changeset 0 2f259fa3e83a
child 10 9f56a4e1b8ab
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commonuisupport/uikon/srvsrc/EIKNFYSV.CPP	Tue Feb 02 01:00:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2060 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "EIKNFYSV.H"
+#include <barsread.h>
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eikmsg.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include "EIKSRV.PAN"
+#include "eiknotapi.h"
+#include <bafindf.h>
+#include <uiklaf/private/lafenv.h>
+#include "EIKDEBUG.H"
+#include <uiklaf/private/pluginuid.hrh>
+#include "eikscchange.h"
+_LIT(KPanicClient_CEikServNotifySession,"Eiksrv Cli(Nfy)");
+const TInt KQueued = 1;
+const TInt KNullClientId = 0;
+const TUid KNonExistentUid = {KNullUidValue}; 
+#include <ecom/publicregistry.h>
+#include <uikon.hrh>
+static const TUid KUidPluginInterfaceNotifiers = {KUikonUidPluginInterfaceNotifiers};
+const TUint KNotifierMessageOpCodeLast = 10;
+const TUint KRangeCount = 5;
+const TInt KOpCodeRanges[KRangeCount] = 
+	{	
+	ENotifierNotify,
+	ECancelNotifier, 
+	EStartNotifierAndGetResponse, 
+	EUpdateNotifierAndGetResponse,
+	KNotifierMessageOpCodeLast,
+	};
+const TUint8 KElementsIndex[KRangeCount] =
+	{
+	CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, //Allways passing no capability required      [0-2]
+	CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck, //Custom check for the Notifier Client's SID (ECancelNotifier and EUpdateNotifier) [3-4]
+	CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass,	//Allways passing no capability required       [5-8]
+	CPolicyServer::ECustomCheck,//Custom check for the Notifier Client's SID  (EUpdateNotifierAndGetResponse)[9-(KNotifierMessageOpCodeLast-1)]
+	CPolicyServer::ENotSupported, //Not Supported					 		   [KNotifierMessageOpCodeLast-End]
+	};
+const CPolicyServer::TPolicy KEikServNotifyServerPolicy =
+	{
+	CPolicyServer::EAlwaysPass, 
+	KRangeCount,
+	KOpCodeRanges,
+	KElementsIndex, 	
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDiscoverNewImplementation) : public CActive
+	{
+	static CDiscoverNewImplementation* NewL(CEikSrvNotifierManager& aManager);
+	void Start();
+	~CDiscoverNewImplementation();
+	CDiscoverNewImplementation(CEikSrvNotifierManager& aManager);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void RunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	CEikSrvNotifierManager& iManager;
+	REComSession* iEComSession;
+	CActiveScheduler*  iScheduler;
+	};
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPluginTrack) : public CBase
+	{
+		{
+	public:
+		TNotifierInfo(TUid aNotifierPluginUid, TUid aNotifierPluginChannelUid);
+	public:
+		TUid iNotifierPluginUid;
+		TUid iNotifierPluginChannelUid;
+		};
+	CPluginTrack();
+	~CPluginTrack();
+	TUid iDllUid;
+	TUid iPluginImplementationUid;
+	TUid iDtr_key;
+	RArray<TNotifierInfo> iNotifierInfo;
+	};
+// class CEikServNotifyServer
+CEikServNotifyServer::CEikServNotifyServer(TInt aPriority, MEikServNotifyAlert* aAlert)
+	: CPolicyServer(aPriority, KEikServNotifyServerPolicy), iAlert(aAlert)
+	//
+	// private c'tor - initialize using NewL()
+	//
+	{
+	}
+EXPORT_C  CEikServNotifyServer::~CEikServNotifyServer()
+	{
+	SetIsExiting();
+	if (iAlert)
+		iAlert->Release();
+	if (iInfoMsg)
+		iInfoMsg->Release();
+	iInfoMsgGroupWin.Close();
+	delete iManager;
+	}
+EXPORT_C CEikServNotifyServer* CEikServNotifyServer::NewL(MEikServNotifyAlert* aAlert)
+	//
+	// static - Create and start the server
+	{
+	CEikServNotifyServer* server = new (ELeave) CEikServNotifyServer(EActivePriorityIpcEventsHigh, aAlert);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(server);
+	server->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(); // server
+	return server;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CEikServNotifyServer::StartL()
+	{
+	CServer2::StartL(__NOTIFIER_NAME);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifyServer::SetIsExiting()
+	{
+	iExiting = ETrue;
+	}
+TBool CEikServNotifyServer::IsExiting() const
+	{
+	return iExiting;
+	}
+void CEikServNotifyServer::ConstructL()
+	//
+	// private second phase construction - initialise using NewL()
+	//
+	{
+	// notifier info print
+	CEikonEnv* env = CEikonEnv::Static();
+	RWsSession& wsSession = env->WsSession();
+	iInfoMsgGroupWin = RWindowGroup(wsSession);
+	User::LeaveIfError(iInfoMsgGroupWin.Construct((TUint32)this, EFalse)); // EFalse disables key events
+	iInfoMsgGroupWin.SetOrdinalPosition(0, ECoeWinPriorityAlwaysAtFront-1);
+	iInfoMsg = LafEnv::NewInfoMsgWinL(*env, iInfoMsgGroupWin);
+	// notifier manager
+	iManager = CEikSrvNotifierManager::NewL();
+	iManager->RegisterL();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CEikServNotifyServer::DisplayNotifier(const TDesC& aTitle,const TDesC& aLabel, const TDesC& aBut1, const TDesC& aBut2, MEikNotifyAlertCompletionObserver* aObserver)
+	{
+	if(iAlert)
+		iAlert->DisplayNotifier(aTitle, aLabel, aBut1, aBut2, aObserver);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void CEikServNotifyServer::DisplayInfoPrint(const TDesC& aDes)
+	{
+	if(iInfoMsg)
+		iInfoMsg->StartDisplay(aDes, EHRightVTop);
+	}
+CSession2* CEikServNotifyServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion &aVersion,const RMessage2&) const
+	{
+	const TVersion version(1,0,0); // !! liaise with RNotify client-side class in E32
+	if (!User::QueryVersionSupported(version,aVersion))
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	return CEikServNotifySession::NewL();
+	}
+CPolicyServer::TCustomResult CEikServNotifyServer::CustomSecurityCheckL(const RMessage2& aMsg, TInt& /*aAction*/, TSecurityInfo& /*aMissing*/)
+//aAction is not set because default value to it is already set(CPolicyServer::EFailClient)
+//aMissing is not set because it is not needed as we aren't overriding CheckFailedL
+	{
+	const TUid notifierUid = TUid::Uid(aMsg.Int0());
+	const TSecureId clientSid = aMsg.SecureId();
+	const TInt count = iAsyncSecureInfoQueue.Count();
+	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+		{
+		if(iAsyncSecureInfoQueue[i].iSecureId == clientSid)
+			return CPolicyServer::EPass;
+		}
+	return CPolicyServer::EFail;
+	}
+// class TNotifierMessageInfo
+TNotifierMessageInfo::TNotifierMessageInfo(const RMessage2& aMessage, CEikServNotifySession& aEikServNotifySession)
+ : iMessage(aMessage), iEikServNotifySession(aEikServNotifySession)
+	{
+	}
+// class CEikServNotifySession
+CEikServNotifySession* CEikServNotifySession::NewL()
+	{
+	CEikServNotifySession* const notifySession = new(ELeave) CEikServNotifySession;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(notifySession);
+	notifySession->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(notifySession);
+	return notifySession;
+	}
+	{
+	const CEikServNotifyServer& server = Server();
+	if (!server.IsExiting())
+		server.Manager()->HandleClientExit(iClientId);
+	iServer = NULL;
+	delete iEikSrvPendingAlert;
+	delete iBuffer;
+	}
+CEikServNotifySession::CEikServNotifySession() : iClientId(reinterpret_cast<TInt>(this))
+	{
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iEikSrvPendingAlert = new(ELeave) CEikSrvPendingAlert(*this);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::ServiceL(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+	//
+	// Service requests
+	//
+	{
+	DEBUGPRINT3(_L("CEikServNotifySession::ServiceL(), UID: 0x%X op:%D"),aMessage.Int0(),aMessage.Function());
+	TBool completeMessage = ETrue;
+	switch (aMessage.Function())
+		{
+	case ENotifierNotify:
+		DisplayAlert(aMessage);
+		completeMessage = EFalse; // Completed in HandleAlertCompletion
+		break;
+	case ENotifierInfoPrint:
+		DisplayInfoMsg(aMessage);
+		break;
+	case EStartNotifier:
+		StartNotifierL(aMessage);
+		break;
+	case ECancelNotifier:
+		{
+		TInt result = NotifierCancel(aMessage);
+		if(result == KErrNone)
+			{
+			result = Server().Manager()->NotifierCancel(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()));
+			}
+		aMessage.Complete(result);
+		completeMessage = EFalse;
+		}
+		break;
+	case EUpdateNotifier:
+		{
+		UpdateNotifierL(aMessage);
+		completeMessage = EFalse; // Completed in UpdateNotifierL
+		}
+		break;
+	case EStartNotifierAndGetResponse:
+		{
+		TBool cleanupComplete = ETrue;
+		StartNotifierAndGetResponseL(aMessage, cleanupComplete);
