPixels.iY,iRowHeightMap,iRowPageMap,
+			iHardRowPageBreaks,startRow);
+		}
+	iFlags|=EIsPaginated;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+void CGridLay::DoMainPaginationLoopL(TInt aPageSpan,CSparseMap* aCellSpanMap,CSparseMap* aPageMap,
+	CArrayFix<TInt>* aHardPageBreaks,TInt aStartId)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aCellSpanMap->DefaultValueInPixels(),Panic(EGridMapDefaultValueIsZero));
+	TInt defIdsPerPage = aPageSpan/aCellSpanMap->DefaultValueInPixels();
+	if (defIdsPerPage==0)
+		defIdsPerPage=1;	// Should always print at least 1 row/column per page
+	aPageMap->SetDefaultValueInPixels(defIdsPerPage);//!!!Misleading Units
+	TInt softCount=aCellSpanMap->Count();
+	TInt hardCount=aHardPageBreaks->Count();
+	TInt currPage=0;
+	TInt softPos=0;
+	TInt hardPos=0;
+	while (softPos<softCount || hardPos<hardCount)
+		{
+		TInt nextSoftId=(softPos<softCount) ? (*aCellSpanMap)[softPos].iId : KMaxTInt;
+		if (aStartId>nextSoftId)
+			{
+			softPos++;
+			continue;
+			}
+		TInt nextHardPb=(hardPos<hardCount) ? (*aHardPageBreaks)[hardPos] : KMaxTInt;
+		TInt nextId=Min(nextSoftId,nextHardPb);
+		TInt pageSteps=(nextId-aStartId)/defIdsPerPage;
+		currPage+=pageSteps;
+		aStartId+=(pageSteps*defIdsPerPage);
+		TInt currIdsPerPage;
+		if (nextId==nextHardPb)
+			{
+			if (nextId==aStartId)
+				{
+				hardPos++;
+				continue;
+				}
+			currIdsPerPage=nextId-aStartId;
+			hardPos++;
+			if (nextId==nextSoftId)
+				softPos++;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			aCellSpanMap->DisplacementToId(aStartId,aPageSpan,currIdsPerPage);
+			currIdsPerPage-=aStartId;
+			if ((aStartId+currIdsPerPage)>nextHardPb)
+				{
+				currIdsPerPage=nextHardPb-aStartId;
+				hardPos++;
+				}
+			if (currIdsPerPage==0)
+				currIdsPerPage=1;
+//			softPos++;
+			}
+		if (currIdsPerPage)
+			{
+			aPageMap->SetL(currPage,0/*NotUsed*/,currIdsPerPage);
+			aStartId+=currIdsPerPage;
+			currPage++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ClearPagination()
+/** Marks the grid as unpaginated. */
+	{
+	delete iRowPageMap;
+	iRowPageMap=NULL;
+	delete iColumnPageMap;
+	iColumnPageMap=NULL;
+	iFlags&=~EIsPaginated;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL()
+/** Notifies this object that repagination must take place.
+This function is called as a response to changes in the grid, such as a change 
+in the page size, a change to the width of selected columns, the setting or 
+removal of hard page breaks etc. */
+	{
+	if (IsPaginated())
+		{
+		ClearPagination();
+		if (IsAutoPagination())
+			PaginateL();
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TRangeRef CGridLay::PageToRange(TInt aPageNo,TPageOrder aPageOrder) const
+/** Gets the range of cells that are on the specified page
+@param aPageNo The page number. The first page is assumed to be page zero.
+@param aPageOrder The page order.
+@return The range of cells.
+@panic GRIDIMG 5 In debug mode, if the grid has not been paginated. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsPaginated(),Panic(EGridLayNotPaginated));
+	TCellRef pageRef;
+	TInt startRow;
+	if (!RequestRow(-KMaxTInt,startRow))
+		return TRangeRef();
+	TInt rowExtent=RowExtent();
+	TInt colExtent=ColumnExtent();
+	if (aPageOrder==ERightThenDown)
+		{
+		TInt noOfHorzPages;
+		iColumnPageMap->DisplacementToId(0,colExtent-1,noOfHorzPages);
+		noOfHorzPages++;
+		pageRef.iRow=aPageNo/noOfHorzPages;
+		pageRef.iCol=aPageNo-(pageRef.iRow*noOfHorzPages);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TInt noOfVertPages;
+		iRowPageMap->DisplacementToId(0,rowExtent-1,noOfVertPages);
+		noOfVertPages++;
+		pageRef.iCol=aPageNo/noOfVertPages;
+		pageRef.iRow=aPageNo-(pageRef.iCol*noOfVertPages);
+		}
+	TRangeRef pageRange;
+	iColumnPageMap->IdToDisplacement(0,pageRef.iCol,pageRange.iFrom.iCol);
+	pageRange.iFrom.iCol+=iGridRange.iFrom.iCol;
+	iRowPageMap->IdToDisplacement(0,pageRef.iRow,pageRange.iFrom.iRow);
+	pageRange.iFrom.iRow+=startRow;
+	pageRange.iTo.iCol=Min(pageRange.iFrom.iCol+iColumnPageMap->ValueInPixels(pageRef.iCol)-1,
+		iGridRange.iFrom.iCol+colExtent-1);
+	pageRange.iTo.iRow=Min(pageRange.iFrom.iRow+iRowPageMap->ValueInPixels(pageRef.iRow)-1,
+		startRow+rowExtent-1);
+	return pageRange;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::NoOfPages() const
+/** Gets the number of pages that the grid would print to.
+@return The number of pages.
+@panic GRIDIMG 5 In debug mode, if the grid has not been paginated. */
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsPaginated(),Panic(EGridLayNotPaginated));
+	TInt noOfHorzPages;
+	iColumnPageMap->DisplacementToId(0,ColumnExtent()-1,noOfHorzPages);
+	noOfHorzPages++;
+	TInt noOfVertPages;
+	iRowPageMap->DisplacementToId(0,RowExtent()-1,noOfVertPages);
+	noOfVertPages++;
+	return noOfHorzPages*noOfVertPages;
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::FindNextRowPageBreak(TInt aSearchStart,TInt& aFoundRow) const
+// Searches from aSearchStart and finds the next row page break (hard or soft). If one is found,
+// aFoundRow is amended and ETrue returned. Note that returned value is 1 less than the value
+// stored because the physical line break belongs to the row above the stored page break.
+	{
+	if (IsPaginated())
+		{
+		TInt startRow;
+		if (!RequestRow(-KMaxTInt,startRow))
+			return EFalse;
+		TInt rowPage;
+		iRowPageMap->DisplacementToId(0,aSearchStart-startRow,rowPage);
+		iRowPageMap->IdToDisplacement(0,rowPage+1,aFoundRow);
+		aFoundRow+=startRow-1;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+		TInt pos;
+		aSearchStart++;
+		if (iHardRowPageBreaks->FindIsq(aSearchStart,key,pos)==0)
+			{
+			aFoundRow=aSearchStart-1;
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		else if (pos<iHardRowPageBreaks->Count())
+			{
+			aFoundRow=(*iHardRowPageBreaks)[pos]-1;
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::FindNextColumnPageBreak(TInt aSearchStart,TInt& aFoundCol) const
+// Searches from aSearchStart and finds the next column page break (hard or soft). If one is found,
+// aFoundCol is amended and ETrue returned.
+	{
+	if (IsPaginated())
+		{
+		TInt colPage;
+		iColumnPageMap->DisplacementToId(0,aSearchStart-iGridRange.iFrom.iCol,colPage);
+		iColumnPageMap->IdToDisplacement(0,colPage+1,aFoundCol);
+		aFoundCol+=iGridRange.iFrom.iCol-1;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+		TInt pos;
+		aSearchStart++;
+		if (iHardColumnPageBreaks->FindIsq(aSearchStart,key,pos)==0)
+			{
+			aFoundCol=aSearchStart-1;
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		else if (pos<iHardColumnPageBreaks->Count())
+			{
+			aFoundCol=(*iHardColumnPageBreaks)[pos]-1;
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetPageSizeInTwipsL(const TSize& aPageSize)
+/** Sets the size of a page.
+@param aPageSize The size of a page, in twips. */
+	{
+	iPageSizeInTwips=aPageSize;
+	NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetAutoPagination(TBool aState)
+/** Sets whether automatic pagination is to be in effect.
+@param aState ETrue, if automatic pagination is to be in effect; EFalse, otherwise. */
+	{
+	if (aState)
+		iFlags|=EIsAutoPagination;
+	else
+		iFlags&=~EIsAutoPagination;
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetHardRowPageBreakL(TInt aRow)
+/** Sets a hard page break at the specified row.
+Note that pagination will be flagged as being out of date.
+@param aRow The row, immediately above which the hard page break is to occur. */
+	{
+	if (IsHardRowPageBreak(aRow))
+		return;
+	TInt startRow;
+	if (!RequestRow(-KMaxTInt,startRow) || aRow==startRow)
+		return;
+	TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+	iHardRowPageBreaks->InsertIsqL(aRow,key);
+	NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ClearHardRowPageBreakL(TInt aRow)
+/** Removes the hard page break at the specified row.