+		completeMessage = EFalse; // the plug-in has responsibility for completing the message (either synchronously or asynchronously)
+		}
+		break;
+	case EUpdateNotifierAndGetResponse:
+		UpdateNotifierAndGetResponseL(aMessage);
+		completeMessage = EFalse;
+		break;
+	default:
+		aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported);
+		break;
+		}
+	if (completeMessage && !aMessage.IsNull())
+		aMessage.Complete(KErrNone);
+	DEBUGPRINT3(_L("CEikServNotifySession::ServiceL() finished, UID: 0x%X Message completed: %U"),aMessage.Int0(),completeMessage);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::DisplayAlert(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	//
+	// Display an alert
+	//
+	{
+	iLengthOfCombinedBuffer = aMessage.GetDesLength(1);
+	if (iLengthOfCombinedBuffer < 0)
+		return;
+	iLengthOfFirstLineOfMessage = (static_cast<TUint>(aMessage.Int2())>>16);
+	iLengthOfSecondLineOfMessage = (aMessage.Int2()&KMaxTUint16);
+	iLengthOfFirstButtonOfMessage = (static_cast<TUint>(aMessage.Int3())>>16);
+	iLengthOfSecondButtonOfMessage = (aMessage.Int3()&KMaxTUint16);
+	if (iLengthOfCombinedBuffer != iLengthOfFirstLineOfMessage + iLengthOfSecondLineOfMessage + 
+									iLengthOfFirstButtonOfMessage + iLengthOfSecondButtonOfMessage)
+		{
+		aMessage.Panic(KPanicClient_CEikServNotifySession,EEikSrvClientPanicInconsistentMessageParameters);
+		return;
+		}
+	HBufC* const combinedBuffer = HBufC::New(iLengthOfCombinedBuffer);
+	if(!combinedBuffer)
+		return;
+	TPtr combinedBuffer_asWritable(combinedBuffer->Des());
+	const TInt error = aMessage.Read(1, combinedBuffer_asWritable);
+	if (error)
+		{
+		delete combinedBuffer;
+		return;
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBuffer == NULL, User::Invariant());	
+	iBuffer = combinedBuffer;
+	RNotifierMessageInfoQueue& queue = Server().AsyncMessageQueue();
+	const TInt err = queue.Append(TNotifierMessageInfo(aMessage,*this));
+	if (!err && queue.Count() == 1) // if the only thing in the queue is what we've just put in it...
+		PrepareDisplayAlert();
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::PrepareDisplayAlert()
+	{
+	const RNotifierMessageInfoQueue& queue = Server().AsyncMessageQueue();
+	//Getting the first element from the queue
+	ASSERT(queue.Count());
+	const TNotifierMessageInfo& firstInQueue = queue[0];
+	//Getting the parameters for the notifier message to display	
+	const TInt lengthOfFirstLine = firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iLengthOfFirstLineOfMessage;
+	const TInt lengthOfSecondLine = firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iLengthOfSecondLineOfMessage;
+	const TInt lengthOfFirstButton = firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iLengthOfFirstButtonOfMessage;
+	const TInt lengthOfSecondButton = firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iLengthOfSecondButtonOfMessage;
+	const TPtrC firstLineOfMessage(firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer->Left(lengthOfFirstLine));
+	const TPtrC secondLineOfMessage(firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer->Mid(lengthOfFirstLine,lengthOfSecondLine));
+	const TPtrC firstButtonOfMessage(firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer->Mid(lengthOfFirstLine+lengthOfSecondLine,lengthOfFirstButton));
+	const TPtrC secondButtonOfMessage(firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer->Mid(lengthOfFirstLine+lengthOfSecondLine+lengthOfFirstButton,lengthOfSecondButton));
+	// after this line we can guarantee that HandleAlertCompletion will be called (assuming that the call to MEikServNotifyAlert's virtual function DisplayNotifier (which is called inside the DisplayNotifier call below) is well-behaved)
+	Server().DisplayNotifier(firstLineOfMessage, secondLineOfMessage, firstButtonOfMessage, secondButtonOfMessage, &firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::HandleAlertCompletion(const TInt aButtonVal)
+	{
+	RNotifierMessageInfoQueue& queue = Server().AsyncMessageQueue();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(queue.Count() > 0,Panic(EEikServPanicNotifyAlertQueueEmpty));
+	const TNotifierMessageInfo& firstInQueue = queue[0];
+	firstInQueue.iMessage.Complete(firstInQueue.iMessage.Write(0, TPckgC<TInt>(aButtonVal == EEikBidCancel ? 0 : 1)));
+	if (firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer)
+		{
+		delete firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer;
+		firstInQueue.iEikServNotifySession.iBuffer = NULL;
+		}
+	queue.Remove(0);
+	if (queue.Count())
+		iEikSrvPendingAlert->TriggerNext();
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::DisplayNextPendingAlert()
+	{
+	if (Server().AsyncMessageQueue().Count() >= 1)
+		PrepareDisplayAlert();
+ 	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::DisplayInfoMsg(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	//
+	// Display an info message
+	//
+	{
+	TBuf<400> msg;
+	const TInt err = aMessage.Read(0, msg);
+	aMessage.Complete(err);
+	if(!err)
+		Server().DisplayInfoPrint(msg);
+	}
+HBufC8* CEikServNotifySession::GetRemoteInputBufferLC(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aSlot)
+	{
+	HBufC8* const inputBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.GetDesLength(aSlot)));
+	TPtr8 input(inputBuffer->Des());
+	aMessage.ReadL(aSlot, input);
+	return inputBuffer;
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::StartNotifierL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	HBufC8* const inputBuffer = GetRemoteInputBufferLC(aMessage, 1);
+	const TUid notifierUid = TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0());
+	const TSecureId secureId = aMessage.SecureId();
+	RNotifierSecureInfoQueue& secureInfoQueue = Server().AsyncSecureInfoQueue();
+	secureInfoQueue.AppendL(TNotifierSecureInfo(notifierUid, secureId));
+	if (!aMessage.Int2()) // if the third parameter is null
+		{
+		TRAPD(err, Server().Manager()->NotifierStartL(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()),*inputBuffer,NULL,iClientId));
+		if(err)
+			{
+			secureInfoQueue.Remove(secureInfoQueue.Count()-1);
+			User::Leave(err);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		HBufC8* const responseBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.GetDesMaxLength(2)));
+		TPtr8 response(responseBuffer->Des());
+		TRAPD(err, Server().Manager()->NotifierStartL(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()), *inputBuffer, &response, iClientId));
+		if(err)
+			{
+			secureInfoQueue.Remove(secureInfoQueue.Count()-1);
+			User::Leave(err);
+			}
+		aMessage.WriteL(2,response);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(responseBuffer);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inputBuffer);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::UpdateNotifierL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	const RNotifierSecureInfoQueue& secureInfoQueue=Server().AsyncSecureInfoQueue();
+	const TUid notifierUid = TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0());
+	const TInt queueTotal = secureInfoQueue.Count();
+	TBool completeMessage = EFalse;
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < queueTotal; i++)
+		{
+		if(secureInfoQueue[i].iNotifierUid == notifierUid && secureInfoQueue[i].iSecureId == aMessage.SecureId())
+			{
+			HBufC8* const inputBuffer = GetRemoteInputBufferLC(aMessage, 1);
+			if (!aMessage.Int2()) // if the third parameter is null
+				{
+				TRAPD(err, Server().Manager()->NotifierUpdateL(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()), *inputBuffer, NULL, iClientId));
+				aMessage.Complete(err);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				HBufC8* const outputBuffer = HBufC8::NewLC(User::LeaveIfError(aMessage.GetDesMaxLength(2)));
+				TPtr8 output(outputBuffer->Des());
+				TRAPD(err, Server().Manager()->NotifierUpdateL(notifierUid, *inputBuffer, &output, iClientId));
+				if(!err)
+					aMessage.WriteL(2,*outputBuffer);
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(outputBuffer);
+				aMessage.Complete(err);
+				}
+			completeMessage = ETrue;
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inputBuffer);
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	if (!completeMessage)
+		aMessage.Complete(KErrNotFound);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::StartNotifierAndGetResponseL(const RMessage2& aMessage,TBool& aCleanupComplete)
+	{
+	HBufC8* const inputBuffer = GetRemoteInputBufferLC(aMessage, 1);
+	const TUid notifierUid = TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0());
+	const TSecureId secureId = aMessage.SecureId();
+	RNotifierSecureInfoQueue& secureInfoQueue = Server().AsyncSecureInfoQueue();
+	secureInfoQueue.AppendL(TNotifierSecureInfo(notifierUid,secureId));
+	TRAPD(err, Server().Manager()->NotifierStartAndGetResponseL(TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0()), *inputBuffer, 2, aMessage, iClientId, aCleanupComplete));
+	if(err)
+		{
+		secureInfoQueue.Remove(secureInfoQueue.Count()-1);
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inputBuffer);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::UpdateNotifierAndGetResponseL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	const RNotifierSecureInfoQueue& secureInfoQueue=Server().AsyncSecureInfoQueue();
+	const TUid notifierUid = TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0());
+	const TInt queueTotal = secureInfoQueue.Count();
+	TBool completeMessage = ETrue;
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < queueTotal; i++)
+		{
+		if(secureInfoQueue[i].iNotifierUid == notifierUid && secureInfoQueue[i].iSecureId == aMessage.SecureId())
+			{
+			HBufC8* const inputBuffer = GetRemoteInputBufferLC(aMessage, 1);
+			Server().Manager()->NotifierUpdateAndGetResponseL(notifierUid, *inputBuffer, 2, aMessage, iClientId);
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inputBuffer);
+			completeMessage = EFalse;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	if (completeMessage)
+		aMessage.Complete(KErrNotSupported); // The client that initially created or connected to the notifier was not found
+	}
+TInt CEikServNotifySession::NotifierCancel(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	RNotifierSecureInfoQueue& secureInfoQueue = Server().AsyncSecureInfoQueue();
+	const TUid notifierUid = TUid::Uid(aMessage.Int0());
+	const TSecureId secureId = aMessage.SecureId();
+	TInt queueTotal = secureInfoQueue.Count();
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < queueTotal; i++)
+		{
+		if(secureInfoQueue[i].iNotifierUid == notifierUid && secureInfoQueue[i].iSecureId == secureId)
+			{
+			secureInfoQueue.Remove(i);
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+CEikServNotifySession::CEikSrvPendingAlert::CEikSrvPendingAlert(CEikServNotifySession& aEikServNotifySession)
+ : CActive(EActivePriorityClockTimer), iEikServNotifySession(aEikServNotifySession)
+	{
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+	}
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::CEikSrvPendingAlert::TriggerNext()
+	{
+	iStatus = KRequestPending;
+	SetActive();
+	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::CEikSrvPendingAlert::DoCancel()
+	{
+	}
+void CEikServNotifySession::CEikSrvPendingAlert::RunL()
+	{
+	iEikServNotifySession.DisplayNextPendingAlert();
+	}
+CEikSrvNotifierWrapper::CEikSrvNotifierWrapper(MEikSrvNotifierBase2* aNotifier)
+	: iNotifier(aNotifier)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	if(iNotifier)
+		iNotifier->Release();
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierWrapper::RegisterNotifierL()
+	{
+	iInfo = iNotifier->RegisterL();
+	}
+CEikSrvNotifierRemover* CEikSrvNotifierRemover::NewL()
+	{//static
+	CEikSrvNotifierRemover* self = new(ELeave) CEikSrvNotifierRemover();
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+	: CActive(EPriorityHigh)	// high priority active object, s.t. it gets run before any more requests to cservers in the eiksrv thread.
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierRemover::Start(CEikSrvNotifierManager* aManager, CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* aObservedList)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aObservedList, Panic(EEikServPanicNullObservedList));
+	iManager = aManager;
+	iObservedList = aObservedList;
+	SetActive();
+	iStatus = KRequestPending;
+	TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+	User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierRemover::RunL()
+	{
+	const TInt maxIndex = iObservedList->Count() - 1;
+	for(TInt ii = maxIndex; ii >= 0; ii--)
+		{
+		CEikSrvNotifierWrapper* notifierWrapper = iObservedList->At(ii);
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info = notifierWrapper->iNotifier->Info();
+		const TUid plugInDllUid = notifierWrapper->iPlugInDllUid;
+		if(notifierWrapper->iIsReadyForRemoval)
+			{
+			if(plugInDllUid != KNullUid)	// only cancel if it comes from one of the transient dlls !
+				{
+				delete notifierWrapper;
+				iObservedList->Delete(ii);	// resize the CEikSrvNotifierWrapper array
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierRemover::DoCancel()
+	{
+	}
+CEikSrvNotifierManager* CEikSrvNotifierManager::NewL()
+	{
+	CEikSrvNotifierManager* self = new (ELeave) CEikSrvNotifierManager;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	if (iObservedList)
+		{
+		iObservedList->ResetAndDestroy();
+		delete iObservedList;
+		}
+	// This calls REComSession::DestroyedImplementation which closes plug-in libraries, 
+	// hence must be called *after* the virtual Release function is called on the 
+	// plug-ins (inside the iObservedList->ResetAndDestroy() call above)
+	iPluginUidList.ResetAndDestroy(); 
+	iPluginUidList.Close();
+	delete iChannelMonitor;
+	delete iActivityMonitor;
+	delete iQueue;
+	delete iNotifierRemover;
+	delete iDiscoverNewImplementation;
+	}
+LOCAL_C void DeleteTempMArray(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>* array = reinterpret_cast<CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>*>(aPtr);
+	const TInt count = array->Count();
+	for(TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		(*array)[ii]->Release();
+	delete array;
+	}
+LOCAL_C void DeleteTempCArray(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* const array = reinterpret_cast<CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>*>(aPtr);
+	array->ResetAndDestroy();
+	delete array;
+	}
+CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* CEikSrvNotifierManager::CreateNotifierArrayFromPlugInArrayL(CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>* aPlugInArray, const TUidType& /*aUidType*/)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfNull(aPlugInArray);
+	const TInt count = aPlugInArray->Count();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(DeleteTempMArray,aPlugInArray));
+	const TInt arrayIncrement = Max(1, count);	// at least one
+	CArrayPtrFlat<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* retArray = new (ELeave)CArrayPtrFlat<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>(arrayIncrement);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(DeleteTempCArray,retArray));
+	for(TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notif = aPlugInArray->At(0);
+		notif->SetManager(this);
+		CEikSrvNotifierWrapper* notifier = new (ELeave) CEikSrvNotifierWrapper(notif);
+		aPlugInArray->Delete(0);	// remove notif from aPlugInArray
+		CleanupStack::PushL(notifier);
+		retArray->AppendL(notifier);
+		CleanupStack::Pop(notifier);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(retArray);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aPlugInArray);
+	return retArray;
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::UpdateHighestPriorityNotifiersOnThisChannelOfTheirPausingOrResuming(TUid aChannelUid, TUid aHighestPriorityNotifierOnThisChannelUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+	{
+	const TInt count = iObservedList->Count();
+	for (TInt jj = 0; jj < count; jj++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notifForUpdate = ((*iObservedList)[jj])->iNotifier;
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo infoForUpdate = notifForUpdate->Info();
+		if (infoForUpdate.iUid == aHighestPriorityNotifierOnThisChannelUid && infoForUpdate.iChannel == aChannelUid)
+			{
+			TRAP_IGNORE(notifForUpdate->UpdateL(aBuffer));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::TryAddNotifiersFromNotifierArrayL(CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* aNotifierArray, TInt& aRollBackChannels)
+	{
+	const TInt maxIndex = aNotifierArray->Count() - 1;
+	for(TInt ii = maxIndex; ii >= 0; ii--)
+		{
+		CEikSrvNotifierWrapper* notifier = aNotifierArray->At(ii);
+		iObservedList->AppendL(notifier);		// notifier is owned by aNotifierArray, so should this fail, everything is ok. 