+Note that pagination will be flagged as being out of date.
+Note also that there is no harm in calling this function if there is no hard 
+page break at the specified row.
+@param aRow The row, immediately above which there is a hard page break. */
+	{
+	TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+	TInt pos;
+	if (iHardRowPageBreaks->FindIsq(aRow,key,pos)==0)
+		{
+		iHardRowPageBreaks->Delete(pos);
+		NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+		iHasChanged=ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridLay::IsHardRowPageBreak(TInt aRow) const
+/** Tests whether there is a hard page break at the specified row.
+@param aRow The row.
+@return True, if there is a hard page break at (i.e. immediately above) the 
+specified row; false, otherwise. */
+	{
+	TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+	TInt pos;
+	if (iHardRowPageBreaks->FindIsq(aRow,key,pos)==0)
+		return ETrue;
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetHardColumnPageBreakL(TInt aCol)
+/** Sets a hard page break at the specified column.
+Note that pagination will be flagged as being out of date.
+@param aCol The column, immediately to the left of which the hard page break 
+is to occur. */
+	{
+	if (IsHardColumnPageBreak(aCol) || aCol==iGridRange.iFrom.iCol)
+		return;
+	TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+	iHardColumnPageBreaks->InsertIsqL(aCol,key);
+	NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ClearHardColumnPageBreakL(TInt aCol)
+/** Removes the hard page break at the specified column.
+Note that pagination will be flagged as being out of date.
+Note also that there is no harm in calling this function if there is no hard 
+page break at the specified column.
+@param aCol The column, immediately to the left of which there is a hard page 
+break. */
+	{
+	TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+	TInt pos;
+	if (iHardColumnPageBreaks->FindIsq(aCol,key,pos)==0)
+		{
+		iHardColumnPageBreaks->Delete(pos);
+		NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+		iHasChanged=ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBool CGridLay::IsHardColumnPageBreak(TInt aCol) const
+/** Tests whether there is a hard page break at the specified column.
+@param aCol The column.
+@return True, if there is a hard page break at (i.e. immediately to the left 
+of) the specified column; false, otherwise. */
+	{
+	TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt);
+	TInt pos;
+	if (iHardColumnPageBreaks->FindIsq(aCol,key,pos)==0)
+		return ETrue;
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ClearAllHardPageBreaksL()
+/** Removes all hard page breaks; this includes all row and column page breaks.
+Note that pagination will be flagged as being out of date. */
+	{
+	iHardRowPageBreaks->Reset();
+	iHardColumnPageBreaks->Reset();
+	NotifyPaginationOutOfDateL();
+	iHasChanged=ETrue;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream) const
+/** Externalises an object of this class to a write stream.
+The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() 
+can be used to externalise objects of this class. 
+@param aStream Stream to which the object should be externalised. */
+	{
+	aStream.WriteUint32L(iFlags);
+	aStream << iGridRange;
+	aStream << *iRowHeightMap;
+	aStream << *iColumnWidthMap;
+	aStream << *iHardRowPageBreaks;
+	aStream << *iHardColumnPageBreaks;
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(iMinRowHeightInPixels);
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(iMinColumnWidthInPixels);
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(iPageSizeInTwips.iWidth);
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(iPageSizeInTwips.iHeight);
+	if (IsTitleLines())
+		{
+		aStream << iTitleRange;
+		}
+	aStream << iVisibleRange.iFrom;
+	aStream << iGridEdgeColor;
+	((CGridLay*)this)->iHasChanged=EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::InternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)
+/** Internalises an object of this class from a read stream.
+The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() 
+can be used to internalise objects of this class.
+Note that the function has assignment semantics. It replaces the old value 
+of the object with a new value read from the read stream. 