+		aNotifierArray->Delete(ii);	// wan't to get this pointer out of aNotifierArray asap to avoid double deletion from cleanup stack.
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& info = notifier->iInfo;
+		DEBUGPRINT4(_L("CEikSrvNotifierManager::TryAddNotifiersFromNotifierArrayL; Adding notifier: UID 0x%X, priority %d, channel 0x%X"),info.iUid,info.iPriority,info.iChannel);
+		if (!iChannelMonitor->AlreadyHasChannel(info.iChannel))
+			{
+			iChannelMonitor->AddNewChannelL(info.iChannel);
+			++aRollBackChannels;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	{
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iObservedList = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrSeg<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>(6);
+	iChannelMonitor = CChannelMonitor::NewL();
+	iActivityMonitor = CActivityMonitor::NewL();
+	iQueue = CEikNotifierQueue::NewL();
+	iNotifierRemover = CEikSrvNotifierRemover::NewL();
+	iDiscoverNewImplementation = CDiscoverNewImplementation::NewL(*this);
+	}
+struct SActivityCleanup
+	{
+	CActivityMonitor* iMonitor;
+	TUid iNotifier;
+	TInt iClientId;
+	};
+LOCAL_C void CleanupActivityMonitor(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	SActivityCleanup& cleanup = *reinterpret_cast<SActivityCleanup*>(aPtr);
+	cleanup.iMonitor->Remove(cleanup.iNotifier, cleanup.iClientId);
+	}
+class MNotifierStarter
+	{
+	virtual TInt StartAlreadyActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer) = 0;
+	virtual void StartInactiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse) = 0;
+	virtual CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* NewQueueItemLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo, TInt aClientId, const TDesC8& aBuffer) = 0;
+	};
+class MNotifierUpdater
+	{
+	virtual void UpdateActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse) = 0;
+	};
+// class TSynchronousNotifierUpdater
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TSynchronousNotifierUpdater) : public MNotifierUpdater
+	{
+	inline TSynchronousNotifierUpdater() {}
+	virtual void UpdateActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse);
+	};
+void TSynchronousNotifierUpdater::UpdateActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse)
+	{
+	if (aResponse)
+		aResponse->Copy(aNotifier.UpdateL(aBuffer));
+	else
+		aNotifier.UpdateL(aBuffer);
+	}
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TAsynchronousNotifierUpdater) : public MNotifierUpdater
+	{
+	TAsynchronousNotifierUpdater(TInt aReplySlot, const RMessage2& aMessage);
+private: // from TSynchronousNotifierUpdater
+	void UpdateActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse);
+	TInt iReplySlot;
+	const RMessage2& iMessage;
+	};
+TAsynchronousNotifierUpdater::TAsynchronousNotifierUpdater(TInt aReplySlot, const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	:iReplySlot(aReplySlot), iMessage(aMessage)
+	{
+	}
+void TAsynchronousNotifierUpdater::UpdateActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* /*aResponse*/)
+	{
+	aNotifier.UpdateL(aBuffer, iReplySlot, iMessage);
+	}
+// class CEikSrvNotifierManager
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::DoNotifierStartL(MNotifierStarter& aNotifierStarter,TBool& aCleanupComplete,TUid aNotifierUid,TUid aChannelUid,const TDesC8& aBuffer,TDes8* aResponse, TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TInt result = KErrNotFound;
+	RArray<TInt> notifierPositions;
+	CleanupClosePushL(notifierPositions);
+	LookForNotifierInObservedListL(aNotifierUid, aChannelUid, notifierPositions);
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < notifierPositions.Count(); ii++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notif = ((*iObservedList)[notifierPositions[ii]])->iNotifier;
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info = notif->Info();
+		if(!NotifierHandlesScreenMode(notif))
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+		if (iActivityMonitor->IsNotifierActive(aNotifierUid, info.iChannel))
+			result = aNotifierStarter.StartAlreadyActiveNotifierL(*notif, aBuffer);
+		else if (info.iPriority > iChannelMonitor->ActivityLevel(info.iChannel))
+			{
+			TUid notifier;
+			MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority priority;
+			const TBool channelWasActive = iActivityMonitor->IsChannelActive(info.iChannel, notifier, priority);
+			iActivityMonitor->AddL(info, aClientId);
+			SActivityCleanup cleanup;
+			cleanup.iMonitor = iActivityMonitor;
+			cleanup.iNotifier = aNotifierUid;
+			cleanup.iClientId = aClientId;
+			CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupActivityMonitor,&cleanup));
+			aCleanupComplete = EFalse;
+			aNotifierStarter.StartInactiveNotifierL(*notif,aBuffer,aResponse);
+			CleanupStack::Pop(&cleanup);
+			if (channelWasActive)
+				UpdateHighestPriorityNotifiersOnThisChannelOfTheirPausingOrResuming(info.iChannel, notifier, KEikNotifierPaused);
+			iChannelMonitor->UpdateChannel(info.iChannel, info.iPriority);
+			if (result != KQueued)
+				result = KErrNone;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (iQueue->IsAlreadyQueued(info.iUid, info.iChannel))
+				result = KErrAlreadyExists;
+			else
+				{
+				CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* const queueCopy = aNotifierStarter.NewQueueItemLC(info,aClientId,aBuffer);
+				iQueue->QueueItemL(queueCopy);
+				CleanupStack::Pop(queueCopy);
+				result = KQueued;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	User::LeaveIfError(result);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&notifierPositions);
+	}
+class TSynchronousNotifierStarter : public MNotifierStarter
+	{
+	inline TSynchronousNotifierStarter() {}
+private: // from MNotifierStarter
+	TInt StartAlreadyActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+	void StartInactiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse);
+	CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* NewQueueItemLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo, TInt aClientId, const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+	};
+TInt TSynchronousNotifierStarter::StartAlreadyActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2&,const TDesC8&)
+	{
+	return KErrAlreadyExists;
+	}
+void TSynchronousNotifierStarter::StartInactiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse)
+	{
+	if(aResponse)
+		aResponse->Copy(aNotifier.StartL(aBuffer));
+	else
+		aNotifier.StartL(aBuffer);
+	}
+CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* TSynchronousNotifierStarter::NewQueueItemLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo, 
+														TInt aClientId, const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+	{
+	return CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem::NewLC(aInfo, aClientId, aBuffer, RMessage2(), -1);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierStartL(TUid aNotifierUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse, TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TBool notUsed = ETrue;
+	TSynchronousNotifierStarter notifierStarter;
+	DoNotifierStartL(notifierStarter, notUsed, aNotifierUid, KNonExistentUid, aBuffer, aResponse, aClientId);
+	}
+TInt CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierUpdateL(TUid aNotifierUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse, TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TSynchronousNotifierUpdater notifierUpdater;
+	return DoNotifierUpdateL(notifierUpdater, aNotifierUid, aBuffer, aResponse, aClientId);
+	}
+TBool CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierHandlesScreenMode(MEikSrvNotifierBase2* aNotifier)
+	{
+	const TInt screenMode = CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->CurrentScreenMode();
+	if(screenMode != 0)
+		{
+		const TInt notifierCapabilities = aNotifier->NotifierCapabilites();
+		if(notifierCapabilities == ENoSpecialCapabilities)
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::LookForNotifierInObservedListL(TUid aNotifierUid, TUid aChannelUid, RArray<TInt>& aNotifierPositions)
+	{
+	const TInt count = iObservedList->Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notif = ((*iObservedList)[ii])->iNotifier;
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info = notif->Info();
+		if (info.iUid == aNotifierUid && (aChannelUid == KNonExistentUid || info.iChannel == aChannelUid))
+			User::LeaveIfError(aNotifierPositions.Append(ii));
+		}
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierStartAndGetResponseL(TUid aNotifierUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot,
+														  const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aClientId, TBool& aCleanupComplete)
+	{
+	NotifierStartAndGetResponseL(aNotifierUid, KNonExistentUid, aBuffer, aReplySlot, aMessage, aClientId, aCleanupComplete);
+	}
+// class TAsynchronousNotifierStarter
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TAsynchronousNotifierStarter) : public MNotifierStarter
+	{
+	TAsynchronousNotifierStarter(TInt aReplySlot,const RMessage2& aMessage);
+private: // from MNotifierStarter
+	TInt StartAlreadyActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier,const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+	void StartInactiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier,const TDesC8& aBuffer,TDes8* aResponse);
+	CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* NewQueueItemLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo,TInt aClientId,const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+	TInt iReplySlot;
+	const RMessage2& iMessage;
+	};
+TAsynchronousNotifierStarter::TAsynchronousNotifierStarter(TInt aReplySlot, const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	:iReplySlot(aReplySlot), iMessage(aMessage)
+	{
+	}
+TInt TAsynchronousNotifierStarter::StartAlreadyActiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+	{
+	aNotifier.StartL(aBuffer, iReplySlot, iMessage); // asynch notifier can decide whether to support multiple clients
+	return KErrNone;
+	} 
+void TAsynchronousNotifierStarter::StartInactiveNotifierL(MEikSrvNotifierBase2& aNotifier, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* /*aResponse*/)
+	{
+	aNotifier.StartL(aBuffer, iReplySlot, iMessage);
+	}
+CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* TAsynchronousNotifierStarter::NewQueueItemLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo, 
+														TInt aClientId, const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iMessage.IsNull(), User::Invariant());
+	return CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem::NewLC(aInfo, aClientId, aBuffer, iMessage, iReplySlot);
+	}
+// class CEikSrvNotifierManager
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierStartAndGetResponseL(TUid aNotifierUid, TUid aChannelUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot,
+														  const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aClientId, TBool& aCleanupComplete)
+	{
+	TAsynchronousNotifierStarter notifierStarter(aReplySlot, aMessage);
+	TBuf8<1> notUsed;
+	DoNotifierStartL(notifierStarter, aCleanupComplete, aNotifierUid, aChannelUid, aBuffer, &notUsed, aClientId);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierUpdateAndGetResponseL(TUid aNotifierUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TInt aReplySlot,
+														  const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TAsynchronousNotifierUpdater notifierUpdater(aReplySlot, aMessage);
+	TBuf8<1> notUsed;
+	DoNotifierUpdateL(notifierUpdater, aNotifierUid, aBuffer, &notUsed, aClientId);
+	}
+TInt CEikSrvNotifierManager::DoNotifierUpdateL(MNotifierUpdater& aNotifierUpdater, TUid aNotifierUid, const TDesC8& aBuffer, TDes8* aResponse, TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TInt result = KErrNotFound;
+	TInt foundNotifs = 0;
+	const TInt count = iObservedList->Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notif=((*iObservedList)[ii])->iNotifier;
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info=notif->Info();
+		if(info.iUid == aNotifierUid)
+			{
+			if (iActivityMonitor->IsNotifierActive(aNotifierUid,info.iChannel))
+				{
+				if (!iActivityMonitor->IsClientPresent(aNotifierUid,info.iChannel,aClientId))
+					iActivityMonitor->AddL(info,aClientId);
+				aNotifierUpdater.UpdateActiveNotifierL(*notif,aBuffer,aResponse);
+				foundNotifs++;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				; // not all channels have been started yet so update the queue
+				}
+			result = KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	if (!foundNotifs && !result) // No active notifs found
+		result = KErrNotReady;
+	User::LeaveIfError(result); //leave because return code is not handled
+	return result;
+	}
+TInt CEikSrvNotifierManager::NotifierCancel(TUid aNotifierUid)
+	{
+  1. Old notif always gets cancelled.
+  2. fetch next item from each channel.  If non-NULL, start these items now
+  3. if item fails to start call NotifierCancel for that uid, cancelling all 
+     channels regardless of whether they were already running
+	TInt result = KErrNotFound;
+	const TInt count = iObservedList->Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notif = ((*iObservedList)[ii])->iNotifier;
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info = notif->Info();
+		if (info.iUid == aNotifierUid)
+			{
+			// This will cause the client request to be set to complete by the notifier's Cancel
+			// (if it has been implemented properly) unless the notifier has never been started
+			// (the notifier's StartL function has never been called).
+			// If the notifier has never been started it is in the queue and 
+			// CEikNotifierQueue::RemoveNotifier will complete the client request instead of the notifier.
+			notif->Cancel();
+			((*iObservedList)[ii])->iIsReadyForRemoval = ETrue;	// record that this notifier will be removed if it's from a transient type dll.
+			if(iNotifierRemover)
+				{
+				iNotifierRemover->Cancel();
+				iNotifierRemover->Start(this, iObservedList);
+				}
+			iActivityMonitor->RemoveNotifier(aNotifierUid,info.iChannel);
+			iQueue->RemoveNotifier(aNotifierUid);
+			//check channel activity and get highest priority on channnel
+			TUid notifier;
+			MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority priority;
+			if (iActivityMonitor->IsChannelActive(info.iChannel, notifier, priority))
+				{
+				// Check if priority of a queued item on the same channel is greater 
+				const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority queuePriority = 
+						(MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority)iQueue->GetHighestQueuePriority(info.iChannel);
+				if (queuePriority > priority)
+					{
+					iChannelMonitor->UpdateChannel(info.iChannel, MEikSrvNotifierBase2::ENotifierPriorityLowest);
+					StartNextFromQueue(info.iChannel);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					UpdateHighestPriorityNotifiersOnThisChannelOfTheirPausingOrResuming(info.iChannel, notifier, KEikNotifierResumed);
+					iChannelMonitor->UpdateChannel(info.iChannel, priority);
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				iChannelMonitor->UpdateChannel(info.iChannel, MEikSrvNotifierBase2::ENotifierPriorityLowest);
+				StartNextFromQueue(info.iChannel);
+				}
+			result = KErrNone;
+			}
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+struct SCleanupMessage
+	{
+	TBool* iDoCleanup;
+	const RMessage2* iMessage;
+	};
+LOCAL_C void CleanupStartAndGetResponse(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	SCleanupMessage& cleanup = *reinterpret_cast<SCleanupMessage*>(aPtr);
+	if (cleanup.iDoCleanup)
+		cleanup.iMessage->Complete(KErrNoMemory);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::StartNextFromQueue(TUid aChannel)
+	{
+	CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* next = iQueue->FetchItem(aChannel);	// Transfer ownership of CQueueItem from the queue
+	if (next)
+		{
+		const TUid notif = next->iInfo.iUid;
+		TRAPD(err, DoStartQueuedItemLD(next));	// Safely consumes CQueueItem "next"
+		if (err)
+			NotifierCancel(notif);
+		}
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::DoStartQueuedItemLD(CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* aItem)	
+	{
+	CleanupStack::PushL(aItem);
+	if (aItem->iMessage.IsNull())
+		NotifierStartL(aItem->iInfo.iUid, aItem->Buffer(), NULL, aItem->iClientId);
+	else
+		{
+		TBool doCleanup = ETrue;
+		SCleanupMessage cleanup;
+		cleanup.iDoCleanup = &doCleanup;
+		cleanup.iMessage = &aItem->iMessage;
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupStartAndGetResponse, &cleanup));
+		NotifierStartAndGetResponseL(aItem->iInfo.iUid, aItem->iInfo.iChannel, aItem->Buffer(), 
+									aItem->iReplySlot, aItem->iMessage, aItem->iClientId, doCleanup);
+		CleanupStack::Pop(&cleanup);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(aItem);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::HandleClientExit(TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TUid notifier = KNullUid;
+	while (iActivityMonitor->NotifierForClient(notifier, aClientId))
+		{
+		const TInt count = iObservedList->Count();
+		for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+			{
+			MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notif = ((*iObservedList)[ii])->iNotifier;
+			if (notif->Info().iUid == notifier)
+				NotifierCancel(notifier);
+			}
+		iActivityMonitor->Remove(notifier,aClientId);
+		}
+	iActivityMonitor->RemoveClient(aClientId);
+	iQueue->RemoveClient(aClientId);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::StartNotifierL(TUid aNotifierUid,const TDesC8& aBuffer,TDes8& aResponse)
+	{
+	NotifierStartL(aNotifierUid,aBuffer,&aResponse,KNullClientId);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::CancelNotifier(TUid aNotifierUid)
+	{
+	NotifierCancel(aNotifierUid);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::UpdateNotifierL(TUid aNotifierUid,const TDesC8& aBuffer,TDes8& aResponse)
+	{
+	NotifierUpdateL(aNotifierUid,aBuffer,&aResponse,KNullClientId);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL()
+	{ 
+	//notify any active notifiers of a screen changed event, if they don't support a screen mode change.