+@param aStream Stream from which the object is to be internalised. */
+	{
+	iFlags = aStream.ReadUint32L();
+	aStream >> iGridRange;
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->NotifyGridRangeResize();
+	aStream >> *iRowHeightMap;
+	aStream >> *iColumnWidthMap;
+	aStream >> *iHardRowPageBreaks;
+	aStream >> *iHardColumnPageBreaks;
+	RecalcPixelSparseMaps();
+	iMinRowHeightInPixels=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	iMinColumnWidthInPixels=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	iPageSizeInTwips.iWidth=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	iPageSizeInTwips.iHeight=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	if (IsPaginated() && iGridImg)
+		{
+		ClearPagination();
+		PaginateL();
+		}
+	if (IsTitleLines())
+		{
+		aStream >> iTitleRange;
+		}
+	if (IsRowPermanentlySelected())
+		SetRowPermanentlySelectedL(ETrue);	//To add row to selection region
+	if (iGridImg)
+		iGridImg->ResetReferencePoints();
+	aStream >> iVisibleRange.iFrom;
+	if (iGridImg)
+		{
+		ResetVisibleToCell();
+		iGridImg->CheckSideLabelWidth();
+		}
+	aStream >> iGridEdgeColor;
+	iHasChanged=EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TStreamId CGridLay::StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore) const
+/** Externalises this object to a stream in the specified store.
+@param aStore The store in which the stream is to be created and stored.
+@return The Id of the created stream. */
+	{
+	RStoreWriteStream stream;
+	TStreamId streamId = stream.CreateLC(aStore);
+	ExternalizeL(stream);
+	stream.CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	return streamId;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,TStreamId aStreamId)
+/** Internalises this object from the specified stream in the specified store.
+Note that the function has assignment semantics. It replaces the old value 
+of this object with a new value read from the specified stream.
+@param aStore The store containing the stream.
+@param aStreamId The Id of the stream from which this object is to be internalised. */
+	{
+	RStoreReadStream stream;
+	stream.OpenLC(aStore,aStreamId);
+	InternalizeL(stream);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	}
+TBool CGridLay::RequestRow(TInt aRow,TInt& aReturnRow) const
+	{
+	if (IsIndefiniteRowBoundaries())
+		return iGridTable->RequestRow(aRow,aReturnRow);
+	if (aRow<iGridRange.iFrom.iRow)
+		aReturnRow=iGridRange.iFrom.iRow;
+	else if (aRow>iGridRange.iTo.iRow)
+		aReturnRow=iGridRange.iTo.iRow;
+	else
+		aReturnRow=aRow;
+	return iGridRange.iFrom.iRow<=iGridRange.iTo.iRow;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::RowExtent() const
+/** Gets the number of rows in the range.
+@return The number of rows. */
+	{
+	TInt gridRowExtent=iGridRange.iTo.iRow-iGridRange.iFrom.iRow+1;
+	if (gridRowExtent<0)
+		gridRowExtent=KMaxTInt;	// In case gridrange is v. large (i.e. indefinite row boundaries)
+	return Min(iGridTable->RowExtent(),gridRowExtent);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt CGridLay::ColumnExtent() const
+/** Gets the number of columns in the range.
+@return The number of columns. */
+	{
+	return Min(iGridTable->ColumnExtent(),iGridRange.iTo.iCol-iGridRange.iFrom.iCol+1);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBool MGridTable::RequestRow(TInt /*aRow*/,TInt& /*aReturnRow*/) const
+/** Translates a requested row.
+Typically, the function is called by grid before it attempts a redraw in order 
+to determine how many rows can be drawn. For example, if a request for row 16 
+were to be translated as row 11, then it would imply that there are only 11 
+rows in this rowset, and cause grid to draw accordingly.
+An implementation must be provided for grids that have indefinite row boundaries.
+The default implementation raises a panic.
+@param aRow The row to be translated.
+@param aReturnRow On return, the row that corresponds to the requested row.
+@return True, if a row is returned; false, if no rows can be returned.
+@panic GRIDIMG 8 Always raised by the default implementation.*/
+	{
+	Panic(EGridTableInvalidRequestRow);
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt MGridTable::RowExtent() const
+/** Gets the number of rows in the grid.
+@return The number of rows in the grid. The default implementation returns 
+the value EDefaultRowExtent. */
+	{
+	return EDefaultRowExtent;
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt MGridTable::ColumnExtent() const
+/** Gets the number of columns in the grid.
+@return The number of columns in the grid. The default implementation returns 
+the value EDefaultColumnExtent. */
+	{
+	return EDefaultColumnExtent;
+	}
+//	Setting the grid colors
+EXPORT_C void CGridLay::SetGridColors(TGridColors aColors)
+/** Sets the collection of colours to be used to draw the grid.
+@param aColors The grid colour definitions. */
+	{
+	iColors = aColors;
+	iGridImg->SetGridColors(aColors);
+	}
+//	Getting the grid colors
+EXPORT_C const TGridColors& CGridLay::GridColors() const
+/** Gets the collection of colours used to draw the grid.
+@return The grid colour definitions. */
+	{
+	return iColors;
+	}