+	//they are cancelled and the list of notifiers is iterated through again to check for any 
+	//queued notifiers that may have been made active.
+	const TInt count = iObservedList->Count();
+	MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo notifierInfo;
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		MEikSrvNotifierBase2* notifier = (*iObservedList)[ii]->iNotifier;
+		notifierInfo = notifier->Info();
+		if(iActivityMonitor->IsNotifierActive(notifierInfo.iUid, notifierInfo.iChannel))
+			{
+			const TInt notifierCapabilities = notifier->NotifierCapabilites();
+			if(notifierCapabilities == ENoSpecialCapabilities)
+				{
+				//Notifier does not support flip events so cancel it.
+				NotifierCancel(notifierInfo.iUid);
+				}
+			else if(notifierCapabilities&EScreenDeviceChangeSupported)
+				{
+				notifier->HandleSystemEventL(KUidEventScreenModeChanged);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// CChannelMonitor
+CChannelMonitor* CChannelMonitor::NewL()
+	{
+	CChannelMonitor* self = new(ELeave) CChannelMonitor;
+	return self;
+	}
+TInt CChannelMonitor::NumberOfChannels() const
+	{
+	return iMonitor.Count();
+	}
+void CChannelMonitor::DeleteChannel(TInt aIndex)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((aIndex >= 0) && (aIndex < iMonitor.Count()), Panic(EEikServPanicChannelIndexOutOfRange));
+	iMonitor.Delete(aIndex);
+	}
+TBool CChannelMonitor::AlreadyHasChannel(TUid aChannel) const
+	{
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		if (iMonitor[ii].iChannel == aChannel)
+			return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TInt CChannelMonitor::ActivityLevel(TUid aChannel) const
+	{
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		const TChannelActivity activity = iMonitor[ii];
+		if (activity.iChannel == aChannel)
+			return activity.iHighestPriorityRunning;
+		}
+	return 0;
+	}
+void CChannelMonitor::UpdateChannel(TUid aChannel, TInt aLevel)
+	{
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		TChannelActivity& activity = iMonitor[ii];
+		if (activity.iChannel == aChannel)
+			{
+			activity.iHighestPriorityRunning = aLevel;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	:iMonitor(3)
+	{}
+// class CNotifierActivity
+CActivityMonitor::CNotifierActivity* CActivityMonitor::CNotifierActivity::NewLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo,TInt aClientId)
+	{ // static
+	CNotifierActivity* self=new(ELeave) CNotifierActivity(aInfo);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aClientId);
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	iClientArray.Reset();
+	}
+TInt CActivityMonitor::CNotifierActivity::Find(TInt aClientId) const
+	{
+	TInt index=KErrNotFound;
+	const TInt count=iClientArray.Count();
+	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;ii++)
+		{
+		TInt clientId=iClientArray[ii];
+		if (clientId==aClientId)
+			{
+			index=ii;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return index;
+	}
+CActivityMonitor::CNotifierActivity::CNotifierActivity(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo)
+	: iInfo(aInfo), iClientArray(1)
+	{}
+void CActivityMonitor::CNotifierActivity::ConstructL(TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	iClientArray.AppendL(aClientId);
+	}
+// class CActivityMonitor
+CActivityMonitor* CActivityMonitor::NewL()
+	{ // static
+	CActivityMonitor* self=new(ELeave) CActivityMonitor();
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	iMonitor.ResetAndDestroy();
+	}
+void CActivityMonitor::AddL(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo,TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	const TInt index = Find(aInfo.iUid,aInfo.iChannel);
+	if (index == KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		CNotifierActivity* activity = CNotifierActivity::NewLC(aInfo,aClientId);
+		iMonitor.AppendL(activity);
+		CleanupStack::Pop(); // activity
+		}
+	else
+		iMonitor[index]->iClientArray.AppendL(aClientId);
+	}
+void CActivityMonitor::Remove(TUid aNotifierUid,TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	const TInt index = Find(aNotifierUid);
+	if (index != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		CNotifierActivity* activity=iMonitor[index];
+		const TInt clientIndex=activity->Find(aClientId);
+		if (clientIndex != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			if (activity->iClientArray.Count()==1)
+				{
+				delete activity;
+				iMonitor.Delete(index);
+				}
+			else
+				activity->iClientArray.Delete(index);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CActivityMonitor::RemoveNotifier(TUid aNotifierUid,TUid aChannel)
+	{
+	const TInt index = Find(aNotifierUid,aChannel);
+	if (index != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		delete iMonitor[index];
+		iMonitor.Delete(index);
+		}
+	}
+void CActivityMonitor::RemoveClient(TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	TInt ii = 0;
+	while (ii < iMonitor.Count())
+		{
+		CNotifierActivity* ptr = iMonitor[ii];
+		const TInt index = ptr->Find(aClientId);
+		if (index != KErrNotFound)
+			ptr->iClientArray.Delete(index);
+		if (ptr->iClientArray.Count()==0)
+			{
+			iMonitor.Delete(ii);
+			delete ptr;
+			}
+		else
+			++ii;
+		}
+	}
+TBool CActivityMonitor::IsNotifierActive(TUid aNotifierUid,TUid aChannel) const
+	{
+	const TInt index = Find(aNotifierUid,aChannel);
+	return (index != KErrNotFound);
+	}
+TBool CActivityMonitor::IsClientPresent(TUid aNotifierUid,TUid aChannel,TInt aClientId) const
+	{
+	TBool found = EFalse;
+	const TInt index = Find(aNotifierUid,aChannel);
+	if (index != KErrNotFound)
+		found = (iMonitor[index]->Find(aClientId) != KErrNotFound);
+	return found;
+	}
+TBool CActivityMonitor::IsChannelActive(TUid aChannel,TUid& aNotifier,MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority& aHighestPriority) const
+	{
+	TBool isChannelActive = EFalse;
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info=iMonitor[ii]->iInfo;
+		if (info.iChannel == aChannel)
+			{
+			if ((!isChannelActive) || (aHighestPriority < (MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority)info.iPriority))
+				{
+				isChannelActive = ETrue;
+				aNotifier = info.iUid;
+				aHighestPriority = (MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority)info.iPriority;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return isChannelActive;
+	}
+TBool CActivityMonitor::NotifierForClient(TUid& aNotifierUid, TInt aClientId) const
+	{
+	TBool isOnlyClient = EFalse;
+	aNotifierUid = KNullUid;
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		CNotifierActivity* ptr = iMonitor[ii];
+		if (ptr->Find(aClientId) != KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			aNotifierUid = ptr->iInfo.iUid;
+			isOnlyClient = ptr->iClientArray.Count()==1;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return isOnlyClient;
+	}
+	: iMonitor(1)
+	{}
+TInt CActivityMonitor::Find(TUid aNotifierUid) const
+	{
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		if (iMonitor[ii]->iInfo.iUid == aNotifierUid)
+			return ii;
+		}
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+TInt CActivityMonitor::Find(TUid aNotifierUid, TUid aChannel) const
+	{
+	const TInt count = iMonitor.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		const CNotifierActivity* ptr = iMonitor[ii];
+		if (ptr->iInfo.iUid == aNotifierUid && ptr->iInfo.iChannel == aChannel)
+			return ii;
+		}
+	return KErrNotFound;
+	}
+// class CQueueItem
+CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem::NewLC(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo, TInt aClientId, 
+																	const TDesC8& aBuffer, const RMessage2& aMessage,TInt aReplySlot)
+	{
+	CQueueItem* self=new(ELeave) CQueueItem(aInfo,aClientId,aMessage,aReplySlot);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aBuffer);
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	delete iBuffer;
+	}
+CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem::CQueueItem(const MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo& aInfo, TInt aClientId, 
+											const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aReplySlot)
+	:iInfo(aInfo),
+	 iClientId(aClientId),
+	 iMessage(aMessage),
+	 iReplySlot(aReplySlot),
+	 iBuffer(NULL)
+	{
+	}
+void CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
+	{
+	iBuffer=aBuffer.AllocL();
+	}
+// class CEikNotifierQueue
+CEikNotifierQueue* CEikNotifierQueue::NewL()
+	{
+	CEikNotifierQueue* self = new (ELeave) CEikNotifierQueue;
+	return self;
+	}
+Get the queue item from the notifier queue. CQueueItem ownership is transfered from
+the queue to the caller.
+CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* CEikNotifierQueue::FetchItem(TUid aChannel)
+	{
+	CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* result = NULL;
+	TInt priority = MEikSrvNotifierBase2::ENotifierPriorityLowest-1;
+	TInt index = KErrNotFound;
+	const TInt count = iQueue.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* item = iQueue[ii];
+		if (item->iInfo.iChannel == aChannel && item->iInfo.iPriority > priority)
+			{
+			index = ii;
+			priority = item->iInfo.iPriority;
+			result = item;
+			}
+		}
+	if (index != KErrNotFound)
+		iQueue.Delete(index);
+	return result;
+	}
+TBool CEikNotifierQueue::IsAlreadyQueued(TUid aNotifier,TUid aChannel) const
+	{
+	const TInt count = iQueue.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* item = iQueue[ii];
+		if (item->iInfo.iUid == aNotifier && item->iInfo.iChannel == aChannel)
+			return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+void CEikNotifierQueue::RemoveClient(TInt aClientId)
+	{
+	const TInt count = iQueue.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = count-1; ii >= 0; ii--)
+		{
+		CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* item = iQueue[ii];
+		TInt clientId = item->iClientId;
+		if (clientId == aClientId)
+			{
+			delete item;
+			iQueue.Delete(ii);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CEikNotifierQueue::GetHighestQueuePriority(TUid aChannel)
+	{
+	TInt priority = MEikSrvNotifierBase2::ENotifierPriorityLowest-1;
+	const TInt count = iQueue.Count();
+	for (TInt ii = 0; ii < count; ii++)
+		{
+		CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem* item=iQueue[ii];
+		if (item->iInfo.iChannel == aChannel && item->iInfo.iPriority>priority)
+			priority = item->iInfo.iPriority;
+		}
+	return priority;
+	}
+const CEikNotifierQueue::CQueueItem& CEikNotifierQueue::At(TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aIndex>=0) && (aIndex < iQueue.Count()),Panic(EEikServPanicQueueIndexOutOfRange));
+	return *(iQueue.At(aIndex));
+	}
+void CEikNotifierQueue::RemoveNotifier(TUid aNotifierUid)
+	{
+	const TInt count=iQueue.Count();
+	for(TInt ii = count -1; ii >= 0; --ii)
+		{
+		if(iQueue[ii]->iInfo.iUid==aNotifierUid)
+			{
+			if (!iQueue[ii]->iMessage.IsNull())
+    			{
+    			// The notifiers in the queue have never been started and so
+    			// they have no pointer to the RMessage2 (it is passed in as argument 
+    			// to the StartL function but it has never been called). The framework
+    			// has to complete the request.
+    			iQueue[ii]->iMessage.Complete(KErrCancel);
+    			}
+			iQueue.Delete(ii);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void ReleaseOnCleanup(TAny* aObject)
+// Used for cleanup of objects on stack if a function leaves.
+	{
+	REINTERPRET_CAST(RImplInfoPtrArray*,(aObject))->ResetAndDestroy();
+	REINTERPRET_CAST(RImplInfoPtrArray*,(aObject))->Close();
+	}
+TInt FindInOrderFunction(const CPluginTrack& aPluginTrack1,const CPluginTrack& aPluginTrack2)
+// This function is used to find a plugin with specific implementation uid in the list.
+// It is internally called by RPointerArray function FindInOrder.
+	{
+	return (aPluginTrack1.iPluginImplementationUid.iUid - aPluginTrack2.iPluginImplementationUid.iUid);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::RegisterL()
+// Register the plugins at bootup
+	{
+	//This is the list where we have the information of all the ECOM plugin i,e
+	// 1. The plugin implementatiuon UID
+	// 2. The Number of instances of recognizer in an single implementation
+	// 3. The Plugin Destructor Key
+	iPluginUidList.Reset();
+	// Array to return all implementations in an interface
+	RImplInfoPtrArray plugInArray;
+	// ListImplementationsL leaves if it cannot find anything so trap the error and ignore it.
+	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(KUidPluginInterfaceNotifiers, plugInArray);
+	// Push the plugin array on the stack
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleaseOnCleanup,&plugInArray));
+	// it the plugin count is zero dont load any thing
+	for(TInt i=plugInArray.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
+		{
+		TUid chosenUid = {0};
+		chosenUid = plugInArray[i]->ImplementationUid();
+		TRAPD(err, DoAddPlugInL(chosenUid));
+		if(err)
+			{
+			DEBUGPRINT3(_L("CEikSrvNotifierManager::RegisterL() DoAddPlugInL leaved with error:%d for plugin:0x%x"), err, chosenUid);
+			}
+		}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&plugInArray);
+	plugInArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	plugInArray.Close();
+	//Sort the Pluginlist array
+	TLinearOrder<CPluginTrack> linearOrder (&FindInOrderFunction);
+	iPluginUidList.Sort(linearOrder);
+	//Start the discovery of newly added plugins so that we can detect a runtime installation
+	iDiscoverNewImplementation->Start();
+	}
+CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* CEikSrvNotifierManager::LoadPlugInAndPopulateNotifierArrayL(TUid aUid)
+// Loads the notifier plugins depending on the chosen implementation uid.
+	{
+    DEBUGPRINT2(_L("CEikSrvNotifierManager:: LoadPlugInAndPopulateNotifierArrayL: Loading Plugin: Uid 0x%X"), aUid );
+	TUid destructorKey;
+	// Tells that its a dll	& simulating a Notifier for Type V2.
+	TUidType aUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid, KUidNotifierPlugInV2, aUid);
+	destructorKey.iUid = 0;
+	//Create implementation for the choosen UID. 
+	CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>* array = reinterpret_cast<CArrayPtr<MEikSrvNotifierBase2>*>(
+												REComSession::CreateImplementationL(aUid, destructorKey));
+	// passes ownership of 'array'. Array is internally destroyed.
+	CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* retArray = CreateNotifierArrayFromPlugInArrayL(array,aUidType);	
+	// Copys the destructor key to the destructorKey variable in CEikSrvNotifierWrapper class.
+	// Also construct the wrapper class which gets the notifier registration information in the member
+	// variables.
+	const TInt retArrayCount = retArray->Count();
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < retArrayCount; i++)
+		{
+		CEikSrvNotifierWrapper* const notifier = retArray->At(i);
+		notifier->RegisterNotifierL();
+		notifier->iDestructorKey = destructorKey;
+		}
+	return retArray;
+	}
+TBool CEikSrvNotifierManager::IsImplementationRemoved(TUid aImplementationUid, RImplInfoPtrArray& aPlugInArray)
+// Finds if a particular implementation is present in the ecom registry returned data
+	{
+	for (TInt i=aPlugInArray.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
+		{
+		if(aImplementationUid == aPlugInArray[i]->ImplementationUid())
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+// Finds if a particular implementation is newly added in the ecom registry returned data
+TBool CEikSrvNotifierManager::IsImplementationAdded(TUid aImplementationUid)
+	{
+	for (TInt i=iPluginUidList.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)
+		{
+		if(aImplementationUid==(iPluginUidList[i])->iPluginImplementationUid)
+			return EFalse;
+		}
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::CheckForEcomPluginInstallUninstall()
+// This function finds out the whether an ecom notifier has been installed or removed
+	{
+	// Array to return all implementations in an interface)
+	RImplInfoPtrArray plugInArray;
+	// ListImplementationsL leaves if it cannot find anything so trap the error and ignore it.
+	TRAP_IGNORE(REComSession::ListImplementationsL(KUidPluginInterfaceNotifiers, plugInArray));
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(ReleaseOnCleanup, &plugInArray));
+	TBool doUpdate = EFalse;
+	// If an implementation is not present in the iPluginUidList then its added. 
+	for(TInt i = plugInArray.Count()-1; i>=0; --i)	
+		{
+		TUid uid = plugInArray[i]->ImplementationUid();
+		if(IsImplementationAdded(uid))
+			{
+			// Add the implementation which is not present in the plugin array and also 
+			// update the plugintrack with new implementation and its dll uid.
+			TRAPD(err,DoAddPlugInL(uid));
+			if(err)
+				{
+				DEBUGPRINT3(_L("CEikSrvNotifierManager::CheckForEcomPluginInstallUninstall() DoAddPlugInL leaved with error:%d for plugin:0x%x"), err, uid);
+				}
+			doUpdate = ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	// If a implementation is not present in present in the plugInArray then its removed. 
+	for(TInt j = iPluginUidList.Count()-1; j >= 0; --j)
+		{
+		if(IsImplementationRemoved((iPluginUidList[j])->iPluginImplementationUid, plugInArray))
+			UnloadEComPlugInImplementation(j);	//Remove the implementation
+		}
+	if(doUpdate)
+		{//Sort the Pluginlist array
+		TLinearOrder<CPluginTrack> linearOrder(&FindInOrderFunction);
+		iPluginUidList.Sort(linearOrder);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&plugInArray);
+	plugInArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	plugInArray.Close();
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::UnloadEComPlugInImplementation(TInt aIndex)
+// Remove the Ecom notifier plugins from the particular implementation
+	{
+	//Remove the Ecom notifier plugins from the particular implementation
+	for (TInt i = (iPluginUidList[aIndex])->iNotifierInfo.Count()-1 ; i >=0 ; --i)
+		{
+		//find in the observed global list the notifier with same Notifier UID, channel UID & destruction key
+		for (TInt j = iObservedList->Count()-1; j >=0  ; --j)
+			{
+			CEikSrvNotifierWrapper* notifier = iObservedList->At(j);
+			MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo info = notifier->iInfo;
+			const CPluginTrack& pluginTrack = *iPluginUidList[aIndex];
+			const CPluginTrack::TNotifierInfo& info2 = pluginTrack.iNotifierInfo[i];
+			if ((info2.iNotifierPluginUid == info.iUid) &&
+				(info2.iNotifierPluginChannelUid == info.iChannel) &&
+				(pluginTrack.iDtr_key == notifier->iDestructorKey))
+				{
+				//Delete the notifier
+				iObservedList->Delete(j);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	//Remove the implementation
+	delete iPluginUidList[aIndex];
+	iPluginUidList.Remove(aIndex);
+	}
+void CEikSrvNotifierManager::DoAddPlugInL(TUid aUid)
+// Add plugins depending on the implementation UID
+	{
+	CArrayPtr<CEikSrvNotifierWrapper>* array = LoadPlugInAndPopulateNotifierArrayL(aUid);
+	User::LeaveIfNull(array);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(DeleteTempCArray,array));
+	TInt rollBackChannels = 0;	// required for removing any added channels should this function fail part way through
+	const TInt currentObsListIndx = iObservedList->Count();
+	TRAPD(error, TryAddNotifiersFromNotifierArrayL(array, rollBackChannels));
+	if(error)
+		{
+		TInt indexToDelete;
+		for(TInt jj = 0; jj < rollBackChannels; jj++)
+			{
+			indexToDelete = iChannelMonitor->NumberOfChannels() - 1; 
+			iChannelMonitor->DeleteChannel(indexToDelete);
+			}
+		User::Leave(error);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array);
+	//Add the new added plugin to the track list
+	CPluginTrack* pluginTrack = new(ELeave) CPluginTrack;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pluginTrack);
+	pluginTrack->iPluginImplementationUid = aUid;
+	//Add the notifier info to the track pluginlist after successful loading and roll back
+	const TInt obsListCount = iObservedList->Count();
+	for (TInt i = currentObsListIndx; i < obsListCount; i++)
+		{
+		CEikSrvNotifierWrapper* notifier = iObservedList->At(i);
+		pluginTrack->iDtr_key = notifier->iDestructorKey;
+		CPluginTrack::TNotifierInfo notifInfo(notifier->iInfo.iUid,notifier->iInfo.iChannel);
+		User::LeaveIfError(pluginTrack->iNotifierInfo.Append(notifInfo));
+		}
+	User::LeaveIfError(iPluginUidList.Append(pluginTrack));
+	CleanupStack::Pop(pluginTrack);
+	}
+// class CDiscoverNewImplementation
+CDiscoverNewImplementation::CDiscoverNewImplementation(CEikSrvNotifierManager& aManager): CActive(EActivePriorityDefault) , iManager(aManager)
+// Constructor.
+	{
+	// make and install the active scheduler
+	CActiveScheduler::Add(this); // install as active scheduler
+	}
+void CDiscoverNewImplementation::ConstructL()
+// 2 phase construction. opens a econ server session.
+	{
+	iEComSession = &REComSession::OpenL();
+	}
+// Destructor. Closes ecom file server session and cancels the active object itself.
+	{
+	Cancel();
+	iEComSession->Close();
+	}
+CDiscoverNewImplementation *CDiscoverNewImplementation::NewL(CEikSrvNotifierManager& aManager)
+// Static method to instantiate the class. Notifier manager class pointer is passed as a 
+//  argument.
+	{
+	CDiscoverNewImplementation* self = new (ELeave) CDiscoverNewImplementation(aManager);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+void CDiscoverNewImplementation::Start()
+// Places an outstanding request to active schedular for asynchronous event by ecom server.
+//  Mostly it will be an installation or unstallation of the ecom based sis files.
+	{
+	iEComSession->NotifyOnChange(iStatus);
+	SetActive();
+	}
+void CDiscoverNewImplementation::RunL()
+// Called when an asynchronous request from ecom server is invoked.
+	{
+	_LIT(KCDiscoverNewImplementationPanic,"CDiscoverNewImplementation Paniced");
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!IsActive(),User::Panic(KCDiscoverNewImplementationPanic,KErrCompletion));
+	//Check wether plugin was installed or removed
+	iManager.CheckForEcomPluginInstallUninstall();
+	//Restart the active Object
+	Start();
+	}
+void CDiscoverNewImplementation::DoCancel()
+// If user want to cancel the active object request. The ecom server outstanding request will
+// also get cancelled.
+	{
+	iEComSession->CancelNotifyOnChange(iStatus);
+	}
+// class CPluginTrack::TNotifierInfo
+CPluginTrack::TNotifierInfo::TNotifierInfo(TUid aNotifierPluginUid, TUid aNotifierPluginChannelUid)
+// Constructor.
+	{
+	iNotifierPluginUid = aNotifierPluginUid;
+	iNotifierPluginChannelUid = aNotifierPluginChannelUid;
+	}
+// class CPluginTrack
+// Constructor
+	{
+	iPluginImplementationUid.iUid = 0;
+	iDtr_key.iUid = 0;
+	}
+// Destructor.
+	{
+	iNotifierInfo.Reset();
+	iNotifierInfo.Close();
+	if(iDtr_key.iUid)
+		{
+		REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtr_key);
+		}
+	}
+// class TNotifierSecureInfo
+TNotifierSecureInfo::TNotifierSecureInfo(const TUid aNotifierUid, const TSecureId aSecureId)
+ : iNotifierUid(aNotifierUid), iSecureId(aSecureId)
+	{
+	